Category: Cell-Based News

  • wild earth ryan bethencourt
    12 Mins Read

    In an exclusive interview with Green Queen, Wild Earth co-founder and alt-protein investor Ryan Bethencourt talks the death threats he’s received, his experience with Shark Tank and Mark Cuban, his investment criteria, learning from Tesla, media bias, and his company’s upcoming cat food and Basics lines.

    “It was honestly pretty brutal,” says Ryan Bethencourt, recalling a trip he took with his father when he was 10. “I loved animals, cared for lots of our dogs and cats, and I then went to see a pig slaughtered in front of me.”

    He recalls seeing the fear in the creature’s eyes – as if the life had been drained out of them. “They were sliced up in front of me,” he describes, noting the day he quit pork.

    That was over 30 years ago now, a period since which Bethencourt has emerged as a leading scientist, entrepreneur and investor in the alternative protein industry. His trip to the farm provides a snapshot of a man who deeply cares about animals – he grew up with a bunch of dogs, cats and other “exotic pets” – and his company Wild Earth, which makes food for our furry friends, extends that image.

    It took him until his late teenage years to go fully vegetarian, but it was really in his late 20s that he gave up animal foods altogether, after watching the 2005 documentary Earthlings. “I went vegan the next day,” the now-44-year-old tells me. “As Ursula Le Guin wrote in one of my favourite short stories, once I had seen the wrongness of our society, I chose to walk away from Omelas and go vegan.”

    What Ryan Bethencourt the investor looks for in startups

    A few years after taking the plant-based plunge, Bethencourt and a few friends co-founded Indie.Bio in 2014, a biotech accelerator based in San Francisco, which has funded dozens of leaders in the alternative protein industry. It marked the beginning of his journey as an investor.

    Bethencourt calls his journey of becoming an angel investor accidental. “I wanted to keep supporting ‘future of food’ companies post IndieBio, and I started to invest tiny angel cheques to help founders just get off the ground (most were their first cheques),” he says, naming companies like cultivated meat leaders Shiok Meats (Singapore) and Newform Foods (South Africa). “Over time, I realised I needed more capital to support so many founders that were approaching me.”

    ryan bethencourt
    Courtesy: Wild Earth

    This is when he launched Sustainable Food Ventures with food and flavour scientist Mariliis Holm. It’s a rolling fund that backs 60 companies over three years (50% of which are first cheques). Over the last decade, Bethencourt has been involved in the angel or VC funding of more than 180 companies. Some of his favourites? Upside Foods, Mycoworks, NotCo, Geltor, Jellatech, Galy, Hoxton Farms and Farmless, among many others.

    What does a serial investor like him look for in a company? The North Carolina resident has three simple criteria. He calls the first “missionary over mercenary”, indicating support only for people who deeply care about a sector. “They’ll keep going no matter what, and you need that when building a business. No company or industry stays hot forever, and when it gets brutally hard, that’s when missionaries shine,” he explains.

    The next is a focus on new and interesting insights or technology, “ideally with a deep understanding of why others that have tried failed and why this time it’s different”. Finally, he asks the question: “Do I want to work with this person/team for the next few decades?” He believes this is his most unusual insight, as he views backing a founded as a lifelong commitment – it’s not just their first startup, but those that follow too. For example, he invested in Alan Perlstein’s Miraculex (now Oobli) years ago, and has since funded Perlstein’s latest startup, California Cultured.

    “I still get founders of large commercial companies who call me and ask for my perspective on their companies or their next startup, and I love the fact they feel comfortable reaching out to me as the years roll on,” says Bethencourt.

    Creating Wild Earth and securing a Shark Tank deal with Mark Cuban

    It was at Indie.Bio when Bethencourt first became “obsessed about pet food”. There were a few reasons for this. The investor had learnt that 30% of the meat consumed in the US goes to feeding pets (which, to him, meant that 25-30% of factory-farmed animals could be replaced). He also realised that dogs, as omnivores, could “survive and thrive” on a plant-based diet. And he was even more shocked to find out that cats (traditionally seen as obligate carnivores) could similarly prosper on a nutritionally complete vegan diet.

    wild earth dog food
    Courtesy: Wild Earth

    It sparked an idea that propelled Bethencourt to mainstream popularity. “I really believe in the saying: ‘Let food be thy medicine.” And most pet food is honestly horrible,” he says, invoking the dreaded 4Ds – dead, diseased, dying or downed animals – and referring to the contamination with euthanasia drugs and melted plastic.

    “All of these contaminants have been found by the FDA in pet food, and that’s before you actually understand what our pets are being fed: ground-up chicken feathers, beaks and other horrible things,” he notes. “The great irony of this all is we can replace the entire rotten pet food industry with nutritionally compete plant-based and yeast-based proteins, clean and not gross.”

    He took it upon himself to transform the pet food industry for all the animals, and started Wild Earth with his co-founders in 2017. Two years later, he appeared on national television with the aim of generating interest and investment in his company. Suffice it to say, he was successful in reaching his goal, and then some.

    On Shark Tank, Bethencourt landed a deal with Mark Cuban, securing $550,000 for 10% of the company. (Since then, Wild Earth has closed Series A and A+ rounds to bring total funding to nearly $50M). “Shark Tank was a surreal experience,” he reveals. “A lot of people don’t know this, but there aren’t any redos on the show. When the doors open, you get one shot and that’s it, and the pressure is intense as they make sure you never meet the Sharks prior to the pitch.”

    The Sharks went hard on Bethencourt after he revealed that Wild Earth had no commercial sales yet (with plans to launch its first product soon), despite essentially valuing the business at $11M. He expected that response. “We were trying our best to make sure we made the best dog food possible and it was taking a lot longer than I originally hoped,” he tells me.

    “I hoped one of them would see the vision behind Wild Earth and why we had to bring change to the pet food industry, and luckily, right at the end when all the Sharks had declined, Mark looked at me and made me an offer. I honestly thought he was going to pass too, but he really understood where the future was going and was willing to take a chance.”

    Bethencourt says Cuban and his team have provided “incredible support” over the years, adding that he speaks to Cuban every few weeks. “I think Mark also deeply understood the opportunity in the plant-based/vegan space,” he suggests. “After he backed us, I kept sending him studies on plant-based diets’ health benefits and strength/exercise benefits too. A few years back, Mark went mostly vegetarian, and I think it’s helped keep him in great shape on top of his commitment to lots of exercise.”

    Exploring cultivated meat and health benefits of vegan pet food

    Wild Earth didn’t stop at vegan pet food, though. In 2022, the company announced its foray into cultivated meat with a cultured chicken broth topper for dogs. A year and a bit later, it remains one of only a handful of producers working on cell-based pet food.

    “I’ve spent a lot of time talking to everyone, including the biggest critics of the plant-based industry, cattle ranchers, self-proclaimed carnivores, and some of the biggest meat producers on the planet. I’m convinced that while many of us (at least 50% of us) are happy with plant-based and fermented protein options, there’s still a large group of consumers who want ‘real’ meat, and I think we can make those products for them too, [which] are slaughter-free, but real meat,” Bethencourt explains.

    Did the company receive any concerns from its vegan consumer base? “Yes we did,” he confirms. “We had lots of conversations and as we’ve seen, this topic is controversial. It’s likely that we’ll launch a separate line of cultivated pet foods under a different brand to ensure that there’s no confusion.”

    While all of Wild Earth’s consumer products will be vegan, this possible future line of cultivated products will cater to people who still want “real” meat for their pets, but want to skip the low quality and cruel use of animals in factory farming. “Our mission at Wild Earth is to make killer food without the killing,” states Bethencourt.

    cultivated dog food
    Courtesy: Wild Earth

    Consumer apprehension over the health aspects of alternative proteins is a key challenge for the industry in 2024. The Wild Earth CEO says he’s seen a “dramatic change” in perception about the health credentials of dog food in the last seven years. This shift has occurred both in consumers who’ve noticed benefits for their pets when eating vegan, and veterinarians who are recommending plant-based diets for dogs to tackle food allergies, weight control, diabetes and other clinical applications, according to Bethencourt.

    “We’ve also seen a dramatic shift in who the average Wild Earth consumer is: when we started, the majority of our customers were vegan/vegetarians, but today, the majority of our customers aren’t (over 70%). We’re seeing widespread adoption from consumers just looking for cleaner and healthier food, and they’re now comfortable with plant-based pet foods.”

    That has given rise to an increasing number of vegan pet food brands and products. One estimate put this market at $26B in 2022, predicting it to double to $57B by 2032. Companies like The Pack, Omni, Hownd (all UK), Noochies (Canada), Paleo (Belgium) are all innovating in this space, and that’s without looking at the larger players launching dedicated plant-based lines.

    “The vast majority of both vegans and vegetarians still feed their pets meat-based pet food,” asserts Bethencourt. “I know because I get lectured almost daily (particularly) by vegans who tell me that dogs can’t be vegan (after we’ve fed tens of thousands of dogs plant-based diets for many, many years and they’ve thrived).

    “I’m thankful I no longer get the death threats though,” he adds, recalling people’s uproar over feeding dogs vegan food. “Those were weird.”

    wild earth shank tank
    Courtesy: Wild Earth

    He calls recent research about the benefits of plant-based diets for pets his “favourite new development” in the space, particularly the studies by University of Winchester professor Andrew Knight. In 2022, he published a paper revealing that dogs fed vegan diets were healthier and required fewer veterinary interventions. He followed it up with similar research for cats, showing that felines on a plant-based diet could be healthier than those fed meat.

    Bethencourt believes the increase in such studies has led to vets getting more receptive of vegan pet food, and industry giants like Mars, Nestlé and General Mills experimenting with plant-based launches. “We’re still early, [but] I’m confident we’re starting to reach a tipping point in the US, Europe and the UK, and hopefully soon globally,” he says.

    ‘Plant-based industry can learn a lot from Tesla’

    While Wild Earth did develop its lines of cultured chicken (and beef), it has been forced to pause their development due to the challenging financial environment globally, doubling down on its commercial plant-based products instead. “We’re now in conversations with other companies who have developed cell-based lines about partnering to produce future slaughter-free meat lines,” reveals Bethencourt.

    It’s reflective of the wider challenges for alternative meat across the world, a slump he calls “brutal, but… inevitable”. “All industries move in boom and bust cycles. In the plant-based space, most funding has frozen, but – and here’s the important part – the customers are still out there, and across Europe, the US and Asia more customers are becoming open to plant-based products,” he explains.

    “I think one of the biggest challenges for all of us is competing with some of the planet’s largest companies in the food category. Most plant-based food companies are tiny in comparison to today’s food giants, but if we focus on making incredible products, with great customer benefits and very competitive prices, we can win.”

    mark cuban
    Courtesy: Wild Earth

    The narrative around plant-based hasn’t been helped by the attacks from some mainstream media outlets, which Bethencourt agrees are biased, given most of their advertisers still sell animal-based products, meaning they can’t be too critical. “In an era of AI and information warfare from both nation states through to large incumbents, we all have to think more independently and question everything,” he implores.

    The Wild Earth CEO says the plant-based industry can learn a lot from the likes of Tesla, which launched with a premium line and has since aggressively increased product benefits and lowered prices. “People will want to buy tasty, healthier and cost-competitive products – we just have to push our industry harder to deliver on these, and that’s a hard challenge for us all,” he notes.

    Going back to the media aspect, Tesla – a company that’s “probably the most hated by mainstream media” – is doing “an incredible amount of good”, despite governments and petrochemical giants being against it, according to Bethencourt: “They continue to win market share by focusing on innovation, their customers, and making better and increasingly more cost-competitive products.”

    One company that’s doing it right in his eyes is Chile’s AI-led vegan startup NotCo. “From day one, Matias [Muchnik], their founder and CEO, has always said tastier products, healthier products and better-priced products will win, and they have all across Latin America.” (Most recently, the company’s collaboration with The Kraft Company bore fruit to a vegan version of the latter’s iconic boxed mac and cheese).

    Wild Earth will launch cat food and a Basics line for dogs

    wild earth dog food reviews
    Courtesy: Wild Earth

    Since raising the half a million from Cuban on Shark Tank, Wild Earth has managed to release 14 products, feed tens of thousands of dogs, launch online and in retail nationwide, and sell over $42M worth of vegan dog food, treats and supplements. In the company’s early days, it was able to grow revenue by 25-50%, and last year, that figure crossed $10M. This year, the target is $15M, though the focus is on cost-efficient growth, keeping in mind the precarious economic landscape.

    Its D2C business remains its most successful sales channel. “One of the hardest things for us was transforming from an R&D organization to a commercial organisation,” says Bethencourt. “It’s hard for any company but particularly for a mission-based company we’ve had to learn a lot of lessons, staying true to our mission means being effective and scaling sales.”

    Now, Wild Earth is looking to expand into retail and diversify its product portfolio by launching a new cat food SKU, as well as an essential Basics line. The latter – set to launch later this year – will provide a lower-cost entry point for vegan pet food to cater to a wider audience. The company also hopes to return to India and Asia (where it was selling pre-pandemic), and enter Europe and Canada – international expansion is on the cards for 2025.

    “We’re very optimistic about the future for plant-based pet food and think the first plant-based food boom and bust (for us and our pets) was just the end of the beginning of market adoption,” predicts Bethencourt, who foresees continued growth in the sector over the next decade.

    “One of our guiding principles at Wild Earth is to be bold and push the pet industry to change,” he says. “We did this when we launched our plant-based dog food, treats and supplements, we’re doing that again with our vegan cat products and we’ll challenge ourselves again in the future to grow the space for cell-based meat to end the use of factory-farmed animals in pet food.

    “It’s hard, but it’s something we believe is important to do for the world we want to see in the future.”

    The post Wild Earth’s Ryan Bethencourt: ‘Our Mission is to Make Killer Food, Without the Killing’ appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • cultivated meat ban
    7 Mins Read

    Amid a flurry of proposed bans on cultivated meat in the US and around the world, two senators have now introduced a bill that would prohibit the use of cultured meat in school meals.

    Just as American schoolchildren are having to fight for even soy milk under the First Amendment, two US lawmakers are hoping to introduce a wider crackdown on alternative proteins in the education sector.

    Senators Mike Rounds (Republican) and Jon Tester (Democrat) have proposed a bill to amend the Richard B Russell National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 and ban the use of cultivated meat in US school meals.

    Titled the School Lunch Integrity Act of 2024, the senators seek to prohibit cell-cultured meat from being served in schools under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP).

    “This common-sense bill will make sure our schools can serve real meat from our ranchers, not a fake substitute that’s grown in a lab,” said Tester, a third-generation farmer from Montana. “Montana ranchers grow the best meat in the world, that’s a fact – and our students ought to be getting the best in their school breakfasts and lunches every day.”

    US senator promotes local beef over cultivated meat

    cultivated meat schools
    Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons/CC, Jon Tester

    Cultivated meat has already been approved for sale in the country, with the USDA granting clearance to Californian producers UPSIDE Foods and GOOD Meat last year. It made the US only the second nation to allow the consumption of these proteins – but Rounds’ office claimed that these actions “undermine the important work of American livestock producers”.

    The USDA hasn’t yet issued any guidance over cultivated protein in the NSLP or SBP, but despite its approval of cell-based chicken from the aforementioned companies – which have also received a Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) certification from the FDA – Rounds questioned the safety of these products, citing a lack of research.

    “It starts out with a piece of meat, a cell from an actual chicken and then it is developed artificially within the laboratory. We just want to make sure that’s not the stuff they are selling in our schools,” Rounds told local outlet Keloland.

    In a statement, he said: “Our students should not be test subjects for cell-cultivated ‘meat’ experiments. South Dakota farmers and ranchers work hard to produce high-quality beef products. These products are often sold to South Dakota schools, where they provide necessary nutrition to our students.

    “With high-quality, local beef readily available for our students, there’s no reason to be serving fake, lab-grown meat products in the cafeteria. I’m pleased to introduce this bipartisan legislation that benefits South Dakota producers and protects students from the unknown effects of cell-cultivated ‘meat’ products.”

    Reflecting a wider disconnect between meat and climate change

    food greenhouse gas emissions
    Courtesy: Our World in Data

    It’s a rhetoric commonly used by sceptics of cultivated meat, which – as mentioned above – has been cleared as safe for human consumption by the US government. Promoting beef serves the interests of the country’s livestock industry – which receives 800 times more public funding than alternative protein companies – and encourages the consumption of a product that is proven to be the worst-emitting food.

    Rounds will argue that he’s supporting local farmers and beef, which will have a lower carbon footprint than meat produced elsewhere. This is a commonly held misconception, because transport accounts for less than 1% of beef’s GHG emissions. “Eating local beef or lamb has many times the carbon footprint of most other foods. Whether they are grown locally or shipped from the other side of the world matters very little for total emissions,” explains Our World in Data’s Hannah Ritchie.

    But perhaps Rounds can be forgiven for the confusion – he is, after all, a lawmaker in a country that fails to connect meat consumption with the climate crisis. One study found that 74% of Americans don’t think eating meat is bad for the environment, while another put that number at 41% for red meat. But peer-reviewed research has revealed that, when produced using renewable energy, cultivated meat can account for 92% fewer emissions, 94% less air pollution, and 90% less land use than conventional beef.

    Even studies that critics routinely cite – such as a 2019 University of Oxford paper – are misinterpreted. While that research was undertaken when cultivated meat was much less developed and heavily reliant on fossil fuel power, it still found that the worst-case scenario for cultivated meat’s GHG emissions is better than the “best” conventional meat production systems for at least the next 100 years.

    Livestock industry questions the safety of cultivated meat

    lab grown meat approval
    Courtesy: Aleph Farms

    Nevertheless, the bill was welcomed by animal agriculture groups like the US Cattlemen’s Association, R-CALF USA, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and South Dakota Pork Producers, who seemingly ignored the implications of the safety rulings for cultivated chicken – a marker that other foods produced this way can also be regulated the same way in the future – by the USDA and FDA. In January, Israel became the first country to approve the sale of cultivated beef, after the Israeli Ministry of Health (IMOH) issued a ‘no questions’ letter for Aleph Farms.

    “Science experiments belong in the classroom, not the cafeteria,” said Justin Tupper, president of the US Cattlemen’s Association. “The long-term health effects of consuming foods produced using cell-cultured technology [have] not been established. These products are too new and untested to be considered safe for our nation’s children.”

    Bill Bullard, CEO of R-CALF USA, added: “The claim that cell-cultivated meat grown in a laboratory is as safe and healthful as real, natural meat has not yet been definitively determined. So, subjecting children to this nascent, scientific experiment is bad public policy. We applaud Senator Rounds’ bill that will ensure our children and grandchildren will not be encouraged to consume this controversial and unnatural product while at school.”

    “We just want to make sure that our livestock producers in the upper midwest aren’t ham-stringed by schools suggesting that because of liberals in the area or individuals that don’t like ag that they are suddenly then being challenged to compete with cultured meat, which we think has a long way to go and hasn’t been properly tested at this stage of the game,” added Rounds.

    Joining a global trend of cultivated meat bans

    us meat consumption
    Courtesy: UPSIDE Foods

    The legislation is reminiscent of the amendment of France’s climate law in 2021, which banned cultivated meat in canteens, similarly calling into question the safety of the products and the threat to livestock farmers.

    That wasn’t the end of France’s anti-cultivated-meat push, which last year introduced a bill to prohibit the production and sale of these novel proteins throughout the country – not just in the education sector.

    It’s part of a wider trend that’s developing around the world. A month before France’s proposal, Italy became the world’s first country to officially ban cultivated meat. And one of the farming groups that lobbied prominently for the law is now in talks with Hungary to push forward similar legislation in the country.

    Austria has also voiced its opinion against cultivated meat, presenting a note to the EU’s Agriculture and Fisheries Council last week alongside Italy and France. It garnered support from the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.

    Meanwhile, senators in the US have been jumping on this bandwagon as well. Before Rounds and Tester introduced their legislation to the Senate, Republican lawmakers in several states had already floated the idea of prohibiting the general production and sale of cultivated meat within state borders.

    It began with Florida, where House representative Tyler Sirois proposed HB 435, which seeks to ban the production, sale, holding and distribution of cultured meat within the state, imposing criminal penalties – including facing misdemeanours of the second degree, fines of $500 to $1,000, and license suspensions or stop-sale orders – on anyone violating these rules.

    Shortly after, Texas governor Greg Abbott signed a bill requiring clear labelling of plant-based and cultivated meat, seafood and egg products, while Nebraska’s Real MEAT Act would mandate the word “imitation” on alt-protein if passed.

    Then, in Arizona, House representative Quang Nguyen drafted HB 2244, a bill that would make it illegal to “intentionally misbrand or misrepresent” an alternative meat product as meat, while fellow Republican David Marshall went a step further with HB 2121, attempting to ban the sale or production of cultured meat.

    And just this week, Wisconsin State Assembly representative Peter Schmidt – a Republican dairy farmer – proposed two bills against alternative protein, one of which put restrictions on the labelling of cultivated meat.

    Rounds said it’s too early to tell how the bill will play out in the Senate. But really, the focus should be on finding ways to safeguard the environment, not promote food production methods that destroy it. Climate activists will hope these bills stop making the rounds.

    The post Disassociating From the Beginning: US Senators Propose a Ban on Cultivated Meat in School Meals appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • lionel boyce
    6 Mins Read

    In our weekly column, we round up the latest news and developments in the alternative protein and sustainable food industry. This week, Future Food Quick Bites covers a ton of alt-dairy developments, more discussions around banning cultivated meat, and vegan culinary tourism in Sri Lanka.

    New products and launches

    Canadian vegan cheesemaker Daiya has partnered with The Bear actor Lionel Boyce for Fromage Forgery, a campaign paying tribute to dupe culture. Boyce acted as salesman for the brand’s takeover of Downtown New York City, where over 350 customers tried its new oat-cream-based ‘dupe’ cheese.

    actual veggies
    Courtesy: Actual Veggies

    Speaking of New York, Actual Veggies, which makes whole-food plant-based burgers, is launching a range of Super Fries in Classic Russet Potato, Sweet Potato and Purple Sweet Potato varieties, which will also contain ingredients like chickpeas and cauliflower. The Classic is available on Hungryroot now.

    Fellow New York brand HIPPEAS has launched a new line of chickpea puffs called Flavor Blast!, available in Vegan White Cheddar Explosion and Blazin’ Hot flavours at Sprouts, Amazon and its e-commerce store.

    Alt-meat leader Tofurky will soon launch a Plant-Based Pepp’roni in a 4oz pack at Tops Markets in the northeast and Hy-Vee in the midwest, starting this February.

    Mycelium meat producer Prime Roots has collaborated with charcuterie and pâté maker Three Little Pigs to bring its Black Truffle Koji-Pâté, Harvest Apple Koji-Pâté and Koji-Foie Gras to customers in New York, Bay Area, and Portland delis.

    Meanwhile, following its November announcement, plant-based children’s nutrition brand Kate Farms‘ Pediatric Blended Meals are now available. Eligible for insurance coverage, the vegan whole-food meals come in three flavours, are designed for kids aged one to 13, and can be used for both tube and oral feeding.

    future food quick bites
    Courtesy: Kate Farms

    In Florida, the Manatee County School District has rolled out Impossible Foods’ burgers and nuggets in student cafeterias at two high schools and three middle schools.

    Illinois-based macadamia milk maker Milkadamia has released a new Organic Artisan line of refrigerated SKUs, in original and unsweetened varieties, as well as blends of macadamia with oat, almond or coconut milks. They were showcased at the Winter Fancy Food Show in Las Vegas this month.

    Another alt-dairy innovation comes courtesy of Elmhurst, which has launched an oat-milk-based sour cream in a squeezable pouch format. You can find it on its online store and at Publix, with more to follow.

    Chilean food tech company NotCo is expanding distribution for its Unsweetened Vanilla and Barista milks, with the former available at Whole Foods nationwide from February. The Barista edition is at grocers like Sprouts Farmers Market, New Seasons, Raley’s Supermarket, Hannaford, Haagen and Met Foodmarkets, and coffee shops like Joe Coffee and Daily Provisions.

    If you’re flying to or from the UK, by the way, British Airways is now offering Glebe Farm’s oat milk aboard all its long-haul flights.

    Three months after announcing price parity for its vegan own-label Vemondo in Germany, Lidl has expanded those efforts to Austria (as well as Denmark and Hungary), cutting prices by 52% on over 30 meat and dairy analogues.

    vegan egg
    Courtesy: Yumgo

    Elsewhere, French brand YUMGO‘s egg alternatives – which come in powdered and liquid forms for whole eggs, whites and yolks – are now available in Japan, following a partnership with leading deli distributor Nichifutsu Boeki KK.

    Indonesian plant-based meat leader Green Rebel has introduced its steak, Balinese skewers and Padang-style rendang SKUs to the frozen section of RedMart stores in Singapore.

    And in Israel, Beyond Meat has launched chicken cutlets, nuggets and tenders, with help from distributor Diplomat Plant Based. The brand dominates the country’s alt-meat market share, accounting for 25% just four years after entry.

    Financing and collaborations

    London-based dairy alternatives company The Coconut Collab has closed a £1.5M Series B funding round from existing investors, which will help it scale production, launch new SKUs and expand internationally.

    coconut collab milk
    Courtesy: The Coconut Collab

    Indian clean-label vegan nutrition startup Earthful, meanwhile, has raised $400,000, after witnessing a 5x growth over the last year.

    Australian bio-based vegan leather company ALT.Leather has secured $100M in a seed funding round to produce the country’s first plant-based alternative to the material.

    Belgian precision fermentation startup Paleo has opened a new R&D centre in Leuven to scale up production and accelerate its commercialisation plans, ahead of a fundraise later this year.

    German catering service company Dussmann is doubling down on its Veganuary initiatives with a Vielfalt Statt Verzicht (Diversity Instead of Sacrifice) campaign in partnership with vegan startups Planted, BettaF!sh, BOONIAN, and Brew Bites, whose dishes are available at 60 Dussmann sites nationwide.

    In more collaboration news, Canada’s Modern Plant-Based Foods has “received interest from a diversified multinational entertainment and media conglomerate”, which will see its Vegan Kaviar appear at select dining outlets across the latter’s properties. (While the tone of the release is coy, this is certainly the Walt Disney Company.)

    vegan caviar
    Courtesy: Modern Plant-Based Foods

    In Sri Lanka, sustainability non-profit SLYCAN Trust has partnered with Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts to launch Plant-Based Gastronomy: Tales of Sri Lanka’s Cultural Heritage. The initiative aims to showcase the country’s plant-based heritage and promote sustainable culinary tourism, with a dedicated vegan food corner at Cinnamon Grand Colombo’s restaurant and the introduction of a vegan chef.

    Over in the US, after closing eight stores last year, vegan fast-casual chain Native Foods has converted its three remaining locations in Chicago, Palm Springs and Glendale into an employee ownership model.

    Meanwhile, vegan seafood producer New Wave Foods has ceased operations after being unable to pay its debts in full to various creditors, and has entered into a general assignment agreement.

    Cultivated meat developments

    Researchers at Tufts University have developed bovine muscle cells that produce their own growth factors, which can significantly cut production costs for cultivated beef.

    Following discussions about cultivated meat at the EU’s Agrifish Council last week, Hungary may be joining the bandwagon of countries hoping to ban cultured meat, with its agriculture minister meeting the head of Italian farmers’ union Coldiretti (which played a key role in finalising Italy’s ban).

    In more alt-protein ban developments, Wisconsin State Assembly representative Peter Schmidt – who is also a Republican dairy farmer – has proposed two bills restricting the labelling of cultivated meat and plant-based milk, following in the footsteps of Arizona.

    In the UK, cultivated fat producer Hoxton Farms has expanded its leadership by adding former Impossible Foods senior VP Nick Halla to its board.

    Policy, reports and cool videos

    @savorfoods How we make butter “from scratch” using our carbon-based fat meant to mimic the properties of milkfat that comes from cows. Can’t wait to see what we cook up with them😋 #buttermaking #buttertok #butterfromscratch #foodtok ♬ Trendsetter – Connor Price & Haviah Mighty

    If you followed the viral TikTok homemade butter trend of 2022, and were sad you couldn’t do it with vegan cream, fret not! Californian startup Savor – which makes animal-free fats from a combination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen – has released a video showcasing how to make butter from scratch using its fat.

    Israel’s Redefine Meat has now made it to the Premier League, with Crystal Palace footballers Chris Richards and James Tomkins taste-testing the 3D-printed plant-based meat in a new video.

    After announcing its anti-Veganuary ad campaign Let’s Eat Balanced, UK livestock association the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board is facing pushback from campaigners who have submitted complaints against the ad to the country’s Advertising Standards Authority.

    Finally, a new report by ProVeg South Africa has revealed that vegans, vegetarians and flexitarians make up 10-12% of the country’s population and have driven the 33.1% rise in fast-food consumption since 2019. The researchers explore vegan options at QSRs and make recommendations to help the foodservice industry.

    Check out last week’s Future Food Quick Bites.

    The post Future Food Quick Bites: Dupe Cheese, Squeezy Sour Cream & TikTok Butter appeared first on Green Queen.

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  • cultivated fish india
    6 Mins Read

    In a first-of-its-kind partnership, the Indian government is embarking on a project to create cell-cultured seafood with cultivated meat startup Neat Meatt Biotech.

    The ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) has signed an MoU with New Delhi-based biotech company Neat Meatt to develop cultivated fish, in what is a landmark project for the world’s third-largest seafood consumer. The initiative aims to ensure India keeps up with international progress and tackle climate and food security issues.

    The project aims to tackle India’s growing demand for seafood – fish consumption has swelled by 88% in just over a decade – reduce pressure on wild resources, keep up with global progress on alternative proteins, and provide solutions to climate change and food insecurity.

    Proof of concept could be shown within two months

    The partnership will initially focus on developing cell-cultured varieties of high-value fish species – like kingfish, pomfret and seer fish – which are extremely popular in India, especially among the coastal belts. Based in Kochi, CMFRI has entered into a collaborative research agreement with Neat Meatt, a cultivated meat manufacturer and solutions provider, to help develop these seafood products.

    An MoU signed by the two parties reveals that CMFRI will conduct research into early cell line development of high-value marine fish species. This involves isolating and cultivating fish cells for further R&D. Additionally, the marine research organisation will handle genetic, biochemical and analytical work, equipped with a cell culture laboratory with basic facilities, providing a solid foundation for research in cellular biology.

    Meanwhile, the project will leverage Neat Meatt’s expertise in cell culture tech, with the firm leading the optimisation of cell growth media, development of scaffolds or micro-carriers for cell attachment, and scaling up production through bioreactors. The company will be responsible for providing the necessary consumables, manpower and additional equipment required as well.

    lab grown meat india
    Courtesy: CMFRI

    Neat Meatt co-founder and CEO Sandeep Sharma is confident that the partnership’s proof of concept could be established within a couple of months. But Kajal Chakraborty, principal scientist at CMFRI, told the Hindustan Times that the product may take a decade to reach the market. “Just like other meat, we will use cell line cultures to produce fish meat. It’s even more difficult to grow meat of higher vertebrates in laboratory settings,” she explained.

    CMFRI director A Gopalakrishnan added: “This project aims to accelerate development in this field, ensuring India is not left behind in this emerging industry.”

    Why India decided to invest in cultivated seafood

    India’s seafood market is worth $57.15B, according to one estimate, and is set to expand by 7.6% annually. And last year, its seafood exports reached an all-time high, shipping out 1.7 million tonnes worth $8.09B. But with growing awareness about the seafood industry’s climate impact, there have been calls to switch to lower-carbon production methods.

    While estimates suggest that carbon emissions of fish caught in India’s marine fisheries are 17.7% lower than the global average, in terms of overall climate change impact by 2050, the country remains in the medium to high category. The country has a burgeoning alt-protein sector, with 113 companies working across plant-based, cultivated and fermentation-derived meat, dairy, seafood and eggs.

    But even though several alt-seafood startups exist in India (such as Seaspire, Mister Veg, VegetaGold, Veggie Champ and The Mighty Food), only two companies – Klevermeat and Myoworks – are known to be working on cultured seafood. So this collaboration between CMFRI and Neat Meatt holds promise.

    “This public-private partnership [PPP] marks a crucial step in bridging the gap between India and other nations like Singapore, Israel, and the USA, who are already advancing cultured seafood research,” said Gopalakrishnan, who praised cultured fish’s “immense potential for environmental and food security”. He added: “This collaboration leverages CMFRI’s marine research expertise with Neat Meatt’s technological know-how in this field, paving the way for a sustainable and secure future for seafood production in India.”

    lab grown seafood india
    Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons/CC

    Explaining the reason behind this partnership, the Good Food Institute (GFI) India’s science and technology specialist, Chandana Tekkatte, told Green Queen: “There is a growing recognition that by enabling more large-scale international scientific and industrial collaborations (leveraging our decades-old bioeconomy expertise), India could become a production powerhouse in the emerging cultivated meat industry and pave the way for other emerging economies.

    “The DBT-BIRAC is also encouraging such PPP models to help accelerate R&D breakthroughs in cultivated meat and seafood in India, similar to the momentum seen in Singapore, Israel, and the US. The Ministry of Science and Technology has also been working closely to advance research in cultivated meat and other smart protein categories within the nation’s priorities for high-performance biomanufacturing.”

    In another instance of government support for cell-based meat in India, the Ministry of Science and Technology’s Science and Engineering Research Board included cultivated meat research under its Competitive Research Grant Programmes in 2021.

    The rise of cultivated proteins in India

    Tekkatte said India’s cultivated meat and seafood industry is still in its infancy but stands to benefit significantly from India’s thriving pharmaceutical sector, which is set to reach $150B in 2025. “This sector has a proven track record in affordable, high-quality manufacturing, and cultivated meat companies have the opportunity to tap into its vast infrastructure and resources,” she explained.

    She added that key early-stage scientific advancements in cultivated meat and seafood have been led by startups in cell line development (Neat Meatt, Klevermeat, Clear Meat), media formulations (Clear Meat), and scaffolds (Myoworks) over the last five years. These have helped build the foundation of the sector and “continue to inspire future research endeavours”.

    Previous GFI India research has revealed that one in four Indians would consider giving up conventional meat, seafood, dairy or eggs in the future, citing issues like hygiene, smell, ease of cooking and heaviness on the stomach, as well as animal welfare and impact on the climate. Meanwhile, a three-country study from 2019 on consumer acceptance of cultured meat revealed that 56% of Indians are “very or extremely likely” to buy cultivated meat regularly. “Consumer education and perceptions will play an important role in advertising, marketing, and sale of cultivated meat,” said Tekkatte.

    This will also be influenced by prices. “The cost of cultivated meat production will come down with scale — and the scale-up principles of cultivated meat biomanufacturing are sound and have been demonstrated in biopharmaceuticals and vaccine manufacturing industries,” explained Tekkatte.

    cultivated meat india
    Courtesy: Myoworks

    She added that the Food Safety Standards Authority of India’s regulatory framework “needs to be made more dynamic and evolve in tandem with innovations”. Cultivated meat falls under the Food Safety and Standards Regulations (FSSAI) set out in 2017, which rules that if a product or ingredient doesn’t have a history of human consumption – or is obtained using new tech with engineering processes that significantly alter its composition – it’s classed as a non-specified or novel food product.

    In 2020, the FSSAI formed the Working Group on Cultured Meat with regulatory and scientific experts to study the possible regulatory pathways for cultivated meat in India. “Early engagement with cultivated meat companies intending to apply for pre-market approvals under the Non-Specified Foods Regulations during the development process would enable the regulatory body to have oversight of the development process, leading to effective, timely guidance to the companies to ensure regulatory compliance and appropriate data submission to reduce approval timelines,” Tekkatte outlined.

    “The significance of channelling resources into the cultivated meat industry is particularly relevant in India, with our unique vulnerability to climate change and public health crises. With this massive decrease in land use, additional opportunities arise for the diversification of crops towards direct food consumption,” she said. “As we funnel more investment towards R&D and infrastructure, there’s no doubt that the cultivated meat sector can grow exponentially in India and help cater to the increasing protein needs of the global population.”

    The post ‘Immense Potential’: Indian Government Body to Develop Cultivated Fish in Partnership with Neat Meatt appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • cell based coffee
    5 Mins Read

    Israeli cellular agriculture firm Pluri has launched a cell-based coffee business, which will be spun out into a new subsidiary focused on industrial-scale production to combat the crop’s climate challenges.

    As arable land shrinks by half, six in 10 species face the threat of extinction, and yields decline while prices rise, coffee is in a climate change conundrum.

    Conversely, climate change is in a coffee conundrum, given the crop is linked to widespread deforestation, massive amounts of GHG emissions, and high carbon opportunity costs.

    Simply put, our morning cup is in danger of vanishing, and not because you’ve drunk it – but more so because there won’t be enough to drink in the first place. Solutions are necessary, especially since we’ll be demanding three times more coffee by mid-century.

    For many startups, that means coming up with alternatives made from different ingredients, in the hope of replicating the sensory profile of coffee. Think of it the way you’d think of plant-based meats. Companies like Northern Wonder (Netherlands), Voyage Foods, Atomo and Minus (all US) are all taking this ‘beanless coffee‘ approach, innovating with ingredients like lupin beans, chickpeas, carob, grape seeds, chicory, and date seeds, to name a few.

    Then there are others like French startup Amatera, which makes use of molecular biology and crop genetics technology to make perennial coffee. Finally, the third crop of players in this space are delving deep into cellular agriculture, such as Parisian firm Stem and the VTT Research Centre of Finland. This is akin to how companies are making cultivated meat to replace conventionally produced, bad-for-the-climate meat.

    lab grown coffee
    Courtesy: Pluri

    One of those companies is Pluri, a biotech startup from Israel, which has previously established Ever After Foods, a joint venture with the country’s largest food producer, Tnuva, to produce a bioreactor platform to scale cell-cultured meat in a cost-effective manner. Now, Pluri is taking its tech and applying it to a drink that is consumed two billion times every day, all over the world.

    How Pluri makes cell-based coffee

    Pluri has launched its cell-based coffee business to “revolutionise” the $132B industry, with a product it says is designed to address the growing demand for high-quality coffee, produced on an industrial scale. The venture has been created under the company’s new business vertical, PluriAgtech, which uses breakthrough cell tech to create eco-friendly alternatives to carbon-intensive foods.

    The biotech startup extracts cells from the coffee plant. “We need one biopsy from the plant and then we create a cell bank of coffee cells,” a Pluri spokesperson told Green Queen. This is followed by a process that expands the cells significantly through a 3D bioreactor. “Afterwards, we harvest the cells, dry them and roast them like any other coffee. The final product looks like coffee grains.”

    That patented 3D cell expansion tech can expand a single cell into billions of distinct cells. “Our 3D bioreactors grow cells quickly and reliably, in a highly cost-effective process that can be applied to various types of cells,” the company explained. “By using a bioreactor, we don’t need the whole coffee plant for this process – the leaves of the plant are enough.”

    The spokesperson adds: “Our proprietary system provides a 3D micro-environment for cells that can mimic various cell growth environments. Our cells expand rapidly and remain viable as we transform them into innovative products and solutions. This system generates cell products on a massive scale with batch-to-batch consistency.”

    This helps accelerate the path to commercial viability. “The PluriMatrix we have can produce [an] amount of product that is equivalent to [a] dozen coffee plants,” the spokesperson revealed, confirming that no other ingredients are going into the final product, which is a cell-based version of arabica, one of the two main species of coffee consumed globally (the other being robusta), which could go extinct by 2050.

    Plans for a subsidiary and regulatory approval

    Pluri plans to spin out its cell-based coffee project as a subsidiary focused on a B2B model developing innovative products, technologies and IP for the industry. “We are uniquely positioned to transform the coffee industry with our sustainable cell-based coffee,” said Michal Ogolnik, who will helm the subsidiary.

    “By harnessing the power of Pluri’s cutting-edge technology, we could create a brighter, more sustainable future for our planet. By bringing innovation to the forefront, we can tackle some of the coffee industry’s most pressing challenges,” she added.

    Since its lab-grown coffee eschews the need for traditional fields, Pluri argues it eliminates the negative environmental impact of conventional coffee crops. Its innovation is estimated to use 98% less water and 95% less land, while also lowering the emission of hazardous greenhouse gases. And as for the cost question, the company’s spokesperson said its tech allows its products to be created in a cost-effective manner: “Our product will show cost parity and will ensure stability of coffee prices in a competitive pricing.”

    Courtesy: Pluri

    But before all that, Pluri needs to pass one key hurdle: regulatory approval. “We have defined the regulatory pathway towards commercialisation,” the spokesperson confirmed. “This product is targeted to be under the FDA GRAS [Generally Recognized as Safe] pathway.” So far, Upside Foods and Eat Just are the only cultivated food companies to have received a ‘no questions’ letter from the authority, gaining clearance to sell their cultured chicken products last year.

    Pluri will reveal its market launch timeline later this year, but its self-funded coffee initiative is open to investment soon. But whether consumers will take to its products remains to be seen: a 2019 poll by Dalhousie University revealed that 72% of Canadians wouldn’t drink lab-grown coffee, so there’s room for growing consumer awareness and acceptance around the innovation.

    “We believe deeply in the power of cell technology to make farming and food cultivation more productive and sustainable,” said Pluri CEO Yaky Yanay. “Pluri’s advanced agtech solutions potentially reduce the environmental footprint of traditional agricultural production. PluriAgtech can deliver numerous solutions ranging from products like cell-based coffee to bioactive in order to address the biggest challenges in agriculture.”

    The post Israeli Startup Pluri Launches Cell-Based Coffee Business with Industrial Production Capacity appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • scifi foods
    6 Mins Read

    San Francisco-based SciFi Foods has announced the successful completion of its first 500-litre bioreactor run in its recently opened facility in San Leandro. The startup now aims to complete regulatory approval and enter US foodservice by early next year.

    Hybrid meat might be coming to your plate sooner than you think. SciFi Foods, which makes beef from a mix of cultivated and plant proteins, has completed its first commercial-scale production of its cell-cultured beef in a 500-litre bioreactor.

    The company achieved this feat in its recently opened 16,000 sq ft pilot facility in San Leandro, California. It’s the same scale that SciFi Foods will be commercialising out once it receives the regulatory green light from the FDA and USDA.

    SciFi Foods can produce 50,000 hybrid beef burgers a year

    hybrid meat
    Courtesy: SciFi Foods

    Backed by Silicon Valley VC Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) and other investors like Coldplay, SciFi Foods has raised over $40M in total financing. Previously called Artemys Foods, the company emerged from stealth in 2022 with a cultivated beef product slated to be used in hybrid meat formulations.

    Hybrid meat is a blend of plant and cultivated proteins, and along with blended meat (animal protein mixed with plant-based ingredients), it represents a rapidly growing trend. The idea is to combine the superior taste credentials of cultured proteins with the cost-effectiveness and scalability of plant-based ingredients.

    SciFi Foods uses a 90/10 blend of vegan and cell-cultured ingredients. The 90% plant-based composition is derived mainly from soy, and helps the company solve a major bottleneck of cultivated meat: scalability. Scaling up is, as the startup puts it, “a major risk factor” for commercialising these proteins. To overcome that, the company has developed beef cell lines that grow in a 100% serum-free process, using a defined media that doesn’t include any animal-derived ingredients.

    Single-cell suspension lines come with a major benefit: they can be grown in any standard, stirred-tank bioreactor, without the need to try and scale up novel hardware. And that has helped SciFi Foods finish its first run on the 500-litre bioreactor. With its hybrid approach, this is enough to produce about 50,000 burgers a year at launch, reveals co-founder and CEO Joshua March. “We expect to be able to double this pretty quickly,” he tells Green Queen.

    The company says it encountered no problems in expanding its cell lines from bench scale to the large bioreactor – in fact, it witnessed higher yields in the latter than the small-format bioreactors it was using previously. “We have really great cell lines that we’ve optimised for scale,” notes March. “We are confident we can increase yield significantly more over the next couple of years.”

    Currently, SciFi purchases the plant-based ingredients in its hybrid beef from major supplies, based on its own unique formula. “Today, we do the blending in-house,” says March. “However, we’re in talks with various co-packers for our commercial launch.”

    Plans for price parity, regulatory approval and market launch

    hybrid meat
    SciFi Foods founders Joshua March and Kasia Gora | Courtesy: SciFi Foods

    Speaking to Green Queen in November, March highlighted the issue with scaling up cultured meat production: “Scaling up a novel biomanufacturing process is always hard, but it’s especially hard if you are producing commodity products at competitive prices.”

    This is where the single-cell suspension lines come in, given that they don’t require expensive substrates like microcarriers or scaffolding, which is crucial for cost control. In our last interview, March pointed to the industrial fermentation space for proof points that price parity for this sector is possible, but added: “There is only one reasonable blueprint for how to get there: a very simple process with minimal downstream processing and robust cell lines that grow well with low-cost inputs.

    “Many of those cell lines are optimised through genetic engineering to approach the maximum theoretical performance for converting feed to product. We believe that all of the same principles apply to cultivated meat, which informs our unique strategy.”

    In 2022, the company announced it had achieved price parity with conventional beef using a combination of its proprietary high-throughput cell line engineering and CRISPR technology. The latter is adapted from a genome editing system used by bacteria for immunity and has been touted as a potential embryonic treatment for several hereditary diseases (though some studies say altering the DNA of embryos or eggs and sperm could cause mutations that lead to other health threats).

    At the time, March explained that the team had experimented with 10-20% cultivated proteins mixed with plant-based proteins to produce a burger that would cost under $10 to make at its facility, with scaled-up manufacturing potentially driving costs further down to $1 per burger. Now that it’s settled on the lower end of that share (at 10% of cultured beef), it will hope to be able to meet these numbers.

    Doing so will be crucial, as the cost of living strains consumer wallets and shapes their attitudes around what they eat. In the US, a 1,018-person survey last year revealed that 46% of respondents are concerned about the rising costs of meat – but while 45% of them expressed interest in trying cultivated meat once it was described to them, only 4% would be willing to pay more for these novel proteins.

    Proposed bans ‘profoundly un-American’

    scifi foods
    Courtesy: SciFi Foods

    A larger global poll of 10,000 people last year, though, revealed that 62% of consumers are willing to eat cultured meat. However, there isn’t much research into consumer attitudes towards hybrid meats blending cultivated with plant-based proteins. A 2020 survey covering 1,000 Brits revealed that 35% would be open to trying these products – so while there is some acceptance, the room for growth is huge.

    It’s also important because this will be how several cultured meat producers go to market, at least initially. It’s what Israel’s Aleph Farms – the latest company to receive regulatory approval, and the first for beef – is doing with its Black Angus Petit Steak, and Dutch startup Meatable plans to do with its cultured pork.

    SciFi Foods hopes to get the go-ahead from the USDA and FDA by early next year, and is already in the consultation process with the latter. Then, it plans to launch into foodservice straight after. “We’re also exploring a number of B2B conversations,” March tells me. “We think that partnering with major food companies is a great way to scale up faster and to get into retail.”

    Asked about the recent pushback against cultured meat in US states like Florida, Arizona and Texas – where Republican senators have been calling for a ban on these foods – March brushes them aside. “It’s clear that the proposed bans are for protectionist reasons, and [have] nothing to do with safety or anything else,” he notes. “This is profoundly un-American: consumers should be the ones to choose what products they want to eat, not regulators.”

    The post SciFi Foods Completes Commercial-Scale Production to Bring Hybrid Beef One Step Closer to Your Plate appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • eu cultivated meat
    8 Mins Read

    Ministers from 13 nations are pushing back strongly against the EU’s cultivated meat policy and asking the bloc to rethink its novel foods regulatory process in the interest of safety.

    Some countries are resisting the move, but the EU could now revisit its legislation. Here’s what happened at the meeting, and what could come next.

    Over the last few months, there has been increased parliamentary activity in governments around the world, specifically focusing on banning the production and sale of cultivated meat. While there are multiple reasons cited, the most common ones found across the board pertain to the safeguarding of national culture, livestock farmers, and consumers’ health.

    This week, things boiled over. A delegation led by Austria, France and Italy – the latter two of which have already proposed a ban or gone through with it – presented a note to the EU’s Agriculture and Fisheries (Agrifish) Council meeting calling for a radical overhaul to cultured meat regulation in the region. This was supported by the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.

    Critics, however, have highlighted false claims made by the representatives of these nations, labelling the entire exercise as unnecessary. While the note only serves to set out a position and does not trigger any formal follow-up process, some believe that the EU might be considering revisiting its novel foods regulations anyway.

    What did the note say, and how was it misleading?

    europe plant based
    Graphic by Green Queen

    The note states that cultivated meat raises many questions, including ethical, economic, social and legal concerns, as well as sustainability, public health, and transparency. It calls for a public consultation process and a “comprehensive impact assessment” to assess the development of these foods, as well as drawing guidelines based on the regulatory framework for new pharmaceutical products (including pre-clinical and clinical studies). It also touches upon labelling, urging the EU to prohibit these products from using meat-related terms.

    “A transparent, science-based and comprehensive approach is necessary to assess the development of artificial cell-based meat production, which in our view does not constitute a sustainable alternative to primary farm-based production,” the ministers write in the note. They add: “We urge the Commission and all member states to take pre-emptive action against the monopolisation of food production and towards the diversification of primary farm-based food production guaranteed by European farmers.”

    Alternative protein think tank the Good Food Institute (GFI) Europe has pointed out that there are many misleading claims made by the lawmakers. One of them is about cultivated meat’s environmental impact, referencing a non-peer-reviewed, UC Davis study funded by the meat industry, which is “based on incorrect assumptions” and deviates significantly from existing literature. Its findings have driven a major misinformation campaign on social media. Peer-reviewed research has shown that when produced using renewable energy, cultivated meat can account for 92% fewer emissions, 94% less air pollution, and 90% less land use than conventional beef.

    The note referenced a 2019 University of Oxford paper too, when research on these novel proteins was “much less developed” and based on energy sources heavily reliant on fossil fuels. This contradicts the most recent data available, which underlines that even the worst-case scenario for cultivated meat greenhouse gas emissions is better than the “best” conventional meat production systems for at least the next 100 years.

    The ministers argue that cultivated meat does not have higher animal welfare standards, referring to the use of fetal bovine serum (FBS). But FBS is being phased out by companies globally, and hundreds of animal-free media already exist. Some FBS-free formulations have been approved for sale, like Eat Just in Singapore and Aleph Farms in Israel.

    Additionally, there were concerns about cultivated meat “being monopolised among a few large-scale industrial producers” and how that would affect small-scale farmers, but GFI Europe argues that these foods can be made by “companies of all shapes and sizes” (over 50 of the 160+ startups in this space are European), and can work alongside existing farming methods to diversify and strengthen our food supply.

    The delegates further questioned the EU’s novel foods regulatory framework, but it is known to be the most robust in the world, which is why companies have found it challenging to file for clearance in the bloc. Other European countries – namely the UK and Switzerland – are already assessing dossiers. And as for the call to regulate cultivated meat as a pharmaceutical product, GFI Europe labels it “nonsensical”, pointing out that it’s “a food that will be made in food production facilities, so it’s essential that it is regulated as food”.

    What happened at the council?

    eu agrifish council
    Courtesy: Romania in the EU/Twitter

    The note presented by Austria’s agriculture minister, Norbert Totschnig, made waves on the Agrifish Council floor. There was controversy even with the countries opposing cultivated meat, with Austria’s health ministry – which is responsible for food safety – noting that the move does not reflect the government’s position.

    Other countries voiced their disagreement too. In the same week, the Netherlands took one step closer to becoming the first EU nation to allow public tasting events of cultivated meat, its representative stuck his neck out for the novel proteins in the EU Council as well. “We of course understand the concerns with regards to the public health and the future of livestock farmers, but also at the same time, we are talking about how do we secure the global food security, and the world population as we all know is growing fast, and so is the demand for animal proteins,” said Piet Adema, the Dutch food quality and agriculture minister.

    “Therefore, we believe that it is important to support innovations that create production methods for animal proteins complementary to, and not as a substitute to, conventional sustainable production. So, more research is needed to ensure the safety and the lower energy use, and therefore, in the Netherlands, we invest in this research, and so I would plea to let’s also look at the opportunities of this development and not only see the threats.”

    Similarly, Jacob Jensen, the agrifood minister for Denmark – a leader in protein diversification – said: “We understand the concerns that have been raised under this item, but Denmark remains very positive towards the development of new innovative biotechnological solutions that could lead to new sustainable proteins. And, like the Netherlands, we believe that we must also focus on the upside, and therefore, we look forward to the biotech initiative from the Commission that will look into the opportunities.

    “We already have EU regulation on novel food in place. This sets a clear legal framework that is solidly based on science. Denmark sees no reason for hindering the development and marketing of cell-based products, as long as such products are safe and fulfil the legal requirements and as long as they are labelled in a way which is not misleading to consumers. If these requirements are met, it must then be up to consumers if they want to buy these products.”

    Meanwhile, Stella Kyriakides, the EU’s health and food safety commissioner explained that the bloc’s existing regulatory framework for novel foods ensures that human health and consumer interests are well protected in a functioning internal market.

    What happens next?

    lab grown meat ban
    Courtesy: Mosa Meat

    EU Commission vice-president Maroš Šefčovič had separately spoken about the need for a strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture, which was outlined by GFI Europe’s senior policy manager, Alex Holst. “As Commission vice president Šefčovič said, we need to ensure our food system is ‘fit for the future’, remains competitive and can respond to issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss and resource scarcity,” he said. “Cultivated meat can play a vital role in achieving these goals, and it’s a positive step that policymakers are becoming interested in developing a better understanding of this food.”

    Holst noted how EU countries have already made strides in cellular agriculture, questioning the point of this debate altogether. “The EU’s Horizon Europe programme and countries like Germany, Spain and the Netherlands have already invested in cultivated meat R&D, recognising its potential to improve food security, reduce emissions, and satisfy [the] growing demand for meat,” he explained.

    It’s curious that despite investing in cultivated meat, Spain was a part of the note’s supporters. There will be a focus on France and Romania too, as both have proposed bans on cultivated meat. But it’s unclear whether France’s bill will be debated or not, as it’s one of many such bills proposed by opposition parties. As for Romania, the proposal had been voted through by the Senate but is yet to be passed by the Chamber of Deputies.

    But Romanians have mulled over the subject, with the Economic and Social Affairs Council of the Senate publishing an opinion on it. Its report on the proposed legislation stated: “The statement of reasons does not explain why synthetic meat should be banned. It is not clear why it could be dangerous to consume this product for the health of the consumers. Moreover, it is not clear why lab-grown meat is considered lower quality than ‘natural’ meat, considering the benefits of meat outlined in the statement of reasons. Therefore, the ban added through Article 5 is excessive, and it is necessary to eliminate it or provide further justifications.”

    Meanwhile, Italy’s move to be the world’s first country to ban cultivated meat has been flagged as a violation of EU law, as the bloc is required to be notified to the EU Commission for comments by other member states. Plus, the country will not be able to prohibit the sale of cultivated meat produced outside Italy but within the EU, whose common single market enables the free movement of goods and services.

    But changes may be afoot for Italy’s ban. “The Italian Government has committed to updating the law based on any feedback received from the European Commission, meaning there is a legal and political requirement to make changes to the cultivated meat ban if needed,” Francesca Gallelli, Italy policy consultant for GFI Europe, told Green Queen. “We also trust that Italy’s scientific community and civil society groups will play a vital role in holding the government responsible and making decisions based on evidence-based research rather than misinformation.”

    Striking a similar tone, Julia Martin, cellular agriculture lead at ProVeg International, told Green Queen: “We hope it will be overturned. But we also hope that Italy will come round to seeing the huge benefits that Europe stands to gain from cultivated meat. The EU needs to support cultivated meat if it wants to bring down greenhouse gas emissions from the food system.”

    Austria’s representative eventually tabled the note, which will not lead to any direct legislative changes. But ProVeg said the EU Commission “has the intention to revisit the guidance for novel food applicants”, with Martin further noting how the bloc recently funded FEASTS, the first Horizon Europe project on the impact of cultivated meat and seafood: “These actions should serve to reassure member states that these foods will be safe for consumers and will serve a significant role in addressing the environmental challenges with intensive animal agriculture.”

    The post Here’s What Went Down at the EU Agrifish Council Meeting on Cultivated Meat appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • cultivated meat tasting
    5 Mins Read

    The Netherlands has launched an expert committee to evaluate applications for cultivated meat tastings, six months after forming an official framework for the same. Cultured pork producer Meatable has responded by submitting its dossier to the panel, and expects to host Europe’s first tasting of these novel proteins soon.

    Six months after the Dutch government announced a Code of Practice for cultured meat and seafood tastings, the Cellular Agriculture Netherlands Foundation (CANS) has launched an independent expert committee to evaluate companies’ requests to host public trials.

    This will be the final hurdle for companies hoping to give people a taste of their product, and would make the Netherlands the first EU country to make pre-regulatory approval tastings possible. The news has been welcomed by local cultivated meat players like Mosa Meat, Upstream Foods, and Meatable – the latter has, in fact, now submitted a dossier for the panel to assess the safety of its cell-based pork.

    “We are thrilled to see the protocol developed in consultation with the government is now being implemented,” said Maarten Bosch, CEO of Mosa Meat, the company that unveiled the world’s first cell-cultured burger in 2013. He confirmed that his company too will be applying for tastings of its cultivated beef soon. “The Netherlands continues to be a global leader in sustainable food innovation, even as others in Europe appear to be taking a step backwards at the height of our climate and biodiversity crises.”

    Upstream Foods CEO Kianti Figler called it “a pivotal moment” for the country’s cultivated meat and seafood ecosystem: “We are dedicated to revolutionising seafood alternatives through fish fat cultivation, and this initiative empowers us to showcase our innovative approach.”

    Ira van Eelen, board member at CANS, said: “Proud of the work we have done as Cellular Agriculture Netherlands to make it possible to taste cultivated meat not only in the Netherlands or the EU, but also in the place where it originated and all started.”

    How the cultivated meat tasting committee works

    lab grown meat
    Courtesy: Mosa Meat

    In July, the Dutch government worked with Mosa Meat, Meatable and sector representative HollandBIO to create a Code of Practice that would make tastings possible in controlled environments – those that are suitable for food preparation and inaccessible to the general public. It was created after a 2022 House of Representatives motion sponsored by members Tjeerd de Groot (Democrats 66) and Peter Valstar (VVD) requested the government to enter consultations with these companies on this matter. The motion passed with 14 out of 17 votes in favour.

    Under the Code of Practice, cultivated protein companies must include information such as the type of cells, animal origin, use of genetic modification, and description of the process (including growth factors, antibiotics, and other constituents). They also need to provide safety information too, spanning chemical and/or biological structure, limit values from regulatory bodies, an exclusion of substances with known or suspected genotoxic activity, and allergen risks.

    The dossier further needs to have details about nutrition, like microbiological status, amounts to be ingested, measured content values, and total amount per person. Participation must be uncompensated and strictly voluntary, and comprise adults with no known allergies or underlying diseases (they should not be pregnant either). Companies must keep a record of where the tastings are held, with how many people, and the recipe of the way the products are cooked.

    They must ensure the presence of an emergency response officer, and register any adverse events occurring up to two weeks before the tasting. All this is taken under consideration by the expert committee, which is comprised of a toxicologist, microbiologist, physician and an ethical expert. Approvals would mean a company can hold a total of 10 tastings, with no more than 30 participants each, over the maximum span of a year.

    Meatable’s hybrid pork to launch in Singapore soon

    Courtesy: Meatable

    For cultivated meat producers, the hope is to finetune their offerings while building consumer awareness through practical education. The move puts the Netherlands on an exclusive list of countries that allow cultivated meat tastings, including Singapore, the US and Israel. Notably, these three are also the only nations that have granted regulatory approval for the sale of cultivated meat.

    It means that people in the Netherlands will be allowed to taste these products before they’re approved for wider sale, making it the first to do so in the EU. The regulatory process falls under the EU novel foods framework, and so far, there has been no positive progress on that front. In fact, a dozen countries are opposing these foods, with Italy already having banned cultured meat locally. Meatablle plans to apply in the US next, and is already in talks with the USDA and FDA.

    “The Netherlands has long been the pioneer of cultivated meat, which is further cemented by this latest development, and we thank the Dutch government, Cellular Agriculture Netherlands Foundation, and HollandBIO for their joint efforts to make this possible,” said Meatable co-founder and CEO Krijn de Nood. “We’re delighted that we have already handed in our dossier for approval and look forward to holding our first tastings in the Netherlands soon.”

    Meatable has already hosted tastings in Singapore, with two events last year for retail partners, government officials, the media, and other stakeholders. It has filed for regulatory approval in the nation as well, and expects to receive clearance soon and launch products in restaurants by mid-year. Its first offering is a hybrid meat product, developed in partnership with Singapore-based Love Handle.

    The company, which has raised $95M in total funding, uses a proprietary technology called Opti-ox, which allows it to eschew the controversial fetal bovine serum (Mosa Meat pioneered the non-FBS production method and published the results as open-source). Meatable uses pluripotent stem cells, which can naturally and rapidly multiply, doubling in just 24 hours. Opti-ox helps produce real muscle and fat cells that can fully differentiate in eight days – 30 times faster than it takes to rear a pig for pork on farms.

    While development is ongoing, Meatable’s last tasting featured pork sausages with 33% cell-based meat, and the rest plant-based. “Each recipe is like a puzzle, where all components need to complement each other perfectly. We will keep on working on this to make sure we have the perfect recipe ready for the launch,” Meatable COO Carolien Wilschut told Green Queen in October.” It remains to be seen what the final proportion of the product will be.

    Apart from facilitating tastings, CANS is spearheading various other initiatives as part of a €60M investment from the Dutch National Growth Fund (a €20B project overall), including a new education programme for students this year, and the appointment of scientists within InHolland, TU Delft, Maastricht University and Wageningen University & Research.

    The post Startups Celebrate Dutch Panel to Assess Cultivated Meat Tastings, as Meatable Files Dossier appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • future food quick bites
    7 Mins Read

    In our weekly column, we round up the latest news and developments in the alternative protein and sustainable food industry. This week, Future Food Quick Bites covers Oatly’s new partnership with Carvel, price fluctuations for meat and eggs, and rare labelling wins for plant-based companies.

    New products and launches

    French alt-meat maker La Vie is continuing its growth, with its new pea protein ham now available in the UK exclusively through its largest retailer, Tesco. It made the announcement with a delightful billboard.

    la vie ham
    Courtesy: La Vie

    Similarly, Dunkin’ has introduced its vegan doughnuts to the UK market, with plant-based alternatives to three of its bestsellers – Original Glazed, Boston Crème and Strawberry Rainbow – available in most of its 34 locations nationwide.

    Continuing in the UK, Aldi has launched its largest-ever vegan cheese range, from Cheddar alternatives and mozzarella to camembert and grated parmesan. The discount retailer has also introduced a vegan smoked salmon as part of its private-label Plant Menu range.

    Another company working on vegan seafood is Japan’s Nippon Ham, which is developing a plant-based tuna sashimi for foodservice, slated for an April launch.

    Speaking of which, Israeli whole-cut meat producer Redefine Meat is now available at more than 650 foodservice locations in 13 countries across Europe, including at Leonardo Hotels, All Star Lanes, and Compass Group.

    Likewise, Irish fast-food chain Boojum has introduced a Carne Asada dish for Veganuary, made using British alt-meat brand [MOCK]‘s mushroom and soy protein beef, and paired with a guajillo chilli sauce.

    vegan news
    Courtesy: Seedtrace

    For Veganuary’s campaign in Germany, meanwhile, catering service company Dussmann has partnered with Swiss alt-meat maker Planted and traceability platform Seedtrace, offering supply chain transparency of Planet’s schnitzel via a QR code. It will be available in 60 Dussmann restaurants.

    Also in Germany, Rügenwalder Mühle has discontinued its classic animal-derived Schinken Spicker ham as part of its commitment to increasing plant-based offerings. It says the move will free up production capacity for its meatless products.

    Elsewhere, US ice cream company Salt & Straw has released a Dairy-Free Decadence range as part of its Pints of the Month series, featuring flavours like Toasted Oat Milk & Cookies, Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting and Bananas Foster with Candied Pecans. Made with oat and/or coconut milk, they can be bought in-store or online.

    Another ice cream development: Oatly has teamed up with cult-favourite creamery Carvel, placing five flavours of its oat milk ice creams in more than 300 Carvel stores across 18 US states.

    harken sweets
    Courtesy: Harken Sweets

    For more American sweet treats, look no further than Harken Sweets‘ better-for-you, plant-based takes on the Snickers and Milky Way bars. Called the Nutty One and The Gooey One, respectively, they contain 75% less sugar and less than 150g of calories, and are available at  Fairway Market, Pop Up Grocer, Gourmet Garage NY, and ShopRite, and on its e-commerce site.

    In California, Langer Farms has released Apple Honey – only featuring apple juice concentrate and natural flavouring – alongside an Apple Butter SKU (an elevated applesauce), which are available online via its website and Amazon.

    Meanwhile, US plant-based manufacturer Franklin Farms has collaborated with Disney to feature Mickey Mouse on co-branded packaging for six of its products. They feature the Disney Check, a symbol indicating compliance with Disney’s Nutrition Guidelines.

    vegan disney
    Courtesy: Franklin Farms

    And Canadian vegan frozen meal producer Plant Up has added Butter Chik’n Bites and Shawarma Bites to its appetiser range. Its products are now available at over 650 stores, including Metro, Longos, and Whole Foods.

    Finance, manufacturing and corporate moves

    Californian alt-meat giant Impossible Foods has hired three women in senior leadership positions, with Elaine Paik and Emma Hutchens joining the C-suite as CFO and chief people officer, respectively, and Alexis Regan taking up the role of senior VP for sales.

    Dutch company Vion Food, which makes both meat and plant-based analogues, is closing a pig plant and divesting/selling off its ham brand, pig and beef slaughterhouses, and a pre-packing facility – all in Germany – as part of its sustainability strategy for 2024, following increased competition and African swine fever outbreak.

    Dublin-based Sea & Believe has launched its inaugural seaweed farm in Connemara, Ireland to develop ingredients for the food and skincare industries using a red Atlantic seaweed that is richer in protein than fish.

    In Austria, mycelium meat producer Revo Foods has unveiled an industrial-scale production method for 3D-printed foods, called the Food Fabricator X2. The 3D-printed whole-cut salmon maker is also crowdfunding to scale up and launch new products this autumn, and has already raised nearly €575,000.

    UK biotech firm Multus has raised £7.9M in a funding round and announced what it claims is the world’s first commercial-scale, cost-effective plant for serum-free growth media to produce cultivated meat and milk.

    Israeli startup Mediterranean Food Lab has nabbed $17M in a Series A round to scale up its solid-state fermentation tech, which can create flavour ingredients said to transform the sensory attributes of vegan food.

    Policy developments

    Marking a rare labelling win for the vegan industry, France’s Supreme Court has ruled in favour of the Nutrition & Santé Group, which was accused by the meat lobby of misleading consumers through meat-related terms on its plant-based analogues. (The French government, though, has previously proposed an unprecedented ban on these.)

    Yet another labelling achievement came from Chile’s NotCo, which appealed the ban on its NotMilk trademark in its home country. The brand is officially “NotGuilty”, with the Court of Appeals of Valdivia revoking the sentence and rejecting the anti-competition lawsuit filed by dairy farmers union Aproval.

    notco labeling
    Courtesy: NotCo

    In more animal industry backlash news, Bishop Burton College in east Yorkshire, UK has apologised for a Happy Veganuary post on Facebook and announcing it wouldn’t serve meat two days a week during January. Pushback from pro-livestock students and farmers has led to the idea being abandoned.

    Elsewhere, two months on from cutting prices of its own-label Vegavita range across all stores in Austria, Rewe Group‘s Billa has seen sales increase by 33%. Future meat and dairy analogues will now be set at a price on par with or, if possible, lower than their conventional counterparts.

    Speaking of prices, beef is expected to cost Americans more this year on the back of a large two-year decline in production. Cattle feeders face much higher prices for their cows as a result of the reduction in cattle supply due to beef herd liquidation.

    Similarly, egg and ham prices have soared in the US, with hikes higher than any other food in December, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest Consumer Price Index report. While eggs were 23.8% lower than the ‘eggflation’ 12 months before, they were up 8.9% from November. Meanwhile, raw beefsteak prices rose by 11.9% year-on-year, the second-highest increase in that metric.

    Research and accomplishments

    A study commissioned by LI Food, a Lower Saxony state initiative for food, has revealed that Germans often underestimate the climate and animal welfare implications of dairy, specifically cheese. But despite some scepticism around food tech, respondents were open to trying precision-fermented cheese.

    Similarly, a survey by precision fermentation cheese company New Culture revealed that four in five of respondents are willing to purchase animal-free cheese, of whom 80% were meat-eaters. Early adopters are happy to pay $4 more per pizza with the company’s cheese, but taste remains key, with 59% of respondents saying they’d avoid analogue foods if they didn’t taste as good.

    Wait for the sizzle! Berlin startup Zayt Bioscience, which upcycles fruit waste into precision-fermented fats, has released a new video showing just how loud the sizzle on its animal-free butter is.

    Meanwhile, vegan dog food brand Hownd has been named one of the world’s most ethical businesses by The Good Shopping Guide, receiving a rating of 98 out of 100 in factors like environmental impact, animal welfare and public record.

    Finally, the US Plant-Based Foods Association is overhauling its platform to prepare for a “pivotal” 2024, launching a redesigned website, a new digest and monthly newsletter, as well as a revamped members’ portal.

    Check out last week’s Future Food Quick Bites.

    The post Future Food Quick Bites: Vegan Mickey Mouse, Price Changes & Labelling Wins appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • cultured meat regulation
    12 Mins Read

    With 2024 tipped to be a landmark year for cultivated meat regulation, we look at how the industry is faring across the world.

    While some countries are stepping up their efforts to progress these novel foods, others are pushing to ban them altogether.

    After a year that broke a three-year-long regulatory deadlock for cultured meat – with the USDA approving the sale of Upside Foods and Eat Just’s cell-based chicken – we’re not even a month into the new year, and we already have a third company on the list.

    Just last week, Israel’s Aleph Farms became the world’s first producer to gain clearance to sell cultivated beef, after receiving a ‘no questions’ letter from the country’s health ministry. For many, it’s a marker of things to come for the industry this year, proving that there will likely be no further deadlocks – at least from a global perspective.

    Yifat Gavriel, Aleph Farms’ regulatory affairs chief, said after the approval: “2024 stands to be a landmark year for the advancement of regulatory pathways and commercialisation of cultivated meat.”

    So let’s look at how things currently stand. Some countries are really accelerating their efforts to advance cultivated meat regulation, while others are going completely in the opposite direction as legislators hope to ban the production and sale of these proteins. Here’s what’s happening.

    Forging ahead: Israel, UK and Asia-Pacific

    lab grown meat approval
    Courtesy: Aleph Farms

    Let’s start with the good. In December, Israel’s Ministry of Health issued a ‘no questions’ letter for Aleph Farms’ consumer brand Aleph Cuts, allowing it to market its cell-cultured beef steak in the country. The approval for Aleph Farms’ Black Angus Petit Steak is subject to meeting labelling and marketing requirements as well as the completion of a Good Manufacturing Practices inspection on its facility.

    It made Israel the third country – after Singapore and the US – to clear the sale of cultivated meat, advancing efforts to tackle food insecurity. The country has always been supportive of alternative proteins. “Three out of the first eight cultivated meat companies worldwide are Israeli. 15% of global investments in the field are allocated to Israeli-cultivated meat companies,” explained Alla Voldman, VP of strategy and policy at GFI Israel.

    “With its global leadership in cellular agriculture, Israel continues to push for greater regional integration and economic collaboration, which will be crucial for stabilising the region,” added Aleph Farms co-founder and CEO Didier Toubia.

    But it isn’t just Israel that Aleph Farms applied for approval in – it has done so in Singapore, the US, Switzerland, and the UK. The latter, which is home to at least 23 cultivated meat startups, is reportedly aiming to fast-track its approval of cultured meat via a bilateral deal with Israel. While it currently retains pre-Brexit rules and follows the EU’s stringent novel foods process, the UK’s cultivated meat sector is growing fast – British startups raised £61M in funding in 2022, which is more than the rest of Europe combined (£45M).

    Now, UK ministers and regulators are looking to accelerate the approval of cultivated meat to boost food security, ease the cost of living, and provide alternative, planet-friendly meat sources for a growing population. They intend to do so through a deal with Israel to boost collaboration on cultured meat, with the British stakeholders visiting Israel in 2023 to taste these novel proteins and see how the market is regulated.

    In light of this, the country’s Food Standards Agency recently launched a survey asking manufacturers when they plan to applications for cultured products, and what technologies they may be using.

    Meanwhile, there is positive progress in Australia and New Zealand too: the countries’ joint regulator greenlit Sydney-based Vow Food’s cultured quail as ‘safe to eat’ in December. It gave way to a six-week public consultation process, giving people an opportunity to provide feedback about the product. Following the comment stage, the regulator will continue the novel food approval process, with an aim to complete it between March and May.

    “Public confidence around the introduction of novel food categories is always a vital step in gaining acceptance,” said Simon Eassom, executive director of Food Frontier. “The ultimate success of Vow’s application will pave the way for Australia and New Zealand to take a lead in this exciting new era of food production.”

    Cultivating potential: Regulatory opportunities in Asia-Pacific

    cultivated meat regulatory approval
    Courtesy: Vow Food

    Another Australian producer, Magic Valley, recently revealed that it’s working closely with the Antipodean regulator on the compliance and safety of its cultivated pork, with approval anticipated this year followed by a 2025 commercial launch.

    Elsewhere, France’s Vital Meat claims it’s the frontrunner to become the first European startup to be approved in Singapore, the first country to approve the commercial sale of cultured meat. It will likely face competition from Dutch cultured pork producer Meatable, which is also expecting approval this year.

    Chinese and American regulators met virtually last year after Upside Foods was granted Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the FDA to discuss how the industry can move forward. A month later, the annual, China’s Central No. 1 Document mentioned a diversified food system of animals, plants and microorganisms – words similar in tone to the ones used by president Xi Jinping a year earlier, in a speech recognising the importance of alternative proteins.

    Speaking to Green Queen after the launch of the APAC Regulatory Coordination Forum in October, Mirte Gosker, managing director of industry think tank the Good Food Institute (GFI) APAC, said: “Japan and South Korea will likely be next in line among APAC countries to develop such frameworks, as both nations are proactively seeking input from industry groups to craft clear and efficient safety review processes. No timeline has been set for when this work will be completed.”

    The regulatory framework in Japan, whose prime minister Fumio Kishida endorsed cellular agriculture last year with plans to boost the sector to reduce the country’s climate footprint, will actually soon become more complicated. In April, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (which will continue to oversee food safety) will transfer its food hygiene standards division to the Consumer Affairs Agency in April. It means companies must liaise with two agencies on regulatory conversations, but does make Kishida the ultimate person responsible for these matters.

    South Korea, meanwhile, prioritised the establishment of regulatory frameworks for cultivated proteins as part of the alt-protein guidance in its national plan in 2022. It has also amended the Food Sanitation Act to recognise cultivated food as an ingredient within the legal framework and in the scope of premarket authorisation.

    Going backwards: Florida, Arizona and Texas push back in the US

    florida cultivated meat
    Courtesy: Florida House of Representatives

    Having approved two companies to sell cultivated meat last year, the USDA’s stance on these proteins is pretty clear. Speaking at Tufts University’s Cellular Agriculture Innovation Day on January 11, the department’s undersecretary for research, education and economics, Sarah Baig, said cellular agriculture “really fits into USDA’s vision for the future of food and our agricultural systems”.

    She highlighted the USDA’s “sweeping action to tackle structural competition issues in the agricultural supply chains to create fairer, safer… ag markets”, and how” cellular agriculture R&D is really a key part of this entire work”. She added that to meet food innovation and climate goals, “we will need cellular agriculture”.

    But it’s not all rosy for cultivated meat, though. Despite global efforts to get cell-based proteins on consumers’ plates, politicians in some countries are moving to take them off the table.

    Look at the US, for instance, where multiple states are hoping to ban cultivated meat. In November, Republican lawmaker and Florida House representative Tyler Sirois introduced draft legislation to ban the production, sale and distribution of cell-cultured meat in the state. If signed into law, it would come into effect in July this year, with a list of penalties laid out for non-compliance.

    Violators would face a misdemeanour of the second degree, alongside a fine between $500 to $1,000, while food establishments would be subject to disciplinary action. The license of any restaurant, store, or other business in violation could be suspended or issued an immediate stop-sale order. The proposal also authorises the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to adopt additional state-specific rules, which would mean anyone looking to obtain regulatory approval for cultivated meat in Florida would require authorisation from the department.

    Florida’s bill came soon after Texas governor Greg Abbott signed a bill requiring clear labelling of plant-based and cultivated meat, seafood and egg products, as well as Nebraska’s proposed Real MEAT act mandating the word “imitation” on alt-protein.

    Earlier this month, Arizona followed Florida with two bills looking to restrict the labelling of plant- and cell-based meats and banning cultivated meat altogether. Republican David Marshall drafted HB 2121, where he called his proposal “a matter of statewide concern necessary to protect public health”.

    “The production and sale of lab-grown, cell-cultured animal products threaten to harm this state’s trust land beneficiaries and the highest and best use of state trust land, which includes the lease of state lands to ranchers for livestock grazing to fund public schools and other public institutions,” reads the bill, calling the ban “necessary to protect this state’s sovereign interests, history, economy and food heritage”.

    If it becomes law, anyone found violating the act would face a civil penalty of up to $25,000. But more notably, anyone whose business is “adversely affected” by the sale of cultivated meat can file a suit to stop the act and collect damages of up to $100,000 (plus legal fees).

    EU: Far-right politicians in France, Italy, Romania and Austria make cultivated meat a political hot rod

    italy cultivated meat ban
    Courtesy: AP

    If you think that’s poor, Europe is arguably worse.

    Italy, for instance, made headlines in November when it became the first country to ban cultivated meat. It followed a months-long process spearheaded by Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida and sparked by a petition by Coldiretti, one of Italy’s largest farming associations, calling for a prohibition of “synthetically produced food”.

    After half a million Italians signed the petition, Italy’s senate approved a bill to put the ban into effect, with 60% of senators voting in favour. It then submitted a notification to the EU stating its plan to prohibit the production and sale of cultured meat, but upon realising it would be rejected, the nation withdrew the notice and sought to ban the novel proteins without EU approval.

    It was successful in its efforts after the lower house of parliament approved the bill, which carries fines between €10,000 and €60,000 for each violation. Italy has repeatedly cited national heritage, threats to food culture, delocalisation, and human health concerns as reasons behind the move – but critics have called it unlawful.

    “The EU law also provides that technical regulations like this law must be notified to the European Commission before their actual adoption, allowing other member states and stakeholders to provide comments on potential barriers to the EU internal market,” industry association Cellular Agriculture Europe said in a statement. “The Italian authorities’ withdrawal of their [TRIS notification and today’s vote blatantly contravene the EU law.”

    Italy’s ban came around the same time that the senate in Romania voted to prohibit the sale of cultivated meat as well, proposing bans between €40,000 and €60,000. The bill would need approval from the Chamber of Deputies.

    This was swiftly followed by France’s Les Républicains party proposing a ban on cultured meat in the country, with a bill introduced in the national assembly hoping to prohibit the production and marketing of these proteins “in the interests of human health, animal health and the environment”, invoking arguments of going against French tradition and hurting livestock farming.

    “The purely utilitarian vision of food is, in fact, the opposite of French tradition, which sees food first and foremost as a cultural and social fact,” the proposal read. It added: “Replacing ‘junk food’ with another ‘junk food’ is not progress.”

    Another European country turning it back on cultured meat is Austria, which – alongside Italy and France – will oppose cultivated meat production at the EU’s Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting on Tuesday. The delegations from these nations have written a letter to the EU – supported by the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Hungary, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Malta, Romania and Slovakia – describing cultured meat as “a threat to primary farm-based approaches”.

    Highlighting the lack of approval for cultivated meat in the EU, the letter states that these novel proteins raise many questions, including ethical, economic, social and legal concerns. The lawmakers also highlight issues with sustainability, public health, and transparency. Notably, the text cites a widely condemned, meat-industry-funded UC Davis study highlighting the apparent environmental fallacies of cell-cultured meat, and calls for “science-based information sharing” to “counter any deceiving greenwashing campaigns”.

    “A transparent, science-based and comprehensive approach is necessary to assess the development of artificial cell-based meat production, which in our view does not constitute a sustainable alternative to primary farm-based production,” the letter reads, calling for a “comprehensive impact assessment” and public consultation process on the matter.

    Challenges remain for cultured meat

    cultured meat eu
    Courtesy: Upside Foods

    While some countries are showing promise, the cultivated meat sector continues to face major hurdles. At Tufts University’s annual Cellular Agriculture Innovation Day on January 11, stakeholders highlighted infrastructure and manufacturing capacity as key challenges.

    Taking the example of South Korea’s Samsung Biologics, one of the world’s largest cell culture facilities, Yossi Quint, founder and CEO of bioreactor producer Ark Biotech, said: “If Samsung Biologics were to be running every single minute of every single day for an entire year, they would produce less cultivated meat than the average Tyson facility produces in one day.”

    He added that the facility’s current output would need to be increased by 10,000 times to reach equivalent production rates: “When you think about a 10,000x increase, it’s not about incremental changes. We’re talking about a revolution about reimagining what infrastructure looks like.”

    Quint explained that larger bioreactors, more readily accessible cell media, optimised filtration systems and bioprocesses, as well as automated production are crucial factors to help overcome this disparity and reach price parity. However, for manufacturers producing whole-cut meats, scaling up is harder as they require edible scaffolding material for structural cell support and enhancing nutrient and oxygen supply to the tissue.

    These scaffolds need to be integrated into bioreactors, which means they essentially become single-use vessels for each individual unit of whole-cut meat. “I don’t know any company that’s going out and saying: ‘We’re going to grow this whole-cut, 1,000-kilogram piece of meat,’” said Ryan Silvia, programme manager of cultured meat scaffolding R&D at MilliporeSigma. “I imagine what this all means is there’s going to be a scale-out approach, not a scale-up approach for whole-cut meat.”

    Additionally, some panellists noted that shared infrastructure and pilot-scale manufacturing can help companies improve capacities and reduce the amount of capital needed. “When there’s very capital-intensive infrastructure that we are thinking about building out, can it be done in a way that is more accessible or communal?” wondered Lily Fitzgerald, senior advanced technology manager at Massachusetts Technology Collaborative.

    Eric Schulze, the former scientific and regulatory affairs chief at Upside Foods who started his own climate-focus brand consultancy, touched upon the importance of funding too. “The name of the game is price parity or slightly undercutting conventional products. If we get there, it’s on, and we really have a real new food space race, and that’s exciting,” he said. “But VCs don’t want to spend money on putting steel in the ground, so we need federal loan guarantees for alternative proteins. The federal government has to form the triangle of academia, private industry, and the public sector.”

    Honing in on this, GFI president Bruce Friedrich said: “If the government gets the industry started then the private sector can take over, just like electric vehicles [EVs]… Elon Musk says they would have failed twice, if not for long-term low interest government loans. There is no solar industry, there is no EV industry, there is no biopharma industry, if not for governments helping the companies that can’t qualify for standard bank loans, giving them long-term low interest loans.”

    Among all these challenges is the regulatory aspect. It does feel like a landmark year, as Aleph Farms’ Gavriel proclaimed – whether that’s a good one or bad remains to be seen.

    The post Cultivated Meat Regulation: Where Are We? UK, Israel & Australia Forge Ahead, US & EU Fall Behind appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • forsea foods
    6 Mins Read

    Israeli food tech startup Forsea Foods has unveiled the first prototype of its cultivated eel, linking up with Tokyo vegan restaurant SAIDO to create dishes with the cell-cultured fish. It aims to launch the seafood product by 2025.

    Forsea Foods, the only known company working on cell-based eel, has created the first prototype of its cultivated eel. The startup has partnered with Japanese chef Katsumi Kusumoto, executive chef and owner of Tokyo vegan restaurant Saido, to create two traditional dishes using its cultured fish, showcasing its application and potential.

    Kusumoto and Forsea Foods have developed two popular Japanese dishes – unagi kabayaki (marinated grilled eel over rice) and unagi nigiri (a type of sushi). Now that the company has achieved a working proof of concept – which it claims features “the same tender, succulent texture and rich savoury flavour as real eel” – it is prepping for scale-up.

    cultivated eel
    Saido owner and executive chef Katsumi Kusumoto (left) and Forsea Foods’ cultured eel (right) | Courtesy: Saido/Anatoly Michaello

    Forsea Foods’ cultured eel will be welcomed by Japan

    Founded in 2021, Forsea Foods employs a proprietary method for culturing seafood, using organoid technology to create 3D microtissues comprising fat and muscle, which can mimic the functions and structure of organs. These spontaneously differentiate into edible cells, replicating the natural process of cell formation.

    Moreover, the cell lines can self-organise into tissue structures without the need for scaffold support. This simplifies the production process, eases supply chain bottlenecks for eel meat, and improves scalability. It also enables efficient and cost-effective production by significantly decreasing the reliance on costly growth factors, which will help Forsea Foods disrupt a $4.3B market and bring its eel closer to price parity with its conventional counterpart.

    The company, which won the Startup Pitch Hour Prize at the Asia-Pacific Agri-Food Innovation Summit last October in Singapore, has previously raised $5.2M in seed funding, and now expects to add to that amount. Partnering with Kusumoto helped showcase the potential of its product. “Unagi is an enduring favourite in Japan,” said the chef. “Its timeless appeal, however, is impacted by a growing awareness among the Japanese population of the need to take a more sustainable approach.”

    “Forsea is pioneering the fusion of traditional, high-quality Asian cuisine with groundbreaking technology to create the world’s first cultured unagi – one that will provide the consumer with a genuine seafood experience without putting further strain on aquatic life,” said Forsea Foods co-founder and CEO Roee Nir.

    The news will likely be welcomed by Japan’s government, with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida endorsing cellular agriculture last year and announcing plans to create a sector for these novel foods to reduce the country’s climate footprint. “We will develop the environment to create a new market, such as efforts to ensure safety and the establishment of labelling rules, and foster a food tech business originating in Japan,” he said.

    To that end, the government awarded ¥1.87B ($13.1M) to Tokyo-headquartered IntegriCulture last month, which has created a cellular agriculture infrastructure platform called CulNet and claims to have developed serum-free cultivated chicken and duck meat at a fraction of the cost needed for animal-based growth factors.

    vegan unagi
    Forsea Foods founders Roee Nir, Yaniv Elkouby, Iftach Nachman and Moria Shimoni (left to right) | Courtesy: Tal Shahar

    However, Japan’s regulatory framework will soon become more complicated, after the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (which will continue to oversee food safety) transfers its food hygiene standards division to the Consumer Affairs Agency in April. It means companies must liaise with two agencies on regulatory conversations, but does make Kishida the ultimate person responsible for these matters.

    A spokesperson for Forsea Foods confirmed that the company is communicating with regulatory authorities in Japan, as well as Singapore. Saido has already been serving vegan unagi to diners, and once regulatory approval comes through, the restaurant intends to serve the cultivated eel too.

    Are there any concerns about potential backlash from patrons over a vegan restaurant serving cultured meat? “Forsea’s co-founder Iftach Nachman is an ideological vegan… For him, cultivated meat is vegan,” said the Forsea Foods spokesperson. “We believe that the decision whether cultivated meat is vegan or not really depends on one’s opinion. We believe that there is a certain segment of the vegan population that welcomes cultivated meat as a means of overcoming the challenges of the traditional industry.” [Since it is made from extracted animal cells, cultivated meat isn’t usually regarded as vegan-friendly – for an ethical take, this is a good read.]

    The spokesperson added: “Saido is not only for vegans, but also for customers who come for excellent cuisine and new dining experiences.”

    Overfishing and pollution have left eels endangered

    Both Kusumoto and Nir touched upon a similar theme – the decline of conventional eel populations as a result of overpopulation and pollution. In Japan, which consumes over 70% of all eel catch, the fish has maintained luxury status, with wholesale prices reaching $40 per kg, according to one estimate (Forsea Foods predicts this to be $60 per kg in wholesale, and $250 per kg for restaurants).

    But eel consumption has declined over the last two decades, falling from about 160,000 tons in 2000 to just over 60,000 tons in 2021. And this isn’t just limited to Japan – in the EU, eel populations have diminished dramatically, decreasing by 98% from 1980, leading to an export ban on eels in 2010.

    This has resulted in eel becoming a critically endangered species, with overfishing, poaching, illegal trading, and breeding troubles all playing a role. Known as mysterious creatures, these fish undergo an unusual metamorphosis, with a breeding process that includes a 6,500-km-long migration to one of two spots: the Sargasso Sea (near the Bermuda Triangle), or off Guam. This makes captive breeding difficult, especially amidst elevating demand for the fish.

    The overfishing of eels, meanwhile, disrupts the marine and freshwater ecosystems they come from – these fish maintain a balance in biodiversity by preying on smaller fish, ensuring that no single marine species takes over the ecosystem. Eels, in turn, are a food source for birds like the grey heron and the great cormorant.

    lab grown seafood
    Courtesy: Anatoly Michaello

    This underpins the need for alternatives to conventional eels. While Forsea Foods is the sole company dealing with cultivated versions of the fish, fellow Israeli company Steakholder Foods unveiled a 3D-printed alternative in December (it plans to include cultured eel cells in the product at a later stage, if costs allow). And New York’s Ocean Hugger Foods and Japanese giant Nissin already have plant-based eels on the market (using aubergines and soy protein, respectively).

    Now, Forsea Foods hopes to launch its eel commercially in 2025, as it seeks strategic partners in Japan and across Asia. To advance its progress in this region, it has formed new engineering and food applications departments, and appointed a new business development manager in Japan. The company also views the EU and the US as rapidly developing markets.

    “This year, we will [be] working to improve process parameters in our lab and increase our scales,” revealed the spokesperson. “In addition, we are planning to conduct a few tasting events of our products, expand our relationships in Asia and launch our next financing round.”

    The Israeli startup’s unveiling of its cultivated eel comes a week after fellow Rehovot-based company Aleph Farms gained the country’s first approval for cultured meat, and the world’s first for cell-based beef. “It is great to see more geographies approve cultivated meat and, equally important, to see more types of cultivated animal proteins entering the market,” Robert E Jones, president of Cellular Agriculture Europe and co-founder of the Global Cellular Agriculture Alliance, told Green Queen. “Israel, the Netherlands, Singapore, the United States, and the UK have made early investments to build complementary protein ecosystems, and the dividends are now paying off.”

    The post Cultured Unagi: Forsea Foods Unveils ‘World First’ Cultivated Eel with Tokyo Eatery Saido appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • aleph farms regulatory approval
    9 Mins Read

    Israeli-cultivated meat producer Aleph Farms has received the world’s first regulatory approval for cell-cultured beef, marking a milestone in the alternative protein sector.

    This makes Israel – still in the middle of regional conflict – only the third country to greenlight cultivated meat, paving the way for Aleph Farms to introduce its Black Angus Petit Steak to diners soon.

    Israel’s Aleph Farms has become the first company in the world to earn regulatory approval for cultivated beef, after the Israeli Ministry of Health (IMOH) issued a ‘no questions’ letter for its consumer brand Aleph Cuts in December – akin to an FDA ‘No Questions’ letter in the US. It allows the producer to market its products – currently priced similarly to premium conventional beef – in the country, with plans to roll out at restaurants and, eventually, retailers.

    With the greenlight, Israel joins a very short list of countries to allow the sale of cultured meat – only Singapore (Eat Just in 2020) and the US (Upside Foods and Eat Just in 2023) have done so. But these approvals were all done for cell-based chicken products, meaning Aleph Farms is the first company permitted to sell cultivated beef.

    “This announcement marks a critical leap in the global race to make the meat that people love, that’s also better for our climate, biodiversity, and food security,” said Bruce Friedrich, founder and president of alternative protein think tank the Good Food Institute (GFI). “We’re thrilled consumers in Israel will soon join those in the US and Singapore as being among the first to be able to purchase these delicious products.”

    Aleph Farms’ cultured meat costs the same as premium beef

    lab grown meat approval
    Courtesy: Aleph Farms

    The decision brings an end to a process a year-and-a-half in the making, when Aleph Farms filed its initial submission to the health ministry, following a pre-submission consultation. The company worked closely with the Food Risk Management Department, led by co-founder Dr Ziva Hamama, to ensure “full compliance with safety standards” for these novel proteins.

    “This regulatory approval grants us permission to produce and market our product in Israel, subject to specific directions for labelling and marketing provided by the Israeli Ministry of Health, and the completion of Good Manufacturing Practices inspection for our pilot production facility,” explained Yifat Gavriel, the company’s regulatory affairs chief.

    The first product to be unveiled is Aleph Farms’ cultivated thin-cut Petit Steak, which was first introduced in April with the Aleph Cuts brand. The hybrid meat product comprises non-modified, non-immortalised cells of a premium Black Angus cow named Lucy, alongside a plant protein matrix made of soy and wheat. Apart from the starter cells derived from one of the cow’s fertilised eggs, there are no other animal-sourced components (such as fetal bovine serum, or FBS) in the cultivation process or final product.

    The controlled and traceable process is carried out in an aseptic production environment, which – the company states – increases transparency and significantly reduces contamination risks. Plus, there’s no presence of antibiotics in the process.

    Once the requirements mentioned above (labelling and mark-of-facility inspection) are fulfilled, we will introduce Aleph Cuts to diners, offering exclusive tasting experiences curated in collaboration with select partners. “At first, the product will be available in select restaurants,” Yoav Reisler, senior marketing and communications manager at Aleph Farms, told Green Queen. “Afterwards, it will become available at foodservice and retail locations.”

    On the cost question, he revealed: “At the time of our soft launch, Aleph Cuts will be priced similarly to premium conventional beef. We are taking various steps to drive economies of scale and achieve price parity with more of the conventional beef market within a few years from launch.”

    No doubt, making it a hybrid product helps too, as this is the path some envision cultivated meat to enter the market (Dutch producer Meatable is taking this approach too). “Hybrid products will allow the cultivated market the chance to build and become normalised with consumers, while also – importantly – generating the revenues and business necessary to keep dollars flowing into the space, so scale can be further achieved,” one alt-protein investor told Green Queen in December.

    Cultured meat needs to reach production costs of $2.92 per pound to be price-competitive with conventional meat. But while companies have managed to cut manufacturing costs by 99% in less than a decadeMcKinsey analysis estimates that it will still take until 2030 for these proteins to reach parity. “Of common animal proteins, beef delivers the highest value in global markets, so by focusing on cultivated beef, we are able to shorten the timeline to price parity,” explained Reisler

    Israel’s need – and support – for cultivated meat

    cultured meat regulatory approval
    Courtesy: Aleph Farms

    “The entire Aleph team has united in strength and determination to deliver no matter what during these difficult times in Israel. We are excited to carry this resilience forward in the form of innovation in agriculture and food security,” said Aleph Farms co-founder and CEO Didier Toubia.

    It’s a milestone for a country that has long been supportive of alternative proteins – and for good measure, given the nation’s battle with food insecurity: government figures show that 16% of Israeli families and 21% of children did not have adequate access to safe, nutritious food in 2021. Among families with children, 19% experienced food insecurity, and 8.5% suffered from severe insecurity.

    As cultivated meat doesn’t rely on livestock agriculture, huge swathes of farmland, or vast amounts of water, the benefits are as important for climate change as they are for food security. This is especially true for beef, which emits more greenhouse gas emissions than any other foodstuff. It’s a meat loved by Israelis, who eat 19.6kg of it per year and are expected to consume over 29kg annually by 2029.

    But uniquely, Israel is known to be one of the most vegan-friendly countries in the world. According to a 2017 survey (the latest data available), 5% of its citizens identify as vegans and 8% as vegetarians. At the same time, 23% expressed a desire to cut their intake of meat.

    This explains Israel’s support for alternative proteins, which “stands out globally”, according to Alla Voldman, VP of strategy and policy at GFI Israel. “Three out of the first eight cultivated meat companies worldwide are Israeli. 15% of global investments in the field are allocated to Israeli-cultivated meat companies,” she noted.

    This ecosystem includes the world’s largest cultivated meat consortium, which Aleph Farms is a part of. A three-year project to scale up production and drive down costs of cultivated meat, it received funding to the tune of 66 million NIS ($18M).

    “We believe that the robust presence of cultivated meat companies, fermentation, and plant-based, coupled with advanced academic research, entrepreneurship, industry, and unique consumer market, provide Israel with an opportunity to lead the field forward,” Voldman added. “This strengthens our ability to provide value to countries worldwide in an era of climate and food security crises.”

    Toubia added: “We believe that addressing joint challenges like food security is the best way to ensure the prosperity of the Middle East and other parts of the world that rely heavily on massive food imports, especially in Asia.”

    But the incidence of veganism be a catalyst for the success of a fellow alt-protein pillar in cultivated meat? “I’m not sure it’s one of the most significant markers,” Reisler said. “Aleph Cuts are animal-based products, as the original source of animal cells is a cow. However, many vegetarians and vegans may call Aleph Cuts vegetarian-friendly and vegan-friendly, as the product is not harvested from an animal carcass and there is no slaughter involved in the production.” [As noted above, the starter cells for Aleph Farm’s beef steaks are sourced from the fertilised eggs of a cow, and as such, cultivated meat isn’t usually regarded as vegan-friendly – for an ethical take, this is a good read.]

    What’s next for Aleph Farms after regulatory approval?

    cultured meat israel
    Courtesy: Aleph Farms

    Aleph Farms’ regulatory approval in Israel is a huge win – but it isn’t stopping there. The company has filed for clearance in Singapore, Switzerland, the UK and the US, and is advancing its applications in other markets too. “Entrance to Asia (via Singapore) and the Middle East (via Israel) is currently our main focus. We expect to receive positive indications from the Singapore Food Agency soon,” confirmed Reisler.

    Pressed on the progress with these applications – particularly in the UK, as there is talk about a bilateral deal to fast-track approval for Aleph Farms – he told Green Queen: “We maintain a dynamic, ongoing channel of communication with those regulatory agencies as part of our review process. They have been receptive in regard to our production and process development, and have shown appreciation for our methodological science-based approach to ensuring the safety of our process and product.”

    The company is simultaneously pursuing a kosher certificate for its facility from local rabbinate authorities too. This is key for a company based in Israel and catering to a large Jewish population, which eats kosher food as directed by the Torah. There are encouraging signs for Aleph Farms here, with Israel’s chief rabbi David Lau declaring last January that its non-FBS steak could be considered kosher and akin to eating a vegetable (parve).

    As it awaits decisions from other regulators globally, its approval in Israel could be a precursor for things to come. “2024 stands to be a landmark year for the advancement of regulatory pathways and commercialisation of cultivated meat,” claimed Gavriel.

    Meatable is expecting a green light for its cultivated pork from Singapore this year, and France’s Vital Meat claims it’s the frontrunner to be the first European startup to be approved in the city-state. Meanwhile, Australia’s Vow Food is in the middle of a consultation process after its cultured quail was cleared as safe to eat by the bilateral Food Standards Australia New Zealand in December.

    “There’s still work ahead of us to continue to scale up, meet consumer expectations and move toward the mainstream. However, I think on the technology side, the scientific side, in terms of process development, early industrialisation and regulatory compliance, we have made a huge leapfrog, and I’m quite happy to see that,” Toubia told Green Queen founding editor Sonalie Figueiras on the Green Queen in Conversation: Cultivated Meat Pioneers podcast in September. “The industry is really on the verge of going to market and starting initial acceptance.”

    Following a $105 Series B round in 2021, Aleph Farms has raised a total of $118M in funding – Toubia has outlined the company’s aim to reach $1B in revenue by 2030. This will be helped by its manufacturing advancements over the last couple of years. In February 2022, it moved to a 65,000 sq ft plant in Rehovot, Israel, which increased its capacity by six times to be able to initially produce 10 tonnes of cultivated steak annually. Last year, it announced the acquisition of another manufacturing facility in Modi’in, Israel, alongside a new manufacturing agreement with ESCO Aster in Singapore (the world’s only approved industrial manufacturer for cultured meat).

    “With its global leadership in cellular agriculture, Israel continues to push for greater regional integration and economic collaboration, which will be crucial for stabilising the region,” said Toubia. “We believe that addressing joint challenges like food security is the best way to ensure the prosperity of the Middle East and other parts of the world that rely heavily on massive food imports, especially in Asia.

    “Now more than ever, Aleph Farms remains committed to making the world a better place.”

    The post Aleph Farms: Israel Awards the World’s First Regulatory Approval for Cultivated Beef appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • 4 Mins Read

    As Arturo Jose Garcia and Allie Molinaro argue, cultivated meat can be a boon for smallholder farmers, not to mention reduce global dependence on antibiotics, decrease the need for dangerous slaughterhouses, and empower a future of delicious, sustainably grown food.

    In December 2020, a Singaporean restaurant grabbed worldwide headlines by serving the first commercially available cultivated meat. This was also the first time a country approved the sale of cultivated meat, which many hoped would signify a shift in the way we raise and consume animal-sourced food. Still, its acceptance on diners’ plates, in restaurant critics’ write-ups, and the flood of new funding to other cultivated meat companies meant for the first time the just transition of food was seen as an immediate possibility.  

    Fast forward to 2024, it is clear that food systems change is no longer an option, but a necessity. That sentiment echoed through the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, which wrapped up in mid-December. However, it is also clear there is no silver bullet that will transform our food systems. What we need instead are different but equally important levers that complement one another that, on their own, can’t achieve much, but together they are game-changing. 

    Cultivated meat, one of those necessary levers, promises a more sustainable, healthier, compassionate,  and environmentally friendlier way to produce the meat we love to eat. Imagine real meat, with a fraction of the impact on the environment and animals. Don’t we owe it to ourselves, the animals, and the planet to pull on this lever and give cultivated meat a shot?  

    Unfortunately, there are already efforts to cap the cultivated meat promise by the knees both internationally and here in the United States, likely spearheaded by farming industry groups. But what these groups fail to realize is that cultivated meat is not meant to preclude farming- it was originally meant to operate in tandem with small farmers. In the Netherlands, local farmers grow corn, barley, and wheat that are used to make feed or the cell cultures, and ranchers keep a small herd of cows on pasture who are used for an occasional harmless biopsy. Keeping fewer animals without the need to slaughter them can be a win for smallholder farmers, public health, and worker safety. But cultivated meat bans exacerbate the problems that this promising innovation has the potential to mitigate and solve.  

    In a decentralized model, cultivated meat production can open new market opportunities for small farmers who are currently struggling to compete with mega agribusiness. As it stands, only four highly industrialized companies control each of the beef, pork, and chicken markets. If small farmers who are being outcompeted turn to partner with cultivated meat, they can create a novel value-added market for themselves catered toward more ethically minded consumers. This also removes the headache of finding a slaughterhouse with processing capacity and may improve farmers’ mental well-being as they can allow their animals to live out their natural lifespans, collecting biopsies from the same animal for years until she passes naturally, while still feeding the same amount (or more) people than with traditional cycles of fattening and slaughtering. 

    In addition, keeping fewer animals and raising them on pasture instead of in crowded and unsanitary  Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) and feedlots reduces the need for routine antibiotics.  Currently, industrial agriculture accounts for over two-thirds of the use of medically important antibiotics, which is giving rise to antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria kill over 1 million people per year, including 35,000 Americans. However, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are on track to kill 10 million people per year by 2050 without intervention. To put that into perspective, just under seven million people have died from Covid-19 since 2020. In a post-antibiotic world, none of us are safe. Routine procedures such as appendectomies and commonly treatable illnesses such as pneumonia, ear and dental infections, and urinary tract infections become deadly. 

    Finally, eliminating the need for slaughter eliminates the need for notoriously problematic slaughterhouses. Slaughter and processing plants are some of the most dangerous places to work, with the highest amputation and serious injury rates in the U.S. workforce. One worker recently fell into a  machine with corrosive chemicals and suffered severe burns. Occupational Safety and Health  Administration (OSHA) had previously cited the plant with two repeat and six serious violations. Even without injuries, the conditions are terrible. Workers have reported wearing diapers because they were not allowed to go to the bathroom. In 2020, they were a superspreading site for COVID-19 as workers were forced to come in without proper personal protective equipment (PPE). And in recent months,  several U.S. processing plants have come under fire for using child labor

    We need to shift away from industrial animal agriculture, continue to uplift small family farms and regenerative land stewardship, promote diets that are in line with planetary boundaries, and foster the development of alternative proteins and cultivated meat. Food systems solutions must be multifaceted,  drawing from a range of techniques and strategies simultaneously. A system that is not one size fits all but is beneficial for all. Cultivated meat is just one piece of the puzzle in our food systems and a just transition. And with the global population heading towards 10 billion and global meat consumption projected to increase by 50% or more by 2050, it’s all hands on deck.

    The post Cultivated Meat: A Cut Above for Farmers, Health, and Safety appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • arizona lab grown meat
    6 Mins Read

    In yet another move targeted at the alternative protein industry, House representatives in Arizona have proposed bills prohibiting the “misbranding” of meat alternatives and banning cultivated meat altogether. The latter’s legislation would allow people to sue cultured meat companies for up to $100,000 if they hurt their business.

    Two months after a lawmaker in Florida introduced a proposal hoping to be the first US state to ban cultivated meat, Arizona is following suit with its own duo of bills looking to outlaw the production and restrict the labelling

    Arizona House representative Quang Nguyen has drafted HB 2244, a bill that would make it illegal to “intentionally misbrand or misrepresent” an alternative meat product as meat, while fellow Republican David Marshall has gone a step further with an attempt to ban the sale or production of any cultured meat product.

    It’s a step in the opposite direction from the national policy – in June last year, the USDA granted clearance for the production and sale of cultivated chicken to Californian companies Upside Foods and Eat JUST, becoming just the second country to do so (after Singapore). The US is also home to the largest number of publicly announced cultured meat companies, representing 60% of global funding in the space.

    Arizona’s proposed labelling ban

    cultivated meat ban
    Courtesy: Victoria Sergeeva/Canva

    Nguyen’s HB 2244 aims to illegalise the ‘misrepresentation’ of meat on plant-based and cell-cultured products, in the same vein as many other arguments used to ban meat-related terms on alternative protein products globally.

    The bill states that foods “not derived from livestock or poultry” cannot be labelled as poultry or meat products. It suggests that this “misbranding” can be done in several ways, including affixing a false or misleading label, using a historically meat-related term, or representing a product as meat if it “is a cell-cultured food product” or “a synthetic product derived from a plant, insect or other source”.

    The proposed legislation would allow the health department to take complaints and investigate violations, as well as seek injunctions or other civil reliefs to “restrain and prevent violations”. Each day a breach occurs is treated as a separate offence, with a maximum penalty of $100,000 per violation.

    Nguyen told local outlet Capitol Media Services that the bill isn’t intended to block companies from offering or consumers from buying these products, but stressed that it was a matter of transparency and disclosure. “The bill doesn’t ban lab meat,” he said, using a term much derided by the industry. “But if it’s lab meat, it needs to be labelled that. If you don’t want to buy lab meat, then don’t buy it. That’s all.”

    He added that the idea of cultured meat is actually appealing. “There are a lot of poor people out there that actually could use lab meat,” he explained, reflecting on his journey as a refugee from Vietnam who grew up in a low-income household. “If you wanted to throw lab meat up on my table when I was a little kid growing up in the war, I’d be chewing on that.”

    Could Arizona ban cultured meat?

    lab grown meat ban
    Eat JUST’s GOOD Meat is one of only two cultivated meat companies to have received regulatory approval | Courtesy: Eat Just

    Marshall, however, does want to prohibit people from buying or selling cell-cultured meat. In HB 2121, he moves to ban the sale or production of these foods for both human and animal consumption, calling it “a matter of statewide concern necessary to protect public health”.

    There is a noted focus on the cattle industry, which forms one of Arizona’s five Cs of the economy (alongside copper, cotton, citrus and climate). “The production and sale of lab-grown, cell-cultured animal products threaten to harm this state’s trust land beneficiaries and the highest and best use of state trust land, which includes the lease of state lands to ranchers for livestock grazing to fund public schools and other public institutions,” reads the bill.

    Calling the cattle ranching industry “integral to this state’s history, culture, values and economy”, Marshall argues that the ban is “necessary to protect this state’s sovereign interests, history, economy and food heritage” – a tact similar to the one adopted by Italy in its ban on cultured meat.

    Anyone found violating the legislation would be subject to a civil penalty of up to $25,000, but more notable is the stipulation that anyone whose business is “adversely affected” by the sale of cultivated meat can file a suit to stop the act and collect damages of up to $100,000 (plus legal fees).

    The meat-climate disconnect shapes up global bans

    upside foods bar crenn
    Upside Foods’ cultivated chicken is available at Bar Crenn in San Francisco | Courtesy: Upside Foods

    The proposed ban comes a couple of months after Florida House representative Tyler Sirois introduced a bill to ban the production, sale, holding and distribution of cultivated meat in the state, with criminal penalties imposed on violators. It follows Texas governor Greg Abbott’s signing of a bill requiring clear labelling of plant-based and cultivated meat, seafood and egg products, as well as Nebraska’s proposed Real MEAT act mandating the word “imitation” on alt-protein.

    These bills are aimed at protecting America’s livestock industry, which already receives 800 times more funding than plant-based and cultivated meat companies. This is despite cultured meat having a much lower impact on the environment than conventional meat, with alt-protein think tank the Good Food Institute (GFI) predicting that if produced via renewable energy, the former can reduce emissions by 92%, require 95% less land, and use 78% less water than cattle-derived beef.

    But this hasn’t penetrated the viewpoints of most Americans, who eat six times as much red meat as the amount recommended to keep in line with the 1.5°C heating goal (which itself has been breached). In July, a Washington Post and University of Maryland poll found that 74% of Americans don’t believe eating meat has any impact on climate change.

    However, there has been some support from the central government for alternative proteins. The Biden administration has set aside $6M for alt-protein R&D at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, while its $10M NIFA grant for alt-protein led to the creation of the Tufts University Center for Cellular Agriculture in Massachusetts.

    Arizona and Texas should look into following California’s lead – the state is home to both Upside Foods and Eat Just, as well as one of the two restaurants currently serving cultured meat in the country. In July 2022, it became the first state to invest in research for these foods, allocating $5M of the state budget for alt-protein research.

    How Arizona’s bill is received remains to be seen, but climate activists would hope that it doesn’t go the same way as Italy or Romania (which has also voted to prohibit cultured meat, with fines between €40,000 and €60,000). France, meanwhile, is deliberating its own ban.

    “Consumer demand and science-based food safety requirements should determine what’s sold in our supermarkets, not arbitrary government regulation,” GFI policy director Curt Chaffin told Capitol Media Services. “In a time when American farmers and food producers are facing stiff competition around the globe, politicians should not be policing what’s made and sold in Arizona.”

    The post Arizona Republicans Attempt to Ban Cultured Meat with Two New Bills appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • uc davis alt protein
    6 Mins Read

    In collaboration with other institutions and government bodies, the University of California, Davis is launching an Integrative Center for Alternative Meat and Protein to research and accelerate the commercialisation of alternative proteins. Can it help UC Davis shrug off its pro-livestock reputation?

    UC Davis is leading the launch of the new Integrative Center for Alternative Meat and Protein (iCAMP) in collaboration with the USDA, UCLA, the University of Maryland Baltimore County, Solano Community College, and the Culinary Institute of America.

    The Center will bring together leading researchers, academic institutions, industry professionals, advocacy groups and food innovators, who will work towards the large-scale commercialisation and technological advancement of alternative proteins. These include cultivated meat, plant-based and fugal foods, as well as blended meat products.

    Globally, our demand for meat is expected to increase by 50-100% over the next 25 years, according to iCAMP director David Block. But meat accounts for 60% of food system emissions and has a much higher impact on land and water use than most plant-based foods. “Expansion of conventional animal agriculture is unlikely to be able to meet demand at a reasonable price,” said Block. “We have to come up with alternatives and create additional sustainable food sources.”

    david block
    David Block. Courtesy: UC Davis

    Targeting future protein’s challenges

    At iCAMP, researchers will explore ways to increase consumer acceptance and preference for future proteins, which will give companies a deeper understanding of their needs and help them develop highly desirable products tailored to a varied set of customers. These applications can be across flavour, nutrition, shelf life and stability, cooking properties, cost, and more.

    The Center acknowledges that the future protein sector continues to face challenges, citing flavour and texture are key obstacles. A recent Mintel survey showed that taste is the biggest reason (48%) for Americans’ reticence to try alt-meat. As a spokesperson for vegan meat leader Impossible Foods told Green Queen this past November: “Taste is the #1 reason why consumers will decide to purchase a product again or not. Many consumers have unfortunately had a less-than-positive first impression of various plant-based products, and that casts doubt on the rest of the category as a whole.”

    Then there’s the price parity question – especially with cultivated meat, which needs significant scaling up to attempt to match the costs of conventionally produced meat. Cultured meat needs to reach production costs of $2.92 per lb to be price-competitive with traditional meat, and while companies have managed to cut manufacturing costs by 99% in less than a decadeMcKinsey analysis estimates that it will still take until 2030 for these proteins to reach parity.

    This is echoed by Block: “We are not to the point where the product is anywhere near the cost of conventional meat. Widespread distribution of affordable products is likely to take 10 to 15 years.” He also leads the UC Davis Cultivated Meat Consortium, where scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and educators are developing tech to grow animal cells in a cheaper and more efficient manner.

    Courtesy: Turtletree

    Why UC Davis has been criticised for its stance on meat

    While undoubtedly a positive sign for the industry, UC Davis does have a chequered history when it comes to alternative protein. Frank Mitloehner, the head of an agricultural research center at the university, led an online backlash against the 2019 Eat-Lancet report that recommended cutting back on red meat to help save the planet. The same year, he promoted a quiz comparing the ingredients of the Beyond Burger to premium dog food, an online campaign run by meat industry interest groups.

    Mitloehner has emerged as an anti-alternative protein campaigner backed by the animal agriculture industry. According to the New York Times, his Clear Center receives nearly all its funding from industry donations (including $2.9M from the Institute for Feed Education and Research and nearly $200,000 from the California Cattle Council) and works with a livestock lobby group on messaging campaigns.

    But it’s not just Mitloehner who has been perpetuating such ideas. A group of researchers at UC Davis – described as “a well-known Big Ag conspirator“ by the marketing campaign body Changing Markets Foundation – released a pre-print, non-peer-reviewed paper last year claiming that cell-cultured meat is 25 times worse for the environment than beef, which went viral on social media.

    ud davis lab grown meat
    Courtesy: Changing Markets Foundation

    The study suggested that a vegan agenda is causing wildlife loss, barren Earth, and soil damage, going on to accuse “elite organisations” like the WEF of lying about animal agriculture’s environmental impact. These claims have been used to promote the narrative that people should eat more beef, and were promoted by American conservative figures like Donald Trump Jr and Tomi Lahren.

    The paper had an impact on policy too. In Ireland, when the government was considering culling 200,000 dairy cows over three years as part of its push to cut agri-emissions by 25%, the UC Davis study was used to push back on the proposal, as critics blamed cultivated meat for its alleged contribution to the climate crisis. (The 25% reduction target currently remains in place, but proposals to achieve it still need to be confirmed.)

    For what it’s worth, alternative protein think tank the Good Food Institute carried out a life-cycle assessment in 2021 showing that cultivated meat can save up to 91% of greenhouse gas emissions when compared to animal-derived meat.

    Collaboration and funding is key

    uc davis cultivated meat
    Courtesy: UC Davis

    UC Davis – which also serves as the R&D headquarters for Singaporean precision fermentation startup TurtleTree – was among the first academic institutions to receive federal funding for cultivated meat research in 2022, when the state of California provided $5M in funding to UCLA, UC Berkeley and UC Davis. The $1.67M received by the latter’s Cultivated Meat Consortium is being used to start iCAMP, with the consortium becoming an internal part of the new alt-protein center.

    iCAMP will focus on workforce development too, which includes cases and education for students and professionals to help propel the sector forward. Here, industry partners will play a key role by directing and financing research projects. Through this atmosphere of collaboration and knowledge exchange, the center aims to develop breakthrough technologies, cut production costs, increase scalability, and ultimately make alternative proteins more accessible globally.

    Additionally, researchers are working with industry and regional developers to build a “more complete ecosystem” of food tech business incubators, pilot facilities and contract manufacturers, with innovative ways to connect with the public. These range from food policy seminars to introducing consumers to novel meat products in campus dining areas and beyond.

    To that end, iCAMP will launch on January 17 with an Innovation Day at the UC Davis Robert Mondavi Center for Wine and Food Science, where scientists, programme leads and partners will share research to accelerate alt-protein innovation. It will include discussions on plant-, fermentation-, and cell-based foods, as well as food safety, consumer acceptance, and regulation and policy. Plus, there will be a focus on supporting businesses and academic institution IP, and building regional bioprocessing and workforce capacity.

    The post UC Davis Launches Alternative Protein Center to Advance Commercialisation appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • cultured meat singapore
    8 Mins Read

    Singapore is renowned for its position as an alternative protein leader – a new study reveals how members of the general public as well as scientific experts feel about cultured meat, and its effects on general health and society.

    Soon, it will be three years since the Singapore Food Agency granted Eat Just’s Good Meat the world’s first regulatory approval for cultivated meat. It consolidated the island nation’s position as a flagbearer of food tech innovation and progressive policymaking.

    It has led to an influx of startups across all the alternative protein pillars, with Singapore being home to the highest number of companies across biomass fermentation (39%), cultivated (33%) and plant-based (21%) startups in APAC. In fact, at least 25 non-local companies have a presence in the city-state for R&D and business development, with 24% of all APAC alt-protein startups based here.

    This is according to industry think tank the Good Food Institute APAC’s State of the Industry report for 2023, which also highlighted how consumers in Singapore are the most sceptical of plant-based meat (alongside Malaysians). The country has the highest number of ‘rejectors’ as well, i.e. people who want to reduce their intake of meat alternatives.

    In a similar vein is a recent study published in the Plos One journal, which looked at how the public as well as scientific experts view cultivated meat in Singapore. It relied upon focus group discussions attended by 29 members of the public and 11 experts from research institutes and academia, with each session lasting about two hours.

    What the public thinks

    lab grown meat tasting
    Courtesy: Eat Just

    Public members discussed two main health benefits of cultivated meat: functional foods and higher food safety, with the nature of the product meaning it could be engineered to be more nutritious and healthier than conventional meat. Produced in bioreactors, cell-cultured meat is also thought of as cleaner and carries a lower risk of transmitting zoonotic diseases. Additionally, the general public believed that cultivated meat could provide expanded options for meat-eaters, while potentially being more wallet-friendly as increased demand would mean lower prices for conventional meat.

    In terms of societal benefits, food security was identified as a key benefit, especially given Singapore’s heavy reliance on imports – over 90% of its food supply comes from other countries. Cultured meat can help the country grow its own meat and become more self-sufficient, all the while diversifying its food sources, and mitigating supply chain vulnerabilities. It could help address food shortages and malnutrition too.

    This, in turn, would bring benefits to the economy, with reduced meat imports, increased foreign direct investments and more jobs being mentioned as three key aspects. Plus, there’s the land use question: GFI analysis reveals that cultured meat grown via renewable energy needs 95% less land than conventional meat. As a land-scarce nation, public participants said cultured meat can alleviate this challenge, further noting wider environmental positives, alongside animal welfare benefits.

    Despite the idea that cultivated meat could help avoid zoonotic diseases and be a cleaner food source, many expressed concerns about the long-term effects of these novel proteins on human health, with apprehensions stemming from the use of additives and preservatives, doubts over nutritional deficiencies, as well as a perceived naturalness. Others are unsure about the science, processing methods, and regulations governing its production. And for many consumers, price is a key barrier, calling it the primary factor influencing their purchasing decisions.

    There were also worries about health effects at a societal level, with questions raised around the transparency and qualifications of cultured meat suppliers, as well as the overconsumption of these proteins, which was likened to high diet soda intake. Finally, resistance from religious communities was identified as a potential societal risk too, as certain racial and ethnic groups could find cultured meat adoption challenging. There is a need for relevant certification to enhance acceptance, as has been the case with cultured meat’s halal certification.

    Mirte Gosker, managing director of the Good Food Institute APAC, compares this situation to the shift to electric vehicles (EVs). “For EVs, initial market hesitations surrounded vehicle costs, battery range, and concerns about a lack of available chargers, which consumers worried could affect how reliably they can get from place to place,” she explains. “Those are challenges that EV producers, researchers, and governments all took seriously and began investing in solutions to mitigate, which has helped alleviate consumer hesitation in many markets.”

    She adds: “There will be a long learning curve as consumers weigh how cultivated meat could potentially fit into their lives with minimal disruption to their existing day-to-day practices.”

    What scientific experts think

    uk sustainable proteins
    Courtesy: Shiok Meats

    In terms of cultivated meat experts, there were two main upsides for personal health: individual health benefits and increased food options. There was talk about how cultured meat could be improved with certain bio-nutrients and mitigate risks traditionally associated with animal meat, such as pesticide exposure. The experts echoed the public’s point about an expansion of choices, providing consumers with a chance to “diversify our diet”.

    When it comes to societal benefits, the predominant topic of discussion was food security, with experts viewing it as a significant advantage of cell-based meat. These proteins can offer stability during supply chain disruptions and ensure the continuity of food production, becoming “a valuable benefit for society”.

    However, the experts did raise concerns about personal health risks, with some feeling the tech is still immature and more long-term research is necessary. Gosker explains that it is “a professional requirement for scientific experts to have questions, especially for a new technology like cultivated meat”. She points to the safety assessments made by the FDA in the US, the FSA in Singapore and the FSANZ in Oceania, as well as a 2023 UN FAO report that concluded: “The food safety risks of [cultivated] meat are similar to those of conventional meat, and they can be contained through proper handling and testing as with conventional meat.”

    “In the study, the open questions outlined by scientific experts – which were outnumbered by the potential benefits they noted for food safety and security – mostly pertain to market acceptance and driving down the costs of cultivated meat production through investment and innovation,” she tells Green Queen. “These are anticipated growing pains and challenges that GFI’s global teams are proactively working to resolve through technical guidance and open-access R&D funding, but there is also a clear need for governments around the world to play a much larger role.”

    There were affordability considerations at play as well, as cultured meat products are much more expensive than their conventional counterparts, which is a major barrier to widespread adoption and acceptance. Investment risks were brought up as well by the experts in focus groups, calling the industry “challenging” and a “commercial liability”, and noting that most vegetarians would not be inclined to eat cell-cultured meat.

    Speaking to this, Gosker explains: “Just as the clean energy transition requires and deserves public investment, so does our transition to alternative proteins. For perspective, the cultivated meat sector has received – over the course of its entire history as an industry – less than $3B in global investment, 98% of which have been equity investments across more than 100 companies. That is less than the cost of one single EV battery plant. This illustrates just how early in the scale-up and cost-reduction processes the industry is at this stage and how much more room it still has for growth.”

    Differences, similarities and misconceptions

    lab grown meat singapore
    Courtesy: Eat Just

    Both the public and experts displayed similarities as well as differences in their perception of these novel foods. For example, both sets of focus group participants agreed that cultured meat presents personal health benefits, expands food options, and ensures food security. Similarly, they expressed concern about long-term health risks and affordability.

    But the general public held a much broader view of societal risks and benefits compared to the experts, who did so for personal health risks. For instance, when it came to the societal aspects, the general public mentioned benefits for land use, animal welfare, and the Singapore economy, as well as risks around public health and potential resistance from certain racial and religious communities – ideas not mentioned by the experts, highlighting the key considerations of consumers.

    It’s a topic GFI APAC’s industry-wide surveys have highlighted, given that huge swathes of Asia’s population adhere to such religious standards. “It is essential for religious bodies and third-party certification agencies to work closely with regulators and industry stakeholders to determine how cultivated meat and seafood producers can best align with their requirements,” says Gosker.

    The study also exposed some misconceptions surrounding cultivated meat. Some members of the public associated these proteins with plant-based meat. And while they thought of cultured meat as environmentally beneficial, experts were more sceptical due to a lack of sufficient scientific evidence. “Open-access research publications provide increased transparency about the cultivated meat production process, which could be beneficial in clarifying for consumers how novel foods get to their plate,” says Gosker.

    “Public information campaigns by trusted government agencies and experts can be very effective in dispelling misinformation and educating consumers about the many health benefits of cultivated meat,” she adds.

    Key questions lie for cultured meat in Singapore

    cultivated seafood
    Courtesy: Umami Bioworks

    “In previous consumer perception studies, many Asian consumers have expressed a strong desire to try products that they perceive to be innovative or deliver added values not previously available to them,” says Gosker. “This could give a boost to brands that use novel ingredients and formulations, such as hybrid products that combine ingredients from plants, microbes and cultivated animal cells to create flavourful and nutrient-dense products and ingredients.

    “Such products will have a much easier time achieving price parity in the short term, while scientists continue to refine techniques for cost efficiency on fully cultivated products. Not surprisingly, Singapore has proven to be an early global leader in advancing the hybrid protein space.”

    So, where does that all leave us? Gosker says the study is a useful blueprint for how similar research can be conducted in other APAC countries. She also mentions the importance of tackling food neophobia, and how producers and governments can increase consumer confidence in cultivated meat. Many of these steps were highlighted in a landmark report by the UNEP published during this year’s COP28.

    Ultimately, she notes, the question is: “Can cultivated meat deliver all of the flavour, value, and nutrition that consumers currently get from conventional meat? If it can, and the products come with clearly communicated benefits like a complete absence of microplastics and reduced risk of transmitting zoonotic disease, many consumers will see the value in making the switch.”

    The post How Do Singapore’s Consumers & Experts Feel About Cultivated Meat? appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • 5 Mins Read

    Editor’s Note: Given the urgency of the climate crisis, the outsized global greenhouse gas emissions footprint of animal protein production and the need to support a variety of future food solutions, including cultivated meat, we believe it is important to fight back against misinformation about these solutions. We are reprinting Upside Foods’ response to a recent article that it says contains inaccurate information and misrepresents the company’s progress and technology.

    By: Upside Foods

    At UPSIDE, we are committed to tackling a fundamental challenge: how to sustainably feed a growing global population without causing harm to the planet and animals. We’ve made exciting progress, including laying an important foundation to scale our technology. As any trailblazer in a nascent industry knows, innovation does not happen in a straight line and we understand people will continue to be curious about our progress as we advance our mission. We’re incredibly excited about what’s ahead for UPSIDE, despite what some recent news articles have suggested, which we want to address.

    For context, a recent Bloomberg Businessweek story about our industry, which featured UPSIDE, contained inaccurate and misleading claims about our business and fundamentally misrepresents UPSIDE’s technology and strategy. This occurred despite our team’s extensive efforts to educate Bloomberg’s reporters over many months and despite outreach to their editors, general counsel, and standards editor to express our concerns regarding the investigative and reporting process. They have refused to fairly reflect UPSIDE’s progress in the story, and the article reads more like an opinion piece.  

    The most glaring omission from the article is the tremendous progress we have made towards commercial scale, including the critical role of large-scale “suspension” products in our strategy. The article concludes that the industry, and UPSIDE specifically, does not have a path to scale its product and has “little to show for itself.” This is inaccurate and is a dated snapshot of our progress from several years ago. Bloomberg ignored our repeated requests (and blog post) stating that our tissue product is not slated for scaling near-term and that we are instead focused on first commercializing our suspension product, which produces delicious blended cultivated meat products. This suspension product was the basis for our Series C fundraise, has been proven out through dozens of successful runs in our 2kL cultivators at EPIC, and is the design basis for our commercial scale processes. We told Bloomberg we produced enough cells in a single cultivator in the last month to produce the equivalent of over 2,000 pounds of delicious finished chicken products. They did not print that and instead focused on the small quantities of the chicken we currently have on the market (our “tissue” product). Below is a full statement we provided about the importance of large scale suspension chicken. They deleted our statement about suspension chicken and our ability to scale, but published the rest of it. We provide that statement in full here (Bloomberg removed the parts in bold): 

    UPSIDE has successfully and repeatedly demonstrated that we can scale our suspension technology to make delicious ground-textured and blended products. This platform is the basis for the commercial plant we are currently building, and will enable large scale production pending regulatory approval. UPSIDE is proud to have established a high-watermark with our whole textured chicken product that’s being served today. We will continue to be pioneers addressing the challenge of sustainably feeding a growing global population while minimizing environmental impact, and remain steadfast in our goal of bringing delicious and safe cultivated meat to consumers. While we know there will be many challenges ahead, UPSIDE chooses to work with optimism, grit and dogged determination towards our vision for a better future, buoyed by the progress we’ve already made and the urgency of the work ahead.” 

    The article also tries to denigrate our technology and the science behind it, and tries to draw conclusions about the safety of our product. It gets both wrong. Our cultivated chicken (made from our small scale tissue process) and our next generation of delicious suspension products have been positively received by external parties. (The Washington Post described it as “the most chicken-y chicken I’ve tasted in a long time”; Eater lauded that “the taste evoked the kind of nostalgic, delicate meatiness proper chicken should provide”; and one of the Bloomberg writers tasted our product in December 2022 and remarked that it tasted like chicken). Our products are safe, and have been reviewed by the FDA. The cholesterol is within the range found in commonly consumed foods. Our lead levels are similar to spinach and grape juice. We have made additional progress lowering lead levels since the time of the FDA approval of our product. We have also made significant progress on our next-generation tissue cultivators, even though they will not be our initial focus for commercialization. 

    Finally, the article relies heavily on discussions with anonymous sources and a single named former employee that worked for UPSIDE for 71 days in 2021 on a special project segregated from the rest of the company, and whose responsibilities and expertise did not include any of the areas that he is quoted on in the story.  Additionally, we’ve heard from multiple experts quoted in the article that they have lodged complaints to Bloomberg because they were misquoted or have had their quotes taken out of context.

    Looking forward, we will not be slowed down by those who want to stall this industry. Our goal is not just to build a business, but to be an industry-defining brand and a significant force innovating for a sustainable future. Our ambition is bigger than a niche business or quick profits. We aim to mirror the impact of other transformative companies whose groundbreaking, unconventional ideas have become foundational. We see parallels for cultivated meat. 

    While we have never guaranteed success, our investors and supporters recognize that the pursuit of change of this magnitude requires a team that refuses to accept the status quo and is willing to take the hard path of tackling the challenges directly. And that’s exactly what we’re doing. You can find more details about what’s next for us on our blog.

    This article was first published on December 21st 2023 on the Upside Foods blog – it is reprinted here with permission.

    The post Addressing The Facts: Upside Foods Responds To Recent Press appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • japan alt protein grant
    4 Mins Read

    The government of Japan has awarded grants worth $19.6M to two alternative protein startups, just after a new report shed light on the country’s consumer preferences around meat alternatives.

    The Japanese government has included two alternative protein companies in the latest round of its Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Innovation Promotion Fund Project, run by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

    Awarding grants worth ¥26B ($209M) to 25 projects, the two alt-protein startups part of the list are Umami United and IntegriCulture, which received funds worth ¥2.8B ($19.6M).

    Umami United bags $6.5M for global expansion

    umami united
    Courtesy: Umami United

    Umami United, which closed a $1.64M pre-Series A funding round earlier this year, makes plant-based egg products using konjac flour, bittern and wood-eared mushrooms. The startup, which is gearing up to launch in the US and Europe, received ¥917M ($6.5M) as part of the government grant.

    The Tokyo-based startup says it will use the funds to improve the functionality of its vegan eggs, and accelerate its full-scale entry into the North American market. It has stated its aim to become a global food tech representative of Japan, “fostering a world where individuals with various backgrounds, including vegans and food allergies, can come together and share a meal at one table”.

    Speaking to Green Queen after the pre-Series A round in August, Umami United CEO Hiroto Yamazaki said the brand was looking to enter the UK and Germany first in Europe: “We are in the midst of discussions with big players in both the UK and Germany to incorporate our egg replacer products into their plant-based food products. They have tested our products and initial responses are positive.”

    He added: “As for the US, we are also in late-stage talks with universities in Southern California to incorporate our products in their vegan menus.” He confirmed that some “big plant-based meat players” are testing Umami United’s clean products to be used as a binding agent. Its product range includes a vegan egg powder, flavouring powder and pudding mix.

    IntegriCulture gets $13.1M for demonstration of cell ag production system

    Courtesy: IntegriCulture

    IntegriCulture, meanwhile, received an even larger investment of ¥1.87B ($13.1M). It has created a cellular agriculture infrastructure platform called CulNet, through which it develops affordable growth mediums and other solutions for cultivated protein. The startup plans to make these developments open-source to accelerate widespread progress and commercialisation.

    In early 2022, it raised $7M in a Series A round to take its total funding to $16.4M. The company has previously been awarded a $2.2M government grant to construct a specialist production facility, and has been working with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and the Tokyo Women’s Medical University on a project involving cellular agriculture and cultivated meat production in space.

    The company claims to have grown serum-free cultivated chicken and duck meat at a fraction of the cost compared to using animal-based growth factors. It says the CulNet platform can drop growth factor costs from the current price of over $200,000 per kg of meat to under $3 by 2025, and under a dollar soon after that.

    Plus, it has debuted a cell-based egg-derived skincare ingredient, Cellament, which is being used by the Japanese skincare brand Essencebase in its L’Oeuf line. “Cell-culture technology doesn’t just change how we source traditionally animal-derived ingredients, it also enables us to unlock nutritional and functional power that was previously inaccessible,” IntegriCulture CEO Yuki Hanyu has previously said.

    What Japan’s consumers want from alt-protein

    japan plant based meat
    Courtesy: IntegriCulture

    The agriculture ministry’s grant comes soon after a Food Frontier report into Asia’s alt-protein sector. It revealed that 91% of Japan’s citizens are regular meat-eaters, while 9% eat plant-based meat. For these consumers, flavour, ease of cooking and high protein content are the most important purchase drivers. As for the biggest barriers, taste and overprocessing are the main issues.

    In terms of cultivated meat, 20% of people surveyed have heard of the term, but only 2% indicated that they’d definitely purchase it, with 10% saying they are likely to do so once it becomes available. Here, unfamiliarity with these novel foods is the key barrier, followed by a perceived unnaturalness and taste concerns.

    While the value of Japan’s alt-meat market is among the highest in Asia (at $247.5M in 2022), it has the slowest projected yearly growth rate, expanding by only 9% annually until 2027. “We are seeing more and more Japanese consumers with changing tastes and preferences and heightened health awareness, and this has also motivated these local food manufacturers to prioritise and launch plant-based food,” Yamazaki told Green Queen.

    Additionally, the Japan Association for Cellular Agriculture is part of the recently launched APAC Regulatory Coordination Forum, which aims to facilitate cross-border dialogue between cell-cultured food producers, industry associations and think tanks, and government agencies and regulators in multiple jurisdictions.

    On the regulatory front, Japan’s government is expected to be the next (alongside South Korea) to develop a framework for companies. “Both nations are proactively seeking input from industry groups to craft clear and efficient safety review processes,” said Good Food Institute APAC managing director Mirte Gosker, before adding: “No timeline has been set for when this work will be completed.”

    The post Japanese Government Awards Grants to Two Alt-Protein Startups appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • steakholder foods
    4 Mins Read

    Israeli startup Steakholder Foods has unveiled the industry’s first 3D-printed eel to battle an industry riddled with overfishing and facing the threat of extinction. It is expected to include some cultivated eel cells at a future stage.

    Steakholder Foods, the Israeli 3D-printing and cultivated meat and seafood startup that began as MeaTech, has unveiled a prototype of its 3D-printed plant-based eel, using precision layering and a unique mix of materials to achieve the fish’s complex texture.

    It comes months after the producer debuted the world’s first cultivated grouper fish with Singaporean cultured meat maker Umami Meats, on the back of a $1M grant from the bipartite Singapore-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation.

    vegan eel
    Courtesy: Steakholder Foods

    Plant-based for now, but hybrid fish in the plan

    Steakholder Foods’ 3D bioprinting process – called DropJet – allows it to drastically reduce the number of ingredients in its vegan eel – catering to the growing consumer demand for clean-label formulations. In 2020, a global survey by Ingredion revealed that over half of respondents find it important for products to have a short ingredient list, while its latest data has found that 78% would spend more money on products with ‘natural’ or ‘all-natural’ packaging claims.

    And while the eel is currently made up of fully plant-based ingredients, as a cultured meat company that has previously expressed interest in hybrid meat, it perhaps comes as no surprise that it expects to include cultured eel cells in the product at a later stage, if the “economies of scale allow price-competitive cell development”.

    The news comes a few months after the startup announced a multi-million-dollar strategic partnership with an accredited governmental body based in the Gulf Cooperation Council to create hybrid fish products and tackle food insecurity in the region, with the eventual goal of establishing a large-scale production facility.

    3d printed fish
    Courtesy: Steakholder Foods

    Steakholder Foods, which is currently conducting a life-cycle assessment for its seafood analogue, is exploring collaborations to commercialise its plant-based eel by offering them proprietary 3D printers and ink that can generate revenue in the short term. It claims that its current tech capabilities will allow B2B partners to mass-produce price-competitive 3D-printed eels, enabling them to tackle the challenges associated with the current global costs of eels.

    “This technology is designed to enable partners to generate products on a potential industrial scale of hundreds of tons monthly, not only at lower costs compared to wild eel, but also with the flexibility to create a variety of printed products using the same production line,” explained its CEO Arik Kaufman.

    Why alternatives to eel are necessary

    In Japan, where over 70% of all eel catch is consumed, the fish has always maintained its luxury status, with wholesale prices reaching $40 per kg. But consumption of eels – a $4.3B market – has declined over the last two decades, falling from about 160,000 tons in 2000 to just over 60,000 tons in 2021. And this drop isn’t just limited to Japan – in the EU, eel populations have diminished dramatically, decreasing by 98% from 1980, leading to an export ban on eels in 2010.

    A critically endangered species, eels have reached this point due to overfishing, poaching, black market trading and breeding troubles. Known as mysterious creatures, these fish undergo an unusual metamorphosis, with a breeding process that includes a 6,500-km-long migration to one of two spots: the Sargasso Sea (near the Bermuda Triangle), or off Guam. This makes captive breeding difficult, especially amidst elevating demand for the fish.

    Additionally, the overfishing of eels disrupts the marine and freshwater ecosystems they come from – these fish maintain a balance in biodiversity by preying on smaller fish, ensuring that no marine species takes over the ecosystem. Eels, in turn, are also a food source for birds like the grey heron and the great cormorant.

    forsea foods
    Forsea Foods’ cultivated eel | Courtesy: Forsea Foods

    This makes a pressing case for alternatives to wild eel – including plant-based and cultivated versions. Companies like New York’s Ocean Hugger Foods and Japanese giant Nissin already have vegan eels on the market (using eggplants and soy protein, respectively). And Israel’s Forsea Foods is working on cultured eel, which it hopes to bring to market by 2025.

    Steakholder Foods’ innovation stands out for its 3D-printing tech and potential as a hybrid seafood product, something Kaufman calls “a pivotal moment” in the seafood sector: “Such versatility could significantly boost profitability for food companies and lead the way to a shift towards more efficient and sustainable practices in the industry. This product exemplifies the broader possibilities our technology offers our partners.”

    The post Steakholder Foods Unveils ‘Industry-First’ 3D-Printed Vegan Eel appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • future food quick bites
    3 Mins Read

    In our weekly column, we round up the latest news and developments in the alternative protein and sustainable food industry. This week, Future Food Quick Bites covers Melibio’s UK debut, Canada’s ‘unlawful’ plastic ban, and a game-changing vegan documentary.

    New products and launches

    A year after announcing their partnership, Bay Area alt-honey startup MeliBio and Slovenia’s Narayan Foods have launched a vegan honey product in the UK under the Better Foodie brand. Named Vegan H*ney, it is available at over 200 independent stores in the country, retailing at £5.99 per 300g jar.

    Courtesy: Better Foodie/Getty Images via Canva

    French-Belgian digital restaurant and food delivery company No Brainer has launched a hybrid-virtual brand format called Dr Seed, which centres on 100% plant-based food. It offers an app, bypasses aggregators like Uber Eats, and allows consumers to order and pay directly through its platform, starting at 54 Grill in Paris.

    Veganuary launch announcements are in full flow. In the UK, pizza chain Papa John’s is introducing a limited-edition vegan BBQ Chicken offering, which is topped with plant-based cheese from Sheese. It will be available from January 2.

    papa johns vegan
    Courtesy: Papa John’s UK

    Fellow food chain LEON has unveiled its Veganuary menu too, focused on “gut-healing goodness”. It includes a new Bangin’ Bhaji Wrap and Rainbow Squash Salad, which will launch UK-wide on January 10.

    And German alt-seafood startup Koralo has debuted its co-fermented microalgae- and mycelium-based New F!sh filet in South Korea, starting with Seoul restaurants Stylevegan and Monks Butcher.

    koralo fish
    Courtesy: Koralo

    Finance and policy developments

    The Canadian government has officially banned the use of plastic straws, food containers, checkout bags and cutlery at foodservice locations, going against a court order brought in by the oil and chemicals industries calling the regulation “unreasonable and unconstitutional”.

    Elsewhere, Australia’s government has rejected a $55M funding request for the development of an alt-protein research centre for the third year in a row – though industry players remain confident for future bids.

    vegan chicken nuggets
    Courtesy: Rebellyous Foods

    Seattle startup Rebellyous Foods is accepting requests for proposals for its plant-based meat production system, which it claims can cut manufacturing costs by 60% compared to standard methods and reach price parity with conventional meat.

    Weeks after being acquired by The Compleat Food Group and earning a Waitrose listing, London-based artisanal vegan cheese producer Palace Culture says its sales have tripled in the last month, with a wider retail rollout now expected for 2024.

    Movers, breakthroughs and pop culture

    Brazilian precision fermentation startup Future Cow Technologies has unveiled the first prototype of its animal-free milk, made in 15-litre tanks. The company plans to expand production capacity to up to 5,000-litre tanks for B2B purposes.

    Meanwhile, British plant-based meat manufacturer MYCO has hired former VBites chief David Wood as its CEO, who left his position at VBites following the business’s collapse.

    In the US, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has sponsored two billboards in Salisbury, Maryland, calling on the poultry industry in the area to pivot to cultured meat.

    It’s been over four years since The Game Changers graced our screens, and while a sequel is underway, the original’s director, Louie Psihoyos, is bringing a new vegan documentary to Netflix. Based on a recent dietary study conducted on identical twins, You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment, takes you behind the scenes of the research. It will release on New Year’s Day, coinciding with Veganuary.

    The post Future Food Quick Bites: Bee-Free Honey, Co-Fermented Fish & A New Netflix Doc appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • france cultivated meat ban
    6 Mins Read

    Shortly after Italy announced its ban on the production and sale of cultivated meat, France is following up with its own proposal to produce or market cultured meat in the country, with policymakers arguing it goes against French tradition and hurts livestock farming.

    France’s Les Républicains party has submitted a proposal to ban cultivated meat in the country, with a bill introduced in the national assembly hoping to prohibit the production and marketing of these proteins. It comes after a year of aggressive policies that have shunned alternative proteins like plant-based meat and welcomed industrial farming.

    The bill proposes it be forbidden to produce, process or market cultured meat in the country “in the interests of human health, animal health and the environment”, arguing that companies in this space justify themselves by presenting their products as alternatives to “low-quality imported meat produced in poor environmental and animal welfare conditions”. “But replacing ‘junk food’ with another ‘junk food’ is not progress,” it argues.

    The argument behind France’s cultivated meat ban

    cultured meat ban
    Courtesy: Gourmey

    The legal proposal began by outlining the history of cultivated meat and landmark events in the space, including Dr Mark Post’s unveiling of the world’s first cultivated burger 10 years ago, Eat Just’s regulatory approval in Singapore in 2020, and Upside Foods’ premarket approval for the sale of its cultured chicken in the US (received by Eat Just too).

    It uses these developments as context for a report by the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs earlier this year, which advised readers to “be vigilant to better supervise and control the technology”. The Republicans party members wrote that the committee “clearly reaffirmed its anthropological, ethical and cultural opposition to the development of cellular foods”, adding that just because a technological innovation is possible doesn’t mean it needs to be developed.

    The proposal stated that cultivated meat poses a “real threat” to livestock farming and French breeding, which has “already weakened”. France is the EU’s biggest beef supplier, as well as its third-largest pork producer. Its citizens ate nearly 85kg of meat per capita last year, double the global average. But food has seen an 11% inflation in France, forcing many to seek cheaper meat – the number of people who can afford premium meat has reduced from 50% in 2017 to 30% now.

    This is the reason put forward by French agriculture minister Marc Fesneau when he called for increased factory farming in the country to take “back the market from imports”, saying that animal welfare only works for the rich. This anti-alt-protein stance is reflected in the new proposed cultured meat ban.

    “Cellular meat, which I also call “paillasse meat” – in other words, a leg of lamb without lamb, a chicken breast without chicken – is, in my eyes, a total loss of direction for our society,” former French food and Agriculture Minister Julien Denormandie said during a parliamentary debate. “Only a science without a conscience could consider laboratory, test-tube meat as a solution,” he added, perhaps not seeing the irony.

    Reactions from the meat and dairy industry

    cultivated meat ban
    Courtesy: AFP

    The move follows Italy’s ban on cultured meat, which had been months in the making. It was passed last month, with fines between €10,000 and €60,000 for each violation. Italy argued that cultured meat threatened traditional foods that defined Italy’s culinary culture, a rhetoric reflected in the French proposal too. “The purely utilitarian vision of food is, in fact, the opposite of French tradition, which sees food first and foremost as a cultural and social fact,” it read.

    It must be noted that even if the bill is passed into law, France wouldn’t be able to prohibit imports of cultivated meat produced within the EU, its common single market enables the free movement of goods and services. Nevertheless, this idea to “preserve its food and nutritional system, maintaining the relationship between food, land and human labour” has appealed to many quarters.

    Confédération Paysanne and Coordination Rurale are firmly opposed to the production of cultivated meat, while agricultural union group FNSEA has previously stated that it does not see any benefits for farmers, asking for more evidence about cultured meat’s benefits.

    Meanwhile, the Fédération Nationale Bovine (The National Bovine Federation) released a statement asking questions of cultivated meat. “Do we want foods resulting from cell multiplications in industrial incubation reactors, with growth substrates mixing everything into a set of substances? Do we really think that this is a perspective to be proposed for the consumption of our fellow citizens, while questions about human health are being asked, and the the real environmental impact of these facilities remains to be examined?” it asked.

    When Italy moved to prohibit cultivated meat, the legislation included a ban on meat-related terms on plant-based product labels. This is something France did a few months ago as well when its agriculture ministry suggested banning 21 terms like ‘steak’, ‘beef’, ‘ham’ and ‘grilled’ from vegan meat analogues, while listing over 120 meat-related terms that can be used only if products have a maximum share of vegan proteins between 0.5% to 6%.

    One of the groups at the forefront of the move to block cultivated meat in Italy is Coldiretti, one of Europe’s largest farming associations. Its president Ettore Prandini had expressed his pride in Italy being the first nation to ban these proteins. Now, he says the French parliament’s move “confirms Italy’s role as a trailblazer” in health-safeguarding policies: “The battle over synthetic meat is now moving to Europe.”

    Consumer attitudes and funding for cultured meat

    france cultivated meat
    Courtesy: Vital Meat

    France and Italy aren’t the only governments banning cultivated meat. Last month, a Republican representative in Florida introduced a bill to ban cell-cultured meat in the US state, while the Romanian senate has voted to prohibit the sale of these proteins as well, which will need approval from the Chamber of Deputies.

    If the cell-based meat ban is voted through, it will affect companies like Gourmey (which works on cultivated foie gras and has raised €58M in funding) and Vital Meat (cell-cultured chicken), which the draft namechecks. It criticised state-owned bank Bpifrance for backing these companies with €6M “in the form of loans, repayable advances or subsidies”.

    Denormandie has also previously been criticised for a tweet denouncing cultivated meat in 2020. “Is this what we want for our children, as a society? Me, no! I will clearly state it: meat comes from the living, not laboratories,” he wrote. “You can count on me, in France, meat will remain natural and never artificial!”

    “It would be a shame to reject outright an innovative method of production that enables France to compete in the growing field of alternative proteins,” responded alt-protein think tank Agriculture Cellulaire France. “Instead, let’s promote the development of a French sector that guarantees quality.”

    A small 118-person French study last year revealed that 80% of respondents would like to try cultivated meat, but believe it could have a negative impact on the animal industry. Meanwhile, 41% fear undesirable health effects and 29% don’t believe the meat is of high quality. Despite that, 80% of them concede that it “will become widespread more or less quickly, whether they like it or not, mainly because French people’s mentalities are changing”. If the French parliamentarians are anything to go by, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

    The post Au Revoir, Cultivated Meat?: France Follows in Italy’s Footsteps with Proposed Ban appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • lab grown coffee
    5 Mins Read

    Finnish researchers have published details of the process behind its lab-grown coffee, with the aim of developing an ecosystem that can speed up production and commercialisation of the novel ingredient.

    What if you could grow your own coffee in a lab? Two years ago, that’s exactly what scientists at the VTT Research Centre of Finland did.

    Now, they have released the recipe for their lab-grown coffee as a proof of concept. In a scientific paper published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, they describe the exact process used to produce this coffee, in the hope of creating a dedicated ecosystem to accelerate the production and commercialisation of cell-cultured coffee.

    “Our wish is that the publication of this scientific article, which clearly demonstrates proof of concept for lab-grown coffee, nudges forward the creation of an ecosystem or a collective that has the resources, know-how, and drive to pioneer an entirely new type of coffee,” said Heiko Rischer, principal scientist and head of plant biotechnology at VTT. “It is a huge challenge but one VTT is prepared to take on with the right partners and experts.

    How VTT makes lab-grown coffee

    cell-based coffee
    Courtesy: Vesa Kippola

    In 2021, Richter and his team unveiled the first prototype of their lab-grown coffee, whose flavour was described as a cross between coffee and black tea. The researchers began by initiating coffee cell cultures, establishing cell lines, and transferring them to bioreactors to begin producing biomass. Post-analysis, they developed a roasting process, before the new coffee was evaluated by VTT’s sensory panel.

    Now, the scientists have shone a brighter light on the process. They obtained cells from young but fully developed Coffea arabica plants, cultivating them in a wave bioreactor, and freeze-drying them for storage after harvest. This powder was then roasted in a fan-assisted oven in three different conditions and then transferred to foil bags.

    To analyse the lab-grown coffee, the team compared the samples with commercially available coffees and alternatives, with light and dark roasts used for colour and sensory analyses, and instant chicory coffee used for sensory assessments. Green coffee beans were also used to demonstrate that roasting causes similar changes to the pre-ground coffee as it does to the lab-grown coffee.

    This was followed by microbiological and toxicity analyses to ensure the safety of brewed samples, as well as a test to measure the caffeine content (which was almost 40 times lower than conventional arabica coffee beans). Then, brewed samples underwent colour measurement and sensory profiling by a panel of trained tasters.

    VTT says lab-grown coffee can speed up the production of the drink significantly. Traditionally farmed coffee provides one to two harvests annually, but a new batch of cell-cultured coffee can be made in just a month, thanks to the “controlled process and infinitely renewable nature of coffee plant cells”, which removes the need to grow new coffee plants from seeds.

    Novel coffee production methods are crucial

    coffee climate change
    Heiko Rischer, principal scientist at VTT | Courtesy: Vesa Kippola

    Finding alternative ways to grow coffee is paramount. Arabica – one of the two main species of coffee grown and consumed worldwide (along with robusta) and the plant VTT took samples from – is facing the threat of extinction by 2080. In fact, of the 124 known coffee species, 75 (60%) could go extinct. Meanwhile, land suitable for growing coffee is set to be halved by mid-century too. Across the world, coffee growers are suffering from the effects of weather-related climate change. Farmers in Vietnam are questioning the value of coffee as a cash crop, which will ultimately mean more expensive coffee for end consumers. Plus, arabica coffee beans are more sensitive to the effects of extreme weather so coffee drinkers may need to get used to the far more bitter but hardier robusta beans.

    Coffee is also one of the largest producers of greenhouse gases in the food system, behind only dark chocolate and red meats like lamb, mutton and beef. And in terms of emissions per 1,000 kcal, coffee tops the list. According to Our World in Data, coffee beans have among the highest carbon opportunity costs – “the amount of carbon lost from native vegetation and soils in order to produce each food” – only topped by meats like sheep, goat, beef and buffalo, and cocoa beans. And all this doesn’t even take into account coffee’s problematic supply chain ethics.

    Europe is the largest consumer of coffee among all continents, importing over 3.6 million tonnes of green beans in 2021, with an average consumer drinking 5kg of coffee each year. But these climate and supply issues are already affecting the region. Coffee is a major driver of deforestation, and the EU has banned imports of any coffee that is linked to the felling of forests in producer regions.

    This has birthed startups taking novel approaches to coffee production. Some, like VTT, are making use of cell-based processes. In France, biotech firm Amaterra, which has raised €1.5M in pre-seed funding, is using molecular biology to create climate-resilient crops from plant cell cultures, and developing perennial coffee varieties four to five times faster than traditional coffee, while Stem claims to be the world’s first startup developing mass-produced cell-cultured coffee.

    Others are eschewing coffee altogether, instead coming up with beanless alternatives akin to plant-based analogues for meat. This includes Northern Wonder (Netherlands) Atomo, Minus Coffee, Voyage Foods (all US), Zero Coffee (Canada) and Prefer (Singapore).

    But will consumers take to cell-based coffee? A 2019 poll by Dalhousie University revealed that 72% of Canadians wouldn’t drink lab-grown coffee, so there’s some way to go here. Firms like VTT can look to the growing number of foods being made in labs (not including cultivated meat, which has surpassed the lab stage). This includes chocolate, with Israel’s Celleste Bio and California Cultured leading the way, palm oil, animal furleather and fruits.

    Lab-grown coffee is still years away from supermarket shelves. In 2021, Rischer predicted that it could obtain regulatory approval in Europe and the US in four years’ time. If that does happen by 2025, it would be a major breakthrough for a crop that’s on the brink. “It’s one thing to grow coffee cells in a bioreactor. Making it a commercially viable product is a whole other matter,” explains Richter.

    “The raw material derived from different cultivars and species, and the soil, the elevation, climate, and even the year when the particular coffee beans were grown plus the processes of roasting, fermentation, brewing, are all factors that impact the end product. While lab-grown coffee is much more controlled, different approaches to, for example, roasting significantly impact the aroma profile of the coffee which is a key consideration for the consumer.”

    The post How to Make Lab-Grown Coffee: Scientists Publish Recipe to Create New Coffee Ecosystem appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • senara
    5 Mins Read

    German startup Senara has emerged from stealth as the first European company making cell-cultured dairy.

    With a couple of awards already under its belt, the producer hopes to collaborate with farmers for a more sustainable dairy industry and believes cultivated milk could be a standard supermarket option by 2028.

    Based in Freiburg, Senara is the first startup working on cultivated dairy in Europe and is hoping to collaborate with cattle farmers and the milk industry to help them “futureproof their work”, enhance sustainability and efficiency, and develop more inclusive versions of traditional milk.

    Founded in 2022, the company has just emerged from stealth and is backed by PurpleOrange Ventures, Positron Ventures, Partners in Clime, Black Forest Business Angels and SquareOne Foods. “We are at the forefront of a significant shift in milk production, leveraging cell-cultivated technology to address global challenges,” says co-founder and CEO Dr Svenja Dannewitz.

    Taking cells from milk, not cows

    lab grown milk
    Courtesy: Getty Images via Canva

    While French startup Nūmi is also working with cultivated milk, its work is focused on breast milk. This makes Senara the only European startup developing cultivated dairy, joining a handful of others around the world, including Opalia (Canada) and Brown Foods‘ UnReal Milk (US/India).

    But Senara breaks away from cell-cultivation convention taking cells not from the cows or other dairy-producing animals themselves, but from the milk they produce. With a selection process that enables the company to choose the most suitable cells, it allows for minimal intervention with the animals and makes for a more efficient production cycle.

    This is done through a continuous, high-throughput process that helps bring down costs significantly. The company has developed a patent-pending custom bioreactor to cultivate and facilitate the growth of dairy cells, which makes it easier to scale up. Senara is already working at pilot scale with a 100-litre bioreactor, which produces milk that has the same nutritional profile as conventional varieties, but in a much more climate-friendly manner. It aims to set up an industrial-scale bioreactor by 2028.

    Dannewitz explains that the startup’s process “enables us to eat the food we love and aligns with the needs of our planet as well”. “Embracing this technology drives scientific progress and holds the potential for a future where milk is both sustainable and beneficial for our health,” she says.

    The resulting product is free from GMOs or the bacteria and yeasts that normally cause milk to spoil while containing all the essential elements of dairy: lactose, casein, whey and micronutrients.

    “It provides nations with a technology which can help them honour the Global Methane Pledge, which involves reducing methane emissions by 30% by 2030 and meeting net-zero commitments,” she adds. This is key, given that methane – a gas 28 times more potent than carbon and carrying a more immediate threat – is responsible for 30% of the current increase in global temperatures. And dairy cattle account for 8% of total methane emissions.

    One study found that the methane emissions of 15 of the world’s largest meat and dairy companies are equivalent to 80% of the entire methane footprint of the EU, Senara’s home market. Reducing this gas’s presence in the atmosphere – which has more than doubled over the last two centuries – is a crucial step in tackling climate change. The UN reports that human-caused methane emissions can be cut by 45% this decade, which would avert nearly 0.3°C of temperature rises, a critical figure considering we’re on track for 3°C.

    Product and collaboration plans

    cultured milk
    Courtesy: Senara

    Once it reaches scale, Senara aims to develop a range of milk products, including yoghurt and cream. Its ilk can also be used in ice cream and chocolate formulations. Additionally, it can diversify its innovations to cater to different nutritional needs and allergies, such as milk rich in A2 protein or a lactose-free version (which can be produced directly in its bioreactors without any additives). Eventually, it wants to create a whole suite of milks from different animal cells, including goats, buffaloes, sheep, donkeys and bison.

    The company has seen some early awards success, having won the MakeItMatter-Award and Best Cell-Based Drink honour at FoodBev’s World Cell-Based Innovation Awards 2023. And it was a finalist in the Science Start-Up category for the Falling Walls Award.

    One key goal for Senara is blending tradition with innovation. “We want to innovate in collaboration with the traditional players in the dairy sector,” says Dannewitz, whose grandparents were farmers. The German startup wants to “reimagine dairy production for the modern era”, taking inspiration from cultivated meat companies that are working with conventional producers.

    The aim is to integrate cutting-edge tech with the heritage and expertise of established dairy farmers, producing milk that respects both the planet’s resources and the time-honoured techniques of farmers to create a “paradigm shift” for the dairy industry.

    Senara is already in talks with other manufacturers to incorporate its cell-cultured milk into their product lines. “Collaboration and deep research are the cornerstones of our story,” said co-founder Dr Philipp Prosseda. “We are working with food technology start-ups around the world.” The startup is working with the University of Hohenheim in Germany, and developing projects with the University of Greenwich and Nottingham in the UK and Stanford University in the US.

    “These collaborations are beneficial for us, and it is also our responsibility to collaborate to develop this novel technology,” he added. Speaking of which, Senara is hoping to advance through the EU’s novel foods regulatory process soon. The company anticipates moving into a broader range of cultivated foods within two years and envisions cultivated milk to be a standard shelf option at supermarkets by 2028.

    “Life truly comes full circle,” reflects Dannewitz. “I recall my grandparents milking their cows, and now I’m applying my years of scientific experience to make milk – a fundamental nutritional building block – sustainable and accessible for today’s world and future generations.”

    The post ‘Blending Tradition and Innovation’: Senara Emerges from Stealth as Europe’s First Cultured Dairy Startup appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • 45 Mins Read

    The below conversation is the transcript of the sixth and final episode of the podcast miniseries Green Queen in Conversation: Cultivated Meat Pioneers featuring Uma Valeti, CEO and co-founder of Upside Foods interviewed by show host Sonalie Figueiras. This conversation has been edited for clarity and length.

    In the sixth episode of Green Queen in Conversation – Cultivated Meat Pioneers, Sonalie Figueiras talks to Uma Valeti, CEO and co-founder of Upside Foods.

    This next interview is with Dr. Uma Valeti, the founder and CEO of Upside Foods. When we first started to plan this show, we did not realize that during our recordings, the US government would grant the final approval for cultivated meat to be sold, and one of the two companies to be given approval was, in fact, Upside.

    The conversation you’re going to hear is very personal, full of moments of life-affirming inspiration. It’s a must listen. Upside Foods was the first cultivated meat company in the world. Uma and the company have played an outsized role in the history of cultivated meat, and there’s no telling this story without them. After chronicling their seven-year journey of building this company, to be able to hear him share his joy, his journey to date, and the milestone of watching the first customer at a restaurant eat the chicken that he and his team grew without animal slaughter was so powerful.

    Listen to this episode on AppleSpotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Uma, it’s so great to be here with you. Thanks for joining us on how are you doing?

    Uma Valeti: I’m great to be here. I’m looking forward to this conversation.

    Sonalie Figuerias: These certainly are exciting times – I’ve been calling it, “The summer of cultivated meat”, because there have just been so many developments. Of course, the most exciting in many ways is, Upside Foods getting US regulatory approval. How did it feel to receive that approval, and how did you celebrate?

    Uma Valeti: Oh, it felt like a dream come true, no question, because this has been in the making for seven years, and less than ten years ago, this whole field was in the realm of science fiction- literally, nobody in the public sector had heard about it. Now it’s out there in the real world, where people can go to a restaurant and enjoy cultivated chicken! So, I can only say it’s like a dream come true, but it’s one of the many dreams that we have as we bring cultivated meat into the world. I’d say this first part of the dream has been completed, we paused for a minute to celebrate, and now we’re back at it, going after the next part of the dream that we have.

    Sonalie Figueiras: So how did the team celebrate? Did you all take a bite of cultivated meat? [laughter]

    Uma Valeti: [laughter] Well, that would be a great way to celebrate, because I think tasting is magical, and it’s absolutely one of the things that every team member comes in and signs up for. We’ve done a few things to celebrate: One, we really celebrated this together with the team on the day of approval from the FDA in November 2022, and the USDA approval in June 2023. Then, the moment of the launch in July 2023, was absolutely fantastic. We had contestants across the US compete to come and do the first-hour tasting of cultivated chicken in San Francisco. We flew in all the contestants from everywhere around the world, and from the US especially. We were there as a team to watch them take their first bite, and hear them tell their stories of how they felt biting into this magical piece of chicken (which was a lot more than a piece of chicken). Just watching somebody else pay $1 to buy something that the team had been working incredibly hard to bring into the world was absolutely magical!

    Sonalie Figueras: You were there with the diners: tell me about the reactions, tell me what people were feeling.

    Uma Valeti: I was there. I think they felt that they were at a place in the world where there was a sense of history being made. You could literally feel that sense in the room, whether you were looking at it, or whether you were seeing the excitement of them hearing the chefs cook the chicken and unveil the dish in front of them. You could literally just feel it in the room with every sense, that history was being made, and it was happening at that moment. After thousands of years, we were like, “Okay, we could bring meat that we love to the table, through a process that we can also fall in love with,” and I think that was very clear.

    As they were waiting for their first bite, they were wondering, “What does it really taste like?” The reactions from that anticipation to the excitement to the trepidation as they were putting their first piece into their mouth were something to watch. They would bite into it, and there would be a pause. Then they took their second bite, and then a third bite, and you can see little neurons flashing in their mind. It led people to start saying, “Wow, this is amazing! Is this really happening?” People had tears in their eyes and used the most delightful, four-letter words of appreciation. All of these reactions were happening at the same time. Then, seeing the chef who cooked it, and the satisfaction on the chef’s face that said, “Look, I served this experience to you!”

    Obviously, we are living in a world of social media, so everybody whipped out their cell phones and started to take pictures and videos of them [the chicken], calling their loved ones and sending them photos and videos. It was just amazing! It was just like, this is food, but it’s bringing people together as it’s always meant to be. You saw all these contestants from different parts of the country, becoming friends and bonding over that meal. So, I couldn’t have scripted this better. We did not know how it was going to go, and it was amazing!

    Sonalie Figueiras: These were people you chose at random? Did they have to fill out an application, did they have any special dietary backgrounds? Or were these omnivores as well as potentially vegans?

    Uma Valeti: We basically announced a contest saying: “Tell us why this matters to you.” Then, we screened the submissions that they had, and the team said, “Hey, these are the best submissions we have.” So, we picked the contestants with the submissions that best expressed why they were excited about this feature for food and invited them to come over. So, there were hardcore meat-eaters, omnivores, people who were vegetarian or vegan – just a mix.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Incredible, what a feeling! It’s been an interesting and long journey to get here. I mean, if you think about it, I think Winston Churchill mentioned the idea of growing meat outside of animals over 100 years ago. Then, the Dutch scientist William Van Eelen wrote about the research. Then, ten years ago, Dr. Mark Post showed the world the first “In Vitro Burger”.

    Now here we are, with multiple companies, with prototypes, hundreds even, three with regulatory approval, with more potentially coming soon. How did you end up on this path in history in the food world, especially since you are a “card at heart”? You are a cardiologist, is that right?

    Uma Valeti: That’s right. Look, I think these are people who have been motivated by an opportunity in the world. Irrespective of which generation it happened in, it’s great to know that people across multiple generations felt like we can do better, we can bring meat to the table in a way that makes ethical sense, environmental sense, economic sense, with people coming from various angles arriving at the same conclusion. I think it’s just incredible. I’d say when Winston Churchill said that in 1932, I think he was looking at how to feed a growing population economically, and he thought, “Why can’t we just grow the parts of a chicken that we really like to eat, as opposed to growing the full chicken?” When William Van Eelen looked at how animals were being raised, he thought, “What if we could do this without having an impact on animals?” Then, ten years ago when Mark Post made the burger, he said: “Well, let’s see if we can do this in a scientific setting,” and I feel it is fantastic seeing different people at different stages.

    About my path: I grew up in India, I grew up in a family that loved eating meat. When I was 12 years old, I went to a friend’s birthday party, and we were celebrating his birthday at the front of the house with fun music and dancing, and just being around family. Then, I walked to the back of the house where they were slaughtering the animals to feed us at the front. It was an incredible moment in my life, where I came face to face with the duality, or the paradox of meat production, where we have this incredibly joyful event at the front, celebrating a birthday, and the incredibly terrifying and scary event in the back, watching a death, and both of them were happening at the same time. That moment stuck with me as a kid, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I think I just kept thinking about it but did not do anything – I kept eating meat, loved eating meat, and still love eating meat.

    When I went to medical school, I came across the same thing again, but in a larger and industrialized slaughterhouse, where there was a confined animal feed operation. We went to the slaughterhouse to pick up meat, to cook in our cafeteria for the medical students, and that’s when I saw the process, and I felt: “Oh my gosh, this is intense!” It was really hard to wrap my mind around, and at that point, I decided that, even though I loved eating meat, I was going to give it up. That continued for 20 years afterward. Then I went to the Mayo Clinic to train in cardiology, and that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up. I only wanted to train at the Mayo Clinic, and I ended up going there.

    During my training, I was exposed to working on stem cells, and later on, in my practice in the Twin Cities in Minnesota, I was using those stem cells to inject into patients’ hearts to regrow the heart muscles for people who had a heart attack or cardiac arrest. Given this love for eating meat, and the “paradox” of how all this came to the table, along with what I was doing in medicine and cardiology, all of these moments kind of came together where I started asking the question: “Why can’t we grow meat from animal cells?” That was the beginning of the idea in my head, and that was approximately in 2005. Come to think about it, it was almost 18 years ago.

    I kept researching and talking about that with people and saying, “Hey, this should be done, this should be done, this should be done.” People kept saying it was possible to do, and they pointed me to the work already done [on growing meat from animal cells], such as the Winston Churchill code. At that point, Mark Post had not done the burger yet. People kept saying, “Hey, there’s NASA research that’s happening,” where they were growing cells, I think, from a fish, and they started pointing to some of these literature papers.

    So, I decided to see if I could encourage people to start companies in the space, and joined a group called New Harvest, where the founder, Jason Matheny invited me to join the board. I thought I could continue to convince people to do more work in the space, but realized very quickly that people were happy to do this more as side projects in their laboratories. This was around 2013, when the BBC covered Mark Post’s laboratory in the Netherlands, and showed the in vitro beef burger being made.

    However, people were just not willing to take the leap and get this [cultivated meat] into the real world. I felt like if this has been in academia for decades, it would only make a meaningful impact in the real world. So, after failing to convince a number of researchers to do this in the real world, I decided to start a basic science lab myself at the University of Minnesota, and the more work we did in that area, the more it became very clear that this should not just be within academia, it should also exist in real life. It became a call to action. My family said, “Why are you not doing this,” and that was a great question to ask. Personally, that was a moment of truth for me. That’s when my kids asked me, “Why are you not doing it, you’ve been talking about it for more than ten years?”

    Sonalie Figueiras: When was that, exactly?

    Uma Valeti: That was in 2015.

    Sonalie Figueiras: So, your kids/your family wanted you to do this? When you started that lab at the University of Minnesota, were they supportive?

    Uma Valeti: I had a very supportive chairman of the department who said, “Look, this is an incredible idea, you should keep working on it!” So, I used all the work that I’d done talking to researchers across the field in this area of growing animal cells, but I was also keeping my eye on cardiology – We were growing cells to reinject into human hearts, there was an entire body of work that’s been happening in medicine, especially in cardiology and what we call, regenerative medicine, or growing organs; I was very close, you know, following that work from the days I was at the Mayo Clinic, to being at the University of Minnesota and continuing my practice there. So, there was already a body of work I had been following, and yeah, once there was this incredible support from my wife and kids saying, “You can go ahead and start doing this,” it just became a lot more freeing and liberating to say, “Yes, I could go there myself and do this!”

    I had a postdoc in my lab, who was my co-founder for the company when we first started. We sent a proposal to one of the venture capitalists in the Bay Area saying, “Here’s the idea. Would you like to learn more about it?” This was one of the earliest things that I had done in 2015, just a simple email, and within an hour of sending that email, the group from San Francisco was on the phone saying, “Hey, could you move the team to the Bay Area?” So, that started our journey. I said, “Okay, let me take a small group there, and let’s see if we can do this, and do a proof of concept.”

    At that point, I wasn’t planning to quit cardiology. I was thinking I could go back and forth. In fact, I didn’t even have a role in the company. I just supported the team that came together. However, these were the very early days, there was not a single company in the world in this space.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Right, you were the first.

    Uma Valeti: Right, there was no one. There were people doing academic research in the laboratories, and Mark Post was doing it from another lens. I think there were a few groups doing adjacent research, but there was no company in the space. No one wanted to make this into a commercial product, go through a regulatory process, start showing that this is an area where investors can kind of come in, and if they can bear the long-term view that this would transform the industry – none of this existed. Those were very scary days when people literally laughed me out of the rooms.

    Sonalie Figueiras: So not everybody bought the idea. You had a very supportive family, your lab, your lab chairman, you had this venture capitalist group that had said yes, but you also encountered some people who thought this was crazy.

    Uma Valeti: Yeah, I’d say I could count on a single hand the number of people who did not think it was crazy. But that was enough because those were the people I deeply believed in and trusted. I fel like: “Look, if we start putting one foot in front of the other, if there is a path, we’ll find it.” However, everybody I spoke to literally said, “You have an incredible career in cardiology. You’re the head of many programs. You’re on the boards of the national cardiac societies. You’re doing medical device innovation, and have started companies in that space! You are just crazy to give that up and walk away from it!” That was nearly everybody that I knew. However, on the other side, the reality was, well, not everybody knows about my work in cardiology, but they were just looking at it objectively as an industry and said, “There is nothing there. I’ve never heard about growing meat from animal cells. No one has ever invested in this. There’s never been a company in this space. There is no regulatory pathway or approval. Everybody’s going to fight you because no one would want you to come up and compete with what exists on the market already.” So, we got laughed out of the room with comments like ”This is a pipe dream. This should remain in the laboratories as a side project.” Those were the early days.

    Sonalie Figueiras: In those early days, the way you’ve explained your story, it feels very much that for you there was this kind of ethical element of watching how the animals were being slaughtered when you were a 12 year old, and then eventually you end up in a CAFO situation seeing industrial meat agriculture up close. Was there any inkling at this point or thinking from your side around the climate side of things, the environment side of things?

    Uma Valeti: Very good question. The initial motivation for me was definitely ethical. My dad’s a veterinarian, I grew up around animals. We come from a farming family, we had animals, we had cows, I used to milk the cows, and there are a lot of my family members who still live in villages that are farming their land. So, that’s where I come from.

    Sonalie Figueiras: That’s in India.

    Uma Valeti: That’s in India, yes. My initial exposure to this birthday death day experience when I was 12 years old, and then later on when I was 17 or 18 in medical school, seeing intense confined animal feed operations and the mechanized slaughterhouse – that’s when I said, “Okay, look, I love eating meat, but I’m going to have to kind of pause,” and I’ve hit the pause button not thinking too much about it, but that pause button continued for 20 years.

    However, during those 20 years, my life’s dream was to become a trained cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic. Not easy to get there, but I eventually ended up getting there and training. During the training, I started doing a lot of scientific work, and you know, in medical school, you learn about cell biology, biochemistry, microbiology, and then you start applying that in medicine, and cardiology, and we were doing the cutting-edge research on stem cells. So, the science and technology started coming together, and I think that initial ethical inclination helped us with the idea, but then I started exploring and asking, “Is this actually going to make sense on a business scale,” because by then I was starting to develop medical devices, be a part of innovations in medicine and cardiology, and understand the startup world (I was investing in the startup world myself).

    I thought: “There is an opportunity, let me explore it!” That was when I learned about the incredible environmental footprint of raising animals (livestock) to feed humans. I did not know about that growing up. So, when I started looking at the environmental impacts, that just blew me completely out of the water, where I went, “Oh my gosh, we are raising 70 billion animals to feed 7 billion humans right now! So, that’s 10 animals per human every year, and that’s going to become 15 animals for each human in the next 30 years, that means doubling the demand for meat!” There’s just no room for any others like that. It became very stark in front of me. No matter what we dream up, we’re not going to be able to have that many animals to feed that much meat to humans. So, it felt like there was a significant environmental need, but also a business need, and because Minneapolis is a place where Cargill and Hormel and a lot of major food companies are based, I had already started talking to execs in these companies, they saw this coming as well.

    It helped to have a background in medicine to look at the impact of meat on health. In general, in a lot of the food and diets that we have, it’s very clear that meat is a very nutritious product. It’s got lots of protein, it also has a lot of fat, it has a lot of things that are good for human development. However, there’s also the downside of meat being associated with cancers, cardiovascular disease, and a lot of other things, but I realized we were also confined by an animal to make improvements in making meat better because it would take about six to seven years to breed a single trait in an animal to make some feature or some trait better. However, to improve on every single trait- that would take time, much more than what we have right now. Plus, the animals we use are already highly selectively bred. For instance, the chickens we eat now – they’re three to four times heavier than the chickens we used to eat 40 years ago, and that’s through selective breeding. I felt like if we had an opportunity to make health better – explore the opportunities to improve the features of meat, improve the environmental footprint, and also improve the ethical cost of bringing meat to the table. I thought that would be a triple threat. That’s really what led to me writing to the VC investor.

    Sonalie Figueiras: So it came in stages, as you learned more and as you explored more, that’s interesting.

    Uma Valeti: That’s a good insight, [you are] absolutely right. It started with one thing, but as I started exploring, it became very clear that all of these trends, looking at the next 100 years or beyond, were pointing towards improving the ethical and environmental footprint, making production more efficient, being more available to more people, and opening up the opportunity to make meat better and healthier. The more I dug in, the more it became clear that this was something that should be out there in the world, and it came in phases.

    Sonalie Figueiras: I want to go back to what you said about being in Minnesota, and around companies like Cargill and Hormel. You approached some of these execs, and you’re saying that they saw it was coming, in the sense of this kind of stress on the food supply, to give people more protein but with limited land, water, etc. Did they see the potential of what you were doing?

    Uma Valeti: There’s a lot of really iconic food companies that come from the upper Midwest, and there are several execs who spend their careers there, people that have retired from there, and people that have families there. So, it’s a very rich community, and no matter who we spoke to, it was very clear that these very large companies that have grown over the past 50/100/150 years were in the business of supplying food and protein to people, and they were recognizing the enormous challenges in feeding people what they want.

    As societies get more advanced, as GDPs increase across the world, the first thing people buy when they have some disposable money is meat for their families and kids, because it’s clear to them that meat is very nourishing to the family. So, when somebody has an extra dollar to spend, whether it’s in India, Indonesia, or China, that person is going to buy meat for their family, and to produce that requires an incredible amount of complexity to be orchestrated.

    A part of that solution is the industrialization of agriculture with confined animal feed operations. Those were built by necessity, because the demand on the consumer side was so high, and these companies were trying to meet this demand. It became very clear that there was a significant demand building up, and there was a supply side where people were trying to figure out how to be more efficient. That’s where this opportunity came up. We don’t want to take away the choices of foods that people love to eat, but nearly everybody feels sorry about the process, except there wasn’t a better solution. A potential or partial solution is everybody starts using plants to make plant-based meat alternatives.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Right, which was already happening as you were growing the company, right?

    Uma Valeti: It was. Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods, Gardein and Boca Burgers- these were brands that were doing plant-based proteins for decades, so I looked into it. In fact, in 2009-2010, I thought about starting up a plant-based company to make something delicious and tasty. However, when I looked at it and saw how many people were doing it, I thought: there’s no need. There are really great entrepreneurs and existing food companies that are already doing fantastic work on it.

    The thing that kept coming back to me, and kept bugging me was the possibility that we could make meat from real animal cells without having to raise animals, and if nobody was pushing that possibility and exploring it, that would always remain unexplored. In our minds, we set up this world, where you are either ignoring the perils of continuing to produce meat at the large scale that we are or you ration it, decrease it, or mandate people from having it, or in this case, take it away and force everybody to become vegetarian or vegan. I just did not think that kind of world was realistic. So, I wanted to explore this other side of trying to pop this balloon of thought that cultivated meat should exist in the world. That’s kind of where it started, as a tiny dot of an idea, and the more we thought about it, the more we started showing conceptual proof and actually growing these products and having people taste it. It’s increasingly becoming a magical moment for people when they taste it, and they understand what the taste of meat is. They are just completely blown away. 

    Then, when we invite them to tour our facility and have them see how the meat is made, that is another magical experience for them. I haven’t met anyone who’s walked out of a slaughterhouse without being scarred for the rest of their life. So when they walk out of a production facility that is producing cultivated meat, and see the facility that we have, they get inspired, they get motivated, and they start thinking: “What are the possibilities if this continues to grow? If this continues to become more and more efficient, and cost-effective, and in local, regional neighbourhoods you can grow meat, it offers an imagination and a vision that’s very powerful.” They leave inspired.

    The third thing we noticed, which was a really magical moment, was when they talked to the people on the team doing the work [at the facility]. There, they realized that they are people just like them – very motivated, purposeful, putting meaningful commitment and time into much-needed solutions for problems that never had solutions like this before. They all leave really important, meaningful careers to be here, and to see that purpose and drive in that team, it feels like, “Yes, this is something to get excited about.”

    Another thing is, we are seven years into it. We also have a track record of doing things that nearly everybody said were impossible or unachievable to do, and it gives the team a bit more confidence to say, “Hey, remember when we climbed that hill and nobody believed in us? Now we’ve climbed seven of those. We know there’s another 10, 20 to 30 more ahead, but we’re ready for this!” When they see that level of grit and optimism, as well as the real-world experience of having done these things that nearly everybody said were impossible, it just creates an environment of feelings that I think is a must-have for starting something like this.

    Sonalie Figueiras: It must feel amazing to do things that everyone thought were impossible. I want to ask you though, why chicken, of all the meats? It’s one of the most affordable animal meats. So, in terms of reaching something like price parity and mass market, it is one of the more challenging options, what made you choose chicken?

    Uma Valeti: I think a couple of things: One is, that chicken is the most consumed meat in the United States, and will soon be so across the world, which means that it’s very relatable – people know how to cook chicken and understand how it tastes, and it is something that is an easy thing to get behind, because you know how to cook it, no matter what ethnicity you are, what country or part of the world you are from. So, we wanted to kind of signify the importance of this innovation at that level. We purposefully took a different approach than maybe some other companies could very legitimately take and say, “Hey, we want to put out a product that is very rare, very exquisite. Most people have never tasted it and only aspire to taste it. So, we’ll start from a very small market segment.” We took the approach of doing something that is not familiar to people, not something that they have been thinking about, and it is so much more important for people to recognize the familiarity of it, the comfort of it, and understand the reasoning behind it, rather than saying we will go and put – I don’t know, pick any type of exquisite meat or cut of meat of our species or something that is just not scalable and does not have a very big market, but you can capture a tiny slice of a very small market – we chose the latter. The reason is familiarity.

    The second one is just as important, because as we come into the market, let’s say the difference between the best quality organic chicken could be priced at something like $10 -$15 at a good retail store, and maybe some other high-end cut or species could be $50 or $80 a pound, for instance; in the initial days of Upside coming to market without chicken, what we felt was we’d be making quantities that will be sold out, no matter where the price of this is going to be set. So, let’s say the best chicken on the market is $10-$15 a pound and we chose to price it 30% or 50% premium on that, we still knew that we could not catch up on the supply and demand that was there for the chicken that was more expensive than the organic chicken. So, we felt that’s what our target was. We’re going to go after it. We’re going to make it very familiar to people. In the early days, we thought, as the price comes down, and we get down to parity with conventional, we’re going to accept that we’re going to have a premium on top of, you know, what a conventional chicken might cost.

    We just said we’re going to accept these two things, that with time as we get to scale, we know inevitably that we are going to get to parity with conventional meat, and eventually better than that. I think that’s going to happen for two reasons: one is we’re going to keep getting more and more efficient, better and better at our production as we scale, and nearly all trends are in favor of supporting our production process. The price of conventional meat is going to continue going higher and higher with time, because of the amount of external costs, direct costs, subsidies and incentives, and all of those things that are needed to support that price to a consumer. It’s going to get unbearable at some point. We felt like as that keeps going up, our price is going to keep coming down, and there’s a sweet spot in which everything will be at parity with conventional and eventually better.

    That’s why we chose chicken, and that has played out well because when people come and taste it, they immediately can relate it to another piece of chicken that they have tasted.

    Sonalie Figueiras: When do you see that parity happening, at least on a production level, even if you were to still have that added premium?

    Uma Valeti: I think there are many products you can do, whether it’s chicken or beef. By the way, our second product is beef, and we have a number of other luxury products that are coming to surround the offering. However, we think that price parity is generally going to happen in the next five to 15 years. That’s the range, because if there is a higher enrollment of public-private partnerships, and the government starts recognizing the opportunity and the potential here, and does similar things to what they’ve done with other transformative industries, whether it’s energy transformation or electrification of automobiles, or semiconductor fabrication units being set up. These are the kinds of things that, if they can recognize the opportunity here and accelerate that, they can help create favorable regulatory environments, and help create a level playing field with existing incumbents that have enormous advantages that are built over time, whether it’s efficiencies or trying to improve the education of their consumers.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Or $38 billion in livestock subsidies…

    Uma Valeti: Yeah, some industries are very lucky to have that. So, if we are given at least some type of that support, I think it’ll be closer to the five to 15-year range. If, in the absence of it, if the industry has to go by it alone, and compete on it alone, I think it’s going to be, you know, towards the later side of it. However, the opportunity cost is huge. If the industry or the public-private partners within the governments don’t recognize it, in that same time period they will have to keep bearing the externalities of the cost of intensive animal agriculture, bringing meat to the table, or having to deal with supply chain disruption. Plus, we are just coming out of that with COVID, so we are not even counting the enormously increased risks that we potentially face with zoonotic diseases in confined animal operations. I think we’re not even building an opportunity to build a hedge into that because if you have cultivated meat, along with conventional meat, it’s an “and solution”.

    We’re not saying that cultivated meat is the only way to feed the world, we’re very clear in saying cultivated meat is a solution. It offers diversification of our food production sources, it offers improvement of our supply chain resiliency, and it protects the ability to keep the choice of eating animal-based meat on the table. With time, over the next several decades, there’ll be enormous amounts of innovations that can be set up on top of it to be able to improve health, make it more regional, and also help countries develop production facilities of their own. At scale, cultivated meat is projected to have a significantly better environmental footprint, with lower use of resources, lower use of water, significantly lower emissions of greenhouse gas emissions, and parts of the world that just cannot grow meat right now, because they don’t have enough water or resources. So, they can start thinking about, “What does it mean if we have cultivated meat production facilities in our region?” They may have enough water for it, they may have enough inputs for it to be locally sourced, for it to create a local economy. So, I think these are all things that get us excited.

    Sonalie Figueiras: In that five to 15-year timeframe, where you feel with or without support, depending on whether you would achieve a sort of price parity, is that kind of a similar timeline for you in terms of a benchmark of getting cultivated meat to be a mass product or to be on shelves in supermarkets? Do you put those at the same thing?

    Uma Valeti: Look, there’s a lot of meat that’s being produced, right? A very good analogy for this is we started getting behind electric vehicles approximately 20 years ago, and people started saying they’ll start buying them, and the largest company in that space, Tesla, went public in 2008, and about 10 years later, turned their first profitable quarter. They basically led the charge in converting all existing manufacturers to become believers in the electrification of transportation. They are now starting to invest more in it and make pledges that by 2025 or 2035 they’ll all become predominantly electric vehicle manufacturing entities. I’d like us to have the same impact on cultivated meat. Ultimately, we want to be able to have a lot of people in the ecosystem producing cultivated meat, with new and existing players saying, “Hey, I see an opportunity here, a portion of my business can be this,” and they can still keep the existing business, because of the one simple reason: the demand for meat is doubling. That means we’ve got to fill the ‘delta’ with production modalities, and if an existing new player starts thinking about that delta, that is very light. That’s a US$1+ trillion market every year, not even counting how to enter the market right now. So, in that space, I think a lot of people can live and coexist, collaborate, and do well economically, for all the other reasons we’ve talked about.

    The first seven years have been successful. We’ve been able to lead, be a pioneer, and help create an environment where there are about 150 companies in the space across the world, in every major meat-producing or consuming country. We’ve got every major food university in the US, and mostly across the world, to start offering cultivated meat in their undergrad, and postgrad courses, and also offering it to PhD degree holders. The major governments, more than ten governments in the world right now – including the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, China, India, and Israel, have started offering research grants for this area of study. California became the first state in America to offer research grants directly to the UC systems. The National Science Foundation and USDA started offering grants to local universities. We are behind supporting all those applications with those primary investigators, and also the legislators at the state and federal level.

    We’re helping on the commercial side too, helping companies be formed, advising them, and collaborating with them. We’re working with education programs to help structure their teaching programs and internships, and offer jobs for their graduates. We are working with the governments to create funding and offer research funding to academia. We are working with, you know, the media to educate people, for example, telling the story of cultivated meat.

    This is all in the early stages, but it’s making an incredible amount of progress, as a way of further being able to say we could be at the table, to further participate in feeding the world, and preserve the choice of eating what we love.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Yeah, I hear you on all those things, but we are getting close to time, so there are three questions that I really want to explore with you before we go.

    One is around the government. It’s super interesting to hear that behind the scenes, you’re working with the government in so many different ways and supporting newcomers, that’s exciting, and good to hear because we also hear a lot about the competition. How supportive do you feel the governments in the US and beyond have been, and what did you expect? Did you think there was going to be this kind of support, or did you expect more? Did you think there was going to be more public funding? Interestingly, unlike some of your peers, you did not go to Singapore, where there was more regulatory support and some funding support.

    Uma Valeti: It’s a great question. I want to acknowledge that there could always be more, and we have a wish list, that it’d be incredibly exciting to have funding set aside for cultivated meat already, in amounts that are meaningful enough to move the needle. So, there’s a wish list. However, having said that, we are a US-based company, and we’ve always been laser-focused on working with the US regulators, the FDA and the USDA, and working with them closely from the earliest stages of building the industry, so they understand the work, the science, the technology, the products with us and help us develop those regulations. I could not be more happy or grateful that both agencies have engaged with us over many years and helped us build and bring this product with really great regulatory guidance – very thoughtful, focused on safety, and also focused on educating the consumer, so that they clearly understand what is being put on the plate. So, I’d say the US regulators have been incredibly supportive and rigorous in helping us think through these things.

    Now, this is a very bold move for us to make and say, but we are not going to go anywhere outside of the US, because there are other jurisdictions that we could have gone to, then again, we decided on principle, to make the call that we are a US-based company, we want to work with the US-based regulators, who are held up as the most important, prominent, and credible food regulators across the world, with deep experience in food and science. So, that was a choice we made, and I’m very glad that it paid off because our team is still small. We couldn’t be distracted doing multiple jurisdictions at the same time. While we’re happy that Singapore and other jurisdictions are also excited about this, our plan is to stay laser-focused on the US, even for the foreseeable future.

    However, it’s opened the pathway for almost every company in the world, they can come and apply in the United States, and it could be the place where innovation can move faster. We would like to have governments more involved in funding this though, because there is a manufacturing challenge. Building cultivated meat production facilities is not cheap, it is expensive because a lot of things have to come together under one roof. In the initial stages, it is expensive, but having governments come in with the funding or loans, or some type of grants would be incredibly helpful and accelerant to the industry. We are advocating for that, and we hope that similar to energy transition and the electrification of transportation, we may be able to also get some support from the government.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Notably the IRA, which did not assign a large amount of funding to food systems decarbonization.

    Uma Valeti: Well, we are exploring it, but I’d say we have to start somewhere, and keep in mind that this field is growing rapidly. We have to have enough production data to show that this is now ripe for commercial manufacturing. We believe we are very close to that because, at Upside, we have a production facility that we’ve been operating on a regular basis for the last year. We built it through the pandemic, it is something that we have a lot of data on that we’re working on sharing and starting to show that the time is ripe now to start building the next large-scale facility that becomes industrial-scale. I feel like industries need governmental support at that exact stage, because it’s a very difficult stage, as you can’t keep raising private capital to do that leap. You need to have some amount of private capital, some amount of loans, and some amount of government support, to be able to say, yes, now we are forming an industry, and that is literally why these programs are set up. So, we’re going to keep exploring how we can make this transition and set up manufacturing help, not just for us, but also for everybody in the ecosystem.

    Sonalie Figueiras: My second big question is: a lot of folks in our industry make this analogy with the electrification of vehicles, his idea that cultivated meat and various forms of alternative protein are following the same trajectory, as Tesla et al, and we’re somewhat earlier on in the process, but that’s really the journey ahead.

    I want to push back a little bit on that, just because cars are not food, and food is just such a different product for the average person. There’s tradition, there’s your grandmother’s chicken soup, there’s your identity as a nation, as a family.

    The backlash to cultivated meat and new forms of producing food has been quite extreme in some ways. It’s become a bit of a culture war, you know, the term “lab-grown” is thrown around by the media as a way to kind of get people excited, but not always in a good way. How do you look at this idea of consumer acceptance? How do you think the industry should be thinking about it? Is this something that you worry about? Or do you see that as a distraction?

    Uma Valeti: Look, I understand all of this, I understand the pushback, and I appreciate it. I think a field like ours, is in its early days of infancy, moving to becoming a toddler now requires a lot of nurturing, support, and continuous focus towards the North Star. We do have to accept that constructive criticism is par for the course, and it is okay to have skeptics that will say, “No, it’s not going to scale.” “It’s not going to be analogous to this industry, or that industry.” Also, “food is very different from everything else.” All that is fair, and par for the course, as long as it’s coming in the form of constructive criticism. For innovators that are in the arena, doing this work every single day, looking for that little tiny crack of opportunity to cross that hill of a challenge that people said you could never do- I think that’s all fair.

    I think where the culture wars have gone is distinctly distracting. They are taking on a monster head of their own because it suddenly becomes a talking head or somebody wanting to prove their point is the only point of view and driving that to the ground, while they do that, they take everybody down with them, and I think it’s sad to see that. However, what I keep telling myself and our team is we have a North Star we’re pointing towards. Our goal is to keep working on making our favourite food and be a force for good. It’s not going to be easy, if it was, lots of people would have done it, and real transformative change will take time.

    While we do that, let’s engage in constructive criticism. If we help people come in with the intent of literally proving their point or achieving, it could be a journalistic award, it could be some other award, they’re not presenting all of the facts, or are not interested in knowing except their point of view then I think: “Let’s do what we can, but let’s not spend too much time on that, because we are not going to change their minds, we have work to do.” That’s the direction we are taking because as we move more into the commercial, there will be lots of people who will be writing articles against us. If I step back, that’s happened throughout history for nearly every transformative thing that we take for granted right now. It happened with electric cars, right? Imagine the very early days of the electrification of transportation.

    I’ll address this pushback you had: food and cars are different, of course, but there are a lot of similarities. We trust in both. We put our families in both. We have all our living experiences with both of them being part of our lives. If you look at electric cars, right now, when the very early versions first came out, they had a very short range: They were blowing up in garages catching fire, there were so many safety risks over that period, and there are people that have written the epitaph of that and saying, “This is never going to work, this is never going to scale.” However, look what happened, people figured out how to prevent those things from happening, minimize those things and increase the range. If I step back and offer the same thing, cultivated meat is offering a method for us to continue to eat meat without that choice, and we can’t be everything for everyone all at once.

    Therefore, we’re focusing on what we can do really well to start with. We’ll put a product that we think is safe, and delicious, and has gone through the full force of regulatory reviewing. Then, we’ll put the next product out, and the next product out, and the next product out, and guess what, they’re going to continue to improve with every iteration. What they’re going to show is this incredible opportunity that should be on the table and that people should be aware of. We have to do a really good job educating, but when we take a fall, we also have to just get up and say, “Hey, that’s something we’re going to fix,” and we get up and fix it and keep moving forward.

    I think that’s how I see cultivated meat progressing, because we’ve got to be at the table to put great products, and when the products don’t meet what the consumer is looking for, we can fix it to make it better. I think those are the analogies for cultivated meat that I think are very similar to the electrification of transportation. As I said, we feed our food to our families, and we put our families in these things and drive, right? That means we are trusting them, and that’s what we have to develop.

    We have to continue to do a really good job educating people. Let’s not take the status quo for granted. That’s the third part. If we take it for granted, we know that the probability of us ending in an environmental disaster, rationing, or economic disaster, is very high. We already have an ethical disaster. So, we don’t need to prove any more of that. However, here’s this technology that can be very supportive in helping us transition gradually into better modes of production. Just because there are hurdles or bumps in the way, they should not stop us. If you look at the horizon of time, and what every major industry has had to go through, I’d say cultivated meat is not any different.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Last question – you mentioned that it would be great if the government would focus a little bit more on funding opportunities. You’ve talked about ecosystem support and the idea of public-private collaborations to create progress. What’s needed in order for this industry and for Upside to get to scale? Is it more bioreactors, is the medium or the feed the issue? What’s standing in your way, if you have the money?

    Uma Valeti: I don’t think anything is standing in our way. I believe this is something that requires us to build on the foundation, keep building it, keep getting in front of people, and have people experience those three magical things I’ve talked about.

    We have got to get people to taste it. To get more people to taste it, we have to build cultivation production facilities. We have to build a lot of them, and to build a lot of them we will need funding and time to build them. Referring back to the second magical moment when I mentioned that people come and tour these in Virginia, Houston or Seattle, if you have a production facility that you can go and walk through, and imagine the kindergarten kids, middle schoolers, or high schoolers walking through and seeing how meat is made, that opens up their mind. Then, the last thing is meeting the people that are making it; similarly to when you can go and meet your vegetable producer or farmer, they’re going to go and meet the person who’s producing the cultivated meat – another type of farmer. When they develop those close relationships, these things become a must-have. For all this, you need both funding and time, and you need to be realistic and say these are going to go in phases.

    We are delighted that it took us seven years to go from science fiction to reality, from an idea to the industry, but what we did on July 1st 2003 was simply “the opening bell”. We rang the bell saying, “Hey, we are out here on the market!” So, now we have to get ready for this next phase of the journey, which is going from the first sale of cultivated meat in the United States to a more formidable scale. This means starting to build production facilities that offer a blueprint for people to want these in their zip codes, invest in them, and create jobs with these things.

    Our goal is very straightforward, it sounds simple, but we have to build the most efficient production infrastructure that brings sustainable production to the table while also offering an economic advantage compared to conventional production techniques. I think that’s a process that’s going to keep getting better and better with time because the methods of production we’re using will keep getting better and better as adjacent fields of renewable energy keep getting stronger, as fields that improve fluid handling, robotics, or rapid assays that we can do in the meat before we release it to the market keep getting better because you can’t do all of that in conventional meat. 

    So, all these trends are in our favor. We need time, we need funding, we need to be able to keep proving to people that we are worthy of a seat at the table, and all of these things are ahead of us, and that’s what I’m most excited about.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Thank you so much, Uma. This has been such a wonderful conversation. There’s so much to learn from here. I appreciate your time and your openness.

    Uma Valeti: Thank you, Sonalie. I think this has been one of my most relaxing conversations. Obviously, you’re asking good questions and pushing back, but you’re also someone who’s spent a lot of time in this field. You’ve talked to a lot of people in the field, particularly people that are critics in the field, and you experienced and are probably seeing the culture wars that are coming around it. I really appreciate you asking all those questions, because while all of those things are happening, it is our job to be laser-focused on the North Star, and saying that all of these hurdles are par for the course.

    It requires a set of relentlessly committed people, leaders, and team members coming together to make things like this happen, because we’ve never said it was going to be easy, but we know that it’s completely worth it to go after an idea like this, and none of us should regret looking back 20-30 years from now, saying, “Oh my gosh, we wish we started this in 2015 or 2020,” and then wait till 2050. So, I think those are the kinds of horizons we are thinking of, and I appreciate you taking interest in this field.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Thank you, Uma, that’s the whole point of this series, When I told Joanna, my producer, that I wanted to do it, I didn’t know that the USDA was going to grant you approval in June. I thought there might be more of a delay between FDA and USDA. I was thinking maybe it would come at the end of the year, but I felt that we were on the cusp of this major, as you say, moment in history.

    As someone who’s been reporting on this for seven years, I’m also very aware of how misunderstood the industry is, and how people are making up all kinds of ideas about it, because they haven’t been to Upside’s production facility, and they haven’t tasted that piece of chicken in their mouth.

    So, the idea here was to talk to the six pioneers in the space, and really humanize the story, and just have these open conversations. This series is really aimed at, not the industry but at regular folks. Even someone like Joanna, my producer, who didn’t know much about cultivated meat when we started- she is now so fascinated, because how can you not be when you listen to these stories? This is history being made, and people need to hear these stories and they need more information.

    Uma Valeti: I think all of us have this professional side of the challenges and hurdles, and things we’ve had to put up with. We also have the personal side, our family supporting us no matter what, and lots of sacrifices for the families. We’ve been around for seven years, and half of our lifetime has been during COVID. Despite those challenges or the curveball of COVID that we never anticipated, we’ve been able to move this idea from science fiction to reality, from an idea to the industry, being able to build an entire production facility from the ground up and get to the market and bring along an entire ecosystem.

    Of all the things that have been formed around this idea in the last seven years, there aren’t that many examples of industries that have been through this kind of rapid growth interest. 

    Whilst the idea was being developed into a product, whilst funding was being secured, whilst academic and training programs were being developed, whilst regulators were learning and trying to get guidance issued; simultaneously, the media, of all walks of life, was getting very interested in covering it from different angles, whilst we were getting pushback from many groups or entities or people that did not want us to exist at the same time. This kind of mix of events happens very rarely. I can’t think of the last time it has happened to food, but in general, it happens very rarely, and that’s the kind of moment that we’re living in.

    We’re living it, and sometimes it feels like, “Oh my gosh, is this ever going to get better?” However, I think these are the moments of innovation that have to come together, and there is no precedent or blueprint. I think this is why it’s important to keep saying that none of us have the full knowledge or the full truth, but we have all seen that there is a problem here that needs to be solved.

    This has never been attempted before, and it should coexist along with the way conventional meat is being produced, the way plant-based alternatives are coming up, and the way that we can protect choices of eating meat from animals, whilst preserving a lot of things that we care about in the world. I think they should coexist and not be set up as competitive entities. I think that’s the message I hope people covering this field and writing about it keep in mind, even if they’re critiquing the field, or if they’re sceptical, so it becomes a more constructive endeavour, versus some of the destructive things that we’re seeing. There’s a personal story to these entrepreneurs and the teams that are behind it, who are actually in the arena, toiling, struggling, sacrificing every single day, taking a shot, yeah.

    Sonalie Figueiras: I think a lot of the storytelling is maybe too much on the tech and not enough on that human story.

    Uma Valeti: Look, I really hope you explore both, because I mean, there is a human story for sure.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Of course! That’s why for me, these interviews and this series has been much more about the human story? I can have another discussion with you about the medium, the FBS serum, and the bioreactors and the size of the production facility, but what I wanted to do is tell the story of the person, because you have all these incredible people, humans taking a shot, and everybody can empathize and be interested in that, which is someone taking a shot to make the world better. Who knows? We don’t know where it’s going. So we’re taking the shot, right?

    Uma Valeti: Absolutely. Well, thank you.

    Sonalie Figueiras: My favorite part of this interview was when you told me that your family told you that you should be doing this, I think that is so powerful. I usually hear the opposite, which is people saying, “Oh, my family was like, what are you doing? This is so crazy!” However, the fact that your kids said to you, “Dad, you should be doing this!” That’s amazing.

    Uma Valeti: One of my favorite parts of this whole experience is when I went into my son’s room, and he was eight years old, and after I told him a story about how we were doing research, and there were animals being used in that and I told him it’s hard because you become really friendly with these animals. Then a terminal experiment is done. We had started talking about meat production just a couple of days before. Later, I went to his room and he was just sobbing by himself. Then he asked me the question, “Why does this have to happen?” I didn’t have an answer. So I saw him sobbing, I just held him and I said, “Look, I felt the same way, as you did,” and I told him the story of when I was 12. He said, “Why can’t it change?” That was my son when he was eight. After that, I kept going back to cardiology doing my thing, but I never forgot that moment.

    When my wife and I were discussing this, my kid said, “Dad, why are you not doing it?” That was another big, profound moment in the family to say, “I’ve been asking others to start companies in this space. I’m trying to pick my safe path of: Hey, I’m a cardiologist. Now, I have a well-established path with the research of this company. I got a job. I’m not risking that and asking other people to do it.” They put a mirror on me and said, “Why are you not doing it?” That became a call to action.

    The funny side of this was when we were moving to California, my daughter didn’t want to move. It was around the time this Pixar movie called Inside Out (2015) came out, where the same story of what was unfolding in our family was playing in a movie in front of us, where an entrepreneur dad from Minnesota was moving his entire family to San Francisco and his daughter was 11 years old, and she was fighting the move because all her friends were in Minnesota. That’s exactly what my daughter was going through. She was like, “I don’t want to move. You commute. You go there. I’m not moving.” Then, when she saw all of this, she said, “Okay, I don’t like it, but I’m coming, but you have to promise that you will get me fried chicken for my high school graduation.” [laughter] I made that promise to hurry her up. I had no idea if we would be able to produce anything at all, but that’s what she wanted: fried chicken for graduation. This was back in 2017.

    Sonalie Figueiras: And how old is she now?

    Uma Valeti: Well, she just graduated high school this summer, so on July 1st, 2023!

    Sonalie Figueiras: You mean the cultivated meat restaurant debut was on the same day?

    Uma Valeti: I’m not making this up, she graduated in June, and on July 1st, 2023, she was one of the first testers of cultivated fried chicken! [laughter]

    Sonalie Figueiras: Oh my god, that’s incredible! That’s just incredible.

    Uma Valeti: So, these personal stories are always what keeps us going, and you know, my dad was a veterinarian, he was a big inspiration. I lost him during COVID.

    Sonalie Figueiras: I remember.

    Uma Valeti: So, I wish he was here. These are all the things that keep us going. There’s bittersweetness. Yeah, but I’m really happy to be doing this. There’s still a long way to go in this industry, a lot more twists and turns and hurdles, but: one step at a time.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Thank you so much!

    Listen to this episode on AppleSpotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

    Green Queen In Conversation is a podcast about the food and climate story hosted by Sonalie Figueiras, the founder and editor-in-chief of Green Queen Media. The show’s first season, Pioneers of Cultivated Meat, explores cultivated meat, a future food technology on a mission to produce animal protein sustainability. In each of the six episodes, Sonalie interviews the pioneers of the industry, asking the hard questions about one of the most exciting food + climate innovations of our time and sharing the personal story behind each founder’s journey. 

    Green Queen In Conversation is a co-production from Green Queen Media and Cheeky Monkey Productions. This episode was produced by Joanna Bowers and hosted by Sonalie Figueiras.

    The post Green Queen in Conversation: Cultivated Meat Pioneers – Uma Valeti of Upside Foods appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • cop28 food
    11 Mins Read

    After a whirlwind of a couple of weeks, COP28 is finally over – with promises fulfilled and promises broken, often simultaneously. It was billed as the UN’s first food-focused climate summit, but did it live up to the hype? Here’s what food system leaders think.

    This year’s COP28 was always going to be controversial, more so than the rest. It was helmed by the CEO of the host country’s national oil company, who – four days into the conference – claimed that there was “no science” indicating a fossil fuel phaseout would help us tackle the climate crisis.

    It sparked a frenzy, as fossil fuels became the main talking point of the conference – so much so that COP28 had to invoke a reserve day, as leaders couldn’t come to an agreement about the language in the Global Stocktake (GST). And when they finally did, it was deemed historic, but far from enough.

    And that has been the case for food systems too. COP28 was touted to be the first food-focused conference of its kind, with a dedicated food and agriculture day, two-thirds of meatless food, and an FAO roadmap to keeping post-industrial temperature rises under 1.5°C.

    Before the conference, it was reported that this plan by the FAO would encourage a reduction in meat consumption in richer countries, as well as a better livestock output in developing nations. The latter was part of the final text. The former? Not so much. There was a hint, but nothing explicit – and even if it were more direct, it wouldn’t have been good enough, given how crucial food system change is to the climate crisis.

    Of course, there were some positives: the fact that food was even given a spotlight demonstrates progress. One of the biggest headlines was for the Emirates Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action, signed by 134 countries. And 143 nations signed the COP28 UAE Declaration on Climate and Health (which highlighted the importance of agrifood in this context. Meanwhile, over 150 non-state actors signed a Call to Action for food systems transformation, while both private and public sectors pledged billions for more sustainable, nutritious and equitable food systems.

    What do the stakeholders – the insiders at the heart of negotiations and leaders working to create change across global food systems – think about the outcome of COP28? We asked a range of food system players, including non-profit leaders, sustainability experts, think tanks and alternative protein founders, for their reactions. Here’s what they said:

    Oliver Camp, senior associate, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), maximising positive impact for both nutrition and the environment

    Progress at COP28 was necessary, but not sufficient. The Emirates Declaration and the Declaration on Climate and Health represent a major success for the food systems community, but the official negotiations could have gone much further in positioning food systems at the heart of the solution to the challenges we face.

    Nonetheless, taken as a whole, this represents a strong platform to build upon as we continue in our mission to ensure that everyone has access to a nutritious and safe diet from an environmentally sustainable food system.

    Andrew Jarvis, future food director, Bezos Earth Fund, backing climate and nature projects via philanthropic grants

    COP28 was a landmark moment for food and climate. For the first time, food was in the midst of the agenda, and having 158 nations (and counting) sign the Emirates Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action, and having an ambitious call-to-action for non-state actors signed by so many important organisations, was unprecedented. The volume and vibrance of dialogue amongst food system actors was a highlight for me, with controversial topics being openly debated. We need this to continue, unabated.

    Unfortunately, what happened outside of the negotiations was light years ahead of what was discussed inside negotiations. The Sharm dialogue on agriculture stalled, and the GST gave only a cursory nod to food systems. For those of us working in food systems, this is just the start – we must deliver the commitments made in the declaration and calls to action. Implement, implement, implement.

    Mirte Gosker, managing director, The Good Food Institute APAC, advocating for alternative proteins across the food system

    COP28 was a mixed bag. I loved the energy of being together with like-minded people from all corners of the world, working collaboratively towards a more sustainable future. But then again, not all agendas were aligned, and I wonder whether the ‘circus’ that COP turned into had any influence at all on the negotiations. If not, the question is: do we need it?

    If we were to bring in only the top voices – the absolute experts on every topic – and give them the opportunity to make their case to the negotiators, we could save a lot on carbon emissions and might be more effective in reaching our goals. But I realise that approach would diminish the plurality of voices, which is also the beauty of COP.

    The ‘circus’ also allows for building stronger bonds and cross-topic connections, reflecting on new angles and ideas, and forging new collaborations. I’m very happy to see that the food systems were given more attention this year, and I foresee that they will play a leading role in years to come. I’m grateful for people of influence, like UAE climate minister Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri, Singapore’s minister of sustainability and the environment, Grace Fu, and Dutch MP Rob Jetten, addressing the need for more sustainable food systems and acknowledging alternative proteins as an important climate solution.

    The launch of the UNEP What’s Cooking report was also very promising. Overall, I’m confident that we’re moving in the right direction, but I’m also cognizant that we’re running out of time. Change needs to come faster. And we might need to rethink whether the current way COP is organised is the best way forward.

    Irina Gerry, CMO & CCO, Change Foods, making dairy proteins using precision fermentation

    COP28 was a whirlwind filled with panels and presentations, side events, evening receptions and dinners with food innovators. 100,000 attendees buzzing about made it feel like the world’s largest climate pageant. On one hand, it filled me with hope, that so many people showed up to participate in events, conversations and negotiations. On the other, I’m not sure much tangible climate action will come from it, especially on food.

    To be honest, it feels a bit hollow. Yes, there was a big declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action, putting “food on the table” in climate conversation, but it stopped short of specific actions or policies. There is broad agreement that the world needs healthy and sustainable diets, and that food systems matter a great deal for climate, but little detail on how to get there. I’m still reading all the different reports and digests, but I know climate action can’t wait.

    We can’t wait for policymakers and politicians to come to an agreement. We must focus on action and impact, whether as individuals or through our businesses and organizations. The future we want won’t make itself. So, as we reflect on the state of climate and the world post COP, let’s think about what we can do and get doing.

    Lee Recht, VP of sustainability, Aleph Farms, producing cultivated meat in Israel and beyond

    I know that COP is criticised by many and, to some extent, rightfully so, but you can’t deny the magic that happens right outside of the negotiations. Hundreds of dedicated experts are pushing for a holistic and inclusive agrifood systems transformation.

    For years, the agrifood systems have been fighting to be at the table at COP28, being responsible for a third of the global GHGs. This year, there were notable achievements. Not only did we witness a government declaration that over 130 countries signed on to, but we were also recognised at the GST level.

    So, yes, the work ahead of us is tremendous, but I choose to remain optimistic and focused on the doing. Aleph Farms and the Global Cellular Agriculture Alliance aim to complement sustainable animal agriculture, and we are actively advocating for climate action, resiliency in our food systems and strengthing food security through protein diversification.

    Elysabeth Alfano, CEO & co-founder, VegTech Invest, investing in public companies innovating with plants

    For me, COP28 was an overwhelming success. At COP27, I could barely get anyone to engage in side conversations around food systems transformation based on the key pillar of protein diversification. Fast forward one year and a food system shift was not only a central part of scheduled panel discussions but how to financially execute that transformation was a part of many panels every day – not just on the food and agriculture day. Only two of my panels were in food pavilions. One was in a business pavilion, and one was in a climate research pavilion. This, I believe, illustrates the broad interest in and understanding of food as a lever for change.

    Currently, only 2%-4.8% of climate finance goes to food systems, but food systems are 30% of the greenhouse gas emissions, and animal agriculture is 60% of that. Financing food fast to have meaningful reductions in GHG emissions, as well as reductions in deforestation, biodiversity loss and food insecurity, was at the heart of the majority of panels I attended and the four panels in which I participated.

    Blended capital was the buzz phrase in my meetings. It calls on governments, philanthropists, and finally, private capital from Wall Street to work together to address the inefficiency of our current food system.  For me, this has always been the only strategy that I see working and I am happy to see that many are unifying around this same approach that we have had for the last two years at VegTech Invest.

    Like everyone, I am deeply encouraged that 154 countries to date have signed on to the Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action. However, I am more excited by the UNEP What’s Cooking paper and video that leaves no doubt about the math of animal agriculture and its destruction for people, planet, and of course, animals.

    If I had a complaint, it would be that countries are understandably fearful of change and, thus, many are still not looking at food as a full systems shift based on the math of utilising our natural resources in a way that feeds everyone on the planet without frying it. Protectionists are still viewing the issue through the lens of how to keep the status quo rather than how to smartly manage the only planet we have for the benefit of all its inhabitants.

    However, this is to be expected. A shift of this magnitude doesn’t happen overnight. Thus, for me, it is impossible not to feel positive about the progress made at COP28.

    Robert E Jones, VP of Mosa Meat and co-founder of the Global Cellular Agriculture Alliance, cultivated meat advocate

    The outcomes from COP28 are no doubt mixed. However, food and agriculture did take a positive step forward. Food systems are finally on the menu at COP, but now countries need to get specific about how they will pay the check. If we are to avoid the worst-case scenarios of the climate crisis, protein diversification needs to be one of the pillars of both resilience and mitigation strategies, especially in the global north. As a united industry, this is the message we delivered in Dubai through hundreds of conversations with ministers, NGOs, farmers, adjacent industry leaders, negotiators, and investors.

    Ethan Soloviev, chief innovation officer, HowGood, advancing carbon and eco-labelling transparency

    Food and agriculture systems took a significant leap forward during COP28 in Dubai – including the first-ever mention of “regenerative” food and agriculture in a high-profile international agreement. Although the negotiations missed a real opportunity to highlight food as a nature-based solution for mitigating the climate crisis, the inclusion of food in the adaptation section bodes well for further advances toward healthy, nutritious and regenerative food systems in upcoming work on the global goal for adaptation.

    Tasneem Karodia, co-founder and COO, Newform Foods, developing cultivated meat in South Africa

    As a first-time COP attendee, I didn’t know what to expect from the event. It was an overwhelming experience with so much to do and see. It was great to see the focus on food – it helped narrow down the focus and bring a concentration of food leaders across the value chain into the same room. I think there is great progress in bringing food to the fore, with the aim of breaking down the silos usually formed.

    The difficulty is how we move this to action and continue collaboration. On a personal note, I have made connections with people I have only seen from a screen and it has helped bridge the gap on what we’re doing in the south and how this could be applicable in the north and vice versa. I look forward to seeing how these conversations progress to action.

    Paul Newnham, executive director, SDG2 Advocacy Hub, drove drive global campaigning and advocacy strategy to promote food security

    I leave COP28 feeling exhausted after a massive year and a big fortnight but encouraged to see food systems rise on the agenda. With 160 leaders signing the declaration on agriculture and food systems and many new initiatives and funds committed, it gives me hope. We have a lot to do to build on this work and turn it into more urgent country-level progress but it was a start. With practical teeth and commitment to CGIAR, IFAD and many others.

    As negotiations come to an end, it’s encouraging to see food making it into the GST and GGA, but we need more for mitigation so that food systems transform to deliver good food for all without damaging our planet. We’ve made progress, but still have a way to go.

    Avery Cohn, partner, food and agriculture at Ode Partners, using data and design to address climate and conservation issues

    The headlines are likely to rightfully key in on the landmark progress on fossil fuels at COP28 and the finance that we’ll now need to mobilise for this. But this summit’s progress on food systems wound up being its second most important outcome, in my view.

    Food employs three billion, causes a third of all emissions, and is the locus of some of the worst risks from our changing climate. Paris’s mitigation and adaptation goals will be totally out of reach without food. Yet although there have been some bright spots, the sector has traditionally suffered from challenging politics and badly lagged on ambition. So, even many of us who have long helped push for the COP28 UAE Food Declaration were surprised by food’s progress in Dubai.

    We closed the summit with 159 countries endorsing a new vision and agenda on food systems and climate. Declarations are non-binding, but the GST and the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) decisions have a distributed array of ingredients that together closely align with the Declaration on Food.

    For example, in the mitigation section of the GST, you’ll find references to key food-sensitive issues like non-CO2 gas (including both methane and nitrous oxide), the Global Biodiversity Framework, innovation to reduce unit costs, poverty eradication, sustainable lifestyles, economy-wide absolute GHG reduction targets, and aligning nationally determined contributions with low GHG development strategies. The adaptation section contains a reference to resilient food systems, as well as many promising practices.

    Meanwhile, the GGA has some nice food and agriculture elements too, including strong language on nutrition for all – a crucial goal on its own, which also happens to encompass many of the key elements of resilient and sustainable food systems.

    The sum of everything food-sensitive in the GGA+GST is similar to the COP28 Food Declaration. Each is stronger in some ways, weaker in others. Taken together, I think we’ve now got a rapidly emerging high-ambition agenda on food systems and climate that breaks down the siloes between development, nature, adaptation, mitigation, and nutrition, and provides a resounding mandate to lean in. We’ll now need to turn to implementation and resource mobilisation. It’s time to take the win and get to work.

    The post 12 Food System Insiders Share Their Takeaways From COP28 appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • 22 Mins Read

    The below conversation is the transcript of the fifth episode of the podcast miniseries Green Queen in Conversation: Cultivated Meat Pioneers featuring Dr Mark Post, Chief Scientific Officer and co-founder of Mosa Meat interviewed by show host Sonalie Figueiras. This conversation has been edited for clarity and length. 

    In the fifth episode of Green Queen in Conversation – Cultivated Meat Pioneers, Sonalie Figueiras talks to Dr. Mark Post, Chief Scientific Officer and co-founder of Mosa Meat. Post is arguably THE original cultivated meat pioneer. It was such a privilege to be able to speak to him, and even more so on the 10-year anniversary of when he and his team presented the first-ever cultivated meat beef burger to the world. That moment set the course for the entire industry, and truly changed the future of food and what was deemed possible. In terms of how we produce meat, Dr. Post remains one of the key voices for the industry, and our conversation is full of insights, learnings, and inspiration.

    Listen to this episode on AppleSpotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Welcome and congratulations on this incredibly momentous day! It is August 5th 2023, exactly ten years after you unveiled the first cultivated meatball to the world! How does that feel?

    Mark Post: Yeah, it’s a nice anniversary. It’s also especially good because a lot has happened since then. The dream that we had at that time actually came true to a large extent.

    Sonalie Figueiras: That’s so special. Let’s start right there. Are you where you thought you would be in terms of Mosa Meat? Do you feel that the industry has progressed the way you anticipated when you first started on this journey?

    Mark Post: Yeah, pretty much. I mean, I hadn’t anticipated that by now we would have 150 or 160 companies, that was something that I never imagined. Or that our own company would grow from 12 to 260 people in ten years, because you know, as a scientist, you think about the scientific problems, and not necessarily about all the other activities around it, but that has been very rewarding to see that. Finally, the development has been diverging in different directions, which I hadn’t anticipated either. We are now seeing a range of technologies and a range of product applications that I didn’t envision in the beginning.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Do you mean for example that you were working on beef, but now we’re seeing things like pork, chicken, and seafood? Or do you just mean different kinds of supply chain technologies?

    Mark Post: Both, actually. In terms of the products- the species, whether it’s chicken, pork, or fish, I knew that. I kind of expected that would happen. But that early on, people would already start trying to make a full-thickness steak like what Aleph Farms is trying to do? Or that people would use cells as an ingredient in mostly plant-based products? I had expected the steak, but not so soon. However, the cells as an ingredient in plant-based food I had not expected.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Interesting, and what about things like cell-based milk, or you know, coffee, chocolate? That’s really taking the technology and adapting it to all kinds of parts of our foods.

    Mark Post: Right, right. For milk, it makes a lot of sense. There are two technologies, and one of the technologies based on precision fermentation to make milk proteins was actually already there at the time we presented the hamburger, it had already started to be developed. So, that also made a lot of sense to me, because yeah, dairy and beef are the most environmentally damaging animal proteins that we consume. Chocolate and even wood, fur and plant cells? I had not expected that.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Fur?

    Mark Post: Yeah, fur. I got a lot of questions about fur at the beginning. People were asking me: can you make fur? The demand is there, the wish is there. However, for chocolates and plant-based things, is this a supply chain issue? At some point, will we not have enough cocoa anymore? Or enough coffee to secure the supply? Is there an environmental aspect? For the latter, I think not so much- you cannot really be much more efficient than a plant. 

    Sonalie Figueiras: Interesting. It must certainly feel so rewarding to just see all the directions that your work has inspired. How did the cultivated meat journey become your path?

    Mark Post: More or less by coincidence! I was already doing tissue engineering for medical purposes. At some point, there was this guy in the Netherlands, William Van Eelen, who was 82 years old or so at that time. He coerced several scientists to use their technologies to work on cultivated meat. At that time, it was called in vitro meat. I wasn’t even part of the initial consortium, but I stepped in for a sick colleague. So, that’s how I got involved in it. I became very enthusiastic, and I was actually the only one who carried it through after the initial grant had finished.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Oh, wow. That’s so interesting. So, someone had a sick day and your life, and the world, changed forever [laughter]?

    Mark Post: Kind of, yeah [laughter].

    Sonalie Figueiras: What have been some of your proudest moments on this journey? As you reflect on 10 years, you must be in the middle of a lot of looking back and reassessing and reflecting.

    Mark Post: I’m usually not that reflective [laughter]. I think there are a couple of things I’m really happy about. One, as I already mentioned, our initial weird initiative to show this hamburger on international television has sparked this entire endeavor, with so many companies and so many activities around the world. So, that’s what we had not anticipated, and it was the right time right place type of thing. Actually, the presentation of the hamburger in London was more born out of frustration than anything else. That created this entire industry. So, that’s remarkable, and it’s also something I’m proud of, because, you know, we just did that, not anybody else.

    The other thing that I’m really proud of is the forming of a large group of scientists and other workers in a company that has created a very nice atmosphere to work in. Very innovative people, very driven, and very motivated people that make things happen at a much faster rate than I would have done if I had stayed at the university. Being able to do that – of course, it’s not my work alone- there are a lot of other people involved, but having been able to do that is something that I didn’t think that I had in me, and that worked out quite well, I think.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Let’s stay there for a minute, because one of the things that’s most interesting in the cultivated meat history if we can call it that now, is that you and your team were the first to create the burger, but you didn’t incorporate Mosa Meat right away.

    The first official company was Memphis Meats, now Upside Foods in the US. So, how did you go from being a scientist-led project in the university to deciding to incorporate a company? Did you know that Memphis Meat had been incorporated? Did that influence your decision?

    Mark Post: It was completely independent of Memphis Meats. Of course, we knew that they had incorporated and in fact there were two delays: after we presented the hamburger, which as you know was funded by (Google co-founder) Sergey Brin, he said at that time, “Okay, start a business. Bring this to the market in the next two years.” [laughter]

    I said at the time: “Okay, I don’t think two years, I think it takes a little bit more than two years to make that happen.” Anyway, that was the idea. So, this was back in 2013, and there were some delays. I was still working at the university and they considered this an IP (intellectual property) of the university. So, I had to deal with them and with the funding vehicle of Sergey Brin. So it took a couple of years to deal with these external circumstances. I guess my inexperience with starting a business caused that delay.

    Sonalie Figueiras: As a scientist, do you enjoy running a business? In the last 20-30 years we have more and more scientists/researchers leading companies. What do you think about that?

    Mark Post: I enjoy being in a business because I can do a lot more in a shorter time with a larger crew. So, I find myself like a kid in a candy store, where nowadays I can come up with a problem or a question, and a week later I get an answer, whereas, at the university, that same thing could take three months or six months because of the lack of personnel and the lack of funds. As a business, we can do a lot more in a much shorter time, so as a scientist, that’s wonderful. I actually feel that I’m doing more science now than I did at the university just because of the sheer volume and the speed of it.

    I got kind of drawn into parts of running the business because a lot of investors approached me and a lot of other entities approached me, rather than other people in the business who might be more appropriate for that. So, I was kind of drawn into it. There are parts of it that I really like, for example, talking to people about this [technology] and convincing people that this is something that we should do. There are other aspects, such as the whole organizational aspect and the structuring aspect, that I’d rather leave to other people.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Yes, you are not the CEO.

    Mark Post: Exactly.

    Sonalie Figueiras: It’s Maarten Bosch. How does that relationship work? Do you take care of everything to do with product and science, and he takes care of the organizational stuff and operations?

    Mark Post: Yeah, it has become much more fluid than that. So together, Martin, Peter [the COO] and myself are a team that almost organically distributes our tasks. If we feel that something needs to be done that was originally the task of the CEO, or Peter [the COO] but I feel that have the time or I can do this, then I do. So we are not very strict. It’s really a team where we can stand in for each other, and of course, I have an emphasis on the scientific part. Maarten and Peter are less involved in the intricacies of biological science than I am. Maerten is much more engaged with investors and with external relations. So, there is a division of tasks, but it’s really a joint effort.

    Sonalie Figueiras: It’s been an incredible summer for the industry. After a couple of years of slower progress, we suddenly have two US regulatory approvals that are historic. We have the Dutch government saying cultivated meat tastings are allowed now. Just recently, Aleph Farms, the Israeli company you mentioned filed for regulatory approval in Switzerland. Do you think we’re riding a wave right now, and do you think it’s going to continue? What feels different?

    Mark Post: You know, if you have followed these developments as I have, it’s not a surprise. This was coming. There are now a couple of things happening at the same time, which is kind of a coincidence. If you recall, in 2020, the first [cultivated] product was approved in Singapore, that was a milestone. It’s just a matter of time before a lot of these approvals start coming through.

    We spoke to quite a few governments, and in various geographies and governments, applications have been submitted. So, it’s a matter of time for these things to come through. My guess is that we’re now just seeing the very beginning of it, and in the next half year, certainly next year, we will see a whole flurry of these approvals in different geographies, even in the Middle East, Australia, China, Korea, Japan, Europe, maybe and probably in South America (I’m less familiar with that). So this is to be expected, and we are just seeing the beginning of it.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Let’s circle back on the EU, which takes a more cautious approach when it comes to regulatory approval of what they term “novel foods” than other countries. As a Dutch pioneer in the EU, how do you navigate that? Do you wish it were going faster? Do you understand where they’re coming from? Countries like China are looking to other governments, particularly the EU, to wait and see how they regulate this because there is a sense that the EU is cautious, and overall, that is a good thing for consumer safety.

    Mark Post: If you talk to larger food companies, they see the EU as a sort of sign of approval, i.e. a sign of quality if you get approval from there. Not many people know this about the EU, but 12-13 years ago, they already outlined very specifically and precisely how they would regulate cultivated meat, and these documents are public and are used by all the regulatory officials in other countries as an example and guideline for how they would look at this approval.

    There are always two parts of a regulatory approval process: One is the scientific part, where people like me, but in the service of the government [scientists], look at the data and the evidence to determine that this is safe. The other part is the political decision-making. Once there is a recommendation from the FDA or whatever, there is an executive decision by the government to allow the recommendation of the scientific committee or not.

    The scientific part is pretty much the same everywhere, and it should be, because you know, if something is safe for somebody in Singapore, then it should also be safe for somebody in Spain. So, that should be very similar. Unfortunately, as we know, the political decision-making part in the EU is a lot more complex than in most other countries, whilst in a small city-state like Singapore, it’s very easy. In a 27-member-state union such as the European Union, it’s just hard. It takes time, and that’s a pity, because there’s nothing related to food safety- it’s just a political decision.

    Sonalie Figueiras: But as you say, it is a mark of approval, Europe just has that, you know, reputation and validation. So, it’s going to be a really important moment.

    Mark Post: Yep.

    Sonalie Figueiras: I’m assuming Mosa will be one of the first to apply- do we have an idea of when the EU might grant a first approval?

    Mark Post: For that, they will take a year and a half at least. So, as far as I know, there have not been any formal and complete applications in the EU yet, much to their disappointment [laughter]. There has not been a submission yet, as it takes a year and a half at least. When exactly the first submissions are going to be done in Europe is hard to say, but I know our timeline, and this is one of our highest priorities. So, this will be relatively soon. I cannot give an exact date, but it will be quite soon.

    Where other companies stand in this regard is less certain. A number of companies [outside of the EU] that have gotten approval now are either using genetic modification, or they are keeping the option of genetic modification open, and that complicates things in Europe. So, those companies that are heavily relying on genetic modification for their bio-processes will be very reluctant to submit [an application] in Europe, I think.

    Sonalie Figueiras: It’s interesting that you mentioned seeing potential approvals in the Middle East. I wonder about Israel because it has an inordinate number of cultivated meat companies. Of course, there is an expectation that Singapore will potentially have more approvals later this year. In fact, you have applied in Singapore too.

    Mark Post: Yeah. I think most people do this for reasons of getting to the market sooner and getting an idea of consumer acceptance, and how to market [the product]. Singapore is not a very big market, but they are very enthusiastic and very proactive in stimulating this. So companies obviously respond to that.

    Sonalie Figueiras: You mentioned consumer acceptance. That’s a big topic that I want to dive into. Do you believe a focus on the science and scaling production is enough? Or do you think that we also need to focus on mass behavioral change theory, in the sense that, you know, a lot of entrepreneurs will say to you, “Well, we solve the problem, which is that we give people “no-kills/slaughter-free meat, and we don’t worry about anything else,” because if you’re giving them meat and it’s no-kill, and it’s better, then they will choose the no-kill meat? There have been some doubts around this way of thinking, and I was wondering how you look at that issue.

    Mark Post: Yeah, I’m very optimistic about that. I don’t have that much doubt about this. You need to have a good story and a clear story, and the regulatory approval actually helps in that, because I think the most important question that people have is: “Is this safe or not?”

    Throughout the years, we have seen a lot of change in human attitudes towards cultivated meat and similar technologies based on, you know, the realization that there is environmental impact and that it will be a scarce consumer product, and of course, animal welfare for a long time, has already been kind of on the radar.

    So, my feeling is that people are looking for a credible alternative to meat that still allows them to have the same behavior without the negative consequences. Even if it’s not always voiced like that, you kind of feel that undercurrent of people trying to, or people waiting for a concept that relieves their conscience when they are eating meat. So, you know, we don’t have a term called ‘meat-shame’ yet, but I guess that’s not far away [laughter].

    Sonalie Figueiras: Like the Swedish word for the flight shame!

    Mark Post: Exactly! [laughter]

    Sonalie Figueiras: You should coin that in Dutch! That would be great! [laughter]

    Sonalie Figueiras: It’s interesting that you’re very optimistic, that’s so encouraging to hear, but it’s impossible to ignore that the identity and cultural politics brigade has come out in force around cultivated meat and made this into a hot issue in the media using terms like “lab-grown” in a derogatory way. Italy, for instance, said that they’re going to ban cultivated meats [Editor’s note: this has since happened]. Or a couple of years ago, the former French Minister of Agriculture Jean Denormandie said: “In France, it’s no.” Every time there’s an announcement, there’s this undercurrent suggesting that you’re taking away people’s identity by not letting them eat an animal’s red-blooded meat.

    Mark Post: I see these people as, I don’t know how to pronounce this, as Don Quixotes? They’re fighting windmills- basically, [they are fighting] a battle that cannot be won. The whole transition towards a different diet and other kinds of environmental issues is, I think, unstoppable, and should be unstoppable because otherwise, we’re ruining this planet. So, you see the same thing with electric cars. Electric cars are unstoppable, despite a lot of people who are petrol-heads, and it’s for a good reason. I see this in that same vein. For sure, there are a lot of people who want to stick with their old habits and their old consumption patterns, and sometimes governments kind of steer towards sticking to the old stuff too. However, eventually, that’s untenable. It’s an inevitable reality that we cannot continue with meat production and meat consumption the way we have been doing, considering that it’s going to increase in the next 15 to 20 years.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Speaking of 15 to 20 years, what kind of timeline do you have in your head in terms of getting cultivated meat to being a mass product on shelves in supermarkets at an affordable price?

    Mark Post: Well, there are two main conditions for supermarkets: One is that the quality is good, and the other is that the price is maybe a little bit higher than regular meat, but not by much. So, we see that happening in the next four or five years, that prices will come down to the price of regular meat, assuming that the price of meat will stay stable, which is somewhat unlikely, I guess.

    Sonalie Figueiras: You mean you think meat is going to get more expensive?

    Mark Post: It has to. It’s a very simple economic law: Production is not going to increase, because we can hardly increase it, and consumption is going to increase, the demand is going to increase in China, India, Africa, and maybe some parts of South America. So, it’s just a very simple economic law that if the demand increases, but the supply does not, the price goes up, and that’s not even talking about how some very progressive governments may institute a meat tax.

    Sonalie Figueiras: That was gonna be my next question. That’s very unpopular politically from all the research we have.

    Mark Post: Yeah, it is, and I’m actually not really in favor of it myself.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Why not?

    Mark Post: Because it creates inequality between consumers. I will still be able to consume meat, but you know, other people in a different socioeconomic situation may no longer be able to.

    Sonalie Figueiras: I see where you’re going. So, it becomes an economic equity issue. 

    Mark Post: Right, which in my mind is problematic. Unless you use that tax for a lot of environmental measures, right?

    Sonalie Figueiras: So what’s the timeline of getting cultivated meat into supermarkets?

    Mark Post: In addition to quality and price, there is one other thing that will take time- the production capacity. If you think about this, this is a huge production capacity that you need to build.

    So, the estimate is that you have to increase the current fermentation capacity in the world by a factor of one and a half. That may not tell you much, but if you think about the fermentation capacity like beer, wine, industrial fermentation, and pharmaceutical fermentation, there’s a lot of fermentation capacity currently out there. To increase that by a factor of one and a half is going to be a huge endeavor. A lot of factories will have to be built, people will have to be trained and capital will need to be raised. This takes a lot of time.

    Predictions by AT Kearney that in 2040 we will have 35% of the market occupied by cultivated meat- this is pretty optimistic. I hope that we will eventually get there, at that 35% of market share, in the next decades, because we need it.

    Sonalie Figueiras: What else does the industry need? Do we need more talent? Is it that we simply just need more funding? I’d love to understand that better. Do you think there should be more public sector money in cultivated meat? Did you think more governments would give more money to the sector?

    Mark Post: I’m surprised and disappointed. I have been lobbying for public funding from the very beginning. Mind you, before I started doing this, I was a university professor and was completely dependent on public funding, and nothing else. I see the value of that, I see the continuity, I see the independence, the dissemination of knowledge, but also the training of people. So, there are a lot of aspects of the cultivated meat scientific field that require public funding, and you cannot only rely on private funding.

    I see this as a scientific field that will evolve, improve, and expand over the next 30 years. So that, for sure, will require a good base of scientific activity – training of people and dissemination of knowledge. So yes, I see a big role for public funding and publicly-funded research in this.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Do you do any work in encouraging younger scientists to get into the field of cultivated meat? Is talent a concern at all?

    Mark Post: Scientific talent, not so much. We [Mosa Meat] may be somewhat exceptional, because of the publicity. We never really advertised a job opening, we just put it on the web, and we get applicants from all over the world. Sometimes people apply five times because they really want to work in this field. So, we don’t have that issue.

    What will become an issue is once you have those factories, you need a lot of people who are trained to operate bioreactors, and would be working in that part of the food industry, and that will indeed require specific training systems to get there, or retraining of people from other industries.

    Sonalie Figueiras: One of the biggest criticisms that has been lobbied at all of the alternative protein and food technologies is: what about farmers? How do we better involve them? Farmers are the bedrock of our agricultural system all over the world. They have difficult lives. They often do not see the upside of the big food companies. What does the future look like for them?

    You mentioned that we’re going to need all this new training to help operate these bioreactors. Is that something that we could retrain farmers to do? Do you think about farmers in the future and how we, you know, redirect their skills?

    Mark Post: Well, believe it or not, we think about farmers a lot [laughter] and we have been doing this since, pretty much right after the presentation of the hamburger, because obviously you get these questions. I also live in a farming community more or less. My neighbour is a farmer. So, we think about this a lot.

    First of all, farmers are entrepreneurs. They go where they can make money off the land. Of course, the cells that we culture also need to be fed. So a lot of farmers, if they are now cattle, farmers or dairy farmers will eventually change their way of farming, while still extracting value from their land. They require time to make that transition, it’s not going to happen overnight. It’s going to take a couple of decades. So, they can transition to that. My neighbor is actually a good example, because he used to be a pig farmer, and then he switched to potatoes. Why? Because he could make more money with potatoes than with pig farming. That’s the essence of a farmer – It’s an entrepreneur who extracts value from the land, and they can still do that.

    Hopefully, over the decades, part of this is we will eventually require less farmland because we take a lot of the inefficiencies out of the food system. We require less farmland and less farming. This is a good thing. If you look at the number of farms in the Netherlands where I’m living, that number is steadily going down. Fewer and fewer people are interested in taking up the farming business. It’s just not appealing enough for young people.

    Sonalie Figueiras: That tends to be happening a lot in the developed economies, but less so in regions like Asia, South America, and Africa.

    Mark Post: Right, but that may be a matter of time, right? The other thing that you see is that farming is becoming more and more industrialized. The farmer in the Netherlands nowadays is more like an organizer than actually somebody who puts a spade in the ground.

    Sonalie Figueiras: As you look ahead, what are your major goals for Mosa for the next five years? What do you want the company to achieve in the short term?

    Mark Post: Like for any other company: scale up production, get regulatory approval, but most importantly, have a high-quality product on the market that is a lot better than any of the current alternatives for meat, so that it can fill that void of meat alternatives. We see that plant-based meat alternatives are kind of plateauing and this is somewhat of a concern. It’s good to analyze what is happening here. However, I cannot help thinking that part of it is that people just want to have meat, that the meat alternative has to be meat and nothing else. So, the foremost goal of the company is to create a high-quality alternative that is sufficiently credible for consumers to change their behavior away from traditional meat.

    Sonalie Figueiras: What’s the format for your first product? Are you doing ground beef?

    Mark Post: Yeah, it’s beef, and it’s ground. As a tissue engineer, I love to work on a full-thickness steak. As a practical person, I see that this has more challenges, and will take longer to realize.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Do you ever consider that some of your production will be elsewhere in the world, other than the Netherlands? Or are focusing most of your scaling up in the Netherlands?

    Mark Post: From the very beginning, we wanted to roll this out to the rest of the world as soon as possible. When we have the full production capacity available, we will license this out to as many third parties in the world as we can, based on our philosophy that we want to make an impact, and not just grow the largest meat factory in the world.

    Sonalie Figueiras: My last question is a bigger one. What does success look like to you?

    Mark Post: It’s exactly that – Having high-quality hamburgers rolling off the conveyor belt at a reasonable price that people want.

    Sonalie Figueiras: I can see it in my mind and I can’t wait.

    Mark Post: By the way, we haven’t talked about it, but we are doing the same for leather, which is equally interesting and important, and fewer people are working on it. It’s a different company, but I’m the founder and Chief Scientific Officer of that company as well.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Is it in stealth or have you announced it?

    Mark Post: It’s not necessarily in stealth, it just got a lot less publicity than Mosa. The company is called Qorium, with a ‘Q’, and it’s another thing I’m working on, a piece of leather coming off the conveyor belts.

    Sonalie Figueiras: One of the biggest problems we have today, is for vegan or ethical animal welfare-driven consumers, your choice is either leather, which is a difficult choice, and one you would avoid it, or your choice is plastic, which unfortunately, is absolutely not better.

    Mark Post: Right [laughter].

    Sonalie Figueiras: So, you essentially have no choice.

    Mark Post: Yeah, it’s tough, but you know, making leather is slightly easier than making meat. For sure, there will be a market for that and the fashion industry is looking forward to this. A lot of leather alternatives for shoes and for clothes are not good alternatives.

    Sonalie Figueiras: No. They’re all mixed with plastic, they don’t biodegrade, and then we’re back to the same problem in terms of waste.

    Mark Post: Right.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Thank you for sharing that. You’re solving so many problems. Thank you so much for your time, and a HUGE Congratulations on an incredible decade of progress for yourself, your company, but also for humanity. What a journey!

    Mark Post: Yeah, it has been. It’s quite fun and rewarding [laughter]. Thank you.

    Sonalie Figueiras: Thank you.

    Listen to this episode on AppleSpotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

    Green Queen In Conversation is a podcast about the food and climate story hosted by Sonalie Figueiras, the founder and editor-in-chief of Green Queen Media. The show’s first season, Pioneers of Cultivated Meat, explores cultivated meat, a future food technology on a mission to produce animal protein sustainability. In each of the six episodes, Sonalie interviews the pioneers of the industry, asking the hard questions about one of the most exciting food + climate innovations of our time and sharing the personal story behind each founder’s journey. 

    Green Queen In Conversation is a co-production from Green Queen Media and Cheeky Monkey Productions. This episode was produced by Joanna Bowers and hosted by Sonalie Figueiras.

    The post Green Queen in Conversation: Cultivated Meat Pioneers – Dr. Mark Post of Mosa Meat appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • future food quick bites
    7 Mins Read

    In our weekly column, we round up the latest news and developments in the alternative protein and sustainable food industry. This week, Future Food Quick Bites covers an Indian plant-based dairy acquisition, vegan surveys, and two regulatory filings for cultivated meat.

    New products and launches

    Legacy US vegan brand Tofurky, which has been embroiled in labelling battles, misinformation and propaganda this year, is choosing to hit back with a ‘Move over, boring’ campaign as it launches two new sausages, Chorizo and Mango Chipotle, to its lineup.

    tofurky sausages
    Courtesy: Tofurky

    In Colorado, vegan restaurant chain Meta Burger is adding three new plant proteins to its menus across Denver and Boulder: Fable Foods’ shiitake pulled pork, Umaro Foods’ bacon, and Unreal Deli’s sliced turkey.

    Another restaurant incorporating branded alt-meat onto its menu is Barcelona’s Amarre 69, which teamed up with Slovenian whole-cut specialist Juicy Marbles for a ‘Juicy 69 Experience’, with the latter’s steak being the centrepiece alongside a musical performance.

    Also in Europe, UK vegan dog food brand Omni has gained a listing with Germany’s Fressnapf, the largest pet food retailer in the continent with over 1,400 stores. The former’s products will initially be available on the latter’s e-commerce website.

    Plant-based seafood brand HAPPIEE!, based in Singapore, is expanding its UK presence with an Asda listing. Its shrimp SKUs (regular and breaded) can be found in the retailer’s freezers nationwide from January.

    In the UK, meanwhile, BSF Enterprise (parent company of cellular agriculture startup 3D Bio-Tissues) and bioprocessor CellRev are launching a joint venture, Cultivated Meat Technologies Limited, to mass-produce cell-cultured proteins.

    efishient protein
    Courtesy: Efishent Protein

    Israeli-cultivated meat producer Efishient Protein has unveiled the first prototype of its cultured layered Tilapia white fish fillet in a step that brings it closer to expediting large-scale production.

    In early 2024, the foodservice sector in fellow Gulf nation UAE will see chicken, kebabs and pulled products from Swiss alt-meat maker Planted enter the market.

    Further east, Singaporean specialty coffee chain Foreword has begun stocking the beanless coffee from local brand Prefer in three locations across the island state.

    Moving further south, New Zealand-based EatKinda, which makes vegan ice cream from cauliflower, has secured a listing at 90 Woolworths stores, marking its large supermarket debut. It also won two awards at the 2023 NZ Food Awards for its strawberry and mint-chocolate sandwich flavours.

    Speaking of big retailers, the UK’s largest, Tesco, is prepping a new private-label vegan brand, Root & Soul. It has filed a trademark application for the name, months after it unveiled its Finest Signature Vegetables ready meal range.

    asda vegan
    Courtesy: Asda

    And yet another UK supermarket, Asda, is releasing a vegan turkey with trimmings for £3.50 this Christmas, after a poll it conducted revealed that 29% of Brits don’t know what to serve vegans for Yule dinner, and 75% of vegans themselves feel the need to bring their own dish.

    Policy and research

    Indians are looking forward to Veganuary, if you’re to believe the 59% of citizens that told YouGov they’re strongly likely to consider a vegan diet in the near future (the survey covered 2,033 participants). 74% believe it’s good for their health, with gut health being cited by 60%. This comes ahead of what’s expected to be another record-breaking Veganuary.

    In New Zealand, though, a huge study (with over 23,000 respondents) has found that only 0.74% of the country is truly vegan, with vegetarianism not much more prevalent at just 2.04%. On the other end of the spectrum, 93% eat red meat.

    So it’s probably a good thing that New Zealand and Australia’s joint regulator has greenlit Sydney-based cultivated seafood producer Vow Foods‘ cultured quail as safe to eat, which means it will now undergo a six-week public consultation process.

    vow foods
    Courtesy: Vow Foods

    Similarly, Singapore’s regulator has received an application from French company Vital Meat. The country was famously the first ever to approve culture meat for sale (with Eat Just in 2020), and now will deliberate over Vital Meat’s chicken, which is expected to enter foodservice next year.

    Meanwhile, in Norway, fish oil manufacturer GC Rieber VivoMega has received a V-Label certification for its new range of vegan omega-3 concentrates made from microalgae.

    In Poland, things are going a little backwards, with the meat lobby submitting draft legislation looking to ban meat-related terms on the product labels of plant-based alternatives to help consumers “make an informed choice”. What’s worse, people who wanted to consult or comment on it were given 24 hours.

    These fears likely come from surveys like the one conducted by the University of Southern California, covering over 7,000 participants, which found that people are more likely to choose vegan food when it isn’t labelled that way – only 20% chose a food gift basket with vegan food labelled ‘vegan’, while 27% did so for ‘plant-based’. In contrast, 44% chose the same set labelled as ‘healthy and sustainable’.

    Another campus, the University of California, Berkeley has committed to make 50% of its entrées in campus dining vegan by 2027, inviting the university’s 20 other campuses to join this effort too.

    UC Berkeley also linked up with flavour and fragrance house Givaudan for the fifth edition of their annual alt-protein pathways report, highlighting 10 clear actions to address industry issues regarding supply chains, resource consumption, scale-up and costs.

    Finance and markets

    Things are shaking up in India. Plant-based dairy leader One Good – which makes alternatives to milks, butters, curd, ghee and more – has been acquired by vegan superfood company Nourish You.

    noruish you
    Courtesy: Nourish You

    Meanwhile, Lima-based Peruvian Veef has raised $400,000 in pre-seed funding to strengthen its goal to become the country’s leading alt-protein producer by 2024.

    In the US, Boston-based Tender Food received a Small Business Innovation Research Phase II grant from the National Science Foundation, with nearly $1M injected to produce whole-cut plant-based meat and explore how cultivated meat cells can be added to make an enhanced hybrid product.

    US brand PlantBaby – maker of nut- and seed-based Kiki Milk for children – which is celebrating its third anniversary, has announced that it has doubled its annual revenue, making $6M in the first two years.

    Similarly, UK meal kit company Gousto has revealed that the number of orders for meatless recipes has doubled over the last four years, accounting for 23% of total orders.

    Fellow recipe kit deliverer Hello Fresh has found that the number of vegan orders quadrupled this year in its leading market of Germany, while flexitarian diets have grown significantly on its platform. It predicts a growing demand for plant protein heading into 2024.

    Things will be helped by the predicted expansion of the pea fibre market, which is expected to grow by 7.8% annually to reach $50.8B in 2024. A separate report shows that the reduced volume of pea protein ingredients from China will see prices fall for European manufacturers.

    Manufacturing and workforce developments

    At COP28, US cultured seafood producer BlueNalu announced that it has welcomed Saudi Arabia’s Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed to its corporate advisory board, who has been “an avid supporter” since the beginning.

    Fermented fungi protein maker Nature’s Fynd also bolstered its leadership team, adding Wendy Behr as chief product officer, Christine Rogers-Raetsch as chief people office, and Jaime Frye as senior VP of sales.

    fy protein
    Courtesy: Nature’s Fynd

    Fellow US producer Shiru, a biotech plant-based ingredient developer, has cut its entire Automation team as part of a round of layoffs.

    Finally, French legume company Intact has broken ground on a new low-carbon fermentation facility in Baule in the Loiret region, which will transform peas and other legumes into plant proteins for various applications.

    Check out last week’s Future Food Quick Bites.

    The post Future Food Quick Bites: A Juicy 69, Plant Polls & Cultured Meat Regulatory Filings appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • cop28 news
    5 Mins Read

    Welcome to Day 10 of #COP28 – the first ever official day dedicated to food systems in the history of the summit. In Green Queen’s COP28 Daily Digest, our editorial team curates the must-reads, the must-bookmarks and the must-knows from around the interwebs to help you ‘skim the overwhelm’.

    Catch up: DAY 1DAY 2DAYS 3 & 4DAY 5DAY 6DAY 7REST DAYDAY 8DAY 9

    Headlines You Need To Know

    The COP-related news you cannot miss.

    AZERBAIJAN CONFIRMED AS COP29 HOST: After a period of uncertainty, Azerbaijan has emerged as the winner of the host bid for COP29 next year, with Armenia retracting its bid and agreeing to back its rival nation. But climate activists are likely to criticise the fact that another ‘petro-state’ country will once again host the UN climate summit.

    152 COUNTRIES BACK THE COP28 AGRIFOOD DECLARATION: A week after 134 countries signed the UAE Declaration on Agriculture, Food Systems and Climate Action, that number has risen to 152, announced UAE climate minister and COP28 food systems lead Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri.

    CHINA BACKS RENEWABLE ENERGY, BUT REMAINS COY ON FOSSIL FUEL PHASEOUT: China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua has said the country would like to see nations agree to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy but hasn’t confirmed whether the nation would support or oppose a fossil fuel phaseout entirely.

    SAUDI ARABIA TAKES AIM AT WIND & SOLAR ENERGY: Fossil fuel giant Saudi Arabia is calling on countries to take action against wind and solar power, which it claims are increasingly threatening the climate due to their ‘life-cycle’ GHG emissions. It’s also one of the countries blocking the recommendation for a full fossil fuel phaseout.

    ‘HIGH-AMBITION’ FOOD COALITION FOUNDED: The Alliance of Champions for Food Systems Transformation has been launched, with Brazil, Sierra Leone and Norway as co-chairs and prominent members including Rwanda and Cambodia. The goal for the “high ambition coalition for food” is to boost national visions and food systems transformation pathways consistent with science-based targets in 10 priority areas.

    COP28 RELEASES STATEMENT ON CLIMATE, NATURE & PEOPLE: The COP28 and UNCBD COP15 presidencies have released a Joint Statement on Climate, Nature & People to align climate action to deliver the highest impact in as short a time as possible. Objectives include scaling up climate finance, equitable representation, and coherence in data collection and voluntary reporting frameworks.

    NATURE FINANCE HUB LAUNCHED TO MOBILISE $100B IN CLIMATE FINANCING: The Asian Development Bank, the OPEC Fund, Agence Française de Développement, and the Saudi Fund for Development have launched the Nature Finance Hub to mobilise $1B from development partners, and an additional $2 B in private capital by 2030 for nature-centric climate projects.

    $100M INITIATIVE AIMS TO PROTECT LAND & MARINE AREAS IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Papua New Guinea has announced a $100M initiative with public and private sector partners to protect 30% of its land and marine areas, halt forest loss and promote sustainable development and inclusive rural transformation by 2030.

    Key #COP28 Reports

    The food and climate reports you need to know about today.

    FAO publishes agrifood roadmap to 1.5°C: The FAO has published the much-awaited first instalment of its hugely anticipated roadmap to cut food and agriculture emissions, with 120 actions recommended to meet 20 key targets – albeit with little detail on how they will be achieved. Measures include cutting livestock methane emissions by 25% by 2030 and halving food waste by 2030. It acknowledged the need to change diets to reduce meat and dairy emissions but said that plant-based foods can’t be an adequate source of certain nutrients. Plus, only the FAO’s website (and not the report) calls on higher-income countries to cut their consumption. In fact, the report says meat production needs to be ramped up to address health challenges in poorer nations.

    Brazilian meat giants linked to widespread Amazon deforestation: Three Brazilian meat producers – JBS, Marfrig and Minerva – have been connected to over half a million hectares of deforestation in the Amazon in a new report by Mighty Earth. The farms where land was felled supply to 36 slaughterhouses belonging to these companies, and the total area is 156 times the size of COP28 host Dubai.

    Africa needs a new livestock narrative: The result of a collaborative effort between multiple organizations, a new report outlines a new livestock narrative for Africa, arguing that existing perspectives fail to recognise the role of livestock in the continent’s livelihood, nutrition and capacity for climate change adaptation.

    Migration as climate change adaptation: The FAO published a study exploring migration as an adaptation measure for climate change in the Near East and North Africa, highlighting how farmers are forced to relocate due to climate events and crop productivity issues. Growth-centric economic and farming policies further undermine sustainable resource management and facilitate maladaptive practices.

    Food access for migrant workers in the Gulf: Middle Eastern investigative journalists and Fairsquare have penned a report outlining the disparities in access to quality, nutritious food for migrant workers in the UAE. It also assesses the wider impact of the country’s food supply chain practices on the climate, as well as vulnerable populations globally.

    Recommendations for COP28 investment and innovation: The Innovation Commission for Climate Change, Food Security and Agriculture has made a seven-point case for innovation and investment at COP28, covering improved weather forecasts, rainwater harvesting training, microbial fertilisers, cutting livestock methane emissions, digital agriculture, climate-resilient social protection, and alt-protein.

    Awesome Resources From Media Friends

    A curation of our favourite reads of the day – excellent guides, explainers and op-eds from around the web.

    Much-needed climate finance rolling in: Writing for Bloomberg, Agnieszka de Sousa outlines that the badly needed money for food-related climate solutions is starting to trickle in, with billions secured in pledges at COP28.

    All talk, no action: Arguing for the contrary, RTE’s George Lee writes that there’s plenty of talk at COP28, but nobody seems to want to actually pay – summing up the rollercoaster of a summit this has been.

    Around the world to save the country: In a story that’s equal parts hopeful and terrifying, BBC climate reporter Georgina Rannard profiles Mervina Paueli, a negotiator from Tuvalu who has travelled 8,000 miles to save her home country at COP28.

    Lighter Green Fun

    Funny stuff, weird stuff, random stuff related to COP you may enjoy.

    SMOG28: Pretty ironic that people at a climate summit can’t breathe because of the air pollution. Axios reporters have been feeling like their lungs are on fire due to the smog in Dubai, which is not great, to say the least. Looks like it’s not just the alternative protein industry’s opinion that’s suffocating.

    Green Mr COP: A 10-year-old boy from Abu Dhabi has transformed his old toy car into a robot traversing Dubai’s Expo City as a green crusader named ‘Mr Cop’. This is exactly the generation we need to save the planet for.

    Follow all our #COP28 coverage. Like what you’re reading? Share it!

    The post COP28 Daily Digest: Everything You Need To Know in Food and Climate News – Day 10 appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • meatiply
    7 Mins Read

    Singaporean cultivated meat company Meatiply has closed the first round of its seed funding, securing $3.75M in financing to scale up production of its hybrid products and facilitate its new plant, set to open next year.

    A second close is scheduled for Q1 2024, with the producer developing natural compounds to target the functional foods market.

    Singapore-based cultured meat producer Meatiply has closed an initial seed funding round with $3.75M in investment, which will help it scale up production and facilitate the opening of its new plant next year. It brings its total raised to $4.75M, after a $1M pre-seed round in early 2022.

    The round was co-led by co-led by existing investor Wavemaker Partners and AgFunder, with participation from Seeds Capital, the VC arm of Enterprise Singapore.

    “While the challenge of meeting product launch deadlines persists for many companies, the Meatiply team has demonstrated the ability to achieve meaningful results within shorter timeframes and with considerably less funding,” said Paul Santos, managing partner at Wavemaker Partners. “Their achievements in developing hybrid structured poultry prototypes have particularly impressed us.”

    He added: “We have confidence in the diverse backgrounds and technical skills of Meatiply’s founders, coupled with their unique technology, which positions them on a viable path to commercial success.”

    A new facility in the works

    meatiply funding
    Courtesy: Meatiply

    The new funds will allow Meatiply to ramp up its R&D capabilities and production for more extensive co-development with commercial partners. A new facility will become operational next year, two years ahead of its targeted 2026 launch. Speaking to Green Queen, Meatiply CEO Elwin Tan explained: “We are building a dedicated R&D facility with small-scale production capabilities to generate more cell mass to support safety testing and product development.”

    He did not disclose exact capacity numbers, but offered: “The new facility will allow us to expand the effort on bioprocess development, from the current scale in small, lab-scale suspension cultures, to eventually arrive [at] large bench-top bioreactors.”

    The company was founded in 2021 by Tan, Jason Chua, Benjamin Chua (the three studied stem cell biology at the National University of Singapore), and Teh Bin Tean. In October 2022, Meatiply unveiled three structured meat prototypes – kampong chicken yakitori, chicken katsu bites, and Asia’s first smoked duck breast – in a combination of cell- and plant-based ingredients.

    Tan confirmed that the first products won’t be any of these prototypes. “We aimed to showcase the level of complexity and comprehensiveness that our team can deliver, and aims to deliver these products in the long term,” he said. “Until then, we have strategically devised a product development roadmap that will allow us to rapidly commercialise new product formats, without running into the same challenges that companies before us have faced. The team is hard at work refining these new prototypes and we plan to unveil them next year.”

    Cultivated meat as functional food

    lab grown duck
    Courtesy: Meatiply

    These prototypes – made from multiple cell types including muscle, fat and skin – were structured, rather than minced, which enables them to be used in a broader range of products. Meatiply’s “scientifically grounded” approach allows it to generate natural compounds responsible for the sensory and nutritional quality of meat, and targeting these health benefits means the company can focus its energy on the $280B functional foods market.

    Jason Chua, the chief scientific officer, said: “Besides meat, we are also positioned for opportunities to commercialise in the nutraceutical and wellness market.” Tan added: “Meatiply’s strong upstream capabilities to create complex and functional products… not only justifies the use of animal cells, but also results in significant cost reductions.”

    Speaking to Green Queen, the CEO explained: “Our radical development strategy and selected product formats will allow us to significantly reduce capex and input costs. With this same strategy, we can reasonably target commercialisation faster than any other company has been able to achieve.”

    “We’re highly impressed by what the Meatiply team has achieved in a short amount of time and with relatively limited external funding,” noted John Friedman, AgFunder’s Asia director. “We firmly believe there is a place for cultivated meat technology in our future food system, and are encouraged by Meatiply’s practical approach towards product development and go-to-market strategy.”

    Regulatory filing in 2025, with launch planned the year after

    cultured chicken
    Courtesy: Meatiply

    The Meatiply team attributes its success to its team of experts as well as the thriving food tech ecosystem in Singapore. “We are incredibly fortunate to be based in Singapore, where the numerous research and development grants, coupled with the presence of brilliant and purpose-driven individuals within the scientific and start-up ecosystems, have enabled us to establish a strong second-mover trajectory,” said Bin Tean.

    The company has previously said establishing its base in Singapore was “an easy decision” for multiple reasons. Apart from the innovation support, this included the country’s 30 by 30 food security initiative, which aims to reduce the island state’s reliance on imports by producing 30% of all food consumed by its residents by 2030, as well as its progressive government and regulatory framework. It became the first country in the world to approve the sale of cell-cultured meat in 2020, granting clearance to California-based Eat Just‘s Good Meat.

    Meatiply, which is aiming to submit an application to Singapore’s regulatory body by the end of 2025, says it is a “frontrunner” in product development in this space, with innovations across the cultivated meat value chain, helping it develop functional hybrid meat products. Tan confirmed that the company is aiming to launch in Singapore first, but is “keeping an eye on the regulatory developments in South Korea, Japan, and China for the potential to subsequently enter those markets”.

    “Meatiply believes in maximising the potential of each cell type,” said Jason Chua. “Our focus on the production of complex value-added compounds using cells will allow us to create cultivated meat products with added health benefits. This strategic entry point will give consumers more reasons to embrace cultivated technologies.”

    Tan added: “We are focusing on nutritive compounds that are abundant in animals but are either absent or in lower concentrations in plant products. This will not only mean that the products we co-develop will have a clear nutritional edge over plant-based, but at the same time, we’ll also be the best choice for a source of cultivated cells if a plant-based partner is looking to develop a hybrid product,” he said.

    Can hybrid meat go the distance?

    lab grown meat singapore
    Courtesy: Meatiply

    Hybrid meat is still a nascent category, and investors are divided over its potential. Some, though, argue that it’s the best way for cultivated meat to overcome its current cost and scale challenges. Companies like SciFi Foods – which has raised $40M so far – are examples of initial success. China’s CellX recently announced a move into hybrid proteins with mycelium fermentation and Dutch company Meatable’s first product – anticipated to launch in Singapore next year – is a plant-cultivated pork hybrid.

    “During the development of the prototypes we unveiled last year, we explored a number of plant-based raw materials and built the prototypes from scratch, instead of assimilating our cells with an existing plant-based product,” explained Tan. “In doing so, we developed over 10 prototypes with different combinations of plant protein sources. In other words, our development team has the necessary knowledge and expertise to work with a variety of plant proteins. The eventual types of plant proteins we incorporate into our products will depend on the needs and demands of our co-development partners.”

    A second close of Meatiply’s seed funding round is set to take place in Q1 2024. “Despite a more cautious investment approach this year, investors were excited by our development strategy,” said Tan. “Likewise, we are thrilled that our investors share our vision.”

    It has indeed been a slow year for alt-protein and food tech funding – especially compared to the last few years. Cultivated meat has seen investment fall off a cliff – according to alt-protein think tank the Good Food Institute, the sector reeled in nearly $900M in funding in 2022 (versus $1.2B for plant-based and $842M for fermented proteins). But this year, the first half of 2023 saw only $99M of financing go to cultivated meat (compared to $124M for plant-based and $273M for fermentation).

    But there have been a few success stories. Meatable raised $35M, while US producer BlueNalu brought in $33.5M. Israel’s Wanda Fish closed $7M in seed funding, while CellX and Jimi Biotech (both Chinese) reeled in $6.5M and $3M, respectively. And just this week, Chicago-based Clever Carnivore completed a $7M oversubscribed seed round. You can add Meatiply to this list.

    The post Meatiply Rakes in $3.75M in Initial Seed Funding for Expansion and New Facility in 2024 appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • vegan panettone
    7 Mins Read

    In our weekly column, we round up the latest news and developments in the alternative protein and sustainable food industry. This week, Future Food Quick Bites covers the launch of Italian Christmas desserts made from cocoa-free chocolate, a new kind of seafood analogue, and an alt-dairy campaign for Swedish schools.

    New products and launches

    If you’re looking to cook 3D-printed meat, Isreal’s Redefine Meat has finally entered European retail with its ‘new meat’ products, six of which (two pulled and four minced) are debuting at Ocado in the UK and Albert Heijn and Crisp in the Netherlands.

    redefine meat
    Courtesy: Redefine Meat

    Another beef launch has come from German manufacturer BENEO, which has unveiled two semi-finished products for plant-based alternatives – beef bites and mince. The pea- and mycoprotein-based innovations will be launched next year but were sampled at Fi Europe in Frankfurt last month.

    More beef: whole-cut meat maker Chunk Foods‘ vegan steak is headlining a culinary experience at this year’s Art Basel Miami Beach by chef Paul Qui, as part of a Philly cheesesteak with cashew queso.

    No more beef? Then McDonald’s New Zealand has got you covered with its Salad Burger, which feels like a slant for non-meat-eaters. That’s right, it’s just… salad ingredients in a bun, in an apparent response to Burger King’s version of the same thing in the country (which still has onion rings!).

    Over in the dairy alternatives world, UK chocolate maker LoveRaw is expanding into the Netherlands, with its milk chocolate wafer bar available in about 200 Albert Heijn stores, and milk and white chocolate bars in 150 Shell stores.

    oat milk powder
    Courtesy: Oatbedient

    Hong Kong, meanwhile, has a new plant-based milk. Singapore-based Oatbedient has launched its oat and milk powders in original, chocolate and chia seed flavours. They’re available at select Market Place, 3hreeSixty and Wellcome stores across the island.

    In Italy, cocoa-free chocolate maker Foreverland has launched its first products using its Freecao alternative: pralines and the Christmas classic, panettone. The products – made from carob-based chocolate – are available on its website, with the latter costing €32.90 for a kg.

    UK vegan pizza chain Purezza has partnered with Chefs for Foodies to offer its vegan mozzarella as part of a create-your-own-pizza kit for home cooks, which comes with Quorn pepperoni, chopped tomatoes, red onions, fresh basil, dough balls, and – in a wonderful touch – flour for dusting.

    Elsewhere, Canadian food tech company Cult Food Science has launched a third proprietary plant-based pet food ingredient, Bmeaty, which joins existing products Bmmune and Bflora. It’s made from yeast extract, hydrolysed yeast and carrier yeast, and boasts 40% protein, and the ingredients will appear in several pet food formulations next year.

    vegan piranha
    Courtesy: WOOP4

    Also in Canada, WOOP4 is a new alt-seafood brand with one product we’ve never seen before – a vegan piranha. Its lineup includes rice-protein- and konjac-based salmon and tuna alternatives as well, alongside a range of seafood-complementing flavoured mayos. You can buy these at certain indie food stores or online.

    Another company that recently launched plant-based seafood products was CPG giant Nestlé – but it says that won’t be the focus of its upcoming plant protein portfolio in India. The company hints at innovations “more relevant to the Indian market”, but is keeping its cards close to its chest. Watch this space!

    And California’s Heyday Canning Co. opened what became a TikTok-famous bean pop-up in New York City, with huge lines outside the viral store surpassing the expected footfall. The idea was to exchange a can of beans for Heyday beans, which would be donated to the food bank City Harvest. As co-founder and CEO Kathryn Kavner said: “People frigging love beans.”

    heyday canning co
    Courtesy: Kathryn Kavner/LinkedIn

    Finance and M&As

    WNWN Food Labs, the UK brand making cocoa-free chocolate, has successfully completed the CoLab Tech accelerator with Mondelēz International. It will showcase its alt-chocolate bars, truffles and coated biscuits at the food giant’s North American HQ.

    In Germany, food conglomerate Pfeifer & Langen has acquired a majority stake in sausage-maker-turned-vegan-meat brand Rügenwalder Mühle for an undisclosed amount, with product development and international expansion high on the agenda.

    Fellow German brand MyriaMeat – founded by researchers at the University of Göttingen – has emerged from stealth mode claiming to be able to make cell-cultured whole-cut meat, and has already seen €40M in investment.

    Australian food producer Wide Open Agriculture has received investment and a distribution deal for its lupin proteins from Sweden’s Ingå Group, which has injected $825,000 into the former and acquired roughly a 15% stake at a pre-money valuation of $4.8M.

    plant based news
    Courtesy: Wide Open Agriculture

    In the US, precision fermentation company Liberation Labs has secured a $25M loan from the USDA to support the construction of its 6,000-litre-capacity biomanufacturing hub, amid a Series A round it hopes to complete by the end of Q1 2024.

    Similarly, New York-based biomanufacturing company Synonym has raised funding from Open Philanthropy to expand its research into gas fermentation tech to produce planet-friendly proteins and other foods.

    In sadder news, Floridian duckweed startup Lemnature AquaFarms, which develops proteins and fibres from lemna, has filed for bankruptcy, with an online auction for its assets being held on December 12.

    And things are shaking up at the top for Simulate and its sub-brand Nuggs, with co-founder and CEO Ben Pasternak leaving his role amid investor pressure. Co-founder Sam Terris (previously COO) is taking over.

    Policy developments

    Cellular Agriculture Australia, a Melbourne-based non-profit, has launched a tool to standardise terminology across the cell ag industry. The Language Guide used input from leaders across APAC, and one of its recommendations chimes with previous research revealing that ‘cultivated meat’ is the preferred term for cell-based proteins.

    Italy, meanwhile, has resubmitted its cultivated meat ban proposal to the EU, which might mean a breach of the single-market rules and hefty fines. Now, Italian policymaker Alessandro Caramiello is hosting an “informal dialogue” on the subject today.

    The UK government’s new National Vision for Engineering Biology is investing £2B in R&D and infrastructure over the next 10 years, including in the country’s cultivated meat sector, as it says there’s a critical shortage of infrastructure for alt-protein scale-up, and making cultivated meat doesn’t require “over-engineered” equipment like the life sciences sector.

    British microbial oil company Clean Food Group has received government funding too, with the £1M, 18-month project helping the producer scale up the manufacturing of its functional oils, including its palm oil alternative.

    In the EU, the European Parliament Committee on Fisheries (PECH) discussed the use of fish-related terms for plant-based foods, where the European Vegetarian Union argued that people aren’t confused with these labels. Newly launched alt-seafood association Future Ocean Foods was also present.

    Meanwhile, two research centres on climate and sustainable food are in the works in Ireland, backed by €70M in funding. The former will focus on the climate, biodiversity and water, and the latter on researching sustainable and resilient food systems, convening academics, industry and policymakers from Ireland, Northern Ireland and the UK.

    The Czech Chamber of Deputies recently held a seminar promoting plant-based diets in the country for a healthier and more sustainable food system, with the parliament acknowledging the links and encouraging a shift towards vegan eating.

    oatly stock
    Courtesy: Oatly

    In the Nordics, alt-dairy brands under the Plant-Based Sweden banner – including local Swedish favourites Oatly, DUG, Sproud, Planti and Oddlygood as well as international giant Alpro – have sent a letter to the government to include plant-based milk in the upcoming EU School Scheme review.

    Further news from the region comes from Finland, which has a new Plant Based Food Finland consortium, headed by Oatly’s public affairs manager Niklas Kaskeala. There are 18 founding members which include Oatly, Lidl, WWF Finland, Nordic Umami Company, and Mö Foods among others.

    Manufacturing and awards

    And in news involving both these countries, Finnish company Fazer is moving the manufacturing of oat milk and oat-based cooking products to its Tingsryd factory in Sweden, with the facility in Koria, Finland focusing on oat yoghurts. The move – first mooted two months ago – will see 64 employees lose their jobs.

    Meanwhile, the partnership between Israel’s Profuse Technology and Estonia’s Gelatex is bearing fruitful results, shortening the growth cycle of cell-cultured chicken muscle tissue to just 48 hours, with a fivefold increase in protein content.

    In another partnership, French cultivated meat company Vital Meat has established a strategic link-up with cell-culture media producer Biowest to achieve successful repeat pilot productions of cultivated chicken in 250-litre bioreactors.

    future food quick bites
    Courtesy: ChickP

    Finally, at the Fi Innovation Awards, Hi-Food and Alianza Team Europe won the plant-based innovation award for their oil-based emulsions replicating animal fat attributes, alongside ChickP Protein for its 90% chickpea protein isolate. MycoTech won the health innovation award for its shiitake-fermented pea and rice protein powder. Meanwhile, Arkeon Biotechnologies received the Startup Challenge award for the most innovative plant-based or alternative ingredient – it makes proteins from air.

    Check out last week’s Future Food Quick Bites.

    The post Future Food Quick Bites: Panettone, Piranhas, Powders & Plant-Based School Milk appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.