{"id":304553,"date":"2021-09-09T08:41:33","date_gmt":"2021-09-09T08:41:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.thecanary.co\/?p=1478298"},"modified":"2021-09-09T08:41:33","modified_gmt":"2021-09-09T08:41:33","slug":"widespread-criticism-as-the-dup-threatens-to-collapse-the-northern-ireland-parliament","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2021\/09\/09\/widespread-criticism-as-the-dup-threatens-to-collapse-the-northern-ireland-parliament\/","title":{"rendered":"Widespread criticism as the DUP threatens to collapse the Northern Ireland parliament"},"content":{"rendered":"

The leader of the DUP has signalled his party will collapse the Stormont Executive (parliament in the north of Ireland) within weeks if changes to Brexit\u2019s Northern Ireland Protocol are not delivered. Sir Jeffrey Donaldson also announced his party\u2019s immediate withdrawal from cross-border political institutions established on the island of Ireland under the Good Friday peace agreement.<\/p>\n

The moves are part of an intensification of the DUP\u2019s campaign of opposition to post-Brexit arrangements that have created trading barriers between Great Britain and the north of Ireland. Donaldson issued the warning on the future of Stormont in a keynote address in Belfast on the same day as European Commission vice president Maros Sefcovic began a two-day visit to the north.<\/p>\n


New facilities at Belfast port to carry out Brexit checks on goods arriving from GB (PA)<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n


The DUP would bring done the north’s government<\/h5>\n

Ahead of any move to pull ministers out of the coalition administration, a step that would bring down the powersharing institutions, Donaldson said his party was first seeking to challenge the legality of checks on GB to the north of Ireland trade introduced under the protocol and establish whether their implementation requires the approval of the Stormont Executive. Donaldson said:<\/p>\n

In the final analysis those who are democratically elected by the people of Northern Ireland lack the power to prevent such checks, if that is the case, if our ministers cannot in the end prevent these checks taking place and if the protocol issues remain then I have to be clear, the position in office of DUP ministers would become untenable,<\/p>\n

If the choice is ultimately between remaining in office or implementing the protocol in its present form then the only option, the only option for any unionist minister would be to cease to hold such office.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Donaldson added:<\/p>\n

Within weeks it will become clear if there is a basis for the Assembly and Executive to continue in this current mandate, and I want that to happen.<\/p>\n

But, equally, we will also need to consider whether there is a need for an Assembly election to refresh our mandate if action is not taken to address and resolve the issues related to the protocol and its impact, its damaging impact on Northern Ireland each and every day.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

People call Donaldson out<\/h5>\n

And there was a big reaction to Donaldson’s declaration. Irish republican Danny Morrison said:<\/p>\n



100 years old and still not grown up. If SF did what Jeffrey Donaldson is proposing the Dublin government and parties would CONDEMN it. But watch the double-standard with rhetoric expressing regret.
And Mr \u0160ef\u010dovi\u010d – welcome to the Orange Card.<\/p>\n

— Danny Morrison (@molloy1916) September 9, 2021<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n