{"id":1551665,"date":"2024-03-13T15:08:39","date_gmt":"2024-03-13T15:08:39","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/dissidentvoice.org\/?p=148820"},"modified":"2024-03-13T15:08:39","modified_gmt":"2024-03-13T15:08:39","slug":"the-new-sicarii","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2024\/03\/13\/the-new-sicarii\/","title":{"rendered":"The New Sicarii"},"content":{"rendered":"

There is no escape \u2014 the world identifies Jews with genocide of the Palestinian people and will not allow the Zionists to continue to play victim. Israel calls itself a Jewish state and millions of Jews throughout the world voice praises for that state. Having foreign Jews acquiesce to the slaughter of innocents generates additional animosity to the already despised Zionists. The Jews face a hostile world.<\/p>\n

This hostility is not unique. Throughout ancient history, and buried from general knowledge, Jewish tribes were involved in horrific wars, suffered wrath and generated wrath, and lived a blood-soaked history that injured others and caused themselves to be decimated. Self-destructive forces have been prevalent throughout Jewish history and brought tragedy to Jewish populations. The Zionists are the heirs to the original Sicarii, assuming the role of uniting Jews to self-destruction and destruction of others. A specific element in the Zionist genocide of the Palestinian people, which is absent in other genocides, shows the world the existence of the Sicarii in contemporary Israel and sends an alert to take strong action to prevent the destruction the Sicarii have planned for the people of the Levant. Jews, euphoric about gaining a slice of the universe for themselves, have been unaware of the horrors committed upon others and upon them. A world awakened too late to the genocide of the Palestinian people remains unaware of the horrors still to come.<\/p>\n

Some regard them as the first political terrorists and writting the narrative on terrorism<\/a>. Rejecting other landscapes but their narrow view of the world, they believed their inner might could defeat the invincible Romans. They killed co-religionists who refused to continue the battle. By using concealed daggers to dispatch their foes, the assassins acquired the name Sicarii \u2500 a suicide-prone sect that took fellow Jews with them to death.<\/p>\n

The Sicarii played a principal role in provoking the Roman onslaught against the Jewish population in Jerusalem and the eventual destruction of the city. Their characteristics \u2014 victimhood, no compromise, use of daggers to resolve issues, generating hate, and creating victims<\/p>\n

History tells us that populations never learn from history and proceed to commit the same mistakes. The Jews have followed this principle; Sicarii have been prevalent throughout Jewish history and brought tragedy to Jewish populations.<\/p>\n

After Nebuchadnezzar II conquered and destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B.C., and a substantial number of Hebrews exiled to Babylon, these Hebrews were involved in a massacre. Not supported by historical documents, the Jewish feast of Purim celebrates an escape from death, from being marked for extinction by Haman, an advisor to Persian Emperor Xerxes. Many Jews refuse to recite the Megilla, the Book of Esther, that tells a dark part of the story, the Jewish massacre of 75,000 Persians, including Haman\u2019s children.<\/p>\n

This ancient history is obscure and unproven. Here is an excerpt from A critical evaluation of causalities of the genocide in Esther 3:8\u201315: Lawlessness and revolt of the Jewish diaspora community,<\/em> (Temba T. Rugwiji Sep 28, 2022, HTS Teologiese Studies \/ Theological Studies.)<\/p>\n

Examined from a security and defence perspective, Haman\u2019s position should be given its merit because the Jews disobeyed the Persian laws and did not show respect to the Persian authorities. The study employs a narrative approach to argue that the Jewish diaspora community orchestrated the genocide by disobeying the Persian laws. It is further argued that Haman had correctly foreseen it coming and confided with Emperor Xerxes. The study will also discuss Haman as a strategist who speculated a possible Jewish revolt, which was confirmed by the massacre of 75 000 people including Haman\u2019s children (9:1\u201310).<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Roman crushing of the Jewish rebellion in Jerusalem in 67 AD did not stop Jewish rebellions in Roman territories. Thirty-eight years later, Jewish tribes in Crete, Cyrenaica (modern-day eastern Libya), Cyprus, Mesopotamia, and the Aegean took advantage of Roman struggles with other nations to start the Kitos war<\/a>. According to Roman history, the war “spiraled out of control resulting in a widespread slaughter of Roman citizens and others by the Jewish rebels. The rebellions were finally crushed by Roman legionary forces, chiefly by the Roman general Luseis Quietus, whose name gave the conflict its title.”<\/p>\n

The Jewish Encyclopedia<\/em> describes the Cyrene massacres:<\/p>\n

By this outbreak, Libya was depopulated to such an extent that a few years later new colonies had to be established there.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Under the leadership of one Artemion, the Cypriot Jews participated in the great uprising against the Romans under Trajan, and they are reported to have massacred 240,000 Greeks (From Dio Cassius, lxviii. 32, and evidently greatly exaggerated). A small Roman army was dispatched to the island, soon reconquering the capital. After the revolt had been fully defeated, laws were created forbidding any Jews to live on the island.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Wars undertaken with no possibility of permanent victory assured destruction of Jewish populations. More puzzling is that these wars occurred during times when history indicates the Jews were relatively accepted and free to practice their religion in the Empire.<\/p>\n

PBS describes the life of Jews in Rome.<\/a><\/p>\n

Jews had lived in Rome since the second century BC. Julius Caesar and Augustus supported laws that allowed Jews protection to worship as they chose. Synagogues were classified as colleges to get around Roman laws banning secret societies and the temples were allowed to collect the yearly tax paid by all Jewish men for temple maintenance. There had been upsets: Jews had been banished from Rome in 139 BC, again in 19 AD and during the reign of Claudius. However, they were soon allowed to return and continue their independent existence under Roman law.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Fighting and losing two wars against impossible odds was not sufficiently punishing. Simon Bar Kokhba, a proclaimed Messiah, commandeered another revolt against the Roman Empire during the years 132-136 AD. The revolt temporarily succeeded in establishing an independent state in parts of Judea for two years until the Roman army overcame the rebellion. Result: The Romans barred Jews from Jerusalem, except for Tisah B’av, a fast day that commemorates the destruction of the Jerusalem Temples. Sicarii among the Jews continued for centuries with false Messiahs and troubling figures who defied authority in losing causes.<\/p>\n

Contemporary Sicarii<\/strong><\/p>\n

The underground war fought by Jewish militias against the British Mandate exposed more Sicarii.<\/p>\n