Category: manila’s

  • The Chinese ships began to swarm around the BRP Cabra soon after 7 a.m. on Friday, sailing uncomfortably close to and hemming in the Philippine Coast Guard ship as it escorted civilian boats toward Ayungin Shoal.

    A China Coast Guard ship, with bow number CCG 21616, was the first to arrive on scene some 10 nautical miles (18.5 km) from the shoal located in South China Sea waters within the Philippines exclusive economic zone. 

    A BenarNews correspondent and other reporters, who were given special permission to travel aboard the Cabra and another coast guard ship for the resupply mission, witnessed the tense moments at sea. 

    Similar scenes where Chinese ships acted aggressively had played out lately during previous Philippine missions to deliver supplies to the BRP Sierra Madre, a rusty old navy ship that serves as Manila’s military outpost at Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal.

    “Philippine vessel, you are approaching the waters of China. To avoid miscalculation and misunderstanding, please inform your intention,” the China Coast Guard ship radioed to the BRP Cabra at around 6:30 a.m.

    The Cabra radioed back, saying it was “conducting lawful routine maritime patrol within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone in accordance with international and Philippine laws.”

    “Request to stay clear from our passage in accordance with collision regulations,” the radio operator said from the Cabra’s bridge.

    About 30 minutes later, at least three other CCG ships and vessels from China’s maritime militia fleet joined the fray. 

    The Chinese ships then executed maneuvers to try to impede the civilian boats’ passage that Philippine Coast Guard officials described as dangerously close. 

    A CCG vessel, with bow number 21551, repeatedly tried to cut the Cabra’s path to separate it from one of the supply boats.

    After failing to overtake the Cabra from the right side, CCG 21551 then sped up to overtake it from the left side. As the Chinese ship executed this maneuver, it sailed toward the Cabra and then abruptly stopped only three to five meters (9.8 to 16.4 feet) from the Philippine ship, PCG officials said. 

    During the standoff, at least a dozen more radio exchanges as well as challenges and counter-challenges ensued between the Philippine and Chinese ships. 

    “Your behavior has infringed upon [the] authority, security, and interest of China. I warn you, please leave the area immediately. Any consequences will be borne by you,” a voice from CCG 5305, the largest of the China Coast Guard ships present, warned the Cabra’s crew.

    After being separated from their PCG escort ships, as the Chinese ships had intended, the Filipino civilian boats managed to sail on, reach the Sierra Madre, pick up Philippine Navy personnel and deliver food and other supplies. 

    The coast guard rated the latest mission a success, despite the tense encounter with the Chinese vessels.   

    “The routine RoRe [rotational and resupply] mission was again subjected to dangerous maneuvers, jeopardizing the crew members’ safety aboard the PCG vessels and Philippine supply boats,” Commodore Jay Tarriela, the Philippine Coast Guard spokesman on the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea), said in a statement to media.

    This photo taken by a drone shows the Philippine Coast Guard Ship BRP Cabra surrounded by Chinese coast guard and maritime militia ships in South China Sea (West Philippine Sea) waters near Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal, Sept. 8, 2023. Credit: Handout/Philippine Coast Guard

    During Friday’s incident, the PCG said it had recorded 10 instances of dangerous maneuvers carried out by four CCG ships and four Chinese maritime militia ships toward the BRP Cabra and another Philippine Coast Guard ship, the BRP Sindangan. 

    Two Chinese warships from the People’s Liberation Army Navy were also spotted monitoring the area.

    At one point, CCG 5305 blew its horn three times while crossing the bow of BRP Sindangan at a distance of approximately 50 to 60 yards. 

    The BRP Cabra, for its part, was corralled by five Chinese ships: three maritime militia vessels and a CCG ship in front, and another CCG ship behind.

    Overnight journey

    The crews of the Cabra and Sindangan, 44-meter-long (144.3-feet-long) coast guard multi-purpose response vessels, and the journalists aboard them had left the Philippine island of Palawan at around 9 a.m. on Thursday.

    The coast guard ships were deployed to escort two small supply boats, the Unaizah May 1 and Unaizah May 2, which the Philippine Navy had commissioned for its routine rotational and resupply mission.

    The wooden boats were transporting food, supplies, and a new batch of sailors headed to the Sierra Madre, a decrepit World War II-era ship. In 1999, the Philippines deliberately ran it aground in Ayungin Shoal, which lies in the contested Spratly Islands, in response to China’s occupation of nearby Mischief Reef. 

    The two Unaizah May boats and the PCG vessels met up near Sabina Shoal late Thursday night, with the two smaller ships sailing between the coast guard ships. 

    “That was the instruction to us, protect the Unaizah May boats,” Emmanuel Dangate, the commander of the Cabra, told the reporters aboard his ship.

    Emmanuel Dangate, commanding officer of the BRP Cabra, looks out from the ship’s bridge as Chinese vessels try to cut its path and maneuver close to it in waters near Ayungin Shoal, Sept. 8, 2023. Credit: Camille Elemia/BenarNews

    View from the bridge 

    During Friday’s standoff, the atmosphere on the bridge of the Cabra was quiet and sober as the Chinese ships closed in on the PCG ship. Some of the crew were even smiling and joking around.

    Dangate, the Cabra’s skipper, remained calm as he gazed ahead from the bridge and gave orders to his crew. 

    “During this kind of mission, it ignites our patriotism and dedication,” the commanding officer told the select group of reporters, who had been allowed to travel to get a rare first-hand view of one of the Philippine resupply missions. 

    From time to time, he would look through his binoculars and ask brief questions to his team. 

    “Does that ship have an AIS [automatic identification system]?” he asked, pointing to a distant vessel that appeared to be a Chinese militia ship.

    “None, sir,” a junior crew member replied. This meant that some of the Chinese vessels were turning off their automatic identification systems so as to conceal their positions and technical information from other vessels in the area.

    A Chinese maritime militia ship and a China Coast Guard ship sail near the BRP Cabra, a Philippine Coast Guard ship, in waters near Ayungin Shoal, Sept. 8, 2023. Credit: Camille Elemia/BenarNews

    As the standoff unfolded, a P-8A Poseidon reconnaissance plane from the United States Navy, Manila’s main defense ally, repeatedly overflew the area during and after the incident. An unidentified Black Hawk helicopter, according to PCG officials, tried to reach the wooden boats. An unidentified white aircraft was also spotted.

    The maritime militia vessels and the CCG ships continued to closely guard the PCG vessels for hours as the Philippine ships waited for the supply boats to return from Ayungin Shoal. The Chinese vessels finally dispersed when the Philippine ships set sail at around 3 p.m. on Friday for their return trip to Palawan.

    Philippine authorities pointed out that unlike in past resupply missions, China has now deployed its smaller CCG vessels, which are more quick to maneuver to block Philippine vessels.

    During the previous resupply mission, on Aug. 22, the two PCG ships were able to escort the civilian boats a bit closer to the shoal despite China’s moves. But this time, they were able to reach only 10 nautical miles from the shoal, with Tarriela citing the use of smaller and faster CCG vessels as a possible reason.

    Noticeable, too, was the more active participation of maritime militia vessels in harassing Philippine vessels during recent resupply missions, officials said.

    Chinese maritime militia ships surround the BRP Cabra, a Philippine Coast Guard ship, in waters near Ayungin Shoal, Sept. 8, 2023. Credit: Camille Elemia/BenarNews

    A dispute with China over the Spratly chain was at the heart of Manila’s decision in 2012 to bring an international lawsuit against Beijing in 2012.  

    The Philippine case was considered groundbreaking because it no country had previously challenged China in a world court over its territorial claims in the waterway.

    In 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled in favor of the Philippines in a landmark verdict that invalidated Beijing’s sweeping territorial claims in the South China Sea, an important gateway for global trade.

    Beijing, however, has refused to acknowledge the award, citing history by insisting that the islands are part of its territory.

    BenarNews is an online news outlet affiliated with Radio Free Asia.

    This content originally appeared on Radio Free Asia and was authored by Camille Elemia.

  • A fishers’ group and others have slammed the Philippine president for saying he would coordinate with Beijing on its annual fishing ban in the disputed South China Sea, including in waters within Manila’s jurisdiction.

    China has no standing to prohibit any activities in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ), critics said as they responded on Thursday to comments by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to reporters about planning ahead of the May-August Chinese ban to give fishermen an alternative source of income.

    Beijing “has no right whatsoever to impose a fishing ban” in waters within the Philippines’ EEZ, said Antonio Carpio, a former Philippine Supreme Court justice and South China Sea expert.

    That’s because in 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled in favor of the Philippines when it threw out China’s expansive claims in the waterway, he said. This was particularly true of the West Philippine Sea, the waters of the South China Sea within Manila’s EEZ.

    China has been unilaterally imposing a fishing moratorium from May to August every year, claiming this promotes sustainable fishing.

    But the Philippines has in past years protested against this, saying the practice violates its sovereignty. Some areas covered by the fishing ban are in Philippine waters.

    “We cannot recognize China’s fishing ban in any part of our EEZ because that will … recognize China’s nine-dash line, which is the basis for China’s fishing ban,” Carpio told BenarNews, an RFA-affiliated news outlet, in a message on Thursday.

    The nine-dash line is a boundary used by Beijing on its maps to demarcate its territorial claims in the sea.

    “The Arbitral Award states that China’s nine-dash line cannot serve as a basis to claim waters or resources in the South China Sea,” Carpio said.

    Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. speaks during an exclusive interview at his hotel in Washington, May 4, 2023. Credit: Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters

    During his comments on Tuesday, Marcos made no reference to the validity of the ban or otherwise. 

    “When there is a fishing ban, we coordinate with them so we do not get surprised that there’s suddenly a fishing ban. So we can have some time to plan,” Marcos said, according to transcripts released Thursday.

    “When they say there is going to be a fishing ban in two months’ time, then let’s plan: What will the fishers do? Let us give them another livelihood or another source of income.”

    Marcos said he had raised the issue of Filipino fishers’ rights during his meeting with President Xi Jinping when he visited China in January.

    “I really prioritized the issue of fisheries when we met. I said, let us not talk about the territory because we will not be able to decide now,” Marcos said.

    “Let us prioritize the fisheries because these people are not at fault, why punish them? So we are making some progress in that regard.”

    ‘China has no moral ascendancy’

    The activist fisherfolk group Pamalakaya is completely unconvinced by this argument of the Marcos administration, which it believes “should … reject Beijing’s annual unilateral ban.”

    “There should be no room for any compromise, not even a coordination in regards to fishing activities in our territorial waters,” Pamalakaya said in a statement on Thursday.

    “No amount of alternative source of income could equate the fishing livelihood of Filipinos in the resource-rich West Philippine Sea, and its significant contribution to our local food security.”

    Additionally, Pamalakaya trashed Beijing’s claim about sustainable fishing.

    “We remind President Marcos Jr. that China has no moral ascendancy, not especially a legal right, to impose a fishing ban on the pretext of marine conservation,” the group said.

    “Because it is the one destroying our marine biodiversity and ecosystem through massive reclamation, illegal poaching, and industrial fishing expeditions.”

    Fishermen check their catch in Bani in the northern Philippines facing the South China Sea, Jan. 25, 2023. Credit: Jojo Riñoza/BenarNews

    Marine scientists meanwhile have expressed alarm over the destruction of coral reefs in the South China Sea that are critical for the environment and preventing a collapse in fish stocks, which sustain the livelihoods of tens of millions of people.

    Some of the South China Sea reefs are “gone forever” due to the creation of military bases atop them, John McManus, a professor of marine biology at the University of Miami in Florida, told Radio Free Asia in October 2020.

    The majority of such construction has been by China, which dredged up Fiery Cross Reef, Subi Reef, Mischief Reef, Woody Island, and some other islets between 2014 and 2017, to make way for artificial islands that now host its military.

    BenarNews is an RFA-affiliated news outlet.

    This content originally appeared on Radio Free Asia and was authored by By Jojo Riñoza for BenarNews.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.