Category: the

  • This content originally appeared on The Real News Network and was authored by The Real News Network.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • In every presidential election, office seekers elbow each other to position themselves as favoring tax breaks for the electorate. Kamala Harris raced in quickly with proposals for a tax break for the middle class and a tax deduction of up to $50,000 for new small businesses ─ two debt producing polices. To her credit, the vice president intends to roll back a Trump administration law by raising the corporate tax rate to 28%, a needed revenue-raising policy. The first two tax proposals sound good but aren’t good. Both candidates favor Child tax credits, a worthy policy for a huge class of voters and another example of pandering to the taxpayers.

    The Middle Class Tax Cut

    No matter how it is sliced, diced, or spiced, this middle class tax cut benefits nobody, harms the nation, and questions Harris’ credibility. The presidential aspirant said in her acceptance speech that she will be a president for all peoples in the nation. Singling out a tax cut for the more fortunate does not match her words. Unexplained is why this special class needs a tax cut.

    Tax cuts are usual when demand is low, such as in a recession. The present economy is healthy with plenty, and I do mean plenty, of new Teslas in my middle class neighborhood. Elevated consumer demand is subsiding, noted by the decrease in consumer-inflated prices and increase in stock and housing market asset prices. Money is flowing into assets and a middle class tax cut will accelerate the trend.

    Taxes transfer money between the government and the public. Neither method adds or subtracts to the money supply nor allows more or less available spending to the economy ─ the purchasing power stays the same, which means the purchasing of goods and services remain the same, and the GDP remains the same  Lowering taxes mainly assists the already employed, and that is not the major priority. Who pays taxes ─ the employed. Who receives tax breaks ─ those who pay taxes. Lowering taxes redistributes federal assistance from needy persons to the employed. Which is preferable, redistributing income so the employed have more to spend or redistributing the income so the underemployed have something to spend?

    Stimulating the economy by tax breaks is a psychological phenomenon. The talk, exaggerations, promises, and general optimism of tax breaks fashion a more optimistic public, which supposedly stimulates spending, investment, and courage to carry more debt. Creeping in to the debate is another assumption ─ those who have excess funds will invest and stimulate growth. Not considered is they might invest in speculative ventures that only churn money or might purchase imports, which decreases purchasing power of domestic production.

    GDP has steadily grown, with a few bumps, in the last 80 years, and no relation to lowering of taxes has been shown. A government report: Taxes and the Economy: An Economic Analysis of the Top Tax Rates Since 1945, Thomas L. Hungerford Specialist in Public Finance, September 14, 2012 at concludes:

    The top income tax rates have changed considerably since the end of World War II. Throughout the late-1940s and 1950s, the top marginal tax rate was typically above 90%; today it is 35%. Additionally, the top capital gains tax rate was 25% in the 1950s and 1960s, 35% in the 1970s; today it is 15%. The average tax rate faced by the top 0.01% of taxpayers was above 40% until the mid-1980s; today it is below 25%. Tax rates affecting taxpayers at the top of the income distribution are currently at their lowest levels since the end of the second World War. The results of the analysis suggest that changes over the past 65 years in the top marginal tax rate and the top capital gains tax rate do not appear correlated with economic growth. The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment, and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie. However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution. As measured by IRS data, the share of income accruing to the top 0.1% of U.S. families increased from 4.2% in 1945 to 12.3% by 2007 before falling to 9.2% due to the 2007-2009 recession. At the same time, the average tax rate paid by the top 0.1% fell from over 50% in 1945 to about 25% in 2009. Tax policy could have a relation to how the economic pie is sliced ─ lower top tax rates may be associated with greater income disparities.

    Because taxable incomes do not include inflation and these have increased greatly during the last decades, it is difficult to compare tax rates in 2024 with earlier tax rates. Peering through data, they seem just as low as they were in 2014, when the government report was published, or at a near historic post-World War II low. Why go lower?

    Tax Deduction of up to $50,000 for New Small Businesses

    The principal hindrance to starting a small business is the high interest rate. Tax deductions will not help small businesses that have no access to funds and no profits to tax. The proposal affects a minor portion of the small business community and is subsidized by a major portion of the economy ─ those who can also use tax breaks.

    This tax benefit is a policy seeking a problem. Newly created small businesses have exploded in the post-pandemic period. An April, 2024 Treasury Department report relates,

    Small businesses created over 70 percent of net new jobs since 2019. In the previous business cycle, small businesses created 64 percent of net new jobs.

    Small business optimism is rebounding as inflation falls. Multiple measures of business optimism show substantial increases in recent months. More than 70 percent of small business leaders expect revenues to grow over the next year, the most since the pandemic.

    Entrepreneurship continues to surge: the United States is averaging 430,000 new business applications per month in 2024, 50 percent more than in 2019. The subset of applications for businesses most likely to hire employees has also risen to 140,000 per month, 30 percent more than in 2019. Over 19 million businesses have been formed since Biden’s inauguration, and these are not just sole proprietorships or fly-by-night operations. The subset of applications for businesses most likely to hire employees has increased 30 percent from 2019.

    The Main Street Alliance(MSA) establishes priorities for small businesses. Its 2025 agenda does not include a suggestion for a tax deduction.  The Alliance advocates for “stronger antitrust enforcement, fair tax policies, and expanded access to capital. This includes efforts to revise the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, support the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of Justice Antitrust Division, and fight against cuts to critical small business funding from the Small Business Administration (SBA) and other agencies.”

    MSA “plans on supporting the continued implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act, paid family and medical leave, investments in child care, and enhanced subsidies for health insurance on the Affordable Care Act exchanges.”

    Child Tax Credit

    Kamala Harris’ economic plans include a $6,000 tax credit for parents of newborns and a continuation of the pandemic-era Child Tax Credit (CTC). The latter expanded the Child Tax Credits and boosted the benefit to $3,600 for children under six years old and to $3,000 for children from 7 to 17 years of age.

    Seems beneficial to subsidize those in need, which are usually growing families. In addition, it is good economics — places funds in hands of those who will spend them for essentials and move them through the economy. The question that Harris has not answered is, “To what level of income will the credits apply?” My recommendation is that credits should also be based on assets and slide off gradually from $60,000 income to $100,000 income. Their effects on inflation need study.

    Corporate Tax Rate

    Before Trump lowered the maximum corporate tax rate to a flat 21 percent, the 35 percent rate for income greater than $18.3 million, had been relatively constant for 32 years, and economic gyrations had not shown to be due to that rate.

    The effective corporate tax rate graph tells another story — corporations have taken advantage of tax breaks and loopholes to reduce their taxes.

    The problem is not high corporate tax; the problem is the ability of corporations to avoid paying taxes. If tax breaks and loopholes unique to U.S. corporations, such as accelerated depreciation, using excess tax benefits from stock options to reduce federal and state taxes, and industry specific tax breaks were reduced or eliminated, then the tax rate could also be reduced; the government charges with one legislation and discharges with another legislation. Corporations are responsible for finding loopholes to avoid taxes, and the government is responsible for providing the loopholes.

    The posed advantages of a lower corporate tax rate — increased funds for investment translating into increased production, which increases employment and Gross Domestic Product might be true if corporations used the greater part of their profit for increased investment. However, corporations have used the excessive profit for executive bonuses, for stock buybacks, for corporate takeovers, and for augmenting retained earnings. With corporate profits at all-time highs, “S&P 500 Q1 2024 buybacks were $236.8 billion, up 8.1% from Q4 2023’s $219.1 billion and up 9.9% from Q1 2023’s $215.5 billion.”

    Left out of the corporate books is responsibility to support infrastructure – transportation, communication, utilities – government research, government loans, credit guarantees, bailouts, assistance to education, job training, subsidies, and other programs that benefit corporations. Shouldn’t corporations repay a fair share of the financial assistance that guarantees their prosperity?

    The oft-quoted assertion that high tax rates have been the primary driver for corporations to move facilities to nations that have low tax rates is not proven. Manufacturing close to market and utilization of low labor rates have been the more prominent drivers. Commentators spuriously define the words tax havens, tax deferred, and tax inversions to confuse the public, and promote the mistaken belief that U.S. corporations can change their domicile and easily escape major payments of the corporation’s federal taxes on income earned outside the United States.

    Corporations, whose sales contain much intellectual property (Microsoft), are able to shift certain profits on sales, but this cannot easily occur for profits earned from trade or business of defined products manufactured outside the United States. If repatriated, these profits are eventually subjected to U.S. taxes.

    The key proposition, which is overlooked,  is that government spends all of corporate taxes and all the money circulates in the economy, some invested, some increasing production, some increasing employment, and all adding to or maintaining GDP.  Why is this proposition “the key proposition?”

    Economics becomes simplified when it is realized that all money is debt. The money supply can only be increased by either banks’ lending money from Reserves and essentially creating money, or by the Federal Reserve engaging in Open Market Operations ─ purchasing government debt that is financed by the Treasury Department. Treasury prints money that appear as IOUs at the Federal Reserve.  If money remains dormant as excessive retained earnings or circulates speculatively as stock buybacks,  the money, which is debt is not wisely used; it is comparable  to borrowing money at 6 percent and then, rather than purchasing a product, investing it at 3 percent. All money in the economy is debt and all the debt is paying interest and being constantly retired and renewed.

    This last tidbit is, admittedly, controversial and needs more discussion. It is the essential of the capitalist system, which grows by reinvesting profits ─ capital generating capital ─ and where all the money supply, including profits, that is needed to generate capital is equal to the debt in the system. Positive trade balances play a role, but generally, capitalism only moves forward by increasing debt.

    Trump Tariffs

    One mystery that has clouded the Biden administration is negligence in canceling the Trump administration’s tariffs on goods from China. During their debate, Trump questioned Harris on why, “if the Dems do not support the tariffs, has the Biden administration kept them?” Harris did not supply an answer.

    Tariffs are used to either increase government revenue ─ the principal method before the income taxation system ─ or to protect domestic industries.

    Former President Trump proudly declared that his tariffs had harmed the Chinese government. Is the function of a U.S. president to harm another government? He also claimed that foreign companies are paying for tariffs. “Multiple studies suggest this is not the case: the cost of tariffs have been borne almost entirely by American households and American firms, not foreign exporters.”

    Protection is difficult to gauge; tariffs may have helped some producers and harmed companies who use the imported goods and now have to pay higher prices for the commodity. The export country, in this case, China, can retaliate and raise taxes on imports from the U.S. and harm American industries.

    Have the tariffs protected the steel industry, the principal industry in the tariffs? The answer came in December 2023, when Nippon Steel announced a $14.9 billion takeover deal of U.S. Steel.


    In conventional economic theory, the government formulates a budget and taxes the public to pay for the budget. If the tax revenues do not reach the expenditures, then either the government cuts the budget ─ done during Bill Clinton administration ─  or issues debt. What is never done is to have taxes planned to follow budget considerations. The promises by presidential contenders of cutting taxes are promises that have no rational; future budgets will be forced to be planned about tax revenue rather than having tax revenue agree with budget plans, a bad way to run a country.

    The post Pandering to the Taxpayers first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This content originally appeared on Dissident Voice and was authored by Dan Lieberman.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on The Intercept and was authored by The Intercept.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • A video of the American athlete Roderick Townsend has been shared in Chinese-language social media posts alongside a claim that he was ineligible to participate in the 2024 Paris Paralympics because he does not have any disabilities.

    But the claim is false. According to the International Paralympic Committee, Townsend was born with permanent nerve damage to his right arm and shoulder, making him eligible to compete in the Paralympic Games.

    The video of Townsend was shared on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Sep. 7. 2024. 

    “The U.S. is awesome! … Normal people participate in the Paralympics,” reads the claim in part. 

    The 20-second video shows Townsend participating in the Men’s high jump T47.

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    Chinese-language social media influencers questioned Townsend’s eligibility to participate in the Paralympic Games. (Screenshots /X, Weibo and Sohu)

    The same video was also shared on Weibo with similar claims that Townsend was ineligible to participate in the Paralympics because he does not have any disabilities.

    But the claim is false. 

    According to the International Paralympic Committee, or IPC, and media reports, Townsend was born with permanent nerve damage to his right arm and shoulder.

    The IPC classifies Paralympic events based on both the sport and the specific impairments of the participants, such as vision impairments or the use of a wheelchair.

    Athletes compete against others with similar disabilities to ensure a level playing field.

    In the T47 high jump event there are no restrictions on lower limb impairments; instead, it focuses on impairments affecting the upper limbs.

    Townsend’s first-place victory in the high jump at Paris marked his fourth gold medal at the Paralympics.

    He competed in both the long jump and high jump at the previous two Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo.

    Translated by Shen Ke. Edited by Shen Ke and Taejun Kang.

    Asia Fact Check Lab (AFCL) was established to counter disinformation in today’s complex media environment. We publish fact-checks, media-watches and in-depth reports that aim to sharpen and deepen our readers’ understanding of current affairs and public issues. If you like our content, you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X.

    This content originally appeared on Radio Free Asia and was authored by By Zhuang Jing for Asia Fact Check Lab.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Indian-born Dhondy reflects on life as a British Black Panther fighting against institutional racism in 1970s London

    This content originally appeared on openDemocracy RSS and was authored by Farrukh Dhondy.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and was authored by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on The Grayzone and was authored by The Grayzone.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on The Grayzone and was authored by The Grayzone.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Ralph welcomes back Jack Dangermond, co-founder of Esri—Environmental Systems Research Institute, the leader in GIS mapping technology to open up his book, “The Power of Where: A Geographic Approach to the World’s Greatest Challenges.” Then John R. McArthur, journalist, author and publisher of Harper’s returns to discuss a recent study by neuroscientists that concluded that students absorb and retain information better on paper than they do on screens and what this means for the future of education and society as a whole.

    Jack Dangermond is President of Esri—Environmental Systems Research Institute—and is recognized as one of the most influential people in the field of geographic information system—GIS—technology. Jack, along with his wife Laura, founded Esri in 1969. He is the author of The Power of Where: A Geographic Approach to the World’s Greatest Challenges.

    Geography is everything. It’s what happens, when it happens, in some cases why it happens, but most importantly, where it happens.

    Jack Dangermond

    I believe geography and maps—the language of geography—are a new kind of way to understand the complexity of our world. Our world is complex. All these relationships—the world is hard to fathom. And using these interactive mapping tools, people can learn a lot in a short amount of time. They can see context, as well as all the content that they’re learning in their various disciplines.

    Jack Dangermond

    Years ago, Jack called up and said—help us apply GIS to civic action, civic advocacy…We used GIS techniques, applied federal government data, and in a report we came out with in the 1990s—it was called “Racial Redlining: A Study Of Racial Discrimination By Banks And Mortgage Companies In The United States”—the map showed the worst-case lending pattern as prima facie evidence of unlawful discrimination against low-income areas in mortgage lending. And so, the applications for civic work still need a lot of attention. I don’t think the potential has been reached anywhere near what it could be, especially as the field and the technology just explodes with innovation.

    Ralph Nader

    John R. MacArthur is the president of Harper’s, a journalist, and the author of several books, including Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the 1991 Gulf War

    Common sense tells you just instinctively—well, if somebody’s looking at a page in a book or in a newspaper, there’s less distractions and there’s more focus on what you’re actually reading, whereas on a screen you have a tendency to get distracted and the lighting is not good and so on and so forth. But now the obvious has been proven. And I get the sense that they’re almost ashamed. They just don’t want to address it. Or they’re in so deep with big tech.

    John R. MacArthur

    In Case You Haven’t Heard with Francesco DeSantis

    News 9/11/24

    1. Zeteo reports “Israeli forces allegedly shot and killed US citizen Ayşenur Eygi…at a demonstration in the West Bank village of Beita…The 26-year-old was there alongside other Americans who have been demonstrating against illegal settlement activity and providing a nonviolent protective presence for Palestinians…Ayşenur…was shot at the same weekly demonstration where American teacher and volunteer Amado Sison was shot last month.” This piece also notes that Eygi was in the West Bank with the International Solidarity Movement, the same group that American activist Rachel Corrie was affiliated with when she was murdered by an IDF bulldozer in 2003. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken decried this incident as “unprovoked and unjustified,” saying “No one…should be shot and killed for attending a protest. No one should have to put their life at risk just for expressing their views,” per CNN. According to Yahoo News, President Biden has not talked to Eygi’s family, and neither he nor Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris have issued a statement on Eygi’s death.

    2. Congressman Jamaal Bowman, who was recently primaried by an AIPAC-backed challenger after being outspent a by margin of seven-to-one (per CNN), has issued a statement in light of the revelations that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu sabotaged negotiations for a hostage and ceasefire deal in July. This statement reads “Netanyahu has continuously derailed negotiations and added new demands to stall for his own political benefit, with zero regard for the immense death toll and scale of human suffering…His goal is not to bring the hostages home or bring peace and safety to the region…Every life is precious and should be treated as such…My thoughts are with the families of the dead hostages, who have suffered an unimaginable loss, and with the people of Gaza, who are facing the horrors of genocide and being killed indiscriminately every day.”

    3. Variety reports a group of prominent Hollywood actors are leading a new initiative to pressure the Biden administration to end illegal arms transfers to Israel. This new push, growing out of the Artists4Ceasefire collective, is led by Mark Ruffalo, Cynthia Nixon, Mahershala Ali, and Ilana Glazer. Ruffalo writes “Our demand is simple — our elected leaders must enforce existing U.S. and international humanitarian laws that prohibit the use of military assistance to commit ‘grave human rights violations.’” Nixon adds “Words without action will not end the unbearable suffering…Enough is enough. The global call for a permanent ceasefire — supported domestically by an overwhelming majority of Americans — must be answered.” Despite overwhelming public support for peace, advocating for Palestinian rights has been a dangerous proposition in Hollywood since October 7th, with “A top movie agent, an Oscar winner, and the star of Scream VII [having] all been demoted or fired for calling out Israel’s bombing of Gaza,” per Rolling Stone.

    4. In a chilling story from our Northern neighbor, the Ottawa Citizen reports “The Ukrainian Canadian Congress says it plans to go to court to stop the federal government from making public the names of alleged Nazi war criminals who fled to [Canada].” As this piece explains, “At issue are documents created by a 1986 federal government war-crimes commission…One of the documents is titled ‘Master List of alleged war criminals resident in Canada… [including] names of alleged war criminals as well as Nazi scientists and technicians” who fled to the country. The total number is around 900. These records have been requested under Canada’s equivalent to the Freedom of Information Act. The government must now decide whether or not to disclose these names. According to this article, the Canadian government has consulted with leaders of Canada’s Ukrainian community, but not with Holocaust survivors or scholars.

    5. In a major win for the Biden Treasury Department, the IRS announced last week that it has clawed back $1.3 billion from rich tax dodgers since last fall, per AP. Since 2023, the IRS has “launched a series of initiatives aimed at pursuing…taxpayers with more than $1 million in income and more than $250,000 in recognized tax debt.” According to officials, approximately 80% of the 1,600 tax delinquent millionaires have now made a payment.

    6. More positive news comes to us from the union front. The Orlando Weekly’s McKenna Schueler reports “Florida’s anti-union law, SB 256, has forced dozens of public sector unions to ask the state for recertification elections—and so far, they’re all crushing it. Out of 26 elections with final results reported, workers in all but 1 have voted to keep their unions alive & intact.” Yet despite the unions’ overwhelming victories in these re-certification elections, “more than 68,000 public employees in Florida have lost their union representation – NOT because they voted to get rid of their unions, but because their union had low membership and didn’t petition for a recertification election.”

    7. In more red-state union news, Washington Post Labor Reporter Lauren Kaori Gurley reports “Apple retail workers in Oklahoma City secured a tentative union contract, the 2nd store to do so at Apple.” This contract between Apple and the workers, represented by the Communications Workers of America, is said to include “pay increases of up to 11.5% over 3 years, severance & store closure protections [and] worker involvement in scheduling.”

    8. Yet not all is well on the union front. According to a “civil war” is brewing between the United Autoworkers and the AFL-CIO at Atlantic City casinos over the UAW’s demand to end indoor smoking. According to this piece, many of the dealers at these casinos, represented by the UAW, have contracted emphysema or even cancer despite not smoking themselves due to their constant exposure to secondhand smoke. Meanwhile the state AFL-CIO, led by Charlie Wowkanech, is standing with the casinos against a proposed ban. The UAW’s Daniel Vicente is quoted saying “Dealing with Charlie was like dealing with some lame-ass mafia guy – it felt like a shakedown…We’re planning to go to war with these other unions…We’re coming straight at anyone who stands in the way of our people coming home safe.”

    9. Another story of betrayal comes from France. Al Jazeera reports “More than 100,000 left-wing demonstrators…have taken to the streets across France to protest President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to appoint centre-right Michel Barnier as [Prime Minister], with left-wing parties accusing [Macron] of stealing legislative elections.” For the past two months, the French parliament has been hung due to legislative elections that left it divided into three blocs – the largest of which being the left-wing coalition. Yet despite a popular front alliance between Macron and the Left during the elections, Macron has now chosen to elevate a right-winger as PM in order to appease the far-right bloc led by Marine Le Pen. Al Jazeera notes that French pollster Elabe found that 74 percent of French people believed Macron had disregarded the results of the elections and 55 percent believe he has stolen them.

    10. Finally, the first debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris was held on Tuesday. Shortly before the debate, Harris finally released some concrete policy proposals on her website. These include vague pledges to reduce the cost of healthcare, increase the minimum wage, and protect the civil liberties of marginalized communities. Harris more clearly articulated her more conservative policies, including beefing up border security, increasing funding for law enforcement, challenging China on the world stage, and keeping weapons flowing to Israel. This suite of policies seems designed to correspond with her courtship of anti-Trump Republican voters, which has included touting the endorsement of Liz and Dick Cheney.

    This has been Francesco DeSantis, with In Case You Haven’t Heard.

    Get full access to Ralph Nader Radio Hour at

    This content originally appeared on Ralph Nader Radio Hour and was authored by Ralph Nader.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on Playing For Change and was authored by Playing For Change.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on Radio Free Asia and was authored by Radio Free Asia.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on The Real News Network and was authored by The Real News Network.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Comprehensive coverage of the day’s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice.

    The post The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays – September 13, 2024 appeared first on KPFA.

    This content originally appeared on KPFA – The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays and was authored by KPFA.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • A video with the logo of Times Now Navbharat has gone viral on social media with the claim that former Haryana chief minister and Congress leader Bhupendra Hooda made a statement against reservation. The viral post suggests that Hooda said it was time for the backward and Dalit communities to think beyond reservation.

    X user Vineet Nayak, who runs the handle BhikuMhatre (@MumbaichaDon), shared the video and claimed that Bhupendra Hooda had spoken about ending reservations if Congress came to power. (Archived link)

    Another Right-wing propaganda account, @BattaKashmiri, also shared the video claiming that Hooda supported Rahul Gandhi’s statement in the US about scrapping reservation. (Archived link)

    Similarly, Abhay Pratap Singh, associated with Sudarshan News, shared the video with the same misleading claim. (Archived link)

    Several BJP supporters and Right-wing accounts, including Megh Updates and Ocean Jain, amplified the video, all making the same claim about Hooda’s stance on reservation.

    Click to view slideshow.

    Fact Check

    The readers should note that Alt News has already debunked the claim by the BJP on Rahul Gandhi’s statement on reservation in the US.

    Coming back to the Hooda video, a closer examination of the viral clip shows that the red background, where the supposed statement appears, does not match the rest of the video frame, indicating that the video has been tampered with. 

    Upon further investigation and a search with keywords related to Bhupendra Hooda on YouTube, Alt News found a frame from the viral clipo in a video uploaded by Times Now on May 25, 2024. The video description mentions that this footage was from the day Bhupendra Hooda cast his vote during the sixth phase of the Lok Sabha elections. This means it has nothing to do with any statement on reservation. It appears that the viral video was a three-month-old clip that had been doctored with false graphics and voiceovers to create the appearance of a statement being made against reservation.

    In fact, Times Now Navbharat later tweeted a clarification, debunking the viral video as fake.

    Additionally, in media reports published in July 2024, Bhupendra Hooda was quoted accusing the BJP of being “anti-Dalit and backward,” which contradicts the claims made in the doctored video.

    To sum it up, Right-wing social media accounts and pro-BJP users edited an old Times Now Navbharat report to falsely claim that former Haryana chief minister Bhupendra Hooda had made a statement against reservation. 

    The post Bhupendra Hooda’s anti-reservation statement: The viral news clipping is a doctored video appeared first on Alt News.

    This content originally appeared on Alt News and was authored by Abhishek Kumar.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • North Korea unveiled details of its uranium enrichment facility for the first time, with its leader calling for increasing the number of centrifuges for uranium enrichment so it can increase its nuclear  arsenal for self-defense. 

    A uranium enrichment facility produces highly enriched uranium by spinning uranium in centrifuges at high speeds. This enriched uranium is a critical component in the production of nuclear warheads.

    During his visit to the Nuclear Weapons Institute and the “production base of weapon-grade nuclear materials,” Kim Jong Un “went round the control room of the uranium enrichment base to learn about the overall operation of the production lines,” said the state-run Korean Central News Agency, or KCNA, on Friday. 

    Kim expressed great satisfaction after being briefed that the “base is dynamically producing nuclear materials,” while stressing the need to “further augment the number of centrifuges in order to exponentially increase the nuclear weapons for self-defense true to the Party’s line of building up nuclear armed forces,” KCNA added, referring to the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea.

    It marks the first time the North has publicly revealed details of its uranium enrichment facility.

    KCNA did not reveal the location of the facility, but South Korea and the United States believe North Korea operates uranium enrichment facilities at the Kangson nuclear complex near the capital Pyongyang and at the Yongbyon nuclear site.

    North Korean leader Kim Jong Un tours facilities during a visit to the Nuclear Weapons Institute and the production base of weapon-grade nuclear materials at an undisclosed location in North Korea, in this photo released by North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency, Sept. 13, 2024. (KCNA via Reuters)

    Hours after the North’s announcement, South Korea condemned North Korea, saying the development of nuclear weapons is a “serious threat” to peace on the Korean Peninsula and to the world.

    “North Korea’s illegal development of nuclear weapons is a clear violation of multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions,” the South’s unification ministry said, adding that the North must clearly recognize that the U.S. and the international community would not tolerate its nuclear weapons program under any circumstances.

    “We sternly warn the DPRK that any nuclear threats or provocations will be met with an overwhelming and powerful response from our government and military, based on the unwavering, integrated and extended deterrence system of the U.S.-ROK alliance,” the ministry said.

    The DPRK, or the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, is North Korea’s official name, while the ROK stands for South Korea’s official name, Republic of Korea. 

    The North Korean leader Kim said on Monday that the North was building up its nuclear force through “geometrical progression,” adding that the U.S.-led expansion of a military bloc in the region posed a grave security threat to North Korea and raised the need for it to bolster its nuclear arsenal.


    North Korea fires multiple short-range ballistic missiles: Seoul

    Kim Jong Un says North Korea to increase its arsenal of nuclear weapons

    South Korea, Japan ‘ready to stop North Korea hiding behind Russia’

    “The obvious conclusion is that the nuclear force of the DPRK and the posture capable of properly using it for ensuring the state’s right to security in any time should be more thoroughly perfected,” Kim said at that time, calling North Korea a “responsible nuclear weapons state,” 

    “The DPRK will steadily strengthen its nuclear force capable of fully coping with any threatening acts imposed by its nuclear-armed rival states and redouble its measures and efforts to make all the armed forces of the state including the nuclear force fully ready for combat,” Kim added. 

    Edited by RFA Staff.

    This content originally appeared on Radio Free Asia and was authored by By Taejun Kang for RFA.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on Human Rights Watch and was authored by Human Rights Watch.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on The Real News Network and was authored by The Real News Network.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on The Intercept and was authored by The Intercept.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on The Grayzone and was authored by The Grayzone.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on The Grayzone and was authored by The Grayzone.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Seg3 rebeccaandbook

    We’re joined by award-winning Cherokee writer and journalist Rebecca Nagle, whose new book, By the Fire We Carry: The Generations-Long Fight for Justice on Native Land, has just been released. By taking a look at the more than a century-long fight for tribal sovereignty in eastern Oklahoma, Nagle investigates the development and future of tribal law since the beginning of colonial relations between Indigenous peoples and European settlers, from the Trail of Tears to the “war on terror.” “A lot of times we treat Native American history like this distant chapter and the legal terrain it created as some sort of siloed backwater of American law, but actually it’s foundational,” she says.

    This content originally appeared on Democracy Now! and was authored by Democracy Now!.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Read RFA coverage of this story in Burmese.

    Thousands of people have fled from fighting between ethnic minority guerrillas and Myanmar junta troops that entered a fifth day on Thursday, and at least 10 civilians have been killed, residents told Radio Free Asia.

    The autonomy-seeking Kachin Independence Army, or KIA, and allied militias loyal to a shadow civilian administration, have made significant gains in Myanmar’s northernmost Kachin state since launching an offensive in March.

    The insurgents have forced junta troops in the resource-rich region on the border with China into dwindling areas of control, mirroring setbacks elsewhere in Myanmar for the military that seized power in a 2021 coup.

    A resident of Hpakant township, a major jade-producing region, said at least 10 civilians were killed in crossfire between insurgents and the military in Hseng Taung village since the anti-junta forces surrounded it and launched an attack on Sunday.

    “People died after being hit by both heavy and small weapons. There are a lot of wounded,” said the resident who declined to be identified for safety reasons.

    “Many, many houses have been destroyed. Bullets were raining down.”

    Junta airstikes also sparked major fires in the town, witnesses said.

    Most of those killed were men, he said, adding that a peace activist named Yup Zau Hkawng, who was wounded in shelling on Monday.

    By Thursday, the KIA-led attackers had seized and burned down the Hseng Taung police station, sources close to an anti-junta People’s Defense Force, or PDF, allied with the KIA told RFA.

    RFA telephoned Kachin state’s junta spokesperson, Moe Min Thein, for comment but he did not respond by the time of publication and a telecommunications outage in the area made it difficult to check accounts of the fighting.

    About 60 soldiers were at the police station when the attack was launched, said another resident, who also asked to remain anonymous.

    “The Hseng Taung police station was captured but fighting has been going on after they set it on fire,” he said. “Some junta soldiers are dead, others were caught alive, and the rest were able to flee.” 

    KIA fighters had sealed off all roads in and out of the village, said the KIA spokesman, Col. Naw Bu.

    Residents said about 10,000 people had fled from the village over the five days of fighting, many seeking refuge in Nam Hmaw, Hseng Awng and Hpakant towns.

    The KIA and allied forces control most roads in and out of Hpakant town and have captured all but five junta bases in the township, anti-junta forces say.


    Red Cross chief calls for greater aid access after visit to Myanmar 

    Myanmar rebels capture last junta base in township on Chinese border

    China fires into Myanmar after junta airstrike on border, group says 

    Translated by RFA Burmese. Edited by Kiana Duncan. 

    This content originally appeared on Radio Free Asia and was authored by By RFA Burmese.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • New York, September 11, 2024—A coalition of three international press freedom organizations on Wednesday called for a swift and impartial trial after fugitive ex-governor Joel T. Reyes surrendered to authorities in connection with the 2011 murder of Philippine broadcast journalist Gerry Ortega.

    “This is long overdue. Former governor Joel T. Reyes has evaded justice for more than 13 years, there must be a swift and impartial trial now without any further delay,” said the coalition, consisting of Free Press Unlimited (FPU), the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), and Reporters Without Borders (RSF), in a statement.

    “We hope this new development brings justice a step closer for the Ortega family and call on the Philippine authorities to do everything they can to ensure justice is delivered for this senseless murder. The international community will be watching the trial closely, as the Ortega murder is emblematic of the entrenched impunity in media killings in the Philippines.”

    Ortega, an environmental journalist based on the island of Palawan in the Philippines, reported on corruption within the administration of ex-Palawan governor Reyes before he was murdered in 2011. Reyes had been in hiding despite an arrest warrant issued against him in 2023.

    Reyes’ surrender came after a successful legal bid to have his trial transferred to a court in Quezon City, near the capital Manila. The Ortega family had wanted the trial to stay in Palawan, but a Philippine court recently rejected the family’s legal plea. No date has been fixed for the start of the Reyes trial in Quezon City.

    The three press freedom groups, who together form the ‘A Safer World for the Truth’ initiative, met with the Philippine authorities in Manila earlier this year to present new leads that could lead to the arrest of Reyes. The coalition has investigated the Ortega case since 2020 which showed damning evidence of Reyes’ role in the journalist’s murder. Since 1992, 96 journalists have been killed in connection with their work in the Philippines.


    Spokespeople are available for interviews in English:

    Free Press Unlimited (Amsterdam): Jos Bartman

    Committee to Protect Journalists (Frankfurt/New York): Beh Lih Yi,;

    Reporters Without Borders (Taipei/Paris): Aleksandra Bielakowska,


    A Safer World For The Truth is a collaboration between Free Press Unlimited (FPU), Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). We investigate murders through a series of cold case investigations to push for justice on the national level, and we organize the People’s Tribunal on the Murder of Journalists to put a spotlight on states’ obligation to protect journalists and to investigate all attacks against them. To learn more about the project, visit our website

    Please see A Safer World for the Truth report about Gerry Ortega’s case published in 2022.

    About the partners:

    Free Press Unlimited (FPU): Free Press Unlimited is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Free Press Unlimited helps local journalists in conflict areas to provide their audience with independent news and reliable information. The information that people need to survive and give shape to their own future. –

    Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ): The Committee to Protect Journalists is an independent, nonprofit organization that promotes press freedom worldwide. Based in New York, we defend the right of journalists to report the news safely and without fear of reprisal. –

    Reporters Without Borders – known internationally as Reporters sans frontières (RSF) – is an international non-profit organisation at the forefront of the defence and promotion of freedom of information. RSF acts globally for the freedom, pluralism, and independence of journalism and defends those who embody those ideals. Recognised as a public interest organisation in France since 1995, RSF has consultative status with the United Nations, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, and the International Organisation of the Francophonie (OIF). Founded in 1985 and headquartered in Paris, RSF has 13 country sections and bureaus, including a bureau in Taipei and section in Berlin, and a network of correspondents in more than 130 countries. –

    This content originally appeared on Committee to Protect Journalists and was authored by Committee to Protect Journalists.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Comprehensive coverage of the day’s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice.

    The post The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays – September 11, 2024 appeared first on KPFA.

    This content originally appeared on KPFA – The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays and was authored by KPFA.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on The Real News Network and was authored by The Real News Network.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on Democracy Now! and was authored by Democracy Now!.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Seg1 jeanandtrumponly

    Tuesday night’s debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris focused heavily on immigration, with the Republican nominee attacking the current administration for not closing the border, and spreading xenophobic and racist conspiracy theories about asylum seekers. “Donald Trump resorted to the same deranged and despicable rhetoric that is meant to divide people. From his very first answer, he was demonizing immigrants,” says journalist Jean Guerrero, who has written extensively about immigration, including the book Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, and the White Nationalist Agenda. Guerrero says that while Harris “was able to project strength on the border” and undermine Trump on his “signature issue,” she did not do enough to challenge the narrative about immigrants bringing crime and disorder to the country. “I wish that she had countered him on immigration in a more sustained way.”

    This content originally appeared on Democracy Now! and was authored by Democracy Now!.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Convicted felon Donald Trump relies on a well-worn GOP playbook to scare their voters to the polls: stir up moral panic over LGBTQ people. Moms for Liberty—well-funded by shadowy right-wing interests—are out there banning books and promoting anti-trans, anti-gay laws straight from Viktor Orban’s Hungary and Putin’s Russia. We might inadvertently feed into their culture war hysteria if we don’t step back and see how their disinformation machine works.

    As Erin Reed points out in her essential guide to our times “Erin in the Morning,” trans care is under attack in half of the country. Meanwhile, the far right stirs up fear, demonizing trans people, especially trans children and their families, just like Karl Rove did with gay marriage in 2004, to secure a second term for war criminal George W. Bush. But trans people have always existed. They’re part of human history, brutally erased by colonial powers, according to a must-read report from ABC News in our show notes below. 

    So, what’s the antidote to the far-right’s moral panic? Call it out for what it is. Protect trans kids. Push back against oligarchs. Remember, this is about basic human rights. As highlighted in Abi Maxwell’s poignant memoir One Day I’ll Grow Up and Be a Beautiful Woman: A Mother’s Story, love and dignity for trans children are crucial to building safer, more compassionate communities for everyone.

    Maxwell’s story focuses on her daughter, Greta, a courageous little girl who, from a very young age, understood she was a girl, even though she was born a boy. The confusion wasn’t Greta’s—it was the adults around her, including teachers and parents in their small New Hampshire town, who struggled to accept her identity. Maxwell recounts their family’s painful journey through relentless bullying and institutional barriers, a journey that mirrors the challenges faced by countless other trans families in America today.

    Maxwell’s memoir isn’t just a heart-wrenching tale of a mother fighting for her child; it’s also a stark reminder of how disinformation and fearmongering, often driven by far-right extremists, are weaponized to divide us. As we’ve seen with the rise of groups like Moms for Liberty, the attacks on LGBTQ+ rights—particularly against trans children—are often orchestrated by powerful interests looking to distract and manipulate voters.

    In our interview with Maxwell, she sheds light on the far-right’s disinformation playbook and shares insights on how we can rise above it. It’s time to move beyond the hate and fear and build a society that values love, acceptance, and the dignity of all people, no matter their gender identity. Let’s start by protecting some of the most vulnerable among us: our trans kids.

    The song you heard in this week’s show is “Doors Are Opening” by The Society of Rockets. Check out their brilliant work here!


    Ready to engage in meaningful discussions and connect with like-minded individuals? Join our new weekly political salon every Monday at 4 PM ET via Zoom! This space is designed for you to share frustrations, ask burning questions, seek support, and actively contribute to conversations that help shape Gaslit Nation. Whether you’re a seasoned political junkie or just starting to find your voice, everyone is welcome.

    Our goal is to build coalitions and foster collective healing during these challenging times. Thank you to everyone who made our first salon a success! We’re excited to continue these crucial discussions every Monday through the election, starting again on September 16 at 4 PM ET.

    For those who can’t make it live, don’t worry—each session is recorded and shared exclusively on Patreon. If these salons resonate with you, there’s a chance they’ll extend beyond the election.

    Want to be part of this powerful community? Support us at the Truth-Teller level or higher on Patreon at, and you’ll find the Zoom link every Monday afternoon. Let’s come together, share ideas, and create change!


    Big Announcement! Andrea will be in Ft. Myers, Florida the last weekend of September to get out the vote and attend a fundraiser screening of Mr. Jones. Join us at one of these events in Florida:


    On September 16 at 7:00 PM ET: If you’re in NYC, join our in-person live taping with at the Ukrainian Institute of America in NYC. Celebrate the release of In the Shadow of Stalin, the graphic novel adaptation of my film Mr. Jones, directed by Agnieszka Holland. Gaslit Nation Patreon supporters get in free – so message us on Patreon to be added to the guest list. I will be joined by the journalist Terrell Starr, to talk about his latest trip to Ukraine. 

    On September 17 at 12:00 PM ET: Join our virtual live taping with investigative journalist Stephanie Baker, author of Punishing Putin: Inside the Global Economic War to Bring Down Russia. Her book has been highly praised by Bill Browder, the advocate behind the Magnitsky Act to combat Russian corruption. 

    On September 18 at 4:00 PM ET: Join our virtual live taping with the one and only Politics Girl, Leigh McGowan, author of A Return to Common Sense: How to Fix America Before We Really Blow It.

    On September 24 at 12:00 PM ET: Join our virtual live taping with David Pepper, author of Saving Democracy. Join us as David discusses his new art project based on Project 2025.

    All of those events, becoming a member of our Victory chat, bonus shows, all shows ad free, and more, come with your subscription on! Thank you to everyone who supports the show – we could not make Gaslit Nation without you!

    Have you RSVP’ed to our next phonebank with Indivisible on Thursday September 17th?

    Show Notes:


    Moms For Liberty founder ‘thankful’ for Trump’s school transgender surgery lie


    ‘Moral Values’ Carried Bush, Rove Says


    Phonebank this Wednesday to Help Recruit Volunteers for PA!


    Satanism and The Rolling Stones: 50 Years of ‘Sympathy for the Devil’


    How ‘Will & Grace’ Had a Real-Life Political Impact on Marriage Equality


    Moms For Liberty Founder “Thankful” For Trump’s School Trans Surgery Lie The former president has repeated a claim that schools are giving sex change operations to students and sending them home another gender.


    Trans people have ‘been around for forever,’ historians say Cultures around the world have long embraced alternative gender identities.

    This content originally appeared on Gaslit Nation and was authored by Andrea Chalupa.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • Read RFA’s coverage of this topic in Uyghur.

    Recently, a China-based New Zealander who’s a columnist for the Shanghai Daily generated a stir when he declared on X that “Uyghur” — referring to the 12 million-strong ethnic group living in northwestern China — should be spelled in English without an “h.”

    Andy Boreham, who has a history of using his social media platforms to propagate Beijing’s political messages, says the word should be spelled “Uygur,” per a Chinese government directive back in 2012.

    This upset linguists and Uyghur advocates alike, who said the alternative spelling was incorrect, ignored Uyghurs’ preference and played into Beijing’s attempts to divide the Uyghur people.

    Boreham, whose Chinese name is An Boran, said that the use of “Uyghur” with an “h” would be banned on all social media platforms or websites published in China. “The central government has ordered it, so it must be followed,” he wrote in the Sept. 6 post.

    Who are the Uyghurs?

    The Uyghurs are a Turkic, mostly Muslim ethnic group living in what is today the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of northwestern China — which Uyghurs prefer to call East Turkestan. 

    They trace their roots in the region back centuries. The term “Uyghur” first appears on inscriptions on standing stones in present-day Mongolia dated to the 7th century.

    Internet personality Andy Boreham, from a screenshot from his Youtube channel. (@reportsonchina via Youtube)
    Internet personality Andy Boreham, from a screenshot from his Youtube channel. (@reportsonchina via Youtube)

    In recent decades, the Uyghurs have been subjected to oppression and human rights abuses by the Chinese government that the United States and other Western governments have labeled a genocide. 

    Since 2017, an estimated 1.8 million have been herded into concentration camps, and thousands have been imprisoned. China says the facilities are job training sites to provide skills and alleviate poverty, and that most of the camps have been shut down.

    Why is this alternative spelling a big deal to Uyghurs?

    Members of the mostly Muslim ethnic group overwhelmingly prefer the spelling “Uyghur” because it more closely approximates the proper orthography and pronunciation in their native language. 

    To propose another spelling is disrespectful — and promotes division within the Uyghur community, they say.

    “A white colonialist who works for another colonial empire is trying to tell us Uyghurs how to write and read our own national name. Who does he think he is?” said Dilnur Reyhan, president of the Paris-based European Uyghur Institute.

    Boreham’s assertion may seem small, but it employs a familiar tactic from the Chinese government’s playbook — to sow division, said Ilshat Hassan Kokbore, vice chairman at the World Uyghur Congress.

    By trying to get some Uyghurs to embrace the spelling “Uygur” without the “h,” China wants to create a version of Uyghurs who are members of the big China family, he said, separate from other Uyghurs.

    This approach aligns with China’s long-standing political slogan: “Break their roots, break their connections, and break their origin,” he said.

    An official document issued by the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region government declares how the word 'Uyghur' should be spelled. (RFA)
    An official document issued by the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region government declares how the word ‘Uyghur’ should be spelled. (RFA)

    Similarly, China has also replaced “Tibet” in official documents with “Xizang.”

    Hassan said that having two spellings would cause confusion in online searches and could hinder access to important information.

    “The risk is that we could lose parts of Uyghur history, literature, traditions, and even the ongoing Uyghur genocide in these searches,” he said.

    How has this name been rendered over time?

    “Uyghur” contains sounds that aren’t easily rendered in English. When spoken, it sounds closer to “oy-gher” than “wee-ger,” as most Westerners enunciate it.

    One early original source in English for the history of the region, British explorer T. D. Forsyth’s “Report of a Mission to Yarkand in 1873,” refers to the “Uighur” people. Other early spellings include “Ouighour” and “Ouigour,” derived from French and German scholars’ renderings.

    What is the basis for Boreham’s assertion?

    Previously, China had included an “h” in the English spelling. An official directive issued on Oct. 11, 2006, from the Committee for the Language and Writing of the People’s Republic of China used “Uyghur.”

    But on May 15, 2012, the China Daily, the English-language newspaper owned by the Chinese Communist Party, reported that the word had been officially standardized as “Uygur.” 

    Since then, official Chinese websites, including those of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region People’s Government and Chinese embassies in the United States and Europe, have used the “Uygur” spelling. 

    What do experts say?

    Scholars and experts on the region rejected the latest call for a spelling change.

    The word “Uyghur” is one of the most commonly used terms in Turkology in the Western world, and it is also used to refer to the script known today as Old Uyghur, they say. 

    Similar terms, like “Afghanistan” or “Mughal Empire” are often rendered with “gh” in Western languages because the “gh” sound does not exist in English. This is why Boreham’s suggestion to remove the “h” from the English form of “Uyghur” has been widely criticized.

    Timothy Grose, a professor of China studies who is an expert in ethnicity and ethnic policy in China at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Indiana, said Boreham’s dictum was “completely wrong.” 

    “The sound here is closer to ‘gh,’ so it is most accurately expressed with that spelling,” he said.

    “It neglects that Uyghurs themselves have their own culture and their own language, and it is really the duty and obligation of others to see this language and culture for its itself and on its own terms,” he said.

    Translated by RFA Uyghur. Edited by Roseanne Gerin and Malcolm Foster.

    This content originally appeared on Radio Free Asia and was authored by By Kurban Niyaz for RFA Uyghur.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • This content originally appeared on The Real News Network and was authored by The Real News Network.

    This post was originally published on Radio Free.