This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .
The British Institute of Human Rights warns Prime Minister about erasing international law from government handbook
27 November 2015
The British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and others have written to the Prime Minister to express concern about the removal of references to international law and the administration of justice from the Ministerial Code, our government’s handbook. International law sets the standards which are expected of all governments across the world, including the UK. In the letter, we emphasise how important it is that the UK continues to obey international law and for this duty to be made clear to all members of the government through the Ministerial Code.
Prepared by the Prime Minister, the Ministerial Code, is the benchmark of conduct for all members of our government, and sets out the consequences of failing to meet these expectations. The 2010 Ministerial Code made explicit reference to “the overarching duty on Ministers to comply with the law including international law and treaty obligations and to uphold the administration of justice”.