Hypocrisy On Russia And Appeasement Of China – Welcome To Western Corporate Governance!

Hypocrisy On Russia And Appeasement Of China - Welcome To Western Corporate Governance!

Image: lucidpost

While the populations of laughingly named liberal democratic nations are being subjected to yet another campaign of fear-mongering, deception and manipulation; this time the dreaded terror is Russia, the people of Tibet are enduring their seventy second year under the brutal tyranny of Chinese occupation.

The decades of torture, executions, cultural genocide, forced-labor camps and coercive birth control atrocities has not though produced a unified determination to sanction the Chinese regime, no financial penalties, confiscation of assets or exclusion from credit transfers. Such is the hypocrisy and self-serving agenda of the USA, European Union and various allies. Pontificating and moralizing, while suffering an amnesia on their murderous destruction in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan. The countless killings inflicted in those lands are it appears of no hindrance in demonizing Russia for its military incursion across Ukraine.

Yet what of the misery, suffering, starvation, deaths inflicted upon Yemen? Any concerted action from Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Johnson et al? What response from those narcissist politicians to Saudi Arabia? Such double-standards are nauseating.

The corporate driven, global agenda of the World Economic Forum and its political stooges is a universe away from the commitments and aspirations of President Dwight D Eisenhower, who in a proclamation announced that:

“Whereas it is appropriate and proper to manifest to the peoples of the captive nations the support of the Government and the people of the United States of America for their just aspirations for freedom and national independence” – Jul17, 1959. Source: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/proclamation-3303-captive-nations-week

Hypocrisy On Russia And Appeasement Of China - Welcome To Western Corporate Governance!

Image: bwbx

These days the State Department is afraid to even mention ‘freedom’ for Tibet; instead it talks of ‘autonomy’ and cultural rights, too concerned at upsetting profitable relations with the Chinese regime! Yet that right of Tibetans to national independence remains just and legitimate and even more critical, as China continues with it’s campaigns to eradicate Tibetan national and cultural identity.

Which is why it remains of vital importance to remind, and inform political representatives about Tibetan independence and the common political aspiration of Tibet’s people for national freedom. March 1st we shall launch this years’ Lobby For Tibet’s Independence action. Stay tuned for news on this and how you can directly help and take part.

This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.