{"id":976747,"date":"2023-01-31T17:06:18","date_gmt":"2023-01-31T17:06:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.thecanary.co\/?p=1645068"},"modified":"2023-01-31T17:06:18","modified_gmt":"2023-01-31T17:06:18","slug":"ucl-security-staff-are-fundraising-for-their-strike-fund","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2023\/01\/31\/ucl-security-staff-are-fundraising-for-their-strike-fund\/","title":{"rendered":"UCL security staff are fundraising for their strike fund"},"content":{"rendered":"

Outsourced security staff at University College London (UCL) have voted to join fellow workers on a day of action<\/a> on 1 February, alongside the University and College Union (UCU), teachers, rail staff, and civil servants. The day of action has been dubbed a “megastrike<\/a>“, with more than half a million workers set to take part.<\/p>\n

The Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain<\/a> (IWGB) tweeted:<\/p>\n



\"\u270a\" STRIKE ALERT \"\u270a\"<\/p>\n

UCL Security Guards will be joining the national day of action on 1st February, striking alongside @UCL_UCU<\/a> for a family friendly morning protest!<\/p>\n

Join us any time between 6am-11am to fight for in housing and fair pay. pic.twitter.com\/2b9HVJ6OJh<\/a><\/p>\n

— IWGB (@IWGBunion) January 24, 2023<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n