Recently, labor educator and economist Michael Yates of the Monthly Review stated, “Happy to see that Venezuela’s president, Nicolás Maduro, won reelection, and by a healthy margin. The mainstream media always refer to Maduro as an authoritarian, a strongman, autocrat, etc. Yet, like Chavez before him, he keeps winning elections in what many outside observers say is one of the most transparent and fair voting systems in the world. The US, as usual, will do what it can to put the rightwing in power, just as it does everywhere in the world. But as Vijay Prashad has pointed out (see CounterPunch, 7/31/2024), the US has to find a way to get Venezuelan oil to Europe given the heavy sanctions placed on Russia. So, it will have to deal with the Maduro government. What an irony. In any case, let’s hope the communes in Venezuela continue to grow and develop cultures of solidarity.”
In this interview, exclusive for CounterPunch, David Smilde, the Charles A. and Leo M. Favrot Professor of Human Relations, and Senior Associate at the Center for Inter-American Policy and Research at Tulane University, offers an additional take and discusses the 2024 Venezuelan presidential election that featured Nicolas Maduro (United Socialist Party of Venezuela) and Edmundo Gonzales (Democratic Unitary Platform). Smilde, along with editor Daniel Hellinger, published Venezuela’s Bolivarian Democracy: Participation, Politics, and Culture under Chavez (Duke University Press), a widely read survey of the country’s political landscape.
Smilde addresses how his approach on the topic differs from others on the left regarding the election and he begins by outlining his Neo-Weberian framework and the different ways of looking at the concept of orientalism. Further, he summarizes the recent past of America’s foreign policy with Venezuela and provides a commentary on the media coverage of Venezuela. Smilde offers a better understanding of Venezuela and the left as he explains the critical case against Maduro and how it crosses a political divide.
Daniel Falcone: Can you talk a little bit about how your work helps address the moving parts of Venezuela’s electoral political framework especially in the current electoral moment?
David Smilde: What is perhaps unique about my work is that I am a left progressive but do not rely on Marxian theory. I work with Michael Mann‘s Neo-Weberian framework that is different in two ways. First, it recognizes not only how the capitalist economy leads to a concentration of power, but how political actors, through states and parties, seek monopoly — and how culture in the form of media, religion and popular culture also can crystallize into ideology.
Of course, Gramscian theory deals with these elements too, but generally wants to see them as in sync through concepts such as “totality.” Neo-Weberian theory thinks they are often at odds and does not give priority to economic factors. A second important difference is that Neo-Weberian theory does not work with notions of teleology. There is no necessary direction of human society in the global long term or in any particular social context. This means that critical engagement in any context requires actual research and cannot depend on broad brushstroke treatments based on the supposed teleology of global geopolitics. It requires actual research to figure out who is trying to preserve their advantage, monopolize resources and disempower others.
Daniel Falcone: Can you provide some context on what you see to be the ideological points of division on the left regarding the US and the West’s reaction to Maduro’s dubious victory? The right wing is calling him a dictator and the progressive left is upholding Maduro as a revolutionary figure. What’s going on here?
David Smilde: Working on the Global South from the privileged position of the Global North entails responsibilities. In his seminal texts, Edward Said used the concept of “orientalism” to describe the tendency of journalists, scholars, and writers to portray people and leaders in the East as irrational, emotional and dangerous. We can absolutely see, from the beginning of the Chávez era this tendency towards what I think of as “right orientalism.” Chavez and Chavistas have been portrayed in the media precisely as childish, emotional, self-defeating, and dangerous to the rest of the world. But we can also see what I think of as “left orientalism.” This is the tendency of global progressives to portray any revolutionary leader who declares her or himself anti-imperialist, in uncritical, heroic terms and ignore their abuses of the basic rights of their people as well as their corruption. In both its left and right forms, orientalism is essentially the same. Distance and lack of information allows orientalists to misrepresent the people and contexts of the Global South. In doing so it denies their full humanity. Given that it is generally done as a way of engaging in the politics of the Global North — broadly understood to include the identity-work of individuals and groups as well — it is a form of imperialism. It essentially uses the Global South as a resource base for consumption in the Global North.
Daniel Falcone: If we can go back to the Chavez years up until now, how would you evaluate and compare Bush’s or Obama’s foreign policy regarding Venezuela as well as how respective Trump and Biden doctrines might materialize in the region?
David Smilde: This is a big question because not only do you have different administrations, but quite different approaches at different moments within these administrations. We can basically think of different moments in which the policy has been to 1) ignore, 2) to engage diplomatically, 3) to pressure, and 4) regime change. I think the most damaging moment was the Trump administration’s maximum pressure campaign in 2019 and 2020 during which sectoral sanctions and secondary sanctions were levied and even military action was threatened. This, on the one hand, helped consolidate and unify the Maduro coalition, reducing internal discussion and criticism as everyone prioritized survival. On the other hand, it undermined opposition to the government as the sanctions contributed further to the economic collapse that was begun by Maduro’s economic mismanagement. It generated a wave of migration and led the people who stayed to concentrate on daily survival. In such a context, the Maduro government’s power over the population increased.
The Trump policy largely continued during the first year of the Biden administration as key personnel such Ambassador Jimmy Story continued in their positions and continued to support the interim government of Juan Guaidó. This changed with the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022. At that point the geopolitics and political economy of US relations with Venezuela changed and the Biden Administration had much more motivation to change course and engage in diplomacy with the Maduro government. Since then, it has continued to engage and use sanctions relief as a way to try to promote democratic elections. To my eye, this has been the most successful period of US policy towards Venezuela. While the elections did not lead to an immediate democratization, they have put Maduro in a place in which his authoritarian regime has been exposed to the domestic and international audiences that before were dubious. There are no guarantees to where this will lead. But it is always better to force an authoritarian government to play the political game than to just sit back and consolidate its power.
Daniel Falcone: How is the agenda-setting and mainstream corporate media covering the election in your view in general?
David Smilde: There was a time when I thought the corporate media was part of a big conspiracy to defend the interests of capital, and that it therefore systematically misrepresented the interests of underprivileged people seeking liberation. There is something to that view, of course. But over the past fifteen years, I have been working closely with journalists from major corporate media and have found them to be quite open-minded — often more oriented to facts and with less of an axe to grind than my academic colleagues. Most journalists are quite progressive and have a significant sense of vocation. They generally want to do good reporting and are quite happy to complicate power. If they do not have good information, are on tight deadlines, and must cover contexts they do not fully understand, they will often use the narrative hooks typical of right orientalism. But if they have good sources that give them quality information and explain the history, context, and probable evolution of events on the ground, they generally relish writing stories that complicate power and humanize average people.
Daniel Falcone: I read that even in Petare, the barrio, once a Chavista stronghold, was resisting and revolting against Maduro’s “win.” Obviously, this differs from Republican, Democrat, and elite institutional criticism of the election results. But can you discuss the need, or difficulty in pushing back against US hegemony while making critical cases against Maduro?
David Smilde: We are indeed seeing a new demography of protest in Venezuela in this round. On July 29, the day of Maduro’s proclamation it was the popular sectors who went to the streets to protest, despite María Corina Machado‘s calls on the population *not* to take to the streets. This should not surprise. They are the sectors that have most suffered in recent years with the economic collapse and were most hoping for change. And it is precisely because they are not the traditional opposition base — that they did not pay attention to the call not to protest — and went to the streets. The optics of this protest are quite difficult for Maduro as it is not easy to portray them as the same middle class, violent protests of 2014 and 2017.
The critical case against Maduro really crosses the left/right divide. Apart from Marxist hardliners, who think democracy and human rights are bourgeois tools and think a dictatorship is necessary to reach socialism, those of us who are left, because we reject the structural inequality created by people in positions of privilege and power, should be squarely against Maduro. He has used his control over the state, the military, and the oil industry to give himself and his officials a life of luxury while average Venezuelans struggle day-by-day to put food on the table and a roof over their heads and educate their children. There is nothing progressive about Maduro and his government. Criticizing and working against Maduro’s authoritarian government does not require support for U.S. hegemony, just the opposite. It will only be through a multilateral, regional diplomatic effort that any solution will be forged. The US can facilitate but should allow the governments of Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico to lead advocacy for a solution.
In the long term, the best way the left can push back against US hegemony would be to advocate for and support movements and governments that work against structural inequality in all its forms, through democratic means. Concentrating power does not lead to more democracy, it just remains concentrated. And as suggested above, this advocacy should be based on actual knowledge and concrete portraits of people and contexts in their full humanity. There are no angels in Venezuela or elsewhere, just people with the usual set of vices and virtues with a constant tendency to create structural inequalities and monopolies. This must be combatted and is a struggle that will never end.
Great orators in history would not have been recognized as such if their words carried no value. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is neither a great orator, nor did his speech before a joint Congressional session on July 24 have actual worth. It was an expression of his desperation, if not defeat, on all fronts.
This is not new. For years, Netanyahu has served the role of a social media meme. During his United Nations General Assembly speech in September 2012, the Israeli leader displayed a bomb diagram to fan the flames for another Middle East war.
His equally bizarre map of the ‘New Middle East’, which he also carried during another UNGA speech on September 22, 2023, also invited mockery.
But on both occasions, as on others, Netanyahu’s strategy was never intended for humor. His spectacles were carried out with the knowledge that global media would not miss the opportunity to highlight his performance with much interest. His rhetoric would often go unchallenged.
Moreover, until October 7, Netanyahu’s possible risk factors, resulting from what may seem to us as outrageous behavior and outlandish speeches, were quite minimal. To the contrary, for his Israeli constituency, appearing on the world stage with such media fanfare was always a reason for yet greater approval.
To his followers, Netanyahu served the role of the ‘modern-day prophet‘.
“There are very few leaders left in Israel or around the world with the capacity to fully grasp and articulate the historical and prophetic relevance of what is happening in Israel, the Middle East and around the world today,” David Lazarus wrote on October 9, 2020 – almost exactly three years before the Hamas operation in southern Israel, and the most destructive Israeli war which followed.
But the supposed visionary has failed to read all the signs, not only in the lead-up to the war, but to the disastrous impact of the genocide, which will haunt his country for many years to come. Since then, the majority of Israelis have abandoned their prophet, numerous Israeli opinion polls continue to tell us.
Yet, Netanyahu appears unperturbed. He spoke at the Congress with near total lack of awareness of the new reality emanating from his failed policies and botched reading of history.
For those who may not know, Netanyahu also sells himself to Israelis as an intellectual. His intellect involves “exposing the deception”, of the centrality of the Palestinian cause to the Middle East, or the so-called “theory of Palestinian centrality”.
To counter that “big lie”, Netanyahu dedicated to the notion of the ‘reversal of causality’, as in challenging the notion that Israel – namely the Israeli occupation of Palestine and other Arab lands – is the main cause of problems in the Middle East.
Until recently, the man’s theories have garnered much traction, enough, in fact, to temporarily marginalize the Palestinian cause, and to invest in new ways of shaping a ‘new Middle East’, where Palestine simply is not on a map.
These illusions, however, have and continue to crumble. Instead of pushing a reset button that would shape the Middle East according to Israeli priorities and interest, the Palestinians pushed it.
This time around, Netanyahu has no theories, no actual solutions, no prophetic visions, not even a ridiculous map to save his life or career. Isolated by much of the world, he rushed to the only place where he would feel safe, where people would clap for him unconditionally, even before he spoke: The US Congress.
And, indeed, they did – 39 times, including 23 standing ovations, and a total of 10 minutes and 55 seconds to be exact. But even the jolly bunch of US representatives who agreed to be part of that tragic charade will not save Netanyahu.
Here, a quick pause is needed, in appreciation for those who refused to attend Netanyahu’s speech of lies, and admiration for US-Palestinian Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, who held a sign throughout the whole event, reminding us, and the world, that Netanyahu is a “war criminal” and “guilty of genocide”.
Netanyahu is not a pathological liar, as he is often accused by his enemies and detractors, in Israel and elsewhere. He lies, because, at times, not telling the truth is convenient, especially when there is no accountability for lying, time and again.
In his Congress speech, however, Netanyahu did more than simply lie. He had the audacity of calling millions of Americans who protested the war “Iran’s useful idiots”, while perpetuating the right-wing language on the “clash between barbarism against civilization”.
Still, a few were truly impressed. Even his closest allies are abandoning him. Former US Speaker, Nancy Pelosi described his speech as “by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States”. Many others found him insincere, including his own people.
When Netanyahu mattered, his speeches often led to wars, or major regional instability. But Netanyahu no longer matters, except for a few US politicians vying for re-election.
The Israeli leader had hoped to press the reset button and return to his silly theories about the irrelevance of Palestine to the Middle East, and the world. He was proven wrong, again, making him a false prophet or, at best, a failed leader.
Photo: Cpl. Shay Wagner, IDF Spokesperson’s Unit – CC BY-SA 3.0
“In every classroom in Israel there is a map,” says Nadav Weiman. “But it is a map without any green line and without any names of Palestinian villages or towns. Between the river to the sea it’s only Israel.”
Weiman is the executive director of Breaking the Silence, an organization of veteran Israeli soldiers who have served in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem since September 2000 and who seek peace, an end to the Israeli occupation and the release of Israeli hostages.
Before leading Breaking the Silence, Weiman was a history teacher and before that, he was a sniper in the IDF. The green line refers to the internationally recognized “pre-1967” borders between Israel, the West Bank and Gaza that have been erased from official Israeli maps.
“You have to understand, Israelis we don’t see Gaza, we don’t see the streets of Gaza, we don’t see Gazans, we don’t hear about what is happening inside Gaza,” Weiman said, speaking at a Washington, DC press conference held with US veterans peace group, Common Defense, the day before Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, addressed the US Congress. “There is an iron curtain between the people of Israel and the Gaza Strip.”
Weiman remembers that “The first time I met Palestinians in my life was as a combat soldier in Jenin in 2006 after finishing my training in the special forces. And it was from two sides of the barrel of a gun.”
On the other end was “a kid I dragged from his bed in the middle of the night,” a kid whose peers in Israel know nothing about him. At a talk Weiman gave to 18-year-old high schoolers in Tel Aviv just before traveling to Washington, “they asked me to explain to them what is the Gaza Strip? Who lives over there? What is going on over there because we don’t have any idea.”
Weiman got an idea during a 2008 operation in Gaza, when, as the spotter for his sniper unit, he called in a bulldozer to destroy greenhouses that were blocking the view from the house they’d commandeered for an ambush, “because our line of sight was more important than anything else in that operation.”
Although an Israeli soldier had been taken hostage at the time, the operation was not there to free him, Weiman said. It had only one purpose; to provoke. “The goal in that operation was to create an atmosphere where the Palestinians would attack us and then us as IDF snipers and soldiers can shoot them back,” Weiman said. “It was the day to day routine of the Israeli occupation.”
He recalled how “in Gaza every couple of years we have a very big operation where the IDF kills a lot of Palestinians, and a lot of soldiers die as well.” Civilian collateral damage used to number around 14 civilians per target, Weiman said, but today “we are seeing collateral damage of sometimes three digits” and military leaders are “considering collateral damage as something that is almost okay. And me personally as a soldier who fought over there, I don’t think it’s okay. I don’t think civilians should die, period. Not Israelis and not Palestinians.”
That dehumanization, says Common Defense executive director and former US Army veteran, Jose Vasquez, is what is driving the forever war in Gaza, and Israel’s occupation, both of which his organization, like Weiman’s, strives to end. What we are seeing, he said are “the dehumanizing impacts of occupation. Nowhere is evil more clear than in Gaza today. This brutal campaign has left Gaza in ruins and its people in despair.”
Janice Jamieson, a US Air Force veteran with Common Defense, agrees. “It seems that civilian casualties are the point,” she said. The Israeli attack on Gaza is “the most destructive bombing campaign of the past century,” Jamieson added. Such attacks, “are designed to annihilate an entire people.”
Vasquez has been to Gaza and the West Bank — before the current Israeli attack began — and has seen the conditions for himself, “how Palestinians on a daily basis get dehumanized,” whether it’s being told which streets they can walk on to controlling how they reach their places of business. “Many people have thrown around the word ‘apartheid,’ Vasquez said. “I don’t know what other word best fits the situation.”
Indeed, Zwelivelile Mandela, grandson of South Africa’s revered former president, Nelson Mandela, has declared that “The Palestinians are experiencing a worse form of the apartheid regime, worse than that we have ever experienced as South Africans.”
The solution, said Vasquez, is “leaders who have a vision of what a future looks like that doesn’t require Israelis to on a daily basis dehumanize and occupy the Palestinian people. So it starts with a ceasefire but it’s a much bigger project.”
In the meantime, IDF soldiers continue to slaughter Palestinians with an apparent absence of remorse or empathy. That, says Weiman, is driven in large part by the rhetoric constantly fed to them, and in particular, the use of the term ‘Amalek’. It refers to an Old Testament commandment to wipe out all Amalekians for attacking Jews as they left Egypt, and not to spare their children or livestock while destroying everything they owned.
“What we saw now after this war started on Gaza are government officials, MKs,(Members of the Knesset), ministers in our government, religious leaders, are using the dog whistle, Amalek,” Weiman said. “We had Xerxes and we had Hitler and now the Palestinians are called Amalek.
“You can hear it, you can see it in videos that soldiers are uploading from the Gaza Strip to social media and again you can hear ministers from our government using that word,” Weiman continued. “And that helps IDF soldiers to feel comfortable shooting inside Gaza.” It’s based on hatred and racism, he says, but also “not seeing Palestinians as people just like me, who have ambitions and dreams and kids and they are afraid and they are happy and only seeing them as the enemy.” That, he said “helps us with the 57 years of occupation.”
In the occupied West Bank, says Weiman, it’s also based on the Israeli rule of law. “We have two separate law systems,” he said. “We have the Israeli criminal law system for settlers and we have the Israeli military law system for Palestinians. And the Israeli criminal law system basically lets settlers do whatever they want.”
On the morning we spoke, Weiman had received a video “showing settlers with metal clubs with spikes on the edge of it, beating Palestinians, sending three of them to the hospital, one of them a 38-year old woman with a broken skull. Next to them, in the same video, you can see two soldiers protecting them,” he said, referring to the settlers.
“Essentially you’ve got people who are bullying children,” said Vasquez who, when visiting the West Bank, observed Palestinian children as young as seven “going from their elementary school to home” and having to face “being not only taunted but rocks thrown and sometimes physical altercations.” The result, he said, was that “unfortunately the orders the IDF soldiers receive is that they’re hands off when it comes to the settlers. So essentially you’ve got people who are bullying children and the one authority in the space who could do something about it are ordered to not do anything about it.”Those soldiers are told their actions — or inactions — are protecting Israel but, says Weiman, “it’s not true, it’s not protecting Israel, it’s controlling Palestinians. Weiman says he supports Israel’s right to defend itself and protect its civilians but not the way the Netanyahu government is going about it. “It’s protecting the settler enterprise. It’s not protecting Israel. Protecting Israel is being with the 1967 borders.”
I covered Venezuela’s 3-week presidential campaign season, the elections, and their fallout for TeleSur English, the multilateral public TV news network funded by the governments of Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. I am an experienced analyst on Brazilian politics, but I do not claim to be a specialist on Venezuela. The following is not analysis but a description of events I witnessed on election night. I invite readers to use it to help with their own assessments of the political situation.
I worked during Venezuela’s presidential election on Sunday, July 28, from 4:45 AM to 2 AM Monday morning, with two cameramen, a producer, and a Spanish-language reporter. Together we spent the day doing live reports from inside and outside four polling stations around the city, finishing our day behind Miraflores Palace for the announcement of the election results.
De-Linking Brazil is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
We spent the afternoon inside the Andre Bello polling center in a primarily middle-class voting district in downtown Caracas, doing live hits at 2:30, 3:30, and 4:30, moving out to the front of the building shortly before the polls closed. It was the same place where we reported on the opening of the polls at 6 AM. At that moment, the single-file line in front of the polling station stretched around the block. All morning long, the polling stations we visited were full, leading other journalists I spoke to make wild predictions about voter turnout, some saying they expected over 70%. After lunch, however, the crowds began to thin out. From around 2:30 until the doors closed, Andre Bello, which was one of the largest polling stations in the city, had more volunteers gossiping than voters in its hallways.
By 2:30 PM, the huge lines of voters at Andre Bello polling station had thinned to a trickle
We left the building at 5:50 to position ourselves to cover the closing of the polls. The government had ordered all polling stations to close their doors at 6, but Andre Bello stayed open for another 10 minutes or so to let a few stragglers in to vote – 4 or 5 people tops, including an elderly couple who had problems walking.
When they finally closed the doors, a crowd of around 40 TV crew members and social media videomakers had gathered, with around 30 citizens who stood in front of the doorway and cheered as the doors shut, and a group of around 5 police officers guarding the doors.
Shortly after 6 PM, the doors closed at Andre Bello polling center
Minutes later, a crowd of around 100 people rushed up to the door and started yelling, “Let us vote! Let us vote!” Suddenly, there were live streamers everywhere. An Argentinian coworker pointed out a crew from Argentina’s Javier Milei-aligned Channel 13 that was streaming everything as a dour, conservatively dressed reporter asked crying women and angry-looking men why Nicolas Maduro wouldn’t let them vote.
For TeleSur Portuguese: “As you can see, there are nearly as many journalists here as their are protesters, in this mini-turmoil, trying to delegitimize the election.”
Half an hour later, a group of hundreds of men rode up on loud motorcycles, some of which seemed to have had their engines adjusted to provide constant backfires, with some riders in black hoods and masks. They blocked off the road in front of the polling station and sat there, revving their engines as the crowd yelled things like, “¡Viva Venezuela!” As I prepared to record a report, a muscular white man in the crowd glared at me, said, “Nicolas Maduro,” and made a throat-slitting gesture.
Suddenly, a group of motorcyclist rode up onto the sidewalk to the entrance, everyone else got off their bikes and left them blocking the road. Together, they marched into the crowd and rushed for the door, pushing at the police.
At this point, I moved about 50 yards back to avoid being trampled. From there, I saw a lot of pushing and heard a lot of screaming. Two male police officers ran by me carrying a female police officer who was bleeding from the head. They loaded her up on a motorcycle and rode down the sidewalk past me toward a hospital. I saw no injuries in the crowd of Maria Corina Machado supporters.
Two Bolivaran National Police Force officers rush and injured police woman towards the hospital.
A few minutes later, a group of motorcycles from the national police force rode up, two to a bike, with the passengers holding assault rifles, and most of the motorcyclists vacated the premises. The 5 police officers guarding the doors were replaced with a group of 20 female riot control police with plexiglass shields and helmets. Suddenly, the YouTube and Twitter streams of angry white men yelling at the police looked less heroic. It was a clever tactical move.
As the crowd dwindled, more security arrived. A small group of Maria Corina Machado supporters lingered on, yelling, “We want the results! We want the results!” with far-right social media filmmakers cutting in close on their smartphones to make it look like they were in the middle of a big crowd.
Later that night, when I met up with other journalists covering the election behind Miraflores Palace, I heard similar stories from other polling stations. One journalist told me where she was located, the crowd started yelling, “Shut the doors! Shut the doors!” at 6. As soon as the doors shut, they started yelling, “Let us vote! Let us vote!”
Maria Corina Machado, Edmundo Gonzalez, and the PUD announced weeks before the election that they were not going to respect the democratic rule of law and would tally their own election results. What I witnessed in front of Andre Bello polling station on Sunday night appears to have been a form of theater – one of many tactics used to produce and disseminate videos to delegitimize the election, that was standardized at many polling centers across Caracas.
Israeli soldiers, like soldiers in other countries, bask in the self-serving effusive praise showered upon them by politicians, but privately they know BS when they hear it.
Right from the start on October 7th, the soldiers knew that the sudden collapse of Netanyahu’s state-of-the-art multi-tiered border defense system left the door open for the Hamas attack. Still denied an official investigation by Netanyahu, people know that had the border defense been in place, all the terrible consequences never would have occurred. (See, the open letter by six very prominent Israelis in the New York Times on June 26, 2024: “We Are Israelis calling on Congress to Disinvite Netanyahu.”)
The soldiers also know that the small Hamas militia of some 25,000 fighters hidden in tunnels, having only small arms with dwindling ammunition, is up against the 465,000–person military armed with 1,500 F-16 fighter pilots and nuclear weapons. The Israeli military is also equipped daily by Biden with the most modern weapons. All this makes Netanyahu’s absurd description of Hamas as an existential threat sheer propaganda designed to protect his job.
The evidence is on the bloody body-strewn ground of tiny Gaza and its crowded 2.3 million people. The Israeli military has dropped over 100,000 precision bombs, countless artillery shells from hundreds of tanks, and even naval missiles to kill over 300,000 innocent Gazan civilians, mostly children, women and elderly, who had nothing to do with October 7th. (See also my March 5, 2024 column “Stop the Worsening UNDERCOUNT of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza”). Most of the remaining people in Gaza are sick, injured or both. (See the open letter to President Joe Biden and the U.S. Congress titled, “45 American Health Workers’ Letter on Their Experiences in Gaza” dated July 25, 2024.)
How many Israeli soldiers have died? The official figure is 395 IDF soldiers – many from friendly fire in the fog of explosions, accidents such as collapsing buildings, and diseases. The exaggerated “Hamas battalions” send fighters popping up from their underground tunnels to fire rifles or grenade launchers before most are immediately extinguished by overwhelming firepower.
The largest number of Israeli casualties are the soldiers suffering from PTSD, including moral traumas, being treated in the thousands by Israeli psychologists and mental health specialists. These are the soldiers who will tell the stories of who they were ordered to kill and what they were ordered to destroy. The lack of a truthful account of the atrocities in Gaza— because of Netanyahu blocking war correspondents from Israel and other nations from freely reportingthere— will be brought to light by the reports of these soldiers.
To be sure, the thirst for vengeance after October 7th animated most of the soldiers at the outset – especially those screened for having no qualms about killing innocent children, women and men and destroying civilian facilities.
But as the weeks became months, the Torah’s instruction of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” to limit escalating cycles of revenge, according to Biblical scholars, became a hundred and then a thousand eyes for an eye and a thousand teeth for a tooth. More soldiers and generals are questioning why they are still there amidst the smoldering ruins and ghastly slaughters.
Netanyahu’s drive to remain in power has stoked the carnage in Gaza. Despised by three out of four Israelis for earlier moving to weaken the judiciary, under indictment for political corruption by Israeli prosecutors, and soundly condemned for his defense failure on October 7th, ending this one-sided annihilation of defenseless people would mean the end of his political career.
Consider what these soldiers have witnessed or done: Powerful precision bombs blowing to bits babies, children, pregnant women, refugee camps, apartments, schools, health clinics, hospitals, ambulances, water mains, and electricity networks; Families starving on genocidal orders from the Israeli military “no food, water, medicine, electricity, fuel”; and Homeless people trapped, unable to escape, surrender or shelter.
The soldiers have seen their bulldozers flatten critical civilian infrastructure, even cemeteries and agricultural crops. F-16s have blown up universities, government buildings and many schools, mosques and historic churches. Snipers, among the most brutal of the army, kill patients in broken hospitals and survivors desperately try to pull their crushed families out from under the rubble.
Already, several reservists have told reporters in Israel that the military has no operating “rules of engagement.” They could blow up or shoot and kill anyone who moves, including UN relief workers, journalists and health workers protected by international law. The laws of war – the duty to disobey illegal orders – don’t exist in Gaza.
Soldiers saw the body parts of little children, heard the screams, the cries and groans of the dying, smelled the stench of rotting corpses being eaten by stray dogs, and saw their victims – mothers and fathers – begging in vain for help to save their dismembered children.
Unlike other wars, Israeli soldiers were not allowed to facilitate the emergency rescue crews that still exist in Gaza such as those with Doctors Without Borders, the Palestinian Red Crescent and several internationally respected providers of food and water – themselves subject to Israeli attacks. (See December 13, 2023, an open letter titled, “Stop the Humanitarian Catastrophe” to President Biden by 16 Israeli human rights groups which appeared in the New York Times).
Soldiers obeyed their commanders’ orders to repeatedly push hundreds of thousands of desperate Gazans on foot, exposed to the stifling heat and lethally polluted air, from one Israeli-designated area to another. The treachery is unlimited.
Other soldiers were told to block thousands of trucks ready to enter from Egypt, packed with humanitarian aid of food, water, medicine and other critical supplies. Still other soldiers were ordered to kidnap thousands of Gazans, including women and children, and send them without charges to be tortured in Israeli jails, as documented in a just-released UN Human Rights Office report titled, “Detention in the context of the escalation of hostilities in Gaza.”
Of course, there are plenty of soldiers happy to have such sadistic and unlawful commands. How dare the Gazans revolt against the decades of violent Israeli bombing, occupation, invasions and military embargoes? That’s historically been the imperious attitude of cruel, colonizing, land-seizing regimes. The ranks will grow to join past “refuseniks” who in 2002 courageously declared their refusal to go and beat up people, demolish homes and otherwise rampage against defenseless Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.
We, combat officers and soldiers who have served the State of Israel for long weeks every year, in spite of the dear cost to our personal lives, have been on reserve duty in the Occupied Territories, and were issued commands and directives that had nothing to do with the security of our country, and that had the sole purpose of perpetuating our control over the Palestinian people.
We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements.
We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders in order to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people.
[From The Combatants’ Letter, January 2002]
Dozens of Israeli human rights organizations and leading advocates will record these reservists’ recollections, their remorse, and their recurring nightmares. The vicious omnicidal extremists who make up Netanyahu’s ruling coalition will be exposed for their war crimes and destruction of their own country’s freedoms. Returning war veterans have credibility that will fortify the forthcoming entry into Gaza of international commissions of inquiry and scores of investigative journalists. (See the new documentary “The Night Won’t End”).
The violent Netanyahu knows all this, which is why he is now scheming to provoke a wider regional war by dragging spineless Biden and the U.S. military directly into the fighting. Remember Biden’s intense backing of the Bush/Cheney criminal invasion/war in Iraq.
If you don’t care what Netanyahu is doing over there, you’d better care about what he’s doing to America, our Congress, our tax dollars, our freedom of speech and our national security.
Photograph Source: Ken Thomas – – Public Domain
I am tired of talking about J.D. Vance. And I’m not one for introspection (just ask my husband). But as a daughter of Appalachia and a professor of anthropology at a public university, J.D. Vance’s claim to represent Appalachia and his threats to attack our nation’s universities and their professors, who he’s labeled “the enemy,” are personal for me. Echoing other Appalachia-raised writers who have recently weighed in, I say to J.D. Vance: you are a hillbilly phony (Caleb Miller). You don’t represent us (Neema Avashia). And you can keep your “elegy” (Ivy Brashear) because hillbillies don’t need one (Meredith McCarroll). Your Hillbilly Elegy is a political platform disguised as a memoir, and I call bullshit.
I grew up on a mountainside in Jefferson, North Carolina. That’s in Ashe County (the Christmas tree capital of the country), in the Blue Ridge Mountains, part of the Appalachian Highlands. My parents were public school teachers, first generation college students who met in the 1960s at Appalachian State Teachers College (now Appalachian State University). My mother, June, was one of seven children, born in Mitchell County, NC. Her fondest childhood memory was when the bookmobile came to the homestead. She would hide in a tree all day long with a stack of books. Her least favorite childhood memory was having to carry the hog’s head in a bucket up the road to Aunt Hattie for making hog’s head cheese. Mom’s father was an underemployed tinkerer and mica miner who died of silicosis when I was three years old (that’s a lung disease caused by breathing in tiny bits of silica). Mom’s mom, who we called Grandmommy, served hot lunches in a public-school cafeteria and sewed jeans at a Wrangler factory in Spruce Pine. Years of hoisting and sewing heavy denim left her with debilitating arthritis and a twisted back. After retiring, Grandmommy handstitched a quilt for every grown child and grandchild in the family. Some of us got two or three. She must have made at least 30.
Like other families, our social life centered around the local church. Ours was Baptist. We often went to church three times a week—two services on Sunday, and a Wednesday evening event. My dad David taught Sunday school, served as a deacon, and sang in the choir. My sister and I sang in the children’s choir and did service projects through “Girls in Action.” Mom coordinated potlucks, picnics, and trips for the youth, and did overseas outreach as head of the Women’s Missionary Union. We got, and gave, a lot of social support at church. It was our community. My sister and I were in Brownies and Girl Scouts, and I was in 4-H. We were always busy.
I went to Lansing Elementary and Northwest Ashe High School. The mascot for both of these rural mountain schools was the “Mountaineer,” in some pictures a proud explorer in the mold of Daniel Boone or Lewis and Clark, in others a hayseed, a hick, a clodhopper, a country bumpkin—in other words, a hillbilly. (I secretly wondered if the original mascot wasn’t Old Reece, the kindly bearded man with long grey hair who lived—and eventually died–in a cave near the high school).
We were lucky to grow up with two teachers for parents: in our household reading and learning was fun and homework was non-negotiable. At school our third-grade classroom had a termite problem. Our fourth-grade teacher had bad temper. (He was arrested on a meth charge thirty years later in the TV series “Southern Justice.”) But we got an excellent education at those small rural schools. When Mrs. Caviness had us read Chaucer in the original Old English, we were proud to recognize some of our own mountain dialect in the Old English. Our tough English vocabulary tests every Friday prepared us for the SAT. We went to statewide band competitions because Ashe County schools had strong music programs. The young former Peace Corps volunteer who taught French managed to equip us with a surprising amount of it.
My high school classmates, many of whom still live in Ashe and the surrounding Appalachian counties or slightly down-state, have jobs in agriculture, education, engineering, health care, social work, manufacturing, law enforcement, real estate, the arts, tourism, the service industry, and more. They went to universities like App State, UNC Chapel Hill, and NC State, or took classes at Wilkes Community College. Thanks to scholarships and federal loans, I went to Wake Forest University, a full two hours away in Winston-Salem (an eternity back then). Some amazing faculty members became my mentors, like Dr. William (“Billy”) Hamilton, who was like a second father. With their encouragement I studied abroad in Moscow, embarked on graduate studies, and eventually became a professor.
Our community had its problems—quite a few kids had food instability; some experienced domestic violence, addiction, and mental health crises themselves or in their families. One of our classmates died by suicide not long after graduation. But these challenges were not “special” to Appalachia. And almost all of us benefitted from supports like excellent teachers, arts programs in schools, community churches and other organizations, and public assistance like subsidized meals at school.
Appalachia is in my bones, and I don’t recognize myself or my community in J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy. But I would never offer my own history, my own little story, as representative of the Appalachian experience. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what J.D. Vance does in his book.
Vance tracks his rags to riches journey from Middletown, Ohio, to Yale Law School (with summers in Jackson, Kentucky which, unlike Middletown, is actually in Appalachia). He bounces from one living situation to another with a substance-using mother and her string of “flavor of the month” boyfriends, all under the watchful eye of MaMaw and PaPaw, with whom he also lived intermittently. Vance describes an environment of domestic violence and substance use, but also of fierce love for family and country. He “made it” not because of his environment but in spite of it. His Appalachia—the “hillbilly culture” he escaped—is one of backwardness, bad choices, and lack of initiative. The characters in Elegy are vivid and relatable, especially MaMaw, the salty family matriarch, who cusses like a sailor and smokes like a chimney. Vance credits MaMaw with keeping him on the straight and mostly narrow. (In his recent RNC speech, Vance proudly claimed that after her death, he found 19 loaded handguns in MaMaw’s house.)
Vance is a good writer. He tells his story well.
But that’s just it. Hillbilly Elegy is one man’s story, the story of a man who technically didn’t even grow up in Appalachia. Vance grew up in an Ohio town in the Rust Belt, a town to which a lot of people from Appalachia—including Vance’s grandparents—had moved. His grandparents were products of the so-called “hillbilly highway,” the migration of tens of thousands of Appalachian families to towns and cities in the Midwest and elsewhere for work.
So, Vance’s very claim to be a “hillbilly” from Appalachia is not clear cut. As Kentucky’s governor Andy Beshear recently said, “J.D. Vance ain’t from here.”
Even if Vance did qualify as Appalachian, he certainly does not speak for all of Appalachia. He uses anecdotes from his own life to paint a vast swath of the United States in broad brushstrokes. Appalachia spans 206,000 square miles and comprises 423 counties across 13 states. He overlooks Appalachia’s rich diversity and her 26.4 million residents, instead offering his own experiences as representative of “hillbilly culture.” His statement that “the culture of Greater Appalachia is remarkably cohesive” (p. 4) is breathtaking in its dismissal of the tapestry of topographies, linguistic traditions, racial and ethnic identities, livelihoods, and cultural traditions that make up Appalachia.
Scrolling through the website, you see Appalachia. Mechanics, farmers, poets, tattoo artists, preachers, and builders. Mountains under descending fog, mountains with their tops blasted off, mountains covered in snow. Car lots and tobacco barns and trailer parks and factories. Schools and rivers and kudzu and train tracks. Dancers and soldiers and barbers and loafers. Laughter and pride and sorrow and regret. You see Appalachia and know that it is also America.
An image of “Stikes Holler” in Warrensville shows a cascade of vintage cabins and barns where my classmates, the Stikes, used to live, and maybe still do. I rode past Stikes Holler every day going to school for 12 years. Stikes Holler is an iconic image of hillbilly poverty. It exists, and it is real. But it is only one tiny sliver of Appalachia, not representative of the region as a whole. Nothing is.
In dedicating his elegy to “hillbillies,” a term associated with whiteness, Vance already discounts the experiences of anyone in Appalachia who is not white. According to the Appalachian Regional Commission, one-fifth of the population of Appalachia are people of color (Blacks, Hispanics, and other people of color), as are over a third of the population of Southern Appalachia. Appalachia includes three federally recognized and five state recognized Native American Tribal Communities. Another Appalachian writer, Neema Avashia, reminds us that immigrants “provide essential labor in Appalachia in healthcare, agriculture and service industries.” And what of the migrant laborers from Mexico, Central and South America, and elsewhere who help keep many agricultural industries in Appalachia afloat? Many of these people are unlikely to show up in any census, but they, too, are Appalachia.
Appalachia is much more economically diverse than Vance acknowledges. Poverty is most acute in the Central and North Central Appalachian regions, especially eastern Kentucky, southeast Ohio, southcentral West Virginia, and Appalachian Mississippi. But many Appalachian counties have economies positively designated as “transitional” or “competitive.” Reading Elegy, one might think the main employment in Appalachia is still mining and manufacturing. In fact, employment in resource-extractive (mining) and goods-producing sectors (manufacturing) have declined over the past decades, and the service-producing sector now accounts for more than 75% of the Appalachian region’s employment. Reading Elegy, it would be easy to think that few hillbillies have steady jobs. In fact, 95.7% of Appalachia’s labor force is employed, which is slightly higher than the U.S. rate.
Vance also ignores decades of insightful scholarship about Appalachia and Appalachian migrants. In his 261 pages purporting to explain Appalachia, Vance cites only 14 published sources (fewer than I’ve use here!), perpetuating centuries-old stereotypes. As Ivy Brashear observes in the Bitter Southerner, Vance “continues the long tradition of presenting Appalachia as a monolithic region and a group of people characterized only by laziness and violence and dislike of anyone or anything different.” Worse, Vance offers “policy recommendations” based on these limited observations. (To wit: child and family services should employ a more expansive definition of “family;” and too many government supports are aimed towards getting people to college.)
And what is the story Vance tells about those poor, white, working-class hillbillies? He identifies a “decay of culture” that perpetuates poverty in Appalachian families, and he diagnoses hillbillies with “learned helplessness.” “There was something almost spiritual about the cynicism of the community,” Vance writes (p. 188). Elegy constantly calls out the pessimism of working-class whites, implying that just having a better attitude would solve people’s problems. While acknowledging their ever-shrinking job market as manufacturing jobs move overseas, Vance warns,
…this book is about something else: what goes on in the lives of real people when the industrial economy goes south. It’s about reacting to bad circumstances in the worst way possible. It’s about a culture that increasingly encourages social decay instead of counteracting it. (p. 7)
In short, Elegy blames the region’s problems on Appalachian people’s pessimism and bad choices. He spends little time considering structural forces—changing economies, environmental disasters left by unchecked extractive industries, lack of quality health care, and generational trauma—that keep some Appalachian people poor and disadvantaged. Vance mocks people on public assistance, assuring the reader that white people can be “welfare queens,” too. Food stamp recipients are people who show little interest in honest work. Addiction treatment and 12-step programs are a joke because addiction is not a disease, just a lack of will power.
The “culture of poverty” narrative driving the book is a version of the “bootstrap” narrative, which writer Alissa Quart describes as “the claim that all success is the result of an individual’s gifts and efforts, and anyone who tries hard can make it.” Bootstrapping is a powerful idea. We’d like to believe that hard work, ingenuity, and perseverance are all we need to attain the American Dream, a dream most often measured in money and material wealth. The bootstrapping narrative locks us into a vision of success calculated in terms of social mobility and financial wealth, not healthy relationships, physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and other measures of well-being.
In Elegy, Vance is the quintessential self-made man. And this is where Vance’s book reveals itself as more political platform roadmap and less “memoir.” To Vance, problems like poverty are personal and “cultural,” not structural and political. Lacking faith in public institutions, Vance thinks government assistance makes things worse. In his self-tale, he rose through sheer grit and determination—and a little help from ferocious MaMaw. The message: if only hillbillies believe in themselves, choose the right friends, and don’t succumb to “learned helplessness,” they, too, can succeed.
Rugged individualism is supposedly a cornerstone of American democracy. It’s a compelling idea that ignores the personal, community, and government supports that enable survival and make success possible for those who need a boost, things like school lunch programs, church picnics, community health clinics, Medicaid, school trips, little free libraries (and bookmobiles!), housing assistance, food pantries, neighborly attention, sports, arts and music programs in schools, Meals on Wheels, public libraries, exceptional teachers, Pell grants and other need-based scholarships, and more. Many of these assists surely played a role in Vance’s life, but admitting this would render his bootstrap narrative impotent.
The bootstrap narrative is often coupled with a call to cut public programs. To his credit, as an Ohio state senator, Vance has broken with the Republican party on some public assistance issues, healthcare in particular. He supported maintaining government investment in Medicare and social security, and strong government interventions to improve healthcare systems. We should all keep an eye on whether he will revert to the familiar bootstrap narrative or do the right thing and such support public programs.
Still, in one of the most poignant moments in Elegy, Vance comes to the wrong conclusion. When he and other law students are interviewed for summer internships with top-shelf law firms, we see him awkward at a fancy recruitment dinner: he can’t pronounce sauvignon blanc, so he orders the easier-to-say chardonnay. He doesn’t know what all the cutlery is for, so he calls his girlfriend. Feeling out of place, he reflects on how the game is rigged, how players from more elite backgrounds start the game with more knowledge and tools, with a head start. And he realizes that as an Ivy League law student he, too, is privileged. Yale Law opened a door for him that many aspiring lawyers could never hope to enter.
Here is Vance’s chance to think about relative privilege: how access to generational wealth, social capital (networks), and cultural capital (know-how, familiarity with the rules of the game) advantage certain members of society and disadvantage others. He could reflect on the negative effects of generational trauma, which he experienced as the grandson of a violent alcoholic and the son of a verbally and physically abusive user of drugs who bounced him from home to home. Here’s Vance’s chance to ponder structural ways to level the playing field, to give more people from more diverse backgrounds a seat at that fancy law-firm recruitment dining table. Or, to move the event both literally and figuratively to a less posh, more inclusive space where everyone could focus on substance and the exchange of ideas rather than which fork to use. In other words, Vance might consider ways to give more people a leg up so they can access the game and master its rules OR entertain the possibility of changing the rules altogether.
Instead, Vance responds as a rugged individualist: learn the rules quickly, play hard, and propel yourself to the top, supposedly on willpower and perseverance alone. As West Virginia-born Ivy League graduate Caleb Miller wrote in his recent critique of Vance, “He wants you to believe that he pulled himself up by his bootstraps, and he wants you to look away as he pulls up the ladder behind him.” Vance has no plan to level the playing field, only a plan for himself—the supposedly self-made man—to work harder, jump higher, and scale those socioeconomic ladders to the top, solo.
It is a shame that Vance ignores the value of community supports, including diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, to ensure fair play in education, employment, and public service. DEI is fundamentally about creating spaces that value a range of backgrounds, viewpoints, and strengths so that everyone can contribute their unique talents (diversity). DEI is about people with diverse experiences coming together around a table to cooperate and learn from each other—it helps us understand and bridge cultural and other differences (inclusion). And DEI entails noticing and addressing the structural barriers and inequities that some people experience simply because of their location in the social stratum (equity).
We called ourselves the island of misfit toys … a conservative hillbilly from Appalachia, the super-smart daughter of Indian immigrants, a Black Canadian with decades’ worth of street smarts, a neuroscientist from Phoenix, an aspiring civil-rights attorney born a few minutes from Yale’s campus, and an extremely progressive lesbian with a fantastic sense of humor, among others. (pp. 200-201)
They “became a kind of family for me” (p. 200), Vance recalls. Yet instead of reflecting on his own experiences of feeling excluded as a “hillbilly” in various settings—and his positive counter-experience in the “misfits’” seminar—to consider the benefits of inclusion programs, Vance, now as a Vice Presidential candidate, is coming after DEI programs at US universities. He recently tweeted that “DEI is racism, pure and simple.”
DEI is not racism; it is not about “hiring on race.” Diversity and inclusion are big-tent concepts that include not only race, ethnicity, (dis)ability, and gender, but also socioeconomic status. Being poor, coming from a single-parent home, growing up in non-traditional housing arrangements—all that is diversity, too. The GI Bill that served predominately white veterans (including “hillbillies”) and programs for first generation college students (many of them economically underserved whites) are examples of equity and inclusion. Perhaps Vance is weaponizing DEI because he cannot see the ways in which a class-disadvantaged kid like him (if not a hillbilly) might have benefitted from DEI. Let’s be clear: in a country where the majority of poor people are white, DEI helps white people, too.
Targeting DEI is just one of Vance’s attacks on the nation’s universities. A college education has for centuries afforded many Americans (marginalized “hillbillies” and others) a path for upward social mobility, even as it is not the only route. Having already benefitted from opportunities at two of the country’s great universities, one public (Ohio State), Vance now wants to pull the rug out: “We have to honestly and aggressively attack the universities in this country,” he said in 2022. In a 30-minute speech he declared, “The Universities are the Enemy.”
As a public university professor with 21 years of experience teaching, mentoring, and caring about the next generation of America’s leaders, I am concerned about J.D. Vance’s planned assault on higher education and on DEI. Equity and inclusion are essential practices for navigating the world. As a microcosm of the world, universities are learning grounds for the life practices and processes that reflect the world in which we live. DEI is about raising up a big tent and bringing everyone into the conversation. It is about bridging differences, finding common ground, and identifying complementary strengths, so that all boats rise. It is about learning when to speak, when to listen, when to lend a hand, and when to ask for help. And it is about providing those with less access to knowledge and networks—those who don’t possess the kind of cultural and social capital that is valued by society—opportunities to play on a level playing field or to change the rules for the greater good.
And so I offer my mountaineer’s prayer: that people will look beyond J.D. Vance’s skewed portrait of Appalachia to appreciate the unique beauty and challenge of the region’s past, present, and future. That folks will see through the myth of bootstrapping and do the hard work needed to support one another as we navigate the election cycle, climate change, health care crises, and the so-called culture wars. And that universities will remain big tent spaces where freedom of speech and assembly, critical thinking, and diversity, equity and inclusion thrive.
I am grateful to Carmen Henne-Ochoa and Kate Wiegele for their contributions to this article and its arguments.
Additional Sources and Notes.
William J. Barber II, with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, White Poverty: How Exposing Myths about Race and Class Can Reconstruct American Democracy (Liveright, 2024).
Meredith McCarroll and Anthony Harkins, eds. Appalachian Reckoning: A Region Responds to Hillbilly Elegy (West Virginia University Press, 2019).
Alissa Quart, Bootstrapped: Liberating Ourselves from the American Dream (Ecco, 2023).
Grayson fires three shots at Sonya Massey, while his partner watches with gun drawn.
Deputy Sean Grayson didn’t turn on his body camera until after he’d shot Sonya Massey three times. This is probably why he thought he could get away with saying he killed Massey in self-defense, as she was charging toward him with a pot of boiling water. What Grayson didn’t realize is that his partner’s body cam recorded the entire fatal encounter, showing that the diminutive, unarmed Massey was hiding from the Springfield deputy, when Grayson walked around the kitchen counter, shot her in the face and left her to bleed out. Then he lied about it…lies that were caught on tape and exposed as lies on tape.
Grayson should never have been hired as a cop. His record contains one blemish and red flag after another, starting with his abbreviated career in the US Army. Sean Grayson joined the Army in May 2014, but his career as a wheeled vehicle mechanic lasted less than two years, before he was discharged for “misconduct, (serious offense).” During his time in the Army, Grayson pleaded guilty to charges of driving under the influence. Shortly after his discharge, he was arrested again for drunk driving. On his application for a job with the Logan County Sheriff’s Department, Grayson said he had been drunk “a lot” in his life.
Despite this dubious resume, Grayson received his law enforcement certification in 2021 and over the next three years was hired by six different law enforcement agencies: the town police departments of Pawnee, Kincaid, Virden and Auburn, Illinois and the sheriff’s offices in Logan and Sangamon Counties. For the first couple of years as a cop, Grayson was only paid $17.50 an hour, but he was compensated by gaining the authority to exert power over people making much more or nothing at all.
While working as a deputy for Logan County, Grayson was disciplined by the department for a high-speed vehicle chase that resulted in him wrecking his cruiser after hitting a deer. It was determined that Grayson had violated department policy on vehicle pursuits.
Two complaints were filed against Grayson during his short stint in Logan County, one by a woman who accused him of “inappropriate behavior” during an arrest and another by a jail inmate who claimed Grayson had “abused his power” during an interrogation in his cell. Neither complaint led to any charges or disciplinary action.
In another incident last year, Grayson became irate when Wayman Morrison, police chief of Girard, Illinois, refused to call child protective services on a woman outside of Grayson’s mother’s home.“He was acting like a bully,” Meredith told CBS News. “He was wanting me to do stuff that was not kosher.”
Audio recordings obtained by CBS News show that two years before he shot Sonya Massey, Grayson was reprimanded for falsifying information in his police reports while working for the Logan County sheriff’s office.
“If we can’t trust what you say and what you see, we can’t have you in our uniform,” a supervisor can be heard telling Grayson on one of the tapes. “The sheriff and I will not tolerate lying or deception…Officers [like you] have been charged and they end up in jail.”
Grayson had been fired by the town of Kincaid’s police department because he refused to live within ten miles of the city limits and he left his job with the Virden police department without giving any notice. “He just stopped covering shifts,” a department spokesman said. He spent less than a year with the Auburn police department before leaving that post to Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office, where he was employed on the night he got the call about a possible prowler outside Sonya Massey’s house in Springfield, Illinois.
Grayson interviews Sonya Massey on her porch.
A little before one in the morning on July 6, Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman struggling with emotional issues, called 911 to report that she believed an intruder was trying to break into her home. Grayson and his partner, still unidentified, pulled up to the address, parked their cruiser and searched the front and backyards of Massey’s house. Finding no one or any sign of a break-in, Grayson and his partner went to the front porch. Grayson pounds four or five times on the door and brusquely, yells: “Are you coming to the door or not? All right. Hurry up!”
Massey finally opens the door, holding a cell phone.
Massey says, “I called for help.”
Grayson, who looms over her, replies: “What do you want help with?”
“I heard somebody outside,” Massey says.
“Yeah, we checked your house,” Grayson says. “We checked your backyard. I walked all the way through all these backyards. We checked the front yard. We didn’t see nobody. Nobody’s out.”
Massey, a thin woman in a nightgown who weighed only 110 pounds, seemed to be calm, as the deputies questioned her about her 911 call and a car in her driveway. Massey told the two cops that the car, a black SUV with a smashed window, wasn’t hers. The unidentified deputy leaves for a couple of minutes to write down the license plate number of the car and call it into the station. After he returns to the porch, the deputies enter the house with Massey. Once inside, Grayson asks Massey, who is sitting on a sofa, for her ID, “A driver’s license will do, and I’ll get out of your hair.”
Grayson and his partner ask Massey for her ID, then tell her to remove a steaming pot from her stove.
While the other deputy searches the house, Massey rummages through her purse and then flips through a stack of papers looking for her license. “I’ve got papers, I’ll show you my papers,” Massey says, anxiously.
Looking a little confused now, Massey, who was recovering from a recent surgery, asks Grayson to hand her a Bible. Whatever the deputies are thinking at this point, they haven’t read Massey her Miranda Rights or placed her under arrest. In fact, Grayson tells her, “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble.”
One of the deputies notices a pot of steaming water on the gas stove in Massey’s kitchen and asks her to turn it off, saying “We don’t need a fire while we are here.” Massey gets up walks into the kitchen, turns the burner off and removes the pot of water. As she’s holding it, the unidentified deputy takes a couple of steps backward.
Massey ask why the cops are moving back, as she turns off the stove and removes the pot of water.
“Why are you going?” Massey asks.
“Away from that steaming water,” the deputy says.
“Oh, the steaming water?” Massey says. “Then I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.”
“Huh?” the deputy asks.
“I rebuke you in the name of Jesus,” Massey repeats.
“You better fucking not or I swear to God I’ll fucking shoot you in the fucking face,” Grayson yells, as he draws his 9MM gun (not his TASER or his mace) and points it at Massey. The other deputy, who is standing to Grayson’s right, also draws his gun.
Grayson aims his gun at Massey as she says, “I’m sorry.”
Massey puts her hands and says, “I’m sorry.” Then she ducks behind a breakfast bar.
Grayson moves a couple steps to his right, yells: “Drop the fucking pot, drop the fucking pot.” Then he fires three shots. One of the shots hits Massey in the face below her left eye. As he stands over her body, Grayson again yells, “Drop the fucking pot.” The other deputy shouts into his radio, “Shots fired. Shots fired.” At this point, the cops had been in Massey’s house for less than three minutes.
The deputy puts his gun in his holster and tells Grayson,” I’m going to go get my [medical] kit.”
Grayson says, “Nah, she’s done. You can go get it, but that’s a headshot.” Then Grayson tells his partner, “I’m not taking boiling water to the fucking head and look it came right to our feet, too. God damn it.”
“Are you good,” the deputy asks Grayson.
“Yeah, I’m good. Let her fucking just…What are you going to do, man?”
The deputy leaves to get his medical kit. Grayson walks back into the living room and paces around muttering. He makes no attempt to render any medical aid to Massey.
When the deputy returns and applies pressure to Massey’s bullet wound, he tells Grayson she has a pulse and is gasping for breath.
Finally, Grayson walks out of the house to the patrol car. He comes back with his medical kit and asks if there’s anything he can do. When he’s told no, Grayson responds, “All right, I’m not even gonna waste my med stuff then.”
When the paramedics arrive, the two deputies struggle to remember Massey’s name. The paramedics tell the cops, they’d been there earlier in the day. Massey had been recovering from a recent surgery.
When other deputies arrive at the scene, they ask Grayson if he’s doing okay. He says, “Yeah, I’m okay. This fucking bitch is crazy.”
Grayson tells another deputy at the scene, “She set it up on purpose, so it is what it is.”
“Where’s the gun?” one deputy asks Grayson.
“No, she had boiling water and came at me with boiling water,” Grayson says. “She said she was going to rebuke me in the name of Jesus and came at (me) with boiling water.”
Crime scene tape is deployed around Massey’s house, as Grayson falsely tells his fellow cops that she charged toward him with a pot of boiling water.
One of the last images on the body cam footage shows the deputy who, unlike Grayson, tried to save Massey’s life standing at the back of his patrol car, wiping her blood from his hands. Another deputy asks him, “You good?”
“I’m fine,” he says. “I’m going to chill in my car for a second. Camera’s off.”
Sonya Massey, mother of two, was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital, making her the 701st person killed by police this year. (Another 59 people have been killed by police since Massey’s death on July 6.)
For days after the killing of Sonya Massey, her friends and family don’t know how she died. Some of her family, including her, father James Wilburn, were led to believe by the police that she had committed suicide. Others that she was killed by an intruder in her house.
The idea that Massey had killed herself originated with the deputies on the scene. When asked by a police dispatcher, “Just to confirm: self-inflicted?”one of them replied, “Self-inflicted.”
Massy’s son, Malachi Hill Massey, said police told him that his mother “had been shot in the eye and it came out her neck.”
“They didn’t tell me who,” Malachi said. “They were just saying it was ‘somebody.’”
The cops told Massie’s ex-boyfriend, and the father of one of her kids, that a neighbor had shot her. Other cops told her father that she’d been killed by an intruder.
“I was under the impression that a prowler had broken in and killed my baby. Never did they say that it was a deputy-involved shooting until my brother read it on the internet,” said Wilburn at a news conference arranged by the family’s lawyer, Ben Crump. “We were led to believe that the intruder – or someone from the neighborhood – may have killed her. We were absolutely shocked to find out that it was a deputy who shot her.”
A week after the killing, the Illinois State Police released 36 minutes of body camera footage documenting the search of Massey’s house, her interactions with the deputies, her shooting and the aftermath of her shooting. The video demolished Deputy Grayson’s version. At no point was Massey aggressive toward either officer. She didn’t threaten or run at them with boiling water. Grayson wasn’t defending his life. Massey was crouched behind the counter when she was shot, the pot she was holding, already drained of water.
An investigation of the shooting was initiated by the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office, which soon turned the case over to the Illinois State Police, who finished their review in less than 10 days and turned it over to the prosecutors. The police investigator concluded that Grayson wasn’t justified in his use of deadly force. According to a court filing, “he likened the scenario to an officer intentionally and unnecessarily putting himself in front of a moving vehicle and then justifying the use of force because of fear of being struck.”
On July 17, a grand jury in Springfield handed down indictments against Grayson for first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm and official misconduct. Grayson was remanded without bail and fired from his job. But what about the people who hired Grayson and put him out on the streets of Springfield night after night?
The quick action against Grayson is the exception. Since 2005, fewer than 2% of officer-involved shootings are ever prosecuted and less than half of those end in guilty pleas or convictions.
If Donald Trump has his way, this percentage will drop to zero. He wants police to enjoy the same immunity for “official acts” that the Supreme Court says he enjoys. A couple of days after the release of the damning body cam footage of the murder of Sonya Massey, Trump was in St. Cloud, Minnesota, where the felonious ex-president told the crowd.
“I want to give immunity to police to do their job. I’m giving federal immunity to police officers so they can do their job.”
The “job” of policing in America results in the killing of nearly four people every day across the country. In this case, it meant shooting Sonya Massey in the face, a woman who had called the cops for help and only a few minutes after they knocked on her door was killed in her own kitchen for holding a pot of steaming water the deputies had ordered her to take off the stove.
The Geneva Conference. Photograph Source: U.S. Army – Public Domain
With the U.S.- backed carnage in Gaza continuing and the threat of growing violence looming throughout the region (in Lebanon, Iran, and who knows where else), we need to think more deeply than ever about how the American people have historically been excluded from foreign policy decision-making. An upcoming anniversary should remind us of what sent us down this undemocratic path.
Sixty years ago, on August 7, 1964, Congress handed President Lyndon Johnson the power to wage a major war in Vietnam, solidifying its long-standing deference to the presidency on foreign policy. Not once since World War II has Congress exercised its constitutional responsibility to vote on declarations to decide if, when, and where the United States goes to war.
The Tonkin Gulf Resolution of 1964 flew through Congress, in part because most members trusted the president’s assurance that he sought “no wider war.” Their trust was misplaced. The Johnson administration kept secret and lied about its plans for future military escalation in Vietnam. It also lied about the incident used to persuade Congress to give LBJ a blank check to use military force however he wanted: the false claim that American ships had been the targets of unprovoked and unequivocal attacks by North Vietnamese patrol boats.
In fact, the United States had been fighting a secret war against North Vietnam since 1961. The U.S. destroyers that LBJ said were innocently sailing on the “high seas” were there to support South Vietnamese attacks (organized by the U.S. military and CIA) on North Vietnamese coastal villages. On August 2, 1964, these ongoing acts of war finally provoked a few Vietnamese patrol boats to chase after a U.S. destroyer which, firing first, easily disabled the small vessels. The Vietnamese managed to fire a few torpedoes but missed. There were no American casualties. Not exactly Pearl Harbor.
What’s more, the White House also claimed it had “unequivocal” evidence that North Vietnamese patrol boats attacked again on August 4. In fact, the U.S. commander on the scene sent a “flash message” urging civilian authorities to delay any decision–because what first seemed like an attack may have been a false alarm caused by “freak weather effects on radar and overeager sonarmen.” Within days it was all but certain that no second attack had occurred. As President Johnson said to an aide, “Hell, those dumb, stupid sailors were just shooting at flying fish!”
Nonetheless, Johnson went on television near midnight on August 4 to announce that it was his “duty” to launch a “retaliatory” airstrike. As he spoke, 64 U.S. warplanes were on their way to bomb North Vietnam. The next day LBJ asked Congress for a resolution giving him the authority “to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States.” We now know that the heart of this resolution had been drafted months earlier. The administration had just been waiting for a pretext to ram it through Congress.
We also know the lies didn’t stop there. That fall, as Johnson campaigned for the presidency, he sounded like a peace candidate, promising that he would not send “our boys to do the fighting for Asian boys.” Running against prowar Republican Barry Goldwater, LBJ won in a landslide. Americans voted for peace and ended up with a war that killed more than three million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans.
Virtually every top U.S. foreign policy official knew the Johnson administration was lying about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, including thirty-three-year-old Daniel Ellsberg. By chance, Ellsberg’s first full day on the job, as one of Robert McNamara’s Pentagon “whiz kids,” was August 4, 1964. Ellsberg was then a Cold War hawk who supported the U.S. mission in Vietnam. Like all his colleagues, he raised no internal objections to Johnson’s airstrikes or the administration’s effort to sell the Tonkin Gulf Resolution through deceit. And no insider gave a second’s thought to revealing those lies to Congress, the media, or the public.
After a year in the Pentagon, nearly two years in Vietnam, and two more years meeting young antiwar activists and intensely studying the 7000-page top-secret history of decision-making in Vietnam that became known as the Pentagon Papers, Ellsberg underwent a dramatic political and moral conversion. By 1967, he believed the war an unwinnable stalemate from which the U.S. should find a face-saving exit. By 1969, he regarded it as fundamentally immoral and unjust, and thought the U.S. should withdraw unilaterally and immediately.
At that point, Ellsberg decided to photocopy the Pentagon Papers and make them public, hoping that their sordid record of government lying would further ignite antiwar activism. He did so with the knowledge that it might bring him a life sentence in prison. First Ellsberg tried to persuade antiwar Senators to put the Pentagon Papers into the public record. When that effort failed, he took the papers to the New York Times and 18 other newspapers. Each of them published substantial portions in June 1971.
Later that year, Ellsberg spoke with former Oregon Senator Wayne Morse, one of only two members of Congress who voted against the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. They talked about the documents in the Pentagon Papers that contained detailed evidence of the Johnson administration’s lies about the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Morse said to Ellsberg, “If you’d given me those documents, at the time, in 1964, the Tonkin Gulf Resolution would never have gotten out of committee. And if they had brought it to the floor, it would have lost.”
You can’t replay history, so we can’t test Morse’s claim, but Ellsberg has many times said that the greatest regret of his life was not exposing the government’s lies about Vietnam much earlier. There were many reasons why he didn’t, and why so few officials ever expose national security wrongdoing. The biggest reason, Ellsberg came to realize, was the intense culture of power, loyalty, and careerism that characterizes foreign policy circles. Almost no one in those positions, even those who have serious objections to ongoing policies, is willing to risk their insider status and their access to power and privileged information. Most fully internalize the arrogant assumption that the foreign policy elite understands far better than Congress or the people how the world works and how the U.S. should exercise its power.
And Congress, for its part, continues to enable an ever more imperial presidency that decides when and where the U.S. goes to war. It almost never uses the power of the purse to reduce
U.S. militarism or to cut funding for unpopular wars. The nearly trillion-dollar Pentagon budget is rubber stamped every year. There is no guarantee that a more engaged Congress would give us a less militarized and interventionist foreign policy. But it would make it more accountable to a public which historically has been substantially more antiwar than its representatives. As in the Vietnam era, a majority of Americans opposed the 21st century wars in Iraq and Afghanistan many years before they ended. And since at least March 2024 a majority of Americans have opposed the Israeli government’s war on Gaza, yet Congress continues to bankroll U.S. support for it.
We have seen, in the last ten months, an unprecedented outpouring of American protest in support of Palestinian rights. For good reason. At least 40,000 Gazans, most of them civilians, and many of them children, have been killed by the Israeli military’s indiscriminate and disproportionate response to the Hamas killing of some 1200 Israelis on October 7, 2023. At least 2 percent of the Gazan population (2.14 million) have been killed and at least 75 percent displaced from their homes (many have had to flee multiple times). A recent study by the medical journal The Lancet, estimates that the death toll in Gaza could reach 186,000 even if there is a ceasefire today.
For most Americans, this level of suffering is unimaginable. Yet we must try to imagine it. If we were Gaza, at least 6.5 million of us would be dead, the vast majority women, children and other civilians. Many millions more would be among the uncounted dead and dying – buried, lost, sick, starving. At least 240 million of us would be forced from our homes, on the road seeking shelter, food, and water under ongoing military attacks and perils beyond description.
That is the reality in Gaza.
In the end, only a mass democratic movement has the potential to dramatically change U.S. foreign policy. The first challenge is to overthrow the baseless claim that the United States is the greatest force for good in the world, the “indispensable nation” that stands for the rule of law, freedom, and democracy. Our record does not warrant such a delusion. Only when that ideology and naïve faith is broadly undermined can we hope to chip away at the long-standing infrastructure of U.S. militarism-–the 750 military bases on foreign soil, the annual military exercises in two-thirds of the world’s nations, and the “defense” budget that equals the next nine most militarized nations combined.
Ellsberg and Morse were right. The people must know the truth. But we have long had more than enough evidence to demand fundamental changes in U.S. foreign policy. We can’t wait for Congress to represent us faithfully. The people’s voice must be heard.
Mequite Flats Dunes, Death Valley National Park. Photo: Jeffrey St. Clair.
The earth gets hotter, as rich nations continue their coal, oil and gas burning spree, while those who urge a course correction get…thrown into prison. The latest casualty of a judiciary dedicated to preserving ecocidal plutocracy is Extinction Rebellion’s Roger Hallam, sentenced to five years in jail in the U.K. for his efforts to stop the corporate insanity defiling the planet. You may think “defiling” is a strong word. But with a heat index of 144 degrees Fahrenheit in Dubai July 16, multiple heat domes baking enormous swaths of the globe this month at record-smashing temperatures for record-smashing lengths of time, and the four hottest days IN A ROW ever recorded in July, you might want to thank Hallam for attempting to arrest this calamity. But if you do, be prepared for the violent, most rapacious aristo-oligarchs in human history – especially those peopling the top echelons of giant oil corporations – to try to shut you up.
Those moneyed bigwigs have been fiendishly effective when it comes to tarring the climate movement and climate science as junk. It seems the hotter the planet becomes, the more undeniable the evidence of our senses and statistics, the more these fantastically wealthy polluters double down on their planetary pyromania. They do not care what happens to the next generation and suffer from the delusion that they will be immune to the climate fiasco unfolding now. So they go on pooh-poohing extreme weather and dangerous heat and leading the best congress their money can buy by the nose.
Back to Hallam. His crime? In his own words: “Giving a talk on civil disobedience as an effective evidence-based method for stopping the elite from putting enough carbon in the atmosphere to send us to extinction.” Hallam recounts in his recent posts that when, during his trial, he described the climate apocalypse we face – “floods, wildfires, mass heat deaths” – the judge muzzled him. “He sent out the jury and threatened to arrest me if I didn’t stop.” Hallam kept talking. The jury was kept out of the courtroom.
The accused cited the Dutch Supreme Court ruling “that all governments have a legal obligation to prevent the emissions of greenhouse gases.” When the jury returned, Hallam referred to case law, but the judge ordered the jurors to disregard him, even as he highlighted “the objective danger I’ve experienced as a farmer unable to grow food.” Indeed, some experts argue that by the end of the century, the much warmer earth will be unsuitable for growing wheat. So I guess those alive then will have to get their carbs from something other than bread.
Things are bad for this planet, our only home. In the past two years, global temps have shot way up, past scientific predictions, while ocean heat has blasted through all recorded precedents. According to the New York Times April 10, “the ocean has now broken temperature records every day for more than a year.” This kills marine life, causes coral bleaching and impacts weather, already severely eccentric and out of kilter from atmospheric warming. “Biblical flooding, scorching heat, collapsing grid systems, animals crumbling, waters rising, crops wilting, economy on the brink and millions displaced,” wrote Robert Hunziker in CounterPunch June 21. “Welcome to the future of climate change…Pakistan.” To prevent that future from spreading to other parts of the globe, we must stop burning fossil fuels, pronto.
This article cites an interview from Inside Climate News June 8, entitled “As Temperatures in Pakistan Top 120 Degrees, There’s Nowhere to Run.” This is something no nation, no leader wants to invite. Right, Donald “I Dig Coal” Trump? We can assume the Dems are somewhat on board (vide: Kamala “Prosecuted Polluters” Harris who has specifically addressed this matter of our collective fate), but the GOP is not. However, Trump’s surprisingly heartening plan to encourage Beijing to plant new industries here in the U.S. could easily include what China excels at, namely renewables.
Producing renewables means big bucks and entails lots of new jobs, and for GOP skeptics who want to boost fossil fuels, well hello? Wasn’t the multi-week, crushing heat dome over North America in July enough for you? Or do you actually want this heat/hurricane/wildfire catastrophe to get worse? It’s not good for business when electrical grids crash, whole cities like Houston lose power and sweltering residents decide, in large numbers, to move elsewhere. Or is the GOP content to let the south and west become uninhabitable?
Pakastani environmental lawyer Rafay Alam is quoted by Hunziker: “There is a significant denialism on climate change in places like the United States…It’s extremely infuriating to see people who’ve participated in this global warming deny it, deny any accountability, try and move on as if nothing’s happened and try to continue to make money and drive that bottom line.” Alam says multitudes in the Global South share this view. But the problem is that waking up your average American businessman is almost impossible, his uninformed mind is already made up, and climate doom, homo boobus thinks, is bad fer bizness. Well, it IS bad for business, at least for business as it’s conducted now, but it’s good for a whole slew of new, green businesses. However, no American entrepreneur wants to hear that what he does will ultimately end the world as we know it, why, that could scare off customers…almost as fast as a hurricane blows away their roofs.
One can always hope, and maybe we’ll get lucky, that the latest shocking heat trends are a fluke and that climate scientists’ more conservative – though equally devastating in the long term – predictions prove correct. Activists, however, won’t sit on their hands and wait. Take Hallam again. Prison guards, he posted July 22, have one main maxim: “Break the rules and you will be punished.” That, Hallam writes, corresponds to “politics at the end of the world. You can vote for whoever you want to as long as they don’t stop the project to destroy the human race over the next two decades…Civilizations…commit suicide, to use historian Arnold Toynbee’s famous phrase. Actually, they all destroy themselves eventually…because they are so sure they will not destroy themselves.”
Hallam argues that currently capital “has escaped control by the state…And soon capital will lose…” That’s because its externalities, i.e. carbon pollution, ruin the livable world. Historically, capital refused to pay for its externalities, for destroying and deforming the earth, and there’s no sign that’s about to change, even though, as of July 23 – just for instance – the whole ocean basin of the North Atlantic experiences a heatwave up 1.5 degrees Celsius above normal. This, while ocean temps have shot up 16 degrees Fahrenheit above average. The ocean is vast. It takes lots of carbon pollution to do this. But that’s what our vaunted, unchecked, rampaging, late capitalism has wrought, and that’s merely one example among hundreds.
Another for instance: In May and June, a heat dome stalled over Mexico and temps shot up over 113 degrees Fahrenheit, killing dozens of people, while bats, birds and monkeys got so hot they fell dead from the trees. This is not normal. This is life-threatening. It did not happen in the 20th century; back then summers were hot, but not nearly 100 degrees Fahrenheit for weeks on end on, say, the North American East Coast. If we want to arrest this disaster, business as usual must rapidly alter. Such a prescription may be anathema to plutocrats, but they, too, should consider what the world will be like in mere decades. Is it really worth gambling dying of heat prostration, or drowning in a flood, or being swept away by a hurricane? Because a broken climate will not spare the rich. It will kill them, too.
Image Source: The Heritage Foundation – Public Domain
“Christians, get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore, you know what? Four more years, it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”
– Donald Trump, July 27, 2024, Speech to a gathering of religious conservatives sponsored by the conservative advocacy group Turning Point Action.
I am not arguing that “Project 2025” is directly comparable to Adolf Hitler’s autobiographical manifesto “Mein Kampf,” but there are some similarities in their political ideology and their political plans for the United States and Germany, respectively. Both documents are “blueprints for authoritarianism.” As the saying goes, often you need to be forewarned in order to be forearmed.
The antisemitic ravings of “Mein Kampf” are quite different from the unconscionable anti-immigrant markers in “Project 2025.” However, the language of the documents as well as the language of Donald Trump reveal a contempt for groups of individuals that is evil and ugly. Hitler wrote about the “Jewish peril,” which isn’t far removed from Trump’s racism going back to the “American Carnage” speech of 2017 as well as the Project’s call for mass deportations.Trump’s language has only worsened over the years, and we never should forget his Muslim ban and the reference to “shithole” countries in his first year in the White House.
The important role of Stephen Miller on behalf of Trump and the Project is stunning; Miller is Jewish but he would have made a good Gauleiter for any Fascist party. Miller has been working for years to get a nationwide crackdown on immigration. He has vowed to increase deportations by a factor of ten, to a million people a year, according to recent articles in the New York Times and the New Yorker. Project 2025 calls for “stringent reinforcement” of immigration and deportation measures, including “ramped-up workplace inspections,” and penalties for employers hiring undocumented workers.
The United States was alerted nearly a decade ago to Steve Bannon’s Leninist “destruction of the administrative state,” and Project 2025 moves in this direction, calling for partisan control of the Department of Justice and the FBI. The Project wants increased military participation in domestic law enforcement, stressing the use of the Insurrection Act of 1807 to put down revolt or even civil unrest in the United States. Even peaceful protests could be targeted. The Germans had nearly one decade of warning regarding Hitler’s interest in destroying the parliamentary system, but never took his views seriously. We seem to be following the German pattern. Are we Germany 1933?
Even a cursory look at Project 2025 regarding U.S. governance reveals a dystopian view of American democracy and American freedoms. Trump and Project 2025 are in complete agreement regarding the plan to “dismantle the deep state and reclaim our democracy from Washington.” Senator J.D. Vance, the Republican vice-presidential nominee has gone even further, saying he would “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state. Replace them with our people.” In Trump’s first term, he issued an Executive Order to allow the president to remove “rogue bureaucrats.” Trump created a “Schedule F” to eliminate civil service protections. President Biden revoked this schedule in one of his first acts as president. Trump will certainly restore it.
Trump and Project 2025 favor the round-up of millions of immigrants in detention camps on the way to deportation. They advocate for abolishing the Department of Education, and the promotion of Christian white nationalism in public schools. All climate change progress, considerable under the Biden administration, would be reversed, and the words “climate change” would be banned.
Trump and Project 2025 would destroy the Voting Rights Act, and ban abortion and IVF. Gerrymandering, the filibuster, and voter suppression tactics would close down the channels of democratic change in our democracy. It would be very difficult to reverse this damage. Trump 2.0 will be worse than the first time around because Trump will be appointing far more right-wing troglodytes than the first time around. There will be no Gary Cohns on the economic side, or conservative military officers who were the adults in the room between 2017 and 2019. Trump has tried to distance himself from the Project but he hasn’t identified any Project proposals that are anathema to him, and virtually every key member of the Project worked in Trump’s administration and was identified as a super-MAGAn.
In at least one respect, Project 2025 must be taken just as seriously as Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.” The latter was the hatred and musings of a narcissistic paranoid. Project 2025 is a product of Trump’s acolytes who have created an entire institutional framework to put their agenda into place. The Center for Renewing America was formed to “end woke and weaponized government,” and to address the threat from critical race theory, which it terms “vast, real, and increasingly existential.”
CRA’s founder, Russell Vought, Trump’s chief of the Office of Management Budget in the first term, wrote an oped for Newsweek titled “Is there anything Actually Wrong with ‘Christian Nationalism’?” Vought’s group works closely with the Conservative Partnership Institute that is populated with such troglodytes as Mark Meadows. Stephen Miller runs America First Legal, which has been called the ACLU of the MAGA movement. The Conservative Partnership Institute was created in 2017 by former senator Jim DeMint, who left the Senate to run the Heritage Institution. According to Jonathan Blitzer in the New Yorker, these groups have invested $50 million in real estate in and around Washington, particularly on Capitol Hill, to construct their empire.
This poses a far more dangerous threat than Trump’s first term, which was destructive in its own right. But the mainstream media continue to dismiss Trump’s ability to turn ideas into actual policy. The Washington Post, still runs opeds with such titles as “The GOP still doesn’t know what it would do with power.” The Post ran an oped last week, indicating that Trump has softened his stance against abortion, and that Trump has “distanced himself.” But these are campaign statements with no real meaning whatsoever. The key is that, while many of the personnel in Trump’s first term ignored his ranting and ravings, the zealots in any second term will be counted on to support the rants and ravings of Trump and Vance. Hitler and Trump both benefitted from societies that refused to take them seriously, and from a press corps that underestimated the threat.
There is no question that a second Trump term would be far worse than the first regarding expanded presidential powers, social conservative initiatives, and the use of the military in the domestic arena. The personnel in the second term would be far more loyal and far more ideological. After all, Trump didn’t have a political structure in the first term; the second term will be dominated by hard-core polemicists and ideologues, who will not be committing insubordination to their leader. As for their leader, he is a dangerous demagogue. whose flawed character has been accurately described in books by family members. Trump, if elected, will secure the “American Carnage” that he predicted seven years ago.
POSTSCRIPT: A future piece on Project 2025 will deal with the threat to the Pendleton Act of 1883, The Civil Service Reform Act, and to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 that prevented the use of the military in dealing with domestic violence.
By hosting a historic signing of a unity agreement between 14 Palestinian political parties in Beijing on July 23, China has, once more, shown its ability to play a global role as a peace broker.
For years, China has attempted to play a role in Middle East politics, particularly in the region’s most enduring crisis, the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
In 2021, China announced its four-point plan, aimed at “comprehensively, fairly and permanently” resolving the Palestinian question.
Whether the plan itself was workable or not, it mattered little, as neither the Israeli government nor the Palestinian Authority were prepared to ditch Washington, which has dominated Middle East diplomacy for decades.
For the Israelis, their interests lie largely within their historic alliance with the United States, which has translated into very generous aid packages, military support and political backing.
As for the PA, since its inception in 1994, it revolved largely within a US-foreign policy sphere.
With time, the Palestinian leadership grew even more reliant on American-western financial handouts and validation. Thus, allowing China to flex its diplomatic muscles in the Middle East, at the expense of the US, would be considered a violation of the unspoken agreement between Washington and Ramallah.
Consequently, the Chinese efforts yielded nothing tangible.
But China’s success in ending a seven-year rift between Saudi Arabia and Iran re-introduced Beijing as a powerful new mediator, in a region known for its protracted and layered conflicts.
The latest horrific war in Gaza has further highlighted the possible role of China in Palestine and the region at large.
For years, China attempted to find the balance between its historic role as a global leader, with clout and credibility in the Global South, and its economic interests, including those in Israel.
That balancing act began eroding soon after the start of the war.
The Chinese political discourse on the war was committed to the rights of the Palestinian people and their historic struggle for freedom and justice.
The above notion was highlighted in the words of China’s ambassador to the UN, Fu Cong, when he said that “the establishment of an independent state is the indisputable national right of the Palestinian people, not subject to questioning or bargaining”.
Such language, which came to define China’s strong stance against the war, the massive human rights violations and the urgent need for a ceasefire, continued to evolve.
On February 22, China’s representative to the Hague, Ma Xinmin, said that “in pursuit of the right to self-determination, Palestinian people’s use of force to resist foreign oppression (…) is (an) inalienable right well founded in international law”. His statement was made during the fourth day of public hearings held by the ICJ to address Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestine.
The Chinese, and other countries’ efforts, paid dividends, as the ICJ released its Advisory Opinion on July 19, stating that “the sustained abuse by Israel of its position as an occupying Power” and “continued frustration of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, violates fundamental principles of international law”.
It is within this context that ‘The Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity’ was signed.
The agreement was not a mere document, similar to those signed between rival Palestinian parties in the past. It proposed a three-step initiative that includes a “comprehensive, lasting and sustainable ceasefire in Gaza”, followed by a post-conflict governance plan, which is itself predicated on the principle of “Palestinians governing Palestine.”
The final step seeks long-term peace, all of which is achieved through broad-based participation of regional and international players. In other words, ending the domination of a single country over the future of Palestine and her people.
There will certainly be attempts to undermine, if not cancel, the Chinese efforts entirely. But there are reasons that give us hope that the diplomatic push by China may, in fact, serve as a foundation for a change in the global attitude towards justice and peace in Palestine.
The fact that western European countries like Spain, Norway and Ireland have recognized Palestine shows that the US-dominated western diplomacy is breaking apart.
Moreover, the growing role of the Global South in supporting the Palestinian struggle suggests another seismic shift.
Since the signing of the Oslo Accords, much of the world has been sidelined from the struggle in Palestine. This is no longer the case.
China’s growing role in Palestinian and Middle East politics is taking place with changing global dynamics, and the practical end of the US traditional role as the ‘honest peace broker’.
The war on Gaza has presented China with the opportunity to play the role of an advocate for Palestine. This has given Beijing the needed credibility to achieve the most comprehensive agreement among Palestinian groups.
Time will tell if the agreement will be implemented or thwarted. But the fact remains that China is now officially a peace broker in Palestine and, for most Palestinians, a credible one at that.
On July 28, the 70th birthday of Hugo Chávez (1954-2013), Nicolás Maduro Moros won the Venezuelan presidential election, the fifth since the Bolivarian Constitution was ratified in 1999. In January 2025, Maduro will start his third six-year term as president. He took over the reins of the Bolivarian Revolution after the death of Chávez from pelvic cancer in 2013. Since the death of Chávez, Maduro has faced several challenges: to build his own legitimacy as president in the place of a charismatic man who came to define the Bolivarian Revolution; to tackle the collapse of oil prices in mid-2014, which negatively impacted Venezuela’s state revenues (over 90 percent of which was from oil exports); and to manage a response to the unilateral, illegal sanctions deepened on Venezuela by the United States as oil prices declined. These negative factors weighed heavily on the Maduro government, which has now been in office for a decade after being re-elected through the ballot box in 2018 and now in 2024.
From Maduro’s first election victory in 2013, the increasingly far-right opposition began to reject the electoral process and complain about irregularities in the system. Interviews I have held over the past decade with conservative politicians have made it clear that they recognize both the ideological grip of Chavismo over the working class of Venezuela and the organizational power not only of Maduro’s United Socialist Party of Venezuela but of the networks of Chavismo that run from the communes (1.4 million strong) to youth organizations. About half of Venezuela’s voting population is reliably wedded to the Bolivarian project, and no other political project in Venezuela has the kind of election machine built by the forces of the Bolivarian revolution. That makes winning an election for the anti-Chávez forces impossible. To that end, their only path is to malign Maduro’s government as corrupt and to complain that the elections are not fair. After Maduro’s victory—by a margin of 51.2 percent to 44.2 percent—this is precisely what the far-right opposition has been trying to do, egged on by the United States and a network of far-right and pro-U.S. governments in South America.
Europe Needs Venezuelan Oil
The United States has been trying to find a solution to a problem of its own making. Having placed severe sanctions against both Iran and Russia, the United States now cannot easily find a source of energy for its European partners. Liquified natural gas from the United States is expensive and not sufficient. What the U.S. would like is to have a reliable source of oil that is easy to process and in sufficient quantities. Venezuelan oil fits the requirements, but given the U.S. sanctions on Venezuela, this oil cannot be found in the European market. The United States has created a trap from which it finds few solutions.
In June 2022, the U.S. government allowed Eni SpA (Italy) and Repsol SA (Spain) to transport Venezuelan oil to the European market to compensate for the loss of Russian oil deliveries. This allowance revealed Washington’s shift in strategy regarding Venezuela. No longer was it going to be possible to suffocate Venezuela by preventing exports of oil, since this oil was needed as a result of U.S. sanctions on Russia. Since June 2022, the United States has been trying to calibrate its need for this oil, its antipathy to the Bolivarian Revolution, and its relations with the far-right opposition in Venezuela.
The U.S. and the Venezuelan Far-Right
The emergence of Chavismo—the politics of mass action to build socialism in Venezuela—transformed the political scenario in the country. The old parties of the right (Acción Democrática and COPEI) collapsed after 40 years of alternating power. In the 2000 and 2006 elections, the opposition to Chávez was provided not by the right, but by dissenting center-left forces (La Causa R and Un Nuevo Tiempo). The Old Right faced a challenge from the New Right, which was decidedly pro-capitalist, anti-Chavista, and pro-U.S.; this group formed a political platform called La Salida or The Exit, which referred to their desired exit from the Bolivarian Revolution. The key figures here were Leopoldo López, Antonio Ledezma, and María Corina Machado, who led violent protests against the government in 2014 (López was arrested for incitement to violence and now lives in Spain; a U.S. government official in 2009 said he is “often described as arrogant, vindictive, and power-hungry”). Ledezma moved to Spain in 2017 and was—with Corina Machado—a signatory of the far-rightMadrid Charter, an anti-communist manifesto organized by the Spanish far-right party, Vox. Corina Machado’s political project is underpinned by the proposal to privatize Venezuela’s oil company.
Since the death of Chávez, Venezuela’s right wing has struggled with the absence of a unified program and with a mess of egotistical leaders. It fell to the United States to try and shape the opposition into a political project. The most comical attempt was the elevation in January 2019 of an obscure politician named Juan Guaidó to be the president. That maneuver failed and in December 2022, the far-right opposition removed Guaidó as its leader. The removal of Guaidó allowed for direct negotiations between the Venezuelan government and the far-right opposition, which had since 2019 hoped for U.S. military intervention to secure them in power in Caracas.
The U.S. pressured the increasingly intransigent far-right to hold talks with the Venezuelan government in order to allow the U.S. to reduce sanctions and let Venezuelan oil go into European markets. This pressure resulted in the Barbados Agreement of October 2023, in which the two sides agreed to a fair election in 2024 as the basis for the slow withdrawal of the sanctions. The elections of July 28 are the outcome of the Barbados process. Even though María Corina Machado was barred from running, she effectively ran against Maduro through her proxy candidate Edmundo González and lost in a hard-fought election.
Twenty-three minutes after the polls closed, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris—and now a presidential candidate in the November elections in the United States—put out a tweet conceding that the far-right had lost. It was an early sign that the United States—despite making noises about election fraud—wanted to move past their allies in the far-right, find a way to normalize relations with the Venezuelan government and allow the oil to flow to Europe. This tendency of the U.S. government has frustrated the far-right, which turned to other far-right forces across Latin America for support, and which knows that its remaining political argument is about election fraud. If the U.S. government wants to get Venezuelan oil to Europe it will need to abandon the far-right and accommodate the Maduro government. Meanwhile, the far-right has taken to the streets through armed gangs who want to repeat the guarimba (barricade) disruptions of 2017.
Shortly before midnight, the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Elvis Amoroso, announced the re-election of Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro. Like the proverbial boy who cried wolf, the US-backed and funded far-right opposition cried fraud.
Maduro won with 51.2% of the vote. His nearest rival, the far-right US-backed candidate Edmundo Gonzalez trailed by 7 percentage points.
While the US corporate press refers to the “opposition” as if it were a unified bloc, eight other names appeared on the ballot. Unlike the US, where most of the electorate is polarized around two major parties, the fractious opposition in Venezuela is split into many mutually hostile camps whose dislike of the ruling Socialist Party is matched by their loathing for each other. And this is despite millions of US tax-payer dollars used to try to unify a cabal that would carry Washington’s water.
Sore losers
In the quarter century since Hugo Chavez initiated the Bolivarian Revolution when he was elected president in 1998, the Chavistas have won all but two of over thirty national contests. The far-right opposition celebrated when they won a national referendum along with the 2015 National Assembly contest. But every other time, the sore losers cried fraud.
Yet every one of these contests employed the same electoral system of multiple public audits, transparent counting, and an electronic vote backed with paper ballots. The system is incontrovertibly fraud-proof. Former US President Jimmy Carter, whose electoral monitoring organization had observed over ninety elections – including Venezuela’s – had declared the South American country’s system the best in the world.
Beyond the accusations, concrete proof of fraud had not been forthcoming in the past even though the data were publicly available.
I was one of 910 internationals representing over one hundred countries who had been invited to Venezuela to accompany this election. Yesterday, I visited polling stations in the state of Miranda.
I observed long but orderly lines of people going to the polls. At each one of the individual mesas (rooms at a polling station), representatives of political parties sat to monitor the process. I spoke to representatives of Maduro’s Socialist Party (PSUV) as well as other parties. All expressed confidence in the fraud-proof nature of their electoral system. In fact, they are very proud of their system regardless of political affiliation.
According to news reports, there were cyberattacks on the electoral system. At some polling stations, far-right opposition elements reportedly attacked electoral workers in attempts to disrupt the process.
But my experience visiting the polls could only be described as festive. Seeing our international invitee credentials, which we wore on lanyards around our necks, we were universally greeted with shouts of bienvenida (welcome), V-signs, and applause. These were clearly a people with great civic pride.
This reception was the same in “popular” Chavista neighborhoods as well as wealthier ones. Some hoped for “change” and others for continuing the Bolivarian Revolution. But all freely and enthusiastically participated in the electoral process.
The perennial accusations of fraud, trotted out every time the far-right gets rebuked by the voting public, were not reflected by the actions of the people on the ground as evidenced by their wholehearted participation.
July 25, the last day of official campaigning, was marked by the final political rallies. The far-right drew an estimated 100,000. I attended the Maduro rally of some one million. As far as I could see, people had jammed the main boulevards of Caracas. Clearly the Chavistas have a vast and dedicated base.
And they are wildly supportive of their current president Nicolas Maduro, who is seen as carrying on the legacy of the deceased founder of the Bolivarian project, Hugo Chavez, whose birthday is the same as this election day.
But it goes deeper than that. As the slogan yo soy Chavez (I am Chavez) indicates, the base sees the Bolivarian project not simply as one of their political leadership but more so as a collective endeavor.
The real electoral interference
Far greater than any accusation of fraud manufactured by the far-right opposition is the much more significant interference in the electoral process by Washington.
The vote for continuing the Bolivarian Revolution represents a mandate for national sovereignty. Venezuelans went to the polls knowing that a vote for the incumbent meant no relief from US unilateral coercive measures. These so-called “sanctions” have been part of Washington’s failed regime-change campaign explicitly designed to asphyxiate the Venezuelan economy and turn the people against their government.
This shout-out of, in Maduro’s words, “we are not anyone’s colony” was indeed heard around the world.
Roger D. Harris is with the US Peace Council and the 39-year-old human rights organization Task Force on the Americas.
Photograph Source: The White House – Public Domain
When President Joseph R. Biden finally removed himself from the race for a second presidential term on July 21, there followed a cascade of high praise, not only for his “brave decision” to step down but also for his “remarkable achievements” over a lifetime of public service. Both long-time colleagues and the major media applauded him in columns or tweets. In a New York Times opinion, historian Jon Meacham called the President’s decision to end his campaign “one of the most remarkable acts of leadership in our history.”
The President can take credit for a number of domestic achievements during his term of office. Most notably, he oversaw dramatic post-Covid job growth; lowered costs for diabetes drugs; subsidized the production of computer microchips; increased veterans’ war-related benefits; and achieved major legislation on climate and infrastructure. Perhaps his most enduring accomplishment was to set a high standard for diversity in his judicial and Cabinet appointments, which included representation from various minority groups, including racial and ethnic minorities, women and gays. He also appointed the first Native American as Secretary of the Interior.
During the Biden presidency, there were also catastrophic failings: the President’s chaotic and ill-prepared evacuation of U.S. troops from Afghanistan; his push back against negotiations to prevent and later end the Ukraine war; his repeated multi-billion-dollar weapons transfers to the Zelensky government; and his inability to persuade Israel to agree to a ceasefire–all the while delivering a constant stream of bombs and missiles to the IDF. The last failing earned him the dubious title of “Genocide Joe.”
If we examine Biden’s failures as president in more detail, we see that they each cost the United States dearly–in lives, taxpayer money and global reputation. In the overdue U.S. exit from Afghanistan, many Afghan and some American lives were lost for lack of adequate advance planning. Many Afghans who had helped American forces as translators, drivers or other service employees were left behind in fear of retribution by the Taliban.
In an effort to degrade the Russian military, Biden discouraged Ukraine from negotiations before the war and from talks later to end it–apparently preferring to carry on a proxy war against Vladimir Putin on the backs of Ukrainian soldiers. NATO’s threat to admit Ukraine right on Russia’s doorstep gave Putin an excuse to send his tanks barreling toward Kiev in February 2022. Instead of simply celebrating Ukraine’s repulsion of Russian forces and Kyiv’s survival in a just war of self-defense, Biden organized a coalition of NATO partners to begin massive weapons transfers to aid Ukraine’s expanded “second war” in the southern and eastern parts of the country, which since 2014 were the scene of a Russian-backed ethnic conflict. Although many leaders praised Biden for his leadership in the NATO partnership, the coalition has been at least partly responsible for prolonging the war. Given Russia’s population of more than four times that of Ukraine, it’s not surprising that after two and a half years of brutal conflict, Ukraine is not only failing to achieve its top strategic goals but is currently losing ground. Biden has encouraged European leaders to put their faith in a NATO that has nearly surrounded Russia and pushed military rather than diplomatic solutions.
Even if Biden’s ongoing support of Netanyahu’s genocide in Gaza does not result in ICJ charges of complicity, it will be a lasting and shameful blot on his legacy. The President’s greatest blunder has been his steadfast support of Netanyahu and continuing arms aid to the IDF, which has killed almost 40,000 Palestinians (mostly children and women) and destroyed not only residential areas and community infrastructure, but also most medical, educational, religious and cultural facilities. Experts say it will take tens of billions of dollars to make Gaza habitable again. No such remedy is in sight for the 90,000 Palestinians suffering serious injuries from Israel’s onslaught. Meanwhile, Gazans are stuck in an open-air prison that lacks not only health workers and hospitals, but also adequate water and food.
Biden’s recent withdrawal from the presidential race and his endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor may open new possibilities for change. Her absence from the Netanyahu address to Congress on July 24 could be a first sign of a distancing from Joe Biden’s war policies toward Gaza. If Harris wins the party nomination and the election, she has a chance to stop more arms shipments and to reassess America’s relationship with the leaders of Israel and the Arab states.
I correctly anticipated significant criticism of my last piece for CounterPunch, which argued that President Vladimir Putin’s was not “unproved,” that NATO expansion was a significant factor in the Russian use of force, and that our policymakers and so-called experts failed to understand the central national security aspects of Soviet/Russian policy. Among the critics of my CounterPunch article were Walter Slocomb who served in Clinton’s national security council and lobbied for NATO expansion, and a former colleague of mine at the National War College, Marvin Ott, who supported expansion and is anticipating a Russian victory in Ukraine to be followed by Putin’s aggression elsewhere.
I am not trying to minimize the Russian challenge to U.S. national interests throughout the Cold War, but there needs to be recognition of U.S. efforts to exaggerate the Soviet threat as well as the acknowledgment of systemic Russian domestic weakness. A further problem is that there are too few U.S. experts on either Russia or East Europe, and too few institutes devoted to such study. I benefitted from my graduate work at Indiana University’s Russian and East European Institute. And I benefitted financially as well thanks to the Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Program and the generosity of Indiana University.
At the same time, the decline in expertise on arms control and disarmament also contributes to the decline in substantive exchanges with both Moscow and Beijing as well as Tehran and Pyongyang. I was fortunate to have served as the intelligence adviser to the U.S. delegation in Vienna, where the SALT and ABM treaties were hammered out. We could be facing a nuclear confrontation because of the lack of political discussions with these four key states. The fact that we don’t even recognize Iran and North Korea shows how our diplomats have failed us and our policymakers have been so short-sighted. [Arms control not only led to Soviet-American detente, it fostered European detente, which allowed 380,000 Soviet troops to withdraw from East Germany without incident.]
We are at a serious juncture with two mindless wars in East Europe and the Middle East. Instead of developing a policy toward these two disasters, we are fixed on building so-called alliance relationships in Europe and the Indo-Pacific. Thomas Friedman of the New York Times even wants to form an alliance with Israel and Saudi Arabia to combat Iran. We should be dealing with Iran directly in an effort to avoid such alliance building, which will have no satisfactory outcome. The expansion of NATO has weakened NATO politically, and contributed to a major war. Our efforts to contain China with a series of alliance arrangements has only made it more difficult to deal with China regarding political security. As a result of our efforts, we have pushed Moscow and Beijing into their closest relationship in their histories, and we are looking for ways to match and exceed their defense spending and nuclear modernization.
In the 1990s, in the wake of the Soviet collapse, the United States sought to change the European theatre balance for no real reason. The continued effort to expand NATO and to deploy power in East and Central Europe preordained a Russian reaction no matter who was in charge in the Kremlin. U.S. planners thought the expansion of power in Europe would deter Russia from seeking advantages in the Third World, but this was another miasma in our thinking. Russia has never developed a sophisticated power projection force that would be needed for a significant expansion of Russian power. Nor does China appear to be interested in power project. Only the United States believes that it needs 700 military facilities around the entire world.
No industrialized country has been willing to place military goals ahead of social and economic welfare, which isn’t the case regarding Soviet and Russian leaders over the decades. Putin’s war in Ukraine has backfired on every level, not only in Ukraine itself, but has led to a revival of NATO that finds two additional members in Sweden and Finland as well as increased military spending in most of the NATO countries. Putin now justifies the war as an existential conflict with the United States and the European members of NATO. There is still strong support for the war with Ukraine throughout the country because it follows fromRussian fears of military vulnerability and even conquest.
Border security is essential to Russian national security policy. By comparison, think about what German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once said about the border safety of the United States: He called the United States lucky for its foreign politics situation, saying that the “Americans are a very lucky people. They’re bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors, and to the east and west by fish.” Compare that to the difficult situations on Russia’s borders.
When Russians themselves write their histories, these works are rarely triumphal but emphasize the horrors and loses of confrontation. When they write about their southern border, it is always described as the “sensitive” southern border because of battles fought long ago. The western border is particularly sensitive because of the Swedish, French, and German invasions over the past several centuries. We may claim the “greatest generation” for the success in World War II, but the war itself was fought largely by the Russians on the western frontier who were responsible for most German fatalities and casualties in the war. It is difficult to imagine the success of the Normandy invasion, if the best Germany troops were not preoccupied with Russia.
The United States ignored a major strategic opportunity when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. In his containment writings in the late 1940s, George F. Kennan argued that, once Russia had demonstrated that it would behave in a moderate and conciliatory fashion in the world community, it would be essential to “anchor” or tie Moscow to the West. In our triumphal and exceptionalist mood, we did just the opposite.
When the United States expanded NATO in the Clinton and Bush presidencies, it ignored an old Russian proverb: “Don’t try to skin the Russian bear before it is dead.” Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama ignored this proverb, and the next American president will face a more difficult relationship with Moscow than the one that existed in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. President Biden’s constant vilification of Putin will certainly make it more difficult to convince an American audience that it is time for compromise and negotiation, and to convince a Russian leadership that we are prepared to return to substantive discussions. A PERSONAL DISCUSSION OF RUSSIAN NATIONAL SECURITY
I correctly anticipated significant criticism of my last piece for Counterpunch, which argued that President Vladimir Putin’s was not “unproved,” that NATO expansion was a significant factor in the Russian use of force, and that our policymakers and so-called experts failed to understand the central national security aspects of Soviet/Russian policy. Among the critics of my CP article were Walter Slocomb who served in Clinton’s national security council and lobbied for NATO expansion, and a former colleague of mine at the National War College, Marvin Ott, who supported expansion and is anticipating a Russian victory in Ukraine to be followed by Putin’s aggression elsewhere.
I am not trying to minimize the Russian challenge to U.S. national interests throughout the Cold War, but there needs to be recognition of U.S. efforts to exaggerate the Soviet threat as well as the acknowledgment of systemic Russian domestic weakness. A further problem is that there are too few U.S. experts on either Russia or East Europe, and too few institutes devoted to such study. I benefitted from my graduate work at Indiana University’s Russian and East European Institute. And I benefitted financially as well thanks to the Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Program and the generosity of Indiana University.
At the same time, the decline in expertise on arms control and disarmament also contributes to the decline in substantive exchanges with both Moscow and Beijing as well as Tehran and Pyongyang. I was fortunate to have served as the intelligence adviser to the U.S. delegation in Vienna, where the SALT and ABM treaties were hammered out. We could be facing a nuclear confrontation because of the lack of political discussions with these four key states. The fact that we don’t even recognize Iran and North Korea shows how our diplomats have failed us and our policymakers have been so short-sighted. [Arms control not only led to Soviet-American detente, it fostered European detente, which allowed 380,000 Soviet troops to withdraw from East Germany without incident.]
We are at a serious juncture with two mindless wars in East Europe and the Middle East. Instead of developing a policy toward these two disasters, we are fixed on building so-called alliance relationships in Europe and the Indo-Pacific. Thomas Friedman of the New York Times even wants to form an alliance with Israel and Saudi Arabia to combat Iran. We should be dealing with Iran directly in an effort to avoid such alliance building, which will have no satisfactory outcome. The expansion of NATO has weakened NATO politically, and contributed to a major war. Our efforts to contain China with a series of alliance arrangements has only made it more difficult to deal with China regarding political security. As a result of our efforts, we have pushed Moscow and Beijing into their closest relationship in their histories, and we are looking for ways to match and exceed their defense spending and nuclear modernization.
In the 1990s, in the wake of the Soviet collapse, the United States sought to change the European theatre balance for no real reason. The continued effort to expand NATO and to deploy power in East and Central Europe preordained a Russian reaction no matter who was in charge in the Kremlin. U.S. planners thought the expansion of power in Europe would deter Russia from seeking advantages in the Third World, but this was another miasma in our thinking. Russia has never developed a sophisticated power projection force that would be needed for a significant expansion of Russian power. Nor does China appear to be interested in power project. Only the United States believes that it needs 700 military facilities around the entire world.
No industrialized country has been willing to place military goals ahead of social and economic welfare, which isn’t the case regarding Soviet and Russian leaders over the decades. Putin’s war in Ukraine has backfired on every level, not only in Ukraine itself, but has led to a revival of NATO that finds two additional members in Sweden and Finland as well as increased military spending in most of the NATO countries. Putin now justifies the war as an existential conflict with the United States and the European members of NATO. There is still strong support for the war with Ukraine throughout the country because it follows fromRussian fears of military vulnerability and even conquest.
Border security is essential to Russian national security policy. By comparison, think about what German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once said about the border safety of the United States: He called the United States lucky for its foreign politics situation, saying that the “Americans are a very lucky people. They’re bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors, and to the east and west by fish.” Compare that to the difficult situations on Russia’s borders.
When Russians themselves write their histories, these works are rarely triumphal but emphasize the horrors and loses of confrontation. When they write about their southern border, it is always described as the “sensitive” southern border because of battles fought long ago. The western border is particularly sensitive because of the Swedish, French, and German invasions over the past several centuries. We may claim the “greatest generation” for the success in World War II, but the war itself was fought largely by the Russians on the western frontier who were responsible for most German fatalities and casualties in the war. It is difficult to imagine the success of the Normandy invasion, if the best Germany troops were not preoccupied with Russia.
The United States ignored a major strategic opportunity when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. In his containment writings in the late 1940s, George F. Kennan argued that, once Russia had demonstrated that it would behave in a moderate and conciliatory fashion in the world community, it would be essential to “anchor” or tie Moscow to the West. In our triumphal and exceptionalist mood, we did just the opposite.
When the United States expanded NATO in the Clinton and Bush presidencies, it ignored an old Russian proverb: “Don’t try to skin the Russian bear before it is dead.” Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama ignored this proverb, and the next American president will face a more difficult relationship with Moscow than the one that existed in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. President Biden’s constant vilification of Putin will certainly make it more difficult to convince an American audience that it is time for compromise and negotiation, and to convince a Russian leadership that we are prepared to return to substantive discussions.
Battle between the USS Monitor and Merrimack – Public Domain
On the afternoon of July 13, a family member called me.
“They just shot Trump. This is how civil wars start.”
The family member is an ardent Trump supporter, and he believes, as many others in the Trump camp, that the shooter didn’t act alone. The glaring omission of leaving a roof in the line of fire unprotected fuels that belief, as do facts such as that the shooter was seen on the roof beforehand, and that he was somehow able to carry a ladder and rifle across a distance of around 200 yards from his van to the building without being challenged.
Whether this was a monumental set of screw-ups or something worse, a truism I long ago learned about politics is that perception is reality. And for that reason, if Trump had suffered more than a flesh wound, it would have legitimated violent response in the eyes of many. This is a reason that the sentiment all too widespread, “Too bad he missed,” is remarkably shortsighted. People who believe Trump is the problem, and not the symptom of something deeper, are just not getting it.
There is a growing division in the U.S. between what seem to be almost irreconcilable opposites. It is hard to see how that division will be resolved short of some kind of conflict. One can hope it will not be bloody, though the violent history of this country does not inspire confidence. In any event, whoever is elected this November, a vast segment of the U.S. population will be deeply unhappy, in fact feel existentially threatened. That is the recipe for divisive clashes.
I have been returning to this theme over the past several years. In this post I will review a number of pieces I have written that indicate reason for deep concern. About polling which shows widespread expectations of national breakdown, and even broad sentiment for division into separate nations. And reviews of several books which delve into the potential for its occurrence. Then in a follow-up post I will offer my own thoughts for how we navigate coming years in the most peaceful manner possible.
“Polls show broad support for secession across the political spectrum. A University of Virginia poll found support for breaking blue and red states into two separate countries at 52% among Trump voters and 41% among Biden voters. Asked if leaders from the other party are ‘a clear and present danger to democracy,’ 80% of Biden voters and 84% of Trump voters responded yes.”
The sense that the other side poses an existential threat is exactly what causes civil wars. The election of Lincoln in 1860 created that sense among Southern slaveholders, fearful of losing their property, and led to the secession of the Confederacy.
“Taken all together, one has to ask, is the U.S. as we have known it coming to an end? Will continuation in its current form become so unacceptable to one side or another that it will fly apart? If Democrats pull it out and win in 2024, will the strong tendencies toward secession in red states come to the fore? If Republicans win, and appear to cement in permanent minority rule, how will that play on the West Coast and in the Northeast?”
In 2022, I reported the results of a recent survey in a story, “New poll shows high expectations of civil war.” I wrote, “Around 40% of U.S. citizens believe a civil war will break out, 47% expect a total economic collapse, and 50% anticipate the end of the U.S. as a global superpower, all in the next 10 years. Those are the results of a poll of 1,000 U.S. citizens conducted Sept. 1-4 by YouGov and The Economist which asked people’s views on 15 catastrophic scenarios. Margin of error is 3%. Results demonstrate that the U.S., once the land of optimism, has sunk into deep pessimism over its future.”
The polling had one bright spot. “While many expect a civil war, few think it would be a good thing. Overall, 69% answered bad, and only 6% good.”
I also reported, “People who believe democracy will survive in the U.S. only marginally exceed those who expect it to end, 39% versus 38%. The end of U.S. democracy is considered very likely by 13%, but the number who think that very unlikely are not much greater at 18%.”
“He introduces his book, Divided We Fall: America’s Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation, with these words. ‘It’s time for Americans to wake up to a fundamental reality: the continued unity of the United States of America cannot be guaranteed. At this moment in history, there is not a single important cultural, religious, political, or social force that is pulling Americans together more than it is pushing us apart. We cannot assume that a continent-sized, multi-ethnic, multi-faith democracy can remain united together, and it will not remain united if our political class cannot and will not adapt to an increasingly diverse and divided American public.’
“He lays blame for increasing divisions precisely at the feet of that class. ‘The people who actually drive American politics and policy are committed to escalation, and as they escalate, they drive their committed followers to ever-greater frenzies . . . cultural and economic incentives align to time and time again grant the most fame and fortune to those who stoke the most rage.’
“In a nation too diverse to function any other way than as a pluralist order, the drive for domination puts unity at risk. Writes French, ‘ . . . the quest for moral, cultural, and political domination by either side of our national divide risks splitting the nation into two (or three or four).’
“French himself became a target, and a meme, for his advocacy of civility and traditional liberalism in the sense of respect for civil liberties, when New York Post op-ed editor Sohrab Ahmari published an essay, ‘Against David French-ism’ that went viral. French says Ahmari typifies exactly what he warned against when the latter argued that politics was moving into a state of ‘war and enmity’ so civility and decency toward political opponents were ‘second-order values.’
“’That kind of “quest for domination is dangerous . . . Our nation’s angriest culture warriors need to know the cost of their conflict. As they seek to crush their political and cultural enemies, they may destroy the nation they seek to rule.’”
“Secession movements are rising around the world, notes Buckley. He cites the movement for Scottish independence, the breakup of Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, and separatist sentiments in nations ranging from Pakistan and Indonesia to Turkey and Nigeria. ‘Go down the list and there are secession groups in nearly every country. And are we to think that, almost alone in the world, we’re immune from this?’ To prove his point, Buckley cites secession efforts in California and Cascadia, coming from the left, and Texas, coming from the right.
“’We’re now living in a secessionist moment in world history,’ writes Buckley.
“’Countries threaten to split apart when their people seem hopelessly divided,’ he writes. ‘We’re less united today than we’ve been at any time since the Civil War, divided by politics, religion and culture. In all the ways that matter, save for the naked force of the law, we’re already divided into two nations just as much as in 1861.’
“National divisions have caused political gridlock with divided government unable to meet in the middle of key issues such as health care and immigration reform. That has produced the first constitutional crisis since the Civil War. ‘And, as in 1861, that’s a recipe for secession.’
“While the idea of secession ‘has been consigned to the political loony bin since the Civil War,’ the idea is increasingly respectable, Buckley asserts. ‘The barriers to a breakup are far lower than most people would think, and if the voters in a state were determined to leave the Union they could probably do so.’”
“Writes Buckley, ‘I see us on a train, bound for a breakup. The switches that might stop us have failed, and if we want to stay united we must learn how to slow the engine.” His recommended solution . . . is ‘a devolution of power to the states.’”
“While the movements that proclaim support for secession and independence are still relatively small, the potential support for the idea is surprisingly large. A poll conducted in July 2022 by Yahoo News/YouGov found:
+ 32% of Republicans and 21% of Democrats believe the U.S. would be better off splitting into “red” and “blue” countries.
+ 42% of Republicans and 51% of Democrats say things would be worse off.
+ As a whole, 21% of voters are in the better off camp compared to 46% replying worse off.
“Though the majority favors the status quo, the numbers speak to a large potential base of support for independence movements. A July-August 2021 University of Virginia poll found significant support for regional unions, at 66% among Southern Republicans and 47% among West Coast Democrats. (Results are shown in in the opening graphic.) Overall support for new regional unions was no less than one-third in any region.
“These numbers point to scenarios for a broad rearrangement in U.S. governance structures over coming years. If history indicates anything, it is that big changes often come unexpectedly, from the French Revolution to the break-up of the Soviet Union. As tensions long rising on an earthquake fault result in a sudden snap, the conditions that lead to such earth-shattering political events build up for a long time before the break comes. Divisions have been increasing in the U.S. for some time, and could be near a breaking point. Large segments of the population feel marginalized from a political system that seems increasingly unresponsive to all interests but those of big money.”
Secession from a progressive perspective
The best work on the centrifugal tendencies of the U.S. is by a progressive author, Richard Kreitner, Break It Up: Secession, Division and The Secret History of America’s Imperfect Union. Kreitner documents secessionist movements throughout its history, including a little known effort by slavery abolitionists to have the North secede from the South when the latter dominated U.S. politics. I wrote about it in 2022 this piece “Secession from the left.” Kreitner’s conclusions are worth quoting at length.
“If the radical abolitionists of the 1840s thought the Slave Power held such complete control over the government that no progress toward emancipation could be made within it, should we wonder whether we’re fast approaching that day – if it has not already arrived – when the Money Power’s control over our politicians has become so deeply entrenched, so ineradicable, that no remedy can be found in the existing political system?”
“How long will Americans rightly terrified by the coming climate chaos work within a system that appears utterly incapable of doing anything to wean our country off a way of life that has rendered human beings an endangered species? Our government appears to be irrevocably broken, and we are running out of time . . . The breakdown in constitutional government is nearly complete. At the federal level, every branch is mired in a legitimacy crisis from which the future offers little hope of easy extraction.”
“Our political discourse is civil war by other means – we sound as if we do not really want to continue to be me members of one country . . . There never was any guarantee that the country would survive, and there is none now . . . Say we can agree, despite all our differences, that we want to preserve the Union . . . significant changes in our political and even social behavior will be required. We cannot keep trying to bludgeon one another into submission or indulge fantasies of the sudden evaporation, wholesale extermination, or unconditional surrender of the other side.”
Progressive Kreitner here echoes the sentiments of conservative French. Or as Rodney King asked, “Can’t we all just get along?”
One may dream of a culture where everyone bursts into laughter when someone says: “This is true, this is real!”
– Jean Baudrillard, Radical Thought
+ Before Biden revealed his incompetence at the debate with Trump, he’d already lost his reelection bid by showing his gross immorality in arming the genocide in Gaza. Biden had been trailing Trump in the polls since last October and deservedly so. His withdrawal won’t redeem his reputation, which will forever be stained by the mounds of dead Palestinian children he helped kill and showed no remorse for.
+ As of last Saturday night, Biden remained firm that he wasn’t leaving the race, fuming to aides and family members that Pelosi was behind the plot to evict him from the ticket. Then Sunday morning his staff finally presented him with the internal polling he’d been shielded from for weeks showing the President losing in every swing state and collapsing in Virginia and New Mexico.
+ Biden, true to character (or his lack thereof), didn’t even tell his staff he was withdrawing. They found on Social Media: “We’re all finding out by tweet. None of us understand what’s happening.”
+ It proved a fatal mistake for Biden to RSVP this invite…
+ For the last three years, Biden has been so befuddled and inarticulate that his staff has kept him from meeting with the House Democratic Caucus about legislative issues. The president’s deteriorated condition became obvious to House Democratic leaders in October 2021, when Pelosi invited Biden to the HIll to make the pitch for his infrastructure bill. But, according to reporting by the Wall Street Journal, “in 30 minutes of remarks on Capitol Hill, Biden had spoken disjointedly and failed to make a concrete ask of lawmakers…After he left, a visibly frustrated Pelosi told the group she would articulate what Biden had been trying to say.”
+ In his resignation letter, Biden brags about having led the nation to “overcome Covid” … while having Covid.
+ Adam Tooze: “So monarchical is American conception of Presidency that Biden is feted as a ruler who ‘gave up power’ in favor of anointed successor, rather than a vain politician who misjudged his sell by date & has been belatedly persuaded to spare himself humiliation & give Dems a chance.”
+ The Biden team circulated memes this week saying that he was retiring from politics without ever having lost an election. True, if you don’t count his failed presidential runs in 1984, 1988, 2008 and the first three primaries of the 2020 campaign, until Obama cleared the field for him…
+ Ken Burns: “History recognizes actions that are bigger than self. Joe Biden will go down as one of the great ones, having led the country out of the disastrous term of his predecessor and quietly doing good things for all Americans, red state as well as blue, accomplishments that put him up there, in terms of legislative action, with LBJ and FDR. Joe, I can’t imagine where we’d be without your selfless service.”
+ This is precisely why Ken Burns should never have been given $$ to make documentaries, especially about baseball and jazz…
+ Eileen Curtright: “We’re 0 for 2 on second term Catholic presidents.”
+ Apparently, it wasn’t an “elite” coup after all…
+ Nikki Haley: “If Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee, we will get a President Kamala Harris. You mark my words. He cannot win a general election…He can’t get independents. He can’t get suburban women.” (Jan. 2024)
+ Biden in his adios address: “I’m the first president this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.”
+ What world was he talking about? Only hours before Biden spoke, the Pentagon announced airstrikes in Yemen.
+ This will be the first US presidential election since 1976 without a Biden, Bush, or Clinton on the ticket. But we’re not an oligarchy, honest!
+ Without saying a word (and maybe she shouldn’t), Harris is going to bring the latent racism and misogyny of the GOP into a full-scale abreaction (sorry for the Freudianisms). Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI): “A lot of Democrats feel they have to stick with her because of her ethnic background.”
+ Christian nationalist Lance Wallnau warns that Kamala Harris represents “the spirit of Jezebel in a way that will be even more ominous than Hillary because she’ll bring a racial component and she’s younger.”
+ Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: “Donald Trump’s going to win in November, and we will be rid of all this DEI woke culture BS nonsense. I won’t use the word that America’s been subjected to.” What’s the word you’re alluding to, Lt. Gov.?
+ Brian Kilmeade on Fox and Friends this morning: “She [Harris] will not show up for the Prime Minister’s speech at the Joint Session of Congress. She’d rather address in the summer, a sorority, a COLORED sorority, like she can’t get out of that!” (Somehow escaped Kilmeade’s attention that JD Vance also skipped Bibi’s speech, perhaps to address a white frat.)
+ Kellyanne Conway on Harris: “She doesn’t speak well and doesn’t work hard.” “Doesn’t work hard” is FoxNews speak for the “lazy n-word.”
+ Trump couldn’t resist jumping into the fray, calling Harris: “Laughing Kamala,” “Crazy,” “Nuts,” “Real Garbage” and “Dumb as a Rock”…
+ Here’s how Alex Lace described Kamala Harris on Fox Business News: “There’s the DEI press secretary [Katrine Jean-Pierre] telling us the DEI Vice President is the future of the party here. The future looks kind of dim for the Democrats here. But this is no shocker either. Kamala Harris is the original ‘Hawk Tuah’ girl. That’s the way she got where she is and the party’s going downhill if it’s in her hands.”
+ For those of you who don’t follow what’s trending on TikTok, Hawk Tuah is a street euphemism for fellatio. The original “Hawk Tuah girl” was a blonde woman with a southern accent who after being asked in a street interview: “What’s the one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time?” responded, “Oh, you gotta give him that hawk tuah and spit on that thang.”
+ According to Kitty Kelly, this Hollywood backlot skill is how Nancy Davis hooked Ronnie Reagan.
+ JD Vance told Tucker Carlson that Kamala Harris is a “childless cat lady” who is “miserable” because she didn’t have children and not having children means that she doesn’t have “a direct stake” in America. George Washington didn’t have any children of his own either, at least none that he admitted to, though there were persistent rumors that like Jefferson he fathered at least one son after raping one of the women he and Martha enslaved at Mt. Vernon…
+ Does Vance have any idea how many “cat ladies” there are in the US? And that they vote…
+ One of them might well be Jennifer Aniston, who I’ve never heard make a single notable political statement. This week Aniston lashed out at JD Vance for his assertion that the Democratic Party is led by “childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives.”
“I truly can’t believe this is coming from a potential VP of The United States. All I can say is…Mr. Vance, I pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day. I hope she will not need to turn to IVF as a second option. Because you are trying to take that away from her, too.”
+ Vance even got a rise out of Meghan McCain: I have been trying to warn every conservative man I know – these JD comments are activating women across all sides, including my most conservative Trump-supporting friends. These comments have caused real pain and are just innately unchristian. This is not who we are.”
+ When they tell you who they are, you should listen, Meghan.
+ Harris’ childlessness never seemed to bother Trump, who sent a $5,000 check to re-elect Kamala Harris as AG of California….
+ The intractable problem for the Democrats is that no level of erudition can explain away the pro-genocidal policy they’ve endorsed as a party.
+ In order to be considered a legitimate candidate for ruling the Empire, Harris will be required to publicly pledge her willingness to kill on demand, which I assume she is more than willing to do. The big question is: Will her primary target be Russians or Palestinians?
+ Looks like we got the answer on Thursday, when Harris sent out this harsh condemnation of the anti-genocide protests in DC that took place when Netanyahu, a soon-to-be indicted war criminal, gave his lie-littered speech to an obsequious Congress…
+ This is no surprise, really. Harris was asked during an AIPAC conference in 2018, why she supports Israel. “It is just something that has always been a part of me. It’s almost like saying when did you first realize you loved your family, or love your country, it just was always there. It was always there.”
+ Harris has her own considerable baggage to carry in this campaign, compounded by carrying Biden’s as well. Hard to see her pulling this off, unless she’s willing to leave Biden’s behind at Union Station–which she’s just shown us she’s unwilling & likely doesn’t even want to do.
+ It was always a political fantasy that Harris would deviate too far from the AIPAC-approved policies on Israel and Palestine. But a more gifted politician would have fed the fantasy a little longer. As a friend told me, the honeymoon is over before the wedding.
+ Josh Shapiro, who is said to be considered for the VP spot, compared student protesters for Gaza to the KKK: “We have to query whether or not we would tolerate this if this were people dressed up in KKK outfits or KKK regalia making comments about people who are African American in our communities.”
+ House Speaker Mike Johnson on Harris’s decision not to preside over Netanyahu’s speech: “I think it’s inexcusable. She professes to want to be the leader of the free world and our commander-in-chief and yet she can’t bring herself to sit on the rostrum behind arguably our most strategic ally in this moment at its most desperate time. So I think … these questions need to be asked of her and I don’t think she’s going to have acceptable answers.”
+ In fact, Harris met separately with Netanyahu on Thursday.
+ Harris emerged from her face-to-face with Netanyahu reiterating her “unwavering support” for Israel and its “right to defend itself” with the caveat that “how it does so matters.” Reading cautiously from a prepared text, Harris said:
I just had a frank and constructive meeting with PM Netanyahu. I told him that I will always ensure that Israel is able to defend itself, including from Iran and Iran-backed militias. From when I was a young girl, collecting funds to plant trees for Israel, to my time in the United States Senate and now at the White House, I’ve had an unwavering commitment to the existence of the State of Israel, to its security and to the people of Israel. I’ve said it many times, but it bears repeating: Israel has a right to defend itself, and how it does so matters.
On October 7, Hamas triggered this war when it massacred 1200 innocent people, including 44 Americans. Hamas has committed horrific acts of sexual violence and took 250 hostages. There are American citizens who remain captive in Gaza. I have met with the families of these American hostages multiple times now. I have told them each time they are not alone and that I stand with them. And President Biden and I working every day to bring them home. I also expressed to the Prime Minister my serious concern about the scale of human suffering in Gaza, including the deaths of far too many innocent civilians. As I made clear my serious concern about the dire humanitarian situation there with over 2 million people facing high levels of food insecurity and half a million people facing catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity. What has happened in Gaza over the last nine months is devastating. The images of dead children and desperate hunger people fleeing for safety, sometimes for the second, third or fourth time. We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent.
Thanks to the leadership of our President Joe Biden, there’s a deal on the table for a ceasefire and a hostage deal. And it is important that we recall what the deal involves. The first phase of the deal would bring about a full ceasefire, including a withdrawal of the Israeli military from population centers in Gaza. In the second phase, the Israeli military will withdraw from Gaza entirely and it would lead to a permanent end to the hostilities.
It is time for this war to end, and in a way where Israel is secure, all the hostages are released; the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity and self-determination.
There has been hopeful movement in the talks to secure an agreement on this deal. And as I just told Prime Minister Netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done. So to everyone who has been calling for a ceasefire, and to everyone who yearns for peace, I see you and I hear you. Let’s get the deal done.
So we can get a ceasefire to end the war. Let’s bring the hostages home. And let’s provide much-needed relief to the Palestinian people. And ultimately, I remain committed to a path forward that can lead to a two-state solution. And I know right now, it is hard to conceive of that prospect. But a two state solution is the only path that ensures Israel remains a secure Jewish and democratic state and one that ensures Palestinians can finally realize the freedom, security and prosperity that they rightly deserve.
And I will close with this then. It is important for the American people to remember, the war in Gaza is not a binary issue. However, too often, the conversation is binary, when the reality is anything but. So I ask my fellow Americans to help encourage efforts to acknowledge the complexity, the nuance, and the history of the region.
Let us all condemn terrorism and violence. Let us all do what we can to prevent the suffering of innocent civilians. And let us condemn anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and hate of any kind. And let us unite our country.
+ This pretty much follows the faux-humanitarian script the White House has been deploying for months now, public expressions of concern as the body count mounts, while the arms packages continue to flow unimpeded even as Netanyahu ignores every call for a ceasefire, even the one he supposedly told Biden and Harris he supported.
+ The only words Harris should have spoken to Netanyahu were these:“Stop your killing, withdraw your troops, return the detainees or the arms shipments will stop and I will back the ICC’s arrest warrants for you and your regime.”
+ Presumably, Harris is a more skilled politician today than she was when she called it quits in the 2020 primaries, after polling behind Andrew Yang in her home state.
+ The problem with Harris, if she’s elected, won’t be her incompetence to enact good things but, like Clinton and Obama, her competence to jam through bad policies that less persuasive or coherent politicians couldn’t.
+ Ohio state Sen. George Lang at JD Vance’s rally: “I’m afraid if we lose this one, it’s going to take a civil war to save the country.” Young Republican snipers will have to improve their accuracy if they expect to win the next civil war…
+ JD Vance in his first major post-convention speech: “It is the weirdest thing to me, Democrats say that it is racist to believe–well, they say it’s racist to do anything. I had a Diet Mountain Dew yesterday. And one today. They’ll probably call that racist too.” Does he write his own material?
+ JD Vance in Virginia to Kamala Harris: “What the hell have you done other than collect a government check for the past 20 years?” This is, of course, a line that’s been regularly invoked by GOP politicians since Reagan, often by people, like Vance, who are currently “collecting” a government check.
+ Kamala Harris on the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025: “Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda… Can you believe they put that thing in writing? Read it. It’s 900 pages. When you read it, you will see Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare, give tax breaks to billionaires, end the Affordable Care Act, and more.”
+ Trump advisor Chris LaCivita to the Washington Post’s Josh Dawsey on Project 2025: “It makes no sense to put all the crazy things you’ll be attacked for down on paper while you’re running.Who thinks, let’s put it all down on paper so we can get attacked in advance, even though we haven’t run it by the president?”
+ John Kenneth Galbraith: “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
+ On Tuesday, Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) introduced impeachment articles against Vice President Kamala Harris. Being impeached & convicted may be the only way to free Harris from Biden’s genocidal policies, assuming she wants to be free of them…
+ In other performative legislative maneuvers, the House voted 220-196 to condemn Vice President Kamala Harris’ handling of the border, even though she wasn’t the “Border Tsar.”
+ Six Democrats joined Republicans in a theatrical condemnation of their own presidential candidate. They are:
Perez (WA)
Golden (ME)
Cueller (TX)
Peltola (AK)
Caraveo (CO)
Davis (NC)
+ In a couple of speeches she’s given this week, Harris seems intent on playing up her years as a former prosecutor, the same way Kerry emphasized his years as a Swiftboat gunner and with similar results, since tough-on-crime rhetoric will turn off her own base and be viewed with ridicule by the Trump-weary right voters she wants to win over.
+ Democratic Silicon Valley billionaire Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn) gave $7 million to Harris, then went on CNN to demand that she fire FTC Chair Lina Khan, who’s investigating the monopolistic predations of Big Tech. But more than a million small donors gave Harris $10 or more in the days after Biden’s withdrawal. Who do you think she’ll listen to?
+ According to the NYT, “[Harris] has expressed skepticism of Ms. Khan’s expansive view of antitrust powers, according to a donor who has spoken privately with the vice president.”
+ Eric Holder, who helped get Chiquita Banana off the hook for hiring death squads to kill union organizers in Colombia, is leading the search for Kamala’s Vice-Presidential nominee, hardly a reassuring choice for labor activists and human rights advocates.
+ Another of the leading candidates for the Veep slot is Arizona Senator Mark Kelly, who has opposed organized labor’s top legislative priority, the PRO Act.
+ Harris is apparently also considering Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for VP. Mayor PeteBot is good at debating, but not so good at stopping train derailments, airport closures, doors blowing off Boeing jetliners, bridge collapses or cloud infrastructure mega-crashes…
+ Colorado Governor Jared Polis asked if he’d accept an offer to serve as VP for Harris: “Look, if they do the polling and it turns out that they need a 49-year-old, bald and gay Jew from Boulder, Colorado, they got my number.”
+ Marist/NPR just released a poll conducted Monday…
—Trump 46%-Harris 45%
—In the broader field, Harris and Trump tied at 42%
—Harris favorability: 40/44 —Trump favorability: 43/49
—87% say Biden made the right decision
+ Does the GOP really think this will alienate voters?
+ Meanwhile, Harris will be the first Democratic nominee from the West in the history of the party. She was the party’s first VP from beyond the 100th meridian, as well. Before Harris, the farthest-west Democrats were George McGovern from South Dakota (1972) and William Jennings Bryan from Nebraska (1896, 1900, 1908).
+ Kamala’s father Donald Harris, a Marxist economist from Jamaica, was a radical. He wrote on the war economy in 1967: “The current expansion has been variously described as ‘the greatest upsurge in economic well-being in the history of any nation.’” But since early 1965 “the major further impetus for expansion came with the announcement of escalation in the Viet Nam war.”
+ Christopher Hale: “JD Vance is to Appalachia what Olive Garden is to Italy.”
+ According to a CNN poll, JD Vance is the least liked non-incumbent vice presidential nominee since 1980. He’s also the first to have a net negative favorable rating.
+ Palin was everything Vance claims to be but actually reviles. She exuded authenticity–until she became a prop for FoxNews and a reality show caricature of herself. But it doesn’t take long to see right through Vance. Too bad Opie couldn’t…
+ JD Vance’s favorability in his home region – IL, IN, MI, OH & WI – is just 28%, compared to 44% unfavorable. (CNN/SSRS poll).
+ Take heart, JD. Frederic Jameson has some interesting observations on the common man’s opinions about opinion polls in his new book from Verso, The Years of Theory:
What is public opinion, the object of public opinion polls? I would like to use an example which will be, for you, ancient history. In Eisenhower’s elections, his opponent was a former governor of Illinois named Adlai Stevenson, who was a very literate and very witty man. Nobody ever doubted that Eisenhower would win these elections, but the question was always raised: Stevenson’s speeches are so elegant–who’s going to understand them? Will the ‘common man’ understand them? That was a common term of the period, so please don’t blame me for using it in this form. So the pollsters went out and asked people who were precisely, on an economic definition, a common man. And the preponderance of common men said, “Well, I like his speeches, but the common man will never understand them.”
+ A CNN report documented how JD Vance repeatedly said in 2016 that he believed Trump committed multiple sexual assaults, found Trump’s accusers more credible than Trump, and Tweeted, “What percentage of the American population has @realDonaldTrump sexually assaulted?”
+ Vance: “Let’s give votes to all children in this country, but let’s give control over those votes to the parents of those children. When you go to the polls as a parent, you should have more power, you should have more of a chance to speak your voice in our democratic republic than people who don’t have kids. Let’s face the consequences and the reality, if you don’t have as much of an investment in the future of this country, maybe you shouldn’t get nearly the same voice.”
+ Isn’t this the MAGA electoral version of the rightwing critique of so-called “welfare mothers,” who they charged were having more kids to add a few bucks to their meager government checks? Of course, Vance pathologizes the poor whites of Appalachia the same way the Gipper and Daniel Patrick Moynihan pathologized urban Blacks.
+ Adam Johnson: “Vance was a great pick, every day some old video of him giving a speech in a basement surfaces where it sounds like he’s reading the manifesto of a school shooter.”
+ Blake Masters: “Political leaders should have children. Certainly, they should at least be married. If you aren’t running or can’t run a household of your own, how can you relate to a constituency of families, or govern wisely with respect to future generations? Skin in the game matters.”
+ The father (alleged) of the country had no (known) children of his own & neither did the primary author of the Constitution. But one of the worst presidents, John Tyler, had at least 15 he claimed as his own and probably one or two more he didn’t.
+ This makes me long for the days when Ralph Nader was asked about gay marriage during the 2004 elections and responded definitively: “I don’t do gonadal politics.”
+ Move over, Kim Jong-Un!
+ In his new memoir, Trump’s nephew, Fred Trump III, said that following a White House meeting with disability advocates, Trump told his nephew, whose son is disabled, “Maybe those kinds of people should die” given “the shape they’re in, all the expenses.” Later, Trump told his nephew about his son: “He doesn’t recognize you. Maybe just let him die.”
+ FBI Director Christopher Wray testifying before Congress on the shooting at the Trump rally: “With respect to former president Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel [from the teleprompter] that hit his ear.” Close-ups of Trump’s post-shooting ear don’t show any hole that a doubting Thomas might poke his pinky finger in.
+ Since Monday, Trump and pro-Trump PACs have outspent Harris’ campaign on television and radio advertising, with the Republicans shelling out more than $68 million compared to just $2.6 million for the Democrats. Then on Thursday, Trump’s team suddenly announced he’s backing out of the scheduled debate with the “Marxist” Harris.
+ What a wimp. Does Trump really think Harris is a skilled debater or a “Marxist”? Gabbard destroyed her in the 2020 Democratic debates and set the template for how to do it. HRC was a more formidable debater, though she oozed off-putting arrogance with almost every line.
+ Laura Bassett: “Calling a woman ‘dumb as a rock’ and then being afraid to debate her is pretty funny.”
+ In an interview with Fox News Trump doubled down on his pledge to bomb Mexico, saying cross-border “strikes” against drug cartels are “absolutely” on the table. His running mate JD Vance chimed in: “It’s funny that people accuse of being bombastic for saying, the cartels, we need to go after them.”Vance blamed Mexico for his mother’s addiction to opioids, prescription drugs she acquired by stealing them from the hospital where she worked.
+ Trump on flag burning: “You should get a one-year jail sentence if you do anything to desecrate the American flag. Now, people will say, ‘Oh, it’s unconstitutional.’ Those are stupid people. Those are stupid people that say that. We have to work in Congress to get a one-year jail sentence. When they’re allowed to stomp on the flag and put lighter fluid on the flag and set it afire, when you’re allowed to do that — you get a one-year jail sentence, and you’ll never see it again.”
+ Has he seen the way people dress at his rallies? Talk about desecrating the flag.
+ Burning the American flag is one of the most American things an American can do. Even the Supreme Court agreed in the 1989 case of Texas v. Johnson. Martha-Ann Alito has even hung it upside down as a fuck you to her neighbors.
+ A right that applies everywhere except on American college campuses, eh Chuck?
+ Jeff Stein at the Washington Post has written a very important piece about the US’s quiet warfare on nations it doesn’t like through the imposition of economic sanctions. According to Stein’s report, “The US is imposing sanctions at a record-setting pace again this year, with more than 60% of all low-income countries now under some form of financial penalty, according to a WaPo analysis.”
+ Here’s a list of countries under US sanctions ranked by the severity of the sanctions and the year they began:
High Severity
North Korea–1950 (Truman)
Cuba–1962 (JFK)
Iran–1979 (Carter)
Syria–1979 (Carter)
Zimbabwe–2002 (Bush 2)
DR of Congo–2006 (Bush 2)
Lebanon–2007 (Bush 2)
Somalia–2010 (Obama)
Nicaragua–2018 (Trump)
Mali 2019 (Trump)
Ethiopia–2021 (Biden)
+ What an uplifting story from the NYT on the American dream in action. Most couples their age come to Manhattan, if they can afford the bus fare, with a combined $800,000 in debt from student loans and credit cards…
+ Since the wretched Grants Pass decision by the Supreme Court gave the green light for states and cities to criminalize the houseless, the Democrats, from Portland to NYC to the entire State of California, have moved the most swiftly and ruthlessly to “ethnically cleanse” homeless people from their encampments …
+ Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) said that most recent immigrants who have come across the U.S.-Mexico border are “garbage. They come from jails and prisons in other countries.”
+ On the other hand, Human Rights Watch just released a report documenting how thousands of people in the United States are being deported every year for drug offenses that in many cases no longer exist under state laws.
+ The U.S. Department of Labor found 10 Blaze Fast Fire’d Pizza locations in Las Vegas and Henderson had employed 23 children, ages 15-17, to operate industrial pizza dough mixers as late as 10:30 PM on school nights.
+ The Ohio Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that chicken wings advertised as ‘boneless’ can contain bones. The case, which constitutes yet another body blow to consumer rights, was brought by Michael Berkheimer, who had ordered his favorite dish, boneless wings with parmesan garlic sauce, at a wing place in Hamilton, Ohio. Three days after the meal, Berkheimer, who’d been unable to keep any food down, went to the emergency, after developing a fever, where the doctor found that a thin bone from the “boneless” wing had lodged in Berkheimer’s throw, ripping his esophagus and causing a dangerous infection.
+ USA as Failed State Update…1 out of 4 cancer patients in America either declared bankruptcy or lost their homes to eviction or foreclosure as a result of medical debt in 2022.
+ JW Mason: “The business case against AI: Sure, it can replace writers. But it’s not like there’s any money in writing.”
+ After Tesla’s second-quarter net income tumbled 45% as the company’s global electric vehicle sales fell despite price cuts, Elon Musk said he was reconsidering his pledge to donate $45 million a month to the Trump campaign, apparently realizing that a reelected Trump, whose hostility to electric vehicles has become a cornerstone of his campaign, would kill off Tesla once and for all.
+ Already among the highest-paid cops in the country (world), San Francisco police could soon see their pay get bumped again with the average officer getting nearly $500,000 a year (not counting overtime).
+ James Baldwin: “A cop is a cop. And he may be a very nice man, but I haven’t got the time to figure that out. All I know is he’s got a uniform and a gun. And I have to relate to him that way. That’s the only way to relate to him at all.”
+ Sue Mi Terry, the wife of the Washington Post’s neocon national security columnist, Max Boot, was just arrested as a foreign agent…(“Sue Mi Terry” is a name right off the pages of a Tom Robbins novel.)
+ Last Sunday was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth. Monday was even hotter.
+ Oil production in the US has more than doubled in less than a decade.
+ Since the world started to get “serious” about global warming, coal demand has only increased–rising by 75% since the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and by nearly 15% since the Paris Agreement in 2015.
+ Every six hours the world burns enough coal to build a new replica of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
+ On July 15, Chicago issued 16 tornado warnings, the most sent on a single day since 2004. In an average year, Illinois only experiences 50 tornadoes. This year it’s been hit more than 100, already.
+ The Park Fire outside Chico grew by 100,000 acres in a mere 24 hours. It ignited when someone lit a car on fire and rolled it into a forested ravine, but it blew up because the forest is parched bone-dry by year after year of searing summer heat.
+ Here in Oregon’s Willamette Valley we tied a record for the most consecutive 100F-degree days, which, sandwiched between an even longer string of 90+ days, prompted a “flash drought,” pushing the wildfire danger from “low” to “high” in the span of a few days. Oregon has effectively dried out. There are currently at least 27 wildfires burning in Oregon across more than 256,500 acres of land.
+A map of occupied bald eagle nests in Wisconsin in 1974 and 2019, largely a consequence of the implementation of the Endangered Species Act and Clean Water Act, both of which are on the hit list from Project 2025.
+ A new study in Nature on Brazil’s Amazon found that “Indigenous territories reduced deforestation more between 2000 and 2010 relative to all other land uses, including strict protected areas and sustainable-use protected areas.”
+ This winter was the third deadliest yet for Yellowstone wolves in the decades since the wild canids were reintroduced to the park in 1995. Overall, at least 13 Yellowstone wolves were shot by legal hunters, caught by trappers, killed by poachers or died of suspected hunting-related injuries.
+ Oxygen levels in the midwaters of the Pacific off the California coast have dropped by a stunning 40 percent since 1960.
+ Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) was duped by a fake letter announcing Jimmy Carter’s death, which quoted the former president as calling his late wife a “baddie” and the “original Brat” who “throat goat Nancy Reagan had nothing on.”
+ According to a report in the Washington Post, RFK Jr. conferred with Trump only hours after the failed assassination attempt about endorsing his campaign and taking a position overseeing health and medical issues in a Trump administration. The Trump team declined the offer. Even they don’t want Bobby….
+ During a fundraising speech Minnesota State Sen. Calvin Bahr (R-East Bethel) blamed women for their own unwanted pregnancies: “If you’re going to party, you got to pay the consequences.”
+ The late, great Bob Newhart: Newhart: “At a Xmas gathering, my sister M.J. was seated next to my Mom. Mom’s memory was beginning to fade. My Mom said, ‘Is Dad with us?’ M.J. said, ‘No, Mom, Dad died a few months ago.’ Mom said, ‘There were times I could have killed him…I didn’t, did I?’”
+ Hey, kids, you still have a chance to indulge some pagan deities, buy a few graven idols, blow off the sabbath, and say, goddammit without getting any demerits!
+ The great Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki (Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Boy and the Heron): “I strongly feel that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an insult to life itself.”
+ The late Shelley Duvall planted her hook in me as Millie in Robert Altman’s neglected masterpiece 3 Women.
+ Pauline Kael on Shelley Duvall: “Shelley Duvall melts indifference. You’re unable to repress your response; you go right to her in delight, saying ‘I’m yours.’” (1976) And later: ‘There are no forebears or influences that would help to explain Shelley Duvall’s acting; she doesn’t seem to owe anything to anyone. She’s an original who has her own limpid way of doing things—a simplicity that isn’t marred by conventional acting technique.” (1980)
“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was Dostoevsky and Dickens who taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, or who had ever been alive. Only if we face these open wounds in ourselves can we understand them in other people. An artist is sort of an emotional or spiritual historian. His role is to make you realize the doom and glory of knowing who you are and what you are. He has to tell, because nobody else in the world •can• tell, what it is like to be alive.” – James Baldwin
Photograph Source: U.S. Embassy Jerusalem – CC BY 2.0
I returned home from Wednesday’s anti-Netanyahu demonstration on Capitol Hill in time to watch the Israeli prime minister address a joint session of the U.S. Congress. The vilest thing about the event was not the speech itself, which was predictably bloodthirsty and mendacious, but the reactions of the assembled Congresspeople. Almost all of them stood and cheered lengthily while their invited guest smeared those protesting his appearance in the streets outside the Capitol as pro-Hamas “idiots” who “stand with rapists and murderers,” and whose protests are “paid for by Iran.”
Understand that almost all those protesting, including me, were Americans — a group that the members of Congress claim to represent. But never mind that. Benjamin Netanyahu is an experienced con artist who knows very well when he has an audience of suckers who will buy any Brooklyn Bridge that he feels like selling. I arrived home in time to watch him bedazzle the Congressional rubes by introducing wounded Israeli war veterans — who just happened to be people of color – in the visitors’ gallery. No one laughed or objected when he defamed the protestors, when he called the Israel Defense Forces the most scrupulously pro-civilian army in world history, or when he accused the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court of disseminating an antisemitic “blood libel.” But his best trick of all was using the Book of Genesis to justify Israeli claims to all of 21st century Palestine.
“They call Israel a colonialist state,” he ranted, pounding the lectern. “Don’t they know that the Land of Israel is where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob prayed, where Isaiah and Jeremiah preached and where David and Solomon ruled?”
That grotesque non-sequitur evoked the loudest cheers of all! Netanyahu understands perfectly well that what sustains the remaining American support for Israel is a combination of Zionist political and financial pressure, evangelical Christian hopes for a Middle East Armageddon, and U.S. imperialism. He baldly presented Israel as a U.S. agent in the region obviating the need for American “boots on the ground.” His peroration, cheered on passionately by the yokels, called for an Abrahamic Alliance to make war on Iran and Hezbollah.
About half of the Democrats in Congress had the decency to absent themselves from this bellicose farce. Kamela Harris refused to attend and preside; Rashida Tlaib attended but held up a small sign that read “War Criminal.” Other Democrats like Jerry Nadler of New York and Jamie Raskin of Maryland were in the hall but behaving weirdly – sitting on their hands for some of Bibi’s more obnoxious pronouncements but rising to cheer at other moments of jingoistic bombast. No point in offending AIPAC and its supporters in an election year!
Most Republicans, of course, were in ecstasy throughout, especially when Netanyahu praised their Dear Leader. As I write this, he is on the way to Mar-a-Lago to pay him homage. So much for Donald Trump the “peace candidate.” The one useful result of this globally embarrassing event was the revelation – if one were needed – that the MAGA Republicans are united in support of a U.S.-financed “forever war” in the Middle East.
Meanwhile, the world watches in disbelief as the clueless American Empire further isolates itself morally and politically from virtually all the world’s peoples. With friends like Netanyahu, as the old Jewish joke goes, who needs enemies?
In a shameful moment for U.S. history, an accused war criminal addressed Congress on July 24.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to plead for more arms for his war on Gaza, where the International Court of Justice has found it “plausible” that Israel is committing genocide. “Give us the tools faster and we’ll finish the job faster,” Netanyahu said.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is seeking a warrant for Netanyahu’s arrest for war crimes and crimes against humanity. But instead of arresting him, Congress gave him multiple standing ovations.
To avoid complicity in war crimes and genocide, these shipments must end.
There is overwhelming evidence that Israeli forces under Netanyahu’s leadership have committed massive human rights atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza. And that’s against the backdrop of an illegal military occupation of Palestinian territory and apartheid, as another ICJ ruling confirmed recently.
Nonetheless, Congress invited Netanyahu to speak. He used this platform to deny any responsibility for the slaughter, famine, and catastrophic destruction in Gaza — and to denigrate Americans who are rightly horrified by their government’s support for his genocidal campaign.
Most Americans are disgusted that U.S-made bombs keep turning up at massacre after massacre. Over the past few weeks alone, Israel has repeatedly bombed so-called “safe zones” and at least eight schools in Gaza where thousands of forcibly displaced Palestinians were sheltering.
On July 9, the Israeli military murdered at least 30 Palestinians who were playing soccer at the Al-Awda school using GBU-39 bombs made by Boeing. Israel also dropped GBU-39s on another UN school-turned-shelter in the Nuseirat refugee camp on July 6, killing at least 40, and before that on Palestinian families sheltering in plastic tents during the May 26 Rafah massacre.
On July 13, Israeli forces killed 90 people and injured hundreds more at the Al-Mawasi refugee camp that Israel had designated a “safe zone.” Children were reportedly found “in pieces.” Eight 2,000-pound bombs turned the civilian area into a “smoldering crater.” At least one of the munitions was a Boeing-made JDAM.
Despite these atrocities, the weapons continue to flow.
In May, President Biden announced that he would pause the delivery of 2,000-pound bombs ahead of Israel’s invasion of Rafah, which Biden had called “a red line.” However, Israel has still received destructive 500-pound bomb shipments despite invading Rafah, and the killing in Gaza continues.
These weapons shipments violate both international and U.S. law. The United States is legally obligated to withhold military assistance when U.S. weapons are used to violate human rights.
The UN Human Rights Council and various experts have called on all countries to end the sale and transfer of military equipment to Israel — or else risk complicity in crimes, including genocide. They called on arms manufacturers supplying Israel to do the same, including Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman.
Polls show that a majority of Americans support closing the arms pipeline to Israel. In advance of Netanyahu’s speech, seven major labor unions representing nearly 6 million workers called on President Biden to “immediately halt all military aid to Israel.”
The voices of the American people deserve more respect in Congress than Netanyahu’s lies and demands. An immediate end to all U.S. weapons transfers to Israel is long overdue, alongside a permanent ceasefire and larger pursuit of freedom and justice for the Palestinian people.
We must not allow ourselves to become a nation that applauds mass murder.
But Grossi has also simultaneously been increasing the risk of accidents, albeit inadvertently, by calling for building more nuclear reactors. This advocacy takes many forms. He has written op-eds in prominent outlets like Foreign Affairs. He has been trying to canvas countries to start nuclear power programs. For example, in March 2024. he went to Baghdad and committed to working with Iraq to help build a nuclear reactor “for peaceful purposes”. And as a way to deal with the unaffordable costs of nuclear reactors, he has pushed the World Bank and Asian Development Bank to provide funding for building nuclear plants.
None of this make sense. When viewed as investment advice to banks, Grossi’s promotion of nuclear power does not meet the laugh threshold. According to Grossi, the banks’ lack of funding for nuclear energy is “out of date, out of step with what is happening”. But it is Grossi’s advocacy that is out of step with happening to nuclear energy in the real world.
When nuclear energy is evaluated through how much it contributes to the world’s electricity production, the technology has been declining continuously for over 25 years, from 17.5 percent in 1996 down to 9.2 percent in 2022. For reasons discussed later, this trend will likely continue. In other words, the importance of nuclear energy is diminishing. Investing more money into a technology that some scholars argue is “destined for decline” makes little sense.
When analyzing Grossi’s advice to these development banks, one should remember what these institutions are supposed to do. The World Bank’s mission is “to end extreme poverty and boost prosperity on a livable planet”. And the Asian Development Bank has a similar mission, with a regional focus on Asia and the Pacific. The World Bank’s mission, in particular, mentions the multiple, intertwined crises we are confronting and emphasizes both the need for “affordable energy” and how quickly these crises should be addressed, stating “time is of the essence”. Nuclear energy fails on both counts.
Expensive and Slow
Electricity from nuclear reactors is costly and does not provide affordable energy, especially when compared to other low-carbon, renewable sources of energy. During the same period mentioned earlier, the share of all electricity generated by modern renewables has risen from just over 1 percent of in 1996 to 15.9 percent in 2023. Today, it is utility-scale solar photovoltaic power that provides the least costly option for generating electricity plants in many countries. This is why, in 2020, the International Energy Agency dubbed solar “the new king of the world’s electricity markets”. Money spent on nuclear reactors by banks would only divert funds away from investing in renewables and associated technologies and infrastructures.
Nuclear reactors have also almost never been on time. An astonishing 89 percent of all reactors that were connected to the grid between 2020 and 2022 were delayed: just two reactors in China were on schedule. In the United States, the two AP1000 reactors that just started operating in the state of Georgia ended up costing nearly $35 billion. In 2011, when the utility company building the reactor sought permission from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, it projected a total cost of $14 billion, and “in-service dates of 2016 and 2017” for the two units. These cost escalations and delays are even more extreme than the historical pattern identified in an academic study that examined 180 nuclear power projects and found that 175 had exceeded their initial budgets, by an average of 117%, and took 64% longer than initially projected
That is not all. Around the world, 92 nuclear projects have been cancelled or suspended, usually after hundreds of millions, if not billions, have been spent. In the United States, the latest such cancellation was a project involving a small modular reactor from NuScale that the company advertised as “smaller, safer, and cheaper”. Cheaper, it certainly wasn’t, with a final cost estimate that was around 250% more than the initial per megawatt cost for the Vogtle project in Georgia. The earlier cancellation, of the V. C. Summer project involving two AP1000 reactors in South Carolina, was canceled after over $9 billion was spent—electricity consumers in the state will be paying for decades for this bad investment.
Necessary Conditions for Nuclear Power
It is not as though development banks have not considered nuclear energy. Back in 1959, the World Bank did invest in a nuclear project in Italy, based on a set of conditions, most importantly the unavailability of other cost-competitive alternatives. That project was not a success. More important for the present discussion is that with the reduced cost and increasing availability of solar and wind power, nuclear power no longer meets these conditions to be cost-effective.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB), too, undertook an analysis of various technologies and published an Energy Policy paper in 2009 that highlighted a number of barriers confronting nuclear power development, including “public concerns related to nuclear proliferation, waste management, safety issues, high investment costs, long lead times, and commercial acceptability of new technologies”. Thanks to these concerns, the paper declared that “ADB will maintain its current policy of non-involvement in the financing of nuclear power generation”. None of these barriers have disappeared.
The challenge of ensuring safety was reinforced just two years after the ADB’s paper when multiple reactors at the Fukushima Daichi nuclear plant melted down spreading radioactive materials widely, and posing difficult technical, socio-political and economical challenges: including an estimated future bill of 35 to 80 trillion yen (around $322 to $736 billion). Fukushima served as a reminder that the nature of nuclear technology ensures “the inevitability of accidents”.
This is not for lack of precedence. Well before Russia occupied Zaporizhzhia, Israel bombed Iraq’s Osirak reactor in 1981 and, then in 2007, bombed the Al-Kibar nuclear facility where Syria was building a reactor. Iran and the United States have also attacked Iraq’s nuclear facilities. None of the attackers faced any consequences.
Grossi’s principles and calls for new regimes might also contradict other imperatives. In a recent paper published in The Nonproliferation Review, two scholars have examined the history of such attacks in detail and concluded that “attacks on nuclear facilities endure as a feature of the global nonproliferation regime because the international community—or at least some of the most influential members of the community—deem them a necessary option for the maintenance of that regime”. In other words, Zaporizhzhia is unlikely to be the last nuclear plant at risk of being attacked.
None of this information is new but they don’t appear to play any part in Grossi’s advocacy for nuclear energy. When advising the World Bank to invest in nuclear power, he doesn’t explain that the tens of billions of dollars the Bank might invest in a nuclear reactor could, within a matter of minutes, be converted into a cleanup project that would cost hundreds of billions. Or explaining to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni that the small modular reactors he recommended that Italy build could be blown up and the result might, as with Zaporizhzhia, cause “enormous suffering”.
Grossi’s silence about this risk should be troubling at the best of times. But it is particularly inexcusable when he is, in parallel, emphasizing the risks of suffer a major accident at the Zaporizhzhia power plant. When he went to Iraq recently, he actively downplayed the legitimate concerns in that country thanks to its nuclear reactors being bombed by Israel and the United States. Grossi’s prescription is to simply call for “turning the page on this complex past”. Can he genuinely and credibly assure Iraq that such an attack will not happen again?
The deeper problem is a conflict of interest. As the head of the International Atomic Energy, Rafael Grossi, like his predecessors, tasked with two separate objectives: “to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world” and to “ensure, so far as it is able, that assistance provided by it or at its request or under its supervision or control is not used in such a way as to further any military purpose”. The case for promoting nuclear energy was never very strong and has completely collapsed in recent years. It is past time to simply abandon the first objective and focus on the second.
Photograph Source: United States Senate – Public Domain
Trying to make sense of President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race and deification of Vice President Kamala Harris into the pantheon of great Democratic leaders, I reached out to someone on the inside and got back the following email.
“I am flattered that you think I know more than Morning Joe, even if the networks didn’t trust him to mutter homilies in the wake of the Trump shooting and pulled him off the air, lest he ask one of his guests: ‘Other than that, Mrs. Trump, what did you think of the rally?’
“No, I didn’t get a heads up from anyone in Rehoboth Beach that Joe Biden would be falling on his sword (although he’s been off his pins for several years), but the die were cast when George Clooney mailed off his nastygram to the New York Times to make the point that Joe failed to show the proper obeisance to the $30 million that all those Hollywood A-listers dropped into his lid. Money, after all, has to mean something.
“Deep down, despite all the comparisons between Joe and a Second New Deal, the truth is that Biden isn’t the sharpest tack in Washington. Yeah, he got ahead in the Senate, but that was only because he was one of the few Democrats who would carry Republican water, and occasionally mix it with Kool-Aid.
“Look at the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings, and all those pubic hairs sticking to cans of Coca-Cola. Everyone who has spent more time in D.C. than your average tourist on an open double-decker bus knew that Thomas was guilty of far worse crimes than his crude, pornographic banter with Anita Hill, but Biden (remember, he was head of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary who approved Thomas?) gave him a hall pass so that on another occasion the Republicans might ‘remember him’ at the office.
“Obama picked Biden to be his vice president only because he was a southern senator dressed up as an East Coast liberal, and Barry figured he needed the votes of white men in suits who saw nothing wrong with frolicking at the deep end of the secretarial pool.
“As vice president, Biden had one job, which was to sing lullabies to anyone losing sleep over the fear that Obama might come for their Audis.
“Father Joe’s parish was all those wealthy Democrats who are worth millions, even billions, but who still become weepy over the warming climate, the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, and the syndicalist rights of the United Auto Workers (not that many donors are commuting to their hedge funds in an AMC Pacer).
“To them, Biden made sure that not one corporate icon went to jail over the 2008 financial crisis (all that watered stock and underwater paper that Wall Street laid off on Uncle Sam courtesy of Barack and Joe).
“In turn, they rewarded him with the Democratic nomination in 2020 (even after he finished fourth and fifth in Iowa and New Hampshire) and sufficient funds to defeat Donald Trump, provided that Joe understood his new job was to make sure that the federal budget functioned as the lender of first resort—there to make sure that corporate backhanders be christened as dispensations of the American Rescue Plan Act or the Inflation Reduction Act (in which about $783 billion in easy money was re-branded as fiscal and monetary prudence).
“I know it’s vogue to imagine Joe as the next FDR, stitching together safety nets for those juggling on life’s high wires, but it makes more sense to think of Biden the Elder as a croupier or maybe a floor manager in the American Casino—overseeing the roulette wheels to make sure that the high rollers come away with more than complimentary drinks.
“You name the problem—Ukraine, Gaza, the cost of insulin, etc.—and Biden threw money at the problem, although always first to his Democratic constituents.
“For example, in Ukraine, he didn’t send Zelensky blank checks. Instead he allocated credits so that the U.S. government could buy the weaponry direct from American factories and always at the full retail (marked up?) prices. Ka-ching if you’re Lockheed or Raytheon.
“What went wrong with this Oval Office confidence game is that the Democratic rentier class began to get the feeling that their pit manager (Biden) was losing track of the chips, the house odds on the slots, or the combination to the office safe.
“I doubt that the irony was lost on the casino owners (Barack Obama, the Clintons, Madame Speaker) that they gave the hatchet job to Danny Ocean (aka George Clooney) to tell Biden that his security badge was expiring and that his last candidate salary would be waiting for him at the window.
“On the talk shows, the Democrats are all about ‘the will of the people’ and ‘inclusivity,’ but in the back rooms votes are counted like pieces of eight, and Biden was coming up short.
“Mind you, the same crowd now giving him the bum’s rush were a month ago ‘ridin with Biden’, but party politics are little more than mob rule, the reason the U.S. Constitution makes no room for them.
“I am guessing that the party hierarchs figured that they could beat the serially- indicted Trump with Biden or even one of those inflatable dolls people used to blow up and put next to them in the front seat, when driving through a rough section of town.
“Then at the debate, even when Trump held a long conversation with himself (“sharks…shower heads…and the late, great Hannibal Lecter”), he still seemed more with it than Joe (no small achievement on Biden’s part).
“Biden wasn’t relieved of his command for political reasons akin to some argument in The Federalist Papers; he was run out of town for putting the Democratic capital account at risk, much the way auto execs with sluggish sales numbers are given the boot.
“So what does Kamala Harris bring to this wheel of fortune? Not a lot, sadly.
“For the moment, as she’s in the midst of a coronation (think of the applause meter on the 1950-60s game show, Queen for a Day), she has the winning look of a monarch waving from the balcony.
“But who knows if she can prevail in a campaign based largely on a letter of reference from the Clintons and all those temper tantrums to the effect that if she’s not given the nomination, she’ll take 100% of the black vote in 2024 and deliver it to Brother West’s Upper West Side revivalist tent, and swing the election to the Trump’s Hole-in-the Condo Gang. In politics, this is know as a ‘moral position’.
“Can Harris beat Trump? I cannot quite see it, despite all the staff-doctored polls showing her even with him in Michigan and Pennsylvania.
“Trump is clearly psychotic, delusional, and criminally corrupt in everything he has done from porn-star accounting to trying to hang Mike Pence, but he’s not running in November as a political figure—with arcane views about the gold standard or Quemoy and Matsu.
“Trump isn’t running for anything: he’s choreographing a coup, but instead of seizing the radio station or nationalizing the copper industry, he’s appearing in a one-man Gilbert-and-Sullivan musical that has the implausible storyline of a failed hotelier and small-time racketeer taking over the free world. Except outside his venues, the posters announce: ‘BASED ON AN ACTUAL TRUE STORY – IT REALLY HAPPENED.’
“Now for Kamala Harris to show up at intermission and complain about the libretto makes about as much sense as someone fact-checking Evita to ascertain whether Eva Perón ever did sing, ‘Don’t cry for me, Argentina.’
“It misses the point that everything in Trump’s dark underworld is cleaned up in post-production, so you come away with the impression that he might be normal (which, I assure you, he is not).
“Normal isn’t groping and violating more than twenty women, defrauding the investors and lenders in a string of public and private companies, conspiring to overturn an election with goons and fake electors, or stealing state secrets and hiding them in a country club locker room.
“To me, the Harris campaign will evolve into one long shout into the Donald Trump void, Kamala as the fact-checker-in-chief.
“Yes, she might well be right, but the sad fact of 2024 is that the electorate only wants its politics to be those of a bizarre, slightly satanic reality show (which has extramarital sex, gun violence, Russian intrigue, and as many bad checks as Bernie Madoff circulated). It doesn’t want a Whig politician campaigning against the injustice of the Enclosure Acts or the Corn Laws.
“Circle back to me after the convention, when they kiss her ring.
Photograph Source: Muhammad Sabah, B’Tselem – CC BY 4.0
The International Court of Justice released its historic advisory opinion on 19 July 2024 just as I was finishing my essay on Israel’s theft and abuse of the water resources of Palestine.
The 80-page opinion, “Legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,” unequivocally states that “the State of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful” and should come to an end “as rapidly as possible.”
The “Exploitation of natural resources” section (V/B.4, 124-133) was of particular interest to me. In it, the Court confirmed what I had set out to disclose, that Israel has used, misused and abused its illegal control over the water resources of Palestine to gain a permanent hold over all of the land.
The Court concluded that the occupied West Bank (especially Area C), rich in natural resources, has been used by Israel to the exclusive benefit of its own population, while disadvantaging Palestinians and their communities. Area C covers 61 percent of the West Bank and is under the complete control of Israel.
Furthermore, the ICJ determined that Israel must relinquish control over all aspects of Palestinians’ lives, including its most vital natural resource, water.
The concept of water is deeply etched in the culture, politics, religion and mythology of the Middle East. For example, it is a tradition, in the extreme summer heat, to leave a jug of water outside the front door or gate in neighborhoods as an offering to the thirsty.
In Islam, water is a treasured resource. It played a central role in the birth of the new religion, in its narratives and rituals. Extreme drought may have been decisive in contributing to the upheavals in ancient Arabia and in the societal change from which Islam emerged in the early 7th century.
Water is central to the mythology of Islam. In Muslim lore, it was the bubbling waters of the Well of Zamzam in the Arabian peninsula that kept the young prophet, Ismael (son of Abraham and Hajar) alive. The well, located in the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, continues to miraculously generate water after 4,000 years. Water from the well is also distributed to the Prophet’s Mosque, Masjid al-Nabawi, in Medina, the resting place of the Prophet Mohammad.
Muslims in Gaza, much like the world over, stand prayerful in the direction of the two venerated mosques five times daily. However, Israel’s relentless bombing campaign since October 2023 has made access to ablution water impossible.
To fully understand the gravity and pain that Palestinians have endured it is essential to remember what they have lost.
Since European Zionist migration to Palestine in the early 20th century, life for its indigenous people has been changed.
Israel’s founders were mindful that their colonizing dream in Palestine was sustainable only if they secured hegemony over the water that flowed above and beneath the land.
At the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, ending World War I, Zionist leaders stated that a future Jewish state depended upon dominion over the Naqab (Negev) Desert, Syrian Golan Heights, the Jordan Valley, Litani River in Lebanon and the West Bank.
The Mount Hermon basin—whose mountain range is located on the border between Syria and Lebanon—was seen as essential to their colonizing ambitions. It is in this basin that its streams and rivers merge to become the Jordan River.
In December 1919, Russian-born Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s first president (1949-52), wrote to the British prime minister, Lloyd George, that “the whole economic future of Palestine is dependent upon its water supply for irrigation and for electric power, and the water supply must mainly be derived from the slopes of Mount Hermon, from the headwaters of the Jordan and from the Litany [Litani] River.” The Latani is the primary and largest watershed in Lebanon.
After seizing 78 percent of historic Palestine in the 1948 war, Israel moved quickly to implement its prepared plans to control the water resources of Palestine, which were nationalized and rationed in 1949.
The Arab-Israeli War of 1967 also had its origins over water. Israel began work in 1953 to build an elaborate water system, the National Water Carrier (NWC), to transport water from the Upper Jordan River in the north to the center of Israel and to planned colonies in the arid South. And in 1963, it began pumping water from the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberius) into the NWC, which posed a grave threat to Syrian, Lebanese and Jordanian water resources. As a consequence, Israel and the Arab states engaged in numerous clashes in what came to be known as the “War over Water” (1964-1967).
To thwart Israel’s scheme, in 1965, Syria and Lebanon implemented the Arab League plan to divert water from Jordan River sources (Banias and Hasbani Rivers) to their own territory.
In his memoirs, Israeli general and former prime minister (2001-2006), Ariel Sharon, revealed that the 1967 war was launched in response to Syria’s plan to reroute the headwaters of the Jordan. Israel attacked construction sites inside Syria that same year, leading to the war.
Completed in 1964, the National Water Carrier diverts 75 percent of the waters from the Jordan River to Israel, while Palestinians are prohibited from using any of it.
Israel’s military victory in June 1967, had the effect of placing much of the Mount Hermon basin, the entire West Bank and Gaza Strip under Israeli control. It then declared the water resources of the captured land to be property of the state, putting them under complete military authority.
When it illegally annexed the occupied Syrian Golan Heights in 1981, Israel secured direct dominance over the headwaters of the Jordan River, fulfilling its early Zionist designs.
Israel has also coveted and remains determined to seize the water of southern Lebanon—the Litani River and the Shebaa Farms. The Shebaa Farms area has abundant ground water that flows from the slopes of Mt. Hermon.
Historical records from the 1950s indicate that then chief of staff of the Israel “Defense” Forces, Moshe Dayan and others, favored conquering and annexing southern Lebanon up to the Litani.
For that reason, Israel invaded Lebanon in 1978 (Operation Litani) and again in 1982. The Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon continued until its forces were driven out by Lebanese Hezbollah in 2000.
Claiming that the Shebaa Farms are part of the Golan Heights, Israel annexed it in 1981. Hezbollah continues to battle for the liberation of this 16 square miles on the western slopes of the Hermon Mountain range.
The Occupied West Bank
Israel’s objective has always been to decrease the supply of water to Palestinians so that they will inevitably have to leave.
Tel Aviv’s apartheid water policies were set in motion by the interim Oslo peace accords of the 1990s, which gave Israel control over 80 percent of the West Bank’s reserves. Under the Oslo II Accords, division of water resources was designated as an issue for “final status negotiations.” Final status and a future Palestinian state were never reached, as Israel continued to illegally appropriate Palestinian land and water resources.
The 1995 accords, meant to last five years, have remained entrenched. As a result, Israelis have access to water on demand, while Palestinians receive predetermined allocations set out in the “peace agreement,” that do not reflect population growth, climate change or average daily water consumption needs.
As the occupying power, Israel has defined responsibilities under international human rights law to respect Palestinians’ right to safe, sufficient and accessible water. Israel has never ended its illegal occupation or lived up to its obligations.
Israelis consume ten times the amount of water than West Bank Palestinians. Israel and its colonies (settlements) consume 87 percent of the water from West Bank aquifers, while Palestinians are allocated just 13 percent. And while they do not have enough water to bathe their children, Jewish children splash about in community pools.
The national Israeli water company, Mekorot, has forced Palestinians to depend on Israel for their water needs. It has systematically tapped springs and sunk wells in the West Bank to supply its population, including squatters, with a continuous supply of water, while Palestinians receive water sporadically. The company routinely reduces the Palestinian supply and shamelessly, sells them their own water at inflated prices. To counter the chronic water shortage, 92 percent of Palestinians store water in tanks on their rooftops.
Since 2021, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Israeli authorities have demolished nearly 160 Palestinian reservoirs, sewage networks and wells across the West Bank and East Jerusalem. While Israel continues to dig more wells, it has denied Palestinians’ drilling rights and blocks them from harvesting rainwater.
The expansion of Jewish colonies, Israeli industrial and military zones have contributed to water contamination, which has severely undermined the Palestinian agricultural sector. As Palestinian farms wither from a paucity of water, Israeli farms receive unlimited amounts, often to produce such water-guzzling crops as tomatoes, oranges and cotton.
The Gaza Strip
The catastrophic water crisis in Gaza today predates the October 2023 war. Israel’s 16-year blockade contributed to severe water shortages. And potable water was hard to find after decades of Israeli invasions.
With no surface sources of water, the coastal aquifer, on the brink of collapse, provided 81 percent of the enclave’s supply. Three desalination plants and three Mekorot pipes provided the remainder. Families had to buy often questionable drinking water from street vendors at high prices. On 9 October 2023, Israel cut off the piped water it had been sending Gaza.
Since Israel withdrew in 2005, it has conducted five major wars on the small densely-populated Strip, destroying much of its infrastructure. And for years, Gazans have lived with depleted, contaminated and salinated water because Israel has restricted the entry of construction and other materials like cement and iron needed to repair, maintain or develop the enclave’s water infrastructure.
The United Nations currently estimates that 70 percent of Gaza’s water and sanitation plants have been destroyed or damaged, including all five wastewater treatment facilities, water desalination plants, sewage pumping stations, wells and reservoirs. Those remaining are short on fuel to continue operating. Tons of untreated sewage have seeped into the ground or has been pumped into the Mediterranean Sea.
According to the UN, 95-97 percent of the underground water is not fit for human consumption. Most people are now getting drinking water from private vendors who operate small desalination facilities powered by solar energy.
According to Euro-Med Monitor, Palestinians have access to just 1.5 liters of water per person per day for all needs, including drinking and personal hygiene. It is worth noting that the established international emergency water threshold is 15 liters per person per day.
The inability to dispose of garbage, treat sewage and deliver uncontaminated water, in sweltering 90 degree (Fahrenheit) heat, has produced disastrous health consequences, including Hepatitis A, cholera, typhoid, diarrheal and skin diseases, and a stench that has made Gazans ill. Crowded together in tent camps, Palestinians are finding it difficult to sleep because of flies, cockroaches and fear of scorpions and rodents.
Ten months of unabated bombing has ravaged the ecosystem of Gaza and its population.
The recent advisory opinion of the UN’s highest Court has unequivocally confirmed that Israel’s presence in occupied Palestine is unlawful and must end, that it must cease “settlement” expansion and evacuate all “settlers,” that reparations are owed Palestinians and that nations are obliged not to “render aid or assistance” in maintaining Israel’s presence in the territory.
Most UN member states honor their obligations under international law. There is little reason to believe that Israel and its chief enabler, the United States, will comply, since both have a history of disregarding UN resolutions, including an ICJ ruling in 2004 that Israel tear down a concrete barrier wall it had erected in the West Bank to separate itself from Palestinian cities and towns.
For half a century, Israel, with U.S. support, and the mercenary corporate media, has had free rein to expand and grow economically fat on the stolen natural resources of Palestine.
It is as simple as drinking a glass of water; so the saying goes. But not in Palestine, where the people have been imprisoned between birth and death—for now. There are finally signs, however, of an epilogue to the tragic Palestinian al-Nakba (the catastrophe).
An Israeli soldier checking the IDs of Palestinians at the Huwara checkpoint. Photo by Gary Fields.
Lost in Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the Presidential election, and the now-likely accession of Kamala Harris to Democratic nominee, is the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) last week on the legality of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza.* In a searing rebuke to the State of Israel, the Court in its 83-page brief refuted Israeli claims that the Palestinian territories under its control are “disputed,” not occupied. More to the point, the Court determined that the occupation regime established by Israel in these three areas, which it considers to be “a single territorial unit,” [p. 27] is in violation of innumerable statutes of international law.
From restrictions on basic rights of free movement, to special pass laws for Palestinians, arbitrary and systematic demolitions of Palestinian homes, and overt discrimination against Palestinians as a group, the ICJ Opinion catalogs a widespread pattern of abuses by the State of Israel as an occupier and violator of the most fundamental human rights of Palestinians over whom it rules. In conclusion, the Court notes, “Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Territories is illegal.” [p. 72ff].
From this ruling, Israel emerges as nothing other than a pariah state, similar to that other notorious violator of human rights, the apartheid regime of South Africa.
According to the Court, in the Territories under its occupation, Israel has created a system of laws, policies, and practices resulting in physical segregation and differential legal treatment for Palestinians. By these measures, such a system is akin to an apartheid system, that is, a regime that subjects people to different sets of laws, policies, and practices according to race, ethnicity or religion.
For several years now, human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights have condemned Israel as an apartheid state.
Now, for the first time, the World Court adjudicating the conduct of States, has affirmed this contention about Israeli apartheid, writing in its Opinion of four days ago “that Israel’s legislation and measures constitute a breach of Article 3 of CERD” [the Convention for the Elimination of Racial Segregation]. Article 3 of CERD makes reference to the illegality of “racial segregation and apartheid” and obligates state signatories to the Convention to “undertake to prevent, prohibit and eradicate all practices of this nature.” [pp. 64-65] A breach of Article 3 of CERD means that the country is in violation of the international convention on segregation and apartheid.
It is this part of the ICJ ruling that is undoubtedly the most vexing for the U.S. If, according to the world’s preeminent international legal authority, Israel has entered the legal terrain once occupied by South Africa, then members of the international body under its jurisdiction, UN member states are obligated not to aid and abet such regime as was the case with South Africa. The problem for the U.S. is obvious. America is deeply entangled in the probable genocidal activity of a now-designated apartheid regime. At the same time, there is an even more immediate, and in many ways more deeply troubling problem for the U.S.
This week, the embattled Prime Minister of Israel, Benyamin Netanyahu addressed lawmakers in the U.S. Congress. The Israeli PM has performed this role on multiple occasions previously and, as in past appearances, he was feted by a cast of mostly adoring and compliant legislators who accorded him saintly status with multiple standing ovations and raucous calls of approval. There is something truly sordid in all of this. Imagine the leader of a State now carrying the legal designation of a pariah regime and violator of the apartheid convention, who is at helm of a military plausibly committing genocide against the Palestinians of Gaza – with a possible indictment over his own head as a war criminal – being feted and applauded as if he were Mother Teresa. It is difficult to imagine a more macabre kind of spectacle.
Finally, this invitation to the Israeli leader and the relationship with Israel in general poses a daunting problem for the now-likely Democratic Presidential nominee.
Kamala Harris is a lawyer and former prosecutor. She is no doubt familiar with at least the broad outlines of the legal entanglements now gripping America’s most ironclad ally. As a prosecutor, Harris seems certain to grasp the ramifications of aiding and abetting entities and individuals designated as criminals. At certain times, the Vice President has shown that she does have a conscience and some compassion for those abandoned by good fortune. On the moral dimensions of the carnage in Gaza, however, Kamala Harris has been largely silent. Her conscience and sense of moral righteousness are going to be tested in the coming days as this spectacle in the U.S. Congress unfolds as a prelude to November, and perhaps if fate and fortune align in a certain way, into the future as well.
All references come from the ICJ Opinion accessible at this link.
Popular struggle for national independence under socialism has regularly provoked U.S. war or hostile interventions, as with Cuba, North Korea, China, Vietnam and other nations. We explore both the extreme danger of possible U.S. war with China and also the changing U.S rationale for fighting wars. This shows in the difference between why the U.S. war in Vietnam was fought and why U.S. war with China may be on the way.
Vietnam recently commemorated agreements reached 70 years ago in Geneva that on July 21, 1954 ended war between Vietnamese revolutionary forces and the French military, defeated two months earlier at Dien Bien Phu. According to official media, the object of a “scientific conference” held on July 19 was “to emphasize the historical importance of the agreements for the struggle for national liberation of the Vietnamese people and the peoples of the world.”
Also on July 19, Nguyen Phu Trong died. Once chairperson of the National Assembly and president of Vietnam, this paramount leader, a student and teacher of Marxist theory, had long served as general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam. His death is a reminder, if such is needed, that for Vietnam revolutionary socialism and national liberation were kindred struggles.
To prevent the unification of Vietnam as a socialist nation, the U.S. government went the last mile, first diplomatically and then militarily – from the 1954 Geneva agreements that established Vietnam’s national independence to the departure of defeated U.S. troops on April 30, 1975. The U.S. leadership class, involved in spreading U.S. power and influence across the globe, created and then defended South Vietnam, while attempting to defeat Vietnam’s Revolution, all at enormous human and material cost.
The enclave remaining after a U.S. victory might have ended up as a beachhead for counter-revolution and U.S. control in Southeast Asia. In their various situations, that’s the role performed by South Korea, Taiwan, and even Ukraine in relation to Russia, and Israel vis-a-vis the rest of the Middle East.
U.S. planners, in thinking about what to do about Vietnam, were not entirely devoid of reason. For U.S. imperialists, to beat back Vietnamese Communists – think “domino theory” – and heat up the Cold War against the Soviet Bloc had a certain logic, according to their own lights.
After the Vietnam disaster, official U.S. planning for war has built upon a variety of ostensible reasons for fighting. Having emerged from World War II well-resourced and strong, the U.S. government consistently demonstrated limited tolerance for the risings of oppressed, colonialized peoples. However, once newly formed independent states showed signs of strength, regional prominence, or even strategic rivalry, U.S. strategists turned to action.
War materialized as the ultimate U.S. fix, no matter the circumstances and under a variety of pretexts, as shown with U.S. war-making in Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The rationales for fighting were often imprecise. The threat of U.S. war now looms over Iran and, more ominously, over China. Each is under the gun because they are strong, assertive states.
Anti-communism was a safer and clearer kind of rationale. Vietnam won its “American War,” and the U.S. government backed off. That’s the story. Incidentally, the Vietnamese people scored a clear win. They live according to plans and socialist purpose in a free and independent nation.
Vietnam has established diplomatic relations with 190 countries. A Vietnamese writer cites “important achievements with infrastructure gradually meeting the needs of industrialization and modernization.” Since reforms in the 1980s, an economy resting mainly on foreign direct investment in manufacturing and tourism has expanded. Economic growth ranged between 9.5 and 5.5 percent between 1993 and 2022, save for sharps drops in 2020 and 2021. GDP rose 5.05 percent in 2023. By 2022, the poverty rate was down to 4.3%.
Vietnam’s government since 2008 has spent 20 percent of its budget on education. The same report mentions “high primary school completion rates, strong gender parity, low student/teacher ratios,” and school attendance rates that are high. The British medical journal Lancet indicates that, “Along with the economic growth, the health of the Vietnamese people has significantly improved between 1990 and 2020, whereby the life expectancy grew from 69 to 75 years, and the under-five child mortality rate decreased from 30 to 21 per 1000 live births.”
Socialist China restored dignity to the vast majority of its citizens, has afforded them decent lives, and created a well-functioning state that responds effectively to the climate crisis and other challenges. It too warrants a pass from the U.S. government.
That’s not happening: the U.S. government, in the hands of a divided leadership class, deals only haphazardly with major problems afflicting U.S. society and the world. It satisfies the material wants of the upper echelons, and presides over war preparations as part of what has become, in effect, a new Cold War.
Indeed, the USA has accumulated over 750 bases in 80 countries and posted 173,000 troops in 159 counties. The U.S. share of global arms exports in 2019-23 was 42 percent, up from 34 percent during the previous four-year period, according to
In the Pacific waters surrounding China, the United States has expanded the capabilities of its bases; it operates nuclear-equipped naval vessels, arranges for multi-national naval exercises, has vessels engaging in provocative “freedom of navigation exercises,” and will be introducing nuclear-powered submarines.
The offering of multiple and varied reasons for fighting wars, the practice of recent decades, fits within the overarching notion of a new Cold War, something that by nature is ambitious, far-reaching, and long-term. Where is the justification for that?
Here is a guess: The United States has taken on a great variety of activities related to military preparations, the financing, and recovery from wars. These now intrude massively in the U.S. economy and in society itself, so much so that the economy needs them. Such a state of affairs does require explaining, but on grounds other than economic need.
War provides meaning. Without wars the whole apparatus might not have existed, or might disappear. What then of the economy and of the collective experience of a U.S population variously oriented to the military?
The Costs of War Project of the Watson Institute of Brown University weighs in. Author Heidi Peltier points out that:
Federal spending on the military and on veterans makes up more than half of the federal discretionary budget. Employment in the federal government is dominated by civilian defense workers and uniformed military personnel. Because the majority of taxpayer dollars and federal resources are devoted to the military and military industries, and most government jobs are in the defense sector, the political power of this sector has become more deeply entrenched and other alternatives have become harder to pursue. Instead of having a federal government that addresses various national priorities … the U.S. has a government that is largely devoted to war and militarism.
Unfortunately, protecting both the U.S. economy and habituation to the military has its downside, specifically extreme danger to humanity itself. Writing in the most recent issue of Monthly Review magazine, John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark explain, pointing to China. Discussing “Imperialism in the Indo-Pacific,” they state that:
“Most U.S. strategies for winning the New Cold War directed at China are aimed at a strategic-geopolitical defeat of the latter that would bring down Chinese President Xi Jinping and destroy the enormous prestige of the Communist Party of China, leading to regime change from within and the subordination of China to the U.S. imperium from without … (It) is the United States, which sees China’s rise as a threat to its own global preeminence, with the Indo-Pacific super-region increasingly being viewed as the pivotal site in the New Cold War, that is propelling all of humanity toward a Third World War.”
Why has NATO been so generally accepted in Europe by almost all the major political parties and especially puzzling, the social democratic ones? Its economic costs, illegal aggressive wars, environmental damage, and the risks of nuclear annihilation would seem to make it a prime platform item. Well-informed political activists are unlikely to believe that an invasion of Switzerland or Denmark is imminent. There are significant anti-NATO movements, such as No to War No to NATO, but so far they haven’t been able to turn the tide.
Some reasons are fairly obvious. The US military connections to European defense and foreign ministries began during World War II. These strong ties have continued, now with an emphasis on NATO’s newly acquired feminist face, the Women, Peace, and Security agenda.
The photo above, taken at the 2022 NATO summit in Madrid, depicts women Foreign Affairs and Defense ministers, from Canada, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, Iceland, Slovenia, Germany, and Belgium.
Promotion long and wide has been carried out by overtly pro-NATO lobbies such as the Atlantic Council and national think tanks, for example, the Council on Foreign Relations (US), the British Royal Institute of International Affairs, and their counterparts in many nations. There is also a Youth Atlantic Treaty Association, a network of national organizations of young professionals, university students and researchers.
The secretive Bilderberg group harnesses the political, economic, academic and journalism elites of NATO nations. Operation Gladio, Operation Paperclip and others have sustained firm links with military and intelligence agencies. There has also been covert and overt interventions in political parties and nongovernmental organizations, such as the CIA funding of Christian Democratic party in 1948 to defeat the Communist Party and meddling in the British Labour Party to minimize the influence of the Committee on Nuclear Disarmament. These have also cleared the path for NATO. Eastern Europe was even more easily penetrated by NATO, after the devastation of its economic, cultural, and scientific institutions.
There have been constant protests against NATO bases, yet their less vocal sympathizers appreciate the economic benefit. At first, in war-torn Europe both the liberated and the occupied nations saw little economic activity. Now the European economy is increasingly militarized, having outsourced much of its civilian industry and facing declines in its tourist industry due to pandemics, protests by local residents, and environmental costs. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) Fact Sheet of 2024, weapons production has greatly accelerated in many European countries, even though NATO and national militaries also equip themselves royally with US products. Sales to the Middle East and other violence inflicted areas are good business.
Now workers, many unionized and some even socialists and communists, have secure jobs in war industries and in the burgeoning military-civilian industries. As the Erikssons have documented:
The defence industry is undergoing rapid change, particularly regarding the development of dual-use technology and transfer of technology between military and civilian domains. . . The blurring of the military-civilian divide is particularly noticeable with the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), digitalization, satellite technology, integrated quantum, photonics, high-capacity wireless communications, and “big data” networking through 5 G – developments which have been referred to as “the fourth industrial revolution. . .”
Just as its military bases need everything, NATO institutes, operations, conferences, war games, and its supersized headquarters in Brussels equip and maintain from every kind of business. Much information is available on the NATO website; it also has a presence on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X (Twitter). The NATO Support and Procurement Agency contracts database for 2023 lists only orders valued above €80,000. It includes “consumables” from a firm in Luxembourg, transport of tents and conference center equipment from Belgium, winter clothing from France, “civil and mechanical” from Albania, medical equipment from Sweden, waterproof bags from Great Britain, and spare parts from vendors in many countries. Undoubtedly, even smaller businesses supply a wide range, and, as in the US, provide economic survival for owners, workers, and communities (see The Trillion Dollar Silencer). A listing of bids above €800,000 includes medical treatment structures from a firm in Italy, training services (Netherlands and Spain), and military cots and mosquito nets (Italy and Turkey). Although the largest in both lists are expenditures for weapons, firms that are often the economic lifeblood—rather the deathblood—of their communities, the smaller (but not piddling) purchases can influence many citizens and their elected representatives.
NATO training and research operations involve civilian universities, which increasingly have military departments, as well as national military academies. There are even public high school training programs, e.g., in Sweden, Germany, and France (Defence Cadets). In addition, the US Department of Defense has direct contracts with universities and scientific institutes worldwide, especially for weapons development, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.
NATO also has several layers of its own training entities. One is the Partnership Training and Education Centres, in 34 member and partner (i.e., not full member) countries. Some examples are Switzerland, Geneva Centre for Security Policy; Israel, IDF Military Medical Academy; Serbia, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Training Centre; Mongolia, Peace Support Operations Centre; Colombia, International Demining Centre; Italy, The International Institute of Humanitarian Law; and United Kingdom, United Kingdom Defence Academy.
Another NATO network is the 28 Centres of Excellence which are “international military organizations that train and educate leaders and specialists from NATO member and partner countries.” They are funded nationally and accredited by NATO. Some of these are Civil-Military Cooperation, one of two in the Netherlands; Crisis Management and Disaster Response, Bulgaria; Modelling and Simulation, one of several in Italy; Strategic Communications, Latvia; Climate Change and Security, Canada; and Maritime Security, Turkey. The latter is described as:
[P]roviding expertise both as a centre for academic research and as a (multinational) hub for practical training in the field of maritime security, along with relevant domains (maritime trade, energy security, maritime environment, maritime resources, public health, maritime transport-logistic). The Centre strives to achieve the necessary collaboration among stakeholders from government, industry, academia and the private sector.
NATO’s enormous Civil Diplomacy department works through all print and electronic media. Its Press Tours enable reporters to “sail aboard the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush on the Adriatic Sea” and “mingle with counter-terrorism experts in a metro station in Rome, Italy.” The department also welcomes grant applications from think tanks, universities, NGOs, and other civil society organizations “ranging from out-of-the box, non-traditional ideas to more institutional formats. Particular focus should be placed on outreach to youth audiences, female audiences and key opinion formers, including those who have not connected with NATO before.”
In addition to NATO’s own public diplomacy division, the alliance’s message is produced and projected through a host of NGOs that collaborate with NATO but are not affiliated with it. Funded through national foreign and defense ministries, NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, and private companies, they organize a wide range of activities designed to popularize NATO within and beyond its member states.
NATO’s less obvious influence may derive from its accelerated penetration of civilian institutions: education, entertainment, teenage “influencers,” festivals, nongovernmental organizations, even progressive and human rights movements. NATO portrays itself as simply the prime association of democratic nations, which was apparently very persuasive in Eastern European regimes trying to divest themselves of the “totalitarian” label.
In January 2018, Nato secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg held an unprecedented press conference with Angelina Jolie. While InStyle reported that Jolie “was dressed in a black off-the-shoulder sheath dress, a matching capelet and classic pumps (also black)”, there was a deeper purpose to this meeting: sexual violence in war. The pair had just co-authored a piece for the Guardian entitled “Why NATO must defend women’s rights”. The timing was significant. At the height of the #MeToo movement, the most powerful military alliance in the world had become a feminist ally. “Ending gender-based violence is a vital issue of peace and security as well as of social justice,” they wrote. “NATO can be a leader in this effort.”
A study by Katharine AM Wright, exploring the legitimacy given to NATO by the surprising participation of women’s rights groups in its activities, found some activists who argued that it enabled feminists to “advise” NATO, “to get it to hear things that they don’t usually hear,” and to “speak truth to power.”
As climate change is among NATO’s catalog of serious threats to security, environmentalists speak at NATO conferences and vice versa, serve on advisory boards, and formally interact in many ways. For example, the 2020 meeting of the Brussels Dialogue on Climate Diplomacy and the Environment & Development Resource Centre was hosted by the Policy Planning Unit in the Office of the NATO Secretary-General.
In addition to the more traditional Youth Atlantic Treaty Association, NATO has more recently created youth activities that are more cuddly. Its 2022 “Protect the Future campaign” recruited:
12 young online creators [teenage “influencers”] from Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. To discover more about the Alliance’s work, the creators met with the Secretary General in May; travelled to the Madrid Summit in June; visited the US aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush in October; and went on an AWACS training mission in November.
The outcome, NATO reported, was 300,000 social media engagements that reached more than 9 million young people.
In another wing of this campaign, “young artists from across the Alliance took part in an open competition to help create NATO’s first-ever graphic novel, ‘Protect the Future.’ Six young artists were selected to work with professionals to produce the book.” For the multitude, a Youth Summit was held that included 35,000 people from 99 countries.
At the [2023] NATO Gaming Tournament in Warsaw, Poland, thousands of gamers from across the Alliance and around the world gathered to play online games and chat with experts from NATO Headquarters. The vibe in the room is casual and relaxed. Young gamers from Warsaw mingle with artists, soldiers and NATO experts. In one corner, troops from NATO’s multinational battlegroup in Poland play vintage console games, including Street Fighter and Super Mario. In another area, gamers mash buttons on old arcade games like Pac-Man.
The arts are not neglected. NATO sponsors exhibits, murals, and competitions:
Are you an artist under 35? Do you have a creative mind and want your artwork to be displayed at a permanent location in Washington D.C. where NATO will mark the 75th anniversary of the Alliance? Submit your work to the NATO mural competition – an opportunity to showcase your talent and artistic vision of the future. The winner will get to work with a local street artist to feature their mural permanently on a wall in the city.
The NATO mural competition will give young talents a chance to produce a signature image for NATO’s anniversary as part of its “Protect the Future” campaign.
In our era of network governance it is not surprising that NATO has close connections with the European Union (including its Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and European Defense Agency), the United Nations, the Council of Europe, and many other intergovernmental organizations. These in turn are interwoven with international (e.g., World Economic Forum, Amnesty International) and thousands of national nongovernmental organizations (e.g., Council on Foreign Relations), foundations, and business corporations. Zbigniew Brzezinski noted in The Grand Chessboard:
As the imitation of American ways gradually pervades the world, it creates a more congenial setting for the exercise of the indirect and seemingly consensual American hegemony. And as in the case of the domestic American system, that hegemony involves a complex structure of interlocking institutions and procedures, designed to generate consensus and obscure asymmetries in power and influence. (p.27)
The staffs of intergovernmental organizations are required to be politically neutral. However, there is also pressure on progressive or left wing nongovernmental organizations to avoid confrontation or strong dissent with conference participants or any member of the “partnership.”
The very size of this monumental hive of associations, including representatives, staffs, task forces of university and other experts, NGOs, and contractors may in itself affect the complexion of European political parties. Although I have found no evidence so far, perhaps there has been a “brain drain” of progressive activists into the more promising, interesting, and often paid work of these institutions, compared with the scant rewards of local political parties. It could be yet another factor in the passive or active support for NATO in Europe. Might there be scholars, journalists, or activists exploring this possibility?
Unless otherwise indicated, all quotations are from the NATO website.
I get it: in order to induce the declining, cognitively crippled Joe Biden to admit that he’s a catastrophic loser bringing down his party and greatly increasing the likelihood of full Republi-fascist takeover in 2025, Democrats have had to kiss the president’s ass. The only way to get Bernie Sanders’ “good friend” “Genocide Joe” Biden to give up his delegates and allow them to go to someone with (perhaps) a better shot at beating Adolph Trump (the man Trump’s 2024 vice presidential running mate JD Vance called “America’s Hitler” in 2016) was to praise the incumbent as “a man of great integrity with a long and noble record of service to America and humanity including his heroic defeat of Trump in the 2020 election.”
There are three key things missing from this big Biden butt smooch.
First, Biden’s career has not been remotely exemplary, honorable, and virtuous. It been a moral and humanitarian disgrace. Please read this 2019 CounterPunch exposé I wrote on then presidential candidate Biden’s long record of lying, cheating, and dutifully serving finance capital while pretending to be “Blue Collar Joe” and advancing the bloody US empire: “No Joe: On Character, Quality, and Authenticity,” CounterPunch, September 6, 2019.
Consistent with my warning, the Biden presidency has been a Weimar-like capitalist-imperialist nightmare. The Biden administration has:
+ intensified the climate catastrophe.
+ preserved the savage economic insecurity of masses of ordinary Americans living from paycheck to paycheck.
+ swung far to the nativist right on immigration.
+ made no serious effort to stem a horrible eviction crisis.
+ made no serious effort to stop the continuing plague of racist police killings.
+ cost tens of thousands of lives in Ukraine and Palestine.
+ pushed the world closer to nuclear war than it has been in decades.
+ backed horrific genocidal ethnic cleansing in Gaza.
+ appeased a women-hating Christian Fascist Supreme Court on abortion rights and more.
+ failed to prosecute Donald “Take Down the Metal Detectors” Trump in a timely way for trying to overthrow previously normative American bourgeois electoral and rule of law democracy.
+ failed to seriously address the nation on the homegrown white supremacist, sexist, nativist, and fascist menace that stalks and the land.
+ let Amerikaner Trumpism-fascism run rampant without calling it out or making any serious effort to seriously wield government power and mobilize masses against it.
Like his Democratic president predecessors Barack Obama and Bill Clinton but without any of their telegenic eloquence and charisma, President Biden is a monument to the late Princeton political scientist Sheldon Wolin’s memorable description of the Democrats as “the inauthentic opposition…Should Democrats somehow be elected,” Wolin prophesied in his book Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism (Princeton, 2007), they would do nothing to “alter significantly the direction of society” or “substantially revers[e] the drift rightwards. … The timidity of a Democratic Party mesmerized by centrist precepts,” Wolin wrote, “points to the crucial fact that for the poor, minorities, the working class and anti-corporatists there is no opposition party working on their behalf.” The dismal, dollar-drenched Dems would work to “marginalize any possible threat to the corporate allies of the Republicans.”
That was an apt characterization of the Clinton, Obama, and Biden presidencies. And since Wolin wrote those words, the Republican Party that Biden and his party have failed to authentically oppose has gone full-on MAGA – something Biden once haltingly described to wealthy donors as “like semi-fascism.” He could have dropped the “like” and the “semi-.” (Trump and the party of Trump check off one fascist box after another, as I have been arguing for years. For starters, see the first three chapters of my latest book).
A second problem with the big Biden butt kiss is that Biden did not heroically defeat Trump in 2020. He didn’t really defeat Trump at all. Covid-19, the racist Minneapolis cop who murdered George Floyd, and Trump himself defeated Trump in 2020. But for the coronavirus, the George Floyd Rebellion, and Trump’s terrible response to both, Biden would surely have lost the last presidential election.
Bear in mind that the only reason Biden has made it to the center stage of American and world history is Barack Obama’s cynical 2008 choice of him as a conservative old white male running mate who would help alleviate moderate voters’ fear of supposed Obama’s supposed (and mythical) Black radicalism. Biden’s two previous presidential campaigns were complete fiascos (kind of like Kamala Harris’s quickly aborted 2020 run). Obama helped rig the Democratic Party presidential nomination for Biden over Sanders in 2020. (For that unpleasant history see the fifth chapter, titled “Joe Biden? Thanks Obama” in my 2020 book Hollow Resistance: Obama Trump and the Politics of Appeasement [CounterPunch Books, 2020]).
Third, here’s something else you didn’t hear in the efforts to kiss Biden’s ass out of the 2024 race: a considerable number of establishment Democrats (and some non-Trump Republicans) were concerned not merely with Biden’s viability and “down ticket” drag on the party but also with his abject fecklessness atop the US American Empire. Consider:
+ Biden’s pathetic oil-begging fist-bump with the Saudi crown prince MBS, head of an arch-reactionary absolutist state that Biden had in 2020 called a “pariah” nation – a meeting which hardly deterred Riyadh from continuing to sell oil to Washington’s geopolitical rivals.
+ Biden’s ongoing reckless and ridiculous refusal to negotiate some kind of humane settlement of the mass-murderous meatgrinder of an inter-imperialist war he helped spark in Ukraine. It’s a criminal war that never would have happened if a newly elected Biden could have picked up a telephone and told Vladimir Putin that Ukraine would never be invited to the US-led and imperialist North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
+ Biden can warmonger all he wants but Russia is not giving back the territory it has seized. He is by all accounts not even seriously involved in efforts to find a settlement, a telling sign of Washington’s waning power under Biden.
+ Biden’s sloppy and sickening post-October 7 embrace of the Zio-fascist Israeli tyrant Bibi Netanyahu and Biden’s continued funding and equipping of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. The support continues as Biden lamely pretends to be concerned about Palestinian civilians. Netanyahu has brazenly thumbed his nose at Biden’s pretend “humanitarian concerns,” showing open contempt for the doddering US president and his calculation that Bibi’s fellow fascist Trump (who’d be happy with a million Gazan deaths by now) will be back in power next January. How pitiful.
The world sees both the weakening of US power and influence in Eastern Europe and the Middle East under Biden and the grotesque hypocrisy inherent in the contradiction between (a) Biden’s outrage over the US Empire’s enemy Russia’s bloody invasion of the US imperial ally Ukraine and (b) Biden’s embrace of US imperial asset Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. (The racial dimension of this seeming double standard is not lost on the global South.)
Adam Schiff et al won’t say it in public but they see Biden not only as an electoral liability and as therefore likely to open the door to the white nationalist/neofascist takeover of the imperial homeland; they also see him as a badly failed steward and agent of the American Empire, which they think is best and most effectively managed and advanced by Council on Foreign Relations and Brookings Institution Democrats, not supposedly isolationist Heritage Foundation nationalists.
As Biden signs off to the nation later this week, he should think about one possible act of decency: tell Americans the truth about the fascism that he has helped near consolidation across all three branches of the US government early next year and call for Donald “Poisoning Our Blood” Trump to join him in retiring from politics. After all, Noam Chomsky was on to something in January of 2020 when he told an interviewer that the orange menace was “the most dangerous criminal in human history.”
“If NATO nations are willing to donate aircraft to Ukraine and train pilots, why not let those same freshly trained pilots fly sorties from bases on NATO territory—and refuel, rearm and repair these jets there as well?”
– Washington Post oped, July 2024.
In the mid-1990s, I was a professor of international relations at the National War College and a member of the Brookings Institution’s Russian Study Group that held regular off-the-record discussions of key issues. This was an important time when the leading subject for the study group was the question of expanding the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The group had rather high level membership from the National Security Council, the Departments of State and Defense, and the intelligence community, particularly CIA and INR, the intelligence arm of State. These individuals were for the most part supporters of the absurd idea that we had won the Cold War and there was a mood of triumphalism and exceptionalism that was obvious in their support for NATO expansion.
Some of the leading cheerleaders in this respect were Nicholas Burns, currently our ambassador to China, and the late Helmut Sonnenfeldt, the Counselor at State who worked closely with Henry A. Kissinger during the key events in the 1970s that led to arms control and detente. Brookings scholar Fiona Hill, who went on to serve in Donald Trump’s NSC, and James Steinberg, a former deputy national security adviser and deputy at the State Department, were members who actively supported the expansion.
I was essentially an outlier at these meetings because of my strong opposition to any expansion of NATO, and I had strong support from a leading Sovietologist, Ray Garthoff, a former ambassador and the major actor in the negotiation of the SALT and ABM treaties.
Our opposition was based on the danger of expanding an alliance that formerly had a common perception of the threat into a wider organization that would be divided into its east and west wings, which is currently the case. But our major opposition was that Russia in the 1990s was a failing state in no position to argue against the expansion, but that Russia would not be failing forever or even for long. And that Russia-which is a national security state in so many ways—would never tolerate having NATO members in the east and surely would not tolerate NATO members on their entire border.
It should be understood that in 1990, when we were trying to negotiate the Soviet troop withdrawal from East Germany, we told the Soviets at the highest level that, if their troops left, we would never “leap frog” over East Germany to go into East Europe. Former secretary of state James Baker said that to the Soviet foreign minister, and President George H. W. Bush delivered a similar message to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. I interviewed Baker for my book on Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze, and Baker confirmed the use of the words “leap frog.” He even had his assistant look up the notes of his meetings with Shevardnadze to confirm the use of the words “leap frog.” Unfortunately, nothing was put into writing. Baker wanted to write a policy statement with the Soviets, but national security adviser Brent Scowcroft blocked that effort. The conventional wisdom was that Scowcroft was a moderate; he wasn’t—he was more of a hard-liner than was understood at the time, and so was President Bush who opposed Ronald Reagan’s disarmament policies.
Frankly, anyone who has spent any time working on the Soviet/Russia problem should understand the great Soviet/Russian fear of encirclement and their fears of war on their vulnerable borders. Nevertheless, a huge group of so-called specialists over the years enthusiastically supported going further, expanding NATO into former Soviet republics (Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia), employing a so-called defensive weapons system in Romania, Poland, and the Czech Republic against Iran of all places, deploying German troops into the Baltics, and creating U.S. bases in Bulgaria, Poland, and Romania. Fortunately, we were spared the thought of a Camp Trump in Poland, but I don’t know who was responsible for that.
So here were are in the midst of two and a half years of war in Ukraine, which is not going well for Ukraine and really hasn’t give Russia a lot to brag about in view of its sadistic war crimes. But for politicians and pundits to chortle that Putin’s war was “unprovoked” is simply wrong. We clearly played a role in provoking this war and only the United States could provide the security guarantees to both Ukraine and to Russia that would end it. Meanwhile, our politicians and pundits argue that if Putin can’t be stopped in Ukraine, he will move on. Move on to where, which one of the many NATO countries that surround him. His conventional tactics failed against a small backward state on his border, so he resorted to a war of terrorism. I don’t believe Russia is in a position to attack a NATO country.
My next article will deal with the role that the United States could play if we had a president who could throw himself into such a difficult task as well as having a Department of State that understands the strategies and processes of such an endeavor. Sadly, we don’t have either one. The prospect of a Trump-Vance administration doesn’t offer any hope. Trump says that he doesn’t “give a shit” about NATO, and Vance says that he does not care in any way about Ukraine.
Unfortunately, the United States has no plan for Ukraine, let alone for ending the war, let alone negotiating the peace. We’re simply in a tit-for-tat spiral raising the ante as we go. The latest suggestion in a Washington Post oped from a former Naval officer is indicative of the kind of sleepwalking that we are engaged in that will possibly lead to wider war. He wants to “Let Ukraine fly its jets from ‘sanctuary bases’ on NATO territory. This cockamamie scheme is supposed to scare the Russians in the same way that the Russians scare us with threats of using tactical nuclear weapons. The author says not to worry about any of this because “strict rules of engagement” would be established. You can’t get more obtuse than that.
One final note regarding this tragic cycle of events that will create a permanent cold war and possibly a wider war in Europe. President Bill Clinton didn’t come up with the idea of NATO expansion, but he was responding to his opponent, Senator Bob Dole, who had said that he would use the lack of expansion to criticize Clinton for missing an opportunity. Neither Dole nor Clinton was thinking about U.S. interests and U.S. foreign policy; they were thinking about the ethnic votes in important states such as Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. So Clinton—the master of triangulation—expanded NATO to win an election, and now the upcoming election will introduce greater uncertainty into the entire European geostrategic picture.The only certainty is that Ukraine has no road to victory.
Photograph Source: The White House – Public Domain
When President Joe Biden said in a phone call to MSNBC’s Morning Joe recently, “I’m getting so frustrated with the elites… the elites of the party. I don’t care what the millionaires think,” former Labor Secretary Robert Reich wrote that, “It was the first time any modern president has admitted that the elites of the party are the millionaires (and billionaires) who fund it.”
While Biden’s comments were in reference to the movement to oust him from the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination, it was an important admission about who really wields power in our democracy.
We may think of elections in terms of one person, one vote. But, not only do undemocratic structures such as the electoral college dilute our votes, the money that elites flaunt places a hefty thumb on the scales of who represents us. Yet, we hear more about the threat of, say, immigrants than the threat of billionaires, to our democracy.
Billionaires have tried very hard to buy influence and political power. For example, former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg donated $20 million toward efforts to reelect Biden this year alone. Four years ago, Bloomberg spent a whopping $1 billion in just four months in an attempt to be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee. In a testament to the fact that we have a modicum of democratic accountability left within the system as it stands, he failed spectacularly, as others have often done. Voters seem to have a distaste for electing the ultra-rich but have yet to disavow the de facto proxies that their money helps elect.
While billionaires remain influential within the Democratic Party, the last election for which spending records exist shows that moneyed elites overwhelmingly prefer the Republican Party. The nation’s 465 wealthiest people collectively donated $881 billion to influence the 2022 midterm elections, most of it to the GOP.
Now, the richest person in the world—not just in the United States—Elon Musk, has jumped into the 2024 race. His proxy, Donald Trump, in surviving an assassination attempt, earned Musk’s endorsement, as if that was somehow a qualification to run the nation. Musk has vowed to pour $45 million a month into a new Super PAC that’s working to elect Trump. The amount is pocket change for someone currently worth nearly $250 billion. Musk could spend $45 million a day every day this year and it would barely make a dent in his bottom line.
According to a New York Times analysis, Musk went from supporting Democrats to Republicans because he was “[a]ngry at liberals over immigration, transgender rights, and the Biden administration’s perceived treatment of Tesla.” At a meeting earlier this year that embodied the specter of a secret cabal of billionaires seeking to buy an election, Musk reportedly conversed with his fellow wealthy elites about Republican control of the U.S. Senate. At that meeting, he reportedly worried that “if President Biden won, millions of undocumented immigrants would be legalized and democracy would be finished,” as per the Times.
He’s not the only one. The Republican Party as a whole has decided that undocumented people voting in U.S. elections is the single biggest threat facing the country—not billionaires like Musk raining down dollars to drown our democracy.
Undocumented immigrants are human beings, not dollar bills. And yet they hold far less sway over elections than Musk’s money. There is no mass amnesty for undocumented people in the U.S. currently—this isn’t Ronald Reagan’s America after all. And even if there was, there is a long, complicated path from legal status to the voting status that citizenship allows.
I should know, I’ve been there personally, having entered the U.S. as an immigrant on a student visa before obtaining legal residency and then citizenship. My journey was far more straightforward than that of Melania Trump and still, it was 18 years before I could legally vote after first stepping on American soil.
And yet every four years, immigrants become political footballs, flayed at the proverbial whipping posts of democracy for merely existing—usually by both political parties. Right-wing voters waved signs saying “Mass Deportations Now” at the Republican National Convention, while Democrats took a less vulgar approach by appeasing anti-immigrant forces with asylum restrictions, hoping it would garner voter support.
Sean Morales-Doyle, writing for the Brennan Center for Justice, asks us to imagine being an undocumented immigrant in the U.S.: “Would you risk everything—your freedom, your life in the United States, your ability to be near your family—just to cast a single ballot?” Not only are there harsh penalties, including prison time, for illegally casting ballots, but even the rabidly far-right Heritage Foundation has found only 85 cases of supposed undocumented voters out of 2 billion votes cast from 2002 to 2023. That works out to a 0.00000425 percent of the vote.
Let’s compare this to the influence of money on elections. The nonpartisan group Open Secrets, which tracks money in politics, finds that “the candidate who spends the most usually wins.” In 2022, about 94 percent of the candidates for the House of Representatives who spent the most money won their race, while 82 percent of those running for the Senate who spent the most money won their seats. Much of their donations come from Super PACs, which bundle high-dollar amounts from wealthy Americans.
While billionaires such as Bloomberg have had trouble getting themselveselected, they have had little trouble getting others elected—or unelected as the case may be. Already this year, moneyed interests in the form of the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC, defeated progressive congressional representative Jamaal Bowman of New York in his primary election, and have their sights set on representative Cori Bush of Missouri next.
Should we be concerned about the imagined influence of undocumented immigrants or the actual influence of billionaire dollars on our elections? In a 2020 poll, Pew Research found that most Americans felt billionaires were neither good nor bad for the nation. Only about a third felt they were bad for the nation—roughly the same percentage that fears there is an effort to replace U.S. voters with immigrants for the purposes of electoral power.
USA Today writer Marla Bautista captured Musk’s role succinctly in asking, “Can Elon Musk buy Trump the White House?” It’s a valid question, one that we should be centering as election season heats up.
Think of the U.S. democracy as an old, large, sailing ship attempting to cross a vast ocean with all voters on board working to steer it across to shore. Every hole in its sail, every shark circling it, impacts its ability to succeed. In such a scenario, an undocumented person attempting to vote is akin to a speck of dust on the hull. Every million-dollar donation is a wave buffeting the ship. Enter men like Musk, whose money becomes a veritable tsunami aimed directly at democracy to overwhelm and topple it, destroying everything and everyone on board.
Sure, we may have sailed successful voyages most of the time (with the years 2000 and 2016 being among the worst exceptions). But with billionaire influence becoming larger every election, there’s an ever-increasing chance that democracy may not reach the shore. Will we be distracted by the dust on our hull or the massive wave rising before us?
This article was produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute.
Photograph Source: Rory Arnold/No10 Downing Street – CC BY 2.0
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is due to address a joint session of Congress on July 24. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson took the lead in extending the invitation last March. With the participation of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, it soon became a bipartisan invitation. This won’t be the first time an Israeli leader has used an address to Congress to strengthen Israel’s already powerful relations with America. In 2015 Netanyahu bypassed the White House to deliver an address that attacked U.S participation in the Iran nuclear deal negotiations. Although the Prime Minister’s visit deeply embarrassed then President Obama, a year later he overlooked the slight to commit $38 billion in arms aid to Israel over ten-years.
As distasteful as the planned Netanyahu visit may be to some in the Democratic party, it is hardly surprising. Pro-Israel lobby organizations have donated significant sums to members of Congress in their most recent elections. AIPAC reportedly committed $100 million to defeat those progressive House Democrats who called for a ceasefire and opposed the transfer of U.S. weapons to Israel. Not even the highly visible genocide in Gaza and settler attacks on Palestinian communities in the West Bank have diminished U.S. enthusiasm for Israel in the executive and legislative branches. Pro-Israel members of Congress have even condemned the recent protests on university campuses as “antisemitism.” Despite the rising toll of dead and injured Gazans and International Court of Justice (ICJ) warnings against “genocidal acts,” the Israel narrative that blames Hamas for Palestinian casualties and accuses pro-Palestinians of antisemitism has taken root in America.
It is not an overstatement to say that U.S. policy in the Middle East is mostly if not entirely dominated by Israel; that the White House and Congress have combined to provide bombs and missiles that fuel the IDF’s war on Palestinians in Gaza; and that so long as unlimited PAC funds are available to politicians, nothing is likely to change in America’s cozy relationship with Israel. As a result, we can expect much applause and many standing ovations when Netanyahu speaks to Congress next Wednesday. The expected boycott by a small number of members is unlikely to lessen Congress’ love affair with Israel.
We know that the loudest supporters of Israel receive the most money from the Israel lobby and that the lobby’s donations to members of Congress (MOCs) have increased since October We know that candidates for House or Senate seats face a Hobson’s choice: accept the lobby’s money or see it go to their opponents. No wonder that senators and congressmen of both parties mindlessly follow President Joe Biden’s lead in giving the IDF all the lethal weapons it wants for its ongoing war on Gaza. When the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor requested arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, some MOCs called for sanctions against the prosecutor. Meanwhile, the U.S vetoed repeated resolutions that called for a ceasefire in Gaza. When Biden recently announced a three-phase plan to end the war and return the hostages held by Hamas, he secured a UN Security Council resolution to that effect. Yet Netanyahu has continued to insist that Israel’s onslaught on Gaza will not end until all of his war goals are met. The U.S. now appears tethered to Israel, while its Prime Minister is yoked to the fascist members of his war cabinet. Who or what can break these gordian knots?
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued a preliminary decision in January stating that “all measures” must be taken to prevent acts of genocide. We can expect that the Court will ultimately rule that Israel’s many war crimes, including the use of starvation as a war tactic, do indeed constitute genocide under the Genocide Convention of 1948. In disregarding and denigrating both the ICJ and the ICC, the U.S. undercuts both institutions and the international rule of law.
The upcoming Netanyahu address to Congress should be viewed as an inflection point in U.S.-Israel relations. As Biden’s future as the Democratic nominee for the presidency hangs in the balance, now is the time for prospective candidates to call for a reset of America’s relations with Israel. More immediately, the failure to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza risks a major war with Hezbollah in Lebanon that would likely draw in U.S. troops.
What is to be gained by joining hands with an extremist regime that commits genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank? This moment is a time for policymakers to consider more broadly the pros and cons of the U.S. security state, with its hundreds of military bases around the world.
The coming visit of Netanyahu should prompt a serious assessment of U.S. relations with Israel. It should also cause citizens to question the financing of U.S. elections by lobbyists, corporations and billionaires, who corrupt democracy with their money.
Atomic bomb mushroom clouds over Hiroshima (left) and Nagasaki (right): Wikipedia.
Three Weeks After the first Atomic Bomb Test, They Used It on Two Japanese Cities
Teen physicist Ted Hall, who helped perfect the plutonium bomb, passed its secrets to the Soviet Union hoping to prevent the US from ever using it again. For the past 79 years that courageous act has accomplished what he hoped it would.
Just before sunrise 79 years ago at 5:29 Mountain War Time on July 16, 1945 the Journado del Muerto desert in New Mexico instantly and in total silence flashed as bright as day. As a group of several hundred scientists peered from six miles away at a 100-foot steel tower holding the world’s first atomic bomb, the sky turned brighter than day and the tower and bomb vanished in a brilliant flash of light that erased the stars of the night sky, They were replaced by a fiery turbulent cloud of smoke and dust. A powerful shock wave and the roar of the explosion followed he flash as a mushroom cloud rose 38,000 feet into the stratosphere.
The Nuclear Era had begun with a 25-kiloton bang.
Watching from 20 miles away along with over a hundred-fifty other soldiers of the Army Special Engineering District tasked with guarding the top-secret Los Alamos bomb design and fabrication center was 18-year old physicist Ted Hall. The youngest physicist in the Manhattan Project had significantly helped with the design, testing and success of the implosion system needed to successfully detonate the 3.6” sphere of 13.6 lbs. of plutonium at the core of what was called the “Gadget.”
His job during this first atomic bomb test though, was was to be ready to race off with other soldiers in a bunch of waiting army trucks to evacuate any indigenous residents of the region who might be at risk of radioactive fallout should the winds change from what had been predicted. (As it happened, the winds did shift but Hall and the other SED soldiers were never ordered to make those evacuation runs. As a result, the first nuclear test dubbed “Trinity” by Manhattan Project Director Robert Oppenheimer, which did produce massive fallout to the east of the explosion, wound up causing early deaths, cancers and deformed infants victims in that region. Those native people where the fallout came down were the first victims of the atomic bomb, even predating the Hibakusha — the Japanese survivors of the two atom bombs dropped three weeks later by the US on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.)
Ted Hall, at 18 the youngest physicist hired in January 1944 onto the Manhattan Project right out of his junior year as a physics major at Harvard, recalled in a interview in 1998, a year before his death from kidney cancer, that the Trinity explosion was a “stunning success” but added that he did not share in the jubilant celebration of most of the scientists who had witnessed it. As most of the scientists returned to the Los Alamos “camp” where thousands of scientists and engineers had labored frenetically to develop the bomb, to a day and night of celebrations, Hall said he returned instead to the barracks where he was lodged and listened to some of his 78 rpm recordings of Mahler and Beethoven.
While the huge blast that he had just witnessed was deeply depressing, viewing the awesome power of the atomic weapon he had helped to create hardened his resolve to complete the other job he had been “moonlighting” at in secret since mid-October of 1944 while he was diligently working on the plutonium bomb.
That other job, which he had volunteered for in mid-October 1944, was gathering up all the details he knew about the construction of that bomb and supplying the information to the NKVD, the Soviet spy agency. He was about to provide the full schematics of the bomb and full details about its construction to courier whom he had arranged to meet up with three weeks later, right between the dropping of the Hiroshima “Little Boy” uranium bomb on August 6 and the Nagasaki “Fat Man” plutonium bomb on Aug. 9.
By the time of the Trinity Test, Japan was frantically attempting to get the US to accept a Japanese surrender and an end to World War II in the Pacific. But, as I detail in my new book Spy for No Country (Prometheus Books, 2024) on Ted Hall’s spying and its impact on nuclear history, at the same time, the US was instead trying to delay an end to the violence. Indeed, on the very day of the explosion at Alamogordo, NM, the uranium bomb was being loaded at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard onto the Navy cruiser USS Indianapolis for delivery to Tinian Island. There the U235 explosive would be placed inside the bomb called “Little Boy” for mission against the doomed city of Hiroshima.
At the same time, a second plutonium bomb, almost identical to the “Gadget” used successfully in the Trinity Test, was being prepared for shipment by air to Tinian in two B-29s to, be assembled there and armed with its plutonium “pit.”
The official US version of the story of the nuking of two Japanese cities remains that the two bombs were deemed necessary by President Truman and his advisers to convince the Japanese to end the war and “save American lives” by avoiding a land invasion. In truth, it later became clear, though it is still not common knowledge among most Americans, that Truman and his military and national security advisors were in no hurry for the war to end as they wanted a chance to test their two new weapons in a real war setting to “send a message” to the Soviet Union and the world that Washington had the atomic bomb and as the only country with it, intended to use it, or threaten to use it, to have its way.
Truman even had his Secretary of State James Byrnes instruct Nationalist Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek to have his negotiator in Moscow, Soong Tse-wen, who was attempting to reach an agreement with Stalin for a Japanese peace deal, to slow the process down so that the two atomic bombs could be used before the war ended. As I note, thousands of American soldiers, marines, sailors and merchant seamen, not to mention tens of thousands of Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino and other military and civilian people died in that interval between the Trinity Test and the two atomic bombings (which alone killed a quarter of a million people, most of them civilians).
The decision to bomb two populated cities, and to do both by surprise in early morning when people were outside on the way to work, and when children on the way to school, was a deliberate effort to maximize both bombs’ death and destruction.
After Trinity, as it became clear around the “camp” at Los Alamos that the US was about to bomb a non-nuclear nation with its new weapons of mass destruction, Leo Szilard, a top physicist at Los Alamos typed a well reasoned letter to Truman, quickly signed by 70 fellow scientists on the project, pleading with him not to use the bomb on Japan. (Remember, It was a fear that Germany might build an atomic bomb that had led FDR to launch he Manhattan Project, and Hitler’s scientists never came close to building one before the war in Europe ended on May 8, 1945.)
Szilard’s petition was handed to Gen. Leslie Groves, head of the Manhattan Project, who promised to deliver to Truman. He apparently never did deliver it, though Truman was unlikely to have been swayed by it anyhow. (Even the opposition of 5-star Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in WWII, to US use of an atomic bomb on Japan, which he expressed forcefully to Secretary of War Henry Stimson, was ignored.)
Hall was horrified at the destructive power of the atomic bomb. He was also aware as an atomic scientist of the vastly more powerful fusion bombs that by war’s end were being looked into at Los Alamos, Hall had also heard word around Los Alamos that Gen. Gates at a dinner party in March 1944 for senior British physicists working at Los Alamos had told astonished guests that the real purpose of the bomb project was “to subdue the Russians.” This, shockingly, was said even as Russia’s Red Army, after staggering losses, was beating Germany’s crack troops and driving them back to Germany.
Hall, by the summer fall of 1944 had already become concerned that the US would emerge from WWII with a monopoly on the atomic bomb and an evident willingness to use its advantage to maximum effect. He rather presciently decided that the only way to prevent that situation would be to have another country with the bomb, one that would act to prevent that monopoly. He and his friend, Harvard roommate and later courier and co-conspirator Saville Sax, realized early that the only country capable of standing up to a nuclear US would be a nuclear USSR (which it must be noted was a key US ally against Germany and had done the main job of defeating Hitler’s Wehrmacht).
Hall passed his most significant information—many pages of carefully copied drawings and detailed descriptions of the construction of the plutonium bomb—to the American Soviet spy Lona Cohen, shortly after the Hiroshima bombing during a handoff in Albuquerque. She in turn delivered it to the NKVD in the Soviet Consulate in NY which sent it on to Moscow in the diplomatic pouch.
That information convinced both struggling Soviet nuclear scientists and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin to put off efforts to develop a uranium bomb. Instead they decided to focus all available resources in the war-ravaged country on making a copy of the US plutonium bomb used on Nagasaki. They succeeded in testing that copy in the Semipalatinsk desert on Aug. 29, 1949, stunning US scientific and military experts who had predicted such a feat would take the USSR at least a decade.
It was a good thing for the Soviet people (and probably for humanity) that their country got its own atomic bomb when it did. Unknown to Americans, even today, the US, almost immediately after the war ended, had begun working on developing the hydrogen bomb, a nuclear fusion weapon of unlimited destructive power. Even more urgently important, work had begun on how to mass produce fission bombs of the size used on Japan, which at the time were being painstakingly and slowly assembled by hand.
The plan for these new mass-produced bombs, given various names like Broiler, Sizzle, and Shakedown as the number of bombs in the stockpile grew, but eventually called Operation Dropshot, was initially to use 400 of those Nagasaki-sized weapons to destroy 100 cities and other targets in the Soviet Union. Some bombs were also to target cities in the newly established Peoples Republic of China, the Democratic Republic of Korea, the People’s Republic of Vietnam and even major cities in the captive eastern European countries occupied by the USSR after the war and eventually known as the Warsaw Pact nations. During the late 1940s, the target date for this first-strike holocaust was 1954, the year (called A-Day by nuclear strategists in Washington), after which it was assumed that without a preemptive attack, the Soviets would have nuclear weapons with which to retaliate.
Once the Soviets had tested their first bomb in 1949, Washington’s mass murder scheme was thankfully put on indefinite hold, replaced by the Cold War arms race.
Critics will will no doubt say that the young physicist Hall and several other spies, notably the German/British physicist Klaus Fuchs, were traitors worse than America’s Benedict Arnold or Britain’s Mata Hari. But consider the millions of people, mostly civilians of third-world nations who have been killed as a result of US military actions since the end of World War II, and without any nuclear weapons being employed. If seems clear that had the Soviets not obtained their own bomb when they did, their country, and other less developed communist nations, would have likely been leveled to prevent their getting the bomb. Evidence for this view is how close the US came to using atom bombs in 1946 against Soviet troops preparing to move into Iran to claim rights to the oil field across the border from the USSR as promised at the Yalta conference, in 1948 during the Berlin Blockade and in 1954 to stave off capture of the French forces seeking to retake their Indochina colony from the Viet Minh independence forces. Threats to use the bomb against the USSR were made in each case but were not carried out for various different reasons.
Frightening as the Cold War era was (and I personally remember the anxiety back as far as 1955 when I was six!), and as scary as the current situation is with the Ukraine war and US-supplied weapons being used by the Ukrainian military deep inside Russian borders, there has been no use of a nuclear weapon in war since the bomb dropped on Nagasaki on Aug. 9, 1945.
That was the bomb Ted Hall helped design and that he helped the Soviets replicate.
Hall, who was never charged or prosecuted for his spying (long story there, all explained in my book), said he had hoped that if two nations had the bomb, neither would dare use it, fearing to do so would be a murder-suicide act, and that they as a result would ultimately ban it.
That hasn’t happened, although almost all nations of the world have voted to have nuclear weapons banned, and that ban is now part of the laws of war. The hitch is that all nine nuclear nations, including the US and USSR, have refused to sign on to the nuclear bomb ban and the international law has no enforcement mechanism.
Getting those nine nations to join the ban is the task ahead of humanity, and especially of the citizens of the recalcitrant nuclear nations.