This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .
New Mental Health Project
Connecting Human Rights to the Front Line
Connecting Human Rights to the Frontline is an exciting and innovative BIHR project funded by Department of Health, which will work in partnership with frontline mental health practitioners to place human rights at heart of services, empowering staff to fulfil the vital role they can play in respecting and protecting dignity and human rights.
This new project will partner with seven mental health services, one from each region in England. Each project partner will receive:
program of intensive training and capacity building for up to 10 ‘Human Rights Champions’ from your staff team who will lead the project
2 full days of mental health and human rights training for the wider staff team (up to 100 members of staff)
A co-produced mental health and human rights resource for practitioners, co-produced by BIHR and the project partner
Dissemination of project learning and resources at a regional and national level, demonstra…