Category: alleges

  • U.S. Attorney-General Merrick Garland on Monday accused the Chinese government of an effort “to intimidate Americans” and silence dissidents abroad by using a massive state-run hacking program.

    The Chinese Embassy denied the claims as “groundless” and said they were part of an ongoing smear campaign by the United States.

    Garland’s comment came as the U.S. Justice Department unsealed charges against seven Chinese nationals it says are part of a hacking program run by China’s Ministry of State Security, or MSS, and has targeted the White House, Congress and critics of Beijing.

    “The Justice Department will not tolerate efforts by the Chinese government to intimidate Americans who serve the public, silence the dissidents who are protected by American laws, or steal from American businesses,” Garland said after the charges were announced.

    “This case serves as a reminder of the ends to which the Chinese government is willing to go to target and intimidate its critics,” he said.

    A Justice Department statement named the seven accused as Ni Gaobin, Weng Ming, Cheng Feng, Peng Yaowen, Sun Xiaohui, Xiong Wang and Zhao Guangzong. It said they were charged with conspiracy to commit computer intrusions and conspiracy to commit wire fraud.

    Their “vast illegal hacking operation” was aimed at both “economic espionage and foreign intelligence objectives” and targeted American private companies, journalists, elected officials, academics and Chinese dissidents living in the United States, it said.

    Matthew Olsen, assistant U.S. attorney general in charge of national security matters, said that the seven indictments helped to “shed further light” on the “Ministry of State Security’s aggressive cyber espionage and transnational repression activities worldwide.”

    Assistant Attorney General Justice Department’s National Security Division Matthew Olsen speaks at a news conference, March 4, 2024, in Boston. (Steven Senne/AP)

    The U.S. State Department said it was offering rewards for any information leading to the arrest of the seven accused hackers. The U.S. Treasury, meanwhile, issued a spate of related sanctions against hackers it said were also tied to the Ministry of State Security.

    Hacking program

    Known to cyber security experts as Advanced Persistent Threat 31, or APT31, the group was allegedly “part of a cyberespionage program run by the MSS’s Hubei State Security Department” in Wuhan.

    The alleged hackers stand accused of both “testing and exploiting” the malware used to target people in the United States and of “conducting surveillance and intrusions” against specific people and companies.

    Targeted American officials “included individuals working in the White House, at the Departments of Justice, Commerce, Treasury and State, and U.S. Senators and Representatives of both political parties.” Other prominent targets included Hong Kong pro-democracy activists, a defense contractor and an American opinion polling company.

    The hackers sent out more than 10,000 emails since 2010, the Justice Department said, which had at times “resulted in successful compromises of the targets’ networks, email accounts, cloud storage accounts, and telephone call records” that lasted for years.

    The emails “often appeared to be from prominent news outlets or journalists and appeared to contain legitimate news articles,” it said. 

    However, they in fact “contained hidden tracking links, such that if the recipient simply opened the email, information about the recipient” was sent back to servers in China, including about their other devices.

    They then “used this information to enable more direct and sophisticated targeted hacking” of their targets, including taking control of their home internet routers and devices, it said, enabling them often unfettered access to the professional and personal information.

    The hackers typically used “zero-day” exploits, which refers to how long security vulnerabilities have been known to the wider community – meaning, essentially, that the holes had yet to be discovered.

    Chinese denial

    The charges follow FBI Director Christopher Wray’s recent warning that Chinese state-backed hackers were waiting to “wreak havoc” on critical infrastructure in the United States if ordered to do so by Beijing.

    Chinese officials have denied those claims. On Monday, they continued to paint the accusations as being part of a smear campaign.

    Liu Pengyu, the spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, told Radio Free Asia that China is in fact “a major victim” of cyberattacks and accused the United States of being “the origin and the biggest perpetrator of cyberattacks” worldwide.

    He in turn accused American state-backed hackers of targeting Chinese critical infrastructure, a claim U.S. officials have denied.

    “China firmly opposes and cracks down on all forms of cyberattacks in accordance with law,” Liu said, calling on U.S. officials to “stop smearing other countries under the excuse of cyber security.”

    “Without valid evidence, the U.S. jumped to an unwarranted conclusion and made groundless accusations against China,” he added. “It is extremely irresponsible and is a complete distortion of facts.”

    But the denials are unlikely to sway officials in Washington.

    The U.S. Treasury Department on Monday said it had also issued sanctions against the Wuhan Xiaoruizhi Science and Technology Company, which it called “a front company” of the Ministry of State Security responsible for “multiple malicious cyber operations.”

    A statement from the Treasury Department said that more Chinese nationals – Zhao Guangzong and Ni Gaobin – were sanctioned for their role in the “front company,” which it said specifically targeted critical infrastructure companies and was linked to APT31.

    The provincial offices of the Ministry of State Security and Ministry of Public Security located in Hubei Province. (Vmenkov via Wikimedia)

    Zhao and Ni are specifically accused of targeting the U.S. Naval Academy and the U.S. Naval War College’s China Maritime Studies Institute in a “spear-phishing” attack that took place in 2010. 

    The sanctions ban American citizens and companies from doing business with those targeted, including providing any banking and financial services, and bans those targeted from U.S. soil.

    Similar sanctions were also issued by the United Kingdom, with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron calling the alleged hacking program “completely unacceptable” and a threat to freedoms worldwide.

    “One of the reasons that it is important to make this statement is that other countries should see the detail of threats that our systems and democracies face,” Cameron said, adding that he had already raised his concerns directly with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

    Edited by Malcolm Foster

    This content originally appeared on Radio Free Asia and was authored by By Alex Willemyns for RFA.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday announced the arrests of a suspected Japanese organized crime leader and three Thais who allegedly tried to sell large amounts of heroin and methamphetamine internationally to arm rebel groups in Myanmar and Sri Lanka with surface-to-air missiles and other weapons.

    Takeshi Ebisawa, who is a Japanese citizen, Thai nationals Somphop Singhasiri and Sompak Rukrasaranee, and American-Thai dual national Suksan Jullanan (alias Bobby) were arrested in Manhattan earlier this week following a probe that began as early as June 2019, according to a document filed in the U.S. Court for the Southern District of New York.

    The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency began investigating Ebisawa in 2019 and identified him as a Yakuza organized crime leader.

    “We allege Mr. Ebisawa and his co-conspirators brokered deals with an undercover DEA agent to buy heavy-duty weaponry and sell large quantities of illegal drugs,” U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said in a news release announcing the arrests.

    “The drugs were destined for New York streets and the weapons shipments were meant for factions in unstable nations.”

    “The Yakuza is a network of highly organized, transnational crime families with affiliates in Asia, Europe, and the Americas, and is involved in various criminal activities, including weapons trafficking, drug trafficking, human trafficking, fraud and money laundering,” U.S. justice officials said.

    Investigators allege that Ebisawa introduced an undercover agent posing as a narcotics and weapons trafficker to associates in Japan, Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and the United States to set up drug and weapons transactions – noting that the four suspects “negotiated multiple narcotics and weapons transactions” with the undercover agent.

    Ebisawa, Jullanan and Rukrasaranee conspired to broker the purchase of U.S.-made surface-to-air missiles and other weapons “for multiple ethnic armed groups in Burma, and to accept large quantities of heroin and methamphetamine for distribution as partial payment for the weapons,” the charges allege.

    Joined by Singhasiri, Ebisawa sought to sell 500 kg (1,100 pounds) of methamphetamine and 500 kg of heroin to an undercover agent, justice officials said, adding that the drugs were to be distributed in New York. Singhasiri allegedly conspired to possess machine guns and other firearms to protect narcotics shipments and Ebisawa allegedly worked to launder U.S. $100,000 in “purported narcotics proceeds from the United States to Japan.”

    Ebisawa faces charges of conspiracy to import narcotics; conspiracy to acquire, transfer and possess surface-to-air missiles; conspiracy to possess firearms including machine guns and destructive devices; and money laundering.

    Charging documents allege that Ebisawa sought to buy the surface-to-air missiles, rockets, machine guns and automatic weapons for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, a Sri Lankan rebel group also known as the Tamil Tigers.

    “Though defeated militarily in 2009, the LTTE continues to attract international financial support,” the justice department said in the charging document, adding that the LTTE is designated by the United States as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

    Singhasiri faces charges of conspiracy to import narcotics and conspiracy to possess firearms including machine guns and destructive devices.

    Jullanan and Rukrasaranee face charges of conspiracy to import narcotics; conspiracy to acquire, transfer and possess surface-to-air missiles; and conspiracy to possess firearms including machine guns and destructive devices. Justice officials allege the two and Ebisawa discussed potential deals to supply missiles and other weapons to the Myanmar groups including the Shan State Army and United Wa State Army.

    The weapons and drug charges carry penalties of up to life in prison if convicted.

    “The expansive reach of transnational criminal networks, like the Yakuza, presents a serious threat to the safety and health of all communities. Ebisawa and his associates intended to distribute hundreds of kilograms of methamphetamine and heroin to the United States, using deadly weapons to enable their criminal activities, at a time when nearly 300 Americans lose their lives to drug overdose every day,” DEA Administrator Anne Milgram said in a prepared statement.

    “These arrests represent the unwavering determination of the DEA, together with our U.S. and international partners, to target and bring to justice violent criminals who lead transnational drug trafficking organizations that continue to flood our country with dangerous drugs.”

    BenarNews is an RFA-affiliated news outlet.

    This content originally appeared on Radio Free Asia and was authored by By BenarNews.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.