{"id":206929,"date":"2021-06-17T12:25:24","date_gmt":"2021-06-17T12:25:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/asiapacificreport.nz\/?p=59397"},"modified":"2021-06-17T12:25:24","modified_gmt":"2021-06-17T12:25:24","slug":"warnings-to-anti-vaxxers-slowing-rollout-in-solomons-and-png","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2021\/06\/17\/warnings-to-anti-vaxxers-slowing-rollout-in-solomons-and-png\/","title":{"rendered":"Warnings to anti-vaxxers slowing rollout in Solomons and PNG"},"content":{"rendered":"

By Johnny Blades<\/a>, RNZ Pacific<\/a> journalist<\/span><\/em><\/p>\n

Anti-vax misinformation is throwing a spanner in the works for covid-19 vaccination programmes in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, with the prime ministers of both countries firing warnings at those spreading it.<\/p>\n

PNG Prime Minister James Marape issued a blunt statement this week, saying his government had done everything possible to provide the vaccine during a time of global demand, and that if people did not get themselves vaccinated and then felt sick or died, they only had themselves to blame.<\/p>\n

The tally of confirmed cases of vovid-19 in PNG has grown at 16,000 cases in four months, and almost 17,000 people have tested positive for the virus so far. Yet the rate of infections has tapered off from the highs of March.<\/p>\n