Category: Girmit Day

  • By Blessen Tom, RNZ journalist

    A new production called Coolie: The Story of the Girmityas is shedding light on the lesser-known history of the Indian indentured labourers.

    Poet and music producer Nadia Freeman’s latest work gives life to the hidden voice of her Indo-Fijian ancestors through electronic music and theatre.

    “I just felt like I was losing more of my ancestry and my ethnicity, and I wanted to look more into it to understand,” Freeman says.

    Nadia Freeman created Coolie: The Story of the Girmityas. Photo: Supplied
    Nadia Freeman . . . “I just felt like I was losing more of my ancestry and my ethnicity.” Image: RNZ

    The show opened on Thursday at the Kia Mau contemporary Māori, Pasifika and indigenous arts festival.

    “Coolie”, which is used in the production’s title, was a derogatory term used by British colonial supervisors when addressing the workers in Fiji.

    “I want people who are outside that community to know what happened, to know more about,” she said.

    Who were the Girmityas?
    The Indian workers were called the Girmityas, which in Hindi means “agreement”. The agreement was initially for five years, but it was extendable.

    On finishing five years abroad, they were permitted to return to India at their own expense or serve 10 more years and return at the expense of the British colonial government.

    Some workers returned home, but many could not afford the return journey and were stuck in Fiji.

    M.N. Naidu (sitting second from the left) with his family Photo: Courtesy of Nik Naidu
    M.N. Naidu (sitting second from the left) with his family . . . “We are still quite an angry community … angry because we haven’t healed.” Image: Nik Naidu/RNZ

    “We are still quite an angry community … angry because we haven’t healed,” says businessman and community advocate Nik Naidu.

    His grandfather, M.N. Naidu, was an indentured labourer who was on a ship to Fiji in the early 1900s.

    Like many Indians who were sent to Fiji, Naidu’s grandfather was also looking for a better life.

    “They were living in dire poverty and were looking for money to support their families, so that’s how my grandfather got on the ship,” Naidu says.

    Challenging life
    Life in Fiji was challenging.

    The journey took months, and many did not even make it to Fiji. That was not the end of their struggles.

    “There was hardship and there were difficulties,” Naidu says.

    “In the beginning, it was the harshness of plantation life, poor living conditions, you know, resettlement, displacement, realisation of not being able to return, inability to participate in their religion properly, and, you know, the caste system that existed, the difficulties and, of course, lack of women.”

    Finding a companion was a challenge for many young Girmits. The disproportionate sex ratio meant there were only 40 women for every 100 men.

    Journalist Sri Krishnamurthi has also heard many stories about the Girmityas from his grandparents.

    Sri Krishnamurthi Photo: Supplied
    Journalist Sri Krishnamurthi . . . “It was basically slavery in all but name.” Image: RNZ

    Working sugar canefields
    “My grandmother, Bonamma, came from India with my grandfather and came to work in the sugar canefields under the indentured system,” Krishnamurthi says.

    “They lived in ‘lines’ — a row of one-room houses. They worked the cane fields from 6am to 6pm largely without a break. It was basically slavery in all but name.”

    Krishnamurthi remembers the story about his grandfather, who was sent back to India, “because he thumped a coolumbar sahib” (a white man on horseback who made sure the work was done) who was whipping the workers.

    Naidu says: “I wasn’t fortunate enough to meet my grandfather. I was 2 years old when he passed away and he went back to India and passed away in India.”

    His family is now running the organisations that his father started, including schools.

    “The colonial administration at the time did not want to educate the Fijian Indians,” he says.

    “They wanted them to stay in servitude, as small farmers who were always dependent on the sugar cane plantations and uneducated.”

    Addressing new challenges
    A few weeks ago, the community celebrated the 144th Girmit Remembrance Day in New Zealand.

    “We remembered our forefathers, who had contributed towards this development of the Fiji Indian community,” says Krish Naidu, president of the Fiji Girmit Foundation.

    “It is a day where we honour and remember their struggles and sacrifices, but we also celebrate their resilience.

    “It’s important our young people in particular actually understand who we are, where we come from.”

    In 2023, a new challenge emerged for the Indo-Fijian community in New Zealand. The government’s decision to classify them as Asians rather than Pacific Islanders is stirring criticism within the community.

    “Because we, as people with Indian biological traits, are not considered by the Ministry of Pacific,” Naidu says.

    Naidu thinks that the government’s move is “unfair”.

    “We get emails and messages from students because they miss out on specific scholarships,” he says.

    However, he was delighted for the newly announced Girmit Day, a national holiday in Fiji.

    “We were the actual architects of it because we’ve been pushing for the holiday since 2015 in Fiji,” he says.

    “We are absolutely overjoyed.”

    This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

    This post was originally published on Asia Pacific Report.

  • By RNZ reporters and Rachael Nath of RNZ Pacific

    Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka was welcomed to the New Zealand Parliament yesterday while on his first official trip to Aotearoa since being elected as PM in December.

    New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins announced just over NZ$11.1 million in climate change support for Fiji.

    Hipkins said he had “an inspired discussion” with Rabuka on how they could further cooperate on combating the effects of climate change.

    He said it remained the single greatest threat to lives and livelihoods in the Pacific region.

    Rabuka welcomed the finance boost saying it would support the implementation of renewable energy projects, infrastructure resilience, and climate policy.

    Hipkins noted both nations regularly collaborated on climate disasters.

    “I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank Fiji for their defence and emergency personnel assistance following Cyclone Gabrielle,” Hipkins said.

    ‘Long-standing links’
    “We are connected by long-standing people-to-people, sporting, economic and cultural links, and through the Fijian communities who have made New Zealand their home.

    “We are connected by the depth of our cooperation across a broad range of sectors including defence, policing, health, trade and industry, education, fisheries, climate change and disaster management to name a few.

    “I know that New Zealand and Fiji, alongside other Pacific Island Forum leaders, share an ambitious vision for the social, cultural and environmental economic resilience of the region where we are strong, prosperous and secure.

    “We know we are stronger when we combine our efforts and focus on Pacific regionalism and the priorities of the Blue Pacific continents.”

    In response, Rabuka acknowledged the traditional owners of the land and paid respect to elders past and present.

    He said his visit was to discuss ways forward for both countries, following covid-19.

    “Exactly a month ago, the WHO declared covid-19 over as a global health emergency. Seven million deaths later, the global economy is still recovering,” Rabuka said.

    ‘Serious’ about Fiji economy
    “The people’s coalition government that I lead is serious about growing our economy and my engagement here reflects that.”

    He said the Fiji government was keen to work harder to boost its export capacity to New Zealand and pleased to see bilateral relations had continued to strengthen over the years.

    Fiji PM Sitiveni Rabuka meets New Zealand PM Chris Hipkins in Wellington.
    Fiji PM Sitiveni Rabuka (right, partially obscured) meets New Zealand PM Chris Hipkins in Wellington yesterday. Image: Koroi Hawkins/RNZ Pacific

    On Monday, Rabuka met the Fijian community in Auckland and the following night community members in Wellington.

    The official visit also comes 25 years after Rabuka last visited the country in an official capacity when he was previously Prime Minister.

    The visit is also signifcant for the Fijian community as they had welcomed a Fiji prime minister for the first time in 16 years.

    More than 500 Fijians in Auckland turned up to the Mahatma Gandhi Centre to welcome Rabuka and his wife, Sulueti, where they were accorded a full traditional welcome ceremony.

    Community thanked for support
    Rabuka thanked the community for its ongoing support for Fiji.

    “You have left Fiji but continue to play an important role in Fiji. Thank you for keeping Fiji in your lives,” he said.

    Rabuka informed the community that their financial support had contributed greatly as Fiji battled its unprecented economic crisis, with the World Bank reporting its debt levels reaching 90 percent of GDP last year.

    In 2022, Fiji received more than F$1 billion in remittances which prove to be a saving grace during the height of the pandemic which caused great financial strain for Fijians.

    Rabuka spoke about the success of national events such as Girmit Day and the reconvening of the Great Council of Chiefs and Ratu Sukuna Day.

    President of the Fiji Girmit Foundation Krish Naidu thanked Rabuka for honouring his promise to the community.

    Girmitiya holiday promise
    “When the Prime Minister visited us last year, we asked for a public holiday to mark the contributions of the Girmitiyas, and told us if he made [it into] government he would do that.

    “He lived up to his words. He is an honourable man.”

    Naidu added that Rabuka’s visit was extremely crucial to the Fijian community.

    “We look forward to this week with the Prime Minister building the much-needed aroha, loloma, and love between Fiji and NZ, which has been lost for 16 years,” he added.

    The Fiji Prime Minister returns to Fiji today.

    This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

    This post was originally published on Asia Pacific Report.