Category: veganuary

  • 8 Mins Read

    Veganuary has been a great success, but after a decade of expansion, growth has plateaued. Dissecting the playbook of Dry January, the other global January phenomenon, gives us important marketing lessons we can apply to break into the mainstream and make an even greater impact.

    Editor’s Note: This article is a collaboration with Unstuck, a thought piece platform bringing the missing consumer mindset and skillset needed to take sustainable foods mainstream; all views are the authors’ own.

    Veganuary, a movement encouraging people to try a plant-based diet, has racked up impressive results since its birth in York ten years ago. The vision, passion, and dedication of the team behind the annual challenge has gotten 1.8 million people to attempt going vegan across virtually every country on Earth and has even gone to space. Over time, however, the movement has started to plateau, with its founder saying in a recent Guardian interview that “the pace of growth has levelled off; progress has slowed.” So how do we get it unstuck?

    As luck would have it, we have a parallel example in Dry January, a movement that promotes alcohol abstinence. Both are cleansing rituals timed to start after a period of excess. Both were started in the UK about a decade ago, a mere year apart. And both have ambitions to expand their reach globally and affect longer-lasting behaviour change. But Dry January has been uniquely able to build on its growth, going from a niche phenomenon to an early majority of adopters.

    We can see this in a crude measure like worldwide Google Trends search volume, with Dry January doubling over the past five years while Veganuary has declined in relative terms. We can also see it in self-reported participation data in key markets. The latest comparable data from You gov in the UK, the home market for both movements, shows 15% of Britons who drink planned to give up alcohol in January, while 3% of meat and dairy eaters said they would attempt to go vegan for the month. The picture in the US is less clear, with a range of “alternative facts” suggesting different participation rates. The consensus, however, seems to be that Dry January has crossed the 20% threshold taking it from a niche phenomenon into the early majority of adopters, while Veganuary is still somewhere in the single digits.

    Let’s be clear on one thing – going vegan for a month is more difficult than laying off booze. Having to plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, as well as take into account the fact that meals are shared, makes it a bigger behaviour change than ordering a mocktail or leaving the bottles in the cellar for a little while longer. 

    Despite this difference, there are core marketing lessons in comparing the two that Veganuary could benefit from and use to drive more traction. Imagine what 20+% of major markets going plant-based could do for the planet. Some disciplined marketing – we’re talking the fundamentals of targeting, positioning, identity, tonality and partnerships – could help us get there.

    If you want to go broad, you have to target broad

    All marketing strategy starts with segmentation and targeting. Dry January has excelled at this by identifying a broad but specific audience: social drinkers who see the new year as a reset button for healthier habits. Its inclusive appeal, avoiding the teetotaler label, invites a diverse demographic and has taken on a life of its own to become part of popular culture. Veganuary, to mirror this success, must refine its targeting. Currently, the main motivation for participation according to the movement’s own data is animal welfare followed by environmental reasons, suggesting a relatively narrow segment of conscious consumers. And let’s face it, the vegan label hasn’t won many friends among the general public. Veganuary should instead target health-conscious individuals curious about plant-based diets, a much broader starting point, especially after festive over-indulgence.  

    Make the positioning about them, not about you

    A marked difference in the positioning of the two campaigns is the benefits they call upon. Landing on Dry January’s website you are immediately hit with the opportunity to save money, sleep better and have more energy. Where do I sign up? By contrast, Veganuary invites you to join their movement – vote for veggies, along with people from 228 countries. And if that hasn’t convinced you, they tell you 6,800 media stories were published last year about the campaign. Sounds impressive, but what’s in it for me?  

    Source: Company Websites

    During the first week of January, the Netflix documentary You Are What You Eat garnered 639 million streaming minutes, demonstrating through a rigorous twin study that a plant-based diet is better for you than a healthy omnivore one on multiple metrics. Over four episodes this narrative was interspersed with stories of animal cruelty and the environmental impact of eating animal products, but the main takeaway was clear: plants are better for you, and can be just as tasty. Compared to previous Januaries, searches for plant-based recipes soared 300%. Veganuary needs to pivot its messaging to what’s in it for you, not the movement or the greater good of a vegan diet. Dry January doesn’t tell you that the cost of National Health in the UK would fall if you stopped drinking.  

    Use your design codes to drive desire

    As we’ve talked about before, design codes are a strategic point of leverage for any brand. This is doubly true when it comes to movements that have limited marketing budgets of their own and rely on word of mouth without the accompanying controlled storytelling. Dry January has executed its positioning into a brand identity with a simple call to action and a welcoming sense of playfulness – you can swap out a cup of tea for a cocktail but don’t have to eradicate all fun from your life and still get to keep the cocktail umbrella. Veganuary, on the other hand, needs to broaden its appeal by toning down the activist shock & awe aesthetic and clarifying the awkward mouthfeel and ambiguous ask in the name (is it Vegan January or Vegetarian January?). A carefully crafted tagline locked up to the logo could help.  

    Source: Company Websites

    You have to be liked before you can be heard

    Veganuary’s 2024 campaign invites consumers to “vote for veggies” with a series of “a vote for us is a vote for…”  promises: reduced emissions, improved health, lower food bill, protection of animals, a healthier eco-food system, new economic opportunities. All great promises, and you won’t be surprised we’re glad to see health and lower food bills in there.  

    However, the style in which it’s delivered is unlikely to have landed well. Trust and respect in politicians is at an all-time low. 63% of respondents in a recent global study on trust believe government leaders are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations, so why emulate their voice? Beyond that, who still believes political votes have much impact on their individual lives?

    By contrast, Dry January’s tone is one of individual motivation: you’ve made it three weeks, Sunday evening reminder, Monday motivation! Alongside continual benefit messaging, interspersed with the occasional meme that keeps things light. Another call for Veganuary to focus messaging on what’s in it for the individual, and deliver those messages in a tone of voice that people engage with.    

    Source: Instagram Feeds

    Real amplification comes when brands truly commit

    Where a movement’s impact really takes off is when major brands align in a big way, seeing the opportunity for scale and bringing budgets the movement entity can only dream of. Media and PR campaigns, packaging changes and in-store activations drive consumer reach and message amplification at huge multiples. Veganuary has successfully engaged and inspired brand activity around the month of January and since it started, has seen hundreds of new product launches in supermarkets and menu offerings in restaurants. However, these brands are still operating in the realm of line extensions, compared to the major branding event Dry January represents for alcohol. Heineken, the world’s second-largest brewer, is on the record saying they would put 25% of their nearly $3bn annual brand investment into normalizing the alcohol-free category. They have followed through with Superbowl spots, footballer deals, and aggressive sampling that have made Heineken 0.0 the leading brand in the space.  

    No doubt this enables alcohol brands to solve for a historically slow sales month coming off their festive peak. The same could be true for many food and restaurant brands, but they’re not yet embracing it at the same scale. In 2020 Heinz took its hero product, the iconic beans can, and put a limited edition “Beanz Meanz Vegan” slogan on it for the UK market. Changing your branding on pack, even for a limited run, is a major step for an iconic consumer brand. Were this deemed a success by the Heinz brand team, the campaign would have gone bigger every year since. As it was, come 2023 Heinz participated in the UK by launching alternative plant-based versions of some of their best-selling products, but left the core versions untouched. For 2024, a low-key announcement about tomato ketchup being vegan was the only UK activity we could find.   

    Source: Company Websites

    As per Heinz, there are plenty of mainstream brands now with vegan options, Veganuary should be an unmissable opportunity for them to commit to them with much bigger investments.  

    How do you get brands to go big in January? By following the steps above. Target a mass opportunity that doesn’t risk alienating core customers. Associate with ‘better for you’ messaging. Use your design codes and tonality to drive desire and likability, not political activism. Build a big tent and others will join. 

    From campaigns to lasting change

    An effective beginning of the year ritual is a remarkable opportunity for the driving behaviour change we need towards sustainable food. It’s a moment when people are open to new ideas and there’s a real chance to overcome inertia. But to make it scale, we should use all the tools in our arsenal including a disciplined approach to targeting, positioning, identity, messaging and partnerships. In doing so, and adding a sprinkle of creative magic from time to time, we can build increasing participation and move from a month-long campaign into a catalyst for lasting change.

    As always, let us know what you think, and subscribe to UNSTUCK for a bi-weekly update on the missing consumer mindset and skillset needed to take sustainable foods mainstream.

    The post Unstuck: What Veganuary Can Learn From Dry January appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • vote for veggies
    4 Mins Read

    In a bid to amp up its US reach, Veganuary USA is entering more partnerships with restaurants, retailers and brands to come up with new products and dishes this year. It’s also launched a Vote for Veggies campaign, after commissioning a YouGov survey of Americans eating vegetables.

    It’s that time of the year.

    You’ll see the pink V sign more than ever, as supermarkets and restaurants highlight words like ‘vegan’ and ‘plant-based’ (even if that isn’t the best way to go) to capitalise on the boom in people trying to eat no animal products for the month of January.

    While the UK – Veganuary’s home market – is always a hotbed of activity, the campaign is doubling down on its US focus this year with a host of partnerships across both retail and foodservice, alongside a poll and campaign that focuses on vegetables.

    The new US launches for Veganuary 2024

    veganuary launches
    Courtesy: Kitchen 17

    For 2024, Veganuary USA is working with restaurants, retailers and brands across the nation to cater to what’s expected to be another record-breaking year of signups. Among them are Divine Chocolate, SimplyProtein, Salt & Straw, Blue Sushi Sake Grill, Just Salad, Rush Bowls, Gyro Shack and Hard Rock Cafe.

    There’s an increased focus on pizza too, with chains like &pizza, Sizzle Pie and Mellow Mushroom all launching Veganuary specials. The latter is bringing back its Miss Mushroom vegan pizza, which features spinach, minced garlic, portobello mushrooms, caramelised onions, chives, and vegan mozzarella and feta from Follow Your Heart. “Mellow Mushroom has long embraced veganism and other dietary lifestyle choices and needs, and Veganuary is the perfect opportunity for people to discover just how delicious eating a plant-based diet can be,” says Anna Mejia, VP of brand development at Mellow Mushroom.

    Meanwhile, Chicago’s vegan deep-dish pizza maker Kitchen 17 has introduced a range of plant-based pan pizzas that are available for shipping nationwide. There are seven options and three gluten-free versions with house-made ingredients like vegan pepperoni and cheese.

    Many brands are also running supportive campaigns via in-store promotions and social media, including Wicked Kitchen, Greenleaf Foods, New Seasons Market, London Drugs, Hart House, Jimbo’s in Southern California, Ritter Sport, Vitacost, and many more. “Vitacost is excited to celebrate this ever-growing ‘holiday’ with special offers and inspiring content to help participants and anyone else interested in eating more plant-based,” said Guy Burgstahler, business lead at Vitacost.

    Veganuary asks you to Vote for Veggies

    In addition to these partnerships, Veganuary has launched its 2024 campaign PSA, Vote for Veggies. In a video voiced by Ryan Eggold (New Amsterdam/The Blacklist), the health- and nature-focused campaign urges people to choose vegetables to “reduce emissions, improve health, lower food bills, protect animals, and promote healthier ecosystems”.

    In line with this, it has declared purple sweet potato as the Vegetable of the Year, which was selected by a panel of food futurologists, chefs, and members of key nutrition, retail, and sustainability councils based on five criteria: growing popularity, versatility, sustainability, health and nutrition, and affordability and accessibility. “This upgrade to our loved traditional potato has been gaining in popularity,” says Holly Adrien, Natural and Organic strategy and innovation manager at Kroger. “Not only is the purple sweet potato versatile and a visual upgrade to any dish you make, they are an upgrade in nutrition as well, high in fibre, vitamins A and B and packed with antioxidants.”

    It comes on the back of research commissioned by Veganuary and carried out by YouGov, which revealed that 71% of the 1,242 Americans polled are hoping to eat more vegetables in 2024. It’s reflective of the wider food landscape in the US, where the focus on ultra-processed foods has been high and plant-based meats have been criticised for their long ingredient lists. It has resulted in brands like Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat promoting their American Heart Association-certified meat alternatives with cleaner ingredient lists to appeal to consumer needs.

    “More and more people worldwide are choosing to try vegan – many also stay vegan long-term, for animals, the planet, and their health,” says Sandra Hungate, US director at Veganuary. “All the new vegan menu items, products, and recipes promoted during Veganuary allow for people to eat more plants without giving up the foods they know and love.”

    veganuary cookbook
    Courtesy: Veganuary

    Veganuary has now released its first cookbook, which has over 100 recipes. And it collaborated with The Space Collective to launch a flag bearing its logo into space last year, spending 275 days and orbiting the Earth 4,400 times.

    Toni Vernelli, the campaign’s communications head, says: “It’s amazing how the presence and acceptance of veganism has grown around the world in the past 10 years and I know Veganuary’s friendly, non-judgemental, just-give-it-a-go-for-a-month-and-see-what-you-think approach has played an instrumental role in this shift.”

    The post Vote for Veggies: Veganuary Deepens US Focus with a Chunk of New Launches for 2024 appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • ahdb eat balanced
    6 Mins Read

    As the UK eats less meat and dairy than ever before, the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is launching an ad campaign promoting beef, lamb and dairy in January to rival the increasingly popular Veganuary, with three TV commercials as well as newspaper, magazine and online adverts.

    “Did you know that beef, pork, lamb and dairy are natural sources of vitamin B12, an essential vitamin not naturally present in a vegan diet?”

    AHDB, the UK farmer-funded livestock association, just couldn’t resist. After years of campaigning to “protect long-term consumer attitudes towards naturally produced ‘British’ meat and dairy”, it is relaunching its We Eat Balanced campaign, except with the slightly different Let’s Eat Balanced moniker.

    Starting on January 1, the livestock body’s new “bold and exciting” campaign is designed to highlight locally produced beef, lamb and dairy, with the campaign’s ‘This’ and ‘That’ theme hoping to encourage consumers to “adopt a sustainable, healthy and nutritiously balanced diet”.

    If the timing seems curious, make no mistake: this was deliberately planned to coincide with Veganuary, the monthlong campaign asking people to go vegan in January, as a driver of changing dietary habits to facilitate a permanent transition to a plant-based diet.

    A Veganuary challenger?

    AHDB says the theme reflects how “this rain and grass” produces “that delicious beef, lamb, milk and cheese”, which provides “this vitamin B12”, which helps with “that fatigue”. Indeed, the focus on this vitamin group is high, with the industry body hoping to highlight these foods as natural protein and B12 sources.

    ahdb defra
    Courtesy: AHDB

    The campaign will see three TV commercials – one each for beef, lamb and dairy – voiced by British comedian Richard Ayoade (The IT Crowd). These will feature on cinema screens for the first time, and will be complemented with ads in newspapers, magazines and on social media. Additionally, AHDB has partnered with Tasty UK (the culinary content arm of BuzzFeed) to create ‘Balanced Bites’ videos to encourage younger audiences (aged 18-25) to eat “balanced dishes using British red meat and dairy”.

    “Let’s Eat Balanced aims to capture consumers at every touchpoint, with its vibrant colours and streamlined design catering to a broad demographic, especially appealing to the younger Gen Z audience,” said Carrie McDermid, head of domestic marketing at AHDB. This strategy could be born out of the fact that more and more Gen Zers are shying away from meat. A December 2022 survey revealed that 43% of British Gen Zers didn’t plan to meat this year, accounting for the demographic with the highest share.

    While the announcement doesn’t feature any reference to veganism, one click on its website displays a homepage that features the aforementioned dig at vegan diets and vitamin B12. The campaign directly targets Veganuary, which was founded in the UK in 2014 but has become a global movement since, with a record-breaking number of participants each year.

    Toni Vernelli, Veganuary’s head of communication, also feels that AHDB’s campaign has been timed to “try and counteract” the vegan challenge’s impact on meat and dairy sales. But she’s not worried about it. “AHDB has launched a pro-meat and dairy campaign every January for the past few years and it has not received much mainstream attention or affected Veganuary in any way,” she tells Green Queen.

    January 2023 saw over 700,000 people globally pledge to vegan for the month, and Vernelli confirms that the campaign expects more participants than ever before in 2024, with consumers becoming more concerned about the environmental, health and animal welfare impacts of their eating habits.

    veganuary participants
    Graphic by Green Queen Media

    Within the UK, meat and dairy consumption are at their lowest since records began nearly 50 years ago, with cost of living and inflation playing a major role. But groups like AHDB would be quick to note that produce intake is lower than in previous years too, while cheese-eating is at a high.

    Busting the myth

    AHDB’s We Eat Balanced campaign does make a pretty bold statement: “British meat and dairy are also amongst the most sustainable in the world.” Expanding on this, the group cited government data showing how transport and energy emissions are higher than livestock in the UK, while the animal agriculture industry accounts for 7% of national GHG emissions.

    “But sustainability isn’t just about carbon, there [are] many other things to consider,” it points out, continuing with some land and water use statistics that included research that the group jointly conducted with others. However, the AHDB conveniently leaves out any mention of methane, a gas 20 times more potent than carbon and with more immediate implications for the planet.

    uk methane emissions
    Courtesy: Defra

    The same government report it cites for carbon emissions figures revealed that agriculture accounted for 48% of the UK’s total methane emissions – and while that figure has fallen by 15% from a 1990 baseline, it has largely been at the same level since 2009. Methane is a byproduct of enteric fermentation from livestock farming, and the decomposition of manure under anaerobic conditions.

    Colin Bateman, beef and lamb sector council chair at AHDB, said: “The Let’s Eat Balanced campaign does not just deliver vital information to consumers about maintaining a nutritious and tasty diet. It also highlights the efforts of farmers dedicated to welfare and sustainable food production.” But an investigation has previously found that the UK has nearly 800 livestock mega-farms, a far cry from the welfare standards Bateman is hoping to promote. You almost can’t blame him for making claims like these though, as the industry has gotten away with it time and again.

    Only one in 300 complaints about animal welfare at UK farms actually led to prosecution between 2018-22, with half of the accused not even inspected, according to a report by two animal welfare charities. And in 2021, AHDB was cleared of wrongdoing after complaints from animal rights groups about its greenwashing claims were dismissed by the UK’s Advertising Standards Agency. It’s stuff like this why such organisations probably don’t even need help from the country’s Green Claims Code and its six-point checklist for validating environmental claims.

    veganuary 2024
    Courtesy: Veganuary

    Finally, this idea of British meat and dairy being better is not reflective of the wider argument. Farm and land use emissions from producing these animal foods are the main culprits – transportation makes up only a fraction of the total. Analysis by Our World in Data shows how buying imported beef from Central America in the UK versus buying local makes barely any difference. Plus, a 2022 report by the WWF asserted that UK farmers must reduce their meat and dairy production by a third in the next decade to meet climate goals.

    “The science on climate change is now indisputable, we must reduce the amount of meat and dairy we consume and the general public is taking this on board more and more every year,” notes Vernelli. “There is no going back from here, try as the meat and dairy industries might to counter the shift.”

    So, will AHDB’s new programming cut through to the 72% of Brits whose food decisions are affected by sustainability, or will Veganuary take the cake? Roll on, January.

    The post Let’s Eat Balanced?: UK Livestock Industry To Broadcast TV Ads Promoting Beef, Dairy & Lamb During Veganuary appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • 3 Mins Read Veganuary has revealed that the majority of those who took part this year will make permanent changes to their diet. This year’s event was the biggest on record, with more than 629,000 participants signing up, representing  228 countries. Results from a Veganuary survey highlight a shift in the mindset of a vast majority of those […]

    The post Do Dietary Campaigns Like Veganuary Encourage Long-Term Change? These Figures Suggest Yes appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • 3 Mins Read British plant-based stalwart Quorn has announced five new releases in time for Veganuary. Each uses the company’s signature mycoprotein meat alternative. The new items are focussed around chicken-style alternatives, with a variety of flavour profiles. The confirmed Quorn releases are Southern Fried Wings, Garlic and Herb Bites, Jerk mini Fillets, Creamy Korma Bites and Sweet […]

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    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • 4 Mins Read As Veganuary anticipates its largest number of participants for 2022, the vegan meat market continues to be a top priority for consumers and the industry. More than 300,000 people have already signed on for Veganuary, the month-long campaign that encourages people to go vegan for their health and the planet for all of January. With […]

    The post With Veganuary, All Eyes Are (Still) On Vegan Meat appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • Veganuary benefits

    4 Mins Read What happens when you go vegan for a month? Here are the benefits of a Veganuary commitment on your health and the planet. More than 500,000 people took part in Veganuary in 2021—and that number could double this year. The month-long campaign kicks off the New Year by encouraging people to go vegan for the […]

    The post By the Numbers: The Health and Environmental Benefits of Participating in Veganuary appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • 3 Mins Read Ready Burger is the U.K.’s answer to conventional fast-food chains. It offers 100 percent plant-based convenience food at a price comparable to large franchises. The company has just announced that it will be driving down the cost of its Ready Burger in January. The signature Ready Burger was priced at £1.99. It was already the […]

    The post Vegan Fast-Food Innovator Ready Burger Announces 99p Burger Just In Time For Veganuary appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • 3 Mins Read Signed up to Veganuary to try eating vegan for 31 days (and hopefully for longer)? A bit confused about how to whip up quick and easy meals on your new diet? Don’t fret, we at Green Queen are here to help with 6 must-haves to stock your pantry with to survive this January. 1. Miso […]

    The post Veganuary Guide: 6 Vegan Pantry Staples To Help You Survive Sans Meat This Jan appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • 3 Mins Read More than half a million people took part in Veganuary 2021 worldwide. In excess of 60,000 participants were from India. As of 2022, the country will be an official campaign hub for the movement. India joins the U.K., U.S., Germany, Chile, Brazil and Argentina as global hubs. Veganuary was founded in 2014. It asks people […]

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    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • 4 Mins Read More than 8 in 10 people who joined the Veganuary pledge for the first month of 2021 plan on making their newfound plant-forward diets a long-term habit. The findings, revealed in the annual survey released last month, also showed record-breaking levels of participation this year, spanning 582,000 people across 209 countries and regions globally, with […]

    The post 85% Of Global Veganuary Participants Plan To Make Plant-Forward Diet Permanent appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.

  • 4 Mins Read U.K.-based movement Veganuary’s co-founder Mathew Glover unveiled a new vegan fried chicken brand called VFC. Today, a mere 3 months after its launch, the company is in the news again thanks to a GBP£2.5M (approx. US$3.4M) round of seed funding that will help scale the firm’s production of plant-based chicken. Joining forces with famed chef and restaurateur […]

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  • 3 Mins Read Following increasing consumer demands for sustainable and animal-free foods during the U.K. based movement, Veganuary, British fast-food chain, Pret A Manger replaces meatball wraps with vegan alternatives. Since the Veganuary campaign, increasing consumer demand for plant-based foods has led Pret A Manger to eliminate meatball wraps from its menu permanently, and featuring the vegan substitute […]

    The post Pret A Manger Swaps Meatball Wraps For Vegan Alternative Due To Consumer Demand appeared first on Green Queen.

    This post was originally published on Green Queen.