Address to the VII International Seminar for Peace and the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases

“:Fraternal greetings to all of our comrades and friends. Thanks to the ICAP and the World Peace  Council for organizing this important VII International Seminar for Peace and the Abolition of  Foreign Military Bases. I am deeply honored to be addressing this important and timely Seminar.

We are holding this important Seminar at the time when our world is going through fundamental  transformations and, as a result, is witnessing dangerous military confrontations, as marked by  the current crisis in Ukraine. This crisis, more than anything else, is a direct result of the U.S.  and European imperialisms’ effort to encircle Russia by the eastward expansion of NATO to the  Russian borders, turning Ukraine into another military base for NATO, and thus causing an  existential threat to the security of the Russian Federation.”

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