This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .
Human Rights Weekly News Round Up 31 August – 1 September 2020
News from BIHR
NEW BIHR Evidence to the JCHR Inquiry – Reports Published
Throughout July, we were busy gathering evidence through our Communities of Practice platform, surveys and our direct work across the UK. Our policy responses are directly informed by people’s real-life experiences of the issues, drawn from our work to support people to benefit from their human rights in their daily experiences.
To focus our work, we collected evidence from three groups we work with:
People accessing (or trying to access) health and care;
Staff working in health and care during Covid-19; and
Advocates and campaigners
We submitted our evidence to the Inquiry in July. We are now very excited to announce that we have published full reports of this evidence – one report for each group that we work with! We have also produced easy read versions of each of these reports.
You can find out more and read all the reports here.
NEW Our Respons…