Join #teamGlasto4TIBET And Help Fly Tibet’s Flag At Glastonbury Festival

Join #teamGlasto4TIBET And Help Fly Tibet's Flag At Glastonbury Festival

Summer sunshine and blue skies are set to return, along with music festivals. None of course bigger than England’s Glastonbury, which attracts an amazing range of musicians and artists. For a few days the magical countryside surrounding that English town hosts a tented city for over a hundred thousand folks. It is the biggest celebration on the planet, until that is Tibet regains its independence!

As our subscribers and friends will know over the past few years we’ve been raising the issue of Tibet at the festival and are very happy to announce that; with the very awesome support of @Glasto4TIBET in the United Kingdom, we shall be partnering a Tibet action at #Glastonbury2022.

So, working with our Twitter colleagues @tibettruth we hope to repeat the success of previous years during which in a totally fun and positive way we ensured that Tibet, its flag and struggle was not forgotten.

Do you have a ticket for Glastonbury Festival, or know someone who has, and wish to raise Tibet’s flag at the festival then do tweet @Glasto4TIBET, drop a message on the Facebook Group #teamGlasto4TIBET or email

Keep it here good people 🙂

This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.