Author: assistante Afrique

  • News
    As the Central African Republic continues to grapple with a surge in violence that began last December, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the authorities to restore access to two news websites that they have been blocking since mid-February, a few weeks after President Faustin-Archange Touadéra’s disputed reelection.

    The Corbeau News and Le Tsunami were given no warning when the ministry of posts and telecommunications instructed Internet operators on 16 February to cut ac

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and 12 other human rights and civil society organisations have issued a joint call for the release of Raymond Malonga, an ailing journalist held arbitrarily for nearly three months in Brazzaville, the Republic of Congo’s capital. His detention is “illegal and inhuman,” their statement says.

    After winning last week’s presidential election with more than 88% of the votes, according to the 

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls for the immediate and unconditional release of a Guinean journalist who has been held for more than two weeks on a charge of insulting the president although Guinea has decriminalised press offences. The authorities must stop imprisoning journalists arbitrarily, RSF says.

    Amadou Diouldé Diallo, a sports reporter for state-owned radio and TV broadcaster RTG, has been held since 27 February, when he was arrested without any prior summons after participat

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

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    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns this week’s rulings by Togo’s supreme court upholding the Togolese media regulator’s decisions to suspend a newspaper for four months and to close another for good. These sanctions are unjustified and disproportionate and discredit Togo’s mechanisms for regulating the media, RSF said.

    Ferdinand Ayité’s efforts to demonstrate his good faith were not enough.

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the Togolese authorities to rescind the unjustified four-month suspension that the High Authority for Broadcasting and Communication (HAAC) has imposed on L’Alternative, an investigative biweekly, for allegedly defaming a government minister.

    The HAAC ordered the suspension following a hearing on 4 February, two days after the newspaper

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    As Senegal continues to be shaken by protests and clashes in response to the opposition leader’s arrest, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns a wave of press freedom violations unlike anything seen in recent years in this West African country.

    The tension of the past few weeks has not spared the media.

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    At a joint press conference today, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and a partner organization, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), condemned the decline in press freedom in Puntland, a semi-autonomous region in northeastern Somalia, and called for the release of a journalist imprisoned there.

    Freelance reporter Kilwe Adan Farah is still being held in the main

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls for the immediate release of a community radio journalist in Equateur province, in the northwest of Democratic Republic of Congo, who was arrested on 22 February for allegedly defaming a provincial parliamentary representative.

    Based in the town of Bikoro, where he works for the popular community radio station Radio Liberté Bikoro, Christophe Yoka Nkumu was transferred yesterday to a prison in th

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is outraged to learn that an Angolan radio reporter ended up in hospital after being badly bitten by a police dog while interviewing protesters in Ondjiva, the capital of the southern province of Cunene. The police officers responsible for unleashing the dog on him must receive an exemplary punishment, RSF said.

    Alfredo Kuito, a reporter for Catholic Church-run Rádio Ecclésia, Angola’s oldest privately-owned radio station, was covering a small civil society protest against the gov

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) joins Journalist in Danger (JED), its partner organization in Democratic Republic of Congo, in condemning the high-handed methods that the interim governor of the northwestern province of Mongala has been using to silence local media outlets.

    Radio Liberté Lisala director Erick Ngunde had just hosted a programme about political tension and conflicts in the province on 13 February when interim governor Clémentine Sole storm

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is shocked to learn that armed intruders physically attacked and threatened an Ethiopian freelance journalist in her Addis Ababa home with the clear aim intimidating her in connection with her reporting. The authorities must take this attack seriously and do everything possible to identify those responsible, RSF said.

    “Next time we’ll hit you harder,” Lucy Kassa was told by the three armed men in civilian clothes who

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    Everything indicates that the Nigerian authorities secretly ordered the country’s mobile Internet operators to block access to a popular and respected news website, Peoples Gazette. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns the deliberate violation of the freedom to inform and calls for an end to this censorship.

    This latest form of censorship has come to light as the Nigerian authorities are increasingly using the

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls for the immediate release of Raymond Malonga, a well-known Congolese cartoonist and satirical magazine publisher, who has been held in a completely illegal manner over an article ever since plainclothesmen snatched him from his bed in a Brazzaville hospital on 2 February.

    It is hard to see Malonga’s detention as anything other than a targeted reprisal.

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is shocked by Twitter’s arbitrary and baseless blocking of the accounts of a prestigious South African newsweekly and several journalists in connection with a story about Covid-19 vaccines. This disturbing violation of the freedom to inform highlights the dangers of failing to impose democratic obligations on all-powerful online platforms, RSF says.

    Twitter suspended The Continent newsweekly’s access to its account on 30 January for supposedly “spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to Covid-19

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.

  • News
    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) joins its local partner, Journalist in Danger (JED), in condemning a rebel militia’s threats, including deaths threats, against two radio journalists in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, and calls on the authorities to finally take decisive steps to improve the safety of Congolese media personnel.

    Nicolas Synthe Awacang’o, the editor in chief of Radio Canal Révélation, a popular radio station in Bunia, the capital of the eastern province of Ituri, and Freddy Upar, one of

    This post was originally published on RSF – RSS feed.