{"id":573651,"date":"2022-03-25T14:02:47","date_gmt":"2022-03-25T14:02:47","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/caitlinjohnstone.com\/?p=11284"},"modified":"2022-03-25T14:02:47","modified_gmt":"2022-03-25T14:02:47","slug":"more-evidence-that-the-us-is-trying-to-prolong-this-war","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2022\/03\/25\/more-evidence-that-the-us-is-trying-to-prolong-this-war\/","title":{"rendered":"More Evidence That The US Is Trying To Prolong This\u00a0War"},"content":{"rendered":"

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The Washington Post has a new article out<\/a> bemoaning the fact that Russian military commanders are declining calls from the Pentagon to discuss their operations in Ukraine (I dunno guys, might have something to do with the fact that the US is sharing extensive military intelligence<\/a>\u00a0on exactly those operations directly with the Ukrainian government). Tucked all the way down in the eighteenth paragraph of the article, we find a much more interesting revelation: that Washington’s top diplomat has made no attempt to contact his counterpart in Moscow since the war began on the 24th of February.<\/p>\n

“Secretary of State Antony Blinken has not attempted any conversations with his counterpart, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, since the start of the conflict, according to U.S. officials,” The Washington Post reports.<\/p>\n

So the US government is continuing its policy<\/a> of refusing to attempt any high-level diplomatic resolutions to this war despite its public hand-wringing about the horrific violence that’s being inflicted upon the people of Ukraine. This revelation fits nicely with a recent report by Bloomberg’s Niall Ferguson<\/a> that sources in the US and UK governments have told him the real goal of western powers in this conflict is not to negotiate peace or end the war quickly, but to prolong it in order “bleed Putin” and achieve regime change in Moscow.<\/p>\n

class=\"twitter-tweet\" data-width=\"550\"><\/p>\nThe amazing part of this column is that U.S. officials are saying out loud that they want the war to last in order to "bleed Putin". They don't care a fig about Ukraine. It stands completely alone (and Zelenskiy knows it, btw). https:\/\/t.co\/NBOKvmT63K<\/a><\/p>\n

— Leonid Bershidskiy (@Bershidsky) March 22, 2022<\/a><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n