‘You’ve Got To Shut It Down’: Lessons From Wisconsin’s 2011 Worker Uprising

The statewide protests against Act 10, known as the Wisconsin Uprising, comprised one of the largest sustained collective actions in the history of the United States. Anyone who was there in 2011 will attest to the collective spirit of resistance and solidarity that the uprising embodied, and the lasting impact it left on all who participated. But the protests were ultimately unsuccessful in beating back Act 10, and the short- and long-term effects of its passage have been devastating for working people and organized labor. How did this coordinated assault on labor come to pass in Wisconsin? How are people around the state today working to rebuild worker power out of the rubble left by Act 10? And what lessons can the rest of us around the country learn from the 50-year war on workers that has changed the state of Wisconsin for generations?

The post ‘You’ve Got To Shut It Down’: Lessons From Wisconsin’s 2011 Worker Uprising appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.

This post was originally published on PopularResistance.Org.