Behind the News: Human Rights and Maternity Care

A leaked report on Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust has revealed a “toxic culture” in the maternity services of the Trust’s two hospitals the Royal Shrewsbury and the Princess Royal in Telford. According to the report clinical malpractice was allowed to continue unchecked for over 40 years, leading to avoidable deaths, serious injuries and then further trauma subsequently inflicted on grieving families. What does the Report Say? This leaked report is an interim update report, from an independent inquiry ordered by the Government in July 2017. The inquiry was launched following the efforts of two families whose children died shortly after birth in 2009 and 2016. The initial scope of the inquiry was to examine 23 cases but this has now grown to more than 270 covering the period 1979 to the present day. The cases include 22 stillbirths, three deaths during pregnancy, 17 deaths of babies after birth, three deaths of mothers, 47 cases of substandard care and 51 …

This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .