{"id":94484,"date":"2021-03-26T12:54:02","date_gmt":"2021-03-26T12:54:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/caitlinjohnstone.com\/?p=9695"},"modified":"2021-03-26T12:54:02","modified_gmt":"2021-03-26T12:54:02","slug":"the-entire-world-should-be-laughing-at-america-for-pretending-to-care-about-muslims-in-china","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2021\/03\/26\/the-entire-world-should-be-laughing-at-america-for-pretending-to-care-about-muslims-in-china\/","title":{"rendered":"The Entire World Should Be Laughing At America For Pretending To Care About Muslims In\u00a0China"},"content":{"rendered":"

The current representative of the US empire finally held his first full press conference yesterday, an embarrassing and undignified affair which saw a gaggle of obsequious imperial stenographers gather round to make believe that important policy decisions about the operation of the most powerful government in the world are actually being made by this dried up empty husk of a man who can barely think or talk.<\/p>

Once again we heard the US empire babbling about the plight of Muslims in China, with the words<\/a> tumbling out of Biden’s dementia-addled brain that he “made it clear that no American president, at least one did, but no American president had ever backed down from speaking out of what\u2019s happening in the Uyghurs.”<\/p>

By “what’s happening in the Uyghurs” Biden was attempting to articulate a concern for the human rights of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang province, a talking point the US empire has been fallaciously<\/a> and dishonestly<\/a> pushing with more and more aggression as attempts to halt the rise of China escalate in urgency<\/a>. And literally seconds later<\/a>, Biden made it clear that that is exactly what this feigned concern for Muslim lives was indeed really about.<\/p>

“So I see stiff competition with China,” Biden said. “China has an overall goal, and I don\u2019t criticize them for the goal, but they have an overall goal to become the leading country in the world, the wealthiest country in the world and the most powerful country in the world. That\u2019s not going to happen on my watch because United States is going to continue to grow and expand.”<\/p>President Biden on China: "They have an overall goal to become the leading country in the world, the wealthiest country in the world and the most powerful country in the world. That's not going to happen on my watch." pic.twitter.com\/GAZUqnpY9G<\/a><\/p>

— USA TODAY Politics (@usatodayDC) March 25, 2021<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>