Category: brave

  • Three years after Beijing imposed a law criminalized public dissent and peaceful political opposition in Hong Kong, a dwindling band of social activists say they’re not giving up just yet.

    Opposition party leader Chan Po-ying, who chairs the League of Social Democrats, was recently detained by police on a downtown shopping street carrying an electric candle and a yellow paper flower on the 34th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, commemoration of which is now banned in Hong Kong.

    Undeterred, she showed up a few days later outside the headquarters of HSBC Bank, protesting the closure of the party’s bank accounts — something that is increasingly happening to opposition parties and activists in the city since the crackdown on dissent began.

    Chan’s husband Leung Kwok-hung is one of 47 political activists and former lawmakers currently standing trial for “subversion” after they organized a democratic primary in the summer of 2020.

    Police also forced Chan and fellow women’s rights and labor activists to call off a march on International Women’s Day in March, in a move she told reporters was due to pressure from Hong Kong’s national security police.

    So why does she keep going, when so many have already left?

    “Why do I still want to stay in Hong Kong?,” she said. “It’s not to prove how brave we are, but because we still hope to speak out when we see political, economic, social or intellectual injustice in Hong Kong.”

    “Dissent must be voiced, regardless of how much room is allowed for it,” she said. “There are still some people willing to speak out, even in such a high-pressure situation.”

    “It also inspires other people.”

    Stalking street stalls

    Still, even a simple plan of action like handing out leaflets on the street is now fraught with difficulty.

    “Sometimes we set up a street stall with just four of us, and there are sometimes more than 10 plainclothes police standing right next to us,” Chan said. “They may try to charge us under laws they haven’t used before, such as illegal fundraising.”

    Police officers take away a member of the public on the eve 34th anniversary of China’s Tiananmen Square massacre in Hong Kong, June 3, 2023. Credit: Louise Delmotte/AP

    And it’s not just the national security law they need to watch out for.

    “The easiest way for them to prosecute us is under colonial-era sedition laws, because they can charge us for posting any opinion online that the authorities don’t like,” she said.

    “They are gradually starting to use a whole variety of laws to curb the freedoms granted to us in the Basic Law,” Chan said, referencing the promises in Hong Kong’s mini-constitution that the city would retain its freedoms of press, expression and association beyond the 1997 handover to Chinese rule.

    What’s more, the League is now having huge difficulties funding its activities in the face of bank account closures, and can only hope that its members will work voluntarily to further the party’s agenda.

    ‘Destroying a system’

    Former pro-democracy District Council member Chiu Yan Loy has also decided to stay for the time being, to serve his local community.

    “District councilors spend 90% of their working hours on issues that have little to do with politics, but which serve important social service functions,” Chiu said.

    Until the authorities recently rewrote the electoral rulebook to ensure that there would be no repeat of the landslide victory seen in the 2019 district elections, which was seen as a huge show of public support for the 2019 protest movement and its goals, which included fully democratic elections.

    University students observe a minute of silence to mourn those killed in the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown, in front of the “Pillar of Shame” statue at the University of Hong Kong, June 4, 2021. Credit: Kin Cheung/AP

    “When you destroy a system, but don’t replace it with a new system, this will only create more social problems that will start occurring in Hong Kong,” he said, adding that he is putting his own money into community-based projects to try to address these issues.

    “These services don’t involve the sort of politics that the government often talks about, so there is still room to keep doing this work,” he said, despite being in a financially precarious situation.

    Current affairs commentator Johnny Lau said that while the risks have risen, Hong Kong’s activists have yet to be totally silenced.

    “Of course there are far more obstacles under the national security law than before,” he said. “The so-called red lines are constantly moving, and there are a lot of people watching and reporting people.”

    “It’s still OK to talk about issues affecting people’s livelihoods,” Lau said.

    Translated by Luisetta Mudie. Edited by Malcolm Foster.

    This content originally appeared on Radio Free Asia and was authored by By Chen Zifei for RFA Mandarin.

  • This content originally appeared on Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and was authored by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and was authored by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Russia’s silencing of Ekho Moskvy over its Ukraine war coverage marks an end to an iconic radio station with a brave history dating back to the late Soviet era.

    Even in the heady final years of glasnost (“openness”), hiding truth from the Soviet public was pretty easy for the country’s Communist leaders. When hardline Communists sought to overthrow glasnost architect Mikhail Gorbachev in August of 1991, for example, they ordered many newspapers shut, sent censors into other newsrooms and deployed tanks to Gosteleradio, the massive Soviet broadcast headquarters in Moscow. No need to block social media or the Internet; they didn’t exist yet.

    During the frightening hours of that coup attempt, a handful of editors put together an underground paper in Moscow, and a small band of  journalists who worked at Gosteleradio snuck a daring story onto the air, making clear that the men trying to take power were not “saving the fatherland,” as they claimed, but staging a military coup.

    And then there was Ekho Moskvy. Founded just one year earlier by some veterans of Soviet radio, Ekho hit its journalistic stride with its independent street reporting on the resistance to the coup, centered on Boris Yeltsin. Authorities loyal to the coup leaders tried, more than once, to block Ekho’s transmissions. But somehow, miraculously, the station kept popping back on the air, giving Muscovites vital bulletins of truth to combat the steady flow of disinformation on official media.

    People rally in support of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and against the State Committee on the State of Emergency in Leningrad in this August 20, 1991 file photo. The placard reads, “Down with the junta” (Reuters/Alexander Demianchuk/Files)

    When the coup collapsed on the third day, Ekho began a long run as one of Russia’s leading independent news outlets. Its format mainly featured talk shows, some hosted by journalists who came of age professionally during the glasnost years — Sergei Parkhomenko, Yevgenia Albats and Alexei Venediktov, the station’s longtime editor-in-chief. They interviewed a range of voices, including world leaders for whom Ekho became a necessary stop when in Moscow. In times of protest, such as the street demonstrations that began in the wake of 2011 elections that kept Vladimir Putin’s party in office, Ekho was a go-to source for updates.

    It was also a near-constant irritant to the Kremlin, seemingly under threat each time Putin’s government began a new crackdown on Russia’s scrappy independent journalists. One such period came in 2008, when Russia sent troops into Georgia. New Yorker editor David Remnick described how an Ekho program, With Their Own Eyes, provided “sober, balanced accounts from battlefield reporters” in the former Soviet republic.. Ekho’s Georgia coverage also included discussion shows with guests ranging from one “who waved the extreme-nationalist banner, to a severe critic of the Kremlin,” wrote Remnick. “Putin was not amused by Echo’s rounded coverage of the war.” 

    But Ekho survived 2008’s round of repression, just as it maneuvered its way through other crackdowns that seemed to put independent journalism on life support in Russia. It did so with Venediktov at the helm, sometimes stirring controversy within independent media circles or facing down sexual harassment claims.

    After each period of Kremlin repression, a few independent journalists would regroup into new institutions, using new tactics (such as locating administrative offices outside of Russia) to protect themselves from Moscow’s pressures. Last year, that tactic showed vulnerability when Russia began tagging dozens of independent outlets as “foreign agents,” a label authorized by Russian law that must be carried by the outlet on all of its content. The label does not, per se, put a newsroom out of business, but it frightens away advertisers and includes onerous reporting requirements.

    Alexei Venediktov, editor-in-chief of Russian radio station Ekho Moskvy, pictured in 2017 (Reuters/Tatyana Makeyeva )

    Dozhd TV, Russia’s last independent channel, was already branded a foreign agent when it began comprehensive coverage of the Russian invasion last week. On Tuesday, Dozhd and Ekho were both ordered off the air by Russian authorities, and access to their websites was blocked inside Russia, for supposedly issuing “information calling for extremist activity” and “deliberately false information” about the Russian military. Dozhd quickly suspended broadcasts, and editor Tikon Dzyadko, who left the country, told CPJ this week “we need time to think, and regroup. I can’t say how, or in what format, or when, we will resume work. 

    After Tuesday’s order, Ekho – owned by Gazprom Media, the media arm of Russian energy company Gazprom — continued its programming online. But on Thursday its board of directors voted to liquidate the radio channel and the Ekho website, according to a Telegram message from Venediktov. The channel’s YouTube site is now also blank except for the message: “This channel is not available.”

    Some of Russia’s few surviving independent outlets warned followers this week that they, too, expect more Kremlin efforts to block domestic access to their reporting. Meduza, an independent site headquartered in Riga, Latvia and deemed a “foreign agent” by Russia, sent readers instructions on how to download its app and sign up for news updates, in case its website is blocked inside Russia. Similarly, iStories, an investigative site launched in 2020, published an advisory explaining how to get VPN services and find its reporting on social media. Russian authorities, the site said, “want the citizens of our country to receive only one point of view.” But “No matter what, we will continue to work and tell you the truth.”

    For years, analysts have puzzled over the question: why were Ekho and a handful of other outlets allowed to survive in Putin’s Russia, when so many other independent newsrooms were suppressed. Some said Venediktov was particularly adept at negotiating with the Kremlin and keeping Ekho just this side of media red lines. Others suggested the Kremlin wanted to be able to tell its critics: “See, we do have independent journalism.” If that indeed was ever a message Putin wanted to convey, it’s now become just another Kremlin point of disinformation.

    This content originally appeared on Committee to Protect Journalists and was authored by Ann Cooper.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.