Category: Amiri Baraka

  • In Ming Smith’s photo of Amina and Amiri Baraka, we can see the interdependence of Black art and political struggle.

    This post was originally published on Dissent MagazineDissent Magazine.

  • Should African Liberation Day be a day of celebration or mourning? Since the first African Liberation Day celebrations were held in Washington, Toronto, and Washington, DC., May 27, 1972, most of the African continent broke from colonial rule and became politically independent. But the enemies of African people launched a counter revolutionary war against self-determination immediately after independence. African sovereignty came under attack from a vindictive neocolonialism that would later be intensified by neoliberalism. This neocolonialism would not be successful, however, if not also for the actions of a veritable minstrel show of Black compradors, sell-outs, spooks, reformists, reactionaries, puppets, poodles, and misleaders – on the continent and throughout the African diaspora.

    The post African Liberation Day: Imamu Amiri Baraka, 1972 appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.

    This post was originally published on PopularResistance.Org.