Category: Monthly Outreach Call

  • with Jen Perelman The Activist Life  with Jen Perelman The Activist LifewithJen Perelman Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 9pm ET/6pm PT Register Here Click here to register for the webinar Real Progressives and Real Progress in Action invite you to our national outreach call with Jen Perelman on Wednesday, May 26th, at 9pm ET/6pm PT.  Jen Perelman …

    The Activist Life with Jen Perelman Read More »

    This post was originally published on Real Progressives.

  • What’s past is prologue: The heist of our democracy that includes fraudulent practices, massive credit card debt, student loans, auto loans, and the revolving door between finance and government, is still going on and will become even worse than before.

    Real Progressives invites you to our March National Outreach Call with Patrick S. Lovell and Eric S. Vaughan.

    Patrick and Eric have devoted years of their lives and work meticulously detailing the rampant financial fraud that has been poisoning our economy for the last century.  Their creations, “The Con” and “The New Untouchables,” are just the beginning.  These investigations finally answer the “who dunnit?” of the corruption eating away at our dreams. 

    Now… what are we going to do about it?  Join them on our National Outreach Call!

    Wednesday, March 24, 2021
    9pm EDT/6pm PDT
    Register here

    Patrick is a 30-year veteran of media production. He is producer and protagonist of the recent documentary limited series: THE CON.

    Eric is an award-winning commercial director/producer with extensive experience in leading-edge media production from narrative films to VR/immersive experiences. THE CON is his long-form documentary series directorial debut.

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    Macro N Cheese Episode 66 – The Con with Bill Black, Patrick Lovell and Eric Vaughan

    April was the 33rd anniversary of the Keating 5 Savings & Loan scandal, so we brought back our favorite former bank-regulator, Bill Black, to talk about it. It turns out that Bill has been involved in a documentary series about banking fraud and suggested that we should also hear from the directors, Patrick Lovell and Eric Vaughan. He calls them “the Coen brothers of documentaries.”

    The Con Season 2

    Follow up to the blockbuster docuseries The Con, Season 2 takes the audience even deeper into the impact the financial crisis had on real people and what must be done to stop the continuation of this kind of massive fraud and corruption.

    This post was originally published on Real Progressives.

  • Wednesday, February 17, 2021
    9pm EST/6pm PST

    We can solve all of society’s greatest social and economic challenges if we change the way we think about money. — from the Our Money website

    Real Progressives invites you to our February National Outreach Call. Our guest, Delman Coates, will talk about Modern Monetary Theory in the context of Black History Month and about his work as organizer and founder of the Our Money campaign, whose motto is “Change money, change the world.”

    Dr. Delman Coates, PhD, is Senior Pastor of Mt. Ennon Baptist Church in Clinton, MD, and founder of the Our Money Campaign.

    Wednesday, February 17, 2021 – 9pm EST/6pm PST

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    Macro N Cheese Episode 20 – Our Money: From the Pulpit to the Street with Rev. Delman Coates

    “We’ve been given the wrong answers to the right questions,” says Steve’s guest Reverend Delman Coates, founder of the new organization, Our Money. “As a faith leader, it’s time to reclaim a theology of economics.”

    Change Money, Change the World

    We can solve all of our society’s greatest social and economic challenges if we change the way we think about money.

    This post was originally published on Real Progressives.