{"id":970727,"date":"2023-01-26T18:58:13","date_gmt":"2023-01-26T18:58:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.commondreams.org\/news\/amnesty-international"},"modified":"2023-01-26T18:58:13","modified_gmt":"2023-01-26T18:58:13","slug":"amnesty-says-india-and-egypt-must-end-unrelenting-assault-on-human-rights","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2023\/01\/26\/amnesty-says-india-and-egypt-must-end-unrelenting-assault-on-human-rights\/","title":{"rendered":"Amnesty Says India and Egypt Must End ‘Unrelenting Assault on Human Rights’"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi as the chief guest at his nation's 74th Republic Day celebrations, Amnesty International on Thursday led calls for both right-wing leaders to \"address the ongoing human rights and impunity crises\" in their respective countries. <\/p>

Meeting ahead of events commemorating the adoption of India's constitution\u2014including a military parade in which members of the Egyptian army marched\u2014Modi and El-Sisi agreed<\/a> to elevate bilateral ties to a \"strategic partnership,\" while calling for<\/a> a \"coordinated and concerted\" effort to combat \"terrorism.\" <\/p>

Modi\u2014who said<\/a> Wednesday that he and El-Sisi \"are in agreement that terrorism is the biggest threat to humanity\"\u2014has, like his Egyptian counterpart, been accused of using anti-terrorism laws to crush critics and silence dissent.<\/p>

\"The current human rights crises in India and Egypt are characterized by entrenched impunity and misuse of counterterrorism legislation to clamp down on civic space and peaceful dissent.\" <\/p>

\"The current human rights crises in India and Egypt are characterized by entrenched impunity and misuse of counterterrorism legislation to clamp down on civic space and peaceful dissent,\" Philip Luther, Middle East and North Africa research and advocacy director at Amnesty International, said in a statement<\/a>. <\/p>

\"Both countries show striking parallels in their attempts to harass and intimidate into silence all actual or perceived government critics and opponents. This unrelenting assault on human rights must end,\" he added. <\/p>

\\u201cThe Indian and Egyptian authorities must address the ongoing human rights and impunity crises in the two countries. Both show striking parallels in their unrelenting assault on rights. https:\/\/t.co\/gbmoAkMnXT\\u201d<\/div> \u2014 Amnesty India (@Amnesty India)\n 1674710907<\/a>\n<\/blockquote>\n