{"id":341929,"date":"2021-10-08T14:39:21","date_gmt":"2021-10-08T14:39:21","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.thecanary.co\/?p=1490307"},"modified":"2021-10-08T14:39:21","modified_gmt":"2021-10-08T14:39:21","slug":"its-never-the-generals-on-trial-for-wartime-atrocities-that-needs-to-change","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2021\/10\/08\/its-never-the-generals-on-trial-for-wartime-atrocities-that-needs-to-change\/","title":{"rendered":"It\u2019s never the generals on trial for wartime atrocities. That needs to change."},"content":{"rendered":"

The trial of former soldier Dennis Hutchings is underway<\/a> in Belfast. And once again, the accused is from the lower ranks. Not one of the powerful commanders who gave the orders is facing trial.<\/p>\n

The former Household Cavalry trooper faces a charge of attempted murder. His alleged victim was John Pat Cunningham. Cunningham was 27 and had learning difficulties. He was shot in the back after fleeing an army patrol in 1974. Hutchings has pleaded not guilty to the offence.<\/p>\n

Hutchings has won the support of many in the military community. This includes former Tory veterans minister Johnny Mercer, who has been with him<\/a> in Ireland. A DUP politician even joined the pair for a photo opportunity. Carla Lockhart claimed on Twitter that Hutchings was a victim of politicised courts:<\/p>\n



Honoured to support Dennis Hutchings today. A man of 80 years old, with severe heart and kidney problems, being dragged before the courts to appease Republicans. The same Republicans who are safe in the knowledge they will never be before the courts for heinous crimes. pic.twitter.com\/oslsFwQF74<\/a><\/p>\n

— Carla Lockhart MP (@carlalockhart) October 4, 2021<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n