{"id":941158,"date":"2023-01-01T16:16:12","date_gmt":"2023-01-01T16:16:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.commondreams.org\/opinion\/ukraine-negotiations-diplomacy"},"modified":"2023-01-01T16:16:12","modified_gmt":"2023-01-01T16:16:12","slug":"negotiate-now-a-call-for-diplomacy-in-ukraine","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2023\/01\/01\/negotiate-now-a-call-for-diplomacy-in-ukraine\/","title":{"rendered":"Negotiate Now! A Call for Diplomacy in Ukraine"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

The Russo-Ukrainian War drags on like a bad dream. Admittedly, there are slight glimmers of hope: Russian President Vladimir Putin stated his readiness to participate in an international peace conference; but Ukraine must first<\/em>recognize Russian annexations, especially Crimea and territories around Kherson, demilitarize, and also guarantee Russian security. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has stated that he, too, is willing to negotiate; but Russia must first<\/em> meet ten conditions including withdrawal from all Ukrainian territories including Crimea. The insincerity on both sides is striking: negotiations are unnecessary when the demands of each have been met in advance. <\/u><\/u><\/p>

Negotiate now! The stated preconditions for talks are merely excuses to delay them. There is no time to wait. Waves of Russian bombs are blasting Kyiv and Ukraine\u2019s cities to bits while its Kamikaze drones have struck 600 miles into Russia, whose citizens are languishing under stringent sanctions. The defeats have mounted and Putin\u2019s possible successors including Yevgeny Prigozhin, the power behind \u201cWagner,\u201d the savage mercenary group, are sharpening their knives. Following the failure of the Russian president\u2019s initial land strategy, which littered Ukraine with mass graves, his air attacks have wrecked one-third of Ukraine\u2019s electric grids and power stations leaving one-third of its citizens without heat, water, or electricity in freezing temperatures. Estimates are that 100,000 Russian soldiers have already been killed. Thousands of Ukrainian lives have been lost at the front, and many more at home through lack of consumer staples, hospital beds, and medicines. Those numbers will climb: Russia is preparing for a counter-attack using 200,000 fresh troops, Belarus might open a \u201csecond front,\u201d Ukraine is continuing its land-war and employing ever more lethal missiles. <\/p>

The humanitarian catastrophe is worsening and the global community must prioritize the material needs of everyday citizens (and soldiers) over those of governments.<\/u><\/u><\/p>

Contradictions also exist whose resolution is possible only with the success of negotiations between these warring states:<\/p>