Human Rights Weekly News 30 November – 3 December 2020

3 December 2020 News from BIHR Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Workshops On Wednesday, we delivered a workshop on Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) Orders during Covid-19 in partnership with Learning Disability England. This workshop was for people, families, friends, carers, advocates and community groups. We delivered information on human rights and care planning, and we also collected really important evidence from people about their experiences of DNAR decisions during Covid-19. Thank you to everyone who came and shared with us. This evidence will inform a human rights report we are writing on this issue. We are delivering a second workshop in January for staff working in health and care settings to share their experiences too. This includes staff working across hospital, community and residential services and home, and those in local authorities such as social workers. Your evidence will inform the human rights report too. Come and share your experience and find out more about …

This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .