{"id":913488,"date":"2022-12-09T10:56:33","date_gmt":"2022-12-09T10:56:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.thecanary.co\/?p=1636660"},"modified":"2022-12-09T10:56:33","modified_gmt":"2022-12-09T10:56:33","slug":"bbc-news-hits-another-low-pushing-fake-anti-rmt-propaganda","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2022\/12\/09\/bbc-news-hits-another-low-pushing-fake-anti-rmt-propaganda\/","title":{"rendered":"BBC News hits another low, pushing fake anti-RMT propaganda"},"content":{"rendered":"

BBC News<\/em> has had to change an article<\/a> after people pointed out that part of it was blatantly false. The story was about people affected by the National Union of Rail, Transport and Maritime Workers’ (RMT’s) strikes<\/a>. However, the problem with the BBC<\/em> piece is that it still left more false claims in the article. Overall, it shows the entrenched pro-government bias of the supposed ‘public service’ broadcaster.<\/p>\n

BBC<\/em>: a dodgy article<\/h2>\n

On Thursday 8 December, the BBC<\/em> published an article called<\/a>:<\/p>\n

‘Rail strikes mean I won’t see my son over Christmas’<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

The original version, which didn’t have comments from anyone supportive of the strikes, said<\/a>:<\/p>\n

Owen will no longer be able to see his son over the festive period due to the Christmas rail worker strikes.<\/p>\n

The 34-year-old from Doncaster was planning to travel to see his 12-year-old boy who lives with his mother in Derby on 27 December, but will not make it because of the walkouts.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

BBC News<\/em> continued by saying:<\/p>\n

Having supported strikes earlier in the year, Owen says he’s now against them due to the festive strikes “ruining” his Christmas.<\/p>\n

“I have always been a staunch socialist…but it’s been a year now,” he says. “Enough is enough.”<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

However, there was a problem with Owen’s story – as people on Twitter pointed out:<\/p>\n



I see Owen the \u2018staunch socialist\u2019 who is opposing the strikes and gives this article its title has now been removed from the story after readers pointed out he could simply use the regular bus service from Doncaster to Derby on 27 December for around \u00a320. Shocking reporting. https:\/\/t.co\/em3Z7Im3hc<\/a> pic.twitter.com\/z3iTdkf5P8<\/a><\/p>\n

— Joe Guinan (@joecguinan) December 8, 2022<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n