Category: anti-Semitism

  • A revelation — in order to liberate Palestinians from a century of oppression and prevent their genocide, Jews must liberate themselves from centuries of conditioning that trained them to pose as perpetual victims while victimizing others. This is happening and too slowly; progressive Jews are wrestling with reacting to Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people without crippling the Jewish community. Almost entirely anti-Zionist in the 19th century, Zionist advances have enticed the Jewish community to split between Zionists and anti-Zionists. The former have gained control of a community that never had a higher hierarchy. Jew is preceded by an adjective ─ Zionist or non-Zionist. Those with the former adjective have witnessed pockets of hatred against their deliberate deceptions and corrosive actions. Concurrent with Jewish genocide of the Palestinians, hatred of Jews has swelled universally, appearing in Africa and Asia, where relatively few Jewish communities now exist.

    The Jews during Zionism’s formation did not believe in or trust Zionism.
    Reform Judaism’s Declaration of Principles: 1885 Pittsburgh Conference stated,

    We consider ourselves no longer a nation, but a religious community, and therefore expect neither a return to Palestine, nor a sacrificial worship under the sons of Aaron, nor the restoration of any of the laws concerning the Jewish state.

    Between 1881 and 1914, 2.5 million Jews migrated from Russia ─ 1.7 million to America, 500,000 to Western Europe, almost 300,000 to other nations, and only 30,000 – 50,000 to Palestine. Of the latter, 15,000 returned to Russia. Jews rejected Zionism from its outset.

    Despite rejection, Zionist supporters managed to skew Western governments’ policies to favor their mission. A worldwide propaganda machine obscures Identification of Israel as a criminal state that willfully murders Palestinians, steals their lands, has ethnically cleansed them, buried their villages under rubble, and destroyed their history and heritage. Quick to use the expression ‘Holocaust denial” on anyone who questions aspects of the Holocaust, the Zionists impressed upon the Jews the use of “denial” for anything that smacks of Jewish malfeasance, and includes the greatest malfeasance, the act of genocide. Charges of malfeasance by Jews are converted into anti-Semitism, truth becomes denied, anger of Jews against a manufactured hostile world is internalized, and bitterness against hostile Jews is intensified. The Zionists have used debts as collateral, turning valid charges against them into sympathy for their cause.

    Start with the beginning of Zionism.
    Although antipathy toward Jews and Judaism remained strong in Christian Europe, physical attacks on western European Jews, after a brief episode of the 1819-1826 Hep-Hep riots in Germany, were relatively few.

    Often mentioned is the Dreyfus case, where a Jewish military officer in the 1896 French army was twice sentenced and later pardoned for giving military secrets to the Germans. Highlighted as an example of anti-Semitism in a French military, “rife with anti-Semitism,” and psychologically extended to the French populace, the Dreyfus case circulated for a century in American media, whose audience had no relation to the French incident (why?), giving the Dreyfus case a life of its own, and making it seem that there was not one Dreyfus but thousands. The Zionists needed a Dreyfus to substantiate their mission for all time, refusing to recognize that the Dreyfus case contradicted the Zionist mission; being an isolated case, it proved Jews could integrate into European institutions and receive equal justice.

    Was the French military rife with anti-Semitism? According to Piers Paul, The Dreyfus Affair. p. 83, “The French army of the period was relatively open to entry and advancement by talent, with an estimated 300 Jewish officers, of whom ten were generals.” Only five African-American officers in the much larger US army in WWII. Why not emphasize the opposite of what the Zionists proffered; French Jews received equal and eventual justice. After the French Revolution, physical attacks on Jews rarely occurred in France.

    Imperial Russia was another European community that the Zionists accused of serious anti-Semitism, exaggerating the damage done to Jewish communities in a multi-ethnic nation ravaged with ethnic disturbances. They used a special term, “pogroms,” to characterize attacks on Jews. Note that prejudice to other ethnicities does not qualify for a special term, such as “anti-Semitism,” nor does violence against any of them.

    A lack of communications in Russia during the 19th century, a tendency to create sensational news, and a willingness to accept rumors make it difficult to ascertain the extent of attacks on Russia’s Jewish community. The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, a reference work on the history and culture of Eastern Europe Jewry, prepared by the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and published by Yale University Press in 2008, is a more objective and authoritative source. Excerpts from their work can be found here.

    Anti-Jewish violence in the Russian Empire before 1881 was a rare event, confined largely to the rapidly expanding Black Sea entrepot of Odessa. In Odessa, Greeks and Jews, two rival ethnic and economic communities, lived side by side. The first Odessa pogrom, in 1821, was linked to the outbreak of the Greek War for Independence, during which the Jews were accused of sympathizing with the Ottoman authorities. Although the pogrom of 1871 was occasioned in part by a rumor that Jews had vandalized the Greek community’s church, many non-Greeks participated, as they had done during earlier disorders in 1859.

    After Alexander II became Tsar in 1855, he lessened anti-Jewish edicts, rescinded forced conscription, allowed Jews to attend universities, and permitted Jewish emigration from the Pale. His assassination in 1881 prompted Tsar Alexander III to reverse his father’s actions. Because some Jews were involved in Russia’s revolutionary party, Narodnaya Volya (“People’s Will”), which organized the assassination, the assassination acted as a catalyst for a wave of attacks on Jews during 1881-83.

    Typically, the pogroms of this period originated in large cities, and then spread to surrounding villages, traveling along means of communication such as rivers and railroads. Violence was largely directed against the property of Jews rather than their persons. In the course of more than 250 individual events, millions of rubles worth of Jewish property was destroyed. The total number of fatalities is disputed but may have been as few as 50, half of them pogromshchiki who were killed when troops opened fire on rioting mobs.

    Note that this was one large “pogrom,” which emanated from one incident that touched the Russian nerve, was directed mainly against Jewish property, did not have government support, and faded out. “Michael Aronson has sought to refute the long-standing belief that the regime of Alexander III actively conspired to lead the Russian masses into savage riots against the Jews. In Aronson’s view the pogroms were spontaneous, by which he means not that they happened without cause, but that they happened largely without prior planning or organization.”

    Missing from references to the attacks on the Jewish population is that the Tsars inherited Jewish and other populations after the 1791-1795 partitions of Poland and sought means to integrate the new ethnicities into a Russian way of life. Nevertheless, in Tsarist Russia, the principal population to which Zionism should have had appeal, there is no evidence that a massive number of Jews accepted Zionism.

    Unwaveringly secularist in its beliefs, the Russian Bund discarded the idea of a Holy Land and a sacred tongue. Its language was Yiddish, spoken by millions of Jews throughout the Pale. This was also the source of the organization’s four principles: socialism, secularism, Yiddish, and doyikayt or localness. The latter concept was encapsulated in the Bund slogan: “There, where we live, that is our country.” The Bund disapproved greatly of Zionism and considered the idea of emigrating to Palestine to be political escapism.

    Imperial Russia contained several minorities that economically contested and attacked one another. Economic rivalry was the leading cause of attacks on Jews. From Middleman Minorities and Ethnic Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms in the Russian Empire, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 87, Issue 1, January 2020.

    Using detailed panel data from the Pale of Settlement area between 1800 and 1927, we document that anti-Jewish pogroms—mob violence against the Jewish minority—broke out when economic shocks coincided with political turmoil. When this happened, pogroms primarily occurred in places where Jews dominated middleman occupations, i.e., moneylending and grain trading. This evidence is inconsistent with the scapegoating hypothesis, according to which Jews were blamed for all misfortunes of the majority. Instead, the evidence is consistent with the politico-economic mechanism, in which Jewish middlemen served as providers of insurance against economic shocks to peasants and urban grain buyers in a relationship based on repeated interactions.

    Violation of any human life can not be underestimated or ignored; Jews suffered in the 19th century Russian Empire, and so did almost everyone else, including native Russians. Placed in context — location, time, comparison of the fate and life of Jews to other minorities, and internal and external factors that favored the Jews — the reasons for Zionists to behave as the rescuer of their co-religionists is dubious.

    For others, also not of the Russian Orthodox faith, persecution was magnitudes worse. From Balfour Project:

    The Moscow Patriarchate presided over the state religion and other believers were generally disadvantaged, often persecuted, or sometimes driven from Russian lands. The non-Orthodox were despised as unbelievers and thousands of Catholics were deported to Siberia in the mid-19th century. At the same time, around half a million Muslims were driven from the Caucasus to the Ottoman Empire, Iran or further afield. At the south-eastern border of the Pale of Settlement began the lands of the Circassians, a mostly Muslim group who had lived since the 14th century along the northern Black Sea coast from Sochi and eastwards into the Caucasus mountains. A long war of attrition ended in the genocide of 1865. According to official Russian statistics, the population was reduced by 97 per cent. At least 200,000, and possibly several hundred thousand people died through ethnic cleansing, hunger, epidemics and bitterly cold weather.

    Compared to other ethnicities ─ Native American, slaved Africans, Chinese, Irish, and Catholic in the U.S., and Chinese, Indian, and African during the age of Imperialism, the persecution and distress of European Jews was insignificant. Yet, the Zionists made it appear that Jews were the most suffering people in the world and the world believed it.

    Despite the overwhelming verbal and physical rejection of Zionism by worldwide Jewry, a small group of conspirators managed to convince the British government to issue the 1917 Balfour Declaration, which is not an official or legal instrument. It is not even a Declaration. It is a letter from Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild, which has a phrase, “declaration of sympathy,” from which it was given the more lofty description of declaration. Who are these two guys?

    Arthur James Balfour, known as Lord Balfour, served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1902 to 1905 and as foreign secretary from 1916 to 1919,

    Lionel Walter Rothschild was a British zoologist from the wealthy Rothschild banking family, who served as a Conservative member of Parliament from 1899 to 1910. He was sympathetic to the Zionist cause and had an eminent position in the Anglo-Jewish community.

    The letter:

    Why was the letter issued, what did it exactly mean, and why did it have impact? Acceptable answers have not been supplied. One clue is from Minutes of British War Cabinet Meetings

    Meeting No. 245, Minute No. 18, 4 October 1917: 4 October 1917: “… [Balfour] stated that the German Government were making great efforts to capture the sympathy of the Zionist Movement.”

    Meeting No. 261, Minute No. 12, 31 October 1917
    With reference to War Cabinet 245, Minute 18, the War Cabinet had before them a note by the Secretary, and also a memorandum by Lord Curzon on the subject of the Zionist movement. The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs stated that he gathered that everyone was now agreed that, from a purely diplomatic and political point of view, it was desirable that some declaration favourable to the aspirations of the Jewish nationalists should now be made.

    World leaders failed to recognize the ominous outcomes of their San Remo Peace Conference and the newly formed League of Nations, which created a new international order that sliced the Middle East for the major European powers. Both approved establishment of a Jewish presence in the British Mandate in accord with the Balfour Letter. Despite these achievements, progress for obtaining a central headquarters for Zionism went slowly until US immigration laws and persecution of German Jews renewed Zionist life.

    The year 1924 was fortuitous for the Zionists. The US Immigration Act closed the doors to mass Jewish immigration from East European nations and the Act steered Jews to migrate to Palestine. By 1931, Palestine housed 175,000 Jews. The economic depression slowed the migration. The rise of Nazi Germany reinvigorated it.

    After the Nazis began their rule, they slowly froze Jewish assets. Although not proven, a principal reason for Germany slowly freezing Jewish assets and engaging in its own boycott of Jewish enterprises was the boycott of German goods, which was organized by Jewish groups in the United States as a response to the confined and sporadic violence and harassment by Nazi Party members against Jews in early 1933. Zionists saw the frozen assets as a means to bring Jews to the British Mandate.

    By the Ha’avara Transfer Agreement with Nazi Germany, the Zionists used German Jewish assets, including bank deposits to purchase German products that were exported to the Jewish-owned Ha’avara Company in Tel-Aviv. A portion of the money from the sales of the goods went to the emigrants, who could leave Germany and regain assets after arrival in Palestine and in an amount corresponding to their deposits in German banks. The Zionists enabled the Nazi regime to circumvent the international boycott campaign that its policies had provoked. The Zionist movement, which had become the only authorized Jewish organization in Nazi Germany, was able to transfer about 53,000 Jews to Palestine. Again, the Zionists turned catastrophe to the Jews into an opportunity for themselves.

    Zionist luck, if that is the proper word for gaining from calamities to others, continued. Revelations of the Holocaust and the plight of Jewish refugees after World War II gained worldwide sympathy for the Zionist cause. About 136,000 displaced Jews came to Palestine, mostly out of desperation and without intention to remain. The Cold War provided the most decisive benefit for Zionism ─ Soviet Union support for an Israeli state drove the United States to compete for Zionist attention. Votes from both nations, bribes, and arm twisting provided a narrow victory for United Nations Declaration 181 and the Zionists established their state.

    Because neither state had official names at that time, designations as Arab and Jewish states were used to map out contours of land where the major portions of the ethnicities would live. President Truman recognized the Jewish state, which became Israel just before he approved recognition. The U.S. president failed to observe that, although the state was bi-national, a small Zionist group took control of all apparatus of the new state and did that without consulting Palestinian leadership.

    The UN did not create two states; it divided one Palestinian state into two states ─ a Palestinian state composed of almost 100 percent Palestinians, and another mostly Palestinian state composed of about 70 percent who were native to the area (400,000 Palestinians), a small contingent of foreign Jews that had come as Zionists to live permanently in Palestine (200,000), and another larger contingent of foreign Jews (300,000) that arrived for expediency and not with original intentions of remaining in the British Mandate.  The Mandate was only a way station for Jews caught in the tragedies during the 1930s and World War II. If neither cataclysm occurred, would these Jews have gone to the Mandate? Without them, how many Jews would have been there in 1947?

    David Ben-Gurion and a small clique of opportunists took advantage of an ill-advised UN, an ill-led and ill- equipped Palestinian community, and a confused world to declare their state, and, with seasoned militia forces — Haganah, Irgun, Lehi, and Palmach — cleansed the area of Palestinians and established Israel.

    The Zionists turned lying, cheating, and deceiving into an accepted ethnic cleansing. During the next years, they continued the lies, cheats, and deceptions to steal more land and oppress Palestinians. Taking advantage of the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas, the Zionist Jews have embarked on a genocide of the Palestinian people, masking it as a defense of their land against a force that has no offensive power to conquer anything.

    The Zionists made the struggle (which they engineered) a zero-sum game of “us” or “them.” The “us” is those who steal the land and the patrimony and the lives of “them.” They forced the Jews into a choice, reasoning that the powers in control will favor “us.” This poses a difficulty for Jews who will not support genocide and, therefore, cannot support “us,” and fear that for the Palestinians to survive the Jews in Israel will not survive. A different look — if the Jews liberate themselves from the conditioned grip that Zionism has on them and differentiate between a liberated Jew and a Zionist Jew, the liberated Jews will lose their paranoid fear and the Zionist Jews will lose their power, which is based upon creating paranoia and fear in fellow Jews.

    Unfortunately, the liberation of the Jews is not foreseen and the decimation of innocents will occur — a replay of the story of Purim, “when having obtained royal permission to strike their enemies, including women and children, the Jews kill over seventy-five thousand people! Esther then further seeks permission for another day of massacre.”

    Unleashed from subjugation and drowned with power, they seek another day of massacre. Is Joshua, who slew the inhabitants of Jericho, eradicated the Canaanites, and is a hero in Jewish mythology, a clue to the mentality of leaders of the Jewish people? Do the horrors visited upon the Gazans, purposeful and wanton killings and massacres beyond credulity, carry Joshua to modern times and tell a cautious story of the Zionist Jews?

    The post The Liberation of the Jews first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • Was there any need for this?  Australia’s Albanese government, harried by the conservative opposition for going soft on pro-Palestinian protests and the war in Gaza while allegedly wobbling on supporting Israel, has decided to bring a touch of bureaucracy to the show.  Australia now has its first antisemitism envoy, a title that sits in that odd constellation of deceptive names that can be misread for darkly comic effect.  We see them often: the professor of homelessness who might be confused for encouraging it, or a researcher in genocide studies who might be misunderstood for being a practitioner.

    When a government is in trouble, new committees are born, officials appointed, and fresh positions created.  An essential lesson in governing is to give the impression of governing, however badly, or ineffectually, it might prove to be.  Best to also badge the effort with some lexical trendiness, ever important for the shortsighted and easily distracted.

    On this occasion, “social cohesion” is the ephemeral term that saddles the enterprise.  In the words of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, “There is no place for violence, hatred or discrimination of any kind in Australia.”  As part of the government’s efforts “to promote social cohesion, we have appointed Jillian Segal AO as Special Envoy to combat Antisemitism.”

    In a press release, the PM turns social worker and community healer – all in the name of social cohesion, a vapid term which, read a different way, can be construed as not rocking the boat, or upsetting any applecarts.  Call it tolerable muzzling, or permissible dissent.  “Australians are deeply concerned about this conflict, and many are hurting.  In times like this, Australians must come together, not be torn apart.” Having “built our nation’s social cohesion together over generations [Australians] must work together to uphold, defend and preserve it.”

    Albanese explains that the appointment of a special office with a singular purpose is nonetheless intended to reflect a universal aspiration.  “Every Australian, no matter their race or religion, should be able to feel safe and at home in any community, without prejudice or discrimination.”  A noble sentiment.  Then, the throwaway line, the gentle flick: “We have advocated for a two-state solution on the world stage, at the United Nations.”

    Duly stated, Albanese goes on to speak of the specialised role of Segal, who “will listen and engage with Jewish Australians, the wider Australian community, religious discrimination experts and all levels of government on the most effective way to combat Antisemitism.”  She will keep company with “other Special Envoys to combat Antisemitism” in attending the World Jewish Congress to be held in Argentina next week.

    The new appointee conveyed the gravity of her appointment.  “Antisemitism is an age-old hatred,” Segal explained.  “It has the capacity to lie dormant through good times and then in times of crisis like pandemic, which we’ve experienced, economic downturn, war, it awakens, it triggers the very worst instincts in an individual to fear, to blame others for life’s misfortunes and to hate.”  Listening to such comments conveys a hermetic impression, one which resists explication on cause and effect.  They serve to cauterise the grotesquery of war and obscure the fury it engenders in those who respond.

    In what is becoming a force of habit, Albanese’s announcement had the scouring effect on the very cohesion he was praising.  While also announcing that a Special Envoy for Islamophobia was in the works, with details to “be announced shortly”, the impression was unmistakable:  the concerns and fears of one group had been chronologically privileged and elevated in the pantheon of policy.

    The response from the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) expressed that very sentiment.  The move of appointing “a taxpayer-funded special envoy on antisemitism” was “particularly concerning as it singles out antisemitism for special government investment and attention, while failing to address the increasingly frequent and severe forms of racism experienced by Palestinians, Muslims, First Nations people and other marginalised communities.”

    APAN President Nasser Mashni expanded on the theme: “This seems to be yet another example of the Australian Government pandering to pro-Israel groups, and pitting parts of the Jewish community against the Palestinian Muslim communities – and against each other – rather than working to realise equal right and justice for all.”  Not too socially cohesive, then.

    The organisation also worried that the creation of a dedicated office to combat one form of religious and ethnic prejudice was at odds with current work to combat “existing systemic approaches to anti-racism” being undertaken by the Australian Human Rights Commission’s recently appointed Race Discrimination Commissioner.

    To show that such concerns were not confined to non-Jewish voices, Sarah Schwartz of the Jewish Council of Australia’s executive office saw the appointment as needlessly provocative.  “We are concerned that an anti-Semitism envoy in Australia … will increase racism and division by pitting Jewish communities against Palestinian, Muslim and other racialised communities.”

    While Segal’s appointment has already disturbed the policy waters, the looming question is what tangible effect it will have.  Having now named an official for the specific task of combating a phenomenon time immemorial, the assumption is that it can be drawn out and struck down in isolation.

    This raises a host of concerns.  At what point, for instance, does criticism of Israel’s particularly brutal Gaza campaign veer into the fetid swamps of antisemitic indulgence?  Will pro-Palestinian protestors, activists and advocates have reason to fear even greater scrutiny, in public fora or the universities?  The latter question has already interested the opposition for some months, hungry for the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry into claims of antisemitism on Australian university campuses.

    In this case, the government may well have inflated a specific problem by creating an office to combat it.  Well-wishers will say that this is necessary to combat a monstrous blight that, if not addressed, infects the polity.  But those left out in the naming game of social cohesion are already gnashing their teeth and demanding their own representatives.

    The post Trendy Appointments: Australia’s Special Antisemitism Envoy first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • Part 1 of a two-parter: Israelis Live Wasted and Desperate Lives and Should Leave

    The fuss that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken manufactured over their Israel inspired ceasefire plan is pathetic. Claiming Hamas is “proposing changes that are not workable.” without specifying the proposed changes (are there changes?), is not informing anybody. Apparently, Blinken’s subservient role in this sleight of hand act is to make believe a truce is pursued, and then charge Hamas with deception for not agreeing with an impossible plan. His tone and posturing indicate more performance than honest diplomacy.

    Israel, and not Hamas, controls the hostilities, and, for that reason, no plan will work. Israel will continue encroaching on the Palestinians, which will eventually provoke Hamas to respond. Biden’s plan is a trap, placing Hamas in a “no win” situation. The US president should propose a cease to all aggression against the Palestinians and oppression of the Palestinians. Without a complete halt to both, no truce is guaranteed.

    With no truce plan operable, the future for the Palestinians is not hopeful. All proposals for self-governing ─ two states ─  or mutual governing — one-state, Federated states, bi-national state — are not acceptable to the single-minded, racist, supremacist, and apartheid Zionist regime. To prevent the genocide, one measure can be effective — Israeli Jews vote with their feet and leave Israel for other nations in much greater numbers than the Palestinians increase their tally in the stolen lands. With a great number of Jews gone, the Zionist government will have difficulties to govern for the benefit of Jews alone and have problems maintaining the territories for Jews alone. Hallelujah!

    When Zionism reared its ugly head, Jews were no longer seeking liberation, they were enjoying liberation, finding acceptance and expression throughout Western Europe. Although not completely integrated in the societies where they lived and still facing some headwinds, almost all Jews rejected Zionism. After World War II, Jews became completely integrated in Western nations that gave them the highest standard of living, an advanced education, security, equal opportunity, and prominence in all activities. After meeting Godot and finding Nirvana, most Jews have become Zionists, either willing to leave the nations that gave them succulence or swear allegiance to a Zionist country. Is that sensible?


    There is only one reason for Jews to ally themselves with a militarist, nationalist, xenophobic, racist, and apartheid nation ─ conditioning. The principle elements of the conditioning, repeatedly drilled into every Jewish person, are that Jews are a nation, they have a shared ancient history that claims biblical lands, they are subjected to harassment by an anti-Semitic world, and they are only safe in their own nation. All of this is hysterical and none of this is historical

    Getting Israelis to move away from a land they believe God gave them seems absurd. No, absurd is that anyone lives in the God forsaken land.  I have only been to Israel on three occasions, once staying for three weeks in Jerusalem. Although observations are personal and go back 14 years, they still revealed the mindset of Israelis who inhabit a land that has been developed from subjugation of indigenous people. Growing up with the daily mischief, having a government that polishes the information and conditions its citizens, and not having any comparison, Yossi Israeli does not realize that he/she has been fed a distorted history, lives in nowheresville, and is going nowhere.

    Jews are not a nation

    The Jews that emerged from the Hebrews migrated to different nations, eventually spoke different languages, acquired different customs, formed different institutions, and no longer shared a common history. Unchained from the continual strife in a non-productive region, they spread throughout the world, loosely bound together by a common religion, shared myths, and shared values.

    Two persons make a people, but a people don’t make a nation. A nation refers to a community of people who share a common language, culture, ethnicity, descent, and history. If it were otherwise, why has Israel given its Jews the scaffolding of a new nation by giving them a common language, culture, descent, and history, which reject how they previously lived? The Mizrahi who came to Israel were Arabs; the Ashkenazi were Western; the Falasha were Ethiopians; and the Yemenites were from the Arabian Peninsula. Israel replaced the differing languages, dialects, music, cultures, and heritage of the ethnicities with unique and uniform characteristics. Accompanying the destruction of each community was the destruction of centuries old Jewish history and life in Tunisia, Iraq, Libya, and Egypt. All these immigrants became a new Jew, an Israeli Jew, who had no proven aspects of the biblical Hebrews

    Falsifying History

    Israel has many interesting sites, mostly Crusader, Roman, Christian, Canaanite, and Arabic. Biblical sites, related to Hebrews and Jews, are few, insignificant, and dubiously presented.

    • Masada is given a heroic representation as the place where Jewish rebels sustained a Roman onslaught and committed suicide. It is an interesting Roman fortress with two places built by Herod the Great where Roman forces decimated Jewish rebels. No rebels committed suicide.
    • Some remains of Jewish dwellings, burial grounds, and ritual baths exist, but no Jewish monuments, buildings, or institutions from the Biblical era remain within the “Old City” of today’s Jerusalem.
    • None of the tombs — Abraham, Joseph, David, Rachel, and Absalom — are verified burial places of these biblical figures.
    • The City of David is a defensive network dating back to the Middle Bronze Age. No relation to the mythical King David has been determined.
    • The Western Wall is a supporting wall of the platform built during Herod’s time. It became a place of prayer for Jews in the late 15th century, after Mameluke authorities permitted Jews a safe area for worship and morphed into “the most revered site in Judaism” during modern times, only because there is no other.
    • Neither King David’s Tower nor King David’s Citadel relate to David or his time.
    • Neither the Pools of Solomon nor the Stables of Solomon relate to the time or life of King Solomon.
    • None of the major museums in Jerusalem and throughout the world exhibit an ancient Hebrew civilization. Mention is made in history of Hebrew tribes and short periods of governing small areas of the Levant, but no ancient Jewish civilization that had  lasting effect on history and whose people have a totally direct relation with all scattered contemporary Jews has been uncovered.


    Contemporary Jews have been deluded. Ancient Israel was home to ancient Jews. The area that is now Israel was not the ancient home of modern Jews. When ethnicities speak of an ancient home, they speak, such as from the voices of Native Americans, of caring for the land and hunting grounds, for attachment to a soil that nourished them, and with intimate knowledge of ancestors. They may look back at a recognized civilization that gave the world advances in technology, culture, warfare, administration, or other disciplines and left identifiable physical traces that excite mankind. Modern Jews have no attachment to a soil, no memories of an advanced civilization, no honest attraction to an ancient land, and do not have knowledge of ancestors. The Palestinians have 100 percent “skin in the game;” they cherish every olive tree their ancestors planted centuries ago, every orange tree that gives aroma to their surroundings, and all the ground eggplant for the baba ghanoush they eat.

    Zionist irredentism is concerned with the folk; it does not express concern for the land. Keeping biblical names as a subterfuge, Israel turned the land under the biblical names into an extension of northern Europe. In “beloved” Judah and Samaria, imported pine trees dot the landscape, hundreds of year-old olive groves lay torched, dormitory towns replace the green hilltops, and super highways pave over the quaint roads. In Israel, forests hide dynamited picturesque villages. Jerusalem, with its train, mall, contrived City of David, proposed cable car, and falsified tourist attractions has become a theme park.

    Tension and apartheid everywhere

    What person wants to continue a criminal past with a stained present? The parents of the present generation of Israeli Jews did not make amends for the injustices done to the Palestinians and continued the oppression. The present generation repeats the sordid activities of their parents. The continuing lives of Israelis is characterized by continuing the oppression. is that a meaningful life?

    Nazareth’s large Muslim population did not please Jews, and, in 1957, they left, claiming they did not want to live under a communist mayor. The government illegally appropriated land from Nazareth and founded Nazareth Illit, a settlement within the great settlement. Historian Geremy Forman, Military Rule, Political Manipulation, and Jewish Settlement: Israeli Mechanisms for Controlling Nazareth in the 1950s, Journal of Israeli History, (2006) 335-359, states, “the town would safeguard the Jewish character of the Galilee as a whole, and… demonstrate state sovereignty to the Arab population more than any other settlement operation.” Forman wrote that Nazareth Illit was meant to “overpower Nazareth numerically, economically, and politically.”

    Akka (Acre) is a world heritage site, whose old city is entirely Arabic. Jewish and Arab populations only meet at a junction. When I visited, the Souk was destroyed, with mud and water as surface material. Houses on the ancient streets needed repair. Israel supplies scarce funds to rehabilitate the Arab heritage of one of the jewels of the Mediterranean and pours funds into its Crusader attractions and constructing housing for obedient Jews to continually encroach on the Palestinian population and coerce them into selling their properties. Tensions have erupted into conflicts several times and, in 2022, the mayor declared, “The State of Israel is on the brink of civil war between Jews and Arabs.” The Jerusalem Post reported, “A series of Arab riots left city icons smashed and burned. Lynches sent Jewish residents to hospitals.”

    Haifa’s 2022 population of 290,306 has Israeli Arabs constituting 10% of its population. They live in communities separated from Jews. What happened to the previous large Arab population of about 65,000 in 1947? Contradictory explanations of the battle for Haifa and the exodus of its Arab inhabitants have been made. No contradiction in knowing who left and was never permitted back.

    Rashid al-Haj Ibrahim, an economist and nationalist, who, for a while, supervised the defense of Haifa, provided an eyewitness account of the flight of Haifa’s Arab residents.

    Thousands of women, children and men hurried to the port district in a state of chaos and terror without precedent in the history of the Arab nation. They fled their houses to the coast, barefoot and naked, to wait for their turn to travel to Lebanon. They left their homeland, their houses, their possessions, their money, their welfare, and their trades, to surrender their dignity and their souls. According to The Economist, only 5,000–6,000 of the city’s 62,000 Arabs remained there by 2 October 1948.

    Tel Aviv-Jaffa is another city where both Jewish and a diminishing Arab population exist and do not mix. Similar to Acre, Israel supplies scarce funds to maintain the ancient character and heritage of Arab Jaffa, another jewel of the Mediterranean, and pours funds into changing its character, diminishing remains of its Arab heritage, and constructing housing for Jews who obediently encroach on the Palestinian population and harass them into selling their properties.

    Statistics from 1945 listed Jaffa having a population of 94,280, of whom 66,280 were Arabs and 28,000 were Jews. In 2021, Jaffa had 52,470 residents, about a third (17,000) of whom were Arabs. Abu Lyad, My Home, My Land a narrative of the Palestinian struggle describes the 1948 displacement of the Arab population.

    May 13, 1948, is a day that will remain forever engraved in my memory. Less than twenty four hours before the proclamation of the Israeli state, my family fled Jaffa for refuge in Gaza. We had been under siege: the Zionist forces controlled all the roads leading south, and the only escape left open to us was the sea. It was under a hail of shells fired from Jewish artillery set up in neighboring settlements, especially Tel Aviv, that I clambered onto a makeshift boat with my parents, my four brothers and sisters and relatives.

    Ashkelon, 20 kilometers north of the Gaza border, presents a picturesque setting along the Mediterranean coast. Sparkling white beaches matched by white-faced apartment buildings, green lawns and several wide boulevards depict a tranquil and content city. The modern city with the biblical name, is not peaceful. Rockets from Gaza have struck the city on several occasions. By arguments of war, the damage has not been extensive, but no damage can be ignored; there have been fatalities and wounded to the residents, who are Russian immigrants and descendants of those who seized Palestinian properties in the nearby villages.

    Al-Majdal and its citizens suffered the fate of many Palestinian villages that hoped to escape the hostilities, but became engulfed in the 1948-1949 war in the Levant. With war raging in their midst, the citizens of Al-Majdal retreated 15 kilometers to a haven in Gaza. On November 4, 1948, Israeli forces captured the village. In August 1950, by a combination of inducements and threats, Al-Majdal’s 1000-2000 remaining inhabitants were expelled and trucked to Gaza. According to Eyal Kafkafi (1998), Segregation or integration of the Israeli Arabs – two concepts in Mapai, International Journal of Middle East Studie, 347-367, as reported in Wikipedia, David Ben-Gurion and Moshe Dayan promoted the expulsion, while Pinhas Lavon, secretary-general of the Histadrut, “wished to turn the town into a productive example of equal opportunity for the Arabs.” Despite a ruling by the Egyptian-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission that the Arabs transferred from Majdal should be returned to Israel, this never happened. In 2007, when I visited, I was told that only two Arab families remained in Ashkelon.

    Journalist, Ramzy Baroud, reported his father’s memories in My Father was a Freedom Fighter.

    My brothers and my comrades, we are all joined by a common sorrow and fate. We all fondly remember the rolling hills and valleys of our homeland, its villages, towns, its farms, and its humble yet dignified way of life. We long for the days of quiet and peaceful coexistence that Palestine offered, and we grieve the loss of life, the assault on our dignity, the destruction of our schools, mosques, homes in hundreds of villages that are now a fleeting memory. Our struggle has been an honorable and worthy cause, and it is by far more precious than trivial salaries and extraneous police uniforms the invader offers. I would rather starve, along with my family, a free man, than to live rich in slavery with badges of dishonor.

    Gaza border towns Kfar Aza, Be’eri, and Nahal Oz have been sites for consistent rocket and mortar fire from Gaza. All three communities suffered extensive casualties from the October 7, 2023 attack. With nothing special to induce people to live in the area, why do Israelis choose a place where a “safe room” is necessary in the home, life can be deadly, and Gazans see Israelis living comfortably on the property stolen from them? Answer: These Israelis are the first line of defense against Hamas militants crossing the border and a place to disturb Gazans by having them see Israelis living comfortably on the property stolen from them.

    Kibbutz Nahal Oz, was founded on October 1, 1955 and built on orchards stolen from the residents of the Palestinian village of Ma’in Abu Sitta.  Dr. Salman Abu Sitta, author of Mapping My Return: A Palestinian Memoir, was 10 years old when, on May 14, 1948, he and his family living on their land in “Ma’in Abu Sitta,” were attacked by a Haganah force of 24 armored vehicles. “The force destroyed and burnt everything. The soldiers demolished the school that my father built in 1920; they stole the motor and equipment in the flour mill and well pump; they killed anyone in sight.”

    Hebron is infamous for the massacre of a large gathering of Palestinian Muslims praying in the Ibrahimi Mosque. On February 25, 1994, Baruch Goldstein, an American-Israeli physician and extremist of the far-right ultra-Zionist Kach movement, opened fire with an assault rifle and murdered 29 Muslim worshippers. When the Israeli military attempted to evict settlers from Hebron’s cherished “old city,” the setters broke windows and ruined Palestinian shops in the now empty “Old Town” area. They also broke the walls and locks of the Palestinian homes, then stood watch to harass any Palestinian who returns, and still try to prevent Palestinian children from attending a school in the area. To enforce the settler presence, Israeli security checkpoints have been installed at all former entrances to the market.

    The West Bank, as of January 2023, hosts 144 settlements, including 12 in East Jerusalem. In addition to the settlement, there are more than 100 outposts, which are unauthorized settlements. About 450,000 Israeli settlers reside in the West Bank and 220,000 reside in East Jerusalem. One third of the settlers “see their presence as a means of ensuring permanent Jewish control over the area, which they call by the biblical names ‘Judea and Samaria.’ These settlers believe that by living in the West Bank “they are serving God’s will and helping to bring about the long-awaited coming of the Messiah.” Two thirds of the settlers claim they live in the West Bank to increase their quality of life. This does not sound reasonable.

    The settlements are relatively small towns that are isolated from one another and rely on cities in Israel for employment and many services. On average, 60% of the employed population in a settlement is employed in Israel and the number of settlers employed in local agriculture and industry in the West Bank is very low.  Special benefits is the more likely reason. The Israel Policy Forum reports.

    In 2014, the average per capita aid from the Israeli government to local authorities in the Judea and Samaria region was NIS 3,762, compared to NIS 2,282 within Israel. Local authorities east of the security barrier received NIS 5,950 per capita on average. In 2017, settlers received on average NIS 1,922 in grants and tax benefits, NIS 1,416 more than the national average.

    The precarity of the settlement enterprise is obscured by the government largesse that keeps it afloat. Should Jerusalem choose to end this support, local governments and residents would find themselves in a dire financial position.

    The settlers are not bettering their lives. They are in the West Bank so Israel can carve it up and prevent establishment of a viable Palestinian state, to worsen Palestinian lives, and prevent the Palestinians from having ontological security ─   a stable mental state derived from a sense of continuity in regard to the events in one’s life. The settlers are living an unsettled and cruel life.

    The Specter of anti-Semitism

    The major ingredient of the conditioning mix is to keep the Jewish people aware that anti-Semitism is in their breakfast food and anti-Semites are lurking everywhere, ready to pounce upon the Jewish populations and bring them another holocaust. Nonsense. I have never known any anti-Semitism in my life and have never seen it affect others

    Sure, there are people who dislike Jews, just as people dislike, Sikhs, Orientals, Italians, Hispanics, rich people, poor people, Catholics, African-Americans, and even Eskimos, and, at times, exhibit virulent hatred of a particular ethnicity. Nothing unusual in a world of 7.5 billion people. Because Israel claims it is a Jewish state, which already arouses antipathy from humanity and many Jews align with an Israel that is accused of committing genocide, it is natural that a part of the world’s population will attack Jews. Should those enabling genocide be lightly treated? The pro-Israel faction reply to the challenge is not “we will stop the genocide.” They use the attacks to benefit their ugly work by labelling them anti-Semitic.

    A “Nova survivor” ─ a new and calculated term, similar to Holocaust survivor, which will enter the lexicon for posterity and forever remind the world that only what happens to Jewish people matters  ─ arrived in new York as a part of an exhibition commemorating the victims of the Nova festival during the October 7 attack. What point is there in exhibiting and commemorating tragedies that cannot be undone and why in America? What do Americans have to do with the attack? Protestors came and protested this disgusting use of the violated to violate the American conscience and stir it to aid and abet the genocide.

    Eilat Tibi, the “Nova survivor” showed how conditioned Israelis seek to label a protest against Israel as anti-Semitic. She said:

    The other thing that’s surprised me the most is the antisemitism. As a Jew who lives in Israel, I had never felt it before. Coming to the States made me realize that Jews in the diaspora live with it all the time — sometimes it’s more intense, other times less.

    Ms. Tibi is in the United States for a few days and knows the American pulse. She has lived in Israel for a lifetime and doesn’t know that if you want to find hatred of Jews – go to Israel, where the secular Jews despise the Orthodox Jews, the European Ashkenazi Jews are contemptuous of the Arab Mizrahim Jews and all discriminate against the Ethiopian Falasha Jews. From UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:

    TEL AVIV, 9 February 2012 (IRIN) – Growing up in Israel, Shay Sium became accustomed to being called a “nigger”. Sium, 32, has lived in Israel most of his life, but says he and other Ethiopian Jews are treated differently from other Israelis: factories do not want to employ them; landlords refuse them; and certain schools turn away their children. “The word discrimination doesn’t describe what we experience. There is another word for it: racism. It is a shame that we still have to use this word today,” he told IRIN.


    Israeli Jews can live most anywhere and have an enjoyable life. Instead, they choose to live in a racist, virulent nationalist, and militarist state that practices apartheid and engage in the genocide of the Palestinian people. They choose to be a party to the genocide, to suffer, generation after generation, the agonies and threats that go with being an aggressor, living a life of lies and desperation. Their nation without borders is a mirror image of the Nazi Germany state that also had sketchy borders. They do not see themselves in the mirror. If they saw themselves in the mirror, would they want to stay in a genocidal state?

    Zionism, let our people go.

    Part two will examine more of the conditioning process and propose a method to rescue Jews from the Zionist grip.

    The post Preventing the Genocide first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • Part 1 of a two-parter: Israelis Live Wasted and Desperate Lives and Should Leave

    The fuss that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken manufactured over their Israel inspired ceasefire plan is pathetic. Claiming Hamas is “proposing changes that are not workable.” without specifying the proposed changes (are there changes?), is not informing anybody. Apparently, Blinken’s subservient role in this sleight of hand act is to make believe a truce is pursued, and then charge Hamas with deception for not agreeing with an impossible plan. His tone and posturing indicate more performance than honest diplomacy.

    Israel, and not Hamas, controls the hostilities, and, for that reason, no plan will work. Israel will continue encroaching on the Palestinians, which will eventually provoke Hamas to respond. Biden’s plan is a trap, placing Hamas in a “no win” situation. The US president should propose a cease to all aggression against the Palestinians and oppression of the Palestinians. Without a complete halt to both, no truce is guaranteed.

    With no truce plan operable, the future for the Palestinians is not hopeful. All proposals for self-governing ─ two states ─  or mutual governing — one-state, Federated states, bi-national state — are not acceptable to the single-minded, racist, supremacist, and apartheid Zionist regime. To prevent the genocide, one measure can be effective — Israeli Jews vote with their feet and leave Israel for other nations in much greater numbers than the Palestinians increase their tally in the stolen lands. With a great number of Jews gone, the Zionist government will have difficulties to govern for the benefit of Jews alone and have problems maintaining the territories for Jews alone. Hallelujah!

    When Zionism reared its ugly head, Jews were no longer seeking liberation, they were enjoying liberation, finding acceptance and expression throughout Western Europe. Although not completely integrated in the societies where they lived and still facing some headwinds, almost all Jews rejected Zionism. After World War II, Jews became completely integrated in Western nations that gave them the highest standard of living, an advanced education, security, equal opportunity, and prominence in all activities. After meeting Godot and finding Nirvana, most Jews have become Zionists, either willing to leave the nations that gave them succulence or swear allegiance to a Zionist country. Is that sensible?


    There is only one reason for Jews to ally themselves with a militarist, nationalist, xenophobic, racist, and apartheid nation ─ conditioning. The principle elements of the conditioning, repeatedly drilled into every Jewish person, are that Jews are a nation, they have a shared ancient history that claims biblical lands, they are subjected to harassment by an anti-Semitic world, and they are only safe in their own nation. All of this is hysterical and none of this is historical

    Getting Israelis to move away from a land they believe God gave them seems absurd. No, absurd is that anyone lives in the God forsaken land.  I have only been to Israel on three occasions, once staying for three weeks in Jerusalem. Although observations are personal and go back 14 years, they still revealed the mindset of Israelis who inhabit a land that has been developed from subjugation of indigenous people. Growing up with the daily mischief, having a government that polishes the information and conditions its citizens, and not having any comparison, Yossi Israeli does not realize that he/she has been fed a distorted history, lives in nowheresville, and is going nowhere.

    Jews are not a nation

    The Jews that emerged from the Hebrews migrated to different nations, eventually spoke different languages, acquired different customs, formed different institutions, and no longer shared a common history. Unchained from the continual strife in a non-productive region, they spread throughout the world, loosely bound together by a common religion, shared myths, and shared values.

    Two persons make a people, but a people don’t make a nation. A nation refers to a community of people who share a common language, culture, ethnicity, descent, and history. If it were otherwise, why has Israel given its Jews the scaffolding of a new nation by giving them a common language, culture, descent, and history, which reject how they previously lived? The Mizrahi who came to Israel were Arabs; the Ashkenazi were Western; the Falasha were Ethiopians; and the Yemenites were from the Arabian Peninsula. Israel replaced the differing languages, dialects, music, cultures, and heritage of the ethnicities with unique and uniform characteristics. Accompanying the destruction of each community was the destruction of centuries old Jewish history and life in Tunisia, Iraq, Libya, and Egypt. All these immigrants became a new Jew, an Israeli Jew, who had no proven aspects of the biblical Hebrews

    Falsifying History

    Israel has many interesting sites, mostly Crusader, Roman, Christian, Canaanite, and Arabic. Biblical sites, related to Hebrews and Jews, are few, insignificant, and dubiously presented.

    • Masada is given a heroic representation as the place where Jewish rebels sustained a Roman onslaught and committed suicide. It is an interesting Roman fortress with two places built by Herod the Great where Roman forces decimated Jewish rebels. No rebels committed suicide.
    • Some remains of Jewish dwellings, burial grounds, and ritual baths exist, but no Jewish monuments, buildings, or institutions from the Biblical era remain within the “Old City” of today’s Jerusalem.
    • None of the tombs — Abraham, Joseph, David, Rachel, and Absalom — are verified burial places of these biblical figures.
    • The City of David is a defensive network dating back to the Middle Bronze Age. No relation to the mythical King David has been determined.
    • The Western Wall is a supporting wall of the platform built during Herod’s time. It became a place of prayer for Jews in the late 15th century, after Mameluke authorities permitted Jews a safe area for worship and morphed into “the most revered site in Judaism” during modern times, only because there is no other.
    • Neither King David’s Tower nor King David’s Citadel relate to David or his time.
    • Neither the Pools of Solomon nor the Stables of Solomon relate to the time or life of King Solomon.
    • None of the major museums in Jerusalem and throughout the world exhibit an ancient Hebrew civilization. Mention is made in history of Hebrew tribes and short periods of governing small areas of the Levant, but no ancient Jewish civilization that had  lasting effect on history and whose people have a totally direct relation with all scattered contemporary Jews has been uncovered.


    Contemporary Jews have been deluded. Ancient Israel was home to ancient Jews. The area that is now Israel was not the ancient home of modern Jews. When ethnicities speak of an ancient home, they speak, such as from the voices of Native Americans, of caring for the land and hunting grounds, for attachment to a soil that nourished them, and with intimate knowledge of ancestors. They may look back at a recognized civilization that gave the world advances in technology, culture, warfare, administration, or other disciplines and left identifiable physical traces that excite mankind. Modern Jews have no attachment to a soil, no memories of an advanced civilization, no honest attraction to an ancient land, and do not have knowledge of ancestors. The Palestinians have 100 percent “skin in the game;” they cherish every olive tree their ancestors planted centuries ago, every orange tree that gives aroma to their surroundings, and all the ground eggplant for the baba ghanoush they eat.

    Zionist irredentism is concerned with the folk; it does not express concern for the land. Keeping biblical names as a subterfuge, Israel turned the land under the biblical names into an extension of northern Europe. In “beloved” Judah and Samaria, imported pine trees dot the landscape, hundreds of year-old olive groves lay torched, dormitory towns replace the green hilltops, and super highways pave over the quaint roads. In Israel, forests hide dynamited picturesque villages. Jerusalem, with its train, mall, contrived City of David, proposed cable car, and falsified tourist attractions has become a theme park.

    Tension and apartheid everywhere

    What person wants to continue a criminal past with a stained present? The parents of the present generation of Israeli Jews did not make amends for the injustices done to the Palestinians and continued the oppression. The present generation repeats the sordid activities of their parents. The continuing lives of Israelis is characterized by continuing the oppression. is that a meaningful life?

    Nazareth’s large Muslim population did not please Jews, and, in 1957, they left, claiming they did not want to live under a communist mayor. The government illegally appropriated land from Nazareth and founded Nazareth Illit, a settlement within the great settlement. Historian Geremy Forman, Military Rule, Political Manipulation, and Jewish Settlement: Israeli Mechanisms for Controlling Nazareth in the 1950s, Journal of Israeli History, (2006) 335-359, states, “the town would safeguard the Jewish character of the Galilee as a whole, and… demonstrate state sovereignty to the Arab population more than any other settlement operation.” Forman wrote that Nazareth Illit was meant to “overpower Nazareth numerically, economically, and politically.”

    Akka (Acre) is a world heritage site, whose old city is entirely Arabic. Jewish and Arab populations only meet at a junction. When I visited, the Souk was destroyed, with mud and water as surface material. Houses on the ancient streets needed repair. Israel supplies scarce funds to rehabilitate the Arab heritage of one of the jewels of the Mediterranean and pours funds into its Crusader attractions and constructing housing for obedient Jews to continually encroach on the Palestinian population and coerce them into selling their properties. Tensions have erupted into conflicts several times and, in 2022, the mayor declared, “The State of Israel is on the brink of civil war between Jews and Arabs.” The Jerusalem Post reported, “A series of Arab riots left city icons smashed and burned. Lynches sent Jewish residents to hospitals.”

    Haifa’s 2022 population of 290,306 has Israeli Arabs constituting 10% of its population. They live in communities separated from Jews. What happened to the previous large Arab population of about 65,000 in 1947? Contradictory explanations of the battle for Haifa and the exodus of its Arab inhabitants have been made. No contradiction in knowing who left and was never permitted back.

    Rashid al-Haj Ibrahim, an economist and nationalist, who, for a while, supervised the defense of Haifa, provided an eyewitness account of the flight of Haifa’s Arab residents.

    Thousands of women, children and men hurried to the port district in a state of chaos and terror without precedent in the history of the Arab nation. They fled their houses to the coast, barefoot and naked, to wait for their turn to travel to Lebanon. They left their homeland, their houses, their possessions, their money, their welfare, and their trades, to surrender their dignity and their souls. According to The Economist, only 5,000–6,000 of the city’s 62,000 Arabs remained there by 2 October 1948.

    Tel Aviv-Jaffa is another city where both Jewish and a diminishing Arab population exist and do not mix. Similar to Acre, Israel supplies scarce funds to maintain the ancient character and heritage of Arab Jaffa, another jewel of the Mediterranean, and pours funds into changing its character, diminishing remains of its Arab heritage, and constructing housing for Jews who obediently encroach on the Palestinian population and harass them into selling their properties.

    Statistics from 1945 listed Jaffa having a population of 94,280, of whom 66,280 were Arabs and 28,000 were Jews. In 2021, Jaffa had 52,470 residents, about a third (17,000) of whom were Arabs. Abu Lyad, My Home, My Land a narrative of the Palestinian struggle describes the 1948 displacement of the Arab population.

    May 13, 1948, is a day that will remain forever engraved in my memory. Less than twenty four hours before the proclamation of the Israeli state, my family fled Jaffa for refuge in Gaza. We had been under siege: the Zionist forces controlled all the roads leading south, and the only escape left open to us was the sea. It was under a hail of shells fired from Jewish artillery set up in neighboring settlements, especially Tel Aviv, that I clambered onto a makeshift boat with my parents, my four brothers and sisters and relatives.

    Ashkelon, 20 kilometers north of the Gaza border, presents a picturesque setting along the Mediterranean coast. Sparkling white beaches matched by white-faced apartment buildings, green lawns and several wide boulevards depict a tranquil and content city. The modern city with the biblical name, is not peaceful. Rockets from Gaza have struck the city on several occasions. By arguments of war, the damage has not been extensive, but no damage can be ignored; there have been fatalities and wounded to the residents, who are Russian immigrants and descendants of those who seized Palestinian properties in the nearby villages.

    Al-Majdal and its citizens suffered the fate of many Palestinian villages that hoped to escape the hostilities, but became engulfed in the 1948-1949 war in the Levant. With war raging in their midst, the citizens of Al-Majdal retreated 15 kilometers to a haven in Gaza. On November 4, 1948, Israeli forces captured the village. In August 1950, by a combination of inducements and threats, Al-Majdal’s 1000-2000 remaining inhabitants were expelled and trucked to Gaza. According to Eyal Kafkafi (1998), Segregation or integration of the Israeli Arabs – two concepts in Mapai, International Journal of Middle East Studie, 347-367, as reported in Wikipedia, David Ben-Gurion and Moshe Dayan promoted the expulsion, while Pinhas Lavon, secretary-general of the Histadrut, “wished to turn the town into a productive example of equal opportunity for the Arabs.” Despite a ruling by the Egyptian-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission that the Arabs transferred from Majdal should be returned to Israel, this never happened. In 2007, when I visited, I was told that only two Arab families remained in Ashkelon.

    Journalist, Ramzy Baroud, reported his father’s memories in My Father was a Freedom Fighter.

    My brothers and my comrades, we are all joined by a common sorrow and fate. We all fondly remember the rolling hills and valleys of our homeland, its villages, towns, its farms, and its humble yet dignified way of life. We long for the days of quiet and peaceful coexistence that Palestine offered, and we grieve the loss of life, the assault on our dignity, the destruction of our schools, mosques, homes in hundreds of villages that are now a fleeting memory. Our struggle has been an honorable and worthy cause, and it is by far more precious than trivial salaries and extraneous police uniforms the invader offers. I would rather starve, along with my family, a free man, than to live rich in slavery with badges of dishonor.

    Gaza border towns Kfar Aza, Be’eri, and Nahal Oz have been sites for consistent rocket and mortar fire from Gaza. All three communities suffered extensive casualties from the October 7, 2023 attack. With nothing special to induce people to live in the area, why do Israelis choose a place where a “safe room” is necessary in the home, life can be deadly, and Gazans see Israelis living comfortably on the property stolen from them? Answer: These Israelis are the first line of defense against Hamas militants crossing the border and a place to disturb Gazans by having them see Israelis living comfortably on the property stolen from them.

    Kibbutz Nahal Oz, was founded on October 1, 1955 and built on orchards stolen from the residents of the Palestinian village of Ma’in Abu Sitta.  Dr. Salman Abu Sitta, author of Mapping My Return: A Palestinian Memoir, was 10 years old when, on May 14, 1948, he and his family living on their land in “Ma’in Abu Sitta,” were attacked by a Haganah force of 24 armored vehicles. “The force destroyed and burnt everything. The soldiers demolished the school that my father built in 1920; they stole the motor and equipment in the flour mill and well pump; they killed anyone in sight.”

    Hebron is infamous for the massacre of a large gathering of Palestinian Muslims praying in the Ibrahimi Mosque. On February 25, 1994, Baruch Goldstein, an American-Israeli physician and extremist of the far-right ultra-Zionist Kach movement, opened fire with an assault rifle and murdered 29 Muslim worshippers. When the Israeli military attempted to evict settlers from Hebron’s cherished “old city,” the setters broke windows and ruined Palestinian shops in the now empty “Old Town” area. They also broke the walls and locks of the Palestinian homes, then stood watch to harass any Palestinian who returns, and still try to prevent Palestinian children from attending a school in the area. To enforce the settler presence, Israeli security checkpoints have been installed at all former entrances to the market.

    The West Bank, as of January 2023, hosts 144 settlements, including 12 in East Jerusalem. In addition to the settlement, there are more than 100 outposts, which are unauthorized settlements. About 450,000 Israeli settlers reside in the West Bank and 220,000 reside in East Jerusalem. One third of the settlers “see their presence as a means of ensuring permanent Jewish control over the area, which they call by the biblical names ‘Judea and Samaria.’ These settlers believe that by living in the West Bank “they are serving God’s will and helping to bring about the long-awaited coming of the Messiah.” Two thirds of the settlers claim they live in the West Bank to increase their quality of life. This does not sound reasonable.

    The settlements are relatively small towns that are isolated from one another and rely on cities in Israel for employment and many services. On average, 60% of the employed population in a settlement is employed in Israel and the number of settlers employed in local agriculture and industry in the West Bank is very low.  Special benefits is the more likely reason. The Israel Policy Forum reports.

    In 2014, the average per capita aid from the Israeli government to local authorities in the Judea and Samaria region was NIS 3,762, compared to NIS 2,282 within Israel. Local authorities east of the security barrier received NIS 5,950 per capita on average. In 2017, settlers received on average NIS 1,922 in grants and tax benefits, NIS 1,416 more than the national average.

    The precarity of the settlement enterprise is obscured by the government largesse that keeps it afloat. Should Jerusalem choose to end this support, local governments and residents would find themselves in a dire financial position.

    The settlers are not bettering their lives. They are in the West Bank so Israel can carve it up and prevent establishment of a viable Palestinian state, to worsen Palestinian lives, and prevent the Palestinians from having ontological security ─   a stable mental state derived from a sense of continuity in regard to the events in one’s life. The settlers are living an unsettled and cruel life.

    The Specter of anti-Semitism

    The major ingredient of the conditioning mix is to keep the Jewish people aware that anti-Semitism is in their breakfast food and anti-Semites are lurking everywhere, ready to pounce upon the Jewish populations and bring them another holocaust. Nonsense. I have never known any anti-Semitism in my life and have never seen it affect others

    Sure, there are people who dislike Jews, just as people dislike, Sikhs, Orientals, Italians, Hispanics, rich people, poor people, Catholics, African-Americans, and even Eskimos, and, at times, exhibit virulent hatred of a particular ethnicity. Nothing unusual in a world of 7.5 billion people. Because Israel claims it is a Jewish state, which already arouses antipathy from humanity and many Jews align with an Israel that is accused of committing genocide, it is natural that a part of the world’s population will attack Jews. Should those enabling genocide be lightly treated? The pro-Israel faction reply to the challenge is not “we will stop the genocide.” They use the attacks to benefit their ugly work by labelling them anti-Semitic.

    A “Nova survivor” ─ a new and calculated term, similar to Holocaust survivor, which will enter the lexicon for posterity and forever remind the world that only what happens to Jewish people matters  ─ arrived in new York as a part of an exhibition commemorating the victims of the Nova festival during the October 7 attack. What point is there in exhibiting and commemorating tragedies that cannot be undone and why in America? What do Americans have to do with the attack? Protestors came and protested this disgusting use of the violated to violate the American conscience and stir it to aid and abet the genocide.

    Eilat Tibi, the “Nova survivor” showed how conditioned Israelis seek to label a protest against Israel as anti-Semitic. She said:

    The other thing that’s surprised me the most is the antisemitism. As a Jew who lives in Israel, I had never felt it before. Coming to the States made me realize that Jews in the diaspora live with it all the time — sometimes it’s more intense, other times less.

    Ms. Tibi is in the United States for a few days and knows the American pulse. She has lived in Israel for a lifetime and doesn’t know that if you want to find hatred of Jews – go to Israel, where the secular Jews despise the Orthodox Jews, the European Ashkenazi Jews are contemptuous of the Arab Mizrahim Jews and all discriminate against the Ethiopian Falasha Jews. From UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:

    TEL AVIV, 9 February 2012 (IRIN) – Growing up in Israel, Shay Sium became accustomed to being called a “nigger”. Sium, 32, has lived in Israel most of his life, but says he and other Ethiopian Jews are treated differently from other Israelis: factories do not want to employ them; landlords refuse them; and certain schools turn away their children. “The word discrimination doesn’t describe what we experience. There is another word for it: racism. It is a shame that we still have to use this word today,” he told IRIN.


    Israeli Jews can live most anywhere and have an enjoyable life. Instead, they choose to live in a racist, virulent nationalist, and militarist state that practices apartheid and engage in the genocide of the Palestinian people. They choose to be a party to the genocide, to suffer, generation after generation, the agonies and threats that go with being an aggressor, living a life of lies and desperation. Their nation without borders is a mirror image of the Nazi Germany state that also had sketchy borders. They do not see themselves in the mirror. If they saw themselves in the mirror, would they want to stay in a genocidal state?

    Zionism, let our people go.

    Part two will examine more of the conditioning process and propose a method to rescue Jews from the Zionist grip.

    The post Preventing the Genocide first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • This content originally appeared on Democracy Now! and was authored by Democracy Now!.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Even though the land could not yet absorb sixteen million, nor even eight, enough could return… to prove that the enterprise was one that blessed him that gave as well as him that took by forming for England a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.”

    — Ronald Storrs, Military Governor of Jerusalem 1917-20, commenting in 1937 on the rationale of the 1917 Balfour Declaration

    Zionism is the continual attempt to fit a square into a circle.

    — Lowkey, interviewed by Danny Haiphong 25 March 2024

    But the state of Israel was not created for the salvation of the Jews; it was created for the salvation of Western interests. This is what is becoming clear (I must say it was always clear to me). The Palestinians have been paying for the British colonial policy of ‘divide and rule’ and for Europe’s guilty Christian conscience for more than thirty years.

    — James Baldwin, 1979

    Israel was always meant to be a bleeding sore, an unending source of conflict and hence an unending source of suffering. In creating Israel the British were following a policy of divide-and-rule to create an outpost as a way of projecting power into the Arab world and its oilfields. In practical terms British power could only be projected through the maintenance of immanent or actual armed hostility. The success of this strategy, as the baton was passed to the US empire, has caused the region to suffer 100 years of instability and strife while the Palestinians have suffered a long slow genocide of everyday brutality punctuated by massacres and outbreaks of resistance.

    The British Empire did not create Israel in gratitude for Chaim Weizmann’s invention and development of synthetic acetone (a component of cordite) during World War I. The British Empire did not create Israel in gratitude for the financial assistance provided by the British branch of the Rothschild clan. I could go into detail on each case but it is unnecessary. We only need to remember one thing: the British Empire would never do anything out of gratitude. Nor, as I will illustrate in the course of this article, did it deign to honour promises it made in order to achieve its own gains. There are romantic notions of a British sense of honour in the official sphere but these are false – products of a robust cultural hegemony and propaganda system. The historical record instead shows that British foreign policy, and before that English foreign policy, has been unusually ruthless, callous, and dishonest.

    In respectable discourse it is only possible to refer to British perfidy and US aggression when talking in the abstract or about matters of the distant past, but when talking of current events one must always assume a foundation of benevolence and criticise these countries for straying or being diverted from their true nature. As a rule, all aspects of British and US imperialism are treated as if they exist in an historical vacuum. Comparing British and US interventions with empires of the past is not the done thing. Comparing British and US interventions to their own past interventions is not the done thing. In the case of Palestine, even comparing British actions to their own simultaneous actions in other parts of the Middle East is not the done thing. This is exponential exceptionalism. Just because we are doing this thing it doesn’t mean that we do this sort of thing, and please don’t look at all the other times we have done this thing because it is just not who we are. Luckily it is acceptable at all times to claim that the tail wags the dog of empire, whatever that tail might be. In the case of Israel, existing anti-Semitic tropes about the influence of The Jews makes this all the easier.

    Normally, instead of entertaining the possibility that the British and US empires have deliberately created and sustained a situation of endless conflict because it serves an obvious purpose, people are more inclined to blame the Israel Lobby in ways that seem to reflect an intellectual descent from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The power of the Israel lobby is real, but it exists at the sufferance of the Empire Complex. It is a tool for imperial elites to exert control over political representatives and civil society in order to constrain “democratic distemper”, that is why it came to exist (not because of the mysterious control Jews are imagined to exert over the noble but hapless Anglo-Saxons who have traditionally run the world). 

    Even when people seek to avoid this anti-Semitism they find other ways to avoid suggesting that any Western wrongdoing is intentional. An interesting example is “Balfour: The Seeds of Discord” (the latest in the seemingly infinite series of Al Jazeera English documentaries about the Balfour Declaration). Avoiding the traditional discourse which suggests that Jews exert a seemingly mystical power that allows them to dictate to Great Powers, the documentary employs a more fashionable way of preserving exactly the same explanation of motive. Instead of Magical Jew Power being at fault, it all happened because people like Balfour and British PM David Lloyd George believed in Magical Jew Power (MJP) due to their yucky anti-Semitism. This is very convenient because you can keep the exact same explanation for the creation of Israel while not having to rely directly on anti-Semitic tropes.

    Lloyd George, Balfour and others are said to have thought that the promise of a homeland would unite all Jews to unleash their MJP in aid of the Entente in the Great War. How do we know? Because they said so, and people like that don’t lie, do they? There is a bit of a problem though in that World War I was over before the British could do anything towards creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine. According to this reasoning, then, the British incorporated the Balfour Declaration into the Mandate for Palestine because they had an irrational belief in monolithic Jewish power and conveniently ignored the fact that most Jews were not Zionists and many found the idea abhorrent and dangerous. At the same time it seems to have slipped their minds that they had already won the War that this was meant to help them win. 

    I will have more to say about the Mandate later, but it is worth noting that a prominent expert on “Balfour: The Seeds of Discord” claims that the British were committed to Zionism because it was central to the legitimacy of the Palestine Mandate. This is wrong because the Mandate does not and cannot dispense with the rights of the Palestinian people, even though it is written tendentiously in order to give that impression. Moreover, it seems a little strange to choose a specific exceptional legitimating purpose for the Palestine Mandate when the British operated Mandates in Jordan and Iraq with no need for any such rationale. Yemenis might also raise an eyebrow at the suggestion that the British cared about such niceties given that South Yemen did not gain independence until 1967. 

    Balfour: The Seeds of Discord” mostly suggests that the British do not act, but only react. As is so often true, the British Empire, like the US Empire, is portrayed as unwitting. The moral failures are always those of ignorance and arrogance but never those of immoral intent. In 1883 John Seeley wrote, “we seem, as it were, to have conquered half the world in a fit of absence of mind.” Outside interests are used as pretexts by the imperialist parts of the establishment, led by the intelligence and military inside government in close intermingled accord with the arms, finance, and extractive industries. In this sense Zionists like Chaim Weizmann and the Rothschilds served the same purpose as US puppets during the Cold War who somehow caused the US to act in ways it did not want to. People such as Syngman Rhee, Ngo Dinh Diem, Jose Napoleon Duarte, Shah Reza Pahlavi, Ferdinand Marcos, Suharto, and many more have been cited as forcing or constraining US DoD or State Department actions, notwithstanding that they were dependent on the US and in many cases owed their power entirely to US intervention. The utility of the tactic is self-evident, even when it becomes ridiculous. Ahmed Chalabi, whose power and legitimacy were never more than a US fiction, had his supposed desires used as justifications for US policy. This was an effective distraction because it provided a focus of contention. Journalists and academics lap that stuff up and seem somehow incapable of looking beyond it at possible real causes for an empire’s behaviour, such as… I don’t know, say, the desire to control the most important strategic asset in human history (oil).

    In a sane world it would be considered ridiculous to discuss 20th Century Middle Eastern history without reference to petroleum. In our world the near inverse is true. Right-wing people can make pithy aphorisms about oil to show their tough realism, but to actually connect that to an analysis of decision-making is considered heretical. Thus, for example, Paul Wolfowitz can explain the need for the Iraq invasion using the phrase “the country swims on a sea of oil”, but one cannot suggest that decisions were made on that basis. Almost everything else is on the table: humanitarianism, greed, stupidity, security concerns, racism, anti-racism, and, of course, the MJP of the Israel Lobby. One can say that things occurred because George W. Bush was a venal idiot, but it is unacceptable to base a detailed analysis on the notion that this lifelong oil man invaded and occupied Iraq to maintain US control of the global oil trade. Dubya Bush was the 4th generation product of a politically engaged dynasty of energy and finance aristocrats, his cabinet was also full of oil executives, and his own father had begun a genocidal assault and siege on Iraq. Despite these facts in orthodox analysis he cannot be said to have been rationally and intelligently motivated in his actions. This would lead one to conclude that he successfully carried out an intentionally genocidal strategy that increased US power in the world, and that is not allowed.   

    Petroleum is equally central in relation to the birth of Israel – and equally unspeakable. To understand why the British wanted to create a permanent open wound of violence in the midst of the Arab world it is necessary to go back to 1895. John Fisher (who would go on to become an admiral, a peer of the realm, and the first person on record to use the abbreviation OMG) became convinced that the Royal Navy must transition its fleet away from coal and into petroleum as a fuel. This was a very hard sell as Britain had ready sources of coal but no oil. It took Fisher 10 years to make his case, but once he did the British were uniquely well positioned to lay claim to the oil they knew rightfully belonged to them (but which non-British people had the temerity to live on top of). At the time, you see, there were no known sources of oil on the extensive soil of the Empire. No problem, though – the British “sphere of influence” was as large as its acknowledged empire, and it turned its baleful eye upon Persia.

    The British knew a thing or two about exerting extra-territorial control over other people’s countries. They also knew a thing or two about strategic resources. Their naval power had been built on spreading coaling stations that facilitated its own movement and gave it a way of controlling or denying the same ease of movement for others. The art of strategic denial, which would become crucial to the bloody history of the Middle East, was also honed on its dominance of major sources of gold in South Africa.

    (Always bear in mind that these territories, these resources and even this “influence” were acquired with mass violence and retained with mass violence. The British Empire killed people for this. They tortured for this. They beat and robbed for this. All of it.)

    Desiring the oil of Persia they set about acquiring it in a quintessentially imperialist style. They did not seek to create stable access to the oil by creating a sustainable transaction of mutual benefit. In zero sum imperialist thinking that would be disastrous. If, for example, they wanted to send gunboats to shell the ports and workers of another country that was not being obedient they would have to ensure that Persia did not object enough to break the deal. That would be an intolerable imposition on the sovereign right of the British to protect its own “interests”. Instead they cut the sort of deal that you would expect from a violent crew of mobsters. Their method of ensuring stability relies on ensuring that the lesser, weaker party does not profit enough that they become less weak and might therefore be in a position to ask for a better deal.

    For an empire the ideal relations of informal imperialism separate the interests of a small ruling group from the masses and from the national entity itself. As a good imperialist, you structure deals so that any profit tends to accrue to that small group, creating a beneficial enmity between these rulers and their own subjects who remain impoverished and are displaced, poisoned and often worked to death in the production or extraction of the desired resource. You ensure that much of the money that you do pay is returned immediately to buy arms from your own arms industry for use against the unhappy people. You make the rulers as hated as possible in their own countries, apart from a narrow client base and/or a minority ethnic or religious group. This is highly unstable and a source of continual violence and oppression, but the rulers become dependent on you and they are forced to keep the desired outpouring of national riches flowing. Should the local oppression fail for any reason, such as a popular revolution, you can declare a “national interest” and send in the marines, the gunboats, the spooks, or any combination thereof. The nature of the deal itself is such that it has created military dependency and underdevelopment that ensures that the people of the country have the minimum possible ability to resist your own use of force.

    That model is sustained on blood and oppression, and we charmingly name it the “resource curse”. The received wisdom in Western boardrooms, lecture halls, and think-tanks is that somehow the possession of natural wealth creates bad governance. In most cases, this is simply a poor cover for foetid racism. For believers in Western values it is considered common sense that the peoples of the developing world are morally and intellectually inferior to Westerners and this known fact is only suppressed due to wokeness. The agency of Western imperialist power is effaced: deleted from history and deleted from current affairs. 

    The massive military expenditures of the US and its constant covert and overt interventions; its bombings; its wars; its threats; its overt and covert control, co-optation and subversion of international institutions is well documented and indisputable. What you are not allowed to say is that they are doing all of this for any cogent purpose. The continual flow of wealth and resources from the developing world to the developed world is meant to be viewed as a simple product of the natural order of things that is totally unrelated to massive arms expenditures, invasions, coups, espionage, economic warfare and so forth. To suggest otherwise is a conspiracy theory or some form of cultish dogmatic Marxism.

    I am using contemporary US examples a little ahead of time here, but the British Empire provided the precursors to these structures of power and extraction. The British never had the level of military hegemony that the US possesses; therefore, they became extremely expert at exercising asymmetric power over vast populations using any and every tool available.

    Once the British establishment had come to accept the inevitability of the need for the Royal Navy to make the change from coal to petroleum, they sought to intervene in a deal cut between mineral prospector William D’Arcy and the Shah of Persia (now Iran). By some accounts they even sent Sidney Reilly the “Ace of Spies” to deal with what was known as the “D’Arcy Affair” in 1905. This led to the establishment in 1909 of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, which would later become the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and later British Petroleum, or BP. In 1913 the APOC negotiated a sale of shares to the British Government. The Crown wanted a government-controlled source of oil. The man in charge of the negotiations was one Winston Churchill. Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty and was engaged in continuing the modernising work of John Fisher by switching the fleet wholly from coal to oil as fuel. 

    It would be in a letter to Churchill that Fisher first used the fateful letters OMG. More consequentially, though, Fisher would resign as First Sea Lord in 1915 in disgust over Churchill’s disastrous Dardanelles (Gallipoli) campaign, famous for its horrific and pointless loss of life. This precipitated Churchill’s own resignation. He was replaced by Arthur Balfour – yes that Arthur Balfour.

    Balfour and Churchill had five things in common: They believed in the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race, they were ardent imperialists, they were scions of families elevated to elite status through imperialist exploitation, they were enthusiastic Zionists, and they were anti-Semitic. I have to acknowledge that it is “controversial” to call Churchill an anti-Semite despite the fact that he often wrote and said anti-Semitic things that he never retracted. To be fair Churchill was by no means outstandingly anti-Semitic by the standards of the time and would in later life express an opposition to anti-Semitism, but that does not change the bald facts. His official biographer Martin Gilbert, a Jewish Zionist, counters claims of his anti-Semitism in part by saying that he was an ardent Zionist. This is a laughable claim because non-Jewish Zionists – from Balfour through to today’s Christian Zionists – are frequently explicitly anti-Semitic. Moreover, the link between their anti-Semitism and their Zionism is not hard to explain – whether through racial animus or through religious zeal they want all the Jews to migrate to Palestine. To put it mildly, being a Zionist is by no means proof that one is not an anti-Semite.

    Arthur Balfour was the Prime Minister of Britain who supported and approved Fisher’s naval modernisation programme. He was also politically associated with Winston Churchill and Churchill’s father before him. Both were also linked to imperialists like Cecil Rhodes, Lord Rothschild, Lord Esher and Lord Milner. This group were racists who believed in Anglo-Saxon superiority. It is common to suggest that they were “cultural racists” rather than outright racists, but I have seen no compelling reason to believe that this is a lesser form of racism. To illustrate: in Aotearoa some British “cultural racists” told 19th century Māori that they could become British, but those Māori that chose to do so soon discovered that a racial hierarchy based on skin colour was part of being British. This proves rather neatly that Anglo-Saxon “cultural racism” is the embrace of a culture of biological racism. Moreover this “cultural racism” leads to the same horrific conclusions as direct biological racism. Churchill, for example, said, “I do not admit…  that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.”  These people believed in an Anglo-Saxon racial empire and believed in using violence and subjugation to create that empire. 

    The Anglo-Saxon empire envisioned was to be a transatlantic one. Fittingly it would later be the alignment of British, US and Dutch oil interests between 1928 and 1954 that would provide the strategic underpinnings of such an empire, but Britain would be a decidedly junior partner by 1954. 

    There is some controversy over whether the British may have deliberately pushed the Ottoman Empire into joining World War I on the side of the Central Powers. On one hand, Germany was clearly the best European friend that the Ottomans had, probably because they wanted to secure access to oil. Germany was constructing the Berlin to Baghdad railway, aiming at further establishing a port in the Persian Gulf and they had invested much into modernising the Ottoman military. On the other hand, the Ottomans could see a greater potential for security in aligning with the Triple Entente (Britain, France, Russia) so their choice of sides in WWI was by no means set in stone. Supposedly, the British were meant to be courting the Ottomans, but they made the interesting decision to confiscate a newly constructed dreadnought battleship along with an unfinished dreadnought, two cruisers, and four destroyers. This made the Ottoman choice to go to war inevitable. It was Winston Churchill who ordered British crews to take the dreadnoughts, an unambiguously illegal act. Given subsequent events, it is hard to believe that Churchill was not either intentionally pushing the Ottomans into the arms of the Central Powers or had convinced himself that the matter was already decided.

    Churchill then launched the first oil war in the Middle East. This war was enormous by any standards other than that of the slaughter occurring simultaneously in Europe. It started with the Dardanelles campaign. This was ostensibly to draw Ottoman forces away from the distant Caucasus where they were fighting the Russians. It is unlikely to have achieved much towards that end. Instead after the first couple of weeks it was quite evident that British, French and ANZAC forces were trapped on the rugged shoreline. Despite this they stayed for eight months of futile slaughter. The campaign cost the Ottomans in blood and materiel, but it was more of a setback for the British, and more still of a human tragedy where lives were spent for no real gain.

    Having failed to penetrate the Dardanelles, the British kept fighting a war in the Middle East, notably in Iraq and Palestine. They committed over 1.4 million troops to this theatre when the situation in Europe was clearly desperate. The French made their alarm about this known. Given that the later German effort to “bleed France white” led to serious mutinies and came close to forcing France out of the war, it can be said that the British were truly risking a defeat in the Great War itself by pouring so much into their sideshow oil war. 

    Along the way the British displayed the perfidy for which they have such renown. First they betrayed their Arab allies by signing the Sykes-Picot Agreement under which Britain and France would carve up the Middle East. Then they signed an armistice with Turkey (formerly Ottomans) which they immediately broke in order to invade and conquer Mosul. In doing so they also betrayed the French who had been given the area under Sykes-Picot. At the end of the war the British had occupied everywhere in the Middle East known to have oil apart from the Persian oil fields that it already controlled. After the war nearly a million imperial military personnel remained to occupy and pacify the region.

    Given the cavalier approach that the British had to the agreements it made to induce others to serve its ends, it is striking that the vague Balfour Declaration is still talked about at all, let alone held up as some form of legitimation of the Zionist project. In contrast to promising to “look with favour upon the creation of a Jewish state” the British had explicitly promised the Sharif of Mecca, Hussain bin Ali, an independent Arab state that stretched from the Mediterranean and Red Sea to the Persian Gulf, from the Indian Ocean to the border of Turkey. (The only exception was a small strip roughly corresponding to Syria’s current coastal area.) 

    I won’t dwell long on the partition and distribution of Arab lands that occurred. The British attempted to install puppet monarchies, but this provoked resistance. In particular Iraq was combative. Formed from the “3 Provinces” of “al-Iraq” in the Ottoman Empire, Iraq had been the greatest source of fighters in the Arab Revolt against Ottoman rule. Though divided ethnically and by sect, the population of Iraq soon found themselves united by the common hatred of the British presence, British exactions and British violence. Intended puppet leaders have been hard to control in Iraq because of its natural wealth and because its surface divisions are outweighed by a long sense of shared identity and history. It is the Cradle of Civilisation and its peoples have a far longer record of working together as one polity than do, for example, the peoples of Wales, England, Scotland and the northern bit of Ireland.

    Winston Churchill directed the repression of the Iraqi Revolt in 1920, going so far as to advocate using mustard gas against villages. Aeroplanes dropped bombs on villages many years before the German bombing of Guernica would spark international outrage. Arthur “Bomber” Harris (who would later work closely with Churchill to conduct the deadly and controversial British “strategic bombing” during WWII) said that Arabs and Kurd “now know what real bombing means in casualties and damage. Within forty-five minutes a full-size village can be practically wiped out and a third of its inhabitants killed or injured.” After Iraq was granted “independence” British forces stayed and some sense of how independent Iraq truly was could be measured by the fact that the ostensible monarch of the country, King Ghazi, installed a radio station in his palace to broadcast anti-British political material. He soon died in a car crash that is often attributed to the British or to the pro-British politician Nuri al-Said.

    It was in this context that the decisions over the fate of Palestine were taking place: the British needing Middle Eastern oil and finding it difficult to ensure that the Arabs, Kurds, Persians and others living atop the oil would remain compliant. The process of deciding the fate of mandatory Palestine was clearly contested within the British establishment. It may seem like a “conspiracy theory” to state that a clique of oil-loving imperialist Zionists fought for and achieved the establishment of the state of Israel, but that is what the evidence lends itself to. Further, to suggest otherwise is to state that the British state is a monolith where foreign policy is not open to such contestation. The record of disagreements is clear and we can choose to believe that those promoting the establishment of a Jewish homeland were irrational weirdos who had no cogent reason for clinging on to their stance in the face of clear irresolvable difficulties, or we can believe that they kept their own counsel about their motives. They chose to present a face of a sentimental but unreasonable attachment to Zionism because they knew the world at large would not agree that their aims served the greater good. What they intended was unethical and immoral, and its execution would be necessarily criminal, but it was anything but irrational.

    The period from 1919 to 1947 was absolutely crucial. The institutional processes show a struggle between different forces pulling in what amounted to opposite directions. Through multiple commissions, enquiries, and three white papers the British foreign affairs establishment repeatedly returned to the conclusion that no Jewish state could be established without clear violations of the rights of Palestinians and a violation of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine. There was simply no legitimate way to honour the vague promise of the Balfour declaration which, after all, included the phrase “…nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.” Rashid Khalidi thinks that there is a trick in the Balfour Declaration in that it mentions a national identity for Jewish people but not for Palestinians. I think that is according too much credence to the document. Similarly one of the experts on “Balfour: Seeds of Discord” states that the declaration accorded “civil” but not “political” rights but this is not a real division. It is a convention to divide political from civil rights, but the principle of equality before the law inevitably leads to equal political rights. In normal usage the term “civil” refers to political participation. Voting rights, for example, were intrinsic to civil rights struggles in the USA and Northern Ireland. 

    Even in discussing semantics we are missing the point. The fact that such microscopic focus is given to the 67 words of the Balfour Declaration is a testament to the pressure to find non-realist explanations for British behaviour. In reality the Balfour Declaration is a meaningless piece of paper and, as I will discuss, Israel could never have been established as a Jewish state in anything like the form that exists today if it did not ethnically cleanse the non-Jewish community and steal their property. To say that this prejudiced “the civil rights of the non-Jewish communities in Palestine” is a massive understatement.

    Ignoring the pointless Balfour Declaration (as we all should) the recognised power that the British had over the land of Palestine came from a League of Nations Mandate. The League’s charter provides for Mandates for League members to exercise power over nations that were no longer under the sovereignty of the defeated empires of Germany, Turkey and Austria-Hungary but were deemed unready for self-rule. The pertinent section for Palestine states: “Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognised subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone.” Note the use of the term “independent nations”.

    The Balfour Declaration was incorporated in the Mandate, but I must restate here that Zionists were never intending to create a “Jewish Homeland” that could be created without massively violating the civil rights of non-Jewish Palestinians. The Balfour Declaration was not just a dead letter, it was a stillborn letter that never drew a single metaphorical breath. 

    The Mandate mentions Jews many times but doggedly refuses to accord any character to any other inhabitant of Palestine. This is quite striking given that nearly 90% of the population were non-Jewish Palestinians and that the League charter states that the Mandate is based on there being a provisionally recognised independent nation. Striking or not, though, it is an exercise in propaganda rather than legally significant. As absent as the Muslims, Christians, Druze and other non-Jewish people’s may be from the text in specificity, they are still there in every legal sense. Universal and general terms (such as the oft-appearing word “communities”) clearly cannot exclude non-Jewish peoples. The imperialists might have wished to create an openly discriminatory Mandate but were forced to affirm that no “discrimination of any kind shall be made between the inhabitants of Palestine on the ground of race, religion or language.”

    An honest process would have recognised the intractability of the problem as soon as it was identified. An honest process would have acknowledged that the rights accorded to the Palestinian people in the League of Nations Charter, which is where the Mandate derives its claims to legitimacy, and in the Mandate itself make the creation of a Jewish state as such impossible. The conclusions reached by the 1939 White Paper should have been reached far earlier and should have been accepted and implemented. The 1939 White Paper rejected partition and proposed limiting Jewish immigration while transitioning to a sovereign state of Palestine that would be binational in nature. The problem was that, over the years, the abrogation of the rights of Palestinians in order to establish a Jewish state had been rejected many times and no case had been made, nor could be, that provided a path that would in any way satisfy Zionist desires while honouring the rights of the “non-Jewish communities”. With each such finding, though, the British would pointedly revert to the promise of a Jewish homeland in the mandate in order to reject these findings. These are repeated arguments from consequence, which is to say that they are fallacious. They do not deal with presented evidence and reasoning but instead attack the conclusions. It is a legalistic rhetorical trick undertaken in bad faith, and it happened repeatedly.

    And what, we might ask, was the pressing need to keep perverting the course of the bureaucracy like that? Once again the conventional historiography would have us believe that it is the work of MJP. Worse still, given that most Jews were not Zionists it seems that the Magic Jew Power was controlled by a Zionist conspiracy. That would be industrial-grade anti-Semitism, and while it is tempting to believe Balfour et al. capable of such twisted thinking, it is not believable. One of their own colleagues, Edwin Montagu who was Secretary of State for India at the time, was an anti-Zionist Jew who made it amply clear that he thought the project anti-Semitic and a source of danger for Jewish people.

    We are left with no declared motive on the part of British imperialists that holds up to scrutiny. Therefore we must search for an undeclared motive among at least some of the decision-makers. We might not be able to draw the straight line of an overt declaration that shows a concern for oil directly. As far as I know there is no document to that effect that would satisfy the vulgar empiricists that shamble through the history departments of the world seeking archival proof in the manner of zombies seeking brains. The straight line does not exist, but there are three dots labelled “1”, “2”, and “3” that just happen to lie in a straight line for anyone to join with minimal effort.

    The final acts leading to the Nakba also fit the picture of a divided British establishment with some doing everything possible to establish a Jewish state and refusing to accept defeat simply because it could not be done in a legally or morally acceptable manner. The horrors of the Shoah had created a sense of urgency and exception in sentiment, but when the details were taken into account it is very clear that establishing a Jewish state would require a large scale genocide by historical standards. I will explain why this was necessary shortly, but I do want to acknowledge that this large-scale genocide was dwarfed in people’s minds by the scale of death during the recent War and that this will have blunted sensibilities. That said, more sensitive and engaged individuals like Folke Bernadotte, were not inclined to ignore some people’s rights because others had suffered such extremities. Bernadotte, famous for having rescued many Jews and others from Nazi camps, was supportive of “the aspirations of the Jews” but was even-handed enough that members of Lehi, a Zionist paramilitary group often known as the Stern Gang, assassinated him. (One of the three planners of the murder, Yitzhak Shamir, would become the Prime Minister of Israel in 1983). It is reasonable to think that Bernadotte was genuinely sympathetic to Zionism in the abstract but Lehi, like Ze’ev Jabotinski before them, knew that an Israeli state could not be created without genocidal violence. Bernadotte’s condemnation of violence against Palestinians, given his stature, could have harmed the Zionist cause greatly.

    I won’t repeat here what I have already written elsewhere on the subject of the genocidal nature of the occupation of Palestine, but a recounting of events with a focus on the practical needs of a “Jewish state” will show anew that genocide was always a pre-requisite even if the word itself was unspeakable.

    The British were never able to square the circle of allowing the creation of a Jewish state without clearly violating the rights of the indigenous inhabitants, moreover the gap was far greater than we might suspect now that the establishment of Israel is a fait accompli. Having first rejected its own 1937 partition plan and then rejected its own rejection, the British took to playing the victim. They fobbed the problem off on the UN. Eventually this led in late 1947 to UNGA Resolution 181 laying out a partition plan. The UK abstained from the vote, but we now know that they lobbied vigorously for others to vote in favour of partition.

    Two things are worth noting about UNGAR 181. The first is that General Assembly resolutions are not legally binding. Israel, a country that is second only to the USA in violating General Assembly resolutions, should be the first to admit that. The second is that if everyone had agreed to abide by the provisions of UNGAR 181 and there had been a peaceful implementation of the partition plan it would have simply resulted in a temporary and unsustainable partition of a single Palestinian state. Without genocidal violence and ethnic cleansing there could never have been a “Jewish state”. Perhaps even more crucially a Jewish state could not exist without mass theft of Palestinian property.

    As things stood the Jewish partition designated in UNGAR 181 would not even have had a Jewish majority without ethnic cleansing. Moreover, Jews owned only about 20% of the land in the partition and something like 10% of the commercial property and small enterprises. Even if they had not instituted a democracy in which they were outnumbered from the outset, respect of the civil rights of Palestinians would have left them totally economically dependent on Palestinians and without the resources they needed to allow the mass Jewish migration that later occurred. The property of refugees was taken and nationalised under the rationale that the owners had chosen to abandon it and were designated “absentees” while being denied the right to return. This created a massive national estate. Much of this was administered by the Jewish National Fund which by its own constitution served only Jews.

    After the Nakba Israel established itself on 72% of the land of Mandatory Palestine which in 1945 was only 30% Jewish by population. Despite this the ethnic cleansing they had carried out created a territory with a clear Jewish majority. Israel passed a law of “Return” which referred not to the expelled indigenous inhabitants but to all Jews who were given the right to “return” to Israel from wherever in the world they happened to be. When they got there it was absolutely necessary that they be leased residential, horticultural, agricultural and commercial property or land on which to develop these things. Due to the role of the Jewish National Fund these instant citizens immediately had greater access to these resources than the remnant Palestinians who had gained Israeli citizenship.

    It is not hard to imagine what would have happened if the Partition Plan had been implemented. The “Jewish State” could not have survived. There could be no “democratic” elections. Palestinian property ownership and tenure would have needed to be violated or property owning Palestinians would have become increasingly wealthy and empowered by the influx of Jewish immigrants which would have made it difficult to suppress their political participation. The Jewish state needed the violent dispossession of Palestinians in order to be born, but without the credible excuse of conflict it could not have done so and then claimed to be lawful and democratic. The 1947-48 War was crucial to them.

    Let me be clear here, I am not saying that Palestinians and the Arab countries should have embraced the Partition Plan. They had no reason to and it would not have stopped the war anyway. UNGAR 181, like the Balfour Declaration, did not show a path towards the legitimate establishment of a Jewish state. It was a piece of theatre. It was an act of public diplomacy designed to give a pretext of legitimacy to an enterprise that simply could not be justified on closer examination.

    Genocide is almost invariably carried out under the cover of military conflict. It was true in 1947 and it is true today. Revisionist Zionists knew from the outset that acts of mass violence against the Palestinian people were necessary in order to establish a state of Israel. The first violence that occurred after the Partition Plan was an attack on a Jewish bus, but the perpetrators of these murders were retaliating for murders carried out 10 days before by Lehi. After UNGAR 181 violence escalated and the British largely allowed it to happen. Bearing in mind that UNGAR 181 was not legally binding it did not absolve the British of any responsibilities at all.

    The British Government rejected the Partition Plan (even though their officials had lobbied other countries to pass it) which shouldn’t surprise anyone because it would have violated their Mandate and if they could have justified it they would have done it themselves much earlier. They decided to end their mandate in May 1948, but instead of doing what they were clearly obliged to do – create an orderly transition to a sovereign state for the people of Palestine – they allowed violence to spiral out of control. They refused to cooperate with the UN, the non-Jewish Palestinians, or the Jews to work towards a transition. Then in February of 1948, once facts on the ground had made their responsibilities seem impossible to fulfil, they switched to supporting partition and the annexation of non-Jewish parts of Palestine to Transjordan (today’s Jordan). In March Zionist forces began executing the infamous Plan Dalet.

    Some Zionist historians claim that Plan Dalet was defensive. It sought to clear threats from around pockets of Jewish population including those that lay outside of the area designated for Jews in the Partition Plan. According to this reasoning the ethnic cleansing was a by-product of a legitimate military exercise. The context to that claim was that, as I have already stated, there could never have been a Jewish state if they had not ethnically cleansed that part of Palestine. Furthermore, they did not give back the land beyond that delineated in the UN Partition Plan. Also, they did not allow these supposedly accidental refugees to return, instead they passed a law to prevent their re-entry, confiscate their property and to strip citizenship from any Palestinian citizen of Israel who married one of them. Moreover, they systematically lied for 40 years about why Palestinians fled and if anyone challenged these lies that accused them of being anti-Semitic.

    Given the foregoing, my contention is that British imperialists knew that establishing a Jewish state as such was never going to be possible without the violent dispossession of the existing Palestinian people. They could have insisted to Zionists from the outset that a Jewish state was not on the table and worked towards the peaceful establishment of a “Jewish homeland” in a sovereign Palestine that would accord guarantees of freedom from persecution underwritten by the international community. The Palestinian government would control immigration but would be encouraged to accept Jewish immigrants who would bring funding raised overseas into the country to help development. The British had 30 years to do this yet they chose to keep the dream of a Jewish state alive for their own purposes.

    The British wanted a “loyal little Ulster” but they needed it to be in actual or immanent conflict with the Arab world for it to be of use. When the US replaced the UK in the patron role they referred to Israel as one of their “cops on the beat”. This was the term used by Nixon’s Defense Secretary Melvin Laird to refer to Iran, Turkey and Israel. These three non-Arab countries form a triangle around the richest oil fields in the world and it is pretty striking that they would be considered as policing the region when most of the Arab regimes in the area were also US clients at the time. The threat of Arab and pan-Arab nationalism to the ability to control global energy supplies was intense and it is still significant today. This is only aggravated by Islamic solidarity.

    Of course the British had no crystal ball to see the future, but it is worth thinking about the nature of the state of Israel now. Both in actions during the mandate period and actions afterwards the US and UK have created a state that can never know peace. The US in particular has exercised its international power, most notably in UN Security Council vetoes, to create an impunity that fuels Israeli delusions of peace through total victory. Israel is still seeking to square the circle that the British could never square.

    George Orwell wrote that those who control the present control the past, and those who control the past control the future. He meant that those who shape our understanding of history also shape our beliefs about the present and our reactions to events. The proof of his insight is all around us, but as with all such concepts there are limitations, and those can be very important. There are gross facts that cannot be twisted or suppressed by shared indoctrination. The Nazis, for example, despite having a very strong grip on the communications and ideology of the German people, could not have declared that they had achieved victory in the siege of Stalingrad (though I suspect in early 1943 they would have loved to do so). Some things are resistant to distortion. Words are not simply arbitrary signifiers, they exist within webs of meaning. Israel has laboured tirelessly in arguing that Palestinians have no human rights on the grounds that they are stateless and that there is no such thing as a Palestinian. Rhetorical racism aside, though, they cannot claim that Palestinians are not human beings. 

    Zionists cannot simply declare Palestinians to be non-humans, though many can be brainwashed into an emotional state in which Palestinians are inhuman or far less human than Israelis. The Orwellianism succeeds in that many people in the world have accepted Israel’s right to defend itself by killing Palestinians without thinking for a second that the Palestinians have the same right only more so because they are by far the greater victims of violence. The problem for Israel is that in formal and juridical contexts it is impossible to dehumanise people in that way.

    If the Nakba had happened in 1910 Israel might have been able to establish a Jewish-state-accompli, but after World War II people were writing a new rulebook of international law and human rights. Obviously we have not reached a point where those rules stop powerful state actors from committing crimes, but they do create an historical record in which those crimes are illegitimate. As long as they still stand and hold sway over officialdom, they limit the rewriting of history.

    The key problem that Israel has is that it cannot undo the right of Palestinian refugees and their descendents to return. Due to timing Palestinian refugees come under the mandate of UNRWA instead of the UN High Commission for Refugees, and UNRWA doesn’t have the same mandate to seek durable resolution through voluntary repatriation, but that does not mean that Palestinians don’t have the right to return. Rather like the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, the failure to name a specific right for Palestinians does not mean that it does not exist. The right of displaced persons to return to their homeland is a human right derived from Articles 13-15 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Palestinians are humans, ergo they have that right.

    Israel’s admittance to the United Nations was conditioned on its compliance with UNGAR 194 which, among other things, “Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible.” Most Palestinians are refugees, including half of those in the occupied territories. Clearly Israel did not comply with that resolution. Clearly UN members did not expect it to, but they could not simply pretend that Palestinian refugees did not exist. Their humanity was, and is, a gross fact that cannot simply be ignored for political expediency.

    Though under immense pressure Yasser Arafat and the PLO did not renounce the Palestinian right of return in 2000, but if they had it would not have extinguished that right. It is typical of the delusory thinking that Israel is falling into that the leadership thought that Arafat had some magic power to abrogate the rights of Palestinians on the basis that he is a Leader. The whole point of human rights is that political leaders cannot arbitrarily cancel them. They wouldn’t be much use otherwise would they?

    I am sure that there have been times in its history when Israel might have found a way to resolve issues peacefully in a way that had enough legitimacy to be lasting. It would have been painful and imperfect and it would have left some injustices unredeemed, but it could have ended the violence and unremitting oppression and crushing injustice that Palestinians have endured for generations. Instead the US gave Israel unconditional aid and assistance that was a poison. They have controlled the occupied territories for 67 years, meaning that they have made subjects of half of the world’s Palestinians without granting them rights while grotesquely claiming to be the “only democracy in the Middle East”. Drunk on the impunity gifted by the Western world and Israel’s own immense military power, they refuse to even say where their borders are, sponsoring a colonisation and ethnic cleansing programme in the West Bank and Jerusalem. Our political leaders, in obedience to Orwellian principles of power, act as if this is not happening. It is happening, though, and the gross fact is that its victims are human beings.

    Palestinians are not transitory phenomena. They are not simply a colour on a demographic map that can be changed with a paintbrush. They are human and their lives, their existences, their very breaths are gross facts that doom the state of Israel to fall. In its mania for a “final status” and in its awareness of the “demographic threat” Israel becomes ever more overtly genocidal. They act as if they can win by inflicting enough pain that the enemy will bend to their will, but they can only get what they seek by the non-existence of all Palestinians. It will not happen and the further they go down that path the worse it will be for both peoples. They cannot kill all Palestinians and the more they do kill the more they are repudiated internationally. The death they have unleashed on Gaza, which sadly will continue to rise even after the direct violence has ended, will never be forgotten, and what can they achieve from it? Seizing the northern third of the strip? It gets them no closer to their goal. Their goal recedes with every step they take towards it.

    In the end, whose purposes does this serve? It serves an Empire Complex with military, intelligence, arms, financial, and energy interests at the core, but Israelis only have a fool’s paradise. Zionists could only ever have achieved their desires by making immense compromises in order that they could have a place of Jewish belonging and safety. Perhaps that was never possible, but if it was it could never be made as an exclusive Jewish ethno-state. Fed on the narcotic of impunity and the hallucinogen of exceptionalism they have for generations made it seem natural that the plucky Jewish state should continue – an oasis of [insert Western value here] in a desert of barbarism: 

    Enlightenment? Of course.

    Modernism? Naturally. 

    Socialism? Absolutely. 

    Not too much socialism? Heaven forfend! 

    Secularism? Well we are a Jewish state, so… just kidding of course we are secular. 

    Whatever you want, that is what we are. We are the Athenian Sparta. We shoot. We cry. We write the history and law textbooks to teach everyone that we had no choice.

    It all seemed so real, but it was never real because Palestinians exist. Palestine exists.

    The loyal little Ulster has served its purpose well, but its time is coming to an end. The UK and US will jettison Israel when it suits them. Israel has been a tool of empire but it never suited the empire to create a stable peaceful Jewish state or homeland. Israelis will someday have to choose to live in a democratic state of Palestine, or to emigrate. There is no point in continuing to kill to chase a dream that can never be.

    The post Why and How the UK and US Shaped Israel to Create Endless Conflict first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This content originally appeared on Dissident Voice and was authored by Kieran Kelly.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Once again, the accusation of antisemitism was weaponized to trump both common sense and support for the victims of Israel’s murderous rampage.

    Last week prominent Quebec cartoonist Serge Chapleau caricatured Benjamin Netanyahu as a vampire. The cartoon published in La Presse reads “Nosfenyahou, en route to Rafah.”

    The pro-Israel and genocide lobby immediately condemned the caricature of Israel’s prime minister. So did NDP MP Alexandre Boulerice and others.

    In my opinion there’s nothing antisemitic about the cartoon and Chapleau should be celebrated for using his mainstream platform to challenge Israel’s holocaust in Gaza. Even more, his refusal to apologize for a cartoon that was quickly withdrawn should also be applauded. Chapleau told CBC, “It’s a caricature based on an old character Nosferatu, an old vampire who goes and invades another country. That’s all, it’s not worse than that. If you look up cartoons of Netanyahu, you’ll see much worse. … It’s not antisemitic, it’s not that at all.”

    Following the genocide lobby’s condemnation, Boulerice posted in French “The La Presse caricature, now withdrawn, was highly problematic and antisemitic. It should never have been published. In these difficult times, we all need to be more careful not to stir up the roots of hatred.” In what may have been a coordinated move with the party’s Quebec lieutenant, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh quickly retweeted Boulerice’s post.

    The next day I questioned Boulerice about his criticism of the cartoon. His response suggested he hadn’t done much research on the matter. But the broader aim of my questioning was to highlight the connection between a willingness to disparage those opposing genocide and left-wing MPs failure to participate in anti-genocide protests. I asked Boulerice if he’d attended any of the mass marches that had taken place in Montréal over the past 25 weekends against Canada’s role in enabling Israel’s genocide. He hadn’t (though he participated in the following day’s large union-led march).

    Over the years I’ve seen Boulerice at climate, poverty, immigrant rights, etc. marches. Imagine if there had been 25 weekends in a row of protests with thousands, even tens of thousands, coming out for workers’ rights or expanded Medicare or against racism, homophobia or even Canada deploying troops abroad. It is unthinkable that Boulerice and other NDP and Green MPs would fail to participate. But I’m only aware of one MP attending a Palestine protest. NDP MP Matthew Green spoke during a march in Toronto on November 12. (Conversely, the PM, Deputy PM, ministers and MPs have attended far smaller and less numerous pro-genocide rallies.)

    One reason MPs have not attended the demonstrations is out of a concern for being smeared (Green was forced to release a statement defending himself after speaking in Toronto). That’s the power of the antisemitism stick. Leftists who echo the genocide lobby’s faux outrage about a cartoon are strengthening a stick that makes it less likely that anyone with profile or power will add their voice to the popular uprising.

    Unfortunately, Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) played a dubious role in this anti-Palestinian affair. Former IJV communications lead Aaron Lakoff quickly echoed the backlash, posting to X that “this caricature in La Presse is antisemitic”. IJV’s main account retweeted Lakoff and the group’s spokesperson Corey Balsam immediately liked his post. Lakoff suggested the cartoon was a “blood libel” and claimed “it’s antisemitic because you just don’t draw Jews with exaggerated large noses. Netanyahu is already an evil monster. No caricature needed. For those Jews like me who were teased for our noses, this is foul.”

    But a quick scan of Chapleau’s cartoons demonstrates that they largely all have big noses (if anything Netanyahu’s nose, which is not drawn in a stereotypical hook fashion, is exaggerated less than other public figures).

    According to IJV’s definition of antisemitism posted on their website: “Antisemitism is racism, hostility, prejudice, vilification, discrimination or violence, including hate crimes, directed against Jews, as individuals, groups or as a collective – because they are Jews. Its expression includes attributing to Jews, as a group, characteristics or behaviours that are perceived as dangerous, harmful, frightening or threatening to non-Jews.”

    Clearly Netanyahu is not targeted because he is Jewish, but rather because he is the PM of a country currently engaged in what even the International Court of Justice has ruled is a “plausible” case of genocide.

    But let’s say for the sake of discussion you believe there is a problem with the depiction of Netanyahu’s nose and that the cartoon reinforces some residual ‘Jews as vampires’ stereotype, does the damage done to Quebec/Canadian Jews outweigh the benefit of a mainstream publication vilifying an Israeli prime minister committing a holocaust in Gaza? It’s not even close and focusing on Jewish sensitivities in this manner enables more Palestinian babies to be starved or slaughtered. IJV should remove Lakoff’s post and apologize to Palestinians and everyone seeking to mainstream critiques of Israel’s holocaust. (Long-time IJV member Larry Haiven corrected some of the harm done by the group with “Labelling La Presse cartoon ‘antisemitic’ falls into pro-Israel trap” but he takes pains to note that it’s “the personal opinion of the author alone and does not necessarily represent the views of Independent Jewish Voices Canada.”)

    The La Presse cartoon highlights how IJV’s political weight in Palestine solidarity circles can be damaging. IJV’s quick tweet undercut those pushing back against the bad-faith attacks on the cartoon and Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East retweeted IJV (and to their shame two other criticisms of the cartoon). Even amidst the unimaginable horrors in Gaza, some mainstream respectability-oriented Palestine solidarity groups are willing to echo apartheid lobby panics.

    This is, of course, not the first time IJV and CJPME have assisted the apartheid lobby in marginalizing Palestine solidarity. And it’s almost a pastime of those in the NDP leader’s office.

    On Friday I also asked Jagmeet Singh why he echoed the genocide lobby’s claim that a march to stop the attack on Rafah last month “targeted” a Toronto hospital with Jewish roots. I mentioned to the NDP leader that over 6,000 individuals had emailed him to delete his smear, but it’s still on his account. He partially backed away from the post, but his answer was unconvincing.

    Amidst the genocide, Singh has yet to attend a demonstration against it. Singh was in Montreal on Saturday to attend former Conservative party leader Brian Mulroney’s funeral but failed to join the 5,000 who participated in a broad union and civil society led march against Israel’s holocaust in Gaza.

    Why? Not because of principled anti-racism. Rather, the pro-Israel lobby has trained politicians, media pundits and other opinion leaders like Pavlov’s dogs to pile on condemnation when they ring the bell of “antisemitism” regardless of the merits of a particular accusation.

    Too many on the left pathetically desire to appear “mainstream” and not threaten the status quo. And that “mainstream” space remains defined by a legacy media and its pro-Israel “commentariat” despite that media shrivelling in reach over the past two decades. Interestingly, the right has learned just how irrelevant the legacy media has become, but not the left.

    But the most important lesson from the vampire cartoon affair is that self-described leftist MPs who echoed the Israel lobby’s condemnations of a cartoon also have failed to attend protests against Canada’s contribution to an incredible injustice in Palestine. That is not simply a coincidence. It reflects a fundamental concession to the power of Israel’s supporters. Some “on the left” think it is more important to consider the size of a cartoon figure’s nose than rally support for ending the genocide in Gaza.

    The post On Cartoon Noses, Antisemitism, and the Slaughter in Gaza first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • Once again, the accusation of antisemitism was weaponized to trump both common sense and support for the victims of Israel’s murderous rampage.

    Last week prominent Quebec cartoonist Serge Chapleau caricatured Benjamin Netanyahu as a vampire. The cartoon published in La Presse reads “Nosfenyahou, en route to Rafah.”

    The pro-Israel and genocide lobby immediately condemned the caricature of Israel’s prime minister. So did NDP MP Alexandre Boulerice and others.

    In my opinion there’s nothing antisemitic about the cartoon and Chapleau should be celebrated for using his mainstream platform to challenge Israel’s holocaust in Gaza. Even more, his refusal to apologize for a cartoon that was quickly withdrawn should also be applauded. Chapleau told CBC, “It’s a caricature based on an old character Nosferatu, an old vampire who goes and invades another country. That’s all, it’s not worse than that. If you look up cartoons of Netanyahu, you’ll see much worse. … It’s not antisemitic, it’s not that at all.”

    Following the genocide lobby’s condemnation, Boulerice posted in French “The La Presse caricature, now withdrawn, was highly problematic and antisemitic. It should never have been published. In these difficult times, we all need to be more careful not to stir up the roots of hatred.” In what may have been a coordinated move with the party’s Quebec lieutenant, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh quickly retweeted Boulerice’s post.

    The next day I questioned Boulerice about his criticism of the cartoon. His response suggested he hadn’t done much research on the matter. But the broader aim of my questioning was to highlight the connection between a willingness to disparage those opposing genocide and left-wing MPs failure to participate in anti-genocide protests. I asked Boulerice if he’d attended any of the mass marches that had taken place in Montréal over the past 25 weekends against Canada’s role in enabling Israel’s genocide. He hadn’t (though he participated in the following day’s large union-led march).

    Over the years I’ve seen Boulerice at climate, poverty, immigrant rights, etc. marches. Imagine if there had been 25 weekends in a row of protests with thousands, even tens of thousands, coming out for workers’ rights or expanded Medicare or against racism, homophobia or even Canada deploying troops abroad. It is unthinkable that Boulerice and other NDP and Green MPs would fail to participate. But I’m only aware of one MP attending a Palestine protest. NDP MP Matthew Green spoke during a march in Toronto on November 12. (Conversely, the PM, Deputy PM, ministers and MPs have attended far smaller and less numerous pro-genocide rallies.)

    One reason MPs have not attended the demonstrations is out of a concern for being smeared (Green was forced to release a statement defending himself after speaking in Toronto). That’s the power of the antisemitism stick. Leftists who echo the genocide lobby’s faux outrage about a cartoon are strengthening a stick that makes it less likely that anyone with profile or power will add their voice to the popular uprising.

    Unfortunately, Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) played a dubious role in this anti-Palestinian affair. Former IJV communications lead Aaron Lakoff quickly echoed the backlash, posting to X that “this caricature in La Presse is antisemitic”. IJV’s main account retweeted Lakoff and the group’s spokesperson Corey Balsam immediately liked his post. Lakoff suggested the cartoon was a “blood libel” and claimed “it’s antisemitic because you just don’t draw Jews with exaggerated large noses. Netanyahu is already an evil monster. No caricature needed. For those Jews like me who were teased for our noses, this is foul.”

    But a quick scan of Chapleau’s cartoons demonstrates that they largely all have big noses (if anything Netanyahu’s nose, which is not drawn in a stereotypical hook fashion, is exaggerated less than other public figures).

    According to IJV’s definition of antisemitism posted on their website: “Antisemitism is racism, hostility, prejudice, vilification, discrimination or violence, including hate crimes, directed against Jews, as individuals, groups or as a collective – because they are Jews. Its expression includes attributing to Jews, as a group, characteristics or behaviours that are perceived as dangerous, harmful, frightening or threatening to non-Jews.”

    Clearly Netanyahu is not targeted because he is Jewish, but rather because he is the PM of a country currently engaged in what even the International Court of Justice has ruled is a “plausible” case of genocide.

    But let’s say for the sake of discussion you believe there is a problem with the depiction of Netanyahu’s nose and that the cartoon reinforces some residual ‘Jews as vampires’ stereotype, does the damage done to Quebec/Canadian Jews outweigh the benefit of a mainstream publication vilifying an Israeli prime minister committing a holocaust in Gaza? It’s not even close and focusing on Jewish sensitivities in this manner enables more Palestinian babies to be starved or slaughtered. IJV should remove Lakoff’s post and apologize to Palestinians and everyone seeking to mainstream critiques of Israel’s holocaust. (Long-time IJV member Larry Haiven corrected some of the harm done by the group with “Labelling La Presse cartoon ‘antisemitic’ falls into pro-Israel trap” but he takes pains to note that it’s “the personal opinion of the author alone and does not necessarily represent the views of Independent Jewish Voices Canada.”)

    The La Presse cartoon highlights how IJV’s political weight in Palestine solidarity circles can be damaging. IJV’s quick tweet undercut those pushing back against the bad-faith attacks on the cartoon and Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East retweeted IJV (and to their shame two other criticisms of the cartoon). Even amidst the unimaginable horrors in Gaza, some mainstream respectability-oriented Palestine solidarity groups are willing to echo apartheid lobby panics.

    This is, of course, not the first time IJV and CJPME have assisted the apartheid lobby in marginalizing Palestine solidarity. And it’s almost a pastime of those in the NDP leader’s office.

    On Friday I also asked Jagmeet Singh why he echoed the genocide lobby’s claim that a march to stop the attack on Rafah last month “targeted” a Toronto hospital with Jewish roots. I mentioned to the NDP leader that over 6,000 individuals had emailed him to delete his smear, but it’s still on his account. He partially backed away from the post, but his answer was unconvincing.

    Amidst the genocide, Singh has yet to attend a demonstration against it. Singh was in Montreal on Saturday to attend former Conservative party leader Brian Mulroney’s funeral but failed to join the 5,000 who participated in a broad union and civil society led march against Israel’s holocaust in Gaza.

    Why? Not because of principled anti-racism. Rather, the pro-Israel lobby has trained politicians, media pundits and other opinion leaders like Pavlov’s dogs to pile on condemnation when they ring the bell of “antisemitism” regardless of the merits of a particular accusation.

    Too many on the left pathetically desire to appear “mainstream” and not threaten the status quo. And that “mainstream” space remains defined by a legacy media and its pro-Israel “commentariat” despite that media shrivelling in reach over the past two decades. Interestingly, the right has learned just how irrelevant the legacy media has become, but not the left.

    But the most important lesson from the vampire cartoon affair is that self-described leftist MPs who echoed the Israel lobby’s condemnations of a cartoon also have failed to attend protests against Canada’s contribution to an incredible injustice in Palestine. That is not simply a coincidence. It reflects a fundamental concession to the power of Israel’s supporters. Some “on the left” think it is more important to consider the size of a cartoon figure’s nose than rally support for ending the genocide in Gaza.

    The post On Cartoon Noses, Antisemitism, and the Slaughter in Gaza first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • It’s not often I agree with opinions expressed in the pro-business, pro-Conservative Party and self-proclaimed Canada’s national newspaper. But the editorial board written piece, which appeared Friday in the Globe and Mail makes an important point, captured in the following sentence concerning their suggested motion for the House of Commons.

    “We’ve taken the liberty of writing the motion they ought to bring forth and adopt unanimously: This House unequivocally condemns antisemitism in all of its forms, and in particular rejects the idea that Jewish Canadians are in any way responsible for the actions of the State of Israel.”

    Any fair-minded person should agree. It is obvious by those marching in the streets over the past months that “Jewish Canadians” are both for and against Israel’s current war on Gaza and just because someone is Jewish does not make them responsible for the government of Israel’s actions.

    This is a critically important point. Antisemitism is racism, hostility, prejudice, vilification, discrimination or violence, including hate crimes, directed against Jews, as individuals, groups or as a collective – because they are Jews. Its expression includes attributing to Jews, as a group, characteristics or behaviours that are perceived as dangerous, harmful, frightening or threatening to non-Jews.

    If you disagree with the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza and the West Bank do not blame a religion or an ethnicity; blame those who by their actions or promotion of certain ideas contribute to those disagreeable actions.

    For example, it is fair and reasonable to blame those who donate money that directly or indirectly supports Israel’s military’s assault on Gaza and occupation of the West Bank. It is fair and reasonable to blame organizations that justify or promote Israeli government’s actions. It is fair and reasonable to blame governments that allow arms sales to the military force that occupies the West Bank and has killed thousands of civilians in Gaza. It is fair and reasonable in a democracy for those who oppose Israel’s actions to criticize and even condemn all those who justify and thereby enable those actions. It is fair and reasonable, even necessary, for those committed to right what they perceive as a wrong to publicly debate the ideological source of that wrong. None of this is antisemitic.

    If you disagree with Israel’s assault on Gaza and its occupation of the West Bank and/or want to change what Amnesty International has described as “Israel’s cruel apartheid against Palestinians” direct your displeasure and anger at those who promote the ideas that have led Israel to its current policies. For example, all those who believe governments should never favour one religion or ethnicity over another because it is wrong and inevitably leads to oppression and war have a right and a responsibility to publicly disagree with the idea of a “Jewish state”. This is not antisemitic.

    Yes, it may be antisemitic if people who live in countries with histories of colonial oppression and stealing land from the original inhabitants justify what benefited them but condemn Israel’s colonialism. But it is right and good when people see the wrong in all colonialism and condemn it wherever it occurs and try to make amends for what happened in the past.

    To sum up, yes, some blame Jews for the current killing of tens of thousands of people and the physical destruction of Gaza. This is wrong. Those who should be blamed are those actually doing and enabling the death and destruction. Some of them are Jews. But many more are Christians of all sorts, atheists, Hindus, Americans, Canadians, Germans, French, English and others.

    The post Who Should We Blame for Israel’s Actions? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • Many years ago, the Jewish US scholar Norman Finkelstein wrote a best seller that caused uproar among a group he exposed as the “Holocaust Industry”: people who invariably had not been direct victims of the Holocaust, but nonetheless chose to exploit and profit from Jewish suffering.

    Though treated as leaders of the Jewish community, they were not primarily interested in helping survivors of the Holocaust, or in stopping another Holocaust – the two things one might have assumed would be the highest priorities for anyone making the Holocaust central to their life. In fact, hardly any of the many millions the Holocaust Industry demanded from countries like Germany in reparations ever made it to Holocaust survivors, as Finkelstein documented in his book.

    Instead, this small group instrumentalised the Holocaust for their own benefit: to gain money and influence by embedding themselves in an industry they had created. They became untouchables, beyond criticism because they were associated with an industry that they had made as sacred as the Holocaust itself.

    A follow-up book called the Antisemitism Industry, an investigation into much the same group of people, is now overdue. These ghouls don’t care about antisemitism – in fact, they rub shoulders with the West’s most prominent antisemites, from Donald Trump to Viktor Orban.

    Rather, they care about Israel – and the weaponisation of antisemitism to protect their emotional and financial investment. They profit from Israel’s central place in US political, diplomatic and military life:

    • as a giant real-estate laundering exercise, based on the theft of native Palestinian land;
    • as a laboratory for the production of new weapons and surveillance systems tested on Palestinians;
    • as a heavily militarised colonial state, a spearpoint for the West, useful in destabilising and disrupting any threat of a unifying Arab nationalism in the oil-rich Middle East;
    • and as the frontier state for eroding legal and ethical principles developed after the Second World War to stop a repeat of those atrocities.

    Anyone who challenges the Antisemitism Industry’s – and therefore Israel’s – stranglehold on Jewish representation in public life is hounded as an antisemite or self-hating Jew, as is currently happening most prominently to Jewish film-maker Jonathan Glazer. He is the Oscar-winning director of The Zone of Interest, about the family of a Nazi commandant of Auschwitz who lived blind to the horrors unfolding just out of view, beyond their walled garden.

    I wrote an earlier piece about the manufactured furore provoked by Glazer’s comments at the Oscars. In his acceptance speech, he denounced the hijacking of Jewishness and the Holocaust that has sustained Israel’s occupation over many decades and generated constant new victims, including the latest: those who suffered at the hands of Hamas when it attacked on October 7, and the many, many tens of thousand of Palestinians killed, maimed and orphaned by Israel over the past five months.

    Israel’s walled garden

    Though it is unclear whether any analogy was intended by the film-makers when they were making The Zone of Interest, the film undoubtedly has especial significance and ironic resonance right now, as Israel commits what the World Court has called a plausible genocide in Gaza.

    For the past 17 years, Israelis have lived in their own walled garden, right next to an open-air concentration camp for Palestinians that has been blockaded by the Israeli military from every direction: by land, sea and air.

    The Palestinian inmates were not allowed out of their cage. Their fishing boats were confined to only a mile or two from the coast. And Gaza’s skies were filled with the constant buzzing of drones watching over the population, when those same drones weren’t unleashing deadly missile strikes quite literally from out of the blue.

    The concentration camp was gradually becoming a death camp. Palestinians were being left to die very slowly in their cage, too slowly for the world to notice.

    For a decade, the United Nations had been warning that Gaza was becoming uninhabitable, with more than 2 million Palestinians crowded into the tiny enclave.

    Most had no work, and no prospect of ever finding work. There was no meaningful trade because Israel refused to allow it, which meant there was no economy. Gaza was almost completely dependent on handouts. And Gaza’s population was fast running out of clean water, slowly poisoning themselves with water mostly drawn from overstretched and contaminated aquifers.

    Israelis had no reason to care about what was happening on the other side of their walled garden – much of it land stolen in 1948 from Palestinian families like those confined to Gaza.

    If Palestinian groups tried to make a noise by firing home-made rockets out of their prison, Israel had an Iron Dome system that intercepted the projectiles. Quiet – or “calm” as the western media calls it – largely reigned for Israelis. Or it did until October 7.

    Were Glazer ever to make a modern retelling of The Zone of Interest, the Nova music festival, filled with young people dancing through the night on the doorstep of the Gaza concentration camp, might provide good material. Except this updated tale would have an unexpected twist: the youngsters living the dream right next to 2 million people living a nightmare suddenly found themselves caught up in the nightmare too, when Hamas broke out of the Gaza prison on October 7.

    “Wrong kind of Jews”

    Glazer’s crime at the Oscars was to threaten the Antisemitism Industry’s stranglehold on the West’s narrative about Israel.

    In Britain, the Antisemitism Industry calls them the “wrong kind of Jews” – Jews who care about all human suffering, not just Jewish suffering. Jews who refuse to let Israel commit crimes against the Palestinian people in their name. Jews who rightly described as a witch-hunt the smearing of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters, including his Jewish supporters, as antisemites.

    Glazer seized the rare opportunity provided by the awards ceremony this week to grab the microphone from the Antisemitism Industry and represent a Jewish voice that westerners are not supposed to hear. He used the Oscars as a platform to highlight Palestinian suffering – and to suggest that it is normal to care about Palestinian suffering as much as it is Israeli and Jewish suffering.

    In doing so, he threatened, like Finkelstein before him, to expose the fact that these antisemitism witchfinder generals are dangerous charlatans, conmen in the true sense.

    Unlike the Antisemitism Industry, Glazer has profound, universal things to say about the Holocaust and the human condition. He makes his living from tapping deeply into his humanity, insight and creativity, not wielding his power like a bludgeon to terrorise everyone else into submission.

    Which is the context for understanding the comments, widely cited in the media, of David Schaecter, the figurehead of the Holocaust Survivors’ Foundation USA.

    Schaecter, who denies that Israel is occupying the Palestinian people – and therefore rejects the the very basis of international humanitarian law established to stop a repeat of the Holocaust – says it is “disgraceful for you [Glazer] to presume to speak for the six million Jews, including one and a half million children, who were murdered solely because of their Jewish identity”.

    Schaecter is, of course, projecting. It is he, not Glazer, who presumes to speak for those millions of Jews.

    There are plenty of Holocaust survivors who have spoken out against Israel and its treatment of the Palestinian people, including Finkelstein’s own mother and the late Hajo Meyer, the distinguished physicist who became one of Israel’s harshest critics. Meyer regularly made comparisons between what Israel did to the Palestinians and what the Nazis did to Jews like himself.

    But unlike Schaecter, Meyer got no help or funding to set up a foundation in the name of Holocaust survivors. He was not feted by the western media. He was not treated as a spokesman for the Jewish community and given a bullhorn.

    In fact, quite the opposite. Meyer found himself silenced, and vilified as an antisemite. He even became the pretext in 2018, four years after his death, for a new round of accusations against Corbyn for supposedly fostering antisemitism in the Labour party. The Labour leader had shared a platform with Meyer at a Holocaust Memorial Day event in 2010, five years before he became Labour leader.

    Such was the onslaught that Corbyn denounced Meyer for his views and apologised for the “concerns and anxiety caused” by his appearance with the Holocaust survivor.

    Today, Meyer might be astonished to find that he would be banned from being a member of the British Labour party, and that the grounds on which he would be disqualified are antisemitism. Like most other major western political parties and organisations, Labour adopted a new definition of antisemitism that equates Jew hatred with trenchant of criticism of Israel.

    Meyer, the Holocaust survivor and believer in a universal ethics, would find himself unwelcome in every major British political party. Glazer, the humanitarian Jewish film-maker who cares about Palestinians as much as he does other Jews, is currently being cast out of respectable society in precisely the same way.

    It can happen only because we let western establishments foist on us these Antisemitism Industry charlatans and conmen. It is time to listen to the people who care about humanity, not the people who care about their status and their wallets.

    The post The Antisemitism Industry doesn’t speak for Jews: It speaks for western elites first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • Holocaust-deniers say that the Holocaust didn’t exist even though, according to historian Hans Müller, Hitler proudly told the Pope’s representative, Archbishop Berning, on 26 April 1933, “I am doing what the Church has done for 1,500 years. I am simply finishing the job.” Furthermore, Hitler, in the privacy of his bunker (as transcribed there by the lawyer Heinrich Heim during Hitler’s Table-Talk), concluded, on 21 October 1941, a lengthy tirade against Jews, with: “By exterminating this pest, we shall do humanity a service of which our soldiers can have no idea.”

    So, too, and just as clearly, today’s Israelis and their supporters are in reality-denial by denying that Israel today perpetrates at least ethnic cleansing, if not outright genocide, to clear the Gazans from Gaza. South Africa’s legal case against Israel actually quotes many of Israel’s top leaders, including Benjamin Netanyahu, saying that the Gazans don’t belong in Gaza and won’t be allowed to stay there — that their being there is itself a crime against Israel. Netanyahu actually said, citing the Torah, that God Himself authorized this to be done; and, so, it must be done.

    The talk-show host and Washington Post columnist Hugh Hewitt headlined in that newspaper on 31 October 2023, “Does Israel have a right to exist?” and started by saying that he automatically excludes as guests on his show anyone who rejects the official account of 9/11 or else rejects the Republican position on the Cold War, and that he now will add to that list anyone who denies that Israel has a right to exist. He said:

    I’ve never even considered that I would ask someone, “Did the Holocaust happen?” I’ve never knowingly had a Holocaust denier on the air, just as I’ve never had on a proponent of white supremacy. It’s pretty easy to build walls against such pollutants entering the airwaves under my jurisdiction. But now I will have to add the basic question about Israel’s nationhood.

    He added that only anti-Semites — Jew-haters — deny Israel’s “right to exist”:

    In the past three weeks, it has become painfully clear that hundreds of thousands of Americans and Europeans marching in demonstrations across campuses and in the streets of major cities do not accept the state of Israel’s legitimacy. That view is radical and dangerous. And it can no longer be considered so marginal that it need not be discussed in polite society. Instead, the view is one that must be exposed and its believers obliged to explain themselves.

    And at that point he changed his tune to becoming: Now I want to expose those people, instead of to exclude them from speaking on my show: He went on to emphasize that to question Israel’s “right to exist” is unacceptable because Hamas denies Israel’s right to exist, and Hewitt assumed that whatever Hamas believes, has to be labelled as false, and that Israel is targeting for killing ONLY Hamas, and NOT the Gazans, but that any Gazans who die in this war are okay to be killed, because of Israel’s necessity to exterminate Hamas, which necessity justifies anything that Israel does in order to eliminate Hamas. In other words: the end justifies the means — ANY means.

    He closed by saying:

    We in the media should not silence the Israel deniers, but we would perform a public service if we invited them to reveal themselves. As with those who presume to address 9/11 without a basic grounding in the facts, or who deny the reach of Soviet espionage, when Israel deniers begin to spew, the audience deserves fair warning.

    So: he closed his defense of Israel’s right to exist, by saying that “the audience deserves fair warning” that a kook is a kook. And throughout his article he was aiming to make his appeal to Republicans, against Democrats.

    Throughout, Hewitt’s focus isn’t on verifying what is true and what is false, but instead on who is ‘us’ and who is ‘them’. And he was equating Holocaust deniers with everyone who supports Palestinians against Israelis; and equating anti-Israel with anti-Jew — he was implying that only anti-Semites are against Israel: that to be against Israel is to be against Jews (as-if ALL Jews support or endorse Israel against the Palestinians).

    The way to reality-denial is to personalize — argue ad-hominem — INSTEAD of to present evidence — argue ad-rem. And that was Hewitt’s entire case for answering Yes to his titled question, “Does Israel have a right to exist?”

    I wrote on March 9 “Should Israel Exist?” as a logical analysis of this question, given the clear fact that Israel is either ethnically cleansing or else genociding the Gazans. As regards the broader HISTORICAL argument concerning that question, the case is open-and-shut that Israel should never have been created in 1948. So: to Hewitt’s question, of whether Israel has a right to exist, I would answer “No.” The historical record is clear and unequivocal that Israel had no such right, any more than that any thief has a right to the property that he or she has stolen.

    Historically speaking, the war between the Israelis and the Palestinians was started by that enormous theft of not only land but a hidden number of lives from the Palestinians. This war did not begin on 7 October of 2023 when Israelis say that their war against ‘Hamas’ (but really all Gazans) started, but instead back in 1948. However, like all thieves do, Israelis lie in order to ‘justify’ themselves. As regards the October 7 attack by Hamas, I have headlined on 11 March 2024 “What You Didn’t Know About Hamas’s October 7th Attack”, which introduces and links to a highly informed discussion about that attack. Apparently, Israel lies massively about that event, too, so as to ‘justify’ whatever they do to the Gazans. However, in any case, this war certainly didn’t start on 7 October 2023 like Israel alleges it did.

    The post The Awesome Reality-Denial by Israel and Its Supporters first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • An interview with Collectif Golem, a left-wing Jewish group in France fighting antisemitism and the far right.

    This post was originally published on Dissent MagazineDissent Magazine.

  • While it’s near impossible to sidestep nationalist, imperialist and supremacist ideas, “leftists” should at least not promote prevailing anti-Palestinian ideological strictures. Despite the horrors Israel’s unleashed in Gaza, some who ‘stand with Palestine’ still prioritize Jewish sensitivities over opposing Canadian support for genocide.

    In a hundred days 30,000 Palestinians have been killed, 60,000 seriously injured and 2 million displaced in Gaza. Half a million in Gaza are facing famine conditions and basically everyone is hungry. If Israeli-imposed hunger, disease and lack of medical care persists hundreds of thousands may end up dying. And the state perpetrating this genocide has long encaged, occupied and ethnically cleansed those it is slaughtering.

    Amidst the genocide that Canada has enabled, some self-declared leftists still devote significant energy to smearing anti-genocide activists or trying to have their speaking events cancelled for purported “antisemitism”. Two months ago, some individuals associated with Independent Jewish Voices pushed to cancel my participation in a Palestinian Youth Movement and International League of People’s Struggles event in Ottawa. More recently, the anonymous X account Jane Austen Marxist posted, “In case there’s any doubt about Yves Engler’s antisemitism at this point (there isn’t)” atop a screenshot highlighting a passage from one of my articles. It noted, “With outsized influence in Hollywood and other domains, Jewish cultural influence is significant.” (Anyone interested in the broader context can read my full article here.) A hodgepodge of rightists and leftists liked or retweeted the statement.

    There was no attempt to show how my statement was incorrect or even to explain how it was anti-Jewish. For them, stating that Jews have outsized influence in Hollywood can only be a “trope” or “dog whistle” and thus unmentionable. But my statement is factual, as this 2014 Globe and Mail article demonstrates. In a stunning 2008 Los Angeles Times article headlined “Who runs Hollywood? C’mon” Joel Stein writes:

    How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah. The person they were yelling at in that ad was SAG President Alan Rosenberg (take a guess). The scathing rebuttal to the ad was written by entertainment super-agent Ari Emanuel (Jew with Israeli parents)… The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish.

    The demographic make-up at the top of the US entertainment/media industry would have had to shift dramatically for my innocuous “outsized influence” statement to be incorrect. Do those smearing me have alternative data or any coherent rebuttal? No. In fact, they would likely respond to my quoting Stein’s story about Jewish influence in Hollywood by doubling down on their smear. For them presenting any data that demonstrates “outsized Jewish influence” anywhere is another act of antisemitism. The effect is to be unable to describe how widespread and effective anti-Palestinianism is and why, which, of course, are necessary steps in combatting this form of racism.

    A near universal, if undeclared, rule when discussing antisemitism in Canada is that one can only cite a single sociological indicator for status/oppression. Of the twenty most commonly employed categories in discussions of racism — income levels, incarceration rates, educational attainment, life expectancy, home ownership, positions on corporate boards, etc. — hate crime data is the only indicator one can mention. It’s no coincidence that hate crimes is the only widely used indicator of discrimination in which the Jewish community fairs poorly. While the genocide lobby exaggerates the scope of the problem, Canadian Jews are substantially over represented as victims of hate crimes. But they fare better (often significantly so) than other groups on the other indicators commonly employed to identify status/oppression.

    A broader discussion of the community’s standing doesn’t excuse acts of hate or prejudice against Jews, but it does relativize the impact of antisemitism in Canada. This is important when the genocide lobby explicitly counterposes antisemitism with Palestine solidarity. In a stark example, the Trudeau government recently criticized South Africa’s case to the International Court of Justice against Israel for purportedly impacting Canadian Jews. The government statement noted, “We must ensure that the procedural steps in this case are not used to foster Antisemitism and targeting of Jewish neighbourhoods, businesses, and individuals.” So, an international legal case to end a genocide is objectionable because it may impact Canadian Jews!

    When lobbyists, politicians and the media are explicitly counterposing antisemitism with stopping a genocide, internationalist and anti-racist minded individuals must avoid fueling the antisemitism panic and reinforcing the nationalist, imperialist and supremacist bias towards Canadian Jewish sensitivities. Even if one believed all the apartheid lobby’s most outlandish claims about the anti-genocide movement’s contribution to antisemitism, they barely register compared to the horrors Canada has enabled in Gaza. Let’s say Ottawa seriously pushing back against Israel’s atrocities — by calling it genocide, suspending arms permits and seeking to staunch the flow of subsidized charitable donations — restrained Israel’s barbarity by 1%. This would have saved 300 lives and led to 20,000 fewer Palestinians displaced and 5,000 fewer facing famine conditions. Anyone professing internationalist, humanist and anti-racist values would easily accept all (and some) of the apartheid lobby’s bigotry claims in exchange. But our political culture is highly nationalistic, imperialistic and supremacist. (In reality the Palestine solidarity movement is responsible for little antisemitism and there’s no reason why Canada couldn’t end its genocidal complicity with little spillover.)

    Those implying that antisemitism is a major problem in Canada and that one must be hyper sensitive about “tropes” when discussing the Jewish community’s relations to Palestine are requiring those opposed to colonialism to fight with a hand tied behind their backs. They are saying we must be hyper sensitive to a form of discrimination, but can’t investigate the socioeconomic status of the community purportedly under threat. They are saying it’s illegitimate to cite “outsized Jewish influence” at the upper echelons of Hollywood even when it helps explain the cultural weight of antisemitism accusations and why few in the generally liberal movie industry have publicly denounced the genocide. They are saying mentioning Jewish wealth and power is antisemitic despite it contributing to the effectiveness of the apartheid lobby.

    How many Palestinians have to be slaughtered before we stop prioritizing the sensitivities of a generally well-off Canadian group over a colonized people facing genocide?

    The post When “Leftists” use “Antisemitism” Smears to weaken Palestinian Solidarity  first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • From their inception, the Zionists learned how to turn a loss into a gain, how to use debt as collateral, and enrich their interests. Twisting incidents so that their victim becomes the assailant and their assault makes them the victim has been their trademark. Taking a valid reproach to their damaging tactics and converting it into anti-Semitism, a one hundred percent offering, has shielded Zionist distasteful maneuvers from public animosity.

    This was apparent in their plan of combating the well-received campus protests that highlighted the ignominious support the United States government gives to Israel’s ongoing extermination of the Palestinian people; what better than turn the campus protest issue into having the public perceive the campus protests as giving support to those who proposed extermination of the Jewish people? The insensible congressional hearing, titled Holding Campus Leaders Accountable and Confronting Antisemitism, before the US House Committee on Education and the Workforce accomplished the task.

    Representative Elise Stefanik, Republican of New York, claimed students had “chanted support for intifada and many Jews hear that as a call for violence against them.” What a stretch. Support for Intifada is support for Palestinian actions against Israel, much as support for the Maidan uprising supported the Ukrainian people. Can Congresswoman Stefanik tell us how many, if any, Jews hear that as a call against them and not just Israelis? Ms. Stefanik and her committee proved themselves a complete failure; they did not recite one incident of anti-Semitism. How about that?

    Without having introduced anything meaningful into the hearing, Representative Stefanik took a giant leap and asked the president of the University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Magill, “Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Penn’s rules or code of conduct, yes or no?” Nowhere and at no time has a “calling for the genocide of Jews” been uttered in the campus demonstrations. Like all Zionists, Ms. Stefanik knew that just reciting the “trapping question” was enough to have the thought imprinted on people’s minds, comparable to Trump saying, “Our election was stolen.”

    Confronted with a hypothetical, the confused university presidents, people of integrity and dedication, took the high road and felt they could not give an honest answer. Their lapses proved fatal; the initial scratches became clawed wounds and the unfortunate presidents ran for cover and resigned. They erred terribly.

    It may be excusable that they did not give appropriate answers to the “trapping question.” Any of the presidents could have responded, “We have not heard of anyone calling for the genocide of Jews during the campus protests, and calling for genocide of any ethnicity, not just Jews, violates acceptable rules of conduct.” Their subsequent behavior did not mollify their initial lapses.

    Afterward, when finally arriving in a sensible atmosphere, they could have rationally explained themselves, offered something that soothed the public, and raised doubt of the sincerity of Congresswoman Stefanik who had asked the question. Their inability to respond adequately and rapid resignations betrayed the campus demonstrations, subdued its positive appearance, and gave support to the pro-Israel deception.

    An immediate, well-conceived, and authoritative response to the Committee’s false rhetoric, a further elaboration on the University presidents not wanting their problems to become divisive and contentious issues that affect the universities, and a more in-depth explanation for their abrupt actions from others allied to the universities, counters the usual Zionist twisting of incidents in which their victim becomes the assailant and their assault makes them the victim. Otherwise, this is a bad moment in the struggle to inform the American public of the genocide facing the Palestinian people.

    The post University Presidents Carelessly Resign first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • MPs Anthony Housefather and Michael Levitt are more devoted to apartheid Israel than to their own prime minister and colleagues in the Liberal caucus.

    — Dimitri Lascaris, 2018

    The above tweet was criticized by all the major federal party leaders even though few could argue with it today. After the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) denounced the post as antisemitic, the prime minister, Conservative leader and a cascade of others followed suit.

    In a betrayal worth reflecting on, many leftists and self-proclaimed solidarity activists echoed the anti-Palestinian lobby’s criticism. Rather than focusing on Canada’s complicity in apartheid, they prioritized Jewish sensitivities. In so doing they reinforced a political climate that’s enabled the killing of over 20,000 Palestinian while agonizing about a generally privileged Canadian Jewish community.

    While it was obvious at the time, today no serious person could argue that Levitt and Housefather weren’t “more devoted to apartheid Israel than to their own prime minister and colleagues in the Liberal caucus.”  Levitt left the party two years later to campaign full-time in favor of apartheid as CEO of Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre. Among a slew of examples, Levitt recently suggested Trudeau was antisemitic for expressing opposition to the killing of babies. He tweeted that the PM’s comments “fan the flames of Jew-hatred” and told CBC they “further fuel antisemitism and lashing out at Jews in Canada.”

    After Canada recently voted with the vast majority of the world for a ceasefire at the United Nations, Housefather repeatedly condemned his own government to the media. A month ago, the Montréal MP also criticized Trudeau for his statement opposing the killing of babies. At the time CBC’s At Issue panel reported that Liberal MPs (presumably Housefather) had privately threatened to quit the party if Trudeau called for a ceasefire. He subsequently went on a solidarity trip to Israel. Alex Boykowich aptly dubbed Housefather “objectively Netanyahu’s man in the Canadian government/parliament.”

    Levitt and Housefather care far more about Israel than Trudeau or the Liberal party. As I detailed, there was already a bevy of evidence at the time of Lascaris’ statement that Housefather and Levitt were obsessed with Israel and prioritized defending its crimes over their own party. But the immediate background to the 2018 tweet uproar made the condemnation completely outrageous.

    After a demonstration opposing B’nai B’rith’s smears against the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Lascaris called on Housefather and Levitt, CIJA, and others who had defended B’nai B’rith on the eve of the protest, to publicly repudiate two of that group’s supporters who called for a number of Muslim and brown politicians to be killed in a video detailing their participation in a counter protest to the rally against B’nai B’rith. Lascaris tweeted about the two B’nai B’rith supporters who “called for the death penalty to be imposed on Justin Trudeau & Liberal MPs Iqra Khalid, Omar Alghabra & Maryam Monsef” and asked Levitt and Housefather “to denounce” the threats “but shamefully, they’ve said nothing.” Then Lascaris tweeted: “ MPs Anthony Housefather and Michael Levitt are more devoted to apartheid Israel than to their own prime minister and colleagues in the Liberal caucus.”

    In response CIJA tweeted: “Yesterday, CJPME [Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East] Chair Dimitri Lascaris accused Jewish MPs Anthony Housefather and Michael Levitt of being disloyal to Canada. This is the literal definition of antisemitism under the IHRA [International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance] definition. Will CJPME publicly retract & apologize for this antisemitic smear?” Soon thereafter a slew of MPs, Conservative leader Andrew Scheer, Justin Trudeau, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh and others jumped to Housefather and Levitt’s defense or directly smeared Lascaris.

    Despite all this being immediately detailed, a number of leftist voices followed the Israel lobby, focusing on “tropes” rather than Canada’s role in enabling an apartheid state waging unrelenting violence in (according to a recent Wall Street Journal article, Israel has attempted more – over 2,700 – international assassination missions then any country since World War II).

    In a post-mortem on Lascaris’ narrow defeat in the 2020 Green Party leadership race The Breach founder Dru Oja Jay wrote “it should also be said that in 2018, Lascaris questioned the loyalty of two extremist pro-Israel Jewish MPs in a tweet. Questioning the loyalty of Jewish politicians is an anti-semitic trope with a long history. While he has condemned anti-semitism broadly and while there’s no doubt that charges of anti-semitism are used to silence advocates for Palestinian human rights (which Lascaris is), his refusal to back away from his remarks gave that line of attack levels of legitimacy that they would have otherwise lacked.”

    The next year another Breach editor, Martin Lukacs, reiterated the point in an email claiming my defence of Lascaris was antisemitic. He wrote, “your defence of Dimitri Lascaris’ obtuse and offensive dual loyalty charge a few years ago against Canadian Liberal politicians followed a similar dynamic. In your writing, you seemed to either be ignorant of this classic trope of anti-Semitism, or you simply choose to ignore the connotations of what he wrote about.” (In response to the remarkable onslaught I immediately published “Canadian Zionists’ Unprecedented Smear Campaign against Dimitri Lascaris” and followed up with “CIJA, B’nai B’rith smear Palestine activist instead of racists, antisemite”. These articles emboldened Independent Jewish Voices and Toronto Star columnist Linda McQuaig to defend Lascaris and paved the way for the public letter backing Lascaris headlined “Prime minister owes human rights activist an apology”, which was signed by Noam Chomksy, Roger Waters, Chris Hedges and others.)

    I rehash this history because many leftists, even those who call themselves anti-Zionist, have directly contributed to Canada’s deeply anti-Palestinian political climate. By prioritizing Jewish sensitivities about ‘tropes’, they’ve emboldened the Housefathers and Levitts of the world and further tilted the political terrain against those opposing Canada’s vast complicity in Israel’s horrors.

    It also demonstrates how anti-Palestinian lobby groups set the agenda. If CIJA hadn’t created a brouhaha over Lascaris’ post, few would have seen the tweet, let alone complained about it years later. On principle leftists should be allergic to allowing an apartheid lobby that seeks to destroy left-wing movements set the tone on anything Palestine related.

    Canadian political culture fixates on the sensitivities of Jews here rather than how Canada enables Israeli barbarism. Part of this reflects the dominance of nationalism. What happens here – or to Canadians abroad – is prioritized by the political and media establishment. You see this with the recent discussion of the uptick in hate crimes against Muslims and Arabs or Jews. While all acts of bigotry should be condemned, nothing that has transpired in Canada over the past 10 weeks remotely compares to the horrors in Gaza.

    There’s also a specifically Jewish element to the fixation. With outsized influence in Hollywood and other domains, Jewish cultural influence is significant. Additionally, the Nazi Holocaust is a definitive historical reference point, which has intertwined anti-Jewishness with the ultimate evil.

    It’s true that in Canada Jews are significantly over-represented as victims of hate crimes and there is a history of legalistic antisemitism, including McGill’s quotas on Jewish students between the 1920s-40s, “none is too many” WWII immigration policies and prejudicial land covenants targeting Jews and others into the 1950s. But there’s nothing in Canadian history approaching the antisemitism of Eastern Europe, let alone Nazi Germany. Additionally, today Jews are over-represented in positions of wealth and influence in Canada.

    None of this is to say antisemitism does not exist. It does and when people express hatred for Jews simply being Jews we should condemn it. But being Jewish should not protect someone from criticism for supporting crimes against humanity such as apartheid, ethnic cleansing or genocide. Being Jewish should not protect someone for their anti-Palestinian racism. The self-proclaimed “Jewish state” can and should be criticized for its actions. If that offends some Jewish Canadians that is their problem.

    Hypersensitivity regarding antisemitism is unwarranted when it is being so aggressively mobilized to enable horrors against Palestinians. Conscientious individuals must question how they uphold a political climate that enables Canadian complicity in the slaughter in Gaza.

    The post No to Antisemitism, No to Weaponizing it to Support Israel’s Crimes  first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • Some violent expressions against Jews occurred during the campus demonstrations that criticized U.S. policy of fortifying Israel’s post-October 7 attacks in Gaza. These expressions came from obvious identification of Jews with Israel’s violent attacks; after all, Israel claims to be a Jewish state and a great number of Jews in the United States support what credible observers consider genocide of the Palestinian people. Compared to the numbers protesting U.S. policy, the few people who originated violent messages against Jews did not determine the nature of the protests and their activities were not related to the protests.

    The impact of the protests ─ increased sympathy with the Palestinian cause ─ propelled pro-Israel groups to solicit the U.S. Congress to skew the debate from the reality of U.S. support of genocide of the Palestinian people to specious campus activity of anti-Semitism ─ diminish the importance that several hundred innocent Palestinians are murdered each day by Israeli forces; more important is that reckless persons voiced severely hostile opinions of Jewish students.

    Posters that appeared on a Cornell University message board with a prompt to the school’s president to alert the FBI. “If you see a Jewish ‘person’ on campus follow them home and slit their throats,” and another that threatened to “bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig Jews,” exhibited hatred that needs investigation. More to it. Flying under the radar are other serious charges that also need investigation.

    Demanding an end to U.S. foreign policy that militarily and morally aids Israel in its destruction of the Palestinian people was the issue of the campus protest. The protests of U.S. foreign policy proceeded from a logical view that the U.S. has no reason to be involved in the battle between Israel and Hamas and gains no benefit from aiding and abetting an Israeli response that many certify as an excuse for genocide. Just the opposite is requested — a democratic U.S. that claims to be the protector of human rights should be prominent in obtaining a cease-fire and protecting Gazan civilians.

    The counter-protestors, who wrapped themselves in Israeli flags and walked around colleges while tagging posts with #standwithIsrael, exhibited a serious lack of citizenship and a convoluted attitude toward genocide. They did not contend the protestors’ arguments with U.S. foreign policy, which defies contention; they supported a foreign nation before the interests of their nation and defended genocide. They were not attacked because they were Jews; they were attacked as dubious Americans who had an uncalled-for presence in the campus protests. This is not different than if the U.S. aided and abetted the Myanmar government in its genocide of the Rohingya people and a group of Americans walked around with the Myanmar flag and placed posters that say #standwithMyanmmar as a counter to those who protested against a U.S. policy of helping Myanmar in its genocide.

    The campus protestors had one mission ─ change a U.S. foreign policy that credible commentators observe as aiding and abetting Israel in its destruction of the Palestinian people. The counter-protestors, who acted more by formula than thought, created an intra-campus debate between those who want to prevent genocide and those who support it. Israel’s supporters steered the debate to have the protests become an example of anti-Semitism and, for that reason, should be stifled. This led to wealthy alumni, who recognized they owed much to their university education and made huge donations to the universities, showing they learned that when you have financial power, use it for your personal interests, even if it harms those who helped you gain it. As one example, a Penn University donor threatened to rescind a $100 million gift if the university did not discharge the current president whose testimony before a congressional committee he did not approve.

    The congressional inquiry into campus anti-Semitism, which never depicted any instances of anti-Semitism (Oh yes, Congresswoman, Elise Stefanik, mentioned that conspirators were urging another Intifada, implying that Intifada meant extermination of all Jews), got what it wanted with one loaded question, “Would calls on campus for the genocide of Jews violate the school’s conduct policy?”

    Indeed, the university presidents did not answer the question properly. However, it is not believable they would condone the words and not seek action. Never having faced the violation, each was unaware of the procedures. Perfectly logical. Why torment them for an acceptable confusion? All those watching and participating should have been asking, “Why is there a congressional committee investigating a hypothetical; why aren’t there congressional committees investigating the actual?

    From my knowledge, and I invite correction, the actual is that no serious physical violence against Jews in America has occurred after October 7. There may have been unplanned altercations between demonstrators but no Jewish person has suffered a planned physical violence. In contrast, several Muslims have been deliberately attacked and two have been killed. Why is there no congressional committee investigating the severe attacks on the Muslim community?

    As mentioned previously, the campus protests highlighted the appearance of a group favoring genocide, not genocide of Jews but genocide of the Palestinians. Why didn’t the congressional committee ask the university presidents if they were taking action against that group?


    The campus protests have been a good example of university education put into action. Israel’s supporters tie every attack on Israel to being an attack on Jews. Why are they complaining when others equate Israel with Jews and use the word Jew instead of Israel in the same manner that Zionists normally do? The few examples of anti-Jewish sentiment that occurred during the protests were superfluous to the protests and should be investigated. They should not lead to curbs on the protests, which arose from purposeful misinformation and are unwarranted.

    Those against the protests did not exhibit valid reasons for their attitude. They placed themselves in the category of supporting genocide of the Palestinian people, a position that has no place in normal discourse and deserves investigation. That investigation should not be influenced by wealthy donors who use their wealth to dictate university policy. Universities should listen to alumni and trustees and reject threats that tie donations to steering policies.

    The post Campus Free Speech first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • “Justin Trudeau is and always has been an antisemite”, according to Canada’s former ambassador to Israel. While Vivian Bercovici has staked out an extreme position, other commentators have expressed some variation of this perspective since the PM expressed opposition to killing of babies.

    In a statement in which he repeatedly condemned Hamas and failed to explicitly call for a ceasefire, Trudeau told the press “we’re hearing the testimonies of doctors, family members, survivors, kids who’ve lost their parents. The world is witnessing this — the killing of women and children, of babies. This has to stop.”

    In response to the prime minister’s comment former Liberal MP and current CEO of Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center Michael Levitt posted to X, “The scathing remarks also landed here at home, where Jews like me, reeling from weeks of surging antisemitism, got the message loud and clear, and will worry that they have the potential to further fan the flames of Jew-hatred that we are facing.” In an interview with CBC Levitt reiterated the point, claiming the prime minister’s comments “further fuel antisemitism and lashing out at Jews in Canada.”

    In an article headlined “Trudeau’s Israel tirade hands Canada’s anti-Semites a propaganda victory” Toronto Sun columnist Laurie Goldstein echoed this line of reasoning. He argued that “Trudeau handed anti-Semites in Canada a new club to beat Jews over the head with by blaming Israel alone for the conduct of the war in Gaza — with theatrical pauses for effect — before he even mentioned Hamas.”

    Former Conservative senator, United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Toronto Board Chair and now head of UJA’s Committee to combat Antisemitism, Linda Frum blamed Trudeau for a purported bomb threat at a private Jewish school (which holds “IDF days”). Above a statement noting “Toronto’s largest Jewish school TanenbaumCHAT was evacuated today due to threats made against the school”, Frum posted, “A few days ago PM Trudeau falsely accused Israel of deliberately killing babies. You can draw a straight line from there to here ….”

    (In the real world, Trudeau has enabled Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Alongside dispatching Canadian special forces there and flying 30 Israeli reservists to the country, Trudeau’s government has called for “eliminating” Hamas, supported Israel’s “right to defend itself” and visited to encourage Israeli violence. At the same time Ottawa has refused to halt arms exports, prevent illegal recruitment for the IDF or stop Canadian charities from unlawfully assisting Israel’s military, as detailed in a recent notice of intention to prosecute the PM for aiding and abetting Israel’s war crimes.)

    The argument that criticizing Israel for killing babies equates to attacking Canadian Jews is enabled by Zionist groups linking Canadian Jewry to Israel. Claiming to represent Montreal’s 90,000 Jews, Federation CJA recently launched a campaign to send cards to “our” Israeli soldiers. “Make cards for our brave IDF soldiers”, explains a section on their site that includes a financial appeal for Israel. Card writers are told to drop their messages of support for the IDF off at Beth Tikvah Synagogue and Federation CJA’s office. The Jewish federations in Toronto, Vancouver and elsewhere are also fundraising for Israel and promoting the IDF.

    If told Israeli soldiers are “ours” then criticism of the IDF can easily appear like an attack on Montréal Jews. But the Israeli military is slaughtering children.

    The advocacy agent of Canada’s Jewish Federations, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), was set up partly to further conflate Jews with Israel. A decade ago, the Tanenbaums, Schwartz/Reisman and other wealthy hard-line apartheid promoters created CIJA to replace the Canadian Jewish Congress and Canada Israel Committee. They removed Canada from the name but left Israel in it partly to further blur the distinction between Canadian Jewry and Israel.

    If your principal concern is promoting Israel, perhaps it is politically sensible to minimize the distinction between Israel and Judaism. By doing so you increase the pressure on Canadian Jews to back Israel. Simultaneously, it frames opposition to Israeli violence and apartheid as anti-Jewish.

    But destroying the meaning of “antisemitism” cannot possibly be good for the average Canadian Jew. When a former Canadian ambassador openly calls the prime minister an “antisemite” for opposing the killing of babies the pro-Israel-no-matter-what crowd really have lost their minds.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • On October 28, Craig Mokhiber, the Director of the New York Office of the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, wrote to the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) in Geneva (and I here, in boldface, add a few links for documentation of some of his assertions):

    This will be my last official communication to you. …

    The current wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people, rooted in an ethno-nationalist settler colonial ideology, in continuation of decades of their systematic persecution and purging, based entirely upon their status as Arabs, and coupled with explicit statements of intent by leaders in the Israeli government and military, leaves no room for doubt or debate. In Gaza, civilian homes, schools, churches, mosques, and medical institutions, are wantonly attacked as thousands of civilians are massacred. In the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, homes are seized and reassigned based entirely on race, and violent settler pogroms [against Arabs] are accompanied by Israeli military units.

    Across the land, Apartheid rules.

    This is a text-book case of genocide. The European, ethno-nationalist, [Jewish] settler colonial project in Palestine has entered its final phase, toward the expedited destruction of the last remnants of indigenous Palestinian life in Palestine. What’s more, the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and much of Europe, are wholly complicit in the horrific assault. Not only are these governments refusing to meet their treaty obligations “to ensure respect” for the Geneva Conventions, but they are in fact actively arming the assault, providing economic and intelligence support, and giving political and diplomatic cover for Israel’s atrocities. …

    We must begin now or surrender to unspeakable horror. I see ten essential points: 1. Legitimate action: First, we in the UN must abandon the failed (and largely disingenuous) Oslo paradigm, its illusory two-state solution, its impotent and complicit Quartet, and its subjugation of international law to the dictates of presumed political expediency. Our positions must be unapologetically based on international human rights and international law. 2. Clarity of Vision: We must stop the pretense that this is simply a conflict over land or religion between two warring parties and admit the reality of the situation in which a disproportionately powerful state is colonizing, persecuting, and dispossessing an indigenous population on the basis of their ethnicity. 3. One State based on human rights: We must support the establishment of a single, democratic, secular state in all of historic Palestine, with equal rights for Christians, Muslims, and Jews, and, therefore, the dismantling of the deeply racist, settler-colonial project and an end to apartheid across the land. …

    Israelis learned well from Hitler: they elected governments that did (or else condoned doing) to the non-Jewish natives in their land (who before 1948 were 61% Muslim, 30% Jewish, and 8% Christian), what Hitler had done to Jews in Christian Europe — and now they are being supported by the U.S. and its allies to deliver Israel’s final solution to the Palestinian problem: extermination.

    The self-defense by Israel and its apologists, for this reality that drove Mokhiber to quit and to condemn them, is for them to ignore all of that reality, and to focus instead upon the responses to it by the Palestinians. The self-defense, in other words, is to condemn not the side that started this war (themselves) beginning in 1948, but the side that then, and even earlier (in the late 1930s), were trying to prevent or avoid it (the Palestinians). The evil in this deception by the perpetrators — by the Israelis and their apologists — is obvious, and here is how it is driving a surge in anti-Semitism:

    Israel and its apologists say that anti-Israelism is the same thing as anti-Semitism (so that to condemn Israel is to condemn all Jews), but here they lie yet again because outside of Israel are many Jews who loathe what Israel has been doing in their names. The very idea that all Jews are Israelis, or even support the Israelis and oppose the Palestinians in this war between the aggressor (Israelis) and the defender (the Palestinians), is stupid. That idea simply is not the case; but yet many Jews are being targeted by AUTHENTIC anti-Semites as-if it WERE the case.

    Comments by many readers and viewers online are rife with such anti-Semitism, and the global community of that authentic anti-Semitism grows ever-larger, the closer that Israel and the U.S. get to delivering their final solution to the Palestinian problem. A great many of these anti-Semitic comments are coming from individuals who condemn all Jews on the basis of anti-Semitic lines from the New Testament (such as John 8:44, Matthew 23:31-38, and the earliest-written one of them all, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 — all of which lines I have discussed here). However, many come instead from the Old Testament, which historians consider to be mythical but theologians and preachers believe instead to be “the Word of God”; and, so, scholars cannot agree with one-another on what is history and what in the Old Testament is instead merely myth (religious propaganda, for spreading the Jewish faith).

    According to Wikipedia’s article on the “Kingdom of Judah“:

    Centered in the highlands of Judea, the kingdom’s capital was Jerusalem.[3] Jews are named after Judah and are primarily descended from it.[4][5] The Hebrew Bible depicts the Kingdom of Judah as a successor to the United Kingdom of Israel, a term denoting the united monarchy under biblical kings Saul, David and Solomon and covering the territory of Judah and Israel. However, during the 1980s, some biblical scholars began to argue that the archaeological evidence for an extensive kingdom before the late-8th century BCE is too weak, and that the methodology used to obtain the evidence is flawed.[6][7] In the 10th and early 9th centuries BCE, the territory of Judah appears to have been sparsely populated, limited to small rural settlements, most of them unfortified.[8]

    and Wikipedia’s “Davidic line” says that,

    as for David and his immediate descendants themselves, the position of some scholars, as described by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Silberman, authors of The Bible Unearthed, espouses that David and Solomon may well be based on “certain historical kernels”, and probably did exist in their own right, but their historical counterparts simply could not have ruled over a wealthy lavish empire as described in the Bible, and were more likely chieftains of a comparatively modest Israelite society in Judah and not regents over a kingdom proper.[27]

    If the actual historical nation of Israel was ONLY what is shown on the map as constituting the Kingdom of Judah, then neither Gaza nor the northern two-thirds of the West Bank had ever been in any ancient Israel; and, so, anyone who says that the Jews in 1948 were ‘coming home’ to ‘Israel’ is historically wrong. However, those Jews were ethnically cleansing the land. It’s well-documented, such as here, here, here, and here. And even if ancient Israel had included all of the land that now is Israel, it wasn’t so at all in recent centuries, when virtually all of the residents there were Muslims and Christians — though Jews were demanding to control it while being only a tiny percentage of the population there. Their supremacism was clearly not only fascist but racist; it was Jewish Nazism. Furthermore, during the 1930s, Zionists considered themselves to be fascists; and fascists in both Germany and Italy considered Zionists to be Jewish fascists, ideological brothers of both Italy’s and Germany’s fascists (Christianity’s fascists). And Albert Einstein and other prominent progressive Jews in the U.S. after World War II described as “fascists” Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, both of whom subsequently became elected by Israel’s Jews to lead Israel. And yet the U.S. Government backed them, not only when Begin and Shamir were leading massacres of Arab villages in the 1940s, but when both men became Israel’s leaders in the 1970s, ’80s, and ’90s — and afterward, under their political follower Benjamin Netanyahu: clearly, a racist-supremacist apartheid regime ever since its founding, a regime which defines the supreme group, “Jew,” not only by religion, but by descent; that is, racially. Under U.S. President Harry S. Truman, the America and the world that his predecessor Franklin Delano Roosevelt (who was against the formation of a Jewish state and even resisted his aides who backed Churchill’s strong support for the creation of Israel, and who also was opposed to Winston Churchill’s and Dwight Eisenhower’s urgings for a war against the Soviet Union) had sought and carefully planned — the world that FDR had been intensively working to build — abruptly ended. And, more than anything else, this is the reason why, on 28 October 2023, the Director of the New York Office of the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, wrote to the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) in Geneva, to resign his post. He resigned his post because now the final solution to the Palestinian problem — the problem that Truman and his successors enabled fascist Jews to create — is about to come to a head. And decent Jews everywhere will be experiencing the backlash from what the indecent ones — who are the majority in Israel — are doing. The decent Jews will be getting the backlash for what the indecent ones are doing, but the blame really should go ONLY to the Israelis, and to the UK and U.S. billionaires (and their politicians and ‘news’-media) who have been constantly propagandizing for them.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • On October 28, Craig Mokhiber, the Director of the New York Office of the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, wrote to the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) in Geneva (and I here, in boldface, add a few links for documentation of some of his assertions):

    This will be my last official communication to you. …

    The current wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people, rooted in an ethno-nationalist settler colonial ideology, in continuation of decades of their systematic persecution and purging, based entirely upon their status as Arabs, and coupled with explicit statements of intent by leaders in the Israeli government and military, leaves no room for doubt or debate. In Gaza, civilian homes, schools, churches, mosques, and medical institutions, are wantonly attacked as thousands of civilians are massacred. In the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, homes are seized and reassigned based entirely on race, and violent settler pogroms [against Arabs] are accompanied by Israeli military units.

    Across the land, Apartheid rules.

    This is a text-book case of genocide. The European, ethno-nationalist, [Jewish] settler colonial project in Palestine has entered its final phase, toward the expedited destruction of the last remnants of indigenous Palestinian life in Palestine. What’s more, the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and much of Europe, are wholly complicit in the horrific assault. Not only are these governments refusing to meet their treaty obligations “to ensure respect” for the Geneva Conventions, but they are in fact actively arming the assault, providing economic and intelligence support, and giving political and diplomatic cover for Israel’s atrocities. …

    We must begin now or surrender to unspeakable horror. I see ten essential points: 1. Legitimate action: First, we in the UN must abandon the failed (and largely disingenuous) Oslo paradigm, its illusory two-state solution, its impotent and complicit Quartet, and its subjugation of international law to the dictates of presumed political expediency. Our positions must be unapologetically based on international human rights and international law. 2. Clarity of Vision: We must stop the pretense that this is simply a conflict over land or religion between two warring parties and admit the reality of the situation in which a disproportionately powerful state is colonizing, persecuting, and dispossessing an indigenous population on the basis of their ethnicity. 3. One State based on human rights: We must support the establishment of a single, democratic, secular state in all of historic Palestine, with equal rights for Christians, Muslims, and Jews, and, therefore, the dismantling of the deeply racist, settler-colonial project and an end to apartheid across the land. …

    Israelis learned well from Hitler: they elected governments that did (or else condoned doing) to the non-Jewish natives in their land (who before 1948 were 61% Muslim, 30% Jewish, and 8% Christian), what Hitler had done to Jews in Christian Europe — and now they are being supported by the U.S. and its allies to deliver Israel’s final solution to the Palestinian problem: extermination.

    The self-defense by Israel and its apologists, for this reality that drove Mokhiber to quit and to condemn them, is for them to ignore all of that reality, and to focus instead upon the responses to it by the Palestinians. The self-defense, in other words, is to condemn not the side that started this war (themselves) beginning in 1948, but the side that then, and even earlier (in the late 1930s), were trying to prevent or avoid it (the Palestinians). The evil in this deception by the perpetrators — by the Israelis and their apologists — is obvious, and here is how it is driving a surge in anti-Semitism:

    Israel and its apologists say that anti-Israelism is the same thing as anti-Semitism (so that to condemn Israel is to condemn all Jews), but here they lie yet again because outside of Israel are many Jews who loathe what Israel has been doing in their names. The very idea that all Jews are Israelis, or even support the Israelis and oppose the Palestinians in this war between the aggressor (Israelis) and the defender (the Palestinians), is stupid. That idea simply is not the case; but yet many Jews are being targeted by AUTHENTIC anti-Semites as-if it WERE the case.

    Comments by many readers and viewers online are rife with such anti-Semitism, and the global community of that authentic anti-Semitism grows ever-larger, the closer that Israel and the U.S. get to delivering their final solution to the Palestinian problem. A great many of these anti-Semitic comments are coming from individuals who condemn all Jews on the basis of anti-Semitic lines from the New Testament (such as John 8:44, Matthew 23:31-38, and the earliest-written one of them all, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 — all of which lines I have discussed here). However, many come instead from the Old Testament, which historians consider to be mythical but theologians and preachers believe instead to be “the Word of God”; and, so, scholars cannot agree with one-another on what is history and what in the Old Testament is instead merely myth (religious propaganda, for spreading the Jewish faith).

    According to Wikipedia’s article on the “Kingdom of Judah“:

    Centered in the highlands of Judea, the kingdom’s capital was Jerusalem.[3] Jews are named after Judah and are primarily descended from it.[4][5] The Hebrew Bible depicts the Kingdom of Judah as a successor to the United Kingdom of Israel, a term denoting the united monarchy under biblical kings Saul, David and Solomon and covering the territory of Judah and Israel. However, during the 1980s, some biblical scholars began to argue that the archaeological evidence for an extensive kingdom before the late-8th century BCE is too weak, and that the methodology used to obtain the evidence is flawed.[6][7] In the 10th and early 9th centuries BCE, the territory of Judah appears to have been sparsely populated, limited to small rural settlements, most of them unfortified.[8]

    and Wikipedia’s “Davidic line” says that,

    as for David and his immediate descendants themselves, the position of some scholars, as described by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Silberman, authors of The Bible Unearthed, espouses that David and Solomon may well be based on “certain historical kernels”, and probably did exist in their own right, but their historical counterparts simply could not have ruled over a wealthy lavish empire as described in the Bible, and were more likely chieftains of a comparatively modest Israelite society in Judah and not regents over a kingdom proper.[27]

    If the actual historical nation of Israel was ONLY what is shown on the map as constituting the Kingdom of Judah, then neither Gaza nor the northern two-thirds of the West Bank had ever been in any ancient Israel; and, so, anyone who says that the Jews in 1948 were ‘coming home’ to ‘Israel’ is historically wrong. However, those Jews were ethnically cleansing the land. It’s well-documented, such as here, here, here, and here. And even if ancient Israel had included all of the land that now is Israel, it wasn’t so at all in recent centuries, when virtually all of the residents there were Muslims and Christians — though Jews were demanding to control it while being only a tiny percentage of the population there. Their supremacism was clearly not only fascist but racist; it was Jewish Nazism. Furthermore, during the 1930s, Zionists considered themselves to be fascists; and fascists in both Germany and Italy considered Zionists to be Jewish fascists, ideological brothers of both Italy’s and Germany’s fascists (Christianity’s fascists). And Albert Einstein and other prominent progressive Jews in the U.S. after World War II described as “fascists” Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, both of whom subsequently became elected by Israel’s Jews to lead Israel. And yet the U.S. Government backed them, not only when Begin and Shamir were leading massacres of Arab villages in the 1940s, but when both men became Israel’s leaders in the 1970s, ’80s, and ’90s — and afterward, under their political follower Benjamin Netanyahu: clearly, a racist-supremacist apartheid regime ever since its founding, a regime which defines the supreme group, “Jew,” not only by religion, but by descent; that is, racially. Under U.S. President Harry S. Truman, the America and the world that his predecessor Franklin Delano Roosevelt (who was against the formation of a Jewish state and even resisted his aides who backed Churchill’s strong support for the creation of Israel, and who also was opposed to Winston Churchill’s and Dwight Eisenhower’s urgings for a war against the Soviet Union) had sought and carefully planned — the world that FDR had been intensively working to build — abruptly ended. And, more than anything else, this is the reason why, on 28 October 2023, the Director of the New York Office of the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, wrote to the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) in Geneva, to resign his post. He resigned his post because now the final solution to the Palestinian problem — the problem that Truman and his successors enabled fascist Jews to create — is about to come to a head. And decent Jews everywhere will be experiencing the backlash from what the indecent ones — who are the majority in Israel — are doing. The decent Jews will be getting the backlash for what the indecent ones are doing, but the blame really should go ONLY to the Israelis, and to the UK and U.S. billionaires (and their politicians and ‘news’-media) who have been constantly propagandizing for them.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • John Ganz returns to discuss William F. Buckley Jr.’s 1992 book In Search of Anti-Semitism.

    This post was originally published on Dissent MagazineDissent Magazine.

  • Editors and writers from Jewish Currents stop by for a discussion on the contradictory history of the Anti-Defamation League—and how to make sense of its recent showdown with Elon Musk.

    This post was originally published on Dissent MagazineDissent Magazine.

  • [This is a partial transcript of an interview aired on 11 April 2023 on Berks Community Television.]

    Faramarz Farbod: Can you explain what you mean by Zionism?

    Miko Peled: To put it as simply and succinctly as possible, Zionism is an ideology that says the Jewish people all over the world have a right to Palestine at the expense of Palestinians. It created a theory that because all Jewish people around the world are descendants of ancient Hebrews a few thousand years ago, they have a right to return. And that the Jews are not a nation united by religion, but a nation united as all other nations by a land, a country, a history, and so on, which, of course, is completely antithetical to Judaism. According to Judaism and Jewish law, what unites Jews is their faith, the laws, the Jewish laws, not language or a country. Anyway, the Zionists were secular people. They said we are a nation like all nations, our country is Palestine, and our history is the Old Testament. They believed in the religious part of the Old Testament, but they said we can throw out God and all that nonsense. But the history there, that’s our history. I grew up and learned that history, the stories of the Old Testament; we learned them as history.

    That’s Zionism, and it says that I and every Jew around the world, well, I certainly, because I was born there, but any Jew around the world, has the right to come to Palestine, and they call it Israel, the land of Israel.

    FF: That is the so-called Right of Return, which is extended to the Jews but not to the Palestinian inhabitants who were displaced.

    MP: Yes, of course. The Palestinians were considered, and are considered, invaders, foreign invaders. It’s our land, we may have been gone for two thousand years but we are back. You know, the use of ‘we were there and now we are back’ and so this is us. The reason I think this is absurd is that if you ask any Israeli Jew “Where are you from?” they’ll say Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Iraq, Yemen, Kurdistan, Maghreb, Iran, and every other place in the world; but you ask any Palestinian outside of Palestine “Where are you from?’ — ask any child, you know that I go to conferences and there are always a lot of children — they say: Yafa, Haifa, Jerusalem, and so on. They know the name of the villages up and down the country. These people are all from there. But take Bezalel Smotrich, the far-right Israeli Minister of Finance, who is the most rabid, racist Zionist, perhaps in the history of Zionism. His name is the name of a town in Ukraine. He has this rant that goes on telling Palestinians that they are Arabs and that there is no such thing as Palestinians. They’re just Arabs and they need to go back to Arabia. If their name is Messrie (Egyptian in Arabic) then they need to go to Egypt, and so on. But his name is Smotrich, and he hasn’t even changed it. It shows the absurdity of this whole idea of the right of Jewish people to return to a place they never came from.

    That is what Zionism is. It’s the ideology that created an apartheid regime in Palestine that gives privileges to Jews at the expense of the Palestinians. That’s what it is. It’s a racist ideology. It’s a violent ideology. And what we see today is that ideology being manifested.

    FF: We could say Zionism is a violent ideology not because it is theoretically a violent ideology. If there was a place without a people where this in-gathering of Jews from around the world could take place, then it would not require any violence. But because Palestine was inhabited by the Palestinians, Zionism in practice necessarily became very violent. It also required sponsorship by global powers, earlier Great Britain, and later the United States. Otherwise, there would be no state of Israel the way we are experiencing it as a settler-colonial, apartheid state.

    MP: It also required this new notion, a new creation of a secular Jew — historically a new thing. For Jews, the yearning to go to Jerusalem was always for prayer and worship. It had nothing to do with sovereignty. Jews never sought and according to Jewish law are prohibited from sovereignty in the Holy Land. There is a famous line by a Rabbi, an Egyptian who lived in Baghdad, Iraq, in the 12th century, that every practicing Orthodox Jew knows. He wrote it in Arabic using Hebrew letters, discussing religious issues as part of a famous treatise. He wrote that the Jews are a nation united by their sharia, their religious laws. That’s it. Zionists came up and said, no. You don’t have to be religious. It has nothing to do with religion; we are a nation, and on and on.

    So, that’s what Zionism is, and as you said, there is no way it could go without violence. This is why they created this mantra: “A land without a people for a people without a land.” First, this was a Christian mantra before it became a Jewish Zionist one; the Christian Zionists preceded the Jewish Zionists in the early 19th century. But it is not that they didn’t know there were people living in Palestine, but these were people who didn’t matter because they are brown. They are not European. This is a Eurocentric settler-colonial ideology that made perfect sense at the time. It’s like people say, Balfour promised Palestine to the Jewish people by giving a note to a Jewish millionaire by the name of Rothschild. Who the hell is Balfour and who the hell is Rothschild and what have they got to do with giving and taking Palestine and promising it to anybody? But they are two white racist Europeans talking about the land that belongs to brown people. They could do that, and it was perfectly acceptable at the time.

    FF: You are referring to the Balfour Declaration in 1917. I agree. Even Theodore Herzl (the founder of modern Zionism) who argued for the immigration of Jews to Palestine to form a Jewish state in response to European anti-Semitism, wrote in his 1896 book, The State of the Jews, that a Jewish state in Palestine would be “an outpost of civilization against barbarism,” betraying the European colonial and racist mentality of the times.

    MP: Herzl also talked about how disgusting Jews are and how the Zionist is a new Jew who is good-looking and looks more like the Greek ideal of what a human should look like. He wrote some terrible things about Jews that no one would dare say today. If you look at his writings, it’s quite horrifying the way he and some other early Zionists describe Jews.

    FF: I wonder why? Is that because he was looking down on the condition of Jews who had lived in ghettos? Is that what he was associating that image with?

    MP: He was disgusted by Jews. He hated Jews. He couldn’t help the fact that he was a Jew. You must read his writings. He had this idea that you must break away from this ugly, filthy, thieving Jew, and create this new image of the Zionist Jew who is good-looking, tanned, brave, fights for their rights, cultivates the land, is enlightened, speaks an enlightened language, and so on. Many early Zionists, the whole generation of my father, what’s called the 1948 Zionists who were born in Palestine, hated the Jews, hated the image of the European Jew, which was somebody who is subservient to God, follows what they perceive as God’s laws, lives in a secluded way in a way that they can worship and not be interrupted, and refuses to carry guns. To this day, the Orthodox community in Palestine refuses to serve in the military, and they get hate, they get arrested, they get beaten, and they get persecuted terribly by the Israeli authorities for their stance which is a very honorable moral stance of refusing to carry arms and participating in this military thing. But the Zionists look down on these people. Even at one point, they said, we are creating the state but not for these people. We are creating the state for this enlightened Jew, not for this backward Jew. So there are a lot of very strong antisemitic overtones in early Zionism.

    FF: It’s ironic that by now the enterprise of Zionism in a way has led to this turnaround in Israeli politics towards the rise of nationalistic religious Zionism at the expense of let’s say a more pragmatic, Ashkenazi, Labor party-type Zionism that dominated in the first several decades of the establishment of the Jewish State. I wonder what Herzl and other early Zionists might have said if they were alive to witness this turn of events moving from this secular Jew to now this rising dominance of Zionist type or character of nationalistic and religious Jews, a settler from the West Bank.

    MP: Who knows what people like Herzl would have said? When you look at it historically, what we see today does not represent a shift or change. I think it’s a very natural succession of Zionism up to this point. People talk about how, as you said, they used to be kind of secular and socialist-oriented. But we can’t forget that this secular, socialist-oriented ideology was established over a massive campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide, a genocidal campaign against another nation. And then when they established the state, the few Palestinians who remained in Palestine were put in ghettoes. They were not second-class citizens but people with no rights. In the West, people thought it was this wonderful thing; it was a miracle. In the 70s and the 60s, young Americans and young Europeans would go and volunteer on the Kibbutz. And the Kibbutz was this idealistic creation. But, of course, the land and the water were stolen, and labor was cheap. The Palestinian farmers who were thrown out of their land were now hired at starvation wages to cultivate the land for these Ashkenazi settlers. So, yes, there was this sense that it was idealistic, and they presented it that way in the West. But the truth was very different. Look at the current Israeli cabinet and government. They are the true representation of Zionism.

    FF: You could say they are the case of Zionist chickens who have come home to roost.

    MP: Yes. You know, you got the hundreds of thousands of Israelis protesting. Why are they protesting? This is the 40 or 45 percent of Israelis who did not vote for the people who are in government power right now. They were quite happy and satisfied when these settlers terrorized Palestinians in the West Bank. They belong in the West Bank. They don’t belong on the national scene. They don’t belong as ministers in our lives. They belong to these rowdy, ugly people that we don’t like and don’t want to associate ourselves with. These 40 or 45 percent in the streets do not see themselves as settlers; they do not see themselves as people who committed war crimes going on for 75 years. The other Israelis have. Now these other Israelis are back like you say they are turning to roost. Now they are in the government. They hold nationally important positions. They create policies that touch on everybody. That’s why Israelis are so angry now and protesting in the streets because they don’t like the face of these people. It’s like looking in the mirror and discovering that you are terribly ugly.

    FF: So, it’s like the tension between let’s say liberal Zionism and religious, ultra-nationalistic Zionism of settler kind. Is this essentially what we are seeing?

    MP: Yes, although I would use the word ‘liberal’ cautiously because all they care for is their own privilege within the apartheid regime. This does not extend to anybody other than Israeli Jews.

    FF: Right. That’s why when people say ‘Israel is the only democracy’ in the Middle East, they are really talking about at best a closed utopia, for the Jews only. We cannot call Israel a democratic state when you have the ongoing occupation of Palestinians and the apartheid practices as acknowledged by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Harvard Law School, B’Tselem, not to mention Palestinian sources.

    MP: Of course not.

    FF: In a September 2022 U.N. Report by Ms. Francesca Albanese, the current Special Rapporteur about human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, she argued that the denial of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination constitutes the very heart of the injustice in Palestine. This denial is the key reason why we have this terrible situation in Palestine today.

    MP: Yes. A couple of years ago, the new Rapporteur that you mentioned co-authored an excellent paper called “Palestinian Refugees in International Law” and she asked me to write a review that I published. It talks about claims of Palestinian refugees. Not only have they not become weaker over the years; they have become stronger over the years. It shows exactly what was taken from Palestinians in 1948 beyond just their homes and their land. We are talking about public spaces, cities, produce that was on the fields and trees, and you know billions were stolen and what the value of that is today and what Israel owes Palestinians to this day. Because there is an attempt to delegitimize the Palestinian claims to return and to reparations, saying only the Palestinians who were alive in 1948 and were displaced have any rights of refugees. She shows that is legally untrue and that people don’t realize just how much the Zionists stole. People had money in the banks. People had cars. Farmers had agricultural equipment. There was produce in the fields. There were fruits on the trees. There were entire cities, public spaces, theaters, schools, and hospitals, and all of this was taken and stolen to create houses and apartments. These were big cities. The Zionists came and said that there is nothing here and that we made the desert bloom. You know the Negev, which is a fertile desert, if you look at aerial photos the British took in the 1920s you see enormous plots of land that were cultivated. Israel did not make anything bloom. They went on a rampage and stole and destroyed. They have continued the destruction to this day. I am glad that you mentioned her because she coauthored this important paper.

    FF: That’s why the Palestinians say that the land was furnished when the Zionists came and took it. Palestine was not empty neither of people nor riches.

    MP: That’s right.

    FF: Let’s get to the current protests and the new government in Israel. There have been months of protests in Israel against the judicial reforms that Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, has been pushing for. Currently, it has been delayed. But part of the news of the delaying of the push for the overhaul of the judicial reforms by Netanyahu was that he gave Itamar Ben-Gvir, the Minister of National Security of Israel, who had opposed the delay, his own so-called private militia, or a new national guard. People like Ben-Gvir and the settlers who follow him have been going around saying to the Palestinians they terrorize that they are going to give them a second Nakba. That’s a word that Palestinians use to describe the catastrophe that befell them in 1948 when they lost their land, homes, and their history. This poses a tremendous problem for the security of all Palestinians in the coming months.

    MK: Yeah, I mean there is a discussion about guaranteeing the safety and security of the Palestinians. They are the ones that are being killed regularly for over 75 years. They are the ones who are endangered. But the narrative and the discourse are always about the safety of the Jews and the Israelis. And that’s kind of what justifies the $3.8 billion going from the US to Israel and they milk that to the bone. It’s the Palestinians who need some kind of guarantee for their lives and safety. Again, it was always the case. Now, it is even worse. Netanyahu supposedly made a promise that he was going to put a hold on these judicial reforms, which most people call a coup, not judicial reform. But nobody believes him. I don’t believe him. He says one thing and does another quietly. This is how they operate. The protests are not stopping. But you do hear voices from people who work in the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education that their budgets have been sliced and slashed to provide funding for Ben- Gvir’s new Army which is some kind of new militia. The lives of the Palestinians have always been in danger since Israel was established. Now it’s much more severe. The lives of every Palestinian are in danger all the time. They were saying that this militia would only deal with terrorists and political issues. In other words, every Palestinian child with a rock is a terrorist. Anyone who rejects Zionism, the state of Israel, or what it does is a supporter of terrorism. You and I would be in that category. Every other Palestinian would be in that category.

    The Palestinian citizens of Israel are probably the most cooperative, quiet, educated, and as a community contributing to society and the well-being of others. They are all going to be terrorists now. We are talking about Palestinian Bedouins in the Negev, some 300,000 people, the Palestinian citizens of Israel in general, about 2 million, any activists within that community, and any politician who runs against the settlers. The settlers control the municipalities, and city councils, and are now getting more control of the military and the police. Palestinians are on the edge of a precipice without any question, and nobody is speaking for them. Nobody is talking about how to guarantee their safety and security. It’s never part of the conversation. It’s a very serious problem. There is always this expectation, expression, and discourse that ‘the Palestinians need to…,’ ‘the Palestinians should…,’ and ‘if only Palestinians could…’ Well, the Palestinians are in a maximum-security prison. They are doing everything they possibly can. There is not going to be another Salaheddin, Messiah, or God knows who is going to come and save them.

    If we allow our representatives to send the money to Israel, they will continue to do so. If we allow our representatives to identify with Zionism, which is a racist, brutal ideology, then they will continue to do so. If we tell them to stop and demand they stop, then there is a chance they will stop. But we hold the keys. The other thing is we always hear that Israelis are people of conscience. But we saw liberal Israelis in the hundreds of thousands in the streets and never heard one voice calling to end the blockade of Gaza or allow the allocation of the same amount of water to Palestinians who are not allocated water. That is not part of the conversation at all. Two hundred fighter pilots refused to show up for duty as reservists. When did they ever refuse to bomb Gaza? So, we cannot look up to Israeli society; help is not going to come from them. These are the most liberal people that we are seeing in the streets now, and this is not a part of their agenda. So, it’s up to us. People on the outside must help the Palestinians.

    FF: Yes, that’s why the Palestinian Israelis are not part of these protests. After all, what if you secure the independence of the courts in Israel? They have not been nice to the Palestinians with home demolitions and all sorts of other issues. Nobody is talking about their issues; Palestine is the elephant in the room here.

    Let’s talk about the US-Israel relationship. Why does the US support Israel when all human rights organizations say Israel subjects the Palestinians to a brutal system of oppression and apartheid? We still have Biden saying that he is a Zionist and a friend of Israel. The US goes on to support Israel with the $3.8 billion that you mentioned in terms of money but also with all the other layers of US support: diplomatic, political, using the US veto in the UN, strategic, economic, integrating some of the US high-tech industry with that of Israel, intelligence-wise, ideological, and so on. Why do you think that is? Is it due to a very effective PR machine at work, the Israeli lobby, or is it an imperative of the American Empire, maybe Israel is a watchdog for the US in the region, or a combination of all these?

    MP: It is all the above. People imagine the Israeli lobby as a bunch of people in suits at the Capitol. That’s how Israel operates. The Zionists learned very early on, a hundred years ago, that in America all politics is local. That is why anybody who runs for city council, school board, or any mayor, police chief, or deputy-police chief, regardless of how small the town is, immediately gets a trip to Israel, which includes a helicopter ride with some famous General over the Golan Heights, and visits here and trips there in jeeps and so on. They have been investing in cultivating politicians, making sure that schoolbooks, textbooks, and social studies portray the issue of Israel-Palestine the way they want it done. They got watchdog organizations through- out the entire country looking at and reading social studies textbooks. They are in the black and Latino churches. They are taking delegations of young black leaders again to Israel. They have got these organizations where Zionist Jews sit with black Americans talking about their mutual suffering. You know, one of the most privileged groups in America sharing suffering with probably one of the most disenfranchised groups in America and the world. They have been doing this for a hundred years. They have pockets without limits. They are very good at it. On top of that, about half of the foreign aid bill comes back to purchase weapons, and the whole issue of shared values of two countries that are built on racism and genocide. So, it is a combination of all the things that you mentioned.

    FF: I am glad you mentioned the ‘shared values’ because, when people here in the US mention it, they mean that we are both democracies, that we both respect human rights and the rule of law, and so on. But, as you said, it is the values of racism and settler colonialism that both countries share.

    Lastly, do you see any difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party when it comes to relations with Israel and the US support for it?

    MP: No. Not at all. This is a bi-partisan issue and will always be one because it has nothing to do with politics. It is above politics.

    FF: Some poll data suggest the rank-and-file of the Democratic Party has shifted its perspective on this issue but not the establishment of the party. Bernie Sanders pointed to the Israeli violence against the Palestinians and refused to attend the AIPAC gathering when he was invited. These developments point to an opening of sorts at least among the rank-and-file of the party. But like you, I don’t see any shifts in the establishment of the party.

    MP: Yes, I think it is marginal. There is some shift in the margins. But in the larger scheme of things, I don’t think there is any difference here. I think the problem is that nobody is speaking for the other side at any level. There is no Palestinian presence in Washington, D.C. Nothing, not one, zero. There are a couple of little NGOs located in basements in Virginia and other places but there is no presence at all. Nobody is speaking seriously for Palestine anywhere in this country. So, it does not matter. I mean, if there was a presence and they were speaking and doing a good job of it, then the whole bi-partisan support could shift.

    FF: Thanks, Miko for joining me. And thank you for your honesty, defiance, and empathy, and for seeing the Palestinian other as human. These are qualities that we need if we are to bring about positive changes in Palestine. We need to see your example replicated.

    MK: Thank you very much for inviting me to your program.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • What does it mean to be antisemitic in modern Britain? The answer seems ever more confusing.

    We have reached the seemingly absurd point that a political leader famed for his anti-racism, a rock star whose most celebrated work focuses on the dangers of racism and fascism, and a renowned film maker committed to socially progressive causes are all now characterised as antisemites.

    And in a further irony, those behind the accusations do not appear to have made a priority of anti-racism themselves – not, at least, until it proved an effective means of defeating their political enemies.

    And yet, the list of those supposedly exposed as antisemites – often only by association – keeps widening to include ever more unlikely targets.

    That is especially true in the Labour Party, where even the vaguest ties with any of the three iconic left-wing figures noted above – Jeremy Corbyn, Roger Waters and Ken Loach – can be grounds for disciplinary action.

    One of the Labour Party’s most successful politicians, Jamie Driscoll, North of Tyne mayor, was barred last month from standing for re-election after he shared a platform with Loach to talk about the North’s place in the director’s films.

    Not coincidentally, Driscoll has been described as “the UK’s most powerful Corbynista” – or supporter of Corbyn’s left-wing policies. The nadir in this process may have been reached at the Glastonbury Festival.

    Back in 2017, Corbyn, then-Labour leader, was given top billing as he set out a new, inspirational vision for Britain. Six years on and organisers cancelled the screening of a film, Oh Jeremy Corbyn: The Big Lie, highlighting the sustained campaign to smear Corbyn as an antisemite and snuff out his left-wing agenda.

    The decision was taken after pro-Israel pressure groups launched a campaign to smear the film as antisemitic. The festival decided showing it would cause “division”.

    So what is going on?

    To understand how we arrived at this dark moment, one in which seemingly anyone or anything can be cancelled as antisemitic, it is necessary to grapple with the term’s constantly mutating meaning – and the political uses this confusion is being put to.

    A huge irony

    A few decades ago, an answer to the question of what constituted antisemitism would have been straightforward. It was prejudice, hatred or violence towards a specific ethnic group. It was a form of racism directed against Jews because they were Jews.

    Antisemitism came in different guises: from brazen, intentional hostility, on the one hand, to informal, unthinking bias, on the other. Its expressions varied in seriousness too: from neo-Nazi marches down the high street to an assumption that Jews are more interested in money than other people.

    But that certainty gradually eroded. Some 20 years or so ago, antisemitism began to encompass not just hostility to an ethnic group, Jews, but opposition to a political movement, Zionism.

    There was a huge irony.

    Zionism is an ideology, one championed by Jews and non-Jews, that demands either exclusive or superior territorial and political rights for mostly Jewish immigrants to a region of the Middle East inhabited by a native population, the Palestinians.

    The key premise of Zionism, though rarely stated explicitly, is that non-Jews are inherently susceptible to antisemitism. According to Zionist ideology, Jews therefore need to live apart to ensure their own safety, even if that comes at the cost of oppressing non-Jewish groups.

    Zionism’s progeny is the self-declared “Jewish state” of Israel, created in 1948 with bountiful assistance from the imperial powers of the time, especially Britain.

    Israel’s establishment as a Jewish state required the ethnic cleansing of some 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland. The small number who managed to stay inside the new state were herded or caged into reservations, much as happened to Native Americans.

    Racial hierarchies

    None of this should be surprising. Zionism emerged more than a century ago in a colonialist Europe very much imbued with ideas of racial hierarchies.

    Simply put, Israel’s founders aspired to mirror those ideas and apply them in ways that benefitted Jews.

    Just as European nations viewed Jews as inferior and a threat to racial purity, Zionists regarded Palestinians and Arabs as inferior and endangering their own racial purity.

    It is only once one understands Zionism’s inbuilt and systematic racism that it becomes clear why Israel has shown itself not just unwilling but incapable of making peace with the Palestinians. Which, in turn, helps to explain the recent evolution in antisemitism’s meaning.

    After Israel collapsed the Oslo peace talks in 2000 to prevent a state for Palestinians being established on a sliver of their former homeland, the Palestinians launched an uprising, or intifada, that Israel brutally subdued.

    Israel’s crushing of the Palestinians’ fight for self-determination coincided with the arrival of new, digital kinds of media that made concealing the cruelty of Israel’s repression much harder than before.

    For the first time, western publics were exposed to the idea that Israel and the ideology that underpinned it, Zionism, might be more problematic than they had been encouraged to believe.

    The romantic illusions about Israel as a simple refuge for Jews started to unravel.

    That culminated in a series of reports by leading human rights groups in recent years characterising Israel as an apartheid state. Israel’s supporters, however, whether Jews or non-Jews, have struggled to acknowledge the ugly, anachronistic ideas of race, apartheid and colonialism at the heart of a project they were raised to support since childhood.

    Instead they preferred to expand the meaning of antisemitism to excuse Israel’s abuse of the Palestinians.

    So in parallel to Israel’s crushing of the Palestinian uprising, its apologists intensified the blurring of the distinction between hostility towards Jews and opposition to Israel and Zionism.

    They began a campaign to redefine antisemitism so that it treated Israel as a kind of “collective Jew”.

    In this new, perverse way of thinking, anyone who opposed Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians was as antisemitic as someone who marched down the high street shouting anti-Jewish slogans.

    Antagonism to Israel was denied the right to present itself as evidence of anti-racism, or support for Palestinian rights.

    Colonial meddling

    This evolution culminated in the adoption by a growing number of governments and official bodies of an entirely new, and extraordinary, definition of antisemitism that prioritised opposition to Israel over hatred towards Jews.

    Seven of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s 11 examples of antisemitism focus on Israel. The most problematic is the claim that it is antisemitic to argue Israel is “a racist endeavour”.

    That view has been a staple of anti-racist, socialist thought for decades, as well as serving for 16 years as the basis of a United Nations resolution.

    Perhaps not surprisingly, Israel took a pivotal role behind the scenes in formulating the IHRA definition.

    The new definition might have gained little traction, but for two key factors.

    One was that it was not just Zionists who had an interest in protecting Israel from scrutiny or serious criticism. For the West, Israel was the lynch pin for projecting its military power into the oil-rich Middle East.

    The benefits the West received from that power projection – continuing colonial meddling in the region – could be disguised, too, by directing attention at Israel and away from the West’s guiding hand.

    Better still, the backlash against Israel’s role inflaming the Middle East could be stifled by labelling any critic as antisemitic. It was the West’s perfect cover story and the ideal silencing tool all wrapped up in one smear.

    The second factor was Corbyn’s explosion onto the political scene in 2015, and his near-miss two years later in a general election, when he won the biggest increase in votes for Labour since 1945. He was 2,000 votes shy of winning.

    Corbyn’s unexpected success – against all odds – sharply underscored the urgent, shared interests of the British establishment and the Zionist movement.

    A Corbyn government would curb the privileges of a ruling elite; it would threaten the West’s colonial war machine, Nato; and it would seek to end the UK’s military and diplomatic support for Israel, the West’s key ally in the Middle East.

    After the 2017 election, no effort was spared by the political establishment – by the government, by the media, by Labour’s right wing, and by pro-Israel groups – to constantly suggest that Corbyn and the hundreds of thousands of new left-wing Labour party members he attracted were antisemitic.

    Under mounting media pressure, the IHRA definition was foisted on the party in autumn 2018, creating a trap into which the left was bound to fall every time it took a principled stance on Israel and human rights.

    Even the chief author of the IHRA definition, Kenneth Stern, warned it was being “weaponised” to silence critics of Israel.

    The antisemitism campaign sapped Corbyn’s campaign of energy and momentum for the 2019 general election. The once-inspiring left-wing leader was forced into a permanent  posture of defensiveness and evasiveness.

    Purge of members

    Corbyn was ousted from the Labour benches in 2020 by his successor, Keir Starmer, who had been elected leader on the promise of bringing unity.

    He did the opposite.

    He waged a war on the party’s left wing. Corbyn’s few allies in the shadow cabinet were driven out.  Then, Starmer’s team began a relentless, high-profile purge of the party’s Corbyn-supporting members, including anti-Zionist Jews, under the claim they were antisemitic.

    Debate about the purges was banned in local constituencies, on the grounds that it might make “Jewish members” – really meaning Israel’s apologists – feel unsafe.

    This process reached a new level of surrealism with the barring last month of the popular figure of Jamie Driscoll, the first mayor of North of Tyne, from standing for re-election on a socialist platform.

    Driscoll had embarrassed Starmer’s officials by proving that running society for the benefit of all could be a vote-winner. He needed to be neutered. The question was how that could be achieved without making it clear that Starmer was really waging a war not on antisemitism but on the left.

    So a set of tendentious associations with antisemitism were manufactured to justify the decision.

    Driscoll was punished not for saying or doing anything antisemitic – even under the new, expanded IHRA definition – but for sharing a platform to discuss director Ken Loach’s films. Loach, it should be noted, had not been expelled from the party for antisemitism.

    Loach’s expulsion in 2021 had been justified on the grounds he had accused Starmer’s officials of carrying out a witch hunt against the party’s left. Loach’s treatment thereby proved the very allegation he was expelled for making.

    But to bolster the feeble pretext for targeting Driscoll, which even in the official version was entirely unconnected to antisemitism, media organisations ignored the stated grounds of Loach’s expulsion. They emphasised instead fanciful claims that the director had been caught denying the Holocaust.

    Not only was Driscoll barred from running again as mayor, but, according to reports, any mention of his name can lead to disciplinary action. He has become, in a terrifying phrase from George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, an “Unperson”.

    In parallel, Starmer has overseen the rush by the party back into the arms of the establishment. He has ostentatiously embraced patriotism and the flag. He demands lockstep support for Nato. Labour policy is once again in thrall to big business, and against strikes by workers. And, since the death of the Queen, Starmer has sought to bow as low as possible before the new king without toppling over.

    His whole approach seems designed to foster an atmosphere of despair on the left. At the weekend, in a sign of how quickly the purges are expanding, it emerged that the Starmer police had been knocking at the door of a figure close to the party establishment, Gordon Brown’s former speechwriter Neal Lawson.

    Cultural dissent

    None of this is surprising. Labour, under Corbyn, was the one holdout against the complete takeover of British politics by neoliberal, predatory capitalist orthodoxy. His socialism-lite was an all-too-obvious aberration.

    Now, under Starmer, that political threat has been swept away.

    There is a bipartisan – meaning establishment – consensus. The UK government voted last night to ban all public bodies, including local governments, from approving a boycott of one country over its record of human rights abuses: Israel.

    The legislation will effectively protect Israel from boycotts even of products from Jewish settlements, built illegally in the West Bank and East Jerusalem to drive Palestinians off their historic homeland.

    Michael Gove, the communities secretary, argued in the Commons debate that such practical expressions of solidarity with Palestinians would “harm community cohesion and fuel antisemitism” in Britain.

    The government appears to believe that only the sensitivities of the more extreme Zionist elements within the UK’s Jewish community need protecting, not those of British Palestinians, British Arabs or Britons who care about international law.

    Starmer’s party, which shares the government’s hostility to boycotts of Israel, whipped Labour MPs to abstain on the bill, allowing it to pass. It was left to a handful of Tory MPs to highlight the fact that the bill undermines the two-state solution that the government and Labour party pay lip service to.

    Alicia Kearns, chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said the bill “essentially gives exceptional impunity to Israel”.

    Speaking for Labour,  Lisa Nandy referred to boycotts of Israel as a “problem” that needed to be “tackled”, and instead urged amendments to the legislation to soften the bill’s draconian powers to fine public bodies.

    Starmer’s Labour eased the bill’s passage even as Israel launched yesterday the largest assault on the West Bank in 20 years. At least 10 Palestinians were killed in the initial attack on Jenin and more than 100 injured, while thousands fled their city.

    On Tuesday, the United Nations said it was “alarmed” by the scale of Israel’s assault on Jenin.

    The World Health Organisation, meanwhile, reported that the Israeli army was preventing first responders from reaching and treating the wounded.

    With all political dissent on Israel crushed, what is left now are small islands of cultural dissent, represented most visibly by a handful of ageing giants of the arts scene.

    Figures like Loach and Roger Waters are leftovers from a different era, one in which being a socialist was not equated with being antisemitic.

    Loach was a thorn in Starmer’s side because he made waves from within Labour.

    But the scope of Starmer’s ambition to eviscerate the UK’s cultural left too was highlighted last month when he wrote to the Jewish body, the Board of Deputies, to accuse Waters – in entirely gratuitous fashion – of “spreading deeply troubling antisemitism”.

    The last fires

    In a further sign of his authoritarian instincts, Starmer called for the musician’s concerts to be banned.

    Evidence for Waters’ supposed antisemitism is as non-existent as the earlier claim that Jew hatred had become a “cancer” under Corbyn. And it is the same establishment groups defaming Waters who smeared Corbyn: the government, the corporate media, Starmer’s wing of Labour, and the Israel lobby.

    Waters has been widely denounced for briefly dressing up in a Nazi-style uniform during his shows, as he has been doing for 40 years, in a clear satire on the attraction and dangers of fascist leaders.

    No one took an interest in his shows’ political messaging until it became necessary to weaponise antisemitism against the cultural left, having already eliminated the political left.

    Like Corbyn, Waters is an outspoken and high-profile supporter of Palestinian rights. Like Corbyn, Waters is noisily and unfashionably anti-war, including critical of Nato’s efforts to use Ukraine as a battlefield on which to “weaken” Russia rather than engage in talks.

    Like Corbyn, Waters is a critic of capitalist excess and a proponent of a fairer, kinder society of the kind expunged from most people’s memories.

    And like Corbyn, and very much unlike our current breed of charisma-free, technocratic politicians, Waters can draw huge crowds and inspire them with a political message.

    In Britain’s current, twisted political climate, anyone with a conscience, anyone with compassion, anyone with a sense of injustice – and anyone capable of grasping the hypocrisy of our current leaders – risks being smeared as an antisemite.

    That campaign is far from complete yet. It will continue until the very last fires of political dissent have been extinguished.

    • First published in Middle East Eye

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • (The name Henry Ford came up in a comment thread recently so I thought it’d be helpful to offer some lost context.)

    Henry Ford, the autocratic magnate who despised unions, tyrannized workers, and fired any employee caught driving a competitor’s model, was also an outspoken anti-Semite.

    In 1918, he bought and ran a newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, that became an anti-Jewish forum. The May 22, 1920 headline blared, “The International Jew: The World’s Problem,” and thus began a series of ninety-two articles, including “The Jewish Associates of Benedict Arnold” and “The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names.”

    By 1923, the Independent’s national circulation reached 500,000. Reprints of the articles were soon published in a four-volume set called The International Jew, which was translated into sixteen different languages.

    The New York Times reported in 1922 that there was a widespread rumor circulating in Berlin claiming that Henry Ford was financing Adolf Hitler’s nationalist and anti-Semitic movement in Munich,” write James and Suzanne Pool in their book Who Financed Hitler. They add:

    “Novelist Upton Sinclair wrote in The Flivver King, a book about Ford, that the Nazis got forty-thousand dollars from Ford to reprint anti-Jewish pamphlets in German translations, and that an additional $300,000 was later sent to Hitler through an intermediary.”

    Ford’s plants in Germany adopted an Aryan-only hiring policy in 1935 before Nazi law required it. A year later, Ford fired Erich Diestel, manager of the automobile company’s German plants, simply because he had a Jewish ancestor.

    An appreciative Adolf Hitler kept a large picture of the automobile pioneer beside his desk, explaining, “We look to Heinrich Ford as the leader of the growing Fascist movement in America.”

    Hitler hoped to support such a movement by offering to import some shock troops to the U.S. to help Ford run for president.

    In 1938, on Henry Ford’s 75th birthday, he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle from the Führer himself.

    He was the first American (General Motors’ James Mooney would be second) and only the fourth person in the world to receive the highest decoration that could be given to any non-German citizen. An earlier honoree was none other than a kindred spirit named Benito Mussolini.

    When appraising history and today’s Titans of Capitalism™, keep your guard up…

    This content originally appeared on Dissident Voice and was authored by Mickey Z..

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Plans to put Underground Railroad hero Harriet Tubman on the U.S. $20 bill have been permanently shelved due to her recently uncovered lifelong anti-Semitism, announced Fox Abramson of the Anti-Defamation League.

    “It’s incredibly bad judgment that she was ever even considered as a candidate,” Abramson complained. “They called her ‘Moses’ but she didn’t lift a finger to help the victims of the 1859 Odessa pogrom in Russia, ignoring their plight and continuing to focus laser-like on black people out of pure spite,” he added.

    “A more vicious hate crime could hardly be imagined.”

    Psychologists are probing Tubman’s history of Jew-hatred to determine where it came from and why it manifested itself in such an ugly manner. Early hints suggest she was angry that Jesus failed to attend his own Bar Mitzvah and took it out on the entire self-chosen master race. Other possibilities include resentment that Mose’s wife saved her son from angel attacks by circumcising him, an option that was denied the childless Tubman.

    “It’s easy to see how she might have had a – ‘What am I – chopped liver?’ – relationship with God, says Minister Fairy Jalwell of the Very Reformed Protestant Church.

    In the wake of the anti-Semitism charge the U.S. Treasury Department has been bombarded with alternate suggestions for currency changes, including Representative Ilhan – “It’s All About The Benjamins” –  Omar for the $100 bill, Joe Biden for the $1 bill (nearly worthless), and, at his own suggestion, Donald Trump for the upcoming trillion dollar bill because, “no one has a bigger bill than me.”

    The post Harriet Tubman Exposed as Vicious Anti-Semite first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • Jewish communities across the country have been targeted with violence or harassment as anti-semitic hate crimes reach record levels.

    In late January, a man tossed a Molotov cocktail — a firebomb — into the entrance of a New Jersey synagogue in the middle of the night.

    In early February, a man walked into a San Francisco synagogue firing blank shots from a gun during a religious gathering. And in the suburbs of Atlanta that same week, Jewish families found flyers with antisemitic images and messages littering their driveways.

    These terrifying incidents are only a fraction of a disturbing trend in American culture. That trend is especially visible on the far right, whose anti-semitism is now louder, bolder, and more aggressive than it’s been in most of our lifetimes .

    At times like these, all of us need to be better neighbors to each other. This got me thinking about an experience I had 15 years ago as a city council member in Ithaca, New York.

    A local rabbi approached me then and explained that in traditional Jewish communities, certain types of work and activities — like carrying objects outside the home — are prohibited on the Sabbath.

    Tradition accommodates this restriction by creating a larger area called an eruv: a space that defines home as several houses and streets within a community. The boundaries of the eruv are designated by markers around the neighborhood, often attached to utility poles and wires.

    The eruv symbolically enlarges the home, so the necessities of faith and of daily life can coexist.

    For years, the rabbi said, the Jewish community had asked to put up eruv markers in parts of Ithaca, but the city council hadn’t responded. I was happy to help and even happier that we got it done. But there was some pushback from some of my colleagues, who opposed what they called “catering” to a religious community.

    That deeply saddened me then and now. Here’s why.

    Whether your views align with the right or the left, many of us are clear that antisemitism among white supremacists, militant extremists, Christian nationalists, and other bigots poses a deadly threat to all of us.

    That has been true for a long time — it’s one reason Black, Jewish, and progressive communities were such strong allies to each other during the civil rights era. But for a variety of cultural and political reasons, I now worry these alliances are fraying. When good people are not aligned in opposition, tolerance for division and evil becomes commonplace.

    Think of Nick Fuentes, the far-right activist who grabbed headlines for his dinner with Donald Trump and Ye (formerly known as Kanye West). Fuentes and Ye have openly praised Adolf Hitler. Not long ago, this would have been unthinkable in public life.

    The way to combat the rising tide of hate and fragmented solidarity is with a strong, progressive, multiracial coalition. All of us must come together to dismantle the forces behind the divide-and-conquer agendas intended to harm Jewish and Black people, along with immigrants, women, LGBTQ people, and indeed most communities in one way or another.

    In other words, like the eruv, our communities need to symbolically enlarge our home.

    I’m reminded of a quote by Rabbi Leonard Beerman: “We need those who have the courage to be ashamed, who have the muscle to care. And more than caring, we need those who will preserve and cultivate an enduring vision of the good, who will maintain a vision of the future as a permanent possibility in the present.”

    Our real and symbolic home should be with each other, where we are united by our shared humanity and where hate by any name is excluded. Let’s make that space, and welcome each other in.

  • The acclaimed Palestinian writers Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd were invited to the Adelaide Writers’ Festival, South Australia, but have encountered a storm of false defamation from Zionists, pro-Zionist Mainstream media  and pro-Zionist politicians. Susan Abulhawa has also been falsely defamed for her humane, pro-peace views on the appalling Ukraine War. The eminent anti-racist Jewish Australian Festival Director, publisher  Louise Adler, is standing firm against this ferocious Zionist attack on free speech in Australia.

    Palestinian writers Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd have been falsely defamed for alleged “anti-Semitism” and “hate speech” for criticising the century-long genocidal abuse of indigenous Palestinians by Zionists. However anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism because a large body of anti-racist Jewish scholars condemn racist Zionism, Israeli Apartheid, Apartheid Israel, and the century-long and  ongoing Palestinian Genocide (2.2 million Palestinians killed by violence, 0.1 million, and imposed deprivation, 2.1 million).

    Thus anti-racist Jewish American scholar Professor Bertell Ollman (New York University): “The Zionists are the worst anti-Semites in the world today, oppressing a Semitic people as no nation has done since the Nazis”. Likewise anti-racist Jewish Canadian writer Naomi Klein: “There is a debate among Jews – I’m a Jew by the way. The debate boils down to the question: “Never again to everyone, or never again to us?”… [Some Jews] even think we get one get-away-with-genocide-free card…There is another strain in the Jewish tradition that say[s], “Never again to anyone.”

    Famed  anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish writers and scholars Tariq Ali, Russell Banks, John Berger, Noam Chomsky, Richard Falk, Eduardo Galeano, Charles Glass, Naomi Klein, W.J.T. Mitchell, Harold Pinter, Arundhati Roy, Jose Saramago, Giuliana Sgrena, Gore Vidal, and Howard Zinn have condemned “[Israel’s] long-term military, economic and geographic practice whose political aim is nothing less than the liquidation of the Palestinian nation” (Google “Jews against racist Zionism” and “Non-Jews against racist Zionism”). Indeed 25% of US Jews and 38% of those under 40 say that Israel is an apartheid state.

    Despite a century-long Palestinian Genocide and successive mass population expulsions (800,000 in the 1948 Nakba or Catastrophe, and 400,000 in the 1967 Naksa or Setback), today 7.5 million Indigenous Palestinians represent 50% of the 15.0 million Subjects of Apartheid Israel (while 7.0 million Jewish Israelis represent only 47%), but 5.5 million Occupied Palestinians (73% of the Indigenous Palestinian Subjects of Apartheid Israel) cannot vote for the government ruling them i.e. they are subject to egregious Apartheid as recognized by major world and Israeli human rights organizations.

    Each year Israel violently kills about 500 Palestinians and a further 4,000 die avoidably from imposed deprivation. Since 2000 about 10,000 Palestinians have been killed violently and about 90,000 have died from imposed deprivation. 4,000 Zionists have been killed since 1920, 40 by Gaza rockets since 2000. However about 4,500 Israelis have been murdered by fellow Israelis since 2000.

    Apartheid Israel is committing Genocide, defined by Article 2 of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”. The “GDP (nominal) per capita” is a deadly $3,500 for Occupied Palestinians and $54,400 for Occupier Israelis. Serial war criminal Apartheid Israel is grossly violating Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention that demand that an Occupier is obliged to provide life-sustaining food and medical requisites to its Occupied Subjects “to the fullest extent of the means available to it”.

    Of 15.5 million mostly impoverished Indigenous Palestinians: 8 million Exiled Palestinians are excluded from their homeland inhabited continuously by their forebears for over 3,000 years; 5.5 million Occupied Palestinians exist without human rights under Israeli guns in the West Bank (3.3 million) and the blockaded and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp (2.2 million); and 2.0 million Israeli Palestinians can vote but exist as Third Class citizens under 60 Nazi-style, race-based laws.

    The false defamation and attempted censorship of the acclaimed Palestinian writers Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd is repugnant and symptomatic of a wider malaise in Zionist-subverted, Zionist-perverted, and “look-the-other-way”  Australia that is a craven lackey of an endlessly warmongering  and Zionist-subverted America. US lackey Australia is second only to the US as a supporter of nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel.

    Presently 3 out of 8 Australian State and Territory Governments (the Victorian, New South Wales,  and South Australian State Governments), 2 out of 43 Australian universities (Melbourne University and Wollongong University), the Federal Labor Government, and the Coalition Federal Opposition endorse the anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, pro-Apartheid,  genocide-ignoring and holocaust-ignoring International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Definition of anti-Semitism that has been rejected by scholars  and over 40 anti-racist Jewish organizations around the world.

    The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Definition of anti-Semitism is anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish critics of Israeli Apartheid as anti-Semites), anti-Arab anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Palestinian, Arab and Muslim critics of Israeli Apartheid as anti-Semites), and near-comprehensively genocide-ignoring and holocaust-ignoring (by falsely ignoring all WW2 holocausts and genocides other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust, and indeed ignoring some 70 genocides and holocausts).

    Australia is one of 35 members of the all-European and mostly NATO and EU IHRA. All but 4 IHRA members shockingly voted No with Australia, the US and Ukraine  to the annual UN General Assembly Anti-Nazi Resolution in 2022 that condemns Nazism, neo-Nazism and related racist obscenities. Even neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel voted Yes for the UNGA Anti-Nazi Resolution.

    What can decent people do? People supporting Apartheid Israel and hence the vile crime of Apartheid must be exposed as utterly unfit for public life in one-person-one-vote democracies like Australia. The world must apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its racist supporters. Decent anti-racist and anti-Apartheid Australians simply cannot vote 1 for  either Labor or the Coalition in Australia’s compulsory and preferential voting system. Abolition of any foreign ownership of Australian media would stop the present mendacious subversion of Murdochracy Australia by the dominant and fervently Zionist US Murdoch media empire.

    Free speech and truth are core values of decent universities, and academic staff and students around Australia are protesting this worsening threat to Australian democracy and academic free speech. No decent overseas students will study at Zionist-subverted Australian institutions committed to Racism and Lies instead of the academic and humanitarian ethos of Kindness and Truth. Please inform everyone you can. For detailed analysis and documentation see Gideon Polya, “Abulhawa, El-Kurd, Palestine & Ukraine: Zionists Attack Australian Free Speech,” Countercurrents.

    The post Zionists Attack Palestinian Writers and Australian Free Speech first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • In 2022 Melbourne University (MU), formerly Australia’s top university, succumbed to racist Zionist subversion by falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish staff and students as anti-Semitic for criticism of Israeli Apartheid. MU has now adopted the false, racist and defamatory International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Definition of anti-Semitism that is anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, and near-comprehensively  genocide-ignoring and holocaust-ignoring.

    Not content with merely falsely defaming anti-racist  students and staff as “anti-Semites” for criticizing Israeli Apartheid, the Melbourne University Management (MUM) administers a Code of Conduct that now implicitly includes the false, racist, defamatory, anti-Semitic and holocaust-ignoring IHRA Definition of anti-Semitism. The MUM thus threatens the free speech of staff and students at MU.

    The IHRA Definition of anti-Semitism is:

    (a). anti-Jewish anti-Semitic by falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish humanitarians opposed to genocidally  racist Zionism, Zionist  ethnic cleansing,  Israeli Apartheid and the ongoing Palestinian Genocide that has been associated with 2.2 million Palestinian deaths from violence (0.1 million) and imposed deprivation (2.1 million) since the British invasion of the long-lived Ottoman Caliphate (1517-1924) in 1914 for oil and imperial hegemony;

    (b). anti-Arab anti-Semitic by falsely defaming anti-racist Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims opposed to Israeli Apartheid and the ongoing Palestinian Genocide; and

    (c). near-comprehensively holocaust ignoring by referring to “The Holocaust” and ignoring all WW2 holocausts other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed by Nazi Germany and its allies through  violence and deprivation), namely (people killed by violence and deprivation in brackets) the WW2  European Holocaust (30 million Slavs, Jews and Roma killed by the Nazis), the WW2 Chinese Holocaust (35-40 million Chinese killed under the Japanese, 1937-1945), the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine; 6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons by the British with food-denying Australian complicity), and the Polish Holocaust (6 million Poles killed by Nazi Germany). Indeed the IHRA Definition ignores about  70 other genocide and holocaust atrocities including 30 involving Australia),  this making the IHRA the most egregious holocaust-ignoring organization in the world.

    The IHRA Definition of “antisemitism” lists 11 false examples of assertions that could be regarded as anti-Jewish anti-Semitic. Space does not permit detailed exposition here, but all 11 examples can be shown to be utterly false assertions  designed to damage and defame anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish critics of genocidally racist Zionism and of nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, serial war criminal, grossly human rights-abusing,  child-abusing, mother -abusing, women-abusing, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel and its ongoing Palestinian Genocide.

    Racism and bigotry in general are still serious and persistent problems in the 21st century, but  the Zionist IHRA Definition makes false and malicious assertions about just one example of racism, namely anti-Jewish anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism exits in 2 equally repugnant forms, anti-Jewish anti-Semitism against 18 million mostly culturally Semitic Jews, and anti-Arab anti-Semitism against 300 million ethnically Semitic Arabs and 2,000 million mostly culturally Semitic Muslims.

    However, in the 21st century, anti-Jewish anti-Semitism  is largely expressed only verbally by fringe neo-Nazi groups who are not unlike the Zionists in their fanatical and racist hatreds. However anti-Arab anti-Semitism has been associated with an estimated 32 million  Muslim deaths from violence (5 million) and deprivation  (27 million and mostly children) in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance since the 9/11 atrocity that killed 3,000 innocent people.

    Genocidally racist Zionism is based on utterly false premises. Thus, there is no non-Biblical evidence for the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt, the Kingdom of David and Solomon, or the Exile of Jews from Palestine under the Romans. Indeed, the cultural and ethnic descendants of the Palestinian Jews at the time of Jesus are today’s sorely oppressed Palestinians whose genocidally racist Jewish Israeli oppressors largely descend from Berber, Yemeni and Khazar converts to Judaism in the first millennium CE.

    The Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews, that politically dominate Zionism and Apartheid Israel, descend from Turkic Khazar converts to Judaism (indeed DNA analysis shows that I am largely Ashkenazi Jewish with zero Middle Eastern Semitic contribution, this being confirmed by several centuries of recorded family history).

    True Orthodox Jews reject Zionism for theological and humanitarian reasons, and a huge body of anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish leaders, scholars, writers and humanitarian activists (notably Nobel Laureates and South African heroes in the fight against South African Apartheid) condemn Zionism and the crimes of Israeli Apartheid. Indeed anti-racist Jewish American scholar Professor Bertell Ollman (NYU): “Zionists are the worst anti-Semites in the world today, oppressing a Semitic people as no nation has done since the Nazis”.

    Of the 35 countries that are members of the IHRA: (1) all are European; (2) the 5 located outside Europe (Argentina, Australia, Canada, Apartheid Israel, and the US) were all created based on the genocide of the Indigenous People; (3) 9 members were part of the genocidal WW2 Nazi Germany Alliance; (4) 4 (the US, UK, France and Apartheid Israel) are nuclear terrorist states; (5) 28 belong to the 30-member nuclear-armed NATO that accepts  mass incineration of billions of men, women and children as an acceptable military strategy; (6) 14 were notably involved in the brutal conquest and genocide of Indigenous non-European people over 5 centuries; (7) only 2 (Austria and Ireland) have had the moral decency to sign and ratify the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW); and (8) all but 3 shockingly voted No to the annual UNGA Anti-Nazi Resolution in 2022 that condemns Nazism, neo-Nazism and related racist obscenities.

    Not surprisingly, the racist and mendacious IHRA Definition has been condemned by scholars around the world and by over 40 anti-racist Jewish organizations.

    Because MU has been regarded as the top Australian university this attack by MU Management on the core academic ethos of Kindness, Truth, and Free Speech also constitutes a grave attack on the reputation of all 43 Australian universities and indeed of Australia. Unfortunately, US lackey Australia is second only to the US as a supporter of Apartheid Israel and hence of utterly repugnant Apartheid. The Australian  Coalition Opposition, and the Labor Government have disgracefully adopted the anti-Semitic IHRA Definition. Politicians who support Apartheid Israel and hence Apartheid are utterly unfit for public life in a one-person-one-vote democracy like Australia. Accordingly, decent anti-racist Australians simply cannot vote 1 for either the Coalition or Labor in Australia’s preferential voting system.

    Two decades ago I concluded a detailed analysis entitled  “Current academic censorship and self-censorship in Australian universities” with 8 concrete suggestions, the last of which stated: “viii. Finally, we should publicly insist that universities that constrain free speech are not fit for our children.” Friends, graduates, staff and students of Melbourne University, of all Australian universities, and indeed of all universities in the world, must take action to save this formerly great institution of learning from this egregious, genocidally racist Zionist attack on the core human and academic ethos of Kindness and Truth.


    For a detailed and highly documented account including detailed demolitions of the IHRA’s false and malicious 11 examples of asserted “antisemitism” see Gideon Polya, “Melbourne University Adopts Anti-Semitic & Holocaust-Ignoring IHRA Definition Of Anti-Semitism,” Countercurrents, 5 February 2023. For numerous anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish opinions Google “Jews Against Racist Zionism” and “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”.

    The post Melbourne University Backs Racist and Anti-Semitic IHRA first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • The following are the remarks, as prepared for delivery on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) in opposition to a Republican resolution barring her appointment to the House Foreign Affairs Committee on February 2, 2023.

    Who gets to be an American? What opinions do you have to have to be counted as American? That is what this debate is about, Mr./Madame Speaker. There is this idea that you are suspect if you are an immigrant. Or if you are from a certain part of the world, of a certain skin tone, or a Muslim.

    It is no accident that Members of the Republican Party accused the first Black President, Barack Obama, of being a secret Muslim. It is no accident that former President Donald Trump led a birther movement that falsely claimed he was born in Kenya. Because to them, falsely labeling the first and only Black President of the United States a Muslim and an African immigrant somehow made him less American.

    There is nothing objective about policymaking.

    Well, I am a Muslim. I am an immigrant. And, interestingly, from Africa. Is anyone surprised that I am a target? Is anyone surprised I am somehow deemed unworthy to speak about American foreign policy? Or that they see me as a powerful voice that needs to be silenced? Frankly that is expected. Because when you push power pushes back.

    Representation matters. Continuing to expand our ideas of who is American and who can partake in the American experiment is a good thing. I am an American. An American who was sent by her constituents to represent them in Congress. A refugee who survived the horrors of a civil war, As someone who spent her childhood in a refugee camp, and as someone who knows what it means to have a shot at a better life in the United States. Someone who believes in the American dream, in the American promise, and the ability to voice that in a democratic process.

    That is what this debate is about. There is this idea out there that I do not have objective decision-making because of who I am or where I came from and my perspective. But we reject that and we say there is nothing objective about policymaking. We all inject our perspective, point of views, our lived experience, and the voices of our constituents. That is what democracy is about.

    So what is the work of the Foreign Affairs Committee? It’s not to cosign the stated foreign policy of whatever administration is in power. It’s oversight, it’s to critique, and to advocate for a better path forward. But most importantly, it’s to make the myth that American foreign policy is intrinsically moral a reality.

    The work of the Foreign Affairs Committee… is to make the myth that American foreign policy is intrinsically moral a reality.

    So I will continue to speak up because representation matters. I will continue to speak up for the sake of little kids who wonder who is speaking up for them. I will continue to speak for the families who are seeking justice around the world—Whether they are displaced in refugee camps looking to find a home somewhere, or whether they are hiding under their bed somewhere like I was, waiting for the bullets to stop.

    Because that’s what this child survivor of war would have wanted. The 9-year-old me would be disappointed if I didn’t talk about the victims of conflict.

    Those that are experiencing unjust wars, atrocities, ethnic cleansing, occupation—or displacement like I did—are looking to the international community, including the United States. Asking us for help. They look to us because the international community and the United States profess the value of protecting human rights and upholding international law. And we owe it to them not to make this a myth, but a reality.

    I didn’t come to Congress to be silent. I came to Congress to be their voice. And my leadership and voice will not diminish if I am not on this committee for one term. Thank you and I yield back.

    This post was originally published on Common Dreams.

  • In community devastation, destruction of the Palestinian people ranks with the most severe. A group of foreign people invaded a land, seized property and resources from native people, expelled a mass of the population, and oppressed and controlled the remaining inhabitants. After decades of suffering under extreme oppression, with no end in sight, with oppressors who could live as well in other places, the destruction of the Palestinian people has unique qualities that defy rational thought. Only those who are inattentive to the situation, are genocide deniers, or have agendas that preclude recognition, cannot realize that the willful destruction of the Palestinian people requires magnitudes more attention than it is receiving.

    Compounding the defiance of rational thought, those responsible for the covert method of the genocide, which is the denial of ontological security to the Palestinian people, continually promote attention to a previous genocide and highlight, by exaggeration, attacks on their community. Inordinate attention to the World War II genocide has not halted other genocides and cannot resurrect those killed. Proper attention can halt the ongoing Palestinian genocide and save the lives of a population of millions.

    Highlighting of mostly verbal attacks on the Jewish community has been counterproductive and failed to halt anti-Jewish sentiment. The latter feelings partially arise from those who oppose the role that a great part of world Jewry plays in the destruction of the Palestinians and from those who are chagrined by the continuous attempts of Israel’s supporters to play victim. Excessive attentions to the World War II genocide and exaggerations of anti-Jewish expressions enhance ontological genocide of the Palestinian people:

    • Zionists have been successful in using the World War II genocide and exaggerated claims of anti-Jewish sentiments to convince the U.S. public and its legislators that groups want to destroy the Jewish people and Israel. For that reason, Jewish people and Israel need special consideration and more adequate defense.
    • Palestinian supporters have been unable to coordinate methods that counter pro-Israel strategies that are destroying the Palestinian community.
    • The world is observing an ongoing ontological genocide and nobody has been taken to task for committing the egregious acts. In addition to the Israeli population and their leaders, there are multitudes of Israel supporters who actively support the genocide, who are accessories to abominable crimes, and are not countered and subdued.

    Overstep of Israel’s Supporters

    Proper attention to the three previous statements, grasping their substance, and reacting to their meanings provides a lifeline to the struggling Palestinians. If supporters of the Palestinian cause recognize that the Zionists have overreached their use of the Holocaust and spurious charges of anti-Semitism and take advantage of the collapse of the Zionist thrust, the Palestinian fate can change; they can take command of the narratives. The following discussion leads to the reason for the assertion.

    Exaggerated claims of anti-Jewish bias.
    In 2021, the anti-Defamation League (ADL) tabulated 2,717 anti-Semitic incidents throughout the United States, a 34% increase from the 2,026 incidents tabulated in 2020. ADL inflates the figures and its thrust is insensible.

    As an example, the Goyim Defense League distributed 91 flyers stating, “Jews own the media and a Jewish mafia has hijacked our country.” The ADL counts each of the 91 flyers as a separate incident. Similar duplication occurs when juvenile delinquents topple several gravestones, although no proof exists that the juveniles intentionally targeted a Jewish cemetery. When a person called one hundred Jewish organizations with the same bomb threat, even when the person was an adolescent Israeli Jew, the ADL listed each of the hundred threats as a separate anti-Semitic occurrence.

    By Jewish Telegraph Agency
    April 23, 2017

    JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel’s Justice Ministry reportedly has denied a U.S. Justice Department request to extradite the Israeli-American teen charged with making threats against Jewish community centers throughout the United States. The teen from Ashkelon in southern Israel, who was arrested in Israel last month for making over 100 threats against Jewish sites in the U.S., has been named in the United States, but cannot be named in reports originating from Israel. Channel 2 News reported Saturday night that the teen said during interrogations in Israel that he had offered his “threat services” for payment.

    Other spurious statistics include inclusion of swastikas markings, which could be for any reason, and hate expressions by adolescents, pranksters, and juvenile delinquents in schools. Having teenagers behave in rebellious and contradictory manners is not unusual. Inclusion of their behavior in statistics is unwarranted.

    An example of an exaggerated anti-Jewish incident. The headline reads:
    Antisemitic vandalism discovered along Bethesda Trolley Trail
    Ivy Lyons | moc.potwnull@snoyli, August 8, 2022

    Why is this expression of white power considered anti-Semitic? It does not mention Jews and is obviously directed against African Americans. The commentator usurps an attack on the African American community, as if that community does not exist, which is racist by itself.

    The 2021 ADL reports eight violent crimes that involved a weapon. Some of these occurred at violent demonstrations, after Israel’s war with Gaza, and none developed into a serious injury. Carrying the ADL report to an extreme, if one person printed and distributed 3000 anti-Jewish flyers, and that is all that happened, the ADL would publish, “anti-Semitism has reached greatest heights.”

    For what reason does the ADL seek to continually inflate hate crimes? Possible reasons are due to the ADL being in the business of selling hate statistics, owing its livelihood to the existence of hate crimes, and feeding its audience what they want to hear. The more prominent reason is convincing others that rising hate can spill into mass violence and result in another Holocaust for the Jewish people.

    Every hate crime directed toward a particular group or ethnicity has to be reasoned, examined, caused, and studied as a guide for providing solutions to hate crimes. The ADL does not engage in finding solutions; it engages in finding statistics, inflating the severity, advertising the data, and inflaming the communities. Instead of berating law enforcement for not reducing hate crimes, the ADL berates law enforcement for supplying incomplete data. The spurious and loaded ADL reports are widely circulated and appear in public institutions, government conversations, newspaper articles, newspaper editorials, and across the Internet.

    President Biden added unwarranted solemnity to a festive holiday by saying, “This year’s Hanukkah arrives in the midst of rising and emboldened antisemitism at home — and quite frankly, around the world. I recognize your fear, your hurt, your worry that this vile and venom is becoming too normal.” The president added: “I will not be silent. America will not be silent.”

    The Washington Post repeats the script, with almost the same words, and adds to the warnings.
    Antisemitism casts darkness amid Hanukkah lights, by Laura Meckler, Michael Brice-Saddler and Allison Klein, December 18, 2022

    As the first night of Hanukkah, known as the Festival of Lights, arrived Sunday, Jews across the region were also contending with darkness — a surge of antisemitic incidents that have left many feeling vulnerable and even frightened.

    In recent days, the words “Jews Not Welcome” defaced an entrance sign at Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda.  On Saturday, xxx and three other Jewish students from Walt Whitman received a schoolwide email about the vandalism at their school. On the spot, they formed a group called Jews4Change and began planning a walkout of classes on Thursday. xxx, whose grandfather is a Holocaust survivor, said one of their goals is to push Montgomery County schools to include more Holocaust education in the curriculum.

    Local Television station WUSA9 received a communication from the same student.

    Ninth-grade student xxx at Walt Whitman reached out to WUSA9 after receiving an email from her principal regarding the incident.  She claims the graffiti comes directly after a school lesson on the Holocaust. xxx said a petition for the Holocaust lesson was started after Jewish students at the school began noticing their other classmates genuinely did not know what it was. “People are forgetting and it’s scary because if you don’t remember what happened, history repeats itself,” said xxx.

    Inspect the reports and narratives and see how hate incidents that are ingrained in racist and violent America, not unique to a particular community, and a subset of crimes that occur in all communities — Black, Oriental, Catholic, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Arabic, Jewish and others — are exaggerated in intensity (emboldened anti-Semitism, surge of incidents), develop spurious recitations (“I recognize your fear, your hurt, your worry that this vile and venom is becoming too normal,” “left many feeling vulnerable and even frightened”), become sidetracked into special attention for one community, and evolve into “push Montgomery County schools to include more Holocaust education in the curriculum.”

    No inquiries as to why someone wrote the words, “Jews Not Welcome” on an entrance sign at Walt Whitman High School. Because the incident occurred soon after a school lesson on the Holocaust and “a petition for the Holocaust lesson was started after Jewish students at the school began noticing their other classmates genuinely did not know what it was,” maybe a person became emotionally distressed at the constant attention to a decades old Holocaust that did not involve Americans and received special consideration apart from the history curriculum? Wouldn’t Native Americans, African Americans, Armenian Americans, Palestinian Americans, and a host of other American minorities who previously suffered or now suffer from mass destruction react unfavorably to one genocide receiving special attention, especially when constant and bludgeoning recitations have served no purpose except to gain support for Israel?

    Placing the words, “Jews Not Welcome” on an entrance sign is extreme, but I witnessed equally extreme events at public schools — intentional scatterings of the Diary of Anne Frank on school desks and gathering students in the library to choose general biographies and then presenting biographies in which seven out of the ten biographies discussed personalities from the World War II Holocaust. One librarian showed her ignorance of the topic by referring to Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg as a Nazi officer who helped the Jews.

    The Free Darfur movement, accused of allied with Israeli interests due to Sudan’s enmity toward Israel, organized public school demonstrations against Sudan for purported genocide. Local synagogues advertised the action. Demonstrations that regarded the genocides in Rwanda, Myanmar, Southern Sudan, and Palestine have not occurred. Is it a coincidence that Sudan, not a well-known country to most students, was uniquely selected because of its aggressive attitude towards Israel?

    In the scope of world problems, these incidents seem trivial. Not so; the reporting of these incidents provide an avenue for those favoring peace and justice in the Levant to usurp control of the narrative from the supporters of apartheid Israel.

    Palestinian Supporters Can Gain Control of the Narrative

    Isn’t it time and isn’t it valid for public school parents, students, teachers, and administrators to question and challenge the World War II Holocaust  being taught as a separate part of the history curriculum? Doesn’t special emphasis on a genocide that occurred in a foreign nation lessen the effects of the teachings of the genocide of the Native Americans and slavery of the African-Americans, for which Americans had responsibility? Should not Parent Teacher Associations (PTA) and school administrations consider this contradiction in lesson plans?

    Remarks reveal the lack of substance and disorientation attached to Holocaust teaching. Zionist related organizations, such as the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), provide trips for history teachers and students to visit the Holocaust memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Teachers return home with these comments:

    If we don’t remember what happened, all of those people died in vain,” said a social studies teacher from Fergus Falls, who toured the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington with students last week. “If we remember them, we’re honoring their lives and families and the suffering they endured.”

    “I’ve seen kids listen to a survivor relate their story and explode out of the desk at the end and want to give them a hug. I’ve seen kids openly cry in a high school classroom. It’s just amazing what you see.”

    Are these the lessons of a holocaust that we want teachers and students to have — emotional upheavals, and traumas from observing traumas? Don’t we want them to have clear-minded thoughts for preventing other genocides? Are people who died in a particular tragedy worth more attention than those who died in other tragedies during World War II (consider American soldiers and their families) and in other conflagrations?

    More interesting and valuable to students is gaining knowledge of contemporary events. If total destruction of a community is an essential topic, why approach it with second and third hand lectures on a community destruction that has already occurred, is vague because it is not related to present life, and cannot be undone? Why not approach it with first hand discussions by people involved in a real live genocide, which is not vague, where Americans have a stake, and can be prevented?

    The World War II and ongoing Palestinian genocides have similar roots and patterns. Both proceed from virulent nationalism, from a desire to establish a nation of pure and unique folk, and from annexation of territories administered by another state or group on the grounds of common ethnicity or prior historical possession. Nazis initially ethnically cleansed by making lives of German Jews difficult, which forced the German Jews to sell property and leave; Zionists have been less subtle; they threw out the Palestinians and seized their properties. In both cases, ghetto conditions and laws restricted movements and livelihoods of the oppressed peoples. The subdued ethnicity is considered an enemy that must be forcibly restrained. German Jews had Kristallnacht. Every night is Kristallnacht in Palestine.

    Specific roots and patterns allied to a fanatical government, and not hate slogans scribbled on a wall and perpetrated by a few fanatics, signal a potential genocide. Americans do not need study of a decades old and wartime Holocaust that talks of deceased Jewish people; today’s  Americans, including Jews, need lessons in the genocide that Zionists are committing against the living Palestinian people, in the plight of the Rohingya, in the desperation of the Yemenis.

    Regardless of the outcome in modifying public school curriculum to address the issue of genocide, massively bringing the issue to public awareness will greatly strengthen the Palestinian cause. The issue will be heard throughout the United States — in public schools, colleges, institutions, and state legislatures. It will be a game changer, those who have blindly accepted the Zionist narrative will feel betrayed and change their attitudes, and those passively allied with the Palestinian narrative will become more active.

    Reaction by ADL and the myriad of pro-Israel associations will be the usual world – anti-Semite. Preparation for countering the remark, making its misuse distasteful, and moving it to a rightful place of obscurity by replacing it with the correct term, anti-Jewish, can be a by-product of the offensive that enables Palestinian supporters to gain control of the narrative.

    Countering Charges of anti-Semitism

    Statistics, derived from reports that contain mostly verbal, passive, and non-violent abuses are a subdued presentation of the serious problem of hate in America. The presentation points to problems with a few embittered people, but does not address the problems generated by mass audiences, which result from denial of basic rights. The mechanisms and manifestations of serious hate have economic, social, and political roots and proceed with one objective – deny power to others and gain power for your group. Acquiring economic power, protecting it with political clout, and using the latter to legislate social domination move chauvinist groups to physically and orally attack competitors, real and imagined,

    Discussion of hate in America is too complex and laborious to be part of this article. Challenging false and exaggerated charges of anti-Semitism encourages a more complete study of hate crimes, invigorates extensive research into its origins and causes, and leads to proposals for reduction. The challenge demands adequate replies to questions and accusations, with more than the word anti-Semitism, often coupled with words, such as canard, trope, slur, hurtful, and stereotype. Evangelist, Catholic, Mormon, Muslim, and other religious groups are attacked, big style, for real or imagined practices and, they either keep quiet, or, when they can answer, defend themselves with documented evidence.

    Setting in motion a strategy for Palestinian supporters to gain control of the narrative and successfully countering charges of anti-Semitism enables the moral and legal systems to bring the oppressors’ supporters to justice.

    Bringing the Oppressors to Justice

    How is it possible that those who commit and assist in an obvious ontological genocide are not brought to justice? The ontological genocide is well documented, not controversial, and beyond discussion. Efforts are being made to criminalize the BDS movement, a movement that attempts to limit criminal actions, while those committing the criminal actions wander free and unimpeded in their criminal actions.

    It may be difficult for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to indict and bring to justice criminals in Israel and the United States who directly and indirectly participate in the genocide, but legal and moral actions can be taken against these groups and individuals. The actions need a huge following and a loud voice, which make the previous recommendations more significant — obtaining control of the narrative and successfully countering charges of anti-Semitism create the numbers and loud voices that enable the actions to be widely heard. The U.S. has unregistered agents for Israel, who do not operate for Israel’s commercial interests, but aid and abet Israel’s death machine and they escape the U.S. legal system. Remind Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken of this fact, the next time he utters, “Perpetrators must face equal justice under the law.”


    Start at the grassroots of the American system, with students, parents, and educators intimately involved in challenging activities that hinder understanding the calamities facing others, evolve into exposing the use of racial hatred statistics to favor a particular ethnicity, and finally force the legal system to address the illegal activities that enable Zionist crimes, and a path to Palestinian liberation is provided. Hopefully, this call to action will be widely circulated, widely heeded, and widely addressed.

    Hopefully, it will not repeat a previous shocking failure, the inaction in rallying historians and sensible and patriotic institutions to challenge the spurious and shameful PBS documentary: America and the Holocaust. This documentary, previously discussed in “PBS Spurious Narrative of America and the Holocaust,” revealed the PBS attempt to give Americans a “guilt trip,” and rally support for the Zionist cause. Another failure to expose the Zionist subterfuge will be catastrophic, showing that the rightful pro-Palestinian cause has limited strength to counter the Zionist aggression. If effective action is not taken, it can be assumed that the destruction of the Palestinian community, which has engulfed several generations and proceeded uninterrupted for more than seventy years, will continue and prove fatal. The lack of response to proposals in this article will, unfortunately, provide an answer to a previous question, “Are the Palestinians Doomed?

    The post Overstep of Israel’s Supporters first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.