{"id":970725,"date":"2023-01-26T21:18:37","date_gmt":"2023-01-26T21:18:37","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.commondreams.org\/news\/trump-meta-big-tech"},"modified":"2023-01-26T21:18:37","modified_gmt":"2023-01-26T21:18:37","slug":"fight-over-trump-facebook-ban-called-huge-distraction-from-deeper-issues-with-big-tech","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2023\/01\/26\/fight-over-trump-facebook-ban-called-huge-distraction-from-deeper-issues-with-big-tech\/","title":{"rendered":"Fight Over Trump Facebook Ban Called ‘Huge Distraction’ From Deeper Issues With Big Tech"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

\n\tFight for the Future director Evan Greer argued Wednesday that the battle<\/a> over whether former President Donald Trump should be banned from major social media platforms like Facebook is \"a huge distraction\" from broader Big Tech conversations that are urgently needed.\n<\/p>

\n\t\"Discussions about online content moderation and what policies are needed to ensure human rights, free expression, and safety are some of the most important and consequential societal debates in human history,\" Greer said<\/a> in a statement. \"When we center these debates about specific moderation decisions, especially ones involving high-profile, wealthy, politically powerful individuals like Donald Trump, we are utterly missing the point.\"<\/p>

Greer's comments came as free speech advocates and Trump critics faced off over Meta's decision<\/a> to allow the twice-impeached former president back on Facebook and Instagram. Trump, who is now seeking<\/a> the GOP's 2024 presidential nomination, was suspended<\/a> from both platforms\u2014and others<\/a>\u2014after his supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol attack on January 6, 2021.\n<\/p>

\"We need to... instead focus on putting in place transformative policies based in human rights, and regulations that strike at the root of Big Tech giants' harm.\"<\/p>

\n\tMeta global affairs president explained<\/a> Wednesday that his accounts will be reinstated in the coming weeks \"with new guardrails in place to deter repeat offenses.\" The move was blasted<\/a> by groups including Common Cause<\/a>, Free Press<\/a>, Media Matters for America<\/a>, and the NAACP<\/a>, while others\u2014including some Trump adversaries\u2014agreed<\/a> with the ACLU<\/a> that \"this is the right call. Like it or not, President Trump is one of the country's leading political figures and the public has a strong interest in hearing his speech.\"<\/p>

Greer, meanwhile, echoed some of the warnings<\/a> from Big Tech experts two years ago, when tech giants began banning Trump\u2014a serial liar<\/a> who ultimately launched<\/a> his own platform called Truth Social, which strongly resembles Twitter.\n<\/p>

\\u201cEvan is right as usual. Please read\\u201d<\/div> \u2014 Javier Pallero (@Javier Pallero)\n 1674695288<\/a>\n<\/blockquote>\n