{"id":835606,"date":"2022-10-11T18:41:55","date_gmt":"2022-10-11T18:41:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/dissidentvoice.org\/?p=134310"},"modified":"2022-10-11T18:41:55","modified_gmt":"2022-10-11T18:41:55","slug":"whenever-it-truly-matters-from-assange-to-corbyn-george-monbiot-cripples-the-left","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2022\/10\/11\/whenever-it-truly-matters-from-assange-to-corbyn-george-monbiot-cripples-the-left\/","title":{"rendered":"Whenever it Truly Matters, from Assange to Corbyn, George Monbiot cripples the Left"},"content":{"rendered":"

Guardian<\/em> columnist George Monbiot is, by his own admission, a very busy man. Dedicated as he is to issues such as soil loss, he has yet to find the time<\/a> to throw his weight behind the campaign to free Julian Assange.<\/p>\n

When thousands of supporters poured into London from all over the world at the weekend to besiege the British Parliament, creating a human chain around it, Monbiot, like his newspaper the Guardian<\/em>, ignored the event.<\/p>\n


The media mainly lie about Julian Assange\u2019s case by ommitting information, helping to disappear him from public view. They did that this weekend by ignoring the many thousands who turned out to besiege Parliament with a human chain.<\/p>\n

It was a figment of my imagination apparently pic.twitter.com\/0QNDbf6kdf<\/a><\/p>\n

— Jonathan Cook (@Jonathan_K_Cook) October 10, 2022<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n