Category: Papua Autonomy Scholarships

  • Asia Pacific Report newsdesk

    West Papuan students stranded in Aotearoa New Zealand by an abrupt cancellation of their Indonesian government scholarships earlier this year while trying to complete their degrees and diplomas can breathe mire easily with the latest news.

    It is understood they have been told by Immigration New Zealand that they will not be deported while New Zealand is considering their plight.

    After weeks of advocacy by Green MPs, an immigration team will now be formed to assess the future needs of the students.

    “The Green Party has been calling on the government to do its part to support the indigenous communities of West Papua and we’re pleased that action is being taken,” said Teanau Tuiono, Green Party spokesperson for Pacific Peoples.

    Tuiono — along with Papuan student spokesperson Laurens Ikinia, Professor David Robie, editor of Asia Pacific Report, and opposition National Federation Party leader Professor Biman Prasad, a former academic at the University of the South Pacific — addressed a seminar about the issue at the Whānau Community Hub in Auckland yesterday.

    Ikinia welcomed the news that none of the Papuan students would be deported and praised the community support that they were receiving in New Zealand.

    “Dozens of West Papuan students are facing hardship and the prospect of not being able to finish their studies due to the cancellation of their scholarship by the Indonesian government,’ Tuiono said in a statement.

    Green Party posting on the Papuan students Te Mātāwaka today.
    Green Party posting about the Papuan students on Te Mātāwaka today. Image: APR screenshot

    Requested urgent action
    “We wrote to [Immigration Minister Kris] Faafoi asking him to act urgently to issue new visas for the students of West Papua.

    “We are pleased that government agencies are taking action to assess the needs of the West Papuan students and ideally grant them renewed visas for them to remain in Aotearoa.

    “West Papuans are indigenous peoples who have been occupied by Indonesia. As a Pacific nation and signatory of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples we have a responsibility to support West Papuans and their struggle for self-determination.

    “Supporting students to come to Aotearoa to study and to stay is a tangible way we can do our part to support the people of West Papua,” Tuiono said.

    Dr Robie published an open letter in Asia Pacific Report yesterday appealing for help from the minister for the 34 students in New Zealand, ranging from masters degree and diploma students to one high school student.

    “They must finish their studies here in New Zealand because returning home to a low wage economy, high unemployment, the ravages of the covid-19 pandemic, and an insurgency war for independence will ruin their education prospects,” he said.

    “Papuan students studying in Australia and New Zealand face tough and stressful challenges apart from the language barrier.”

    The open letter added:

    “Minister Faafoi, surely New Zealand can open its arms and embrace the Papuan students, offering them humanitarian assistance, first through extended visas, and second helping out with their financial plight.”

    Alarming human rights abuses
    Ricardo Menéndez March, Green Party spokesperson for immigration said:

    “The ongoing alarming reports of human rights abuses in West Papua, mean the students could have been forced to return to their homelands without the security and tools they need to support their communities”

    “The government has shown us that where there is political will we can guarantee certainty and security for temporary visa holders.

    “The prompt issuing of the Ukraine Special Visa and the renewal of up to 19,500 working holiday visas demonstrate there are levers the Minister of Immigration can pull to guarantee a safe pathway to remain in Aotearoa for students from West Papua.

    “We are calling on the government to guarantee replacement visas for the West Papuan students and to explore setting up a scholarship fund to do our part supporting indigenous peoples in the Pacific,” said Menéndez March.

    Papuan students in Auckland sort donated food
    Papuan students in Auckland sort donated food for their colleagues stranded in New Zealand while completing their studies. Image: IAPSAO

    This post was originally published on Asia Pacific Report.

  • OPEN LETTER: By David Robie of Asia Pacific Report

    Kia ora Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi

    It is unconscionable. A bewildering and grossly unfair crisis for 34 young Papuan students – 25 male and 9 female – the hope for the future of the West Papua region, the Melanesian half of Papua New Guinea island ruled by Indonesia.

    They were part of a cohort of 93 Papuan students studying in Aotearoa New Zealand on local provincial autonomy government scholarships, preparing for their careers, and learning or improving their English along the way. They were also making Pacific friendships and contacts.

    They were fast becoming a “bridge” to New Zealand. Ambassadors for their people.

    And then it all changed. Suddenly through no fault of their own, 41 of them were told out of the blue their scholarships were being cancelled and they had to return home.

    Their funds were cut with no warning. Many of them had accommodation bills to pay, university fees to cover and other student survival debts.

    They were abandoned by their own government, some of them being close to completing their degrees of diplomas. Appeals to both the provincial governments in Papua and the central government in Jakarta – even to President Joko Widodo — were ignored.

    Yes, it is unconscionable.

    New Zealand help?
    Surely New Zealand can respond to this Pacific plea for help?

    Asia Pacific Report first published a story about the plight of these students back on January 27. Since then many stories have been written about the students’ struggle to complete their qualifications, including Māori Television, Newsroom, Tagata Pasifika, RNZ Pacific, and Wairarapa Times-Age, and Tabloid Jubi, Cendrawasi Pos and Suara Papua in Papua.

    An interview by Laurens Ikinia with Tagata Pasifika last month.   Video: Sunpix

    They must finish their studies here in New Zealand because returning home to a low wage economy, high unemployment, the ravages of the covid-19 pandemic, and an insurgency war for independence will ruin their education prospects.

    Papuan students studying in Australia and New Zealand face tough and stressful challenges apart from the language barrier. As Yamin Kogoya, a Brisbane-based West Papuan commentator, says from first-hand experience:

    “Papuan students abroad face many difficulties, including culture shock and adjustments, along with anxiety due to the deaths of their family members back in West Papua, which take a toll on their study.

    “As well as inconsistencies and delays in Jakarta’s handling of funds, corruption, harassment, and intimidation also contribute to this crisis.”

    At present, out of 17 students currently studying at the Universal College of Learning (UCOL) in Palmerston North, only 10 are able to attend classes. Seven students cannot attend because of their visa status and tuition fees which have not been paid.

    Five students at AUT
    At Auckland University of Technology, out of five students studying there, one is doing a masters degree, four are studying for diplomas and one is not enrolled because the government has not paid tuition fees.

    Out of the 41 recalled students, the visas for some of them have already expired while others are expiring this month.

    Of the 34 students still in New Zealand and determined to complete their studies, the breakdown is understood to be as follows:

    UCOL Palmerston North – 15
    Institute of the Pacific United (IPU) New Zealand – 6
    AUT University – 4
    Ardmore Flying School – 2
    Waikato University – 2
    Canterbury University – 1
    Massey University – 1
    Unitec – 1
    Victoria University – 1
    Awatapu College – 1

    Papuan students in Auckland sort donated food
    Papuan students in Auckland sort donated food for their colleagues stranded in New Zealand while completing their studies. Image: IAPSAO

    The students have rallied and are working hard to try to rescue their situation as they are optimistic about completing their studies. The Green Party has taken up advocacy on their behalf.

    The Papuans are communicating with the NZ International Students Association, NZ Students Union and NZ Pasifika Students.

    Community groups such as the Whānau Hub in Mt Roskill, Auckland, have assisted with food and living funds. A givealittle page has been set up for relief and has raised more than $6500 so far.

    But far more is needed, and an urgent extension of their student visas is a must.

    Papuan Governor Lukas Enembe talks with students
    Papuan Governor Lukas Enembe (centre in purple shirt) talks with students in Jayapura. Image: Jubi

    ‘Grateful for support’
    “We’re so grateful to all Kiwis across the country for their generous support for us at our time of desperate need,” says communication coordinator Laurens Ikinia of the International Alliance of Papuan Students Associations Overseas (IAPSAO) and who is a postgraduate student at AUT.

    “We’re also grateful to all the tertiary institutions and universities for understanding the plight of the West Papuan students.”

    Papuan students are speaking today on the issue at a Pacific “media lunch” in a double billing along with Fiji’s opposition National Federation Party leader Professor Biman Prasad at the Whānau Community Centre in Auckland’s Mt Roskill.

    Today's "media lunch" featuring Fiji and the Papuan students
    Today’s “media lunch” featuring the forthcoming Fiji general election and the West Papuan students. Image: Whānau Community Hub

    Just last Monday, many worried parents and families of students affected by this sudden change of scholarship policy gathered to meet Papua Governor Lukas Enembe in Jayapura to plead their case.

    Hopefully, Indonesian Ambassador Fientje Maritje Suebu, ironically also a Papuan, will read this appeal too. The situation is an embarrassment for Indonesia at a time when the republic is trying to foster a better image with our Pacific neighbours.

    Minister Faafoi, surely New Zealand can open its arms and embrace the Papuan students, offering them humanitarian assistance, first through extended visas, and second helping out with their financial plight.

    Waaa waaa waaa.

    Dr David Robie
    Asia Pacific Report

    This post was originally published on Asia Pacific Report.

  • Asia Pacific Report newsdesk

    An umbrella organisation representing Papuan students worldwide has been formed with a renewed commitment to strengthening their efforts to gain “quality education”.

    Five country groups affiliated to the International Alliance of Papuan Students Associations Overseas (IAPSAO) met virtually yesterday to make a united stance on Papuan education, affirming their appeal last month for Indonesian President Joko Widodo to hear their concerns.

    Opening the meeting, Dessy F. Itaar, president of the Papuan Student Association in Russia (IMAPA Russia), declared that the organisation was committed to achieving quality education for Papuans.

    “That’s our main goal. Whatever happens, we will keep fighting until we get our rights,” she said.

    The virtual meeting was a continuation of an earlier consultation on January 26 when the students expressed concern over policy changes that they believed would impact on education and Papuan students studying abroad.

    Other Papuan student associations affiliated to IAPSAO besides the Russian-based one include the Papuan Students Association in the United States and Canada (IMAPA USA-Canada), the Papuan Students Association in Japan (IMAPA Japan), the Papuan Students Association in Germany (PMP Germany) and the Papuan Students Association in Oceania (PSAO).

    Previously, student presidents united under the IAPSAO name were known as the Association of Papuan Students Abroad.

    Renaming witnessed
    Witnessed during the virtual conference by hundreds of Papuan students from countries such as Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, Germany, Indonesia and the United States, PSAO president Yan Piterson Wenda declared the renaming of the international organisation IAPSAO on behalf of the five presidents who were signatories.

    Earlier, Itaar had stressed that although Papuan students were sent overseas to focus on their studies, it was important for the presidents to unite and speak out about the problems faced by fellow students.

    “As presidents who represent every organisation that we lead, there is one moral burden that we carry — which is not thinking about ourselves, we must think about all members in each organisation,” she said.

    Only Papuans know the struggle of Papuan inner souls, so Papuans should first help each other before other people help Papuans, Itaar said.

    “The only people who can wake us up are Papuans.

    When “our friends from the USA and New Zealand shared their struggles”, fellow Papuans from Japan, Russia and Germany agreed to support them.

    “We Papuan children must get a quality education, whatever it is,” she said.

    No political agenda
    “Meilani S. Ramandey, president of IMAPA Japan, said the working team demanding the rights of the current and future Papuan generations had no political agenda. It worked only for educational issues.

    “As Papuan students, we stick to this principle, it is not affiliated with any kind of political agenda.”

    The students want to know the status of their scholarship programme, which is run under the policies of Papua provincial Governor Lukas Enembe.

    “This is important so that all of us do not misunderstand,” said Ramandey.

    Reporting on a meeting last week between representatives of the Papuan Students Association in Oceania and the Indonesian Ambassador to New Zealand, Fientje Maritje Suebu, and the head of the Papua Province Human Resources Development Bureau (HRDB), Aryoko Rumaropen, and his staff, PSAO president Yan Piterson Wenda recalled that the bureau had no power to respond to demands by the students.

    “The Head of HRDB appreciates the steps taken by the students. The HRDB is disappointed with the policies taken by the central government, so the Indonesian Embassy must respond to this problem,” Wenda said.

    “Then, the HRDB said frankly that they had no money. That’s why now all of my friends can’t buy food and pay for accommodation and other needs.

    “In principle, HRDB is with us and will forward our aspirations to the Governor. We are waiting for the embassy to proceed with our demands.”

    Embassy responded well
    Dimison Kogoya, president of the Papuan Students Association in the United States and Canada, reported that the Indonesian Embassy in USA and Canada had responded well to the students’ letter.

    “We have held a meeting and at the time of the meeting, we emphasised that our demands should be forwarded to the President,” said a computer science student at Johnson and Wales University in North Carolina.

    President Reza Rumbiak of the Papuan Students Association in Germany said Papuan students who were studying in Germany remained in solidarity with students in the USA and New Zealand.

    He said a letter had been received from the Indonesian Embassy in Berlin in response to the request by students for a meeting with the President – but the reply contained 18 points of rebuttal.

    “The pressure on me as president is very intense. But we in Germany support our brothers and sisters in the USA and New Zealand, because our DNA as Papuans is communal,” said Rumbiak.

    IAPSAO issued a four-point declaration to:

    1. Make the International Alliance of Papuan Student Associations Overseas (IAPSAO) an umbrella organisation for all Papuan student organisations domiciled overseas;
    2. Improve and maximise coordination and communication in efforts to protect, prevent, anticipate, and defend the educational rights of Papuan students overseas;
    3. Affirm IASAO is an independent and academic forum; and
    4. Make decisions in this forum based on mutual consensus.

    This post was originally published on Asia Pacific Report.