{"id":86325,"date":"2021-03-19T14:51:09","date_gmt":"2021-03-19T14:51:09","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/radiofree.asia\/?guid=b9f9f288fd6ca54f68ed3186092ab0ce"},"modified":"2021-03-19T14:51:09","modified_gmt":"2021-03-19T14:51:09","slug":"more-than-50-house-democrats-call-on-biden-to-fire-postal-board","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2021\/03\/19\/more-than-50-house-democrats-call-on-biden-to-fire-postal-board\/","title":{"rendered":"More Than 50 House Democrats Call on Biden to Fire Postal Board"},"content":{"rendered":"\"Postmaster<\/a>

A group of more than 50 House Democrats on Thursday called on President Joe Biden to immediately terminate all six sitting members of the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors<\/a>, which the lawmakers accused of being “complicit” in Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s months-long assault on the mail service<\/a>.<\/p>\n

“Under the tenure of this BOG, the Postal Service was blatantly misused by President Trump in an unsuccessful gambit to influence a presidential election, the Postal Service is currently failing to meet its own service standards with historically low rates of on-time delivery, and conflicts of interest appear to be a requirement for service,” reads the letter<\/a> (pdf) led by Reps. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), and Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.).<\/p>\n

“Because of their lax oversight, many families struggling through the pandemic still await delivery of their stimulus checks, credit card statements, or event holiday cards,” the letter continues. “The nonpartisan Postal Service Office of Inspector General found that the BOG allowed their hand-picked PMG to implement significant operational changes in the milieu of the election and the pandemic without conducting any research into the impacts and ramifications of these changes.”<\/p>\n


The USPS Board of Governors is complicit in Louis DeJoy\u2019s gross mismanagement of the postal system, which has caused real harm to people across the country.<\/p>\n

In the fight to #SaveUSPS<\/a>, we need a clean slate. Today, I’m calling on @POTUS<\/a> to fire and replace the entire USPS Board. pic.twitter.com\/uAND6B8vfG<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 Earl Blumenauer (@repblumenauer) March 18, 2021<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n