{"id":1585137,"date":"2024-04-02T06:05:43","date_gmt":"2024-04-02T06:05:43","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/michaelwest.com.au\/?p=386140"},"modified":"2024-04-02T06:05:43","modified_gmt":"2024-04-02T06:05:43","slug":"dangerous-weather-heading-north-after-record-downpours","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2024\/04\/02\/dangerous-weather-heading-north-after-record-downpours\/","title":{"rendered":"Dangerous weather heading north after record downpours"},"content":{"rendered":"

Rainfall records have been smashed after heavy storms lashed Victoria, with NSW now on high alert for a spate of destructive weather.<\/p>\n

The Bureau of Meteorology warned heavy and intense rain is anticipated for NSW residents from Thursday, exceeding 100mm with totals close to 200mm.<\/p>\n

People living in New England, Northern Rivers and the northern half of the mid-north coast face widespread showers of 30 to 50mm, and some parts could experience up to 100mm.<\/p>\n

Heavy and intense rainfall, flash flooding, strong gale-force winds and hazardous surf conditions could arrive on the mid-north coast on Friday moving to the Hunter, Sydney, Blue Mountains and Illawarra.<\/p>\n

The heavy conditions are expected to shift to the Illawarra and South Coast on Saturday.<\/p>\n

NSW SES Assistant Commissioner Sean Keans urged east coast, Blue Mountains and metropolitan Sydney communities to prepare by cleaning gutters, trimming trees and securing loose items around their homes. <\/p>\n

“Flood and storms teams are on standby to respond should they be required, but we’re pleading with the community to be prepared, stay informed and not drive through floodwaters,” he said.<\/p>\n

The warning comes after Melbourne was hit by the equivalent of one month’s rain on Monday, while some parts of Victoria recorded rainfall not seen for more than 150 years.<\/p>\n

More than 500 calls have been made to emergency services with 267 reports of building damage and 117 flood-related incidents across the state in the 24 hours to 8am, the SES said on Tuesday.<\/p>\n

One of the worst incidents involved a woman who could have drowned in the central Victorian town of Daylesford.<\/p>\n


VICSES volunteers have now received over 500 requests for assistance in the past 24 hours to 8am Tuesday. <\/p>\n

Most common call types into 132-500 relate to: Building damage (267), impacts of flooding (117) and fallen trees (72) <\/p>\n

\ud83d\udcf8 SES Hastings Unit<\/p>\n

(1\/2) pic.twitter.com\/92OmVAppYV<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 VICSES News (@vicsesnews) April 1, 2024<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n