This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .
PRESS RELEASE: BIHR to run new project supporting care workers to put human rights into practice
23 July 2014 The British Institute of Human Rights is to recieve up to £73,585 to develop new, innovative approaches to health and care, actively share excellent practice or improve integrated care and efficiency. Voluntary sector organisations submitted funding bids to the Department of Health setting out how they could help meet the Departments objectives of better health and well-being and better care for all and how their proposal has potential for national impact. Minister for Care and Support Norman Lamb said:
“These projects play a crucial role in supporting people, their families and carers. They are examples of just some of the excellent and innovative work going on throughout the country in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector – all of which help to create and support strong and resilient communities.”
BIHR’s new project Delivering Compassionate Care: Connecting Human Rights to the Front Line will work across the seven En…