Category: coal power

  • Bitcoin is a novel form of currency that bypasses banks, credit card companies and governments. But as Reveal’s Elizabeth Shogren reports, the process of creating bitcoin is extremely energy intensive, and it’s setting back efforts to address climate change. Already, bitcoin has used enough power to erase all the energy savings from electric cars, according to one study. Still, towns across the United States are scrambling to attract bitcoin-mining operations by selling them power at a deep discount.

    Bitcoin’s demand for electricity is so great that it’s giving new life to the dirtiest type of power plants: ones that burn coal. In Hardin, Montana, the coal-fired power plant was on the verge of shutting down until bitcoin came to town. The coal that fuels the bitcoin operation is owned by the Crow Nation, so some of the tribe’s leaders support it. But in just one year, the amount of carbon dioxide the plant puts into the air jumped nearly tenfold.

    Bitcoin’s huge carbon footprint has people asking whether cryptocurrency can go green. Bitcoin advocates say it can switch to renewable energy. Others are instead developing entirely new types of cryptocurrency that are less energy hungry. Guest host Shereen Marisol Meraji talks with Ludwig Siegele, technology editor at The Economist, who gives his assessment of the challenges of making cryptocurrency environmentally friendly.

    This post was originally published on Reveal.

  • 4 Mins Read Global energy-related carbon emissions are set to jump by 1.5 billion tonnes in 2021, the second biggest increase in history, predicts a new International Energy Agency (IEA) report. The sharp rise is primarily driven by coal demand, which will mean a reverse in almost all of the decline observed last year amid the Covid-19 pandemic.  […]

    The post Global Carbon Emissions Set For Largest Rise In A Decade As Coal Rebounds In 2021 appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.