Category: Tibet

  • The Corporate Greed That Ignored The Tiananmen Massacre Still Drives US Policy On China

    Image: archivenet

    With the blood of Chinese protesters still staining the streets of Beijing (following the June 4 1989 massacre at Tiananmen Square and surrounding districts), a covert US delegation; headed by Brent Scowcroft (President Bush’s National Security Adviser) and then Deputy Secretary of State, Laurence Eagleburger, arrived in the Chinese capital.

    Their clandestine mission was about fence-mending. To reassure the Chinese Regime that, despite growing international calls for sanctions against China, it was to be ‘business as usual’. After all the economics were (and remain) key drivers of America’s policy on China. As Henry Kissinger wrote, just a few weeks after China’s murderous crackdown, it would be “too important for America’s national security to risk the relationship on the emotions of the moment (emphasis added) Source: Los Angeles Times July 30 1989

    The response of the US Administration exposed its prioritization of commercial and corporate interests over issues of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Although at that time Levi’s pulled its Chinese operations, many corporations continued their profit-seeking presence in China as if nothing had happened. A position facilitated and protected by the President, the State Department and pro-China lobby groups; including those headed by Kissinger’s America-China Society. Which, as chance would have it, included as consultants both Eagleburger and Scowcroft!

    Image: Epoch Times

    Such is the realpolitik of US relations with China, even today it is economic interest which dominates. Which partly explains CIA Director Bill Burns’ undercover trip to China during May this year. We were told it was to ‘reset relations’ and call for ‘intelligence channels to be maintained’, but like the delegation of 1989, his brief would have a key objective, commercial relations with China.

    Meanwhile, the tyranny has not just continued, but intensified to a condition of complete control over virtually every aspect of life, courtesy of mass-surveillance, facial-recognition systems, digitized big-data analysis, bio-metric ID controls and increasingly AI processing. The people of China, and militarily occupied lands of Tibet, East Turkistan and Southern Mongolia are suffocating under an extreme and dystopian totalitarianism. But don’t let that get in the way of business, right Mr Secretary-of-State?

    This post was originally published on Digital Activism Im Support Of Tibetan Independence.

  • State Department Asset Spreading China's Lies On Tibet

    Print-Screen Of RFA Report/ Amended For Accuracy by @tibettruth

    We’ve long exposed an alarming deficiency of Radio Free Asia‘s coverage on Tibet. This flaw is not about editorial style or journalistic errors but a policy, one hard-wired into their reportage.

    Funded from the US State Department; and with longstanding concerns of a corrosive Chinese influence at work within its offices, its output on Tibet carefully and consistently uses Chinese terms to describe, what in fact, are Tibetan locations, place-names and regions.

    This stems from the decades old policy of appeasement towards China’s regime by the State Department which (having in 1972 abandoned the courageous Tibetan resistance) was keen to recognize Chinese claims that Tibet was an inalienable part of China. It maintains that troubling stance.

    In terms of politics and objective RFA is effectively an extension of the State Department, which explains why their editors are meticulously consistent in saturating reports on Tibet with descriptions that conform to and repeat official Chinese propaganda .

    It would seem they recognize no issue of journalistic integrity, are either ignorant of, or indifferent to, the immense bravery of Tibetans from inside occupied Tibet, who risk everything to get information out. However, editorial loyalty is clearly towards the tainted policy of their State Department paymasters.

    Take the example, shown in a screenshot above, published 5/30.202023. It was edited by Roseanne Gerin and Malcolm Foster, who paid particular attention to placing within the report the following distortions: ‘in China’s Qinghai province’, ‘Tibetans living in Rebgong county’, ‘in western China’, ‘a Tibetan-populated area of China’s Qinghai province’, and ‘Tibetan-populated regions of western China’.

    This post was originally published on Digital Activism Im Support Of Tibetan Independence.

  • Chinese Hackers In Failed Attack On Tibettruth

    Image: archivenet/@tibettruth

    To those Chinese hackers seeking to infect out various platforms with malware, be notified your efforts are monitored and dealt with accordingly!

    We are very aware of the methodology and covert tactics you are employing. The recent attack was identified early-on and blocked, any further attempts will be trashed.

    This post was originally published on Digital Activism Im Support Of Tibetan Independence.

  • Lhasa's Cultural Genocide Facility

    Situated in Lhasa, the capital of occupied Tibet, this secure facility, though claimed by the Chinese Regime to be a ‘boarding school’ in truth is a massive prison-center. It’s purpose is to eradicate and distort any sense of Tibetan cultural and national identity, to engineer obedient and loyal ‘citizens’.

    This is achieved through a program of daily indoctrination, military-style programing and a constant glorification of the Chinese communist party and the ideology of dictator Xi Jinping. Many of these Tibetan children come from Tibet’s traditional nomadic culture, an aspect of Tibetan life being systematically eroded and extinguished under the merciless tyranny of Chinese rule.

    They are taken by force, or the ever present threat of it, from their families. Bused in on convoys to this detention center and subjected to a relentless process of brainwashing, all conducted of course in Chinese!

    This post was originally published on Digital Activism Im Support Of Tibetan Independence.

  • Imagine surfing across a social media platform and seeing a video of a distraught blue-eyed, fair-haired, European teenager whose parents who’re working in China. As she recounts, through tears and distress, how when invited by her Chinese teacher to offer a class presentation on her cultural and religious traditions, she was subjected to bullying and humiliation.

    On mentioning she was a Christian her tutor viciously criticized that religion and it’s prominent leaders in front of her classmates. Such content would no doubt become viral online and attract outrage, along with sympathy and support for the girl, clearly traumatized and shocked by the abusive attack. Various agencies would be called upon to take action, instigate legal prosecution and a public campaign to show solidarity and a vigorous determination to hold those responsible to account.

    We invite our subscribers and readers to watch the video testimony, posted across social-media very recently, from a Tibetan student about an incident she experienced in her school in Belgium

    What this student experienced was child-abuse, she has been subjected to bullying, discrimination and humiliation. From a supposed educator with a duty-of-care to pupils, who appears to have displayed a prejudiced attitude (normally associated with Chinese ‘tutors’, who coerce and mistreat Tibetan children inside occupied Tibet).

    That a ‘teacher’ from Belgium’s liberal and democratic society can so brazenly traumatize a pupil in such a disturbing and public way is deeply troubling. Not only has this educator reportedly violated a number of basic teaching principles; such as respecting the rights and cultures of each individual pupil in their care, creating and maintaining a supportive, inclusive and equitable class environment, but they’ve trashed this girl’s present education. In dropping poison into the minds of her fellow pupils they’ve also incited peer bullying and division.

    How on earth can this student return to that school given the toxicity unleashed and peddled by the appalling standards of that teacher? It is a matter of urgency that the girl’s family seek legal support immediately to take action. There are a number of issues which demand investigation. Including examining the nature and degree of abuse suffered. Identifying legal responsibility and accountability, not only in regard to the ‘teacher’, but the school itself. The local education authorities also need to be questioned and their swift support demanded.

    Serious questions demand examination too as to the personal, emotional and psychological damage inflicted upon this girl as a consequence. There are valid and justifiable grounds to seek compensation and damages. To best realize that, legal support experienced in child-abuse, education, children’s rights is definitely advised.

    There has to be justice for this girl and her family, as a first outcome the teacher should be immediately suspended. Legal charges brought against that person and possibly the school itself. For any deficiencies of administration or monitoring, which may have lead this ‘teacher’ to assume they could behave in such a vicious, culturally insensitive, discriminatory and potentially racist fashion.

    Cultures are by definition diverse, unique and possessing traditions, languages and world-views which are as varied. Unfortunately, the depth of devotion, love, duty and admiration Tibetan people have towards the Dalai Lama is often either unknown, misunderstood, or misrepresented. It is a profoundly spiritual bond. Little wonder this girl is in such a desperate sense of sadness and distress on hearing the hateful accusations issued by her teacher.

    Perhaps the nearest equivalence we can offer, to give you a sense of the pain, trauma and frustration which this girl experienced, is to ask you to contemplate how your teenage version would feel if a teacher had made poisonous accusations about your mother in front of your class-mates?

    We are emailing this article directly to relevant Representatives within the Government pf Belgium. If you would like to express your concern about this we invite you to express your view to the following:

    Ms Caroline Desir, Ministre de l’Education – Gouvernement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles




    Ms Bénédicte Linard, Ministre de la Culture, des Droits des Femmes, de l’Enfance, de la Santé et des Médias


    Twitter: @BenedicteLinardlinard


    This post was originally published on Digital Activism Im Support Of Tibetan Independence.

  • Over the years we have watched with concern; how Tibet, and the issues related to China’s illegal and brutal occupation of that country, are misrepresented and/or distorted by mainstream media.

    It has jaundiced our view towards journalism. A profession which once was staffed by dedicated, professional individuals, writing with objectivity and integrity. Perhaps that’s still the case? But just not when the subject is about Tibet!

    Sometimes this is explained by a laziness, an over-reliance on pre-published articles. Problem is such references often feature information served up by the Chinese Regime, handed to leading press agencies. Who consume and repeat such disinformation without question or consideration, especially in relation to it’s bogus claim that Tibet is part of China.

    One of our friends in the UK emailed a story over to us. which appeared March 28 in The Independent newspaper.

    Time Journalists Checked The Facts On Tibet

    Image: The Times – Mongolian boy recognized and confirmed as the 10th Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa Rinpoche by Tibet’s Exiled Dalai Lama

    It reports the recognition and confirmation; by the exiled Dalai Lama, of a U.S born Mongolian boy as a reincarnation of a prominent and respected Tibetan Buddhist Lama. Much to the agitated constipation of China’s dictatorship.

    The piece is fairly well composed, offering up key facts on the story and remaining pretty much objective, that is until the very last sentence. When the reporter (Joe Sommerlad) ends his piece with the following:

    “Beijing, in turn, considers him a dangerous separatist and has banned his portrait from being displayed in public, although many Chinese Tibetans still revere him.” (Emphasis Added)

    This is the last impression offered up to the reader, borrowed from China’s fact-free propaganda. Note the phrase “Chinese Tibetans” a crass distortion to mislead people into regarding Tibetans as not having their own distinct national identity.

    We wonder if journalists such as Mr Sommerlad are writing articles about Russian occupied territories of Ukraine and using the term ‘Russian Ukranians’?

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • If Putin's A War Criminal Then What Does That Make Xi Jinping?

    As the International Criminal Court i(ICC) imposes a warrant, for the arrest of Russian President Putin, we should perhaps reflect on the nauseating double-standards of that agency. First though, the cited reason for charging him with war crimes – the forced relocation of a reported 1,400 children from their family home in Ukranian or Russian territory (depending on your point-of-view) to Russia. A number of United Nations articles were raised clearly defining such as a gross human rights violation.

    Yet, where has the ICC been while the Chinese Regime has been forcibly removing countless thousands of Uyghur and Tibetan children (including infants) from their family and placing them into indoctrination centers, where they are effectively brainwashed 24/7 into becoming Chinese-speaking model citizens?

    It’s strange how the ICC regards the abuse of some children as deserving of a charge of war-crimes, yet has offered not even a gesture of concern at the harrowing reports of Uyghur and Tibetan cultural and national identity being calculatedly eradicated through a program of cultural genocide which targets children.

    Others may ask why no charges were brought upon former President Bush or the UK’s Tony Blair for the mass slaughter of Iraqis, many civilians; such as those of Fallujah, who were shelled with depleted uranium and white phosphorous weaponry.

    The answer of course is one of hypocrisy, political agenda and the corrosive influence of countries, who while claiming to be defenders-of-freedom care only about furthering their preferred economic and geo-strategic interests.

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Questions To The Head Of UN Women On International Women's Day

    Image: moderndiplomacyeu/@tibettruth

    The theme of this International Women’s Day is ‘Embracing Equality’, which no doubt will be voiced with much enthusiasm by activists on Day 3 of the 67th CSW in New York. We wonder how objectives on advancing rights for women is serviced by their silence on China’s forced sterilizations of Uyghur and Tibetan women?

    We also have a couple of questions (photo above) to the current Executive Director of @UN_Women, Ms Sima Bahous. These were presented to her predecessor; who not only found it difficult to answer, but blocked our Twitter account to avoid them!

    We have not gone away, nor has the justification and importance of these inquiries.

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Fake Feminists Gather At UN To Ignore China's Forced Sterilizations

    Described by the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) as “champions of gender equality” female activists will be in attendance today at the opening of the 67th Session of the UNCSW.

    Quite how this gathering of Government and NGO participants can square-the-circle of affirming themselves as defenders of women’s rights, while cynically ignoring the atrocities of forced sterilizations, remains baffling!

    If, like us, you hold the conviction that, any and all human rights violations against women demands to be exposed and challenged, then please consider adding your name to our petition on this issue:


  • March 10 - Online Action Supporting Tibet's Independence

    One key objective of China’s propaganda drive on Tibet is to disappear global concern and awareness about the plight of Tibetan people under Chinese occupation. It does not want questions being asked, especially critical scrutiny of its harrowing record of tyranny that seeks to eliminate any sense of Tibetan identity.

    Nor is China comfortable about the issue of Tibetan independence, it would prefer that subject to be buried, and forgotten; a relic of interest only to academics. That’s why the Chinese Regime is delighted to observe silence from foreign politicians on matters related to Tibet.

    Now there’s an understandable cynicism which dismisses seeking active support from your Senator or Congressman. They are traduced as being corrupt, indifferent or indolent; caring only about their career-path and bank balance. There’s truth in there, no doubt.

    Yet, discouraging as such factors are, we must not allow Governments and politicians to remain unknowing of Tibet and the hopes of its people to be free from China’s brutal rule. Nor should the Chinese dictatorship go unexposed or challenged.

    Which is why this March 10 you are invited to support the online action to lobby and inform your political representative about Tibet’s independence. Details and resources will be posted here and across our social media on Twitter and Facebook.

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Tibet's Right -Tibetans Hope

    Image: courtesy of @Project_Tibet

    Today is the commemoration of the 1913 declaration of Tibetan independence made by the Thirteenth Dalai Lama. A right to national sovereignty which is being brutally denied to the Tibetan people by a Chinese military occupation, since the invasion of Tibet in 1950.

  • Video courtesy of #Op_Tibet as published across Twitter

    Anonymous activists #Op_Tibet have today dropped a video in which they show solidarity with Tibet’s cause, highlight the troubling collaboration of Thermo-Fisher Scientific with the Chinese authorities, and that corporation’s complicity in Tibetans being forced to submit to DNA testing. All of which Thermo-Fisher has profited from. An issue which we reported here, way back in 2020.

    It would be a direct and positive help if you will kindly share this video across social-media.

    Many thanks to our Twitter team and @AnonymousTibet for sharing news of this.

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Only A Unifying Alternative Can Restore Hope And Resolve To Tibet's Cause!
    Mr PenpaTsering, Leader of the Exiled Central Tibetan Administration

    Image: Tibetan Review

    We are hearing that the head of the exiled Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) Mr Penpa Tsering has recently been publicly acknowledging a long known reality. That the dangerous concessions put forward by the CTA, to secure a negotiation with the Chinese regime, have failed. No news there then! Having made such a declaration, many Tibetans would naturally be asking ‘OK, we hear you on that, so what is the response to the ongoing rejection from China?’.

    Unsurprisingly there was no follow-up from Mr Tsering. The door to negotiation, having been repeatedly and consistently slammed shut in the face of the CTA has not resulted in any political awakening. Instead a repeat cycle of delusion seems to be the default reaction. After all this failed strategy of seeking talks and understanding; from the regime which is eradicating Tibetan cultural and national identity, has been operating for decades. With essentially the same outcome. Clearly the CTA places no value on that definition of insanity as ‘Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”.

    Only A Unifying Alternative Can Restore Hope And Resolve To Tibet's Cause!
    For decades China has dismissed appeals to negotiate on Tibet

    Image: archivenet

    So what can the exiled Tibetan Administration do differently that would produce a more positive result for its people?

    To address that we first need to take account of a disturbing, cold and hard fact. That China’s asphyxiating grip, over every aspect of life in occupied Tibet, is of such a supreme and suffocating nature that it’s virtually impossible for Tibetans to dissent against the tyranny. The mass-protests and popular resistance, which rocked Tibet in the 1980/90s and during 2008, has little chance of returning.

    This situation places upon exiled Tibetans an even greater responsibility to articulate, champion and campaign for the just cause of Tibet’s rightful national freedom. To do that effectively however requires a singularity of purpose. Equally importantly, a collective sense of unity and determination is essential. The role and resources of the Tibetan Administration, and it’s current leader, Penpa Tsering, is critical in creating, supporting, and encouraging such cohesion.

    But that is not achieved by blindly applying an approach which clearly has proven to be unsuccessful. If anything, that course increases a sense of frustration and division within the wider Tibetan community, fostering disillusionment and a weary cynicism.

    So with this latest silence, and emphatic indifference from China towards the appeals from the CTA ringing loudly, what alternative response should Penpa Tsering and the Kashag (governing cabinet) put into action?

    Only A Unifying Alternative Can Restore Hope And Resolve To Tibet's Cause!

    Image: archivenet

    Firstly the exiled Tibetan Administration could issue a statement to the effect that; in light of China’s consistent refusal to enter into meaningful negotiations without preconditions, it is abandoning its policy of seeking talks. Until such time as there is a genuine demonstration by China of a willingness to enter discussions; in a neutral country with an independent third party as chair of such contact.

    Additionally the CTA should make it known that, mindful of years of rejection from the Chinese regime, it is withdrawing the objective of seeking genuine autonomy. Replacing that with the goal of national freedom for Tibetans in all three traditional regions that constitute historic, cultural and geographic Tibet.

    The application of such an alternative direction would send a clear message across the Tibetan Diaspora, while providing a central and unifying ambition, around which it would be possible to reinvigorate the Tibetan cause. Enabling a sharper and more concentrated focus, eliminating the disabling discord which erodes, stagnates and distracts efforts to operate a concerted campaign to represent forcefully, and with one voice, the condition and hopes-for-freedom of Tibetans suffering under Chinese occupation.

    Image: filephoto

    It would also serve as a beacon of hope for Tibetans inside Tibet, seeing their exiled brothers and sisters firmly aligned with their secreted hopes for an independent Tibet, free at last from Chinese terrorism.

    With Tibetan New Year (Losar) looming, a time to cast off negativity and drive away the ills of the previous year what more auspicious time is there for a direction that would attract hope and positivity?

    If the core function and dedication of the Central Tibetan Administration is to stand in solidarity with and represent a future dreamed of by Tibet’s people, and their compatriots in exile, then it must awaken from its delusion that appeasing China will open the door to negotiations and instead choose a way which brings together all Tibetans, resolved and clear in their intention.

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Since the early days of Tibetans seeking refuge from the brutalities of China’s invasion and occupation of Tibet, various health agencies, some affiliated to the United Nations, operating inside India ran a series of vaccination programs which sought to immunize thousands of Tibetans from various diseases. This was done with the approval and cooperation; of what was known then as the Tibetan Government in Exile, no doubt encouraged and persuaded by the Indian authorities. That has extended into the present period of Covid.

    Are Covid Injections Causing Harm To Exiled Tibetans?

    Photo: archivenet

    Given the refugee circumstances applying to Tibetans and being a culture which had developed over many centuries its own traditional medicine and treatment the notion of injections, super-drugs applied by white-coated clinicians, was entirely alien.

    But their exiled Government, and more importantly His Holiness the Dalai Lama, had been convinced of the wonders of western science; and with the genuine welfare of their fellow Tibetans in mind immunization projects were welcomed and approved.

    Are Covid Injections Causing Harm To Exiled Tibetans?

    Photo: archivenet

    We wonder how many Tibetan children were incorporated into a polio program when Bill Gates took control of India’s National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) which mandated up to 50 doses of polio vaccines through overlapping immunization programs to infants under the age of five. “Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously.”. Source:

    However, unlike enshrined medical rights enjoyed by western citizens, such as informed consent, Tibetans were generally vaccinated and medicated without explanation, other than a compliance requested from a local Tibetan representative. On this basis Tibetan refugee schools and settlements were regularly singled out for vaccination programs. Whatever voices of dissent or concern were isolated, conformity and trust runs deep in Tibetan culture and if these projects had the endorsement of the exiled Tibetan authorities then that was sufficient to produce mass conformity.

    Are Covid Injections Causing Harm To Exiled Tibetans?

    Photo: Tibetan Health

    On occasions this matter has entered discussion there have been questions, and rightly so. Were Tibetans, already in a vulnerable and disadvantaged condition as refugees, cynically exploited by western health agencies and their drug-manufacturing partners? Used as a testing population? What monitoring was conducted for health injury, if any? Why was no reporting procedure implemented or explained, that would allow Tibetans to log any health-harming ‘side-effects’?

    It was though, some would argue a long time ago, such measures and protections only operated in the West, and certainly not in refugee settlements in India. Of course the health agencies involved had a duty-of-care and ethical obligations, did they apply them? A chapter of Tibetan exile history yes, but sadly one that’s being repeated. This time with an unlicensed, experimental, gene-modified drug; which since its implementation across the world, has already produced disturbing indications of serious risk-to-health.

    Are Covid Injections Causing Harm To Exiled Tibetans?

    Photo: archivenet

    There is growing medical evidence of the harm resulting from Covid injections and the concerns are mounting, especially as rates of cardiac related illness and deaths are rising considerably. Serious, medically examined and academically supported information on this, and other damage-to- health, associated with this novel gene-therapy, is available online. Tibetan communities, be they in India Switzerland , the USA or elsewhere did not escape the draconian and dystopian response to this flu-variant virus. They were subjected to similar campaigns of fear-mongering, psychological grooming and social restrictions.

    Photo: Tibet TV

    Like other administrations, the exiled Tibetan authorities issued the same narrative of mask-wearing, isolation measures and with the partnership of India, launched a ‘vaccination’ program. On March 7, 2021 the Dalai Lama, it was reported, enrolled himself to be ‘vaccinated’ and the Oxford Astra-Zeneca drug was administered. From the moment images of that event appeared across broadcast, online and print-media any possible hesitancy felt by a n exiled Tibetan would dissolve away.

    There could be no question, after all their spiritual and cultural leader approved; “This is very, very helpful, very good” Source: BBC News March 7 2021

    Yet similar questions ,which retrospectively haunt the mass vaccination of Tibetan refugees in the 1960s and 70s, apply in the present situation. Even more so given the entirely experimental nature of these genetically modified drugs, and mindful that not insignificant numbers of people have suffered health injury associated with these ‘vaccines’.

    Were Tibetans fully informed of the experimental nature of these vaccines, prior to agreeing receiving them? Was it explained to them that they can pose a number of not inconsiderable health risks? Was a procedure of reporting health-injury following vaccination explained and put-in-place for Tibetans in cases needed? Was it made entirely clear that before agreeing to receiving a vaccination the risks to health required to be explained? Lastly what health-monitoring has either the exiled Tibetan Administration, or Indian authorities implemented to assess, record and respond to health-damage post vaccinations?

    Are Covid Injections Causing Harm To Exiled Tibetans?

    Photo: Screen Grab/Israel National News

    It is likely the answer to those key concerns, will; as applying to citizens in the USA, Europe and elsewhere, be no!

    That being the case, it may well be that, as in all populations who have taken these ‘vaccines’, there will be a proportion of Tibetans who have suffered serious illness as a consequence. Given the nature of exiled Tibetan society and aspects of its culture such events are possibly not being submitted, equally there could be no reporting option in place. Then there could simply be an ignorance at work, no knowledge of the damage these drugs can inflict.

    Whatever the facts it is essential, at the very least, that any Tibetan whose health has been reduced and harmed following ‘vaccination’ should be offered immediate medical support. Meanwhile, having advocated and promoted across Tibetan communities, that these ‘vaccines’ should be taken, the exiled Tibetan Administration has a responsibility to examine and determine the extent and nature of such injury.

    Without such investigation, simply relying upon the assurances of the Indian medical authorities, or claims of vaccine manufacturers will leave Tibetans exposed to a dangerous harm that cannot be reversed.

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Some of the people who made our activism on Tibet possible have been working on the Tibetan cause for many years. In a recent video conference a question was asked about it’s present condition, specifically in the context of ‘visibility’. Is Tibet being afforded the exposure and concern it surely merits? At this point the contribution of our veteran activists was of particular interest, and as an end-of-year contemplation here’s a summation of what was presented.

    It was suggested that despite the obvious, instantaneous advantages and reach provided by the internet, online news and social-media the subject of Tibet was receiving a troubling shortage of exposure. In part this was attributed to the impact of the Covid insanity; which left so many in a state of self-concentration, fearful and effectively paralyzed into a condition of unthinking. There’s truth in that. We saw across Twitter an exclusive, obsessed attention to that flu-like virus and the narrative-of-doom surrounding it. This lasted for nearly two years, and still lingers here and there.

    Meanwhile, the associated policies and actions implemented by various Governments were often of such an oppressive, anti-democratic and brutal nature that many concerned with civil freedom and human rights understandably turned their attention to the injustices and abuses implemented in their own cities and towns.

    This was a response we had, hence our decision to place-on-hold action on Tibet, since a number of us were genuinely disturbed by the medical tyranny and authoritarianism which emerged.

    Yet, the vicious terrorism, which has blighted Tibet since China invaded in 1950, not only continued during the past two years of a world gripped by pandemic mania, but intensified to a suffocating dystopian oppression. Tibetans are under a digital, mass-surveillance stranglehold, their every movement monitored, recorded, assessed by the occupying Chinese Regime. Their cultural and national identity is being eradicated towards an extinction point, families dislocated, children taken away to be programed as model citizens, loyal to the dictatorship of Xi Jinping. It is the genocide of a people through an indoctrination of children, denied their Tibetan language, groomed to worship the ideology of the Chinese Communist Party, given a constructed history in which they identify as being from China.

    As Tibetans are exploited and bullied into being lab-rats for various Covid testing programs and experimental drugs. The already totalitarian grip was tightened to the point of asphyxiation in response to the virus, reports of entire villages and towns locked away, Tibetans incarcerated, food rationed, denied freedom to leave homes. Harassed into lines for daily testing and yet more injections. They have also been targeted as subjects for a mass DNA harvesting program, the objective of which is to assemble a complete data-base. Of course Tibetans have only one choice, compliance or incarceration and misery.

    But such harrowing conditions, as observed during our conference call, seem to have not concerned the editors of news channels or the print media. With a handful of notable exceptions politicians too have been silent on Tibet, yet managed to find voices-of-concern on the condition of Uyghurs. Politicians who do speak-out seem increasingly to omit any reference to the Tibetan people.

    It’s as if Tibet has been regarded as a lost cause. That the destruction and forced changes are of such a magnitude and impact as to remove any hope or future for Tibetan culture. If this explains the worrying lack of political solidarity or concern for Tibet’s people then, as was commentated during our discussion; what we are witnessing are governments (while actively dedicated to the freedom of Ukraine) complicit in the annihilation of Tibet! This state-of-affairs must not go unchallenged and a renewed effort and determination is urgently needed to ensure the just cause of Tibet is not allowed to fade into the lesser read pages of history.

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Anonymous activists, Operation Tibet has today released a video update on the situation inside occupied Tibet. As ever we thank all those involved who are working anonymously to expose and challenge the Chinese regime and their vicious persecution of the Tibetan people and their culture. May Tibet one day be independent! Many thanks to our Twitter crew and @AnonymousTibet for news of this.

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • This article is an edited version of something I wrote for a 2005 anthology called Underground: The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archaeology, and Hidden History)

    With rare exceptions, humans are not driven to commit atrocities. With rare exceptions, humans can be driven to commit atrocities.

    “People often are conscripted into armies, but sometimes they enlist with gusto,” explains cognitive psychologist, Steven Pinker.  “Jingoism,” Pinker adds, “is alarmingly easy to evoke.”

    “I have come to believe that men kill in war because they do not know their real enemy and because they are pushed into a position where they must kill,” proposed peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh. “We are taught to think that we need a foreign enemy. Governments work hard to get us to be afraid and to hate so we will rally behind them. If we do not have an enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us.”

    In the case of Nazi Germany, it appears the propagandists themselves began their march toward genocide by inventing a past so mythical it could sway an entire nation. Even the leaders themselves would fall under their own spell.

    Back to Thule

    “More than a political party, the Nazi party was very much a cult,” says author Jonathan Vankin. “Like most demagogic religious sects, its rank and file were spellbound with the courage of demented convictions, and its leadership was financed and supported by powerful people whose main interest was accumulating more power. The finely tuned machine of brainwashing, fanaticism, and secrecy is perfect for that purpose.”

    The “demagogic religious” sect that reached prominence in pre-war Germany was the Thule Society which, according to journalist Peter Reydt, “believed in the greatness of German history, reaching back to the year 9AD, when the Teutonic tribes defeated the Roman army. It promoted the superiority of the Aryan race, an ancient northern European people.”

    Friedrich Nietzsche’s notion of the Ubermensch (superman) endured many interpretations… one of which involved a racially superior people — called “Aryans” — who once inhabited northern Europe. This idea would eventually find a murderous home in the architects of the Nazi regime.

    It began in 1900 when German occultists formed a society called the Order of New Templars (ONT). “Eight years later,” says Vankin, “another occultist formed a group called Armanen. They took the swastika as the Armanen emblem.”

    “An ancient Indian symbol of good luck, the swastika was also the traditional symbol of Thor, the Norse god of thunder,” writes Robin Cross of In 1920, a Thule Society member suggested to Hitler that he adopt the swastika as the Nazi Party symbol. “Hitler placed it on a white circle against a red background, to compete with the hammer and sickle of the Communist Party,” Cross explains.

    The ONT and Armanen merged in 1912 and became known as the Germanen Orden and six years after that, some members of the Orden created Thulegesellschaft, the Thule Society.

    “The legend of ‘Thule’ was a variation on the Atlantis myth,” Vankin explains. “Thule was supposed to be a nation of superbeings with a utopian civilization. It flourished until 850,000 years ago when it was wiped away by a cataclysmic flood.” The Thulians, so the legend went, brought destruction upon themselves by mating with a lower race.

    The holy grail for the modern Thulians was, well, the Holy Grail.

    The legend of the Holy Grail — written in 1185 — told of a vessel alleged to contain the wine of the Last Supper along with the blood of the crucified Christ. “Supposedly Joseph of Arimathea confiscated it and then used it to collect blood from Christ’s wound as he hung on the cross,” writes Katherine Ramsland.  “Joseph then took the cup to England to hide it in a secret place — Avalon — and it became the ambition of King Arthur’s knights to find it and make it the center of their enterprise.”

    The quest for the grail is history’s definitive treasure hunt — and it would seduce both Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler.

    Himmler’s Roundtable

    Hitler’s involvement with the Thule Society is believed to date back to his World War I years in the German Army. This association intensified in 1919 when he met Dietrich Eckart, a wealthy and persuasive member of the Thule Society’s innermost circle. Hitler biographer Wulf Schwarzwaller calls this meeting “more decisive than any other” in the future dictator’s life. “Eckart molded Hitler, completely changing his public persona,” Schwarzwaller writes.

    As Vankin documents, Dietrich Eckart issued this command from his deathbed in December 1928: “Follow Hitler! He will dance but it is I who have called the tune.”

    Hitler’s dance partner was Heinrich Himmler whom he appointed Reichsführer of the SS (an abbreviation of Schutzstaffel, “protection squadrons”) in 1929. Until that point, the SS was little more than Hitler’s personal bodyguards. Himmler, says Christopher Hale, author of Himmler’s Crusade: The Nazi Expedition to Find the Origins of the Aryan Race, “set about transforming an insignificant cadre into a new Aryan aristocracy.”

    Already a member of the Thule Society, Himmler joined the Nazi Party in 1925. His fascination with Thulian theories is often overshadowed by his heinous deeds and thus played down by historians — but nonetheless, they influenced the shape and scope of the Final Solution.

    “The truth is that Himmler’s enthusiasms about lost civilizations, prehistoric archaeology, the Holy Grail, and especially, the origins of the ‘Indo-Germanic’ races were intricately interwoven with racial ‘theories’ that demanded the elimination of the unfit,” says Hale.

    Himmler built the SS to 300,000 strong by 1939 and presented its members as examples of racial purity. “To a remarkable degree, Himmler’s ideas had been formed not only by politicians but by anthropologists and biologists,” adds Hale.

    “In World War II, the SS was the principal enforcer of Nazi racial doctrine,” says Cross. “They staffed the Reich’s concentration and extermination camps, where they conducted cruel experiments to demonstrate ‘Aryan’ racial superiority and formed the core of the Einsatzgruppen (special formations) that were responsible for cleansing eastern Europe of Jews.”

    To Himmler, the men in the SS were acting in the tradition of his beloved Teutonic knights and kings and Wewelsburg Castle was designed to be their Camelot. “Rooms were dedicated to figures of Nordic history and mythology like King Arthur,” says Reydt. “Himmler’s room was dedicated to King Heinrich I, founder of the first German Reich. Himmler believed himself to be the reincarnation of Heinrich. Another room was set aside to house the Holy Grail, which was to be searched for all over the world.”

    Yes, it all comes back to the Grail. For what would a reincarnation of past Aryan glory be without the restoration of its most sacred symbol?

    “Himmler saw the potential of archaeology as a political tool,” explains Dr. Henning Hassmann of the Archaeological Institute in Dresden. “He needed archaeology to provide an identity for his SS. But Himmler also believed that archaeology had a certain pseudo-religious content. There were excavations; there were myths and legends, a feeling of superiority. They believed by drawing on the power of prehistory they would achieve success in the present day.”

    The year 1935 saw Himmler take his obsessions to another level, establishing Das Ahnenerbe (the Ancestral Heritage Society), a new branch of the SS designed to be staffed by academics thus raising Nazi propaganda to the status of objective truth… or so he hoped.

    “The Ahnenerbe organized expeditions into many parts of the world — to Iceland in search of the Grail, to Iran to find evidence of ancient kings of pure Aryan blood, to the Canary Islands to seek proof of Atlantis,” Reydt says.

    Their most ambitious destination was Tibet.

    Bruno Beger conducting anthropometric studies in Sikkim

    It’s the Vril Thing

    The 1938 Nazi expedition to Tibet had roots that went all the way back to 1923 when Hitler was doing time in Landsberg Prison. “Hitler immersed himself in the writings of Professor Karl Haushofer,” says Cross. Haushofer was the founder of the Vril Society, which sought “contacts with subterranean super-beings to learn from them the ancient secrets of Thule.” The word “vril,” coined by an English novelist named Edward Bulwer-Lytton, in his 1871 science fiction novel The Coming Race, referred to a psychokinetic power possessed by those in a master race.

    “The French author Louis Jacolliot furthered the myth in Les Fils de Dieu (The Sons of God) (1873) and Les Traditions indo-européeenes (The Indo-European Traditions) (1876),” writes Alexander Berzin in his article, “The Nazi Connection with Shambhala and Tibet.” “In these books, he linked vril with the subterranean people of Thule. The Thuleans will harness the power of vril to become supermen and rule the world.”

    Haushofer viewed central Asia as the origin of the Aryan race and therefore the key to the harnessing of the power of vril. Since Tibetans, long dominated by both the British and the Chinese, were not averse to making nice with the Germans (and their Japanese allies), the Ahnenerbe set out on an expedition led by German hunter and biologist, Ernst Schäfer.

    “One of the members of the Nazi expedition was the anthropologist Bruno Beger, a supporter of the theory that Tibet was home to the descendants of a ‘northern race’,” says Cross.

    FYI: Bruno Beger later worked to provide Nazi doctors with victims to experiment on and he also kept and exhibited a “Jewish skeleton collection.”

    Beger’s “scientific investigation” of the Tibetan people led him to conclude that they represented “a staging post between the Mongol and European races,” and could play “an important role in the region, serving as an allied race in a world dominated by Germany and Japan.” The following year, the Second World War officially commenced. Even so, the Ahnenerbe remained active amidst the global conflict.

    “Entire contents of museums, scientific collections, libraries, and archaeological finds were looted and shipped to Berlin or the Wewelsburg. Himmler and Sievers created a special unit — the “Sonderkommando Jankuhn” — to supervise the plunder,” Reydt reports. “Professors, doctors, and scholars were now directly integrated into the Nazi murder machine.”

    Never Again?

    “Searching for lost Aryans or the Holy Grail or Atlantis may seem harmless enough, but German occultism was founded on a racial vision of history,” concludes Christopher Hale. “It validated German national identity by conjuring up a bogus yet seductive ancestral past. By taking this chimerical past literally, men like Heinrich Himmler were able to infuse policies of racial purification with an irresistible potency. As a result, occultism facilitated murder. The ground loam of pseudo-Darwinian civilization led the ‘scientists’ of the SS to the killing fields of the concentration camps.”

    “With the idea that blessings from Christ himself enveloped them, the Nazis felt justified to go on a massive killing spree against those who ‘contaminated’ them,” says’s Ramsland. “Theirs was a holy mission and nothing they could do in its service was wrong.”

    With all brands of fundamentalism — religious, economic, scientific, transhumanist, etc. — currently running roughshod over the planet and dictating global policy, how many of us will see past the comforting myths and soothing justifications to recognize the psychopathic thirst for power lurking below?

    It’s easy to chalk all of the above as madness from the past with little or no bearing on today’s world. But please allow me to remind you that the U.S. willfully rescued Nazi scientists and spies (read: heinous war criminals) to start two rather influential agencies: the CIA and NASA.

    To learn more about the CIA’s embracing of the occult, click here.

    To get up to speed on NASA’s resident occultist, Jack Parsons, click here and here.


    In 1951, Guatemalan president Juan José Arévalo (who gave that country a ten-year respite from military rule during which he provoked U.S. ire by modeling his government “in many ways after the Roosevelt New Deal”) stepped down to be replaced by his ill-fated successor and kindred spirit, Jacobo Arbenz.

    A mere three years later, a CIA-sponsored coup — to prevent the threat of a Soviet invasion, of course — stole Guatemala from its people and set the Central American nation spiraling downward into a cycle of repression, poverty, and political mass murder. This is what Arévalo had to say about the aftermath of the war known as “good”:

    “The arms of the Third Reich were broken and conquered but in the ideological dialogue, Roosevelt lost the war. The real winner was Hitler.”

    The post Nazi Germany, the Holy Grail and how the occult still shapes our world first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • COVID affects economy in China; AI used in constructing hydroelectric power plant in Tibet; and China’s state-owned COMAC C919, a competitor to Boeing 737 and Airbus A320, has already received 815 orders.

    The post News on China | No. 99 first appeared on Dissident Voice.

    This post was originally published on Dissident Voice.

  • Join #teamGlasto4TIBET And Help Fly Tibet's Flag At Glastonbury Festival

    Summer sunshine and blue skies are set to return, along with music festivals. None of course bigger than England’s Glastonbury, which attracts an amazing range of musicians and artists. For a few days the magical countryside surrounding that English town hosts a tented city for over a hundred thousand folks. It is the biggest celebration on the planet, until that is Tibet regains its independence!

    As our subscribers and friends will know over the past few years we’ve been raising the issue of Tibet at the festival and are very happy to announce that; with the very awesome support of @Glasto4TIBET in the United Kingdom, we shall be partnering a Tibet action at #Glastonbury2022.

    So, working with our Twitter colleagues @tibettruth we hope to repeat the success of previous years during which in a totally fun and positive way we ensured that Tibet, its flag and struggle was not forgotten.

    Do you have a ticket for Glastonbury Festival, or know someone who has, and wish to raise Tibet’s flag at the festival then do tweet @Glasto4TIBET, drop a message on the Facebook Group #teamGlasto4TIBET or email

    Keep it here good people 🙂

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • What a state this world has been driven into by the political, commercial and military interests of governments and corporations. Once it was possible for citizens to rail against injustice human rights violations and tyranny on social media platforms, but all that has changed. Following in the wake of censorship, character assassination and exclusion; to those who dissented and questioned on the Covid narrative, and efficacy and safety of experimental medicines injected into the public. A worrying new orthodoxy is taking root. In this dark new chapter there exists only one source of truth, fact can be assured solely through government agency or it’s approved corporate media partners. Any genuinely independent or critical voice is censored, dismissed, questioned or publicly smeared as unreliable, biased and misleading. All very Orwellian, including the operation of double-think.

    Because the same authorities imposing such totalitarianism and censorship are doing so to ‘protect freedom, democracy and individuals’. Free-speech is under a vicious assault, particularly across the internet and social media, which Governments are striving to dominate. They have been helped in that objective by a number of compliant and ethically corrupt platforms, including Twitter, whose previous position on open debate and opposition to censorship has been replaced by an unquestioning obedience to the dictate of Governments and corporate interests. We saw this during the past two years, blocking people who dissented or questioned the drugs corporations and safety of their Covid products. Affirming only the narrative of health authorities and the political elite, to the banishment of any opposing view.

    Sad to see such a venal decline, but here we are, having been psychologically groomed into an unthinking and servile condition by our own authorities. Hypocrisy now rules. While a media, which would have us believe they uphold the values of freedom-of-speech, objective reportage and balanced, independent journalism are little more than corporate and governmental whores. Too extreme? Not really. Take the current psychological warfare being conducted to sway and control public opinion on the situation in Ukraine, with only one version of events being allowed. Western media regurgitating word-for-word, without critical examination, every assertion and claim from the Ukrainian authorities. As governments and media corporations are banning Russian broadcasters, denigrating their output as lies and biased.

    Now Twitter has announced it would no longer recommend tweets from Russian state-controlled media outlets for amplification. This means they would not be featured in the home timeline, notifications, or anywhere else on the platform. The reason offered to justify such censorship is interesting:

    When a government that’s engaged in armed conflict is blocking or limiting access to online services within their country, while they themselves continue to use those same services to advance their positions and viewpoints – that creates a harmful information imbalance,” Twitter’s Head of Site Integrity, Yoel Roth said.

    Convinced? Reasonable? But hang on a minute what about imposing similar restrictions on China? After all it’s engaged in a war of cultural genocide against Tibetans and Uyghurs, operates forced labor-camps. Torture, forced sterilizations and executions are widespread. The Chinese regime has blocked Twitter from operating in China. While at the same time the platform’s timeline and various feeds are full of Chinese government orchestrated propaganda concealing such atrocities and misleading public opinion. Surely if Twitter held as a core principle its opposition to regimes exploiting their platform for purposes of disinformation while engaged in human rights crimes and imposing a violent tyranny it would have no objection in launching restrictions against Chinese government Twitter accounts and effectively block their output and visibility in the same way it is doing so against the Russian authority?

    Of course it hasn’t done so and is unlikely to do so, demonstrating the nauseating hypocrisy at work and exposing the hollowness of such posturing. Like other social-media platforms Twitter is conforming to the double-standards and geo-political agenda of western states, who while condemning Russia’s actions are suffering a specific and acute amnesia on their blood-drenched invasions and roles in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Yemen!

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • An interview with Ching Kwan Lee.

    This post was originally published on Dissent MagazineDissent Magazine.

  • Two More Tibetans Self-Immolate Against China's Brutal Occupation Of Tibet

    As Chinese rule inside occupied Tibet continues to eradicate Tibetan cultural and national identity reports have emerged this week of two more self-immolations. One took place in Eastern Tibet’s Kyegudo area of Kham region and Nagba, Amdo. Details have not been definitively confirmed, but the men involved were named as Tsering Samdup and 80 year-old Tashi Phunstok, who is said to have died as a result of the injuries.

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Tibetan Patriot Dies Following Self-Immolation Injuries

    Image: @tibettruth/tibetan source/rfa

    Mr Tsewang Norbu, a 25 year-old Tibetan musician, who self-immolated in protest against China’s brutal and illegal occupation of Tibet, has died from his injuries according to information emerging from Tibetan sources. His sacrifice was made February 25 in front of the Potala, former residence of Tibet’s Dalai Lama.

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Hypocrisy On Russia And Appeasement Of China - Welcome To Western Corporate Governance!

    Image: lucidpost

    While the populations of laughingly named liberal democratic nations are being subjected to yet another campaign of fear-mongering, deception and manipulation; this time the dreaded terror is Russia, the people of Tibet are enduring their seventy second year under the brutal tyranny of Chinese occupation.

    The decades of torture, executions, cultural genocide, forced-labor camps and coercive birth control atrocities has not though produced a unified determination to sanction the Chinese regime, no financial penalties, confiscation of assets or exclusion from credit transfers. Such is the hypocrisy and self-serving agenda of the USA, European Union and various allies. Pontificating and moralizing, while suffering an amnesia on their murderous destruction in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan. The countless killings inflicted in those lands are it appears of no hindrance in demonizing Russia for its military incursion across Ukraine.

    Yet what of the misery, suffering, starvation, deaths inflicted upon Yemen? Any concerted action from Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Johnson et al? What response from those narcissist politicians to Saudi Arabia? Such double-standards are nauseating.

    The corporate driven, global agenda of the World Economic Forum and its political stooges is a universe away from the commitments and aspirations of President Dwight D Eisenhower, who in a proclamation announced that:

    “Whereas it is appropriate and proper to manifest to the peoples of the captive nations the support of the Government and the people of the United States of America for their just aspirations for freedom and national independence” – Jul17, 1959. Source:

    Hypocrisy On Russia And Appeasement Of China - Welcome To Western Corporate Governance!

    Image: bwbx

    These days the State Department is afraid to even mention ‘freedom’ for Tibet; instead it talks of ‘autonomy’ and cultural rights, too concerned at upsetting profitable relations with the Chinese regime! Yet that right of Tibetans to national independence remains just and legitimate and even more critical, as China continues with it’s campaigns to eradicate Tibetan national and cultural identity.

    Which is why it remains of vital importance to remind, and inform political representatives about Tibetan independence and the common political aspiration of Tibet’s people for national freedom. March 1st we shall launch this years’ Lobby For Tibet’s Independence action. Stay tuned for news on this and how you can directly help and take part.

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Video courtesy of Ayn Oneemooz

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Operation Tibet Issues Notice To Winter Olympics Targets
    Image courtesy of @AnonymousTibet

    Anonymous activists, ‘Operation Tibet’ have released online a media statement on their impending action supporting Tibet, due to target Chinese regime, corporation servers and companies associated with the Winter Olympics, launching in Beijing on February 4.

    The statement is available here:

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Being A Tibetan Panda Is No Game

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.

  • Anonymous Set To Launch Operation Tibet Action Against Winter Olympic Targets?

    Image: courtesy of @AnonymousTibet @teamriddler

    With the ethical horror-show of the 2022 Winter Games due to launch in China on February 4th we were extremely pleased to receive news on social media that hacktivists ‘Operation Tibet’ have issued a statement pledging to take action. If their previous activism is any guide we can expect to see a number of Chinese online platforms and websites being targeted, no doubt linked to this appalling event.

    We’ll be posting updates on this as and when available. Meanwhile we’d like to once again express our genuine appreciation and respect to Anonymous for showing such amazing support for Tibet.

    This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.