Category: Chhim Sithar

  • On 26 May 2023 The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) called for quashing the convictions of NagaWorld union leader Chhim Sithar alongside eight members of the Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld (LRSU).

    FORUM-ASIA strongly condemns the verdict given on 25 May 2023 by a Phnom Penh municipal court. The trade unionists were convicted of ‘incitement to commit a felony or disturb social security’ under Criminal Code Articles 494 and 495.

    Sithar was sentenced to two years in prison. Meanwhile, the other union members were sentenced to one to one and a half years in prison and received suspended sentences or judicial supervision.

    We urge the court to overturn the verdict as Cambodian authorities are abusing the criminal justice system by targeting union leaders and other labour rights advocates. We call on the Cambodian Government to immediately release Sithar. This is the umpteenth unfair decision that exemplifies the government’s contempt for democratic principles as well as Hun Sen’s attempts to silence critical voices months before the national elections,’ said Mary Aileen D. Bacalso, Executive Director of FORUM-ASIA.

    Alongside other union members, Sithar was first arrested in January 2022 and held in pre-trial detention for two months after being charged with incitement to commit a crime for leading a peaceful strike demanding higher wages for workers and the reinstatement of hundreds of union members who believe they were unjustly fired in December 2021. After being released on bail, Sithar was once again detained in November 2022 for allegedly violating her bail by travelling abroad to join a trade union conference without court approval.

    The trial against Sithar and her eight co-defendants–Chhim Sokhorn, Hay Sopheap, Kleang Soben, Ry Sovandy, Sok Kongkea, Sok Narith, Sun Sreypich, and Touch Sereymeas–began in January 2023. During the trial, Sithar stated that the LRSU has followed all legal protocols for their protest against mass layoffs and alleged union-busting, only launching the strike after all viable mediation efforts were exhausted. Meanwhile, prosecutors claimed that Sithar and LRSU members are guilty of leading a strike for more than a year even after authorities have declared the strike to be illegal.

    Nevertheless, in February 2023, Sithar won the prestigious Human Rights Defenders Award– from the US Department of State–for her exceptional courage and leadership in advocating for the promotion and protection of universally recognised human rights and fundamental freedoms.

    This post was originally published on Hans Thoolen on Human Rights Defenders and their awards.