Category: Sir John Guise Stadium

  • Inside PNG News

    National Capital Dictrict (NCD) police have arrested 18 suspects following the slasher attacks on civilians yesterday outside Papua New Guinea’s national elections counting centre at Port Moresby’s Sir John Guise stadium.

    NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Gideon Ikumu said the men were “persons of interest” and police would continue investigating.

    “The men [suspects] are in custody with no charges laid until completion of the investigation by our CID,” Superintendent Ikumu said.

    He also reassured city residents and the public to remain calm as the police were now out in numbers to carry out patrols and maintain order in the city.

    “I hope this doesn’t happen again — our men are now dispatched to areas of concern to monitor and to ensure public safety is guaranteed,” Superintendent Ikumu said.

    Superintendent Ikumu said members of the PNG Defence Force were also assisting city police by protecting the counting area at the Sir John Guise Stadium.

    “This will now see support units assist regular police to maintain order in Port Moresby,” he said.

    The city police chief said opportunists were also taking advantage of the situation. He urged city residents and the general public to be vigilant.

    “While police and other security forces are out to ensure order, I call on residents to be mindful when moving around,” said Superintendent Ikumu.

    He had also asked the NCD Election Manager to suspend counting until tensions eased in the city.

    ‘Global shame’
    The National’s Rebecca Kuku reports that Papua New Guinea was “shamed internationally … when general election 2022 (GE22) candidates’ supporters turned the streets in the … capital Port Moresby into a battlefield.

    “Innocent people ran helter-skelter as political supporters wielding bush knives started chasing and slashing people indiscriminately on the streets in front of City Hall (the National Capital District Commission building) about 2.30pm.

    “People were seen running into the compound of the nearby Vision City Mega Mall for refuge as the assailants went about slashing their victims who collapsed on the spot.

    “The uncivilised electoral violence started at the nearby Sir John Guise Stadium where counting of GE22 ballots were in progress for the Moresby Northeast electorate.

    “Police said the knife-wielding offenders were supporters of two candidates and at least two were wounded.”

    This post was originally published on Asia Pacific Report.

  • By Miriam Zarriga in Port Moresby

    Running like a pack of animals, a group of political party supporters in Papua New Guinea’s capital Port Moresby were armed with bush knives, iron bars and other weapons as they chased down two men outside the national elections counting centre yesterday afternoon.

    They reached the first man, and without a second thought they slashed him outside the Sir John Guise Stadium in Waigani.

    Then they reached the second man, he fell, they slashed him without hesitation, and they continued attacking him.

    The third man wasn’t so lucky, he was casually walking by and the mob turned their attention onto him. He put up his hands in a sign of protest. He was attacked, his hand sliced off, he fell and the mob mercilessly slashed him.

    Police Commissioner David Manning was disgusted by the turn of events, saying: “How many ways can you report animalistic behaviour?”

    The Post-Courier has confirmed that six men were wounded but no deaths were reported.

    The video showing these horrific attacks has now caught the attention of everyone. The response has been quick — all makeshift tents belonging to scrutineers, vendors and supporters were removed, burnt and everyone outside the Sir John Guise Indoor Complex were chased away by security personnel.

    What was the issue?
    What was the issue these men were angry about? It was alleged that the attacks were over nine ballot boxes from ward 6 in Moresby Northeast.

    The Post-Courier understands that scrutineers from Moresby Northeast demanded that the counting officials stop nine boxes from ward 6 from being counted and continue to wards 9 and 12 because a candidate was leading.

    The scrutineers argued among themselves and the argument was taken outside, where it led to an argument and eventually a fight broke out.

    "Barbaric act!" ... banner headline in the PNG Post-Courier 250722
    “Barbaric act!” … the banner headline in the PNG Post-Courier today. Image: PNG Post-Courier

    The Post-Courier was at the scene after the video was released and witnessed security personnel removing all makeshift tents along the John Guise Road which passes by the stadium where the election counting is taking place.

    For the next 30 minutes — from 3.30pm to 4pm — security personnel entered Vision City gates and checked the area.

    More security personnel were outside checking vehicles and removing any remnants of the makeshift tents.

    Shots were also fired into the air to disperse crowds that had gathered. It was a tense moment.

    Eventually the area was cleared.

    Nine suspects arrested with bush knives
    Police said that after the slashing of the men, about 30 minutes later, policemen stopped a blue land cruiser and nine suspects were apprehended with five bush knives in their possession.

    The nine were taken to the Waigani police station cells and their particulars were taken down by police investigators. Police are now investigating incident.

    Meanhile, shots were fired around the Rita Flynn Courts as police also removed and dispersed makeshift tents of scrutineers, supporters and vendors along the Bava road.

    According to a police source what happened at SJGS may also happen at other counting centres and thus police are not taking any more chances.

    Miriam Zarriga is a PNG Post-Courier reporter. Republished with permission.

    This post was originally published on Asia Pacific Report.