Notes from Wartorn Ethiopia, Part III: Crimes of the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front

The discovery of mass graves and underground prisons in Ethiopia has exposed the crimes of the Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front or TPLF, the U.S. puppets who tyrannized Ethiopia for 27 years with divide-and-conquer ethnic politics from 1991 to 2018, when a popular uprising forced them from power. The TPLF then retreated to Tigray Region and, in November 2020, started the ongoing civil war by attacking the national army’s Northern Command. On April 7, I attended a press conference at Ethiopia’s University of Gondar, where researchers presented their findings about mass graves and underground prisons created to dominate and destroy Amhara people who had lived there prior to the TPLF occupation. After a year’s study, they estimated that as many as 59,000 Amhara people may have died at the hands of the TPLF. Ten days later I spoke to Ethiopian American multimedia journalist Sheba Tekeste, who joined photographer Jemal Countess to travel through some of the canyons and cliffs where the mass graves and prisons were uncovered.

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