Putting human rights at the heart of mental health services

Later this month our Deputy Director, Sanchita Hosali, will be speaking at an event held by the Social Care Strategic Network on the theme of ‘Towards a human rights and empowerment based approach in mental health social care’. The Social Care Strategic Network for Mental Health promotes and preserves the unique contributions of social work and social care, whilst working with local colleagues to ensure that integration delivers maximum benefits for service users. The seminar is being held in partnership with the University of Bristol and Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, and will be reviewing the impact of the Care Act and other key social care and social work frameworks with a focus on human rights and empowerment. As mental health is a significant area of work for BIHR, we are looking forward to joining these discussions. Sanchita will be joined on the platform by Ruth Allen (incoming Chief Executive if the British Association of Social Workers), E…

This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .