Category: qalqilia

  • On Sunday, Israeli soldiers demolished a concrete wall surrounding a Palestinian agricultural land in Azzoun Atma village, south of Qalqilia, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

    Abdul-Karim Ayyoub, a member of Azzoun Atma Village Council, said Abdul-Rahim Sheikh owns the land.

    Ayyoub added that the soldiers demolished the 100 meters long and 3 meters high wall for being built without a license from the so-called “Civil Administration Office,” the administrative branch of the illegal Israeli occupation, because it is local in Area C of the occupied West Bank.

    Only 30 percent of Area C land is designated for development by Palestinians. The remaining 70 percent is classified as closed military zones that are off-limits to Palestinians unless they obtain special permits from Israeli authorities.

    These stringent restrictions on Palestinians’ spatial development continue to intensify even though a Palestinian state is inconceivable without Area C. Indeed, Area C holds valuable natural resources and a rich cultural heritage and represents the bulk of available areas for the spatial development of a future Palestinian state.

    |Read More About Area C On Al-Shabaka: Israel’s Stranglehold on Area C: Development as Resistance|

    The post Army Demolishes A Wall Near Qalqilia appeared first on Al-Shabaka.

    This content originally appeared on Al-Shabaka and was authored by Al-Shabaka Admin.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.