Category: guinée

  • Dakar, January 31, 2024— Guinean authorities should immediately reverse the suspension of Dépêche Guinée and the privately owned news website’s publishing director, Abdoul Latif Diallo, ensure journalists are not expelled or arrested over critical coverage, and ensure unhindered access to social media platforms, news sites, and broadcasters, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday.

    “Guinean authorities should immediately roll back the wave of censorship efforts unleashed on the press in recent months, including the suspensions or blocking of outlets, arrests of journalists, and repression of those who stand up for press freedom,” said Angela Quintal, CPJ’s Africa program coordinator, from New York. “The suspension orders against the Dépêche Guinée website and publishing director Abdoul Latif Diallo should be reversed, and all other restrictions on the various blocked outlets and online platforms should be lifted.”

    On January 17, Guinea’s media regulator, the High Authority of Communication (HAC), suspended Dépêche Guinée for nine months, and Diallo for six months, according to a copy of the regulator’s decision and Diallo, who spoke to CPJ. During his suspension, Diallo “cannot create or provide his services to a news organization,” according to the order.

    The suspension order, which followed complaints from Guinea’s Minister of Economy and Finance, Moussa Cissé, and the governor of the country’s central bank, Karamo Kaba, cited a “lack of cross-checking” in Diallo’s January 15 report about the alleged embezzlement of public funds.

    The order also accused Diallo of being a recidivist defamer. In September 2023, HAC had previously suspended Diallo and his news outlet for failing to adequately “verify” and “cross-check” information in an August 20 report he wrote. 

    Separately, on January 14, Guinean authorities deported French freelance journalist Thomas Dietrich, alleging that he had entered the country illegally, according to the journalist, who spoke to CPJ, and media reports. Dietrich, who was investigating embezzlement at the national oil company, told CPJ he had entered the country with a visa and was not given any written explanation for his expulsion. Police officers arrested him later that day at his hotel in the capital, Conakry, took him to the judicial police headquarters, seized his phones and computer, and then questioned him about their contents, Dietrich said, adding that the officers returned his phones but kept his computer.

    Earlier in the month, on January 3, the privately owned news site Mosaïque Guinée became inaccessible from within Guinea without any notice of an official decision to block it, Mosaïque Guinée publishing director Mohamed Bangoura told CPJ. Bangoura said that readers could only access the site’s content with a virtual private network (VPN), severely reducing the outlet’s audience and advertising-based revenue.

    Reached over the phone, Guinea’s government spokesman and Minister of Post, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy, Ousmane Gaoual Diallo, did not directly confirm the cause of the Mosaïque Guinée’s blocking, but suggested that Bangoura was aware of what had caused it.

    Sékou Jamal Pendessa, secretary general of Guinea’s Syndicate of Press Professionals (SPPG), has been detained and charged with participating in an unauthorized demonstration and publication of data likely to disturb public order. (Photo: Abdoulaye Cissé)(Photo: Abdoulaye Cissé)

    Bangoura told CPJ that Gaoual Diallo and HAC president Boubacar Yacine Diallo called him on December 22, 2023, to ask that he take offline an article about an internal army communication, which Bangoura said he subsequently took down. 

    Gaoual Diallo confirmed to CPJ having made this call, but did not confirm a connection with the website’s blocking in January. In response to CPJ’s questions about online censorship more broadly, including the blocking late last year of the news site Guinée Matin, Gaoual Diallo told CPJ that his office was not responsible for any website blocks. Such actions were the responsibility of other “public structures,” he said, without elaborating.

    CPJ called Yacine Diallo but received no response.

    Since late 2023, major social media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Twitter, have remained blocked in Guinea, as well as the TV and radio broadcasts of Espace, Evasion, Djoma, and Fim, according to N’Faly Guilavogui, deputy director of the Evasion media group, Diallo, and CPJ reporting.

    Gaoual Diallo told CPJ that the blocking of social networks was a government response to the fact that those companies were benefiting from state infrastructure without paying for it and that the government was preparing unspecified regulatory reforms.

    Meanwhile, on January 18authorities in the capital arrested nine journalists as they covered a protest by members of the Syndicate of Press Professionals of Guinea (SPPG) against media censorship, before releasing them later that day and dismissing the case the following day, according to media reports. 

    On January 19, authorities in Conakry also arrested Sékou Jamal Pendessa, secretary general of the SPPG, according to Abdoulaye Cissé, the union’s head of communication, and news reports. On January 22, they charged him with participating in an unauthorized demonstration and publication of data likely to disturb public order over his participation in the protest. As of January 31, Pendessa remained in detention.

    This content originally appeared on Committee to Protect Journalists and was authored by Arlene Getz/CPJ Editorial Director.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Dakar, October 26, 2023—Guinean authorities must identify and hold accountable those officers responsible for arresting and assaulting journalists during an October 16 demonstration calling for authorities to lift restrictions on the privately owned news website Guinée Matin, and drop all legal proceedings against the journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday.

    On October 16, Guinean police and gendarmerie officers insulted, beat with batons, kicked, and shot tear gas at reporters Mariam Sall, with privately owned broadcaster Espace TV; Mariama Bhoye Barry, with privately owned broadcaster Cavi TV; and Amadou Lama Diallo, with Guinée Matin, as they covered a demonstration in the capital, Conakry, according to the three journalists who spoke with CPJ and a video filmed by Barry and published by Guinée Matin.

    The demonstration was organized by the Syndicate of Press Professionals of Guinea (SPPG) to voice concern over the blocking of access to the Guinée Matin website in Guinea since August 15. The website has remained available outside the country.

    Police arrested Sall, Barry, Diallo, and 10 journalists participating in the protest and detained them at Conakry’s Kaloum central police station before transferring them to a local court where they were charged with “criminal participation in a prohibited gathering on the public highway” and were released, according to Barry and news reports. Their next court date has not been set.

    “Guinean authorities should allow journalists to stand up for their rights and against censorship, and ensure reporting on public demonstrations does not carry the risk of attack and arrest,” said Angela Quintal, CPJ’s Africa program coordinator, in New York. “Authorities should drop the legal proceedings against journalists covering the October 16 demonstration by their colleagues calling for the unblocking of the Guinée Matin news website.”

    Ibrahima Foulamory Bah, a reporter for the online media outlet Le Courrier de Conakry, who was participating in the demonstration, told CPJ that he stepped in to protect Barry from the officers and was also hit in the neck by their batons, cracking a bone in his neck.

    Diallo accompanied Bah, Sall, and Barry to a private clinic in Conakry, where Barry was treated for wounds to his hand and Sall for injuries to the neck. Bah was ordered to refrain from work for a month due to his neck injury.

    The 10 journalists who participated in the protest and were briefly detained and charged were:

    • Bah
    • Sékou Jamal Pendessa, secretary general of the SPPG. 
    • Thierno Baïlo Diallo, a reporter with privately owned website Le Mondemédias
    • Nyima Aïssata Kébé, a reporter with privately owned website Infochrono
    • Aminata Sylla, a reporter with privately owned online broadcaster Unique 360 TV
    • Mamady Bérété, a Unique 360 TV reporter
    • Abdoulaye Cissé, a reporter with privately owned website Le Renifleur 
    • Lamine Kaba, an Espace TV reporter
    • Fodé Camara, a reporter with privately owned online broadcaster Ouestvision TV
    • Djibril Camara, a reporter with privately owned radio station Nostalgie Guinée

    Guinée Matin remained inaccessible within the country as of October 26, Nouhou Baldé, the outlet’s director, told CPJ.

    Azoka Bah, a spokesperson for the Guinean Ministry of Communication, told CPJ that the government was not responsible for the blocking of Guinée Matin’s website. CPJ’s calls to a number for Guinea’s Ministry of Post, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy and to Bachir Diallo, Minister of Public Security and Civil Protection, rang unanswered.

    Separately, Inquisiteur, another local news website that had been inaccessible since September 1, was brought back online on October 11 after the resolution of an ownership dispute, according to its administrator Mamadou Babila Keita and media reports.

    A transitional military government took control of Guinea in a coup that overthrew elected President Alpha Condé on September 5, 2021.

    This content originally appeared on Committee to Protect Journalists and was authored by Committee to Protect Journalists.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.