{"id":943720,"date":"2023-01-04T00:35:17","date_gmt":"2023-01-04T00:35:17","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.commondreams.org\/news\/blackrock"},"modified":"2023-01-04T00:35:17","modified_gmt":"2023-01-04T00:35:17","slug":"kentuckys-gop-treasurer-falsely-claims-big-banks-are-boycotting-fossil-fuels","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2023\/01\/04\/kentuckys-gop-treasurer-falsely-claims-big-banks-are-boycotting-fossil-fuels\/","title":{"rendered":"Kentucky’s GOP Treasurer Falsely Claims Big Banks Are Boycotting Fossil Fuels"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Kentucky's Republican treasurer on Tuesday threatened to divest from 11 financial institutions\u2014including major fossil fuel investors\u2014that she falsely claimed were \"engaged in energy company boycotts\" in violation of commonwealth law. <\/p>

\"When companies boycott fossil fuels, they intentionally choke off the lifeblood of capital to Kentucky's signature industries,\" Treasurer Allison Ball said in a statement<\/a>. \"Traditional energy sources fuel our Kentucky economy, provide much-needed jobs, and warm our homes. Kentucky must not allow our signature industries to be irreparably damaged based upon the ideological whims of a select few.\"<\/p>

In the same statement, Ball's office said that \"all listed financial companies must stop engaging in the energy company boycott to avoid becoming subject to divestment.\"<\/p>

Last year, Kentucky's Republican-dominated Legislature passed, and Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear signed into law<\/a>, S.B. 205, which takes aim at environmental, social, and governance<\/a> (ESG) investing, a set of criteria that include companies' policies for addressing the climate emergency. <\/p>

Republicans have derided<\/a> ESG as \"woke\" investing. Numerous GOP-led states have divested<\/a> billions of dollars from targeted investment firms\u2014even when doing so harms them financially.<\/p>

Ball's list includes BlackRock\u2014one of the world's largest investors <\/a>in fossil fuels and deforestation\u2014as well as institutions such as JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup, which also rank among the top fossil fuel industry financiers, according to Bloomberg<\/em>. Climate campaigners have criticized many of the financial institutions on Ball's list for failing to meet <\/a>even the modest climate goals they've set for themselves.<\/p>

\\u201cToday I am releasing my office\\u2019s first list of financial companies that boycott energy companies. 11 institutions are listed. These institutions are subject to divestment by state governmental entities for boycotting energy companies. \\n\\nRead more here: https:\/\/t.co\/OlQe4pfSMj\\u201d<\/div> \u2014 Treasurer Ball (@Treasurer Ball)\n 1672766364<\/a>\n<\/blockquote>\n