Category: UNI

  • RNZ Pacific

    New Caledonia has elected its first pro-independence Kanak president.

    Louis Mapou was elected today in Noumea after months of negotiations between the two main pro-independence Kanak political groupings UNI and UC FLNKS.

    Australian journalist Nic Maclellan, a longtime writer on New Caledonian politics, says it is a significant victory for the Kanak people.

    “For the first time in nearly 40 years the government of New Caledonia will be led by a Kanak independence leader,” Nic Maclellan said.

    “Particularly since the signing of the Noumea Accord (a framework agreement that governs New Caledonia’s politics) in 1998, governments of New Caledonia have been led by an anti-independence leader,” he said.

    Maclellan also pointed out that Louis Mapou’s presidency comes at a crucial time for New Caledonia.

    “The French government unilaterally has set the date of December 12 this year for the next referendum on self-determination,” he explained.

    Third and final referendum
    The referendum in December is the third and final plebiscite under the Noumea Accord. The results of the last two polls have been narrowly in favour of remaining with France.

    In 2018, the result was 56.4 percent for maintaining the status quo and 43.6 percent in favour of independence.

    In 2020, margin was reduced slightly with 53.26 percent voting to stay with France and 46.74 percent percent for independence.

    FLNKS supporters wave the Kanak flag of New Caledonia
    FLNKS supporters wave the Kanak flag of New Caledonia on the night of the second independence referendum in October 2020. Image: RNZ Pacific/AFP

    Maclellan said having Louis Mapou in power ahead of the third and final referendum would give the Kanaks more momentum going into the vote.

    “Obviously the presidency is an important position in terms of setting the government’s agenda, in terms of liaising with the French government,” he said.

    Maclellan said it would also allow them a stronger regional voice at the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF).

    “One would presume that Mapou will be asking the Forum for more active engagement in the decolonisation process and monitoring of the referendum in December. It (the presidency) is a crucial position in any government and will set the tone for actions,” he said.

    The president-elect
    Louis Mapou is a longtime independence activist in the Southern Province where the capital Noumea is based.

    He is a member of the party of Kanak Liberation PALIKA which within the Parliament is a member of the UNI (National Union for Independence) parliamentary group.

    “He has been a leading figure in the independence movement in the south and is a fairly key player within the FLNKS, the umbrella body that unites a number of parties,” Maclellan said.

    According to Reuters, Mapou sits on the board of directors of France’s Eramet (ERMT.PA), which runs nickel mines, the Doniambo ferro-nickel plant near the port of Noumea, and a refinery that produces a type of nickel that can be used in electric vehicle batteries.

    He also worked as the director-general of New Caledonia’s Rural Development and Land Development Agency from 1998 to 2005.

    Speaking in French shortly after his election, Louis Mapou was quoted by local media as saying: “It is an honour and a heavy responsibility.”

    The plot twist
    Louis Mapou’s election to the presidency came after a five-month deadlock with fellow pro-independence MP Samuel Hnepeune.

    Maclellan said a surprising development was that Samuel Hnepeune had announced he would be stepping down from the collegial government.

    Samuel Hnepeune, head of the UC - FLNKS list, nationalists and Oceanian Awakening
    Head of the UC-FLNKS list, nationalists and Oceanian Awakening bloc Samuel Hnepeune … stepping down from the collegial government. Image: RNZ Pacific/AFP

    Head of the UC – FLNKS list, nationalists and Oceanian Awakening, Samuel Hnepeune. Photo: AFP or licensors

    Next inline to fill his spot on the UC list is a member of the Pacific Awakening Party who missed out on a place in government during the election.

    The party, which represents mainly people originally from Wallis and Futuna, has usually been the king maker in government, but missed out on a spot this time round courtesy of some strategic voting by the anti-independence groups.

    Maclellan said there was now a possibility they could get back into government.

    “That would not only maintain the majority of islanders within the government. It would also open the way for a pro-independence speaker of the Cational Congress,” he said.

    “So it looks like this consensus which has brought Mapou to the head of the government will also involve changes within the Congress and within the provincial assemblies.”

    Louis Mapou is expected to be officially sworn in as president of New Caledonia in the coming days.

    This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

    This post was originally published on Asia Pacific Report.

  • The Kanaky flag … New Caledonia “needs to be more Oceanic way than French way – we need to bring some new things, some new hope to the population.” Image: RNZ/AFP

    By RNZ News

    The Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS) says this week’s change in the New Caledonian territorial government has brought hope to the Kanak people.

    On Wednesday, the Congress of New Caledonia elected a majority pro-independence government.

    Now, for the first time in almost 40 years a Kanak pro-independence leader could be elected president of the French territory in the Pacific.

    FLNKS spokesperson Charles Wea said the victory had been a long time coming.

    “This election result of the new government is for us a very important moment as we are preparing for the third referendum, maybe next year,” Charles Wea said.

    “It is something that gives us more momentum in our struggle towards independence.”

    However, in order to come to power the two pro-independence groups UNI and UC FLNKS have until Monday to elect a president.

    Currently there are two candidates:

    • Louis Mapou a career politician with a strong political and public following who is being put forward by UNI.
    • Samuel Hnepeune a relative newcomer to politics who was the chief executive of New Caledonia’s domestic airline Air Caledonie and who wields influence in the French dominated private sector in Noumea. He is being backed by UC FLNKS.
    Charles WeaPalika Party member and FLNKS International Relations official Charles Wea … “more momentum in our struggle towards independence.” Image: RNZ/FLNKS

    Charles Wea said of the two candidates, Louis Mapou had the most political experience.

    However, an expert on New Caledonian politics said, regardless of who was at the helm, there were major challenges awaiting the incoming government.

    Victoria University lecturer Dr Adrian Muckle said the new administration would be inheriting a territory polarised around the independence question and a crisis in its nickel industry,all in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic.

    “There has been a lot of talk from the independantistes and also from Kanak Awakening about the need to really focus not just on the independence questions but also on the really pressing, social and economic concerns,” Dr Muckle said.

    At the very top of the incoming government’s to-do list is the passing of New Caledonia’s budget which is long overdue and must be delivered before March.

    But Charles Wea said for the FLNKS coming to power after 40 years in the wilderness every challenge is an opportunity.

    “When you take the government it means you are trying to show to the French Government or to the people who are against the referendum that we are able to build and to manage the country”

    Wea said an integral part was to work with the French Loyalists for the benefit of all New Caledonian citizens.

    “This country needs to be more Oceanic way than French way – we need to bring some new things, some new hope to the population.”

    This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

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    This post was originally published on Radio Free.

  • By RNZ News

    The Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS) says this week’s change in the New Caledonian territorial government has brought hope to the Kanak people.

    On Wednesday, the Congress of New Caledonia elected a majority pro-independence government.

    Now, for the first time in almost 40 years a Kanak pro-independence leader could be elected president of the French territory in the Pacific.

    FLNKS spokesperson Charles Wea said the victory had been a long time coming.

    “This election result of the new government is for us a very important moment as we are preparing for the third referendum, maybe next year,” Charles Wea said.

    “It is something that gives us more momentum in our struggle towards independence.”

    However, in order to come to power the two pro-independence groups UNI and UC FLNKS have until Monday to elect a president.

    Currently there are two candidates:

    • Louis Mapou a career politician with a strong political and public following who is being put forward by UNI.
    • Samuel Hnepeune a relative newcomer to politics who was the chief executive of New Caledonia’s domestic airline Air Caledonie and who wields influence in the French dominated private sector in Noumea. He is being backed by UC FLNKS.
    Charles Wea
    Palika Party member and FLNKS International Relations official Charles Wea … “more momentum in our struggle towards independence.” Image: RNZ/FLNKS

    Charles Wea said of the two candidates, Louis Mapou had the most political experience.

    However, an expert on New Caledonian politics said, regardless of who was at the helm, there were major challenges awaiting the incoming government.

    Victoria University lecturer Dr Adrian Muckle said the new administration would be inheriting a territory polarised around the independence question and a crisis in its nickel industry,all in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic.

    “There has been a lot of talk from the independantistes and also from Kanak Awakening about the need to really focus not just on the independence questions but also on the really pressing, social and economic concerns,” Dr Muckle said.

    At the very top of the incoming government’s to-do list is the passing of New Caledonia’s budget which is long overdue and must be delivered before March.

    But Charles Wea said for the FLNKS coming to power after 40 years in the wilderness every challenge is an opportunity.

    “When you take the government it means you are trying to show to the French Government or to the people who are against the referendum that we are able to build and to manage the country”

    Wea said an integral part was to work with the French Loyalists for the benefit of all New Caledonian citizens.

    “This country needs to be more Oceanic way than French way – we need to bring some new things, some new hope to the population.”

    This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

    This post was originally published on Asia Pacific Report.