{"id":3951,"date":"2020-12-26T21:19:27","date_gmt":"2020-12-26T21:19:27","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.radiofree.org\/?p=143732"},"modified":"2020-12-26T21:19:27","modified_gmt":"2020-12-26T21:19:27","slug":"mask-up-sink-or-swim-feedback-loops-lag-times-albedo-effects","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2020\/12\/26\/mask-up-sink-or-swim-feedback-loops-lag-times-albedo-effects\/","title":{"rendered":"Mask Up\/Sink or Swim: Feedback Loops, Lag Times, Albedo Effects"},"content":{"rendered":"<\/p>\n

I remember a long time ago, finding a Life<\/em> (or Look<\/em>) magazine at a swap meet in Arizona, on the outskirts of Tucson. Man, those were the days \u2013 1977. Every sort of snow bird and desert rat out there swapping any number of a million things: from shrunken and powdered dog testicles (for the prostate issues of old men) to silver dollar certificates, from six shooters to bleached out badger bones; dream catchers and gold panning equipment; everything you could imagine, it was out there somewhere in the hundreds of stalls.<\/p>\n

The Life<\/em> story was about this crusty guy, who sailed by himself, maybe circumvented the globe. In any case, I don\u2019t have that old issue within reach, but I do recall this fellow who faced gales, isolation, dead calms, no radio contact, hunger, talking about the hernia he had to deal with onboard. Everyday, he did a headstand on the mainsail mast, to let all the guts go back down so the innards wouldn\u2019t be protruding as much. He took a selfie of himself, upside down, with his feet and ankles held in by some loose rope he rigged.<\/p>\n


You\/We\/They Are What They\/You\/We Eat<\/strong><\/p>\n

I\u2019m not proselytizing some macho moment here, but rather pointing out the mettle, man, of people then, and, well, now, but also how rotting the USA celebrity cult is. From all the pardons the Orange Accused Rapist has filed through, to all the murders he personally is overseeing at the federal level.<\/p>\n

All those celebrities and politicos and the like, either the Proud Boys and their Co-Morbidities of obesity, depression, diabetes, hypertension, or the Gestapo police and their shoot-first-cover-up-later mental retardation. I\u2019m in social services again, as a failed novelist, Working with mostly young adults trying to prep them for jobs in the community. All those skills and insider things. People living with I\/DD \u2013 intellectual and developmental disabilities. Many with co-occurring challenges \u2013 one client has fetal alcohol syndrome (was in the womb with mother drinking and drugging). The outcome is autism spectrum, anxiety disorder, oppositional defiance, paranoia, executive function control issues, and so many more DSM-V labeled \u201cthings\u201d happening with her \u2013 including physical ailments (thanks to mommy) and a truckload of learning disabilities. Try having a job with one of those \u201cdisabilities.\u201d I\u2019ve thrown in as a social worker, helping just-released prisoners navigate a place like Portland, Oregon. Ten or 20 years in solitary, and, bam, out into the community, and then, bam, three months to get their proverbial shit together: housing, job, a thousand classes forced down their throats as part of the conditions of release.<\/p>\n

Black Men Have the Shortest Lifespans of Any Americans. This Theory Helps Explain Why.<\/a><\/p>\n
