{"id":990680,"date":"2023-02-13T00:36:11","date_gmt":"2023-02-13T00:36:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.commondreams.org\/news\/settlements-in-israel"},"modified":"2023-02-13T00:36:11","modified_gmt":"2023-02-13T00:36:11","slug":"israel-legalizes-9-apartheid-settler-colonies-in-occupied-palestine","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/radiofree.asia\/2023\/02\/13\/israel-legalizes-9-apartheid-settler-colonies-in-occupied-palestine\/","title":{"rendered":"Israel ‘Legalizes’ 9 Apartheid Settler Colonies in Occupied Palestine"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Israel's far-right Security Cabinet on Sunday approved the immediate \"legalization\" of nine Jewish-only settler outposts in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem over what critics called the empty objection of benefactor the United States and in violation of international law\u2014under which all Israeli settler colonies are illegal. <\/p>

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich both claimed responsibility for the action, in which they sought government recognition of 77 illegal settler outposts. The ministers and other Israeli officials said the move was in response to recent deadly attacks against Jews by Palestinian resistance fighters, including a vehicular assault<\/a> that killed three people\u2014two of them young children\u2014near East Jerusalem's Ramot neighborhood on Friday.<\/p>

\"Legalizing war crimes won't lead to peace or stability.\"<\/p>

\"It is not enough and we want more, but it is an important start,\" Ben-Gvir, who leads the ultranationalist Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) party, tweeted<\/a> Sunday. \"The training of the settlements will join the extensive police activity in East Jerusalem, and another series of measures to deter terrorism,\" he added, a reference to the cabinet's move to increase the number of security forces in Jerusalem and ramp up operations in Palestinian neighborhoods of occupied East Jerusalem.<\/p>

The nine settler outposts\u2014Avigayil, Beit Hogla, Givat Harel, Givat Ha-Roeh, Givat Arnon, Mitzpe Yehuda, Malchai HaShalom, Asa-el, Sde Boaz, and Shaharit\u2014were considered illegal even under Israeli law. Under international law, all settlements, in which anti-Arab apartheid is strictly enforced, are illegal. Most were built on land seized from Palestinians through terrorism and ethnic cleansing during the Nakba, or catastrophe, when more than 700,000 Arabs were expelled during the establishment and consolidation of modern Israel in 1947-49, and during the conquest of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza, and the Syrian Golan Heights in 1967.<\/p>

\\u201cMake no mistake; this isn\\u2019t about retaliation for the recent terror attacks or that the Palestinian Authority went to the International Criminal Court of Justice for judicial advice about the Israeli occupation.\\nIt was a question of time before Israel would legalize the outposts.\\u201d<\/div> \u2014 Omar \\ud83c\\uddf5\\ud83c\\uddf8|\\ud83c\\udf49 \\u0639\\u064f\\u0645\\u064e\\u0631 (@Omar \\ud83c\\uddf5\\ud83c\\uddf8|\\ud83c\\udf49 \\u0639\\u064f\\u0645\\u064e\\u0631)\n 1676240987<\/a>\n<\/blockquote>\n