Category: term limits

  • During a speech over the weekend, former President Donald Trump, the GOP nominee for president this year, suggested that if he wins, he may seek a third term four years from now, beyond the limits imposed by the U.S. Constitution. Trump’s comments are further evidence of his desire to use the presidency to become an autocratic leader. During a speech in Dallas at the National Rifle Association’s…


    This post was originally published on Latest – Truthout.

  • Dozens of organizations have come together in support of legislation that would place limits on how long a Supreme Court justice can serve, restricting their tenure to 18 years. The legislation would also guarantee a sitting president two appointments to the Court for every four-year term they serve, giving them the chance to nominate a justice to the bench in the first and third year of said term…


    This post was originally published on Latest – Truthout.

  • A bipartisan group of legal experts has published a 32-page report recommending 18-year tenure limits for new and sitting U.S. Supreme Court justices. The 11-member panel, representing experts “from all across the country” and of varying political beliefs, was convened by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Calling itself the U.S. Supreme Court Working Group, the panel includes…


    This post was originally published on Latest – Truthout.

  • A group of Democratic senators has introduced legislation that would drastically alter how often Supreme Court justices are chosen, and limit the cases justices can hear after a certain time on the bench. The new legislation, sponsored by Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island), Cory Booker (D-New Jersey), Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut), and Alex Padilla (D-California)…


    This post was originally published on Latest – Truthout.

  • On Sunday, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado) said that Republican lawmakers would pursue changes to federal elections law to impose term limits on members of Congress, an action that would curtail the rights of U.S. voters. “The 118th Congress WILL vote on Term Limits for lawmakers. After years and years of talk, we’ll finally see where people truly stand on this issue,” Boebert tweeted on Sunday…


  • A new poll taken in the wake of the Supreme Court’s extremist decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and destabilize abortion rights across the country shows that a large portion of the American public think that it’s time to take action to rein in and reform the Court.

    The Politico/Morning Consult poll was taken directly after the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling was handed down on Friday, and found that 62 percent of Americans support placing term limits on justices, while only 23 percent oppose the idea. The survey also found strong support for binding Supreme Court justices to a code of ethics (69 percent) and supposedly “balancing” the Court with an equal number of Democratic, Republican and independent judges (53 percent).

    Critically, the poll also found that there appears to be growing support among the public for adding seats to the Supreme Court, a measure that Democrats and progressives have been calling for in order to combat Republican court packing.

    The poll found that a plurality of Americans support expanding the Supreme Court, with 45 percent in support of the idea and 38 percent in opposition. This is a far higher number than the mere 26 percent of voters who backed the idea in a Morning Consult poll conducted in April 2021.

    That there is a plurality of support for the idea is also surprising considering that the idea was largely unknown to the public just a handful of years ago. Notably, the last time the number of seats on the Court was changed was in 1869, about 80 years after the Court was convened for the first time. This shift in opinion signals that the public is prepared to support transformative actions in response to the extremist decisions that the Supreme Court has been handing down.

    Lawmakers have been calling for an expansion of the Court in response to the Dobbs ruling and other recent rulings, as well as potentially upcoming rulings that could overturn rights like gay marriage and contraception access.

    Democrats introduced a bill last year that would add four seats to the Supreme Court, with the hope of installing a new Democratic majority on the Court. President Joe Biden opposes this idea, which has frustrated progressives, especially because Republicans have bent and changed rules for years in order to pack the Supreme Court with the current slate of extremists.

    In May, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) introduced a bill that would require Supreme Court justices to be bound to a code of ethics, as the High Court is the only court in the country that’s not bound to ethics rules. Democrats have also introduced bills to create a non-renewable 18-year term limit for Supreme Court justices, an idea supported by Supreme Court watchdogs.

    None of these measures have gone anywhere in Congress, but progressives have suggested another potential action for Democrats hoping to stop the erosion of human rights in the U.S.: impeaching Supreme Court justices who allegedly lied in their confirmation hearings.

    On Sunday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) called for Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett to be impeached, on the basis that all three previously pledged in their confirmation or in private meetings that they would uphold landmark precedents previously set by the Court, according to lawmakers. She also called for Justice Clarence Thomas to be impeached over his wife’s ties to conservative organizations and the January 6 attack.

    This post was originally published on Latest – Truthout.

  • Razor wire-topped riot fencing stands in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on March 15, 2021.

    A majority of Americans want to do away with lifetime appointments for Supreme Court justices, according to new polling data. The poll results are an indication that the public is open to reforming the highest court in the U.S.

    A Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted on Thursday and Friday of last week found that 63 percent of voters support term or age limits for members of the Supreme Court. Only 22 percent felt that there shouldn’t be any limits at all to how long a justice of the court should serve.

    On the issue of whether the court should see its membership size increase or not, however, respondents were divided. On that question, there was a near-even divide, with 38 percent saying they favored the idea while 42 percent opposed. The remaining respondents in the poll, Reuters said, were unsure.

    Democrats have recently pushed for expanding the Supreme Court, which would require a simple act of Congress as the Constitution does not lay out how many justices there should be. Since 1869, the number of permanent seats on the court’s bench has been set at nine.

    President Joe Biden fulfilled a campaign pledge last week by forming a commission to examine possible reforms to the Supreme Court, including looking at expansion or limits on tenure length. The commission is set to report back to the president with its findings in six months’ time, although it will not make a formal recommendation on what reforms should be made, if any.

    While the formation of such a commission was welcomed by some, many progressives felt that it is simply delaying possible action on the court that should be taken today.

    “We don’t have time to spend six months studying the issue — especially without a promise of real conclusions at the end,” said Aaron Belkin, director of Take Back the Court, a group in favor of expanding the Court’s size.

    Echoing that sentiment, a group of Democratic lawmakers last Thursday, including House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler (D-New York), introduced legislation that would expand the court’s size from nine justices to 13, giving Biden four new appointments. However, shortly after announcing their proposal, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) shot down the effort.

    “The ultimate goal here is to make the historically proper choice for the administration of justice in the long term,” Pelosi said, urging her colleagues to allow the commission formed by Biden to do its job first.

    The need to expand the Supreme Court, however, arises from actions taken over the past few years by Republicans that resulted in what many see as an undue number of conservative justices being nominated and confirmed, with GOP obstruction disallowing a liberal nominee from even being considered.

    Following Justice Antonin Scalia’s unexpected passing in 2016, former President Barack Obama nominated then-Judge Merrick Garland to replace him. But Republicans refused to allow a full vote in the Senate or even nomination hearings for Obama’s pick, citing the proximity of the presidential race that was set to happen in a few months. Republicans also blocked over 100 of Obama’s lower court appointments in his last few years in office.

    However, after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in 2020, Republicans hypocritically pushed through former President Donald Trump’s nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, just weeks before election day.

    As a result of obstructing Garland and confirming Barrett, the balance on the Supreme Court is 6-3 in favor of conservative members versus liberal bloc members.

    Because of their inconsistent actions, a number of progressive voices and lawmakers called for expanding the court to address its improper balance, resulting in Biden making his promise to form a commission on the matter last fall.

    This post was originally published on Latest – Truthout.